Review On Blood Culture: Anup R Warrier, Mathew Thomas
Review On Blood Culture: Anup R Warrier, Mathew Thomas
Review On Blood Culture: Anup R Warrier, Mathew Thomas
Blood stream infections (BSIs) are one of the most serious problems in infectious disease. The mortality rates reported is between
20% and 50%. From a diagnostic standpoint, positive blood cultures establish an infectious etiology for a patient’s illness and re-
veal a microorganism for susceptibility testing. This helps the clinician to optimize the antimicrobial therapy. This article discuses
the basics of blood culture from a clinician’s point of view. Blood culture is a very valuable tool for the physician in diagnosis
& treatment of infections. Every care should be taken to collect & transport the blood samples in an ideal fashion to make a full
utilization of this very important investigation.
Keywords: Blood stream infections, Blood culture, Bacteremia, Culture media, Fungaemia.
Blood stream infections (BSIs) are one of the most Skin Antisepsis
serious problems in infectious disease. The mortality
rates reported is between 20% and 50%. From a The effectiveness of skin antisepsis at the time of the
diagnostic standpoint, positive blood cultures establish venipuncture is an important determinant in inter-
an infectious etiology for a patient’s illness and reveal preting a positive culture as an infection rather than a
a microorganism for susceptibility testing. This helps contaminant. After selecting an accessible vein, the site
the clinician to optimize the antimicrobial therapy. In should be cleansed with 70% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol
modern times, it is considered unethical to start an and allowed to air dry. A second cleansing should
antibiotic in a patient before drawing a proper blood be performed using 1% to 2% tincture of iodine or
culture. This may not be possible in all situations, but 10% povidone-iodine solution applied concentrically;
an attempt must be made to comply with this in all this should be allowed to air dry before the vein is
possible situations. punctured. According to the authors’ view tincture of
iodine is preferred over povidone- iodine because it
Key Principles in obtaining Good Blood Cultures1 dries faster in approximately 30 seconds.
Selection of the Best Available Site Blood Volume and Number of Blood Culture Sets
The site chosen for venipuncture is an important factor. Because there is a direct relationship between the
Blood obtained from femoral vessels or from sites volume of blood obtained for culture and detection
affected by dermatologic disease is more likely to yield of bacteremia or fungemia, blood volume is a key
contaminant than blood obtained from antecubital variable for successful detection of bloodstream
veins or other upper extremity vessels. Arterial blood infections. Most bacteremias in adults are of low order
provides no higher yield than venous blood. It has of magnitude (often <1 to 10 CFU/mL). In infants
become a common practice to draw blood through and young children, the magnitude of bacteremia
central venous catheters. This is especially true for tends to be greater (often >100 CFU/mL). Based on
patients on hemodialysis or in patients with hematologic the available data, it is recommended that 20 to 30 mL
and other malignancies, because of convenience and of blood should be collected per venipuncture from
less trauma to the veins. When blood for culture adults. The lower limit of acceptability is 10 mL.
is obtained from such intravenous (IV) catheters it This very important fact is often not followed, even
should always be paired with a second sample of blood in teaching institutes. In pediatric patients, expert
obtained by peripheral venipuncture. This is to make a opinion recommends 1 to 2 mL of blood per culture
correct interpretation of a positive blood culture result for neonates, 2 to 3 mL for infants ages 1 month to 2
in such a situation. years, 3 to5 mL for older children, and 10 to 20 mL
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Anup R Warrier, DNB in General Medicine, Fellowship in Infectious Diseases, Infectious Disease Specialist, KIMS Hospital,
Trivandrum. Phone: 97450 1247. E-mail:
for adolescents. There are good data to document In general, the resin- or charcoal-containing media
that two or three blood cultures are adequate for detect more microorganisms , particularly staphy-
detecting episodes of bacteremia and fungemia caused lococci, than similar media without these additives.
by common microbial pathogens. Based on the data But the resin- and charcoal-containing media are more
available, the authors conclude that it is rarely necessary costly and grow more coagulase- negative staphylo-
to collect more than two blood culture sets per 24 hours. coccal contaminants that may cause confusion among
On the other hand, it is not appropriate to collect only both laboratorians and clinicians
a single blood specimen for culture. A single blood
culture sample will not have sufficient volume for Duration of Incubation of Blood Cultures
optimal detection of bacteremias and fungemias, and Most clinical microbiology laboratories now use one of
the significance of a positive result may be difficult, the commercial continuous-monitoring blood culture
if not impossible, to interpret. For example, isolation systems. Five-day incubation protocols in these systems
of coagulase-negative staphylococci or diphther- are satisfactory for the detection of the overwhelming
oids in a single blood culture most likely represents majority of pathogens.
contamination, but may rep resent clinically import
ant infection in immunosuppressed patients with Longer incubation period may be needed for some
long-term IV access devices, prosthetic heart valves, or fastidious pathogens such as Bartonella, Legionella,
joint prostheses Brucella, and certain fungi. Blood cultures for the
detection of mycobacteria should be incubated for
Timing of Blood Cultures four weeks.
The optimal time for collection of blood culture Current Blood Culture Systems
specimens is just before the onset of a shaking chill; i.e.
when there is maximum bacteremia. However, it is not Three types of blood culture systems are currently
possible clinically to anticipate the precise timing of used: manual (conventional) detection systems, the lysis
this event. Thus, as a practical point, it is recommended -centrifugation system, and automated continuous-
to draw blood cultures when fever is detected and the monitoring blood culture systems
possibility of bacteremia is entertained. As a general
Special Considerations for Specific Pathogen
rule, it is reasonable to obtain two blood culture sets
simultaneously, especially if antibiotic therapy is going
to be initiated; however, in less urgent situations, blood Some microorganisms are isolated infrequently from
cultures may be spaced at intervals. The authors believe blood or have unique growth requirements. These
that the timing of blood cultures should be a clinical organism groups may not be detected using routine
decision based on the acuity of the patient’s illness blood culture methods and systems.
and whether immediate antimicrobial therapy is con-
templated. Key Technical Variables that form the Anaerobic Bacteria
Scientific Basis for Current Blood Culture Methods
Currently, there is no consensus about the routine use
Culture Medium of anaerobic bottles; some authorities still advocate
the continued use of anaerobic bottles whereas others
Many published studies have compared various broth recommend their selective use only in patients who are
culture media in head-to-head comparisons. No one at the risk for anaerobic infections.
culture medium optimally supports the growth of all
potential bloodstream pathogens Fungi
Ratio of Blood to Broth During the past 20 years, there has been a trend toward
increasing isolation of fungi as the etiologic agents
Dilution of blood in the broth medium of blood culture of BSIs. Important factors for the optimal detection
bottles reduces the concentration of all the inhibitory of fungi in the blood include the temperature and
factors in the blood. Indeed, published studies have duration of incubation and the blood culture media
confirmed that the optimal dilution of blood in broth used to support growth. The optimal temperature for
is 5- to 10-fold (i.e., a blood:broth ratio of 1:5 to 1:10). the growth of fungi varies according to organism
Resin and charcoal containing media Interpretation of Positive Blood Cultures2
In many cases, the interpretation of positive blood in Blood Cultures: What goes the future hold?
culture results is straightforward. In contrast, the
clinician and microbiologist often are faced with It is difficult to anticipate whether culture-based blood
results that cannot be interpreted so easily. Presence culture systems will remain important diagnostic tests
of bacteremia or fungemia has very important implica- for detection of bloodstream infections in the future.
tions for both the patient and physician. So a correct Nucleic acid amplification and detection methods
interpretation of test results is absolutely necessary. developed in the past decade are useful for the diagnosis
of a variety of infectious diseases also. Molecular am-
Several careful observations ma y assist in interpreting plification assays may have their greatest value in the
the clinical importance of a positive blood culture. detection of microorganisms that are difficult to detect
or require prolonged incubation periods using current
The pattern of positivity of blood cultures is often methods.
very helpful. When most or all blood cultures especially
if obtained from different venipuncture sites grow the
same microorganism, the probability of this micro- CONLUSION
organism causing a true infection is exceedingly high. Blood culture is a very valuable tool for the physician in
This is true regardless of the identity of the organism. diagnosis & treatment of infections. Every care should
The identity of the microorganism isolated also provides be taken to collect & transport the blood samples in
predictive value. Common blood isolates that always or an ideal fashion to make a full utilization of this very
nearly always (>90%) represent true infection include important investigation. Special care should be given
St aphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, regarding the volume of blood drawn and number of
Escherichia coli and other members of the Enterobacte- samples. This should precede empiric antibiotic therapy
riaceae family, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida in all possible situations. All efforts must be made to
albicans. Other microorganisms, such as Corynebac- differentiate contaminants from true pathogens before
terium species, and Propionibacterium acnes, rarely taking any treatment decisions. Appropriate antibiotics
(<5%) represent true bacteremia. Isolation of viridans should be chosen as per the blood culture results.
streptococci, enterococci, and coagulase-negative
staphylococci (CoNS), represent true bacteremia only END NOTE
in 38%, 78%, and 15% of cases respectively causing
some confusion in diagnosis. CoNS deserve special Author Information
mention, because they are ubiquitous as blood culture 1. Dr. Anup R Warrier, DNB in General Medicine,
contaminants, yet are important pathogens in patients Fellowship in Infectious Diseases, Infectious
with intravascular devices and implanted prosthetic Disease Specialist, KIMS Hospital, Trivandrum.
materials. E-mail:
Ph: 97450 12477
Choosing the Antibiotic from the Culture Report
2. Prof. Mathew Thomas, MD, FICP, FISHTM,
This is not very straight forward as it would sound, Professor of Medicine & Hematology KIMS and
and require in-depth understanding of the general CSI Medical College. Ph: 9447753533
or acceptable sensitivity pattern for the particular E-mail:
organism and the suspected site of infection. Thus, Conflict of Interest: None declared
the decision is made on comparing the sensitivity
pattern of the organism and assessing the degree of Cite this article as: Anup R Warriera, Mathew
penetration of antibiotic in the site of infection. E.g. Thomas. Review on Blood Culture. Kerala Medical
for a UTI caused by E.coli susceptible to fluo- Journal. 2009 Jun 29;2(2):62-64
roquinolones, moxifloxacin would be a wrong choice
as it has very poor urinary concentrations. Similarly, if REFERENCE
the E.coli is resistant to ceftazidime but susceptible to
1. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America - Volume 15, Issue 4
cefotaxim, the report would be a suspect. (December 2001)
2. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Oct. 2006, p. 788–802
Rapid Methods for Identification of Organisms