Canon Story 2018 2019 e PDF
Canon Story 2018 2019 e PDF
Canon Story 2018 2019 e PDF
Canon’s corporate philosophy is kyosei. Canon’s Corporate DNA The San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit
It conveys our dedication to seeing all people,
regardless of culture, customs, language or race, Behind Canon’s 80-year history and development as a busi- The Three Selfs, the foundation of the company’s guiding prin-
ness lies its corporate DNA: a respect for humanity, an ciples that have been passed down since Canon was founded,
harmoniously living and working together in happiness emphasis on technology, and an enterprising spirit that the are self-motivation, self-management and self-awareness. For
into the future. Unfortunately, current factors related to economies, company has consistently passed on since its foundation. The Canon, which strives to be a truly excellent global corporation
resources and the environment make realizing kyosei difficult. enterprising spirit on which Canon was started as a venture while maintaining the legacy of its corporate DNA, the Three
company, and the relentless drive to distinguish itself through Selfs continue to serve as the company’s most important
Canon strives to eliminate these factors technology, permeate the company, and have continued to guiding principles.
through corporate activities rooted in kyosei. provide society with new advances. These motivating factors
Truly global companies must foster good relations are in turn supported by a respect for humanity, which encom- [Self-motivation]
passes meritocracy and an emphasis on good health. Canon is Take the initiative and be proactive in all things
with customers and communities, as well as with committed to passing its corporate DNA on to future genera- [Self-management]
governments,regions and the environment as part of tions to ensure the company grows for another 100, or even Conduct oneself with responsibility and accountability
their fulfillment of socialresponsibilities. 200, years. [Self-awareness]
Understand one’s situation and role in all situations
For this reason, Canon’s goal is to contribute to global
prosperity and the well-being of mankind as we continue
our efforts to bring the world closer to achieving kyosei.
Enterprising Self- Self-
Contents Technology
Spirit management awareness
2017 marked Canon’s 80th anniversary. It was an epoch- equipment business—which includes Canon Tokki, the market
making year in which we continued Phase V of our Excellent leader in Organic LED (OLED) panel manufacturing equip-
Global Corporation Plan (2016 – 2020) and established a ment—we are combining our strengths from across the entire
strong foundation for the grand strategic transformation of Canon Group to develop new manufacturing systems that will
our business portfolio. Between our existing businesses, play a vital role in next-generation manufacturing.
which have continually supported us with solid earnings, and With the advancement of such IT technologies as the IoT,
the expansion of our new businesses that will drive future big data and AI, the world is on the cusp of a revolution in
growth, our sales exceeded 4 trillion yen ($36.1 billion*) for product usage and manufacturing methods. While continuing
the first time since the financial crisis of 2008. Furthermore, to pursue innovation in such longstanding business segments
for the first time in four years, we registered an increase in as cameras, inkjet printers and office multifunction devices, we
both sales and profits. are striving to improve productivity through automation and
Toward achieving our grand strategic transformation, we in-house development of software.
are focused on our four new businesses of commercial printing, Since Canon’s foundation, we have continued to pass down
network cameras, healthcare and industrial equipment. our corporate DNA of enterprising spirit and the San-ji, or
Through collaboration with Group company Océ, our commer- “Three Selfs,” Spirit. And under our corporate philosophy of
cial printing business is growing to meet the diversifying needs kyosei, we seek to become a truly excellent company that is
of the expanding digital printing market. In our network admired and respected around the world. Toward this end, we
camera business, which is growing mainly in the areas of secu- will continue working together as a Group to become an
rity and surveillance, we are achieving synergies with Group Excellent Global Corporation of the highest order.
companies Axis and Milestone Systems, enabling us to propose
*At an exchange rate of ¥113 = US$1
network visual solutions based on a combination of superior
technologies in such areas as video content analysis. Our work
in healthcare centers on Canon Medical Systems, which joined
the Canon Group in December 2016 as Toshiba Medical
Systems and adopted its new name in January 2018. We are
expanding our business in diagnostic imaging, healthcare IT
and in-vitro diagnostic systems. Lastly, in our industrial
Fujio Mitarai
Chairman & CEO
Canon Inc.
Phase V
Canon, seeking to become a truly excellent company that is admired and respected around
the world, launched the medium-to-long-term Excellent Global Corporation Plan in 1996
and has successfully completed the first four phases of this plan. In Phase V, we are
implementing seven key strategies as we embrace the challenge of new growth through a
grand strategic transformation.
2 016 2 0 2 0
5 6 7
Cultivate globally competent human
Complete the Three Regional
resources capable of performing duties Re-instill the Canon Spirit as a
Headquarters management system
while maintaining an all-encompassing foundation for new growth
capturing world dynamism
perspective of the world map
Promote the acquisition of promising businesses through active Build a global management system targeting the optimal use of Revitalize the enterprising spirit and San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit at the
M&A and complete the Three Regional Headquarters management human resources in operations worldwide. Examine personnel heart of Canon’s corporate culture.
system, under which Japan, the U.S. and Europe will each roll out worldwide to identify candidates for senior management positions
businesses globally. and develop the skills of these future leaders by rotating them
through key positions in Japan and overseas.
Phase 1996 – 2000 Phase 2001 – 2005 Phase 2006 – 2010 Phase 2011 – 2015
Canon’s To strengthen its financial structure, Canon trans- Aiming to become No. 1 in all major business Canon moved ahead with such growth strategies as enhancing Responding to weakness in the global economy, Canon revised
formed its mindset to a focus on total optimization areas, Canon focused on strengthening product existing businesses and expanding into new areas while also thor- its management policy from a strategy targeting expansion of
Road to and profitability. The company introduced various competitiveness along with the changing times, oughly implementing supply chain management and IT reforms. scale to a strategy aimed at further strengthening its financial
business innovations, including the selection and stepping up efforts to digitize its products. The structure. While actively pursuing M&A activities, the company
Phase V consolidation of business areas, and reform activi- company also conducted structural reforms across restructured its business at a foundational level to introduce
ties in such areas as production and development. all Canon Group companies around the world. new growth engines for future expansion.
4 Excellent Global Corporation Plan Phase V THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 5
Vision toward
Currently, Canon is in the midst of a grand strategic transformation designed to accelerate
growth in our four new businesses: commercial printing, network cameras, healthcare and
industrial equipment. From development to manufacturing, procurement and all the way to
the cultivation of human resources, we are striving for complete success as a Group. At the
same time, in such mature businesses as cameras and printers, we are pursuing next-stage
growth through the development of high-value-added products and cost reduction.
12 Vision toward Growth: Network Cameras THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 13
Advancing into the rapidly growing network camera
market with technologies cultivated through camera
and office multifunction device development
With the rising awareness of security issues worldwide, the Recently, Canon released an ultra-high-sensitivity network
shift from analog surveillance cameras to network cameras camera, the ME20F-SHN, which uses our CMOS sensor tech-
continues to progress. Canon entered the network camera nology to capture full-color video in extreme low-light
market in 2013, utilizing advanced technologies cultivated conditions. Delivering excellent performance under nothing
through decades of camera development. Moving further but starlight, this camera is expected to play an active role in
ahead with an eye toward developing network camera solu- nighttime surveillance at various types of facilities as well as
tion services, we began to apply the network control, image the monitoring of rivers, borders and disaster sites.
An Axis network camera system in use at Malmö Central Station in Sweden
analysis software and cloud service technologies borne of our
leading-edge office multifunction devices.
Given the rapid growth of the market, Canon welcomed
the Sweden-based company Axis into the Group in 2015, in
order to turn network cameras into a core business. In 1996, Accelerating the evolution of network cameras
Axis became the first in the world to develop a network camera
for surveillance. Today, the company remains an industry and proposing solutions for an enriched future
pioneer and is one of the world’s leading corporations, part-
nering with over 90,000 companies in 179 countries and
regions. In 2017, Canon and Axis launched our first co-devel- The coordination of multiple network cameras enables the By integrating our proprietary imaging technology with
oped product, the AXIS Q1659, which can be equipped with monitoring of widespread and remote areas, as well as the Axis’s network video processing technology and Milestone’s
various EF-series interchangeable lenses ranging from ultra- search, detection and tracking of specific persons. To optimize video management technology, Canon is providing new
wide angle to telephoto, making this network camera ideal for the effectiveness of such operations, video management soft- solutions towards realizing a safe and enriched future.
a wide range of purposes. ware is needed to centrally manage the recording, editing and
XProtect is a trademark of Milestone Systems.
display of video transmitted from the cameras. Denmark-based
Milestone Systems, which joined the Canon Group in 2014, has
a leading share of the global video management software
market. Milestone’s core product is XProtect, an open platform
with superb expandability that achieves the stable manage-
ment of multiple cameras.
Development of new cutting-edge,
high-performance network cameras Canon is currently working on video content analysis tech-
progressing at Axis (above) nology that will deliver higher value to network camera video.
A Canon network camera that can We have begun marketing such products as Profile Analyzer,
capture images even in low-light
conditions using infrared light (below) which can deduce the age and gender of persons from live
video, and People Counter, which can instantly count as many
as 1,500 people in a crowd. Now, we are developing software
that can track a specific person from multiple camera images.
In the future, with advances in AI and with faster transmis-
Wide-Area Monitoring System uses deep learning to measure sion speeds, network cameras will evolve into intelligent systems
capable of even more precise recognition and judgement.
crowds and predict the flow of people
Canon is developing a Wide-Area Monitoring System that can accurately count the
number of people in a crowd and track a single person with multiple cameras. The system
combines high-resolution network cameras with video content analysis technology that
makes use of deep learning architecture. It can search for and track a target person from
a vast amount of surveillance camera data and anticipate their next action as well as Development of leading-edge software
for high-level management of video
potentially dangerous situations. Expectations are high that this system will help prevent
images at Milestone Systems (above)
incidents and accidents before they occur.
XProtect enables centralized management
of multiple video feeds (below)
14 Vision toward Growth: Network Cameras THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 15
Canon technology supports
the growth of digital printing
Andi Smart Print Solutions, a printing company located in Maastricht, the Netherlands, has a 90-year history.
Many of Andi’s customers operate globally and thus need to print such documents as manuals in multiple
languages, often in short runs, for which only the language of the text needs to be changed. Andi had been
struggling to provide this kind of work efficiently with conventional offset printing equipment.
As a result, Andi, which has very high standards for print quality, introduced digital printing presses from
Canon and Océ to improve the productivity of their printing operations. Our digital printing presses enable
companies to respond efficiently to a wide range of customer printing needs, such as short-run production, quick
turnaround and variable-data printing that makes possible the output of content that varies by sheet—all of
which are difficult to provide with offset printing.
16 Vision toward Growth: Commercial Printing THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 17
Raising the productivity of printing companies and
making inroads into new business fields
For printing companies, digital printing provides numerous software provide. We also offer support for the implementa-
advantages over conventional offset printing. These include tion of digital printing systems, including hands-on training
centralized workflow management that streamlines the entire for operators.
process from the receipt of orders to the editing of print data Canon and Océ’s innovation in digital printing technology
and process control and coordination of such post-press extends beyond paper-printed material. Our UV curable flatbed
processes as binding. Canon and Océ’s PRISMA workflow printers can print on wood, metal and glass surfaces. What’s
management software enables seamless schedule manage- more, we are actively pursuing R&D with plans to enter the vast
ment of multiple presses and allocation of printing jobs, increas- package printing market.
ing the productivity of short-run production significantly.
The Asahi Shimbun Company is developing a new business using the variable-data printing capabilities of Océ continuous feed presses
To help printing companies experience the advantages of
digital printing firsthand, Canon and Océ opened Customer
Experience Centers in the Netherlands, Germany, the United
States and Japan. Equipped with our latest commercial
The combined strength of Canon and Océ printing presses, these facilities allow printing companies to
conduct tests with the paper and data that they commonly
promotes the digitalization of commercial printing use to see the high-quality results our digital equipment and
Commercial printing is a vast industry, covering a wide range of to drive increased demand. Digital printing also offers such
printed materials—from books, newspapers and magazines to benefits as variable-data printing, which enables users to
such promotional materials as sales catalogs, flyers, direct mail change the content of individual sheets in a print job. Such
and the statements, invoices and other documents that are flexibility gives businesses the ability to serve customers who
crucial to running a business. For decades, offset printing, need short-run production and quick turnaround.
which involves the laborious process of creating printing plates, Océ, who joined the Canon Group in 2010, is a leading
has been the dominant technology. However, digital printing provider of digital printing presses, producing systems that
does not require printing plates—an advantage that continues realize both high productivity and outstanding reliability. As
“One Canon,” Canon and Océ offer products and services for
both office and commercial printing while continuing to
Océ’s Development Division in Poing,
expand our lineup of printing presses. For the graphic arts Germany, conducts R&D into continuous
market, which has strict quality standards for the printing of feed presses and ink (above)
such media as catalogs and promotional materials, we Canon’s production method, which
includes individual unit assembly, employed
launched the Océ ProStream 1000 continuous feed inkjet press at an Océ production site (below)
in 2017. This inkjet printing press is capable of high-speed
printing on offset coated paper that rivals the quality and
productivity of traditional offset printing.
18 Vision toward Growth: Commercial Printing THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 19
Nanoimprint opens a new door
to the future of digital society
Located in western Japan, Toshiba Memory Corporation’s Yokkaichi Operations plant stands at the forefront of
semiconductor memory production. Here, verification is underway for the application of Canon’s nanoimprint
technology for the mass production of semiconductor devices. The miniaturization of circuit patterns has
brought dramatic improvement to semiconductor memory performance and capacity. In recent years, however,
the conventional approach of using light to transfer the circuit patterns onto chips appears to be approaching a
technological limit. To overcome this hurdle to further miniaturization, Canon has developed semiconductor
lithography equipment that employs an innovative approach called nanoimprint lithography, which is gaining
recognition not only for its nano-level precision, but also for the relative compactness of the equipment used,
which can significantly reduce semiconductor manufacturing costs.
20 Vision toward Growth: Industrial Equipment THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 21
Canon industrial equipment plays a vital role in
cutting-edge manufacturing
The industrial equipment produced by the Canon Group Canon Machinery possesses proprietary die-bonding tech-
supports manufacturers in various fields, including semicon- nologies and a wide-ranging lineup of die bonders, the
ductors and electronic devices. Canon Tokki continues to be equipment used for bonding semiconductor die to a substrate.
the industry leader in Organic LED (OLED) panel manufacturing From semiconductor manufacturing equipment to automated
equipment. The demand for OLED panels is rapidly growing and labor-saving systems, this Group company produces
and Canon Tokki’s manufacturing equipment ensures high one-of-a-kind solutions to meet various customer needs.
efficiency and high quality. Eyeing further growth, this Canon Canon Anelva’s expertises lie in vacuum thin-film deposition
Group company is developing new technologies that will enable technology, which is used in the fabrication of semiconductor
even further leaps ahead in image resolution and productivity. and communication devices, and in sputtering equipment,
Nanoimprint lithography equipment designed for mass production of semiconductor devices
which is essential to the production of hard disk drives (HDD)
and LEDs.
At the forefront of various fields of manufacturing, the
Canon Group’s industrial equipment has come to play a vital
Using nanoimprint technology to manufacture role in the world of IT. At the same time, by integrating the
image recognition and information processing technologies
next-generation flash memory that we have cultivated through the development of cameras
and multifunction devices, we have begun to commercialize
3D machine vision systems that can distinguish different
With the advent of the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), semiconductor lithography equipment, make it possible to objects with high precision and make picking from randomly
where everything will be connected to the internet, all kinds of faithfully reproduce high-resolution patterns. What’s more, piled parts possible. We are developing this type of system for
objects will be equipped with such semiconductor devices as this approach is less complex than conventional methods, use in visual inspection processes, which should contribute to
sensors and communication devices, memory for data storage which allows the equipment to be more compact. automation and labor-saving at manufacturing sites.
and processors for AI that analyze big data. Demand is ever To commercialize this nanoimprint lithography equipment,
increasing for these semiconductor devices as they become Canon developed technologies that ensure nano-level defect
even more vital to society. control, overlay accuracy and the elimination of foreign parti-
Semiconductor devices evolve through miniaturization, or cles. Even compared with the latest conventional lithography
narrowing the circuit line widths and increasing the density of technology—Extreme Ultraviolet, or EUV—our nanoimprint
circuit patterns on the device. Advances in semiconductor systems can significantly reduce manufacturing costs. Expecta-
lithography equipment are the key to achieving this miniatur- tions are high that this equipment will serve to manufacture
ization and reducing manufacturing costs. Conventionally, the next generation of flash memory. Development of die bonders at Canon
miniaturization was achieved by shortening the wavelength of Machinery (above)
the light source used when exposing the device. The techno- Canon Anelva’s ultra-high vacuum
technology enables nano-level
logical limit of this method, however, appears to have been thin-film deposition (below)
reached, making an innovative new approach necessary.
Canon, together with Canon Nanotechnologies, has devel-
oped a method that eliminates the projection lens used to
reduce and project circuit patterns, replacing it with a mold,
called a mask, onto which circuit patterns are transferred. The Canon Electronics’ satellite successfully reaches orbit, elevating
mask is pressed like a stamp onto a resist on the wafer surface
expectations for our space business
and Canon’s state-of-the-art control and measuring technolo-
gies, which we have cultivated through the development of On June 23, 2017, the CE-SAT-I, a micro satellite developed and manufactured by Canon
Electronics, was launched from India and safely made it into Earth’s orbit. The satellite
weighs only 65 kilograms and benefits from electronic and optical technologies from
across the Canon Group. Photos of the Earth captured by onboard Canon EOS and Power-
Shot digital cameras are transmitted to the ground one after another, and using the
valuable information from these high-resolution images, we are taking a bold first step
toward an expansive space business.
Development of nanoimprint
technology at Canon Utsunomiya
Optical Products Plant
22 Vision toward Growth: Industrial Equipment THE CANON STORY 2018 /2019 23
Year by year, Canon continues to strengthen its presence in the field
of industrial equipment for manufacturing. We have integrated
technologies developed by such Canon Group companies as Océ,
Axis Communications and Milestone Systems with the optical and
image processing technologies Canon has cultivated over the years.
Meanwhile, we continue promote the development of next-
generation technologies.
Network Cameras Commercial-Use Printers Commercial Photo Printers Semiconductor Lithography Organic LED Panel 3D Machine Vision Systems
Equipment Manufacturing Equipment
The network camera industry is growing in The market for digital printing continues to Modern retail photo businesses receive Present in everything from smartphones and Thanks to their appealing design, thinness, Capable of three-dimensionally recognizing
step with rising security concerns world- grow, thanks to such advantages as short-run orders both in-store and online for services computers to household appliances and flexibility and low power consumption, the position and orientation of objects with
wide. Combining our expertise in imaging production for a broad range of applications, ranging from ordinary printing to photo vehicles, semiconductor chips are the demand is rising for Organic LED (OLED) high speed and high resolution, Canon’s 3D
technology with Axis’s network video quick turnaround and variable data printing. album creation. Thanks to such technologies “brains” of the products people use every panels for smartphones and televisions. machine vision systems serve as the “eyes”
processing technologies and Milestone’s Featuring reliable hardware that produces as our proprietary high-density print heads, day. Canon’s semiconductor lithography Canon Tokki leads the world in OLED panel of robots. We have commercialized a
video management software has enabled high-quality images and smart workflow Canon’s commercial photo printers produce equipment plays a vital role in the chip manufacturing equipment, boasting unri- system for automating parts supply on
Canon’s solutions business to expand within software, Canon’s commercial-use printers both exquisite photos and high-definition manufacturing process, transferring the valled technology for the vacuum evaporation production lines utilizing robotic arms,
this field. Canon network cameras are used realize exceptional productivity that opti- text. Our commercial photo printers also circuit patterns onto the chips. Chip produc- equipment used to deposit organic material helping to increase the productivity of such
not only for security, but also for monitoring mizes the entire printing process from the deliver high image quality and productivity, tion is dramatically increasing as we enter onto panel substrates and automated supply manufacturing industries as automotive,
at sports matches and other events, at receipt of orders to post-production. Through earning acclaim from retail photo profes- the IoT age, and we aim to support high lines for glass substrates. While boosting automotive parts and electronics. We are
manufacturing sites and by businesses using our collaboration with Océ, we are also devel- sionals for helping them share the joy of productivity needs while researching mass their production capacity, they are pursuing also accelerating R&D into 3D machine
big data to perform marketing analysis. oping new technology for the fast-growing printing and album creation with customers. production of next-generation semicon- development to meet future demand for vision applications for automating assembly
field of package printing. ductor chips using nanoimprint lithography. larger, higher-resolution panels. processes and defect inspections.
Office Multifunction Laser Printers/ Multimedia Projectors Large Format Inkjet Printers Business Inkjet Printers Calculators
Devices Laser Multifunction Printers
Copying, printing, scanning, and more. A Smart and compact, Canon’s laser multifunc- Multimedia projectors have experienced Canon large format inkjet printers serve a Capable of copying, printing, scanning and In 1964, Canon introduced the world’s first
single Canon office multifunction device can tion printers are widely used in offices, incredible growth in recent years. In addi- wide range of printing needs, from poster faxing, Canon’s compact, feature-rich busi- 10-key electronic calculator. Thus began a
handle it all. We do not simply design easy- schools, restaurants and other businesses. tion to the higher image quality and image production to CAD applications. Featuring ness inkjet printers support a wide range of tradition of innovation that continues at
to-use devices—we have expanded network While delivering superior basic functionality resolution represented by 4K, technological ultra-high nozzle density print heads, our SOHO needs. In addition to high-speed Canon Electronic Business Machines (H.K.),
connectivity to computers, other multifunc- including high image quality and ease of use, innovations have also made possible printers realize both high-speed output and output and pigment inks that produce vivid which develops, manufactures and markets
tion devices and the cloud to enhance these devices also offer such advanced increased brightness and shorter throw dis- exceptional print quality with sharp text, color documents, large-capacity ink tanks personal information products. The extensive
productivity in the office. Comprehensive features as direct printing from smartphones tances. Canon’s rich product lineup extends fine line reproduction and vivid color. What’s lower running costs and raise work efficiency product lineup includes business-use printing
information security features include safe- and tablets. Canon is also a leader on the from short-throw and highly portable more, these printers offer features that thanks to less frequent need for replacement. calculators, antibacterial calculators for use in
guards against unauthorized access and environmental front with such innovations as models to state-of-the-art laser light source contribute to high productivity, including And thanks to reduced power consumption medical facilities and restaurants, calculators
information leakage. Our office multifunc- on-demand fixing technology, which reduces projectors that can display realistic 4K dual media rolls and hot-swap ink tanks, during standby, our inkjet printers also help with one-touch cost-sell-margin calculation
tion devices feature space-saving designs, power consumption, and our toner cartridge images for digital signage and projection which can be exchanged during a print job if businesses lower energy costs. functions and scientific calculators that
low energy consumption and quiet opera- recycling program launched in 1990. mapping. a device runs out of ink. perform fraction and function calculations.
tion, helping offices run more smoothly.
Digital Cinema Cameras Professional Digital SLR Broadcast Equipment Professional Displays Professional Photo Inkjet Digital Radiography
Cameras Printers
Canon’s Cinema EOS System has earned a The Canon EOS series was launched in Canon’s broadcast lenses are a leading One of the key requirements of displays used Canon professional inkjet printers deliver Advantages of digital radiography (DR)
sterling reputation throughout the film 1987. Even in today’s digital age, the EOS choice for television stations and video for professional video production is faithful accurate color reproduction as well as stun- include reduced X-ray exposure for patients
industry, from the directors of major system’s speed, ease of use and image production around the world. For news, color reproduction. Canon’s 4K reference ningly rich black tones and smooth gradation and the ability to immediately examine the
Hollywood productions to the creators of quality has the overwhelming support of sports broadcasting and all types of produc- displays feature a proprietary image-pro- in dark shadows. The high-quality output images. In 1998, Canon launched a DR
small-scale, one-person projects. Thanks to professional photographers in such fields as tions where failure is unacceptable, we main- cessing engine for faithful reproduction of meets the strict demands of professional system that digitizes the X-ray image and
their combination of outstanding image sports, journalism, fashion, advertising and tain a high market share. In addition to high 4K/HDR images. They are used on-location in photographers and graphic designers. instantly displays it on a monitor. Since then,
quality and compact designs, our digital nature, all of whom strive to capture the image quality, our equipment is preferred for broadcasting vans and studios, and in video Canon’s latest advances in core technolo- we have continued to expand our lineup of
cinema cameras and EF cinema lenses have perfect moment. From ultra-wide angle to such advantages as their compact, light- editing environments to fine-tune colors and gies, including print heads and inks, raise the innovative products and now offer light-
breathed new life into the film industry. We ultra-telephoto, Canon EF lenses expand weight designs that ensure easy mobility, tones to confirm that the desired quality has bar in productivity and color reproduction weight, easy-to-use wireless models and
are also responding to the latest advances in the possibilities of visual expression. Forever proprietary Optical Shift Image Stabilizer for been achieved. We have also set our sights consistency. Additionally, printing is possible models for dynamic imaging. DR has become
resolution, from 4K/HDR to the coming pursuing new advancements in camera smooth framing and high-speed autofocus. on the future, pursuing development to on a wide selection of paper types. the standard in modern healthcare, sup-
generation of 8K. technology, we continue to earn the trust Looking ahead, we are committed to 4K and support next-generation video technology porting efficient diagnosis in an increasing
of demanding professionals. the coming 8K generation. and 8K. variety of medical settings.
Interchangeable Lens Digital Compact Cameras Binoculars Inkjet Printers Compact Photo Printer Photo Book Services
Digital Cameras
Our founding policy of making the best Canon digital compact cameras not only Canon binoculars provide a clear and stable We do not compromise in our pursuit of With Canon’s Selphy compact photo printer, For users who want to keep more than just
possible cameras with our own hands is also capture expressive photos with beautiful picture of small objects, such as wild birds, in convenient printing of ever more vivid users can easily print photos captured by data, Canon offers services that make it easy
the basis of the Canon EOS series of inter- blur and delicate gradation, but are also easy the far distance. A conventional problem photos and sharper text. With Canon inkjet cameras and smartphones while on the go. to preserve precious memories in photo
changeable lens digital cameras. Our ideal: to carry, offer intuitive operation and can with binoculars is that as magnification printers, users can connect wirelessly via The high image quality even ensures the albums. We offer various photo book services
that you can capture your moments more instantly connect to smartphones. Compact increases, the effects of hand shake also smartphones and tablets to print directly, beautiful reproduction of skin tones, and to suit a variety of needs and budgets,
easily and more beautifully. Canon’s wide and lightweight, these cameras are loaded increase, which diminishes the sharpness of without the need for a computer or compli- the specially coated photo paper protects including an app-based service that auto-
range of interchangeable lenses are simple with such advanced features as powerful the image. Canon’s proprietary optical Image cated settings. Large touch screens and against water and dirt. Photos can be output matically organizes and arranges photos sent
and easy to use so that even beginners can zoom and high-precision image stabiliza- Stabilizer (IS) provides the solution to this user-friendly interfaces make operation easy. at various sizes, including business cards and via smartphone or PC. Using this service,
shoot high-quality photos. And as we add tion—particularly our large-size sensor problem. With rugged designs for conve- For users who print in large quantities, we postcards, or as stickers that can be used to anyone can create a high-quality photo book
new models to our mirrorless camera lineup, models which lead the way in image quality. nient outdoor use, our binoculars feature a offer large-capacity ink tanks that contribute decorate notebooks and diaries or given with ease.
we are empowering photo lovers every- The latest connectivity functions also allow shock-resistant body and an ergonomic to low running costs. away to share the joy of photography. All of
where to discover the joy of photography. users to easily upload photos to social media. design that helps users keep a steady hand. this is made easier thanks to a large touch
screen panel.
Diagnostic imaging support HDR technology draws from light Materials research helps ensure Free Viewpoint Video System
improves physicians’ diagnosis and dark to produce clear images unique-to-Canon products immerses viewers in the
accuracy experience of watching sports
Canon is utilizing image processing and AI Canon’s High Dynamic Range (HDR) tech- To improve the competitiveness of Canon Canon is developing a Free Viewpoint Video
to develop technologies that will improve nology enables the production of clear products, we undertake research into the System, which produces a realistic, immer-
diagnostic accuracy. From CT and MRI scans, images in high-contrast scenes—scenes materials used in such areas as optical glass, sive viewing experience, giving viewers a
we can detect such anomalies as cancer and with both dark shadows and bright high- colorant and toners. Our research into lead- sense that they are really there. Multiple
reference historical data to assess the spe- lights. By merging multiple images taken at free materials extends beyond solder and cameras placed around a stadium capture
cific type as well as the probability of the different exposures into a single frame with the optical glass for lenses to include piezo- images and an image processing computer
disease occurring. This information, com- the contrast adjusted, this technology can electric materials used for motors and system renders them into 3D spatial data.
bined with the physicians’ conclusion, makes produce natural-looking images of people sensors. With our inkjet printer ink, we have Canon is offering innovative new ways to
possible higher diagnostic accuracy. even in backlit scenes or in strong sunlight. succeeded in commercializing a new enjoy visual content by producing viewing
The medical images in the above photo are from the LIDC/ magenta dye that enhances image quality. experiences that can be seen from various
IDRI database, which the NCI and the Foundation for the angles and viewpoints.
NIH (U.S.) has made public.
Architectural rendering
Canon Meisters and Master Developing human resources to Miyazaki Canon: a new plant for Protecting our customers and
Craftsmen: demonstrating pass along expertise to the next digital camera production the environment with strict
excellence generation safety assessments
To encourage advancement in manufac- Canon conducts human resource training to Canon is building a new plant for digital Going beyond legal and regulatory require-
turing engineering, Canon honors our most nurture the skills of employees at our camera production in Miyazaki Prefecture, ments, at Canon, we have our own strict
skilled technicians by awarding them the production sites worldwide. Our programs due to commence operations in August safety standards to ensure that our products
title of Master Craftsman, while those who teach manufacturing techniques and crafts- 2019. Utilizing automation technology culti- can be used with peace of mind. We conduct
contribute to Canon production through manship and train employees with leader- vated at Oita Canon, our primary camera quality and safety assessments for inks and
their skills and knowledge of assembly and ship potential in Canon management plant, Miyazaki Canon will pursue even toners, while for such genotoxic substances
component processing earn the title of methods. Young technicians test their abili- greater efficiency as a new “ideal factory.” as carcinogens, we conduct stringent micro-
Meister. These technicians are the vanguard ties by competing in Japan’s National Skills Once completed, the new plant will collabo- nucleus tests using cultured cells at our
of Canon’s production improvement and Competition, where they earn awards and rate with nearby Oita Canon and Nagasaki government-certified testing laboratories.
play the important role of passing on their cultivate a spirit of challenge that is reflected Canon to form a robust manufacturing All of this is part of our thorough system to
expertise to the next generation. in our manufacturing. system in southern Japan. ensure product safety.
Reducing hazardous substances Bird Branch Project: aiming to Supporting NCMEC activities to Friendship School Chain Project:
and preventing pollution to preserve biodiversity rescue missing children improving educational
lessen environmental burden environments
To ensure the control of chemical substances In 2015, Canon launched the Bird Branch Since 1997, Canon U.S.A. has provided This project helps improve educational envi-
used in our products, Canon requires our Project to spread environmental awareness. support for the National Center for Missing ronments in economically disadvantaged
suppliers to comply with our Green Using birds to symbolize the cycle of life, the & Exploited Children (NCMEC), an NPO that areas of Vietnam. Thus far, we have provided
Procurement Standards. Furthermore, we project aims to conserve biodiversity. At assists in finding and rescuing missing chil- support to over 90 schools through such
proactively contribute to the international Canon Global Headquarters in Tokyo, we dren as soon as possible. So far, over 2,500 efforts as school construction and renova-
standardization of sharing information on hold such activities as bird surveys and a Canon products, including digital cameras tion; donations of supplies, including desks
chemical substances throughout the supply monthly spot census of wildfowl on the and printers, have been donated to law and chairs; and scholarships for outstanding
chain. Canon strictly complies with emission company grounds. Based on this project, we enforcement agencies. Canon U.S.A. also students. Canon staff also visit the schools
standards and controls the use of chemical are creating a model for ecosystem conser- supports fundraising activities and presents and interact with the children, building
substances for such manufacturing processes vation activities that can be introduced a donation every year during a special event stronger bonds with the local communities
as coating and cleaning. throughout the Canon Group. at Yankee Stadium. and with each other.
Canon Europe
Canon China
Canon Headquarters
Canon U.S.A.
Europe *
Asia & Japan Americas
Canon Singapore
Net sales
$9,101 million
Net sales
$9,374 million
Net sales
$7,830 million
Net sales
$9,801 million
Top ten U.S. patent holders by company (2017) FORTUNE Global 500* Sales ratio by business unit (2017)
Rank Organization Number of patents Rank Organization Number of patents
Fortune July 20, 2017 issue Medical System
(Net sales)
Global ranking 347 th (332nd in ’16)
Office Imaging
(Net income)
Global ranking 281 st (236th in ’16)
Evaluation of five performance measures for fiscal 2016, including net sales, net income, and total assets
45.7% 27.8 % 10.7% 17.9 %
Semiconductor Lithography Equipment FPD (Flat Panel Display) Lithography Equipment Office Multifunction Devices Laser Multifunction Printers
Continuous Feed Presses for Graphic Arts Market Network Cameras X-ray CT Diagnostic Systems Professional Digital SLR Cameras Professional Digital Video Camcorders Digital SLR Cameras Mirrorless Cameras
Organic LED (OLED) Panel Manufacturing Equipment MRAM Sputtering Equipment Business Inkjet Printers Laser Printers
Continuous Feed Presses Video Management Software Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems Digital Cinema Cameras Interchangeable Lenses Digital Compact Cameras
Commercial-Use Color Sheet-Fed Presses (Electrophotographic) Commercial-Use Color Sheet-Fed Presses (Inkjet) X-ray Angiography Systems Broadcast Equipment Multi-Purpose Cameras Digital Camcorders Inkjet Printers
Die Bonders Color Card Printers Large Format Inkjet Printers Multimedia Projectors
Commercial-Use Monochrome Sheet-Fed Presses (Electrophotographic) Large Format Printers for Graphic Arts Market MRI Systems Professional Photo Inkjet Printers Professional Displays Compact Photo Printers Image Scanners
Large Format Printers for CAD/GIS Commercial Photo Printers Handy Terminals Injection Molds Cloud-Based Document Services Solutions Software Clinical Laboratory Systems Digital Radiography Ophthalmic Equipment Photo Book Services Binoculars