CV Santino Regilme 2020

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Dr. Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr.

Personal Email: | University:

Telephone (Office-Leiden) +31 71 527 1742
Personal: | University:


University of Leiden, The Netherlands (September 2016----Present)

University Lecturer of International Relations (with tenure since July 2018)
Coordinator of Pre-Master European Union Studies Program
Member, Board of Examiners of the MA in International Relations Program
History and International Studies, Institute of History, Faculty of Humanities
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany
(June-August 2020) - Visiting Senior Fellow, with the Max Planck Society Research Grant
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany (January 2020)
Visiting Researcher, Comparative Constitutionalism Group, c/o Prof. Ran Hirschl
De La Salle University-Manila, Philippines (January 2016-August 2016)
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States of America (August 2015-July 2016)
Assistant Professor of International Relations (tenure-track), Political Science Department
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany, April 2015 – December 2015
Käte Hamburger Kolleg Fellow, Center for Global Cooperation Research
Research Unit 2: Global Cultural Conflicts and Transcultural Cooperation
***Offer of Permanent Lectureship in International Relations, Department of International Politics, City, University of London, United Kingdom, May 2018,
**Finalist in Permanent Lectureship and Tenure-Track Positions: International Relations, University of Melbourne, Australia (2017); International Relations,
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2014, application withdrawn); International Relations, Bilkent University, Turkey (2014, application
withdrawn); International Relations, Higher School of Economics, Russia (2014, application withdrawn).


Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (2011-2015)

Dr.rer.pol. (PhD) Political Science and North American Studies magna cum laude
Dissertation Committee: Professors Lora Anne Viola (Chair), Susan D. Hyde, and Thomas Risse
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (2013-2014)
Fox International Fellowship at the MacMillan Center for Area and International Studies, Advisers: Professors
Ben Cashore, Susan Hyde, Julia Adams
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany (2012)
Certificate in American History, Culture, and Politics
Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Spring Academy 2012
Universität Osnabrück, Germany (2009-2011)
MA in Political Science - Democratic Governance and Civil Society, Adviser: Professor Roland Czada
De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines (2002-2005)
BA in Philosophy, minor in Political Science and Development Studies magna cum laude and Permanent
Membership, Jose Rizal Honors Society


• Winner, 2019 Best Conference Paper Award, International Studies Association (ISA)– Asia-Pacific
Conference in Singapore. Award given in the ISA General Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2020.
• Visiting Scholar Grant at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law,
Heidelberg, Germany – June-August 2020 – 6,900 Euros
• Visiting Researcher Grant for the Project ‘Constitutional Orders of Oligarchic Democracies’, Max Planck
Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany– Alexander von Humboldt

Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. 1

Updated as of 1 April 2020
Comparative Constitutionalism Group of Prof. Ran Hirschl of the University of Toronto (Travel and
accommodation expenses for one month, January 2020)
• Research Grant – Conference and Workshop Organization, Global Human Rights at Risk? Challenges,
Prospects, and Reform, Leiden University’s Global Interactions Grant (7,500 Euros) – Principal Investigator
• Competitive Sabbatical Leave Grant, Institute for History, Leiden University (Winter Semester, 2019-2020)
• Research Fellowship, Summer 2019 (6 months), Law as Culture, Kate Hamburger Kolleg- Institute for
Advanced Study of the Law, University of Bonn, Germany - funded by the BMBF/German Federal Ministry
for Education and Research, 21,000 Euros - DECLINED
• Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award, 42,000 Euros (12 Months Tax-Free Fellowship), Center for Global
Cooperation Research, Käte Hamburger Kolleg – Center for Global Cooperation Research, University of
Duisburg-Essen, Germany – Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2015-2017
• Summer Research Travel Grant, 2016, Institute for History, Leiden University, 1000 Euros
• New PhD Grant, University Research Coordination Office, De La Salle University-Manila, Philippines, 2000
US Dollars, 2016-2017 - DECLINED
• Fox International Fellowship, Yale University – MacMillan Center for Area and International Studies, 23,200
USD plus 2,000 USD travel grant, First Non-German to Win the Free University of Berlin’s slot for the Fox
Fellowship at Yale University 2013-2014
• DFG Excellence Initiative – Free University of Berlin Dissertation Completion Fellowship, October 2014 to
March 2015, 9,000 Euros
• One of the 100 World Finalists, Falling Walls Lab Conference Berlin, 2014.
• German Research Foundation (DFG-Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Excellence Initiative Scholarship, for
PhD Research at the Graduate School for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin 54,000 Euros
(Living Expenses for 36 months) and 6,000 Euros (Travel Grant), October 2011 to September 2014 -
• Named as One of the “100 Leaders of Tomorrow” Chosen Worldwide Among Graduate Students and
Participation in the 42 St. Gallen Symposium, Universität St. Gallen in Switzerland, 2012

• Cambridge Overseas Trust Fund for Graduate Studies in Sociology, Sidney Sussex College, The University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom - DECLINED, 2011
• Top in the Cohort, MA in Political Science - Democratic Governance and Civil Society, Universität
Osnabrück, Germany, 2009-2011
• Public Policy and Good Governance Scholarship, MA Studies, German Academic Exchange Service and the
German Foreign Office, 18,000 Euros (Living Expenses for 24 months), 9,000 Euros (6-month Language
course), 2009 – 2011
• University Scholarship, Graduate Studies in Political Science, De La Salle University, 2006-2009
• Top in the Graduating Cohort, Academic Year 2004-2005 Graduating Class of 1200 Members, De La Salle
• University Scholarship, Undergraduate Studies, De La Salle University-Manila, 2002-2005
• Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence, College of Liberal Arts, De La Salle University, 2005
• Permanent Membership, Jose Rizal Honors Society, De La Salle University in Manila, 2005
• Magna Cum Laude for BA Graduation, Top in the Graduating Class of the College of Liberal Arts (Social
Sciences and Humanities), De La Salle University, 2005
• Full Scholarship for Secondary School Education, Franciscan Capuchin Friars – Lourdes School, Quezon City,

Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. 2

Updated as of 1 April 2020

Book/Monographs (1)

1. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & James Parisot. (edited volume) (2017). American
Hegemony and the Rise of Emerging Powers: Cooperation or Conflict (Global Cooperation
Series). London and New York: Routledge. Hardback 2017, Paperback 2019.

Reviewed in Interdisciplinary Political Studies

Other Reviews:
"This is a fascinating new analysis of the old question of American decline. It’s one of those rare edited books that thrive on disagreement
rather than building a consensus. The diverse perspectives here are sure to help inform debate about the changing world order." — Amitav
Acharya, Distinguished Professor of International Relations, American University, USA and former President of the International Studies Association
"In their invigorating book, Regilme and Parisot send up a neon yellow warning flag: beware the analytical dangers of a seductive fixation on
simplistic statist power hierarchies. That fixation, they reveal, will blind us to the more complex social processes that comprise current
international politics." — Cynthia Enloe, author of "Bananas, Beaches and Bases" and Research Professor of Political Science at Clark University,
"Providing interdisciplinary perspectives on the past and potential future of American hegemony, this book is a timely analysis of a number of
specific issue areas as they relate to emerging powers." — Susan D. Hyde, Professor of Political Science and Avice Chair in Public Policy, The
Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA
"This critical collection of voices profoundly deepens our understanding of one of the most fundamental questions of the 21st century. Will
global power transformations lead to a more just and prosperous global order for all? Or will they ignite a conflict that will reverse decades of
progress?" — Thomas Hale, Associate Professor of Global Governance, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
"This book deals with two of the most important features of the contemporary international system: the rise of new powers and the relative
decline of the United States. The contributors provide an excellent and accessible analysis of these changes and their impact on key bilateral
relations." — Mark Beeson, Professor and Discipline Chair of Political Science and International Relations, University of Western Australia,
"Declining hegemony is the most debated subject in fields such as International Relations, World History, and Comparative Political
Economy. American Hegemony and the Rise of Emerging Powers adds new and topical insights to this debate. The book shines through its
interdisciplinary approach to the study of changes in global leadership, normative sovereignty, and international governance as they result
from the rise and decline of epistemic, economic, financial, diplomatic, and military capabilities". — Roland Czada, Professor and Chair in
Government and Public Policy, University of Osnabrück, Germany
"Is US hegemony stable or declining? The answer, this eclectic collection suggests, depends on where one looks: economics, or security? East
Asia, or Latin America? Central Asia, or Africa? The different regional perspectives in this book helpfully advance a debate on rising powers
hitherto overly-focused on China and global-level dynamics." — Lee Jones, Reader in International Politics,Queen Mary, University of London, UK
"This book confronts a question of profound importance. What will arise as US hegemony declines? The complexity of this question is
addressed by a diverse group of insightful writers whose rich contributions establish the starting point for a discussion that is key to
understanding the future direction of the international system. The stage has been set, let the debate begin." — Jerry Harris, National Secretary,
Global Studies Association of North America

Peer-Reviewed Articles (16)

1. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (accepted, forthcoming in 2021). Competing Visions of

Peace in the Age of Declining Democratization. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice.
2. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2019). Constitutional Order in Oligarchic Democracies:
Neoliberal Rights versus Socio-Economic Rights. Law, Culture and the Humanities.
3. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2019). The Decline of American Power and Donald
Trump: Reflections on Human Rights, Neoliberalism, and the World Order. Geoforum.
4. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018). “Beyond Paradigms: Understanding the South
China Sea Dispute using Analytic Eclecticism”. International Studies. 55(3). 213-237.
5. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018) "Does US Foreign Aid Undermine Human Rights?
The 'Thaksinification' of the War on Terror Discourses and the Human Rights Crisis in
Thailand, 2001 to 2006". Human Rights Review. 19 (1): 73-95
6. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018). "The Global Politics of Human Rights: From
Human Rights to Human Dignity?". International Political Science Review. 40 (2): 279-

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
7. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018). "A human rights tragedy: Strategic Localization
of US Foreign Policy in Colombia". International Relations. 32 (3): 343-365.
8. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018). Habermasian Thinking on Civil Society and the
Public Sphere in the Age of Globalization. Perspectives on Political Science. 47 (4): 271-
9. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2017). Genocide and Transitional Justice. Human Rights
10. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2016). Why Asia’s Oldest Democracy Failed. Journal of
Developing Societies. (32)3: 220-245.
11. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2016). Philippine Domestic Politics and Foreign
Relations, 2014-2015: A Critical Review. Asia Maior. (with Carmina Y. Untalan) 26: 133-
12. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2014). Bringing the Global Political Economy Back In:
Neoliberalism, Globalization, and Democratic Consolidation. International Studies
Perspectives 15(3): 277-296
13. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2014). The Social Science of Human Rights: The Need
for a “Second-Image Reversed”. Third World Quarterly 35(8): 1390-1405.
14. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2013). Social Discipline, Democracy, and Modernity:
Are They All Uniquely ‘European’?. Hamburg Review of Social Sciences 6 & 3 (7 & 1):
15. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2013). Is International Labour Migration Good for
Democratic Consolidation in the Global South? Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice
25(1): 97-103
16. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & Henrik Hartmann (2018). “Mutual Delegitimization:
American and Chinese Development Aid to Africa”. The SAIS Review of International
17. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2011) The Chimera of Europe's Normative Power in
East Asia: A Constructivist Analysis. Central European Journal of International and
Security Studies 5 (1): 69-90

Book Chapters (4)

1. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (forthcoming) Human rights and humanitarian actions on
the international arena. In Badie, Bertrand; Berg-Schlosser, Dirk; Morlino, Leonardo.
Handbook of Political Science – A Global Perspective. London: SAGE.
2. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. and James Parisot. (forthcoming) "Contested American
Dominance: Global Order in an Era of Rising Powers" in Hosseini, Hamed; Barry Gills; James
Goodman (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies. New York and
London: Routledge.
3. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2016). Global Migration as a Human Rights Issue:
Prospects for Global Cooperation or Conflict? In Böckenförde, Markus, Nadja Krupke,
and Philipp Michaelis (eds). A Multidisciplinary Mosaic: Reflections on Global
Cooperation and Migration (Global Dialogues 13). Duisburg: Käte Hamburger
Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21).
4. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2013). It Takes Two to Tango: A Constructivist
Analysis of EU-ASEAN Interregional Relations. In The EU: A Global Power in the
Making – Europe’s Present and Future Role in a Changing World. Volume 2. Edited
by Astrid B. Boening, Jan-Frederik Kremer and Aukje van Loon. Springer Publishing
(Part of the Global Power Shift Series)

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
Encyclopedia and General Reference Articles (5)

1. (2019). Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & Karla Feijoo. “Right to Dignity”. The
Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies
2. (2019). Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & Henrik Hartmann. “Global Shift”. The
Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies DOI:
3. (2019). Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & Elif Polat. “Right to Economic Dignity”. The
Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies DOI:
4. (2019). Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & Beate Beller. “Security State”. The Palgrave
Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies
5. (2016) “Human Rights Violations and Protection”. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of War:
Social Science Perspectives. Thousand Oaks; London; New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Review Essays (5)

1. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr., (2019). The Instrumentalization of Human Rights in World
Politics, International Studies Review,
2. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2011a). Review: Alfred McCoy: Policing America’s
Empire: The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State.
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 29(4), 122-126.
3. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012). Bassam Tibi, Islam’s Predicament with
Modernity: Religious Reform and Cultural Change. International Sociology, 27(2), 253-
4. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012b). Making Global Economic Governance
Effective: Hard and Soft Law Institutions in a Crowded World. John Kirton, Marina
Larionova, and Paolo Savona, eds. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010. 345 pp. £60 (cloth).
Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 25(1),
5. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2010a). Southeast East Asia: A Sui Generis Case on the
Study of Political Islam and Democratization? Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 6 (2), 157-

Book Reviews (13)

1. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr., (2019). Constitutional democracy in crisis? Democratization,

DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2019.1687446
2. Regilme, Salvador (2019). Authoritarianism: three inquiries in critical theory.
Democratization. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2019.1635585
3. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2016). The Oxford Handbook of the International
Relations of Asia. in Political Studies Review. (14)1: 89.
4. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2013) Book Review: Anja Jetschke: Human Rights and
State Security: Indonesia and the Philippines. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
32 (1): 141-143.
5. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012). Democracy and Economic Openness in an
Interconnected System. In Political Studies Review. 10: 420-421

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
6. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012). Rajah Rasiah and Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt
(eds.), The New Political Economy of Southeast Asia. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010).
CEU Political Science Journal, 7(2), 230-232.
7. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012). Capital as Power: A Study of Order and
Creorder. In Millennium Journal of International Studies 40 (3) 688-690
8. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012). Governing the Other: Exploring the Discourse of
Democracy in a Multiverse of Reason. In Kyoto Journal of Southeast Asian Studies.1 (2)
9. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2011). Obstacles to Democratization in Southeast Asia:
A Study of the Nation State, Regional and Global Order by Erik Paul. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 230pp., £57.50, ISBN 978 0 230 24181 7. Political Studies
Review, 9(3), 439-440.
10. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2012). Review: Currency and Contest in East Asia : The
Great Power Politics of Financial Regionalism. East Asia Integration Studies
11. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2011). Review: Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou,
Daniel Bensaïd, Wendy Brown, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Ranciere, Kristin Ross, and
Slavoj Zizek Democracy in What State? Marx and Philosophy Review of Books.
12. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2009). Review: Bilveer Singh on the “Taliban” of
Southeast Asia. Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 9(2), 89-92.
13. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2010). Investing in Miracles: El Shaddai and the
Transformation of Popular Catholicism in the Philippines. Quezon City, Philippines:
Ateneo de Manila University Press. Philippine Political Science Journal. 31 (54) 153-

Policy Memo and Other Articles (7)

1. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2019). Dignity and the Rise of Authoritarianism. Leiden
International Relations Blog.
2. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2019). The Crisis of Legitimacy in Trump’s America.
Leiden International Relations Blog.
3. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018). Contesting American Power: Beijing’s Challenge
in South China Sea Disputes. E-International Relations Magazine.
4. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018), Using foreign aid for state repression in
Thailand, OpenGlobalRights .
5. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. (2018), American Foreign Aid and Colombia’s Human Rights
Tragedy, E-International Relations .
6. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & James Parisot. (2018). US Hegemony and Rising
Powers in the Era of Trump. E-International Relations Magazine.
7. Regilme, Salvador Santino F. Jr. & James Parisot. (2018). Is American Power in Decline?
Rising Powers in the Era of Trump Rising Powers in Global Governance. Turkey: Marmara
8. Schierkolk, J., Grauvogel, J., Ziso, E., Strothmann, P., Hübner, D., & Regilme, S. S. F.
(2010) Transatlantic Leadership by Example: Toward Inclusive Climate Change Policy.
Published by the Atlantic Community, e.V. Berlin
9. (2010). Making Sense of China. Global Politics: An International Affairs Magazine.

Working Papers and Research Projects in Progress

1. Philanthropic Imperium: United States Aid, Diplomacy, and Human Rights in the Global
South (book manuscript under review by a US university press).

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
2. Global Human Rights at Risk (edited volume, in preparation and proposal under review by a US
university press)
3. Drone Warfare and The Obama Administration's Struggle on Human Rights and Counterterrorism:
A Historical Institutionalist Analysis (with Tom De Groot) - submitted
4. Human Rights and British Citizenship: The Case of Shamima Begum as Citizen to Homo Sacer
(with Mercedes Masters, submitted and under review)
5. Spaces of Contestation and Legitimation: Human Rights and Declining Liberalism in the Philippines
under Duterte (under review)
6. Discourses of Peace Amid the War on Drugs: A Comparative Case Study of Colombia and the
Philippines (under revisions – ‘revise and resubmit’)
7. Foreign Aid and Human Rights under the Trump Presidency: Rising Powers and Legitimacy
Problems (in preparation)
8. Comparing US and Chinese Foreign Aid Strategies (with Obert Hodzi) in preparation
9. Book project on the role of competing human rights discourses in the formation of constitutional
orders in oligarchic democracies.


University of Leiden, The Netherlands, September 2016 - Present

Global Governance and Human Rights: Theory, History, and Practice (MA International Studies
Elective Course)
International Human Rights: History, Politics, and Economics (BA International Studies elective
Ideas in World Politics (MA level)
The European Union Today (BA level)
Thesis Seminar and Methods in International Relations (MA level)
Research Methods in International Studies – North America (BA level)

De La Salle University in Manila, January 2016 – August 2016

Research Methods in Political Science (Graduate Course)
International Political Economy (Graduate Course)
Theories of the State (Graduate Course)
International Organizations (Undergraduate Course)
Introduction to Political Science (Undergraduate Course)

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 2013

Contemporary United States Foreign Policy in the Asia-Pacific: Theory and Practice
Instructor; developed the course and independently taught it to BA and MA students

De La Salle University in Manila, 2007-2009

Lecturer (US equivalent: Part-Time Instructor), Departments of Political Science and International
Developed the course and independently taught it to BA students
Undergraduate Courses:
Introduction to Political Science
Citizenship and Governance
Introduction to European Politics

Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. 7

Updated as of 1 April 2020
Introduction to International Organizations
Introduction to Global Politics

St. Scholastica’s College, Manila, Philippines, 2007-2009

Lecturer (US equivalent: Part-Time Instructor) Department of History, Political Science, and
Developed the course and independently taught it to BA students
Undergraduate Courses:
Introduction to Political Science
Socio-Political Theory
Special Problems in Global Politics

University of Asia and the Pacific, Metro Manila, Philippines, 2008-2009

Lecturer (US equivalent: Part-Time Instructor) Pacific Rim Studies Program
Developed the course and independently taught it to BA students
Basic Course: Introduction to North American Studies


1. Maaike Spiekerman (MAIR 2017, Leiden) cum laude; Narratively constructing legitimacy:
Security Council legitimacy and the narratives of its election candidates
2. Karla Fejoo (MAIR 2017, Leiden) cum laude; Economic Ideological Alignment and Increased
Human Rights Violations in Ecuador 1984-1988: A Theoretical Framework of State Repression in
Latin America
3. Iskra Georgieva (MAIR 2017, Leiden) cum laude; The European Union - A Strategic Donor?
Linking Aid Channels and Foreign Aid
4. Beate Beller (MAIR 2018), cum laude; Neoliberal Policy in Turkey - A Theoretical Intervention
in the Debate on Neoliberalization and De-Democratization


1. International Studies Association (ISA) Asia-Pacific, Singapore – Chair, Panel

Discussant, and Paper Presenter (Decline of American Power and Human Rights under
Trump), July 2019
2. International Studies Association (ISA) Northeast Conference, Providence, Rhode Island,
USA, 2013 – Paper Presenter on two topics: US foreign policy in Southeast Asia and
comparative study of democratic stability in Turkey and the Philippines.
3. European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EUROSEAS), University of Vienna,
Austria, August 2015 – Presenter of two papers: a paper on US foreign aid and human
rights in the Philippines, and a paper on United States-China rivalry and the territorial
dispute on South China Sea. Acted as a discussant for a panel about regional integration
in Southeast Asia/Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
4. International Studies Association (ISA) Conference Toronto, Canada 2014, Paper
Presenter, Junior Scholar Symposium, topic: US foreign aid and human rights in
Southeast Asia.


Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. 8

Updated as of 1 April 2020
1. “Superrich Citizens in Global and Domestic Arenas: Implications on Democracy Promotion
within and Beyond the European Union”, Paper presentation in the 2020 Conference: European
Union’s Good Governance Promotion in the Age of Democratic Decline, EUGOGOV Jean
Monnet Module Workshop, Altinbas University, Turkey. 6 March 2020
2. “Oligarchs in Global and Domestic Constitutional Orders”, Work-in-Progress Seminar,
Comparative Constitutionalism Group, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic
Diversity, Göttingen, Germany, 23 January 2020.
3. "Foreign Aid and Human Rights Under the Trump Presidency: Rising Powers and Legitimacy
Problems", (De)Globalization and Development in the New Age of Populisms Workshop,
Gothenburg Center of Globalization and Development, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 14-16
November 2019.
4. "Discourses of Peace Amid the War on Drugs: A Comparative Case Study of Colombia and the
Philippines" Varieties of Peace - Asia Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia. Sponsored by the Swedish
Foundation for the Social Sciences and Humanities. October 22-24, 2019. Held at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia.
5. "Human Rights in Distress Amidst American Decline and Trumpism". 2019 FU Berlin Graduate
School of North American Studies Conference, Berlin, Germany.
6. “Global Human Rights in Distress Amidst American Decline”. Invited Public Lecture. Osaka
School of International Public Policy, Osaka University Japan. July 26, 2018.
7. “One Great Nation Under Trump? Human Rights in Distress Amidst American Decline” [Keynote
Speaker]. Tokyo, Japan: The American Studies Foundation - International Forum for Early Career
Scholars, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. July 21-22, 2018.
8. Panelist, Book Launching, The Politics of Borders/ Practising EU Policy/ American
Hegemony and the Rise of Emerging Powers, Leiden University, Campus The Hague.
March 28, 2018.
9. “Is American Power in Decline? Global Governance and Human Rights in the Era of
Trump”. Public Lecture. Organized by the Philippine International Studies Organization.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila. 30th January 2018.
10. “American Power in the Era of Trump”. Public Lecture. Organized by the Department of
International Studies. Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines. 25th January 2018.
11. Speaker: “‘We the People’? Nation/State/Community”, The Fault Lines of
Democracy: Conversations, Contestations and Cross-Cultural Comparisons, Berlin-
Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Free University
of Berlin's Graduate School of North American Studies
12. “From the war on terror to the war on drugs: human rights in the Philippines",
Weingartener Asiensgespräche (Weingartener Asian Forum), Ravensburg, Germany,
November 3-5, 2017
13. “Does Foreign Aid Undermine Human Rights”. Development Research Seminar Series.
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)-The Hague, Netherlands, Erasmus
University Rotterdam. September 26, 2017
14. Discussing the Comparisons of International Observances of Human Rights Years in
“Calendar Propaganda" of Human Rights? Historical perspectives on the United Nations'
Global Observances”, Leiden University, The Hague Campus, Netherlands, June 16,
15. US-India Relations “Book Launching of Carina van de Wetering's Changing US Foreign
Policy Toward India”, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University, The
Hague Campus, Netherlands May 17, 2017
16. “Constitutional Discourses in Oligarchic Democracies: Neoliberal Rights and Socio-
Economic Rights”. Paper presented at the International Institute for Democracy
Assistance (International IDEA) Constitution-Building Team Conference on

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
Constitutional Responses to the Crisis of Representation and Oligarchic Democracy. May
30-31, 2017. The Hague, Netherlands
17. “Western Leadership in a New World Order: Human Rights and Global Deliberative
Democracy”. Paper presented at the Fox International Fellowship Reunion, Yale
University held on the 5th to 8th January 2017 in New Delhi, India.
18. “State of Teaching International Studies in the Philippines”. Invited Speaker on a
Roundtable on Praxis and Pedagogies in International Studies. Held on the 28th July
2016. Far Eastern University, Philippines, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Department of
International Studies.
19. “Human Rights: Advocacy Through Scholarship”, Invited Speaker, 2nd International
Youth Leadership Summit, July 13, 2016, De La Salle University-Manila.
20. “The End of Paradigms: ‘Governing’ the South China Sea Dispute and the Future of
American Hegemony in South East Asia”. Paper presented at the 2016 International
Conference of the Philippine Political Science Association, Bicol University, Philippines
held on the 21st to 22nd April 2016.
21. University of Duisburg-Essen, Center for Global Cooperation Research, November 2015,
The Future of American Hegemony and the South China Sea Dispute.
22. University of Osnabrück, DAAD Public Policy and Good Governance Program. The
Impact of Foreign Aid on Human Rights. November 28, 2015. Norderney Island,
23. University of Duisburg-Essen, Center for Global Cooperation Research, July 2015. Talk
on US aid and human rights in the Philippines.
24. “Does Foreign Aid Undermine Human Rights? Evidence from US-Philippines
Counterterror Cooperation”, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of
Freiburg, Germany, June 25, 2015
25. “US-Philippine Bilateral Relations”. Hosted by the EPAIR (European Alumni Network
of the Harvard Project for Asian International Relations), March 7, 2015 at the Hertie
School of Governance in Berlin, Germany.
26. “Breaking the Wall of Human Rights Abuses”, Falling Walls Lab 2014, Berlin, Germany
(25th Anniversary Celebration of the Fall of the Berlin Wall),
27. Harvard-MIT-Yale Conference on Political Violence, April 2013, Held at the MacMillan
Center at Yale University. Talk on US foreign policy in Southeast Asia. “Does Foreign
Aid Undermine Human Rights? Evidence from US-Southeast Asia Counter-Terror
Cooperation” Paper presentation at the MIT-Harvard-Yale Conference on Political
Violence, New Haven, Connecticut, USA April 18, 2014.
28. “US-Philippine Relations”, Whitney Center in Hamden, Connecticut, USA. April 14,
29. Yale University, Leitner Political Economy Student Workshop, November 2013. Talk on
US foreign policy in Southeast Asia.
30. Yale University, Department of Political Science, International Relations Student
Workshop, October 2013. Talk on US foreign policy in Southeast Asia.
31. “Claiming Space” in the Age of Terror: Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy and the Human
Rights Crisis in Southeast Asia, Paper presentation at the “Claiming Space:
Reconfigurations in Times of Crisis” International Conference in American Studies, John
F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, May 24 and
25, 2013.
32. “Historicizing the Depth of Democracy in the Peripheries: Turkey and the Philippines in
Comparison”, Paper co-presentation with Burak Tansel of the University of Nottingham,
11th Aberystwyth-Lancaster Postgraduate Colloquium. University of Manchester, June
5–7, 2013

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
33. “Historicizing the Depth of Democracy in the Peripheries: Turkey and the Philippines in
Comparison”, Paper co-presentation with Burak Tansel of the University of Nottingham,
Nottingham Graduate Conference, “Politics in Crisis? 2013”, April 26, 2013
34. “Historicizing the Depth of Democracy in the Peripheries: Turkey and the Philippines in
Comparison”, Paper co-presentation with Burak Tansel of the University of Nottingham,
First Berlin Forum on Global Politics, Graduate School of Global Politics, Freie
Universität Berlin, April 18-19, 2013
35. “Historicizing the Depth of Democracy in the Peripheries: Turkey and the Philippines in
Comparison”, Paper co-presentation with Burak Tansel of the University of Nottingham
in “Democracy Promotion: Hegemony, Resistance, and the Shifting Discourses of
Democracy in International Relations”, February 1, 2013, Senate House of the University
of London in England | Organized by the Institute for the Study of the Americas
(University of London) and the Department of Politics and International Relations
(University of Westminster)
36. "A causal theory of human rights’ violations: explaining post-9/11 US foreign policy and
political violence in Southeast Asia", Invited Speaker, Politics Seminar Series,
Department of Politics and Philosophy, Geoffrey Manton Building Seminar Room 403,
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, February 27, 2013
37. “Human Rights in the Age of Terror: Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia”,
Paper presentation at the Comparative Politics Colloquium of Prof. Ellen M. Immergut,
Institute of the Social Sciences, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, January 31, 2013.
38. “Bringing the Global Political Economy Back In: Neoliberalism, Globalization, and
Democratic Consolidation”. Public Lecture Held at Yuchengco Hall. Organized by the
Department of Political Science, De La Salle University-Manila and the La Salle
Institute of Governance. September 27, 2012.
39. “Human Rights in the Age of Terror: Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia”.
Lecture-Roundtable Discussion, Yuchengco Center and La Salle Institute of Governance,
De La Salle University-Manila September 24, 2012
40. “What Causes State-Initiated Human Rights Violations? A Critical Review of
Contemporary Social Science Literature”, Politik und Verwaltung: theoretische,
empirische und methodische Perspektiven (“Policy and Administration: Theoretical,
Empirical, and Methodological Perspectives”) – Annual Meeting of the “Forum junge
Staats-, Policy- und Verwaltungsforschung (FoJuS)” (Public Policy Working Group of
Young Political Scientists of the German Political Science Association), Leibniz-
Universität Hannover, Germany 6 and 7 December 2012.
41. “Global Network Media: A New World Order or A New Form of U.S. Hegemony?”,
together with Curd Knüpfer. “Tag der Politikwissenschaft” – Annual Meeting of the
Austrian Political Science Association (öGPW) held at the Faculty of Law and Social
Sciences, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria. November 29-30, 2012.
42. “An American Behemoth: Antinomies of Freedom and Security in Post-9/11 US Foreign
Policy”, Heidelberg Spring Academy 2012, Heidelberg Center for American Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany, March 25-30, 2012
43. “The Albatross of Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia: From Struggling
Liberal Democracies to Illiberal National Security States”. Research Colloquium,
Department of Politics, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie
Universität Berlin, November 8, 2011
44. “Does Neoliberal Economic Globalization Undermine Democratic Consolidation?”
15th and 16th July 2011 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD – German
Academic Exchange Service) Public Policy and Good Governance Conference at the

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of the Sciences, Wissenschaftsforum Berlin am
45. “Neoliberal Hegemony, Globalization and Democratic Consolidation: A New Path to
Theorizing Via Critical Sociological Institutionalism.” September 8-10, 2011 at the
University of Warwick, England. “Confronting the Global: Alternatives, Alterity, and
Solidarity”. Conference co-convened by the UK Political Studies Association’s Anarchist
Studies Network, the BISA Poststructuralist Politics Working Group, the BISA
International Political Economy Group and the BISA Marxism and International
Relations Group.
46. “The Albatross of Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia: Examining the
Contradictions of American Democracy Promotion.” September 22-23, 2011. British
International Studies Association US Foreign Policy Annual Conference 2011.
Rothermere American Studies Institute, University of Oxford, England.
47. “Constructivism in the American-South East Asian Counter-Terror Cooperation” -
Conference Presentation (April 2008) at the 2008 Ateneo de Manila – Harvard Project
for Asian International Relations (HPAIR) Conference, Leong Hall, Ateneo de Manila
University, Philippines
48. “Reflections on the Filipino Political Culture in the Standpoint of the ‘Zeitgeist’: A
Pathway in Discovering the Filipino Identity Presentation” (September 2004) at the 2nd
Annual Filipino Philosophy Congress, Miriam College, Quezon City, Philippines


1. Organizer, Global Human Rights at Risk: Prospects, Reforms, and Challenges Leiden
University, Netherlands, The Hague Campus, June 2019.
2. Co-Organizer, Making It Home: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Recognition and
Displacement in America | Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität
Berlin | May 11 – 12, 2012
3. Panel Chair, Discussant, and Organizer, The Decline of US Hegemony: Emerging
Power(s) and the Future of World Politics, European Consortium for Political Research
Graduate Conference in Bremen, Germany, July 4-6, 2012 (This is the official panel
representing the U.S. Foreign Policy Working Group of the British International Studies
4. Co-Organizer and Project Manager, ICT and Sustainable Development: Leadership,
Governance, and Innovation in the Knowledge Society, April 2008, La Salle Institute of
Governance, De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines.


1. Interview in Deutsche Welle News regarding the Southeast Asian terrorism and the
beheading of a German hostage. DW News Cable TV. 27 February 2017.

2. Interview in the Berliner Kurier (one of Berlin’s leading newspapers) as an anti-terror

expert about US counterterror actions against ISIS:

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
3. Resource person as a “political scientist” and “US counter-terrorism expert” commenting
on the 2013 Boston marathon attacks, Deutsche Welle’s international TV talk show
“Agenda” hosted by Brent Goff, shown in Germany and in 30 other countries via cable
4. Guest contributor – openDemocracy
5. July 4, 2012 – Feature article about my research: “Die Demokratie stärken” –
CampusLeben Online Magazine Berlin - http://www.fu-
6. May 2012 – Interview by the Oriental Morning Post (Largest Daily Morning Print and
Online Newspaper Based in Shanghai, China) about United States Foreign Policy, China,
and Asia-Pacific Regional Stability (in Chinese)
7. May 2012 – Interview during the 42 St. Gallen Symposium at the Universität St. Gallen in

Switzerland about the theme on “Facing Risk” (Video)
8. December 2010 – Finalist, National Policy Workshop Competition (Germany) – Atlantic
Community e.v. Sponsored by the United States Embassy in Berlin, Germany
9. August 2010 – Guest Writer:
10. December 2009 – Interview about “Studying in Germany” by Andrew Zubiri, German
Academic Exchange Service Scholar from the Philippines (Video)
11. April 2005 – Guest; Topic: “Youth and Philippine Politics” in Breakfast, Studio 23, ABS-
CBN Broadcasting Corporation, Philippines
12. 2004 – Regular Guest, Sigaw (English: Shout!):The Campus Debates, National
Broadcasting Network, Philippines


• Associate Editor for two subject areas – Politics and International Relations &
Development and International Political Economy, Palgrave Communications
(Springer/Nature), since October 2019
• Editorial Board Member, Routledge Book Series on the International Relations in
Southeast Asia (Routledge/Taylor & Francis), since 2017
• Member, Editorial Board, Central European Journal of International and Security
Studies, 2013-Present, Metropolitan University, Prague, Czech Republic
• Peer Review for Academic Journals:
o International Studies Review (Oxford University Press)
o Third World Quarterly (Taylor and Francis)
o Cambridge Review of International Affairs (Taylor and Francis)
o Democratization (Taylor and Francis)
o Review of International Political Economy (Taylor and Francis)
o Journal of Intervention and State Building (Taylor and Francis)
o Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs (SAGE)
o Environmental Policy and Governance (Wiley)
o Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs (SAGE)
o SAGE Open (SAGE)

Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. 13

Updated as of 1 April 2020
o Cogent Social Sciences (Taylor and Francis)
o Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
o Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest
o Central European University (CEU) Political Science Journal
• Peer Review for Book Manuscripts:
o Routledge/Taylor and Francis
o Palgrave
o Cambridge University Press
• University Service: Member, Board of Examinations – MA in International Relations
Program, University of Leiden, September 2016---Present
• University Service: Coordinator of the Pre-Master of European Union Studies Program,
Institute for History, Leiden University, March 2017-Present
• Member of the Honorary Board of Advisors, Philippine International Studies
Organization. 2016-Present.
• Elected as one the six members of the European Consortium for Political Research
(ECPR) – Graduate Student Network Committee – Term: 2012-2014
• Chair and Discussant, Panel on the “Decline of US Hegemony”, Official Panel of the
British International Studies Association – US Foreign Policy Working Group at the
European Consortium for Political Research Graduate Conference in Jacobs University,
Bremen, Germany
• Discussant, Panel on “State Communities in Historical and Current Perspectives” in
International Conference: “World Society in the Making: Varieties of Transnational
Institutions”, 7-8 December 2015, Center for Global Cooperation Research, University of
• Workshop Speaker, Faculty Development Program of the Department of International
Studies, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Far Eastern University-Manila, Philippines 28 th

July 2016.

Research on the Branding and Image of United States’ Foreign Aid

c/o Prof. Susan Hyde (Yale) and Prof. Matthew Winters (University of Illinois)
Summer 2014 - Research Assistant

Institute of Asian Studies, German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg
2010 - Graduate Research Intern
Conducted independent research work for my M.A. thesis

La Salle Institute of Governance, De La Salle University, Manila

2007 – 2009 - Project Manager (Volunteer/Pro-Bono)
Co-managed international conferences, seminars, and workshops on
active citizenship and environmental governance
Prof. Pak Nung Wong, Hong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong
2008 - Research Assistant
Data Gathering and Analysis for the Research Project on Food Security
in Southeast Asia
The Armed Forces of the Philippines
2006-2007 – Research Analyst – Foreign Affairs (The Americas, The Middle East, and South Asia)

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Updated as of 1 April 2020
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)
2006 - Corporate Account Executive, Insurance Brokerage and Risk Analysis

Citigroup Inc., Citibank N.A.

2005-2006 - Customer Solutions Officer


Certificate in Defence Intelligence Research and Analysis

Defence Intelligence Training Centre, Australian Defence Force (Offshore Training Program, Armed
Forces of the Philippines) November 6-17, 2006, National Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the

1. International Studies Association, since 2012
2. Law and Development Research Network, since 2019
3. British International Studies Association, United States Foreign Policy (USFP) Working Group
4. American Politics Group, Political Studies Association (PSA), United Kingdom
5. European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) – Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy,
since 2009
6. Network for the Critical Studies of Global Capitalism, since 2011
7. World Economics Association, since 2011


Born in 1986 in Manila, Philippines.

Competitive student debater – Grand Finalist in Public Speaking – 2005 Philippine National
Debating Championships; ESL Quarterfinalist, 25 World’s Universities Debating

Championships, Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Languages: English and Filipino (native/bi-lingual); German (intermediate level); Bicolano and
Spanish (basic understanding); Dutch (beginner)


(Contact details available upon request)

Prof. Lora Anne Viola, PhD | Professor of US Foreign Policy, Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Susan D. Hyde, PhD | Professor of Political Science, University of California Berkeley
Prof. Monika Baar, DPhil | Professor of Central European Studies, Leiden University
Dr. Olivia Rutazibwa | Senior Lecturer in International Development, University of Portsmouth
Prof. Ben Cashore, PhD | Professor of Political Science and Environmental Governance, Yale
Prof. Dr. Roland Czada | Professor of Government, Universität Osnabrück
PD Dr. Andreas Ufen | Senior Research Fellow, German Institute for Global and Area Studies

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Updated as of 1 April 2020

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