Secure Data Communication and Cryptography Based On DNA Based Message Encoding

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 98– No.16, July 2014

Secure Data communication and Cryptography based on

DNA based Message Encoding

Snehal Javheri Rahul Kulkarni

Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Sinhgad Institute of Technology,
Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering,
Lonavala Pune, University of Pune, India Lonavala Pune, University of Pune, India

Information flows throughout the network that may be of
local or of global scope. It is mandatory to secure that
2.1 Cryptography
Cryptography is the art and science of achieving security by
information to prevent from unauthorized access of it by any
encoding the simple message to make it unreadable [3] [20].
node in the path. There are various users and organizations
The typical scenario in cryptographic as shown in Fig. 1 is
who want to prevent their crucial data from attackers and
that Bob (sender) wants to send some messages secretly to
hackers. Also we need to ensure privacy, integrity and
Alice (intended receiver) and the Eve is the third person who
confidentiality about data in the network for it to be a reliable.
is trying to read the message but could not succeed, as the
Thus to achieve security it is very necessary to encode the
message is secured to some extent, by using cryptographic
data before sending it through the various unreliable
algorithm. The message to send is in simple or ordinary
communication channels available to make it unreadable. This
language understood by all, it is called a plaintext. The
is where the Cryptography comes into picture. Various
process of converting plaintext into a form which cannot be
cryptographic systems were developed in the past year but
understood without having special information is called
now the latest development on this field is DNA
encryption. This unreadable form is called cipher text and this
Cryptography. This concept has emerged after the disclosure
special information is called encryption key. The conversion
of computational ability of Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA).
of cipher text again into plaintext with a special knowledge is
In this field of DNA Cryptography many research work is
called decryption, whereas special knowledge for decryption
going on to make the computational process more complex to
is called decryption key. Only the receiver has this special
the unauthorized user. Well, presently it is in the development
knowledge and only receiver can decrypt a cipher text with
phase and requires a lot of work and research to reach an
this knowledge called decryption key.
established stage. In this paper; a proposal is given where the
concept of DNA is being used in encryption and decryption There are basically two types of cryptography based on the
process. The theoretical analysis shows this method to be techniques for converting plaintext to cipher and vice versa
efficient in computation, storage and transmission; and it is which are namely called as symmetric and asymmetric
very powerful in certain attacks. This paper also proposes a cryptography. In symmetric cryptography sender and receiver
secured symmetric key generation scheme which generates use the same key for encryption and decryption of test
primary cipher and this primary cipher is then converted into whereas in asymmetric cryptography systems two keys
final cipher using DNA sequences, so as to make it again namely public and private keys are used for encryption and
more complicated in reading. Finally, the implementation decryption process. By keeping the private key safe, you can
methodology and experimental results are presented. And then assure that the data remain safe. But the disadvantage of
conclusion with future work is described in the last section. asymmetric algorithm is that they are computationally
intensive. Therefore, in this proposed system symmetric key
Keywords cryptography is used with the intension of less computation
Security, Encryption; Decryption; Key generation; Cipher but high data security.
text; DNA cryptography.
Cryptography mechanisms are depending on the degree of
randomness and uncertainty in the generation of the cipher
1. INTRODUCTION text from the plain text. Hence depend on the phenomenon of
The security to a system is essential nowadays ! with the nature there are various types of cryptography such as:
growth of the Information Technology and with the Modern Cryptography is based on the difficult mathematical
emergence of new techniques, the number of threats a user is problems such as prime factorization, matrix manipulation.
supposed to deal with grew exponentially. It doesn't matter if Elliptical Cryptography, make use of elliptical curve
we talk about bank accounts, social security numbers or a problems. Quantum Cryptography uses the randomness of
simple telephone call. It is important that the information is states of electron inside an atom. Moreover DNA
known only by the intended persons, usually the sender and Cryptography depends on the difficult biological process
the receiver. This is where the cryptography comes into concerning to the field of DNA technology [13] [21].
picture. Cryptography is the basis of security of all the

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 98– No.16, July 2014

Fig 1: Cryptographic Scenario

DNA computing and cryptography came into picture in 4. DNA CRYPTOGRAPHY AND
1990[15]. DNA computing was initiated by L. Adleman [14]-
[16] in 1990, where he solved a direct Hamiltonian path RELATED WORKS
problem and set the foundation of the research in the field of DNA cryptography is based on DNA computing where,
Bio Computing. In the field of cryptography, Ashish Gehani message is encrypted in the form of DNA nucleotide
et al introduces the first algorithm of DNA based sequence. DNA computing can be used as conceptual
cryptography [1] [2] [11]. platform for data encryption and decryption by using
symmetric or asymmetric key. In current scenario it is not
much effective than traditional cryptography but it can
3. DNA BIO-LOGICAL THEOREM provide a hybrid security by combining traditional
Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) is a biological material or cryptography with it [21]. However DNA logic can be
bio-molecule which is present in almost all living things [21]. implemented with traditional cryptography [13]-[21].The
DNA is located in the cell nucleus but a small amount of ultimate target is to scramble data in the way that the person
DNA may also be found in the mitochondria. DNA contains who doesn’t know the key, can’t read or modify data.
genetic information of a living thing. It contains genetic In the recent year few works on qualitative and quantitative
instructions which help in constructing other cells [12]. In analysis on DNA based Cryptography as well as many new
1953, James Watson discovered the structure of DNA. A Cryptographic techniques are proposed by the researchers.
DNA molecule is composed of two single strands which form Bibhash Roy et al [5] [6] [7] proposed a DNA sequencing
a double helix structure as shown in Fig. 2: based encryption and decryption process. This paper also
proposes a unique cipher text generation procedure as well as
a new key generation procedure. But the experimental result
shows that the encryption process requires high time
complexity. Tushar Mandge et al [21] designed a DNA
encryption technique based on 4*4 matrix manipulations and
using a key generation scheme which makes data much
secure. Miki Hirabayashi and Akio Nishikawa [18] have
proposed theoretical and empirical based analysis on
Fig 2: Basic DNA Structure [8] application of DNA cryptography. Pankaj Rakheja [19]
designed a new method by integrating DNA computing in
The DNA sequences consists only four alphabets: Adenine IDEA. Such conceptual works can be useful in the
(A) Cytosine (C) Guanine (G) Thymine (T). Each alphabet is development of this new born technology of cryptography to
related to a nucleotide. Watson-Crick proposed a fulfill the future security requirements.
complimentary rule for DNA sequences that: “A only joint
with T through double bound (A T)” and C only joint with
G through triple bound (C G)” [12]. DNA provides the 5. PROPOSED METHOD
major support of genetic information for all kind of organism In actual scenario, DNA cryptography is far away from
in biosphere. It composed of two long strands of nucleotides, realization because in current time it can be performed only in
a deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate group. DNA sequences labs using chemical operations. In order to provide better
are responsible for transfer of complex information. The security and reliable data transmission an effective method of
sequence of these bases determines the information available DNA based cryptography is proposed here. In this method the
for building or forming an organism, similar to the way in mixture of mathematical and biological concepts are used to
which letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form get the encrypted data in the form DNA sequences. The
words and sentences [12]. Thus, DNA provide information to benefit of this scheme is that it makes difficult to read and
message RNA (mRNA) through the process transcription, guess about data (plain text).The proposed algorithm has two
then mRNA transfer the information to Protein, this process is phases in consequence: these are Primary Cipher text
known as translation. These two processes play an important generation using substitution method followed by Final
role for information transfer from one age group to another Cipher text generation using DNA digital coding.
age group.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 98– No.16, July 2014

In the Primary Cipher text generation phase, the encryption 6.1 Format of Cipher Text
algorithm uses OTP (one-time-pad) key generation scheme, From plain text (PT) the Primary cipher text (PCT) is obtained
since almost one key for one piece of information is sufficient by using the encryption algorithm and Level-1 Private key
to provide lots of strength in encoding technique. The (PK1).
proposed method uses randomly generated symmetric key of
8 bits size by the intended receiver and provided to the sender.
Thus the sender will have a partial knowledge of the private STEP TO OBTAIN THE FINAL CIPHER TEXT
key only and then it generates the rest part of the keys (Private Begin
Keys: Level 1 and 2) to encode the information. The Byte Step 1: Encrypt the plain text with Private key Level 1(PK1).
values are extracted from the input file or message. The Step 2: Calculate Private Key Level 2(PK2) and attach the
further encryption process works on unsigned byte values of SPM (Starting Primers) and EPM (Ending Primers)
the input file or text called as plain text. These byte values are to the Primary cipher text (PCT) so obtained from
replaced by combination of alphabets and special symbols Step 1.
using substitution method. And then this substitution values Step 3: Apply DNA digital encoding technique to get Final
are converted into its binary value. In order to embed more cipher text (FCT). (Fig. 3)
security extra bits are padded at both the ends of the primary End
cipher text. These extra bits are nothing but the file size
information, which is provided to the receiver through Level 2
key. Thus the secret key, the information of primer pairs are
shared between sender and receiver through the secret
In the DNA digital coding phase, the Final Cipher text is
generated from Primary Cipher text using DNA digital
encoding technique. From a computational point of view, we
cannot process the DNA molecules as in form of alphabets, so
the DNA sequence encoding is used in this method through
which the binary data is converted into DNA format and its
vice versa. The four subunits of DNA molecule called as
nucleotide bases: A: adenine; G: Guanine; C: Cytosine and T:
Thymine are converted into 2 bit binary as A: 0(00), T: 1(01),
C: 2(10), G: 3(11). Obviously, there are 4! =24 possible
Fig 3: Final Cipher Format
coding patterns by this encoding format. However, according
to the Watson-Crick complementarily rule, in double helix 6.2 Procedure for Level1 Private Key
DNA structure, the two DNA strands are held together
complementary in terms of sequence, i.e. A to T and C to G. Generation at both sides
Procedure: Sender’s side Computation
Taking DNA digital coding into account, it is required to Begin
reflect the biological characteristics of 4 nucleotides DNA Step 1: First the receiver will send a number as public key
bases, the complementary rule that (~0=1) and (~1=0) is (PK) through channel (private or public). This key
proposed in [17]. As per the rules, 3(11) is complement of should be any positive number between the ranges 1
0(00) and 2(10) of 1(01). So among 24 patterns, only 8 kinds to 255.
of patterns (0123/CTAG, 0123/CATG, 0123/GTAC, Step 2: Sender will generate one random number (R).
0123/GATC, 0123/TCGA, 0123/TGCA, 0123/ACGT AND Step 3: The random number selected is being represented in
0123/AGCT) are fit as per complimentary rule of the binary and then its complement is being again
nucleotide bases. It is suggested that the coding pattern converted into decimal which will be used as the
0123/CTAG is the best for nucleotide bases [17]. Thus A and Encryption key (E).
T are corresponds to ‘00’ and ‘11’respectively and C and G to (E.g. Let Public Key is PK=7, and the random
‘01’ and ‘10’ respectively. So substitution rule is A=00, T=11, number R=5.Binary representation of R=0101(4-
C=01 and G=10 as illustrate in Table 1. bit).Complement of R =0010. Therefore, In Decimal
Table 1. DNA Digital Coding R= 2. This 2 will be used as Encryption Key
DNA nucleotide Decimal Binary Step 4: The sender will compute the level-1 private key
A 0 00 (PK1) as follows:
C 1 01 Remainder computation (r): (PK * R) % 16= (7*5)
G 2 10 % 16 =3 (Remainder) Hexadecimal Notation = 3.
T 3 11 Quotient computation (c): (PK * R) / 16 = (7*5) /
16 =2, Hexadecimal Notation = 2.
Concatenating these two hexadecimal notations, we
The encryption scheme proposed in this paper has following Step 5: Sender will send rc as level1 private key (PK1) with
phases: level2 private keys (PK2) through private Channel
Abbreviations used are: PT- Plain Text, PK: Public Key, PK1- in a progress.
Private key Level 1, PK2- Private Key Level 2 and SPM- End
Starting Primer; EPM-Ending Primer, PCT- Primary Cipher
text, FC-Final Cipher text.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 98– No.16, July 2014

Procedure: Receiver’s side Computation Step 3: In order to get the index of the arrays we have to
Begin change the negative value byte codes into positive
Step 1: Receiver will receive rc = 32 and separate the values by adding +128 to each of the byte values.
numbers r and c and convert into decimal notation. For example,-120 becomes +8.Thus the range of the
Step 2: Receiver will compute the decryption key as byte codes becomes 0 to 255.
follows: Step 4: Each of the byte will be taken in account of
Decimal value computation (X): X= (16 * c) + r calculation as: n1= (byte code / 16) and n2=
(e.g. X= (16 * 2) + 3 = 35) (byte_code%16).For example, if the byte code=92
Intermediate key computation (K1): K1=(X / PK) then n1= 92 / 16 =5 and n2= 92%16= 12 Therefore,
(e.g. K1= (35 / 7) = 5, where PK=7) n1=5 and n2=12
Step 3: Convert to binary form and complement it. E.g. (Note: We are using 16 in the calculation as 16 is
Binary of 5=101. In Decimal Notation = 010 =2. the size of the array. So as there are two arrays, the
Step 4: Therefore, 2 is Level-1the Private Key (PK1) to be range of the byte codes will be 16 x 16= 256.)
used for decryption. Step 5: Now the key will be added up with the numbers n1
End & n2 to get the new indexes q and r as: q= [(n1+k1)
%16] and r= [(n2+ k1) % 16], where k1 is the key
value. For example, Let the key is k1=7. So, q =
6.3 Procedure for Level2 Private Key (n1+7) %16 = (5+7) %16=12%16=12 and r =
Generation (n2+7) %16= (12+7) %16=19%16=3.
Procedure: Sender’s side Computation Step 6: The numbers q and r will be used as the index of the
static arrays Q & R. E.g. here the value of q =12 and
The Level-2 private key gives the information about the
r=3. We get:
length of the primer. The primers are added at the start and
end of the primary cipher text (PCT). The sum of the digits of
the sender’s file length is taken as the input (PK2) to decide
the primer’s length. To encoded this primers information use
following procedure: Thus the byte code ‘92’ is converted into ‘M@’
Begin Step 7: After getting the cipher of each byte code,
Step 1: Let P be an array which will hold the secondary concatenate all byte codes in order to get the
level of keys. primary cipher text (PCT), which is the result of
Step 2: Take a variable and initialize it with a number first part of our algorithm.(Note: Primary cipher
which is the file length. will always be different for same plaintext because
Step 3: Repeat through the following steps for 1 to number of our secure random key generation scheme. This
of digits in N. feature makes data safe because it does not give
Step 4: Perform digit wise X – OR of N from left to right hint due to its OTP nature.)
(i.e. from MSB to LSB) as shown in Fig. 3. Step 8: Now convert the byte codes obtained into binary
bits. Use Primer pairs to change primary cipher
sequence and then DNA digital coding is performed
on reshaped data to get final cipher text in DNA

6.5 Procedure for Decryption

Procedure: Receiver’s side Computation
Step 1: Covert Final Cipher into Primary Cipher Text First.
Step 2: Read the input cipher file, two bytes at a time. Split
Fig 3: the code as shown below:
XOR Operation of the PK
Step 5: N = rn-1 rn – 2…….r1.
Step 6: P [i++] = rn.
Step 3: Search the array Q to get the index of ‘M’ and array
Send the array P (level2 private key) to the receiver to get the
R to get the index of ‘@’. Therefore we will get the
file length by applying reverse procedure of the above (Note:
index of ‘M’=12 and the index of ‘@’=3.
The sender will send both Level-1 and Level-2 private keys to
Step 4: Subtract the key from each of the index value. If the
the receiver in a digest form).
result becomes negative, add 16 with it.
For example, n1=12–7=5 and n2= 3–7=-4. Since
6.4 Procedure for Encryption n2<0, so add 16 with it. So now, n2= -4+16= 12.
Procedure: Sender’s side Computation Step 5: Now multiply n1 by 16 and add n2 with it to get the
Begin byte code. So Byte_code = (n1*16) + n2.
Step 1: Let, Q is an array of size 16 and R is an array of size e.g. Byte_code = (5*16) +12 = 92.
16 also. For example, Q[16]={‘A’,‘B’,‘C’, Step 6: Convert the byte code ‘92’ into its corresponding
'D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P'} ASCII code.
R [16] = {'!', '#', '$' ,'%' ,'&' ,'( ',')' ,'+' , ',' , '-' ,'.' ,';' End
,'=' ,'@' ,'[' ,']' };
Step 2: Input the file as plain text and Convert the file into
its byte codes (the ranges from -128 to +127).

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 98– No.16, July 2014

7. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS percentage of increase in cipher size will be there. However

several extension and variation can be made to enhance this
7.1 Key Strength Analysis technique, so that it can be used for secured data
The key generation scheme uses two different keys at communication in any type of network. It is truly mentioned
different levels of computations, where- Key1 ranges from 0 that the DNA based cryptosystem cannot totally be replaced
to 255 i.e. requires 8 bits to represent also Key2 is used for by traditional cryptosystem which is currently being used.
sending Primer pair information, ranges from 0 to 255 i.e. This field requires a lot of research and work, to have a
requires 8 bits. So in total the key size is 16 bit, that is there position in which it can be implemented and used for practical
are 2^16 =65536 possible keys. Now assume that a hacker purposes. There is a need that people from traditional
have a very fast computer using which our decryption cryptography and DNA technology should exchange
algorithm can be executed in 1 micro second for all possible knowledge among each other and cryptosystems should be
key trials. Even if he tries half the set of keys then also he is devised in such a way that they can enjoy benefits from both
quite successful in decrypting. But then also the hackers the fields.
require more than half year for decrypting the cipher text as
shown: Assume, 9. FUTURE SCOPE
In one second = 10 possible key trials
In the recent year, the most challenging field of information
In one hour = 36 x 10^3 =36000 possible key trials
security is wireless sensor networks. The light weight
In one day = 864 x 36 x 10^3=3.1104 x 10^9 possible key
computational sensor nodes used in wireless network leads to
many security applications. The proposal can be further
As after one day all the possible keys are tried, but our
enhanced to include in security mechanism of wireless
model works so effectively that it would have already
networks and analyzing its performance to basic cryptanalytic
transmitted the information and the receiver had read it earlier
attacks and comparing it with existing cryptosystems to know
to the intrusion attack.
exactly how much improvement is achieved.

7.2 Result Analysis

The proposed procedures are implemented in Java platform 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
for its platform independence property and available in-built All compliments to the almighty God who gives us the ability
cryptography functionalities. The procedures are implemented and knowledge to do this hard work. Greatest gratitude and
successfully to specified sized input plain texts. Initially, there profound respect to Mr. Rahul R. Kulkarni, Assistant
were constraints for large files such as image or videos where Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering and Dr. Mrs. V.
the required primary memory of the system could create a M. Rohakale, Dept. of E&TC ,SIT Lonavala Pune, University
problem in the execution and conversion of plain text into of Pune, for their proper and perfect guidance and valuable
cipher text. But later on that problem are also resolved by suggestions.
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