Arlesienne Suite 1 Score

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The document provides biographical details about French composer George Bizet and discusses his incidental music L'Arlésienne Suite No. 1, including its movements. It also includes information about the arranger Martin Tousignant.

George Bizet was a French composer born in 1838 who showed early musical talent. He studied at the Paris Conservatory and won the Prix de Rome in 1857. His best known work is the opera Carmen, though he died before it achieved widespread success. The document discusses his education, career highlights and relationships with other composers.

L'Arlésienne Suite No. 1 is incidental music Bizet composed after a play failed. It has four movements - a Prelude introducing Provencal folk music, two love songs, a light Minuetto and a tender Adagietto. The movements depict scenes from the play. Gustav Mahler was influenced by the Adagietto movement.

Grade 5

Suite No. 1

George Bizet, composer

Martin Tousignant, arranger

Full Score Bb Trumpet 1
Flute 1 & 2 Bb Trumpet 2
Flute 3 Bb Trumpet 3
Oboe F Horn 1 & 2
Cor Anglais (Oboe) F Horn 3 & 4
Clarinet 1 Trombone 1
Clarinet 2 Trombone 2
Clarinet 3 Bass Trombone
Bass Clarinet TC Euphonium
Bassoon 1 & 2 BC Euphonium
Alto Saxophone 1 Tuba
Alto Saxophone 2 Double Bass
Tenor Saxophone Harp
Baritone Saxophone Vibraphone
George& Bizet! (1838! &! 1875)! ! Aimee! Delsarte! gave! birth! to! Adolphe! Bizet’s! only! son!
Georges!on!25!October!1838.! ! Both!accomplished!musicians,!they!encouraged!his!rapid!
development.! ! At! the! age! of! 9,! Bizet’s! music! theory! and! sight&singing! skills! rivaled!
1848! (the! minimum! age! was! 10).! ! ! He! proved! an! outstanding! theory,! counterpoint,!
in! 1852,! then! winning! the! Prix! de! Rome! for! composition! in! 1857.! ! Besides! teaching!
of! operas! and! orchestral! works.! ! When! Gounod! hired! him! to! transcribe! his! D&minor!
symphony! (1855)! for! piano,! Bizet! quickly! wrote! his! own! C&major! symphony! which!
owed!much!to!Gounod’s!work!yet!transcended!its!limitations.! ! Not!wanting!to!invoke!
Gounod‘s! wrath,! Bizet! forbid! the! symphony! be! performed! or! published! during! his!
lifetime.! ! Gounod!became!bitterly!jealous!anyway,!opposing!Bizet!at!every!turn,!even!
claiming! that! Carmen! was! not! really! his! work!! ! At! any! rate! it! only! gained! wider!
recognition!after!Bizet!died!of!a!heart!attack!on!3!Jun!1875.! ! ! Gounod!finally!admitted!
his! jealousy! at! the! funeral,! and! cleared! the! way! to! a! highly! successful! posthumous!
Bizet’s! composition! teacher! Fromental! Halevy! remained! friendly,! enough! so! that! he!
married!his!younger!daughter!Genevieve!on!3!June!1869.! ! She!gave!birth!to!their!only!
son!Jacques!on!10!July!1872.! ! Jules!Massenet!also!recognized!Bizet’s!musical!excellence,!
and! helped! obtain! the! 1874! Carmen! commission.! ! ! Massenet! also! recognized! the!
excellent! incidental! music! to! L’Arlesienne! and! convinced! the! publisher! Choudens! to!

Martin Charles Tousignant (1965- ) moved to L’Anse, Michigan USA

as a young boy and began piano lessons at age 6. He began playing
tuba and euphonium at age 12 and developed quickly enough to join the
Michigan All-State Honors Band on tuba by age 16. He married Jana
Ennis of Northport, Michigan in 1987, then began music studies at
Central Michigan University (1988-1990). Jana’s teaching job in South
Dakota led him to a magna cum laude music degree from Northern State
University (Aberdeen, South Dakota) in 1992. After two years of
teaching, he joined the US Army as a tuba player in 1994 and remained
there until 2000. In 2001 he moved to Herndon, Virginia and became a
mail carrier while playing tuba in Army National Guard and community bands. In 2009 he
returned to the US Army as a tuba player on a 3-year leave of absence from the US Postal
Bizet’s! incidental! music! to! L’Arlesienne! rose! from! the! ashes! of! Daudet’s! failed! play! after! he!
compiled!an!orchestral!suite!within!days!of!its!demise!in!October!1872.! ! The!opening!Prelude!
love!song!played!by!the!alto!saxophone.! ! A!turbulent!second!love!song!interrupts!to!close!the!
movement.! ! The! light,! Gallic! Minuetto! served! as! an! interlude! between! acts! III! and! IV.! ! The!
Adagietto! depicts! a! tender! reunion! between! now&aged! young! sweethearts,! and! ! Mahler’s!
Adagietto! (Symphony! No.! 5)! owes! much! to! Bizet.! ! The! closing! Carillon! depicts! a! wedding!
celebration,! interrupted! by! the! old! woman! sweetheart’s! reminiscence! of! former! romance.! ! As!
Works by Martin Tousignant

In BandMusic PDF Library

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