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Definition: Cryptanalysis is the art of breaking ciphers, i.e.
retrieving the plaintext without knowing the proper
Cryptography is the practice and study of
hiding information. Until modern times cryptography key. People who do cryptography are cryptographers,
referred almost exclusively to ›  , which is and practitioners of cryptanalysis are cryptanalysts.
the process of converting ordinary information into
Cryptography deals with all aspects of secure
ciphertext Decryption is the reverse, in other words,
moving from the unintelligible ciphertext back to messaging, authentication, digital signatures,
plaintext. A 
› is a pair of algorithms that create electronic money, and other applications. Cryptology
the encryption and the reversing decryption. The is the branch of mathematics that studies the
detailed operation of a cipher is controlled both by
the algorithm and in each instance by a ›. This is a mathematical foundations of cryptographic methods.
secret parameter for a specific message exchange
context. Keys are important, as ciphers without Cryptography is the art and science of
variable keys can be trivially broken with only the writing hidden messages in such a way that no one
knowledge of the cipher used and are therefore
useless (or even counter-productive) for most apart from the intended recipient knows of the
purposes. Historically, ciphers were often used existence of the message. The word "  
directly for encryption or decryption without is of Greek origin and means ›› 
additional procedures such as authentication or
 .An encrypted file may still hide information
integrity checks.
using Cryptography, so even if the encrypted file is
deciphered, the hidden message is not seen.

There are many aspects to security and Cryptography used in electronic communication

many applications, ranging from secure commerce includes cryptographic coding inside of a transport

and payments to private communications and layer, such as an MP3 file, or a protocol, such as

protecting passwords. One essential aspect for secure UDP. The advantage of cryptography over

communications is that of cryptography. cryptography alone is that messages do not attract

Cryptography has become one of the main tools for attention to themselves, to messengers, or to

privacy, trust, access control, electronic payments, recipients. A cryptographic message (the plaintext) is

corporate security, and countless other fields. In often first encrypted by some traditional means, and

cryptographic terminology, the message is called then a › › is modified in some way to contain

plaintext or cleartext. Encoding the contents of the the encrypted message (
› ›), resulting in

message in such a way that hides its contents from › ›. A cryptographic message (the cipher text)

outsiders is called encryption. The encrypted message is then decrypted by some traditional means, and then

is called the cipher text. The process of retrieving the a 

› › is modified in some way to contain the

plaintext from the cipher text is called decryption. original message.

Encryption and decryption usually make use of a key,

Cryptography has not been so important in
and the coding method is such that only knowing the
our daily life until Internet became a major role.
proper key can perform decryption. Cryptography is
During the past 10 years, people make the letter ³e´
the art or science of keeping messages secret.


more and more popular by using it everywhere. We developers and manufactures. The conclusion that it¶s
start from e-mail, e-banking, e-business, e- the Internet drawing the public attention to this
government to e-fraud, e-virus, e-theft. Security, mysteries topic is not difficult to get.
privacy, became major concerns of people using the
Internet. Performance is no longer the only focus of
¦ ective Pu ic Key Cryptography
The offer of cryptographic procedures
applicable on Internet increases together with Internet With "public key" or "asymmetric key"
itself. However, all the procedures and the cryptography, however, each person gets a pair of
applications based on them rely on several keys, known as the public key and the private key.
cryptographic concepts and known operations. The public key is generated from the private key
The present work is about an evaluation of using a complex algorithm, following which the
some basic cryptographic operations by measuring a public key can be published, whilst the private key
time performance of their implementation in the Java remains secret.
programming language. Performance measuring
The mathematics behind public key
includes analyses of key length. The values obtained
cryptography are exceedingly complex, and beyond
can be used during considerations for improving the
the scope of this paper, so you are simply going to
time performance of the systems for secure data
have to trust me on this one ± any message encrypted
with a given public key can only be decrypted using
The research focuses on implementation of a the corresponding private key, and there is no known
security architecture that will provide the following way to derive the private key from the public key.
security functions:
The need for sender and receiver to share
(1) User authentication by using secret information is eliminated, since all
public key cryptography that offers powerful communications involve only public keys, and no
tools for proving identity, private key is ever transmitted or shared. The best
known and most widely used asymmetric key
(2) Role-based, fine-grained access
technologies are Diffie-Hellman (for key exchange)
control model that provides a finer level of
and RSA (for encryption and signing).
security control for individual scripts, and

(3) Authenticated key agreement Although providing the highest levels of

protocol based on Diffie-Hellman for safe security, public key cryptography is notoriously

communication among team members heavy on system resources, particularly when

working on large messages. For performance reasons,
therefore, RSA is usually used only to exchange
keys, whilst a conventional secret-key cryptosystem
(such as DES) is used for the bulk of the message.


ºhy is nformation Security important?

‰c Defending against
external/internal hackers
‰c Defending against
industrial espionage
‰c Securing E-commerce
‰c Securing bank
accounts/electronic transfers
‰c Securing intellectual
‰c Avoiding liability

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