Medidor Nivel Magnetico PDF
Medidor Nivel Magnetico PDF
Medidor Nivel Magnetico PDF
Junior Senior
Description Description
Models Models
For top mounting, includes standard For top mounting, includes standard
6281 6280
magnet to drive direct-reading dials. magnet to drive direct-reading dials.
Same as 6281, except for side, Same as 6280, except for side,
6284 6283
end, or angle mounting. end, or angle mounting.
For top mounting, includes stronger For top mounting, includes stronger
6241 6290
magnet to drive TwinSite® senders. magnet to drive large 4” dial.
Same as 6290, except for side,
For side, end, or angle mounting, 6293
otherwise same as 6241. end, or angle mounting.
Same as 6244, except
with brass head.
See reverse side for dimensional data, materials of construction, performance, and advice on how to order.