Consolidation (2) - 4th SEM

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Consolidation (Lecture-2)

Consolidation of undisturbed soil: Natural clayey soil deposits may be divided into three classes
depending on consolidation history; pre consolidated / pre compressed / over consolidated clay
(OCC), normally consolidated clay (NCC) and under consolidated clay (UCC).
A soil is called over consolidated if it has ever been subjected to a pressure in excess of its
present overburden pressure. The past maximum pressure to which a soil has been subjected is
called preconsolidation pressure. A soil may be consolidated during the geologic past by the weight
of an ice sheet or glacier which has melted away or by other geologic overburden or structural load
which no longer exist now or wind blown dune sands or rise in ground water table.
A normally consolidated soil is one which has never been subjected to an effective pressure
greater than the existing overburden pressure and which is also completely consolidated by the
existing pressure.
A soil which is not fully consolidated under the existing overburden pressure is called an
under consolidated clay.
The ratio of the preconsolidation pressure to the present effective overburden pressure is
called the “overconsolidation ratio (OCR)”. OCR > 1, indicates over consolidated clay. OCR =
1for normally consolidated clay and OCR < 1, indicates under consolidated clay.
Determination of preconsolidation pressure: Casagrande (1936) proposed a geometrical
technique to evaluate past maximum effective overburden pressure from the e versus 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝜎 ′ plot
obtained by loading a sample in the laboratory. Steps involved are-

Horizental line
Void ratio, e


Effective pressure, logσ'

Figure: Effective pressure versus void ratio plot

1. Draw a initial tangent along the starting point of the plot.
2. Draw a backward tangent along the end point of the curved portion (B) of the plot.
3. Locate the point (A) having the smallest radius of curvature on the curved portion of the
4. Draw a horizental line through the point A.
5. Draw a tangent through the point A along the curved portion of the plot.
6. Bisect the angle made at A by the horizental line and the tangent.
7. Locate the point D, the intersection point, made by the bisector and backward tangent.
8. Effective pressure corresponding to the point D is the most probable past maximum
effective pressure.
9. The effective pressure corresponding to the point B is the maximum possible past effective
overburden pressure.
10. The effective pressure corresponding to the point C where initial tangent meets the
backward tangent is the maximum possible past effective overburden pressure.
Consolidation settlement: For computing the consolidation settlement of a structure founded on
clayey soil following data are required-
1. The thickness of the clay strata H.
2. Initial void ratio 𝑒0 .
3. The consolidation pressure 𝜎0′ .
4. Compression index 𝐶𝑐 .
We know that,
= =
𝐻 𝑉 1+𝑒 0
𝛥𝐻(1+𝑒0 )
So, 𝛥𝑒 = ---------------- (i)
Again, 𝐶𝑐 = 𝜎′
---------------- (ii)
𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ′
𝜎 0
𝛥𝐻(1+𝑒0 )
Putting the value of 𝛥𝑒 in equation (ii), 𝐶𝑐 = 𝜎′
𝐻𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ′
𝜎 0
𝐶𝑐 𝜎′
So, 𝛥𝐻 = S = (1+𝑒 𝐻𝑙𝑜𝑔10
0 ) 𝜎0′

And, 𝛥𝐻 = S = - 𝑚𝑣 𝐻 𝛥𝜎 ′

Consolidation test: IS 2720(Part 15):1986 Methods of test for soils: Determination of

Consolidation Properties (First revision). Reaffirmed- Dec 2016.: The consolidation
characteristics of a soil can be studied by means of one-dimensional consolidation test also known
as oedometer test.
i) Objective: Consolidation test is used to determine the rate and magnitude of soil
consolidation when the soil is restrained laterally and loaded axially. The consolidation test is also
referred to as Standard Oedometer test or One-dimensional compression test. This test is carried
out on saturated soil specimens, especially in cohesive soils. The consolidation parameters
obtained by this test are used to determine the consolidation settlement and time of consolidation
for a given loading state.
ii) Consolidation test apparatus: Consolidometers are required for testing soil samples with
consolidation load frames. The consolidation ring holds a specimen 50 mm2 in cross sectional area
and 24mm high. The ring fits into a circular metal cell with porous stones covering the bottom and
the top of the specimen. Consolidometers may be fixed-ring type or floating-ring type. In fixed-
ring type, the top porous plate alone is permitted to move downward for compressing the specimen,
but in floating-ring type, both the top and bottom porous plates are free to move to compress the
soil sample. Direct measurment of permeability of the sample at any stage of the test is possible
only with the fixed ring type. However, the effect of side friction on the soil sample is smaller in
the fioating ring type, while lateral confinment of the sample is available in both to simulate a soil
mass in situ. Consolidometer accessories include consolidation ring, porous stones, consolidation
cell, dial gauges, loading device, equipment for measuring initial height of test specimen to an
accuracy of 0.1 mm, and are compatible for use in testing soil consolidation. The consolidation
cell is mounted on a loading frame which allows a load to be applied. The compression of the
sample under pressure is measured by means of a dial gauge operating on the loading cap.

Figure: Consolidometers Figure: Consolidometer accessories

iii) Procedure: For consolidation testing, it is generally desirable that the applied pressure
at any loading stage be double than that at the preceding stage. The test may, therefore, be
continued using a loading sequence which would successively apply stress of 0.1 kgf/cm2, 0.2
kgf/cm2, 0.4 kgf/cm2, 0.8 kgf/cm2, 1.6 kgf/cm2, 3.2 kgf/cm2 etc on the soil specimen. For each
loading increment, after application of load, readings of the dial gauge shall be taken using a time
sequence such as 0, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 min, and 2, 4, 8, 24 hour(s). The loading increment
shall be left atleast for a period of 24 hours. The specimen within the ring shall be weighed, and
thereafter placed in the oven for drying. After drying, the specimen shall be weighed again to
determine the water content.
A graph is plotted between void ratio at the end of each pressure increment and applied
effective pressure. The height of the soil solid is calculated as,
𝐻𝑠 =
𝑀𝑆 = Dry mass of the specimen at the end of the test
𝐴 = Cross-sectional area of the specimen
G = Specific gravity of soil
𝐻𝑠 = Equivalent thickness of soil solids
The void ratio at the end of any load increment is given by,
𝐻1 − 𝐻𝑆
𝑒1 =
𝐻1 = Specimen height at the equilibrium under any pressure = 𝐻0 ± ∑ ∆𝐻
𝐻0 = Initial height of the sample, ∑ ∆𝐻 = Cumulative change in sample height.

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