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Class of 1936 First Chair

Department of Political Science
University of California, Berkeley
210 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1950

Ph.D. Politics; Princeton University, June l983
Program in Political Philosophy
M.A. Politics; Princeton University, October l980
Program in Political Philosophy
B.A. Economics (Honors) and Politics (Honors); University of California, Santa Cruz, June l977

Current Position:

University of California, Berkeley

Class of 1936 First Chair, Political Science, 2011-present
Faculty Affiliate, Program in Jurisprudence and Social Policy, Law School, 2015-present
Faculty Affiliate, Department of Rhetoric, 2009-present
Faculty Affiliate, Critical Theory Designated Emphasis, 2006-present
Faculty Affiliate, Renaissance and Early Modern Studies Designated Emphasis, 2013-present
Faculty Affiliate, Women, Gender and Sexuality Designated Emphasis, 1999-present

Previous Positions:

University of California Berkeley

Emanuel Heller Professor of Political Science, 2007-2010
Director, Women, Gender and Sexuality Designated Emphasis, 2005-06
Professor, Political Science and Women’s Studies, 1999-2004
Visiting Professor, Political Science, 1998

University of California, Santa Cruz

Professor, Women's Studies, Legal Studies, and History of Consciousness, 1995-99
Co-Director, Center for Cultural Studies, 1995-96
Chair, Women's Studies Program, 1993-95, 1996-97
Director, Feminist Studies Focused Research Activity, 1989-92
Acting Director, Center for Cultural Studies, 1990-91
Associate Professor of Women's Studies, Legal Studies, and History of Consciousness, 1989-95

Williams College
Associate Professor of Political Science, 1989
Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1983-89

Princeton University
Teaching Assistant and Instructor of Politics, 1980-82
Wendy Brown 2

Master, University of Lucerne Master Class, Lucerne, Switzerland (May 2018)

Professor, European Graduate School, Saas Fee, Switzerland (Summer 2016)
Visiting Professor of Law and Government, Cornell University (Fall 2015)
Shimizu Visiting Professor of Law, London School of Economics (June 2015)
Visiting Professor of Political and Social Thought, Anthropology Department, Columbia University (Spring
Faculty Member, Critical Theory Summer School, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London (2012, 2015)
Visiting Professor, University of Chicago Committee on Contemporary Theory (January 2013)
Faculty Fellow, Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
(July 2011)
Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University (March-April 2009)
Distinguished Visiting Faculty Fellow, Gender Institute, London School of Economics (November 2008)
Visiting Faculty Fellow (Mini-Seminar), School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University (July 2008)
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, School of Social Science (2001-02)
Visiting Faculty Fellow, Institut für Philosophie, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (June 1998)
Co-Convener, Residential Research Seminar, University of California Humanities Research Institute
(January-June 1995)
Visitor, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, (1992-93)
Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, Haverford College (Spring 1982)


David and Elaine Spitz Prize (CPST) for Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution (2017)
Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow (2017-18)
UC President’s Humanities Fellow (2017-18)
Distinguished Teaching Award (Academic Senate), UC Berkeley (2016)
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar (2014-15)
Senior Invited Fellow, Cornell Center for the Humanities (Fall 2013)
David Easton Prize (APSA) for Walled States, Waning Sovereignty (2012)
Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, Distinguished Faculty Fellow (February-March 2009)
UC President’s Humanities Fellow (2008-09)
Humanities Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley (Spring 2004, Fall 2008)
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland (November 2003)
Institute for Advanced Study Fellowship, Princeton, School of Social Science (2001-02)
Senior Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies (2001-02)
Senior Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (2001-02, declined)
Humanities Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley (2002, declined)
Invited Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna (December 2001)
Excellence in Teaching Award, University of California, Santa Cruz (1997)
Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award for States of Injury (1996)
University of California Humanities Research Institute Residential Fellowship (1994-95)
UCSC Academic Senate Research Grants (1989-1998)
Ford Foundation Grant on Women and Gender in the Curriculum (1987-88)
Adsit Research Fellowship, Williams College (1986-87)
Rockefeller Humanist-in-Residence Fellowship (1986-87, declined)
Social Science Research Award, Williams College (1984-85, 1985-86)
Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for the Study of Ethics and Values (declined, l982-83)
American Association of University Women Educational Foundation Fellowship (l982-83)
Woodrow Wilson Foundation Research Grant in Women's Studies (l982)
Wendy Brown 3

Bernard Moses Lecture, University of California, Berkeley (October 2018)

Gauss Seminars in Criticism, Princeton University (October 2018)
Robert S. Stevens Lecture, Cornell University Law School (September 2018)
Rene Wellek Library Lectures, UC Irvine (May 2018)
Democracy Lecture, Berlin (June 2017)
Philip Hallie Lecture, Wesleyan University (October 2016)
Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture, Athens, Greece (December 2015)
Beaverbrook Annual Lecture, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (October 2015)
Distinguished Annual Lecture, Department of Social and Critical Analysis, New York University (March 2014)
Linda Singer Memorial Lecture, Miami University (February 2014)
Lansdowne Lecture, University of Victoria, Canada (January 2014)
Moments of Truth Annual Lecture, George Mason University (October 2013)
Jesse Daniel Ames Lecture, Southwestern University (April 2013)
Elaine Starvo Distinguished Lecturer, Trent University, Canada (September 2011)
Lee Lecturer, All Souls College, Oxford (March 2011)
Distinguished Humanities Center Lecturer, University of Texas, Austin (February 2010)
Brownlee Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania (March 2010)
Theodore Mitau Lecturer, Macalaster College (Spring 2009)
Solomon Katz Distinguished Lecturer in the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle (Spring 2008)
Walker Horizon Lecturer, De Pauw University (November 2007)
Jeffrey Auer Lecturer, University of Indiana (April 2007)
Visiting Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna (December 2001)
York Distinguished Lecturer in Political Science, York University, Toronto (March 1999)

Single-Authored Books in English

In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Anti-Democratic Politics in the West (Columbia University Press,
forthcoming May 2019)

Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution (Zone Books, 2015)

winner of the 2016 Spitz Prize for Best Book in Liberal or Democratic Theory, APSA, 2017 and a Times
Higher Education “Book of the Year,”

2nd printing May 2015; 3rd printing July 2015; 4th printing May 2016, 5th printing and paper Sept 2017

Translations: German, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese; forthcoming: Greek, Turkish, Korean, French, Portuguese

Walled States, Waning Sovereignty (Zone Books, 2010);

David Easton Prize in Political Theory, APSA, 2012

2nd printing, with a new preface by the author, 2017

Translations: Swedish, Italian, Turkish, Spanish, Korean, German

earlier version published in French as Murs: Les Murs de Separation et le Declin de la Souverainete
Etatique (Paris: Les Prairies Ordinaires, 2009)
Wendy Brown 4
Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Empire and Identity (Princeton University Press, 2006)
Translations: Korean, Japanese, Chinese; forthcoming in Italian and Romanian

Edgework: Essays on Knowledge and Politics (Princeton University Press, 2005)

Politics Out of History, (Princeton University Press, 2001)

Translations: Turkish, Greek, Italian, Spanish

States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity (Princeton University Press, 1995);
Translations: French, forthcoming in Italian and Greek

Manhood and Politics: A Feminist Reading in Political Theory (Rowman and Littlefield, 1988)
Translations: forthcoming in Korean

Co-authored and Edited Books

Authoritarianism: Three Inquiries in Critical Theory, Wendy Brown, Peter Gordon and Maxim Pensky (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press,) forthcoming fall 2018.

The Power of Tolerance: A Debate Between Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst, edited by Christoph Holzhey and
Manuele Gragnolati (New York: Columbia University Press and Berlin: Turia and Kant), 2014

Is Critique Secular? Injury, Blasphemy and Free Speech, co-authored with Judith Butler, Saba Mahmood and
Talal Asad (Berkeley: UC Press, 2009); second edition with a new co-authored introduction (Fordham
University Press, 2013)

Left Legalism/Left Critique, ed. with Janet Halley (Duke University Press, 2002)

Books of Essays in Other Languages

Отвъд толерантността и оскърблението. Бъдещето на политологията (Beyond Tolerance and Injury: The
Future of Political Theory) introduction by Miglena Nikolchina, (Sofia, Bulgaria: Altera Publishers,
Wendy Brown: Att vinna framtiden ater, introduction by Leila Brannstrom (Stockholm, Sweden: Atlas, 2008)
Les Habits neufs de la politique: Neoliberalisme et neoconservatisme, introduction by Laurent Jeanpierre (Paris:
Les Prairies Ordinaires, 2007)

Edited Journal Issues or Journal Symposiums

Theory & Event: A journal of contemporary political theory and criticism, symposium, “We are all democrats
now…” July 2010,

Theory & Event: A journal of contemporary political theory and criticism, special issue on Sheldon Wolin’s Politics
and Vision, Expanded Edition, co-edited with Nicholas Xenos, 10:2, March 2007,

Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, special issue on Feminist Theory and the Frankfurt School,
Spring 2006

Theory & Event: A journal of contemporary political theory and criticism, special issue on “September 11th and Its
Wendy Brown 5
Aftermath,” co-edited with Bill Chaloupka, Tom Dumm, and Paul Patton, 5:4, January 2002,; translated and republished, in whole or in part, online in Italian,
French, German, Spanish, Turkish and Arabic

Articles, Book Chapters, Responses

“Neoliberalism’s Frankenstein: Authoritarian Freedom in Twenty-First Century Democracies,” Critical Times,

Volume 1, Number 1,

“Persons Becoming Firms and Firms Becoming Persons: Neoliberal Jurisprudence in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby,”
Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places, eds. M. Constable et al (Fordham University Press, forthcoming

“Power Visible and Invisible: Neoliberalism in Marxist and Foucauldian Frames,” W. Callison and Z.
Manfredi, Neoliberalism and Biopolitics (volume under review)

“The Vocation of the University,” The Idea of the University: Histories and Contexts, ed. Debaditya Bhattacharya
(London: Routledge, 2018) and in What is Education? ed. Anton Bech Jorgenson (Copenhagen: Danish
Youth Council, 2018)

“Defending Society,” The Big Picture, Public Books series on the Trump regime, October 10, 2017,, reprinted in The Big Picture: America's Leading Scholars
Explain What's at Stake in Trump's Presidency, eds. Marcus, et al (Columbia University Press, forthcoming

“Apocalyptic Populism,” Eurozine August 30, 2017,, (first

published in German in Blatter fur Deutsche und Internationale Politik, October 2017; shortened version
republished in New Humanist, forthcoming 2018

“Border Barriers in the EU Crises: Rethinking Walled States, Waning Sovereignty” Political Geography,
Winter 2017

“Neoliberalism, Global Slums, and the Anthropocene: Three Crises of Humanism,” A. Baldwin, ed. New
Perspectives on Immigration and Climate Change (Rowman and Littlefield, 2017)

“Undoing Democracy: Speech and Citizenship in Citizens United,” C. Font and P. Deutscher, eds.
Critical Thinking in Critical Times (Columbia University Press, 2017)

Foreword, Princeton Classics Edition of Sheldon Wolin’s Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Political
Thought (Princeton University Press, 2016)

“Marxism for Tomorrow,” Dissent, special issue on “Arguments on the Left,” (September 2016)

“Tolerance as Such Does Not Exist,” Contemporary Political Theory Symposium on “What Is Important in
Theorizing Tolerance Today” Vol. 14, No. 2 (April 2015)

“Why Democracy Cannot Save What it Depends Upon: Divesting from the Liberal Arts,” Humanities, forthcoming

“Sacrificial Citizenship: Neoliberalism, Human Capital and Austerity Politics,” Constellations 23.1, April 2016
French translation in a volume on neoliberalism ed. Francois Cusset (Editions La Dispute)

“Religious Freedom?” Danchin, Hurd, Mahmood and Sullivan, eds, The Politics of Religious Freedom
Wendy Brown 6
(University of Chicago Press, 2015)

“Religion,” in The Marx Revival, ed. M. Musto (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2016)

“Power,” co-authored with Joan W. Scott, Stimson and Herdt, eds. Critical Terms for the Study of Gender
(University of Chicago Press, 2014)

“Property of the Dead: The Jerusalem Museum of Tolerance and/on the Mamilla Cemetery,” Laura Gioscia, ed.
¿Más allá de la tolerancia? Ciudadanía y diversidad en el Uruguay contemporáneo. (Ediciones Trilce,
Montevideo, Uruguay, 2014)

“Civilizational Delusions: Secularism, Equality, Tolerance,” Theory & Event 15.2, 2012; and Maille, Nielsen and
Salee, eds., Unveiling Democracy: Secularism and Religion in Liberal Democratic States (Brussels: PIE
Peter Lang Publishers, 2013)

“Is Marx (Capital) Secular?” in Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences, 23, No. 1, Fall/Winter 2014;
Translation first published in German as “Wie säkular ist Marx’ “Kapital”?” in Rahel Jaeggi, Daniel Loick,
eds. Nach Marx. Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2013)

“Speaking Power to Truth,” Truth and Democracy, eds. Jeremy Elkins and Andrew Norris
(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012)

“Return of the Repressed Res Publica,” Theory & Event, special issue on Occupy Wall Street,
November 2011;
Translated and published as “Il ritorno della Res Publica,” in Il Manifesto 13 November 2011
and “Occupy Wall Street y la vuelta de la Res Publica” in IndyMedia

“The End of Educated Democracy,” Representations (special issue on the “Crisis of the Public University for the
Humanities”), ed. C. Lye, C. Newfield and J. Vernon, Fall 2011

“Quality and Equality: The Proposed UC Cyber Campus,” Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences,
20.1, Fall/Winter 2011

“Neoliberalized Knowledge,” History of the Present 1.1, May 2011; republished in Public Servants: Art and the
Crisis of the Common Good, eds. Burton, Jackson, Willsdon (MIT Press, forthcoming 2016)

“Thinking in Time: An Epilogue on Ethics and Politics,” In Terms of Gender, eds. J. Butler and E. Weed
(Indiana University Press, 2011)

“Political Theory is Not a Luxury,” Political Research Quarterly 63.4, 2010

“The Sacred, the Secular and the Profane: Charles Taylor and Karl Marx” On ‘A Secular Age’, eds.
Calhoun and VanAntwerpen (Harvard University Press, 2010)

“Nous sommes tous à démocrates, present,” Démocratie, dans quel état? ed. Eric Hassan (Paris: La Fabrique,
Translated into 20+ languages;
Published in English as “We are all democrats now….” in Theory & Event, July 2010;
in Democracy, In What State? (Columbia University Press, 2011);
and in The Kettering Review: A Journal of Political Thought (2012)

“Porous Sovereignty, Walled Democracy,” La Revue Internationale des Livres, Paris, February 2009;
Translated into Swedish and republished in Neo, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2009
Wendy Brown 7

“With Reason on Our Side...” Theory & Event 11.4, Retrospective on Habermas’s Legitimation Crisis, January

“Sovereign Hesitations,” Derrida and the Time of the Political, eds. Pheng Cheah and Suzanne Guerlac, (Duke
University Press, 2009)

“Too Much, Too Late: The New American Counterinsurgency Doctrine,” Perspectives in Political Science 6.2,
Summer 2008;
Republished in Traverse (a tri-lingual European journal of political thought), special issue on Mobility
and Security, Summer 2009;
Translated into Spanish for Cuadernos de Actualidad en Defensa y Estrategia, 2010

“Sovereignty and the Return of the Repressed,” in The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the
Contemporary Global Condition, eds. David Campbell and Morton Schoolman (Duke University Press,

“American Nightmare: Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, and De-Democratization,” Political Theory 34.6,

December 2006;
Translated into French for Raisons Politiques, December 2007;
Republished in Alberto Toscano, ed., Critical Democracy (Verso, forthcoming 2012)

“Democracy and Bad Dreams: Wolin’s Sober Realism,” Theory and Event 10.1, symposium on Politics and Vision:
Expanded Edition, eds. Brown and Xenos, March 2007

“Tolerance As/In Civilizational Discourse,” Redescriptions: Finnish Yearbook of Political Science, 2004;
Republished in Toleration and Its Limits: Nomos XLVIII, eds. Melissa Williams and Jeremy Waldron,
(New York University Press, 2008)

“Subjects of Tolerance: Why We are Civilized and They are the Barbarians,” Political Theology: Globalization
and Post-Secular Reason, ed., Hent de Vries (Fordham University Press, 2006)

“Political Power After Foucault,” Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, eds. John Drysek, Bonnie Honig,
and Anne Phillips (Oxford University Press, 2006)

“Feminist Theory and the Frankfurt School: Introduction,” differences, special issue, “Feminist Theory and the
Frankfurt School” 17:1 Spring 2006

“Political Idealization and Its Discontents,” Austin Sarat, ed. Dissent in Dangerous Times (Michigan University
Press, 2004)

“Renaissance Italy: Machiavelli,” Maria Falco, ed. Feminist Interpretations of Niccoló Machiavelli (Penn State
University Press, 2004), a republication of chapters five and six of Manhood and Politics (1988)

“‘The Most We Can Hope For...’ Human Rights and the Politics of Fatalism”, South Atlantic Quarterly, 103:2/3
(Spring/Summer 2004), Special Issue, “And Justice for all? The Claims of Human Rights,” eds. Ian
Balfour and Eduardo Cadava, Duke University Press;
Republished in Cistelican and Rathore, eds. Wronging Rights: Philosophical Critiques of the Use of the
Abuse of Human Rights in International Relations (Routledge, 2010)

“Tolerance or Equality? The ‘Jewish Question’ and the ‘Woman Question,’” Differences: A Journal of
Feminist Cultural Studies, 15.2 (summer 2004);
Republished in Going Public: Feminism and the Shifting Boundaries of the Private Sphere, eds. Joan Scott
and Debra Keates, (Indiana University Press, 2005)
Wendy Brown 8

“After Marriage,” response to Mary Lyndon Shanley’s “Just Marriage,” in Just Marriage: On the Public
Importance of Private Unions (Oxford University Press, 2004)

“The Subject of Privacy,” Beatte Roessler, ed. New Perspectives on Privacy (Stanford University Press, 2004)

“Gender in Counterpoint,” for “Interchanges” in Feminist Theory, 2003

“Neoliberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy,” Theory and Event 7.1, fall 2003;
Translated into French and republished in Vacarme, fall 2004

“Women’s Studies Unbound: Politics, Mourning, Revolution,” Parallax, special issue on “Mourning Revolution,”
spring 2003

“At the Edge,” Political Theory, special issue on “What is Political Theory Today?” 30.4, August 2002;
Republished in What is Political Theory? ed. Donald Moon and Stephen White, Sage Publications, 2004

“Moralism as Anti-Politics,” in Materializing Democracy, ed. Russ Castronovo (Duke University Press, 2002);
Translated into Swedish and republished in Fronesis, winter 2004

“Reflections on Tolerance in the Age of Identity,” Democracy and Vision: Sheldon Wolin and the Vicissitudes of
the Political, ed. W. Connolly and A. Botwinick (Princeton University Press, 2001);
Translated into German and republished as “Reflexionen uber Toleranz im Zeitalter der Identitat,” Rainer
Forst, ed. Toleranz.Philosophische Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Praxis einer umstrittenen Tugend,
(Frankfurt/Main and New York: Campus Verlag, 2000)

“Nietzsche for Politics," Why Nietzsche Still? Reflections on Drama, Culture, and Politics ed. Alan Schrift,
(University of California Press, 2000)

“Specters and Angels at the End of History: Benjamin and Derrida on Politics without Progress,” in The Calling in
Question: Political Theory in an Age of Uncertainty, eds. Jason Frank and John Tambornino (University of
Minnesota Press, 2000)

“Revaluing Critique: A Response to Kenneth Baynes,” Political Theory, 28.4 (August 2000)

“Resisting Left Melancholia,” Without Guarantees: Essays in Honor of Stuart Hall, eds. Paul Gilroy, Lawrence
Grossberg, and Angela McRobbie (Verso, 2000);
Translated and republished in Fresh Theorie III, ed. Alizart et Kihm (Editions Leo Scheer, 2007);
Translated into Chinese and republished in The Cultural Politics of Melancholia: Selected Essays,
Different version published in Boundary 2,Vol. 26, No. 3 (fall 1999) special issue on “Left
Republished in Loss, eds. David Ang and David Kazanjian, eds. (Columbia University Press, 2002)

“Suffering the Paradoxes of Rights,” Constellations, 7.2, fall 2000; republished in Left Legalism/Left Critique, ed.
Brown and Halley (Duke University Press, 2002);
Translated into Swedish and republished as “Attlida de paradoxala rattigheternas kval” for Fronesis 14-15
Included in the four-volume Critical Legal Theory sourcebook (Routledge, 2011);
Translated into Turkish and republished in Hukuk Arastirmalari Dergisi (Journal for Legal Studies), 2011

“Democracy’s Lack,” Public Culture, 10.2, Fall 1998

“The Impossibility of Women’s Studies,” in “Women’s Studies on the Edge,” special issue of differences:
Wendy Brown 9
A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 9.3, 1997;
Translated into German for Gender kontrovers. Genealogien und Grenzen einer
Kategorie, eds: Gabriele Dietze/Sabine Hark (Ulrike Helmer Verlag, Königstein, 2006);
Republished in Joan W. Scott, ed., Women’s Studies on the Edge (Duke University Press, 2007)

“Freedom's Silences,” Censorship and Silencing: Practices of Cultural Regulation, ed. Robert Post, (Getty
Research Institute, 1998);
Translated into Bulgarian and republished in Intellectual/Political Crossings, Volume 6 (2003)

“Left Reaction,” Forum on Left Conservatism, Theory and Event, II.ii, April 1998

“The Desire to be Punished,” Genere e sessualita negli studi critici, ed. Lucia Re (Feltrinelli Publishers, 1998)

“Genealogical Politics,” in The Later Foucault, ed. Jeremy Moss, (Sage Books, 1998)

“The Mirror of Pornography,” in Feminisms, eds. S. Kemp and J. Squires, (Oxford University Press, 1997);
Republished in Feminism and Pornography, ed. Drucilla Cornell (Oxford University Press, 2000) [adapted
from States of Injury, chap. 4];
Translated into Spanish for Arteleku, 2013

“The Time of the Political,” Theory and Event, I.1, January 1997

“Logics of Power in Marx,” Topoi: A Journal of Philosophy (Special Issue on Marx), December 1996

“‘In the Folds of Our Own Discourses: The Pleasures and Freedoms of Silence,” University of Chicago Law
Roundtable, 3.1, 1996

“Rights and Identity in Late Modernity,” eds. Austin Sarat and Thomas Kearns, The Paradoxes of Rights,
(University of Michigan Press, 1995);
Translated into Spanish and republished as “Lo que se pierde con los derechos”

“Wounded Attachments: Oppositional Political Formations in Late Modern Democracy,” Political Theory,
Vol. 21, No. 3 August 1993;
Republished in John Rajachman, ed. Identity in Question (Routledge, 1996);
Republished in Joan B. Landes, ed. Oxford Readings in Feminism: Feminism, the Public and the Private
(Oxford University Press, 1997);
Translated into Swedish for Fronesis 8-9, the “Capitalism” issue (2002);
Translated into Spanish for Araucaria (2005);
Different version published as "Injury, Identity, Politics," Multiculturalism? eds. Avery Gordon and
Christopher Newfield (University of Minnesota Press, 1995)

“Finding the Man in the State,” Feminist Studies 18.1, March 1992,

“Feminist Hesitations, Postmodern Exposures,” Differences A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Vol 3, No. 1
Republished in Prosthetic Territories: Politics and Hyper-Technology, ed. Mark Driscoll and Gabriel
Brahm (University of Minnesota Press, 1995)

“Deregulating Women: The Trials of Freedom Under a Thousand Points of Light,” sub/versions, Vol. 1 (1991)

“Guns, Cowboys, Philadelphia Mayors, and Civic Republicanism: Response to Sanford Levinson's ‘The
Embarrassing Second Amendment,’” Yale Law Journal 99.3, 1989;
Republished in The Gun Control Debate ed. L. Nisbet (Prometheus, 1991)
Wendy Brown 10
“‘Supposing Truth Were a Woman...’ Plato’s Subversion of Masculine Discourse,” Political Theory, Vol. 16,
No. 4, November 1988;
Republished in Nancy Tuana, ed. Re-reading the Canon: Feminist Interpretations of Plato (Pennsylvania
State Press, 1994)

“Where is The Sex in Political Theory?,” Women and Politics: A Journal of Research and Policy Studies, 7.1, spring

“Reproductive Freedom and the ‘Right to Privacy’: A Paradox for Feminists,” Families, Politics and Public Policy:
A Feminist Dialogue on Women and the State, ed. Irene Diamond (Longman, l984)

Review Essays

“Markets and Morals,” Review of Michael Sandel’s What Money Can’t Buy and Deborah Satz’s Why Some Things
Should Not Be For Sale, Political Theory, Summer 2014

“Feminist Politics in Post-Communist Europe,” Gender Politics and Post-Communism, eds. Funk and Mueller,
German Politics and Society 31, Spring 1994

“The Power of Rights: Reflections on Patricia Williams’ Alchemy of Race and Rights,” The Boston Review, Vol. 18,
Nos. 3 and 4, June/August 1993

“Jim Miller's Passions,” The Passion of Michel Foucault by James Miller, differences 5.2, summer 1993

“Razing Consciousness,” Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, by Catharine MacKinnon, The Nation, 250.2,
January 8/15, 1990

Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law, by Catharine MacKinnon, Political Theory 17.3, August 1989

“Challenging Bureaucracy,” The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy by Kathy Ferguson, Women's Review of
Books, II.2, November l984

Interviews, Journalism, Published Speeches, Commissioned Reports and Documentaries (selected)

Radio, Podcast and TV Interviews on Undoing the Demos

-with Thomas Steininger, Radio Evolve (German), December 2018,
-with Jens Ergen, Sveriges Television (Swedish), Spring 2018
-with Cécile Schortmann for Kulturzeit (German), June 2017
-with Ian Masters, Background Briefing, April 2016
-with Robert Johnson, Institute for New Economic Thinking, June 2015,
-with Sam Seder, The Majority Report, May 2015,
-with Christopher Lydon, Open Source, on WBUR, Boston, MA, May 2015
-with Ian Nelson, The Daily Report on AM950, Minneapolis, MN April 24, 2015
-with Grant Reeher, “The Campbell Conversations,” an NPR syndicate on WRVO, September 2014

Print Interviews on Undoing the Demos

- with Silja Thøgersen, Politiken (Denmark), fall 2018
- with Christian Salmon, AOC (France), fall 2018,
Wendy Brown 11
- with Peer Teuwsen, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland) Spring 2018
- with Jo Littler, Soundings, Spring 2018,, republished in Eurozine
-with Jacob Hamburger, To Nora Ralli cqueville 21 Blog, January 2018,
-with Nora Ralli, The Journalists’ Journal, Greece, October 2017
With Adam Ostolski, Green European Journal, Green European Journal and in Polish
in the Krytyka Polityczna:
-with Jean-francois Bissonnette Jean-françois for Terrain/Theorie (French), September 2017,
-with Michael Kinnucan, Prodigal (fall 2015)
-with Jordan Laney and Anthony Szczurek, SPECTRA 4.2 (2015)
- with Tim Shenk, Dissent Magazine, “Booked,”
-with Elias Isquith, Salon, June 2015

Selected Other film/video/TV/newspaper interviews:

“Marx’s 200th Birthday,” Christian Science Monitor, May 7th 2018

“What Is Democracy?,” a film by Astra Taylor, 2018

“Take Your Pills,” Netflix, 2017

Neoliberalism and Trumpism, Kulturezeit, ZDF TV, Germany, June 2017

“Doing Political Theory,” Biographical Interview in the E-IR Journal,

Arte TV (France and Germany), filming for documentary (June 2017)

La Razon, Spanish daily, on Trump, Fall 2016

Enrico Ippolito, , Der Spiegel online, Fall 2016,

“Feminism, Law and Neoliberalism: An Interview with Wendy Brown at the London School of Economics”

Stage interview conducted by Katie Cruz, London School of Economics, June 2015, published
in Feminist Legal Studies 1-21,

“Why Tolerance is Not Equality,” for NPR/PRI “To the Best of Our Knowledge,” aired April 10th, 2015
Wendy Brown 12
“Les Murs,” print interview (French) with David Salon, Terra Eco, November 2014

“Liberal Arts and Citizenship,” for the film De Waarde Van de Geesteswetenschappen, by Shanti van Dam, Dutch
Television, 2014

“Free Speech Then and Now,” 30 minute conversation with Cal Winslow on the 50th Anniversary of the Free Speech
Movement, KZYX Radio, November 2014

“Walled States, Waning Sovereignty,” interview with Benedetta Alcri on Italian Radio 24, 28 June 2013

“L’homme vulnerable,” interview with Eric Aischman, La Nouvel Observateur, 13 December 2012

“The Cannibalizing Moment: UC Graduate Programs on the Ropes,” Forum on Higher Education and the Crisis Of
the Humanities,” University of California, Berkeley, December 6, 2012

“The Crisis in California Public Higher Education,” City Visions Radio Talk Show, KALW, November 21, 2011

“What is democracy?” 30-minute interview for a film on emerging democracy in Egypt, November 2011

“Changing Sovereignty in World Politics” 10-minute segment for a Swedish Public Affairs Radio program on
contested sovereign states: South Sudan, Kosovo, Palestine, November 2011

« Configurations contemporaines de la domination et des resistances: un regard transnational,” Interview with

Maria Eleonora Sanna and Eleni Varikas" in Cahiers du genre, special issue on Genre, modernité et
colonialité du pouvoir, 2011

“The New Critique of Secularism” Arena (A Swedish magazine of culture and politics), Spring 2011

“Biopolitics, Theology, Sovereignty,” 30 minute documentary, with Georg Kermidion, Greek Public
Television, fall 2011

“UC On-Line Education Program is a Financial Blunder” Daily Cal, opinion page, April 26, 2011

“Building Divisions,” Interview in the Boston Globe with J. Gabriel Boylan, October 31 2010; reprinted in Minerva
38, April 2011

“Human Rights, Power, Tolerance,” Interview with Dr. Illan Rua Wall, October 2010,

“Without Quality Public Education, There Is No Future For Democracy,” speech delivered at the March 4th, 2010
“Educate the State” rally in Sacramento and published in the California Journal of Politics and Policy, Vol
2, No. 1 Spring 2010

“Privatization of Public Universities is About More Than Who Pays,” Teach-In on the Crisis in Public Education
September 24th, 2009,

“New Powers, New Terms,” Interview with Christian Sorace, University of Texas, Austin; March 2010

“Vingt ans plus tard, les murs-frontieres proliferent,” article in Liberation, (Paris newspaper), November 9, 2009,
special issue on the Berlin Wall, 20 years after its fall

“Les Murs d'aujourdui” Interview, La Voix du Nord, (Newspaper of northern France), November 2009
Wendy Brown 13

“Walling the Twenty-First Century,” Interview, Telerama (French magazine of culture), September 2009

“Marriage Equality” Interview, Europa (Polish political weekly), August 2009

“Enoughism,” short item in “Visions for Change,” Ms. Magazine, Winter 2009

“Tolerance” on Philosophy Bites, BBC, interview with David Edmonds and Nigel Warbufton, November 2008,
London, in Philosophy Bites, ed. Edmunds and Warbufton, Oxford University Press, 2012

“Wer hat die Demokratie in Beschlag genommen?” interview for “Neur Feminismus” in feministische studien, 26.2
(November 2008)

“Race Politics” Nuit Americain, L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales, November 4 2008, Paris

“Neoliberalism and Campaign Politics 2008,” with Michel Feher and Eric Fassin, Mediapart Festival, Theatre
d’Odeon October 2008, Paris

“Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism”, France Culture, French Public Radio, September 2008, Paris
2008 Presidential Primary Season interviews: Italian TV 2, Swedish National Radio

“De-democratization” Il Manifesto (Italian daily newspaper), March 23, 2008

“What is neoliberalism and what is it doing to democracy?” Worldview, National Public Radio (Chicago)
March 20, 2008

“Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism and De-Democratization,” BBC 4 Interview by Laurie Taylor, for “Thinking
Allowed” May 18, 2006

“Learning to Love Again,” Interview by Tim Raynor, et al, Contretemps 2006;

Translated into Croatian for the Multimedia Institute

“America from Abu-Ghraib,” Shock and Awe: War on Words (New Pacific Press, 2004)

“Dissent,” Panel Discussion on NPR’s Odyssey (Chicago-based) program, February 2003

Interview by Charles Bertsch, Anti-Capitalism Reader: Imagining a Geography of Opposition, ed. Joel Schalit, New
York: Akashic Books, 2003

Memorial note on Michael Rogin, co-authored with Lon Troyer, Theory and Event 5.3, 2002

Oral Interview, “A Critique of Tolerance in the Age of Identity,” Radio H, Vienna, December 2001

Oral Interview, “What Comes After Progress?” for GDR Radio Station, Frankfurt, June 1998

Written Interview, for “Thinking in Public: A Forum,” American Literary History, Jan. 1998

Oral Interview, for Social Thought, WPR of National Public Radio, June 1996

“Economic Development, Democratically,” (co-authored with Arnie Fischman), Santa Cruz Action Network
Quarterly, Fall 1992

“Low Income Housing: Private or Public Development?” KSCO Broadcast, June 1990
Wendy Brown 14
“The Cooptation of Protest,” Germinal, Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1985

“The Feminization of Poverty and the Future for Women's Equality,” WCFM Broadcast, March 1985

“The Big Dan Rape Trial,” Germinal, Vol. 2, No. 6, May 1984

“Gender Symbolism in the 1984 Election,” Germinal, Vol. 3, No. 3, October 1984

Enrollment Prospects for the 1980s: A Demographic Analysis, University of California Office of Planning and
Analysis, 1978

A Lay Guide to the University of California Budget, UC Office of Planning and Analysis, 1976


“Neoliberalism’s Scorpion Tail,” Bernard Moses Memorial Lecture, University of California, Berkley,
October 2018

“Neoliberalism’s Frankenstein” Gauss Seminars in Criticism, Princeton University, October 2018

1. “Society Must be Dismantled”: Markets, Morals, and Freedom
2. “Speaking Cakes and Whispering Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Undoing Democracy with Religious Liberty
and Free Speech”

“Theorizing Freedom at the Conjuncture of Neoliberalism, White Nationalism and Authoritarianism”

University Lecture, Cornell, September 2018

“Speaking Wedding Cakes and Whispering Crisis Pregnancy Centers”, Robert S. Stevens Lecture, Cornell
Law School, September 2018

“Where Liberal Democracy Once Was, Authoritarian Liberalism Now Reigns,” University of Lucerne, Switzerland,
June 2018

“What Was Emancipation?” Plenary, Emancipation Conference, Humboldt University and Technical University,
Berlin, May 2018

“Learning from the Neoliberal Revolution”, Revolution panel, Emancipation Conference, Humboldt University and
Technical University, Berlin, May 2018

"Authoritarian Liberalism and Moral Nihilism: Neoliberalism's Accidental Legacies" Rene Wellek Library Lectures,
University of California, Irvine, May 2018
1. “Society Must be Dismantled”
2. “Politics Must be Dethroned”
3. “Markets and Morals in a Nihilistic Age”

“The War on the Social,” Belo Horizonte, Brazil (November 2017)

“How Did the Authoritarian Right Become the Party of Freedom? Theorizing Repressive Desublimation Today,”
Normative Orders, Goethe University, Frankfurt Am Main (June 2017); Conference on The Ends of
Democracy, Sao Paulo, Brazil (November 2017); BRIC and IRI Institutes, Pontifica University of
Brazil, Rio di Janiero (November 2017)
Wendy Brown 15
“Democracy in Crisis and Apocalyptic Populism,” Democracy Lecture 2017, Blätter für deutsche und
internationale Politik, and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (June 2017)

“Freedom, Authoritarianism, and Making Fascism Fun Again” UC Berkeley (Feburary 2017), UC San Diego
(March 2017), University of Wisconsin, Madison Humanities Center Lecture (March 2017),
Kritische Theorie in Berlin Seminar (June 2017)

“What Does Neoliberalism Have to Do With It? The American Election of 2016,” Keynote Lecture, Society
For American Studies Annual Conference, JFK School, Berlin (November 2016)

“In the Image of Capital: Neoliberal Subjects, Citizens, Worlds”, Phillip Haille Lecture, College of Letters,
Wesleyan University (October 2017)

“Why Democracy Still?” for Symposium on “Violence, NonViolence and the Future of Democracy,”
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, May 29th, 2016

“Financialization and the Vocation of the University in the 21st Century,” Forum on Democracy and
Higher Education, Athens, Greece, May 12, 2016 and for “The University and Its Worlds,” University of
Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, May 26, 2016

“Neoliberalism, the Anthropocene and Crises of Humanism,” Western Political Science Association Annual
Meetings, San Diego, March 2016

“Sovereignty Reconsidered: The European Union Refugee and Fiscal Crises,” American Association of
Geographers Annual Meetings, San Francisco, March 2016

“Author Meets Critics” Workshops and Panels on Undoing the Demos

American Association of Geographers Annual Meetings, San Francisco, March 2016
UC Berkeley Sociology Forum, March 2016
Northwestern University Global Studies and Critical Theory Programs, November 2016

Neoliberalism Contra Democracy: Ten Theses,” Beaverbrook Annual Lecture, McGill University (October 2015)
Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture, Athens (December 2015), symposium on “Selling Out Democracy”
Max Planck Institute Program for Cultural and Religious Diversity, Gottingen, Germany (January 2016);
Keynote, Democracy and Mobility, Vera List Center for the Arts, New School (October 2016)

“Persons Becoming Firms and Firms Becoming Persons: Neoliberal Jurisprudence in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby”
London School of Economics (July 2015), Cornell University Political Theory Workshop (Sept. 2015)

“Crises of Humanism in the Neoliberalism and the Anthropocene,” Keynote Lecture for conference on Climate
Change and Immigration, University of Durham, United Kingdom (June 2015)

“Neoliberal Juridical Reasoning in Hobby Lobby,” Western Meetings of the Political Science Association, Las
Vegas (April 2015)

“Economies Visible and Invisible in Marx and Foucault,” conference on Biopolitics and Neoliberalism, University
of California, Berkeley (February 2015), Normative Orders Institute, Goethe University, Frankfurt am
Main, Germany (January 2016); European Graduate School, Saas Fee, Switzerland (August 2016); Center
for Advanced International Theory Annual Lecture, Sussex University (November 2016)

“Homo Politicus: The Missing Term in Foucault’s Neoliberalism Lectures,” conference on Michel Foucault: After
1984, Yale University (October 2014)

“The Necessary Insufficiency of Das Kapital,” Symposium on Neoliberalism and Marxist Legacies,
Wendy Brown 16
Critical Theory, University of California, Berkeley (November 2014)

“Women or Persons? The Naming Debate in Reproductive Freedom Campaigns,” Syracuse University, New
York (September 2014); Wooster College, Ohio (September 2014); Ohio-Wesleyan College, Ohio
(October 2014), Brown University, Keynote, Symposium on “Feminism and the Academy Today”
(March 2015)

“Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism and Political Life,” conference on Critical Theory in Critical Times,
Northwestern University (May 2014); University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (October 2014); University of
Kentucky, Lexington (November 2014), Roanoke College (March 2015), University of Hawaii (March

“Does Human Capital Have a Gender?” Linda Singer Memorial Lecture, Miami University, Ohio (February 2014)

“Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism, Democracy, Citizenship,” Moments of Truth Annual Lecture, George Mason
University (October 2013); Humanities Senior Fellow Lecture, Cornell University (November 2013)
University of Brighton, England (November 2013); Landsdowne Lecture University of Victoria, BC,
Canada (January 2014); Distinguished Faculty Lecture, New York University (February 2014)

“Neoliberal Governance and Best Practices: The Re-Making of Iraqi Agriculture,” George Mason University
(October 2013); University of Victoria (January 2014): CUNY Graduate Center (March 2014)

“Why Democracy Cannot Save What it Depends Upon: Divesting from the Liberal Arts,” Conference on The Idea
of the University and The Future of Knowledge, Center for Humanities, University of Utrecht (September

“Stealth Revolution: Legal Tweaks, Best Practices and the Economization of Politics,” American Political Science
Association Annual Meeting, Chicago (September 2013); Political Theory Colloquium, Cornell
University (September 2013); Cultural Studies Colloquium, George Mason University (October 2013)

“Austerity Politics and the Inversion of Neoliberal Freedom,” Keynote, “Geographies of Power” Conference, Penn
State University (April 2013)

"Homo Oeconomicus, Homo Politicus, and Predicaments of Contemporary Democracy," Southwestern University,
(April 2013); Vassar College American Studies Program (April 2013); Cornell University Society of
Fellows Seminar (September 2013)

“The Protean Morphology of Homo Oeconomicus,” University of Chicago Committee on Contemporary Theory,
Visiting Professor (January 2013)

“La Democratie, un travail a faire et a refraire,” with Laurent Girard, Mode d’Emploi: Un Festival Des Idees, Lyon,
France (December 2012)

“Do We Need a Feminist Theory of the State?” Keynote, Feminists Face the State Conference, University of
California, Berkeley (November 2012)

“Democracy, Anti-Democracy, and Politics,” Keynote, Conference on Academics and Activists in Neoliberal
Times, Stanford University (October 2012)

“The Vanishing Public Good,” Fiat Lux colloquium, University of California, Berkeley, October 2012

“Neoliberal De-Democratization and Democratic Resistance,” Conference on Democracy and Resistance

University of Geissen, Germany (June 2012); Critical Theory School Colloquium, Birkbeck University,
Wendy Brown 17
London (June 2012)

“How Not to Argue for the Value of Public Education,” California Studies Conference, Oakland, April 2012

“Sacrificial Citizenship: Neoliberal Austerity Politics,” CUNY Graduate Center (February 2012); Kadir Has
University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2012;

“‘The Weakness in One’: Sacrificial Citizenship in Neoliberalism,” University of Wittwatersand, Johannesburg,

South Africa, July 2011; Plenary, “Cultures of Neoliberal Violence,” Humanities Center, UC Irvine,
October 2011; University of Seattle, November 2011

“Is Marx (Capital) Secular?” Plenary, Rethinking Marx conference, Humboldt University, Berlin, May 2011;
Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism, July 2011; CUNY Graduate Center, February 2012
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2012.

“The Property of the Dead,” Symposium on "Mamila: The Muslim Cemetery and the Jerusalem Museum of
Tolerance/Center for Human Dignity," Center for Palestine Studies, Columbia University, April 2011
University of Western Cape (South Africa), July 2011

“Neoliberalized Knowledge,” “The Crisis of the University and the Humanities,” a Representations Conference,
University of California, Berkeley, October 2011; short version presented at Higher Education in Hard
Times panel, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Washington DC, September 2010)

“Religion, Virtue and Sleep,” comments on the "The Politics of Pain: Religion, Reason, Tolerance" panel papers
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Washington DC, September 2010)

“Civilizational Delusions: Secularism, Equality, Tolerance,” keynote, “Unveiling Democracy” Concordia University
Montreal, November 2010; Lee Lecture in Political Science, All Souls College, Oxford, March 2011;
Secularism Group workshop at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, April 2011; Tankekraft Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden May 2011; Elaine Starvo Lecture, Trent University, September 2011

“Privatizing the Public and the Future of the Humanities,” Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series, Humanities
Center, University of Texas, Austin, February 2010; “Cosmopolis/Cosmopolitics” Confererence,
Center for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, May 2010

“Walled States, Waning Sovereignty,” Cambridge University, November 2009; Open University, Center for
Citizenship, Identity and Governance, November 2009; Keynote, conference, “Walls: What they
Make and What They Break,” Law School, University of Texas, February 2010; Law School and
Anthropology Department, Columbia University, April 2010

“Why is Neoliberalism not Secular? Re-reading Marx's Critiques of Religion and Capital,” Sixth Annual Historical
Materialism conference, Birkbeck College, London, November 2009

“Political Theory is Not a Luxury,” panel on “Political Theory as a Subfield and a Profession,” American
Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada, August 2009

“We are all democrats now…” panel on “Democracy?” American Political Science Association, Toronto
Canada, August 2009

“Whose Secularism? Whose Critique? For A Return to A Critique of the Family,” Keynote, Feminist Theory
Workshop,” Duke University, March 2009; Brownlee Lecture, University of Pennsylvania, March 2010

“Tolerance and Discourses of Power”, debate with Rainer Forst, Institute for Cultural Analysis, Berlin, Germany
December 2008
Wendy Brown 18

“Obama, McCain, and The Transformation of Neoliberalism” Mediapart Festival, Theater d’Odeon, October 2008
Paris, France

“The Desire for Walls,” Institute for Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium, October 2008; London School of
Economics, London, November 2008; Mitau Lecture, Macalester College, February 2009; Program on
Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutions, University of Pennsylvania, March 2010

“Loneliness and/in Families: On Tom Dumm’s Loneliness as a Way of Life” American Political Science Association
Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2008

“The Sacred and the Profane: Feuerbach, Marx, and the Religiosity of Capitalism,” School for Critical Theory
Cornell University, July 2008

“Feminist Critiques of Liberalism, Retrospective,” Sodertorn University, Sweden (May 2008); Stockholm
University, Sweden (May 2008); University of Oslo, Norway (May 2008)

“Obama, Marx, and Religion,” Keynote: Conference on Faith, Reason and Doubt, University of Colorado, Boulder,
March 2008; Seattle Humanities Center Faculty Seminar; April 2008; Global Studies Program, University
of Malmo, Sweden, May 2008

“Secularism, Materialism, Idealism,” Plenary Speaker for “Cartographies of the Theological-Political”, SECT IV
Workshop in Experimental Critical Theory, UCHRI, August 2007; and UC Irvine Critical Theory Program,
January 2008

“Is Critique Secular?” Townsend Center for the Humanities Symposium, Fall 2007

Plenary Panel, “Is American Political Science Too Parochial,” American Political Science Association Annual
Meetings, Chicago, August 2007

“With Reason On Our Side...” American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, August 2007

Response to Critics, Society for Social and Political Philosophy: Historical, Feminist and Continental Perspectives,
Panel on “Wendy Brown,” American Philosophical Association, April 2007, San Francisco

“Porous Sovereignty, Walled Democracy,” Distinguished Humanities Lecturer, University of Illinois, Chicago
Circle, March 2007; American Studies for the 21st Century Lecture Series, University of Minnesota, March
2007; Keynote Speaker, “Cultures of Violence” Conference, UC Irvine, April 2007; “On the Future of
Critique”, Pembroke Center, Brown University, April 2007; Humanities Center Distinguished Scholar,
Williams College, April 2007; Walker Horizon Distinguished Lecturer, De Pauw College, November 2007;
Political Science Symposium, Penn State University, November 2007; Global Justice Workshop, Stanford
University (December 2007); Department of Comparative Literature and Mellon Seminar, UCLA (January
2008); Center for Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz (January 2008); University of Rome (March 2008);
Solomon Katz Lecture, University of Washington (April 2008); University of Stockholm (May 2008);
University of Lund, Sweden (May 2008); Global Justice and Human Rights Project, Institute for
Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium (October 2008); Birkbeck College, University of London
(November 2008) Ecole Normale Superior, Paris (December 2008); Sovereignty and Security Symposium,
Duke University (March 2009)

“Sovereign Hesitations,” Conference on “Derrida and the Time of the Political,” UC Berkeley, February 2006;
Kent University, Canterbury, England, May 2006; Keynote Lecture, Society for Phenomenology and
Existential Philosophy, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, October 2006

“Why Democracy?,” American Political Science Association panel on “The Political”, Philadelphia, August 2006
Wendy Brown 19

“Not Beyond Gated Democracy,” American Political Science Association panel on Romand Coles, Beyond Gated
Democracy, Philadelphia, August 2006

“What is the Postmarxist Left Doing with Democracy?,” Symposium on “The Political” sponsored by the UC
Santa Cruz Politics Department, May 2006

“Sovereignty and Democracy,” Seminar, University of Westminster Law School, May 2006

“Political Authority in Shakespeare: A Comment on Stephen Greenblatt,” Una Lecturer panel at UC Berkeley,
Townsend Center, April 2006

“The Displacement of the Political into the Ethical: Reading Weber’s Vocation Essays,” Book Trouble, Harvard
Law School, March 2006

Response, “States of Injury: Tenth Year Anniversary,” APSA Roundtable, Washington DC, September 2005

“Comparative Political Theory Radicalized,” APSA Panel, Comparative Political Theory, Washington DC,
September 2005

“Sovereignty and the Return of the Repressed,” Keynote Lecture, Australian Society for Continental
Philosophy Conference, Sydney, Australia (June 2005); Workshop on Law, Philosophy and
Political Theory, Boalt Law School, UC Berkeley (March 2006); Law and Political Theory Workshop
Stanford Law School (April 2006); Plenary, Critical Approaches to International Law, Birkbeck Law
School, London (May 2006)

Seminar, University of Sydney Gender Studies Consortium, Sydney, Australia (June 2005)

“American Nightmare: Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, and De-Democratization,” Keynote Lecture for

“Fetishizing the Free Market: The Cultural Politics of Neoliberalism,” University of Illinois, Champagne-
Urbana (April 2005); Communications Department, UC San Diego (October 2005); Political Science
Colloquium, CUNY Graduate Center (November 2005); Institute for the Humanities, SUNY Stony Brook
(November 2005); Jeffrey Auer Memorial Lecture, Indiana University (April 2006); Annual Lecture,
Centre for Research on Law, Gender and Sexuality, University of Westminster, London (May 2006);
“Responsabilite et Neoliberalisme,”, Laboratoire de Theories du Politique, Pouvoirs et Relations
Sociales, Universite Paris 8 (June 2006); Institute on Deliberative Democracy, Dept. of Rhetoric,
Northwestern University (June 2006); Center for Cultural Studies, Portland State University (November

“Citizenship and Governance in a Civilizational Frame,” Keynote at the Launch of the Center on Citizenship,
Identity, and Governance, Open University, Milton Keynes, England (March 2005)

“Liberalism’s Agon,” for American Political Science Roundtable on “The Agony of Being Liberal,” Chicago,
September 2004

“The Liberal Subject and Its Other: Why We are Civilized and They are the Barbarians,” Goldsmiths’ College,
London, May 2004; Keynote for Conference on “Contemporary Governance and the Question of The
Social”, University of Edmunton, Canada, June 2004; and Conference on “Theology and Politics,”
University of Amsterdam, Holland, June 2004, Columbia University, February 2005

“Untimeliness and Punctuality,” Keynote, Conference on “Critical Theory in Dark Times,” University of
Minnesota, April, 2004; and Keynote, Conference on “Theorizing Difference,” University of Essex,
England, May 2004
Wendy Brown 20
“Who Has Culture and Whom Culture Has,” Conference on “Cultural Citizenship,” Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Study, February 2004

“Tolerance, Civility, and Civilization,” University of Toronto, Canada, January 2004

“Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire,” Keynote, Conference on “New Directions in
Democratic Theory: Reconsidering the Concepts and Rhetorics of Political Agency,” University of
Jyvaskyla, Finland, November 2003

“Neo-Liberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy,” Conference on “The Left, After...” University of California,
Santa Cruz, October 2003

“Losing Democracy,” Symposium on Loss, University of California, Berkeley, May 2003

“Tolerance As/In Civilizational Discourse,” Franklin Seminar, Duke University, March 2003; Dartmouth College
April 2003; Boas Seminar, Columbia University, April 2003; University of Manchester, England, May

“Equality or Tolerance: The ‘Jewish Question’ and ‘The Woman Question’”, Political Philosophy Colloquium,
Harvard University, December 2002; Stanford Law School February 2003; Duke University, March 2003,
Boalt Law School, March 2003

“Feminism Unbound: Politics, Mourning, Revolution” Keynote, United Kingdom Women’s Studies Network
Conference, Belfast, Ireland (September 2002); University of Iowa, November 2002

“Political Idealization and Its Discontents,” Conference on “Dissent in Dangerous Times,” Amherst College, April

“Tolerance as Governmentality,” School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study (February 2002);
Swarthmore College (March 2002); University of Massachusetts (April 2002), University of Pennsylvania
Political Theory Colloquium (May 2002)

“Tolerance and State Violence,” Legal Theory Workshop, Yale Law School, (February 2002)
“A Critique of Tolerance in the Age of Identity: Three Lectures,”
I. “Instrumentalities: Contemporary Uses and Abuses of Tolerance,”
II. “Asymmetries: The Woman Question and the Jewish Question”
III. “Incongruities: Power, Attitude, and the Law,”
Das Institut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna (December 2001)

“At the Edge,” for a panel on “What is Political Theory?” American Political Science Association Annual Meetings,
San Francisco, August 2001; Johns Hopkins University Program in Moral Political Thought, April 2002;
Princeton University Political Philosophy Colloquium, May 2002

“Sheldon Wolin and Michel Foucault,” for a panel on “The Life and Work of Sheldon S. Wolin,” American
Political Science Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, August 2001

“Nietzsche for Democracy,” John Olin Center Symposium on “Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Democracy,” University
of Chicago (March 2001)

“Left Legalism/Left Critique,” with Janet Halley, Cornell University Law School (March 2001)

“Feminist Studies and the Not-Yet-Feminist Subject: Rethinking Date Rape,” keynote address for “Women’s
Studies in Ruins,” University of Northern Colorado (February 2001) and for the “Future of Feminist
Studies” Symposium, Cornell University (March 2001)
Wendy Brown 21

“Moralism and Politics,” University of Chicago “Theory and Insurgency” Workshop (January 2001), Toronto
Conference on Social and Political Thought (February 2001)

“Tolerance and Equality: The Jewish Question and The Woman Question,” Conference on Rethinking the Public
and the Private, Bellagio, Italy (December 2000); University of Chicago Gender Studies Centennial
Scholars Lecture (January 2001); University of Toronto Law School and Political Science (February 2001)

“If Hate is the Multicultural Vice, Is Tolerance the Multicultural Virtue?,” Interdisciplinary Seminar on Hate
Crime, Birkbeck College, University of London (December 2000)

“A Critique of Pure Legalism,” with Janet Halley, Conference on “Jurisdictions,” Ohio State University (May 2000)

“The Subject of Experience,” Panel on Cultural Studies and Political Theory, American Political Science
Association (September 1999)

“The Subject of Privacy” Conference on “New Perspectives on Privacy,” Institute for Philosophy and Criticism,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (May 1999)

“Reconsidering Tolerance in the Age of Identity,” Distinguished Lecture in Political Science, York University,
Toronto, Canada (March 1999); Department of Political Science Visiting Scholar Lecture, University of
Alberta, Canada (March 1999); and Political Theory Colloquium, UC Berkeley (October 1999)

“Ghosts and Specters: Historical Political Consciousness After Progress,” University of Virginia Forum for
Contemporary Thought (February 1999) and University of North Carolina Center for Cultural Studies
(February 1999)

“Benjamin’s Critique of Progress,” Civilizational Thinking Workshop, UC Santa Cruz (February 1999)

“Politics Without Conviction: The Legacy of Nietzsche and Foucault,” Humanities Consortium Symposium,
University of Washington, Seattle (May 1998)
“Suffering Rights as Paradoxes,” American Philosophy Association, invited session on “Is the Language of Rights
Good for Women,” Philadelphia (December 1997), University of Arizona, Plenary Session, Conference on
Conflicts in Cultural Studies (February 1998), and Keynote Lecture, Fifth Annual Humanities Symposium,
San Francisco State University (April 1998)

“Left Conservatism: A Response to What?” Conference on “The Emergence of Left Conservatism,” UC Santa Cruz
(January 1998)

“The Future of Gender,” Pembroke Center for Research on Women, Brown University (March 1997)

“Was Reality Objective for Marx?” Plenary Session, International Rethinking Marxism conference, Amherst, MA
(December 1996); Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz January 1997); Institut fur
Philosophie, Johann Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, (June1998)


Between Feminism and Fascism: Analyzing “Cologne,” a workshop with “feministische philosoph_innen” at
Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (January 2016)
Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution workshops and panels: Pembroke Center, Brown
University, March 2015; University of Hawaii, March 2015; London School of Economics, July 2015;
Northwestern University, October 2015; Arizona State University, Tuscon, December 2015;
Wendy Brown 22
UC Berkeley Sociology Forum, February 2016, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
March 2016
Undoing Democracy, Wooster College, September 2014; Syracuse University, September 2014.
“We Are All Democrats Now…” Vassar College American Studies Faculty, April 2013
“We Are All Democrats Now…” and “Citizens Sacrificed,” Southwestern University, April 2013
Citizens Sacrificed: Austerity Politics and the Inversion of the Neoliberal Social Contract, Committee on Critical
Theory, University of Chicago, January 2013
Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Sacrifice: Committee on Globalization and Social Change, CUNY Grad Center,
February 2012
Neoliberalism, Walls, Secularism: An Open Discussion with Wendy Brown, University of Cape Town, South
Africa, July 2011
Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism, University of Witwatersrand, Faculty Fellow, July 2011
Critique in Our Time, Konsthall C, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2011
Walled States, Waning Sovereignty," for the Secularism Seminar, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton, April 2011; London School of Economics PhD Students, June 2015
Rethinking Capitalism, UC Santa Cruz, April 2011
Neoliberalized Knowledge, Macmaster University, February 2011
The University We Are For, UCHRI/Townsend Center Workshop co-organized with David Theo Goldberg,
November 2010
Rethinking Capitalism, UC Santa Cruz, April 2010
Privatizing Knowledge, Humanities Center Faculty Seminar, University of Texas, Austin, February 2010
Rethinking Tolerance, Cambridge MPhil Seminar in Gender Studies, 1 day, November 2009
Secularism, Gender, Judaism, Faculty Seminar on “Jewish Secularism,” Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley,
1 day, June 2009
Democracy, Duke University Franklin Center for the Humanities Faculty Seminar on “Alternative Political
Imaginaries” 2 days, March 2009
Marx’s Critique of Religion and the Religiosity of Marx’s Critique, Franklin Center for the Humanities Faculty-
Graduate Seminar, 4 weeks, February-March 2009
Secularism in Connolly and Mahmood, School for Critical Theory Seminar, Cornell University, 2 days, July 2008
Critique of Religion in Marx and Feuerbach, Solomon Katz Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, 4 days,
April 2008
Workshops on Regulating Aversion, DePauw University, March 2008; University of Oslo, Norway, May 2008;
University of Stockholm, May 2008; University of Kentucky, November 2014
Academic Freedom, Berkeley Teach-In on the Wars, December 2007
SECT Workshop in Critical Theory, UC Humanities Research Institute, UC Irvine, Faculty Visitor, August 2007
“Cartographies of the Theological-Political”, UC Humanities Research Institute SECT IV, (1 day), August 2007
Workshop on Democracy and the Political (1 day), U-Mass, Amherst, April 2007
Workshop on Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism, Political Theory Colloquium, University of Minnesota, March
2007; Rock Ethics Humanities Seminar, Penn State University, November 2007
“Thinking the Present,” Roundtable at Political Theory Graduate Conference, UC Berkeley, May 2005
Political Science Department Workshop on Women in the Profession, Political Science, UC Berkeley, April 2005
Strategic Working Group in Critical Theory, Townsend Center, UC Berkeley, 15 weeks, Spring 2005
Initiative for Mentoring Associate Professors, Townsend Center, UC Berkeley, 8 weeks, Spring 2005
Community, Democracy, Citizenship, Stanford-Davis-Berkeley Graduate Consortium, 3 days, May 2003
Racisms, Governmentalities, and Constitutive Exclusion, UC Berkeley, 1 day, December 2003

COURSES TAUGHT (since 1983)

Undergraduate Courses (Political Science, Women's Studies, Legal Studies):
Introduction to Political Theory
Ancient (6th-3rd C. BC) Political Theory
Early Modern (16th-18th C.) Political Theory
Modern (19th- 20th C.) Political Theory
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Critical Theories of Political Power
Feminism and Political Theory
Psychoanalysis and Political Theory
Introduction to International Relations
Analytic Theories of Political Economy
Introduction to Feminist Thought
Introduction to Women's Studies
Feminist Theory
Theories of Power and Knowledge in Feminist Research
Theories of Feminist Jurisprudence
Gender Justice in Liberal Capitalist States
Topics in Feminist Theory: Poststructuralist Feminism and its Critics
Topics in Feminist Theory: Marx and Foucault for Feminism
What is Political Freedom?

Graduate Courses (History of Consciousness, Humanities, Political Science, Gender Studies)

Democracy and Neoliberalism
Marx and Neoliberalism
Secularism, Democracy, Violence (with Saba Mahmood)
Nineteenth Century Foundations of Critical Theory: Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Weber
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Critiques of Humanism
On the Autonomy of the Political
On Sovereignty
On Critique
Foucault: Power, Discourse, and the Subject
On Tolerance (from Hobbes - present)
Genealogical Politics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Derrida, Habermas
Early Modern Political Theory (Machiavelli through Burke)
Modern Political Theory (Marx through Weber)
Late 20th Century Theories of Culture and Political Economy
Post-Marxist European Thought
Feminist Jurisprudence/Critical Race Theory in Law
Emancipation: Classics in Feminist Theory


Manuscript review (books):

Columbia University Press; Duke University Press; Princeton University Press; Stanford University Press;
Edinburgh University Press; Cambridge University Press; MIT Press; Harvard University Press; Zone
Books, Verso Books, Cornell University Press; University of California Press; Oxford University Press;
Temple University Press; Routledge Press; University of Minnesota Press; University of Michigan Press;
Fordham University Press; Harvard University Press; Yale University Press

Manuscript Review (articles):

Polity; Political Theory; Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society; Women and Politics: A Journal
of Research and Policy Studies; Feminist Studies; Hypatia: A Journal of Women in Philosophy; American
Political Science Review; Women's Studies International Forum; differences: a journal of feminist cultural
studies; Journal of Politics; Theory and Event; American Journal of Political Science, International
Journal for Critical Psychology; Critical and Cultural Studies in Communication; Political Science
Quarterly; Perspectives; Political Science Quarterly
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Zone Books Near Futures Series, with Michel Feher: a series focused on the left political implications of
neoliberalism and financialization

Editorial Boards:

European Political Science Review, International Editorial Board (2017- )

Incitements, book series on philosophy and politics, Edinburgh University Press,
Advisory Board Member (2013- present)
Polemics: Reinventing Critical Theory, book series by Rowman and Littlefield International
Editorial Board Member (2013-present)
Revista Artimis, a Brazilian journal of gender and sexuality studies, Editorial Committee
Member (2012-present)
Interstitial: A Journal of Modern Culture and Events, Advisory Board Member (2012-present)
Tadween Publishing (2012-present), Editorial Board Member
Revue française d'études américaines (2011-present), Advisory Board Member
Dark Matter: A Journal of Race and Cultural Studies (2010-present) Advisory Board Member
Ethics and Global Politics: An International Journal (2007-present) Editorial Board Member
Subjectivity, (2008-present) Editorial Board Member
Political Research Quarterly, (2006-2012), Editorial Board Member
Redescriptions: Finnish Yearbook of Political Science (2006-present), Editorial Board Member
Culture and Politics: An International Journal of Theory (2005-present), Editorial Board Member
Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy (2005-2012),
Executive Editorial Committee Member
CLAVE (A Journal of LatCrit, Inc. and Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (2004- ),
Contributing Editor
Theory and Event: A Journal of Politics and Culture (1996-2006), Associate Editor
(2006-present) Editorial Board Member
Critical and Cultural Studies in Communication (2002- present), Editorial Board Member
Polity: Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association (1999- 2007), Associate Editor
University of Virginia Press Series in Feminist Studies (1995-2006), Editorial Board Member

(Non-UC) Institutional and Project Advisory Boards, Review and Selection Committees:

Advisory Board, Research Centre in Critical Theoretical Practices, Brighton University, UK (2015- )
Advisory Council, Program in Gender and Sexuality, Princeton University, (2016-2020)
Ad Hoc External Review Committee, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton (April 2015)
Academic Council, Open Hillel (2015- present)
Advisory Board, Racism Without Races: Islamophobia Study Project, Stockholm (2013-present)
Advisory Board, Urban Marginality in the Czech Republic (2013-present)
Advisory Board, The Living New Deal Project (2013-present)
Advisory Board, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP), American University
in Cairo (2012- present)
Selection Committee, Political Theory editor (Fall 2011)
External Review Committee, Critical Theory ORU, UC Irvine (May 2011)
External Review Committee, Political Science Department, Northwestern University (March 2001)
External Review Committee, Division of Humanities, Brown University (October 2000)
Search Committee, Dean of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, UC Merced (2000-01)
Academic Senate Task Force on UC Merced (1998-2000)
Chair, Humanities Subgroup of the Task Force (1999-2000)
Advisory Committee, University of California Humanities Research Institute,
(Member, 1993-1996; Chair, 1994-96)
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Steering Committee, National Working Group on Law, Culture and the Humanities (1996-2001)
Advisory Board, Regional Humanities Center, UC Merced (1999-2003)

Juries for Fellowships and Prizes:

Carol Soc Graduate Mentoring Prize, UC Berkeley (2017)

Chair, David Easton Prize, APSA (2016)
Phillip Brett Fellowship, UC Berkeley (2016)
France-Berkeley Fund, UC Berkeley (2013)
ACLS Fellowship Selection Committee, Finalists (2012, 2014)
Chair, Victoria Shuck Award Committee for Best Book on Women and Politics, APSA (2005)
Member, David Easton Award for Political Philosophy, APSA (2002-03)
ACLS Fellowship Selection Committee, Semi-Finalists (2003, 2004, 2005)
Townsend Center Faculty and Doctoral Fellowships, UC Berkeley (2002-03)
Townsend Center Bridge Grants (2002-03, 2005-06)
Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Admissions, UC Berkeley (2002, 2003)
Center for Cultural Studies Fellows, UC Santa Cruz (1995-98)
School of Social Science Fellowships, Institute for Advanced Study (1994, 1998, 2005, 2007)
Woodrow Wilson Foundation Women's Studies Fellowships (1993-2014)
Rockefeller Humanist-in-Residence Fellowships (1992)
NWSA/Illinois University Press Book Award (1990)

American Political Science Association:

Council Member, American Political Science Association (2007-2009)

Executive Council Member, Foundations of Political Thought Section (2006-2009)
Member, Committee on Professional Ethics and Freedoms (1998-2001)
Chair, Division III: Normative Political Theory, Annual Meeting Program (1997)
Program Chair, Gay-Lesbian Caucus Annual Meeting Program (1988)


University of California (System-wide)

Chair, UC Humanities Research Institute Board of Governors (2012-14)

Member, Council of UC Faculty Associations (2011-present)
Member, UC Humanities Research Institute Board of Governors (2009-11)
Member, UC Office of the President’s Commission on the Humanities (2000-01)
Member, UC Task Force on UC Merced, prior to founding the campus (1998-2000)

University of California, Berkeley (1999-present)

Member, Academic Senate Graduate Council (2016-17)

Advisory Group, Armed Conflict Resolution and People's Rights, Center for Nonprofit and Public
Leadership at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley (2013-present)
Member, Advisory Board, Interdisciplinary Studies Field Major (2012-present)
Co-Chair, Berkeley Faculty Association (2009-12); Board Member (2012-13)
Member, Senate Special Ad Hoc Committee on Governance and Leadership (2011-12)
Member, SAVE (Faculty Coalition to Save the University of California), (2009-12)
Member, Faculty Research Group Selection Committee, Townsend Humanities Center (2009-10)
Member, Senate Committee on Academic Freedom (2006-08)
Member, Advisory Board, Rotary Peace Fellows, UC Berkeley (2007- )
Faculty Advisor, Critical Sense (Graduate student journal in humanities and social sciences) (2002-08)
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Member, Townsend Center Advisory Committee (2002-2005)
Member, Dissertation Fellowships Selection Committee (2002-03)
Member, Faculty Fellowships Selection Committee (2002-03, 2003-04)
Dissertation Workshop Faculty Advisor: “Democracy, Citizenship, Community” (April 2003)
Judge, Bennett Prize in Political Science (2001, 2005, 2006)
Member, Ethics Speakers Committee (1999-2000)
Member, Confidential Ad hoc Review Committees (Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2005, Fall 2006, Fall
2010, Spring 2011)

Political Science Department

Member, Graduate Admissions Committee (2016-17)

Member, Equity and Inclusion subcommittee, Department Self-Study for External Review (2014-15)
Member, Diversity and Democracy Search Committee (2014-15)
Political Theory Subfield Coordinator (2009-11, 2016-17)
Member, Graduate Program Revision Committee (2009-11)
Graduate Diversity Officer (2007-08)
Member, Political Theory Search Committee (2007-07)
Member, International Relations Search Committee (2005-06)
Member, Graduate Committee (2002-03, 2011-12, 2012-13)
Member, Undergraduate Committee (2000-01)
Member, Graduate Admissions (1999-2000, 2002-03, 2007-08)
Political Theory Qualifying Exams,
Member (2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, )
Chair (2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015)

Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Member, Designated Emphasis (Graduate Degree) in Women, Gender and Sexuality (2002-present)
Member, Search Committees (2000-01, 2002-03)
Women’s Studies Governance (1999-2006)

Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory

Core Faculty and Governing Board (2006- )

Admissions Committee Chair (2007, 2015), Member (2009, 2010, 2017)
Dissertation Fellowship Award Committee (2008, 2010)

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