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The Commissioner

National Telecommunications Commission

NTC Bldg., BIR Road, East Triangle, Diliman, Quezon City

Attention: The Director

Radio Regulations and Licensing Department

Subject : Application to Install and Operate New Radio Communication Service.

( ) Spread Spectrum ( ) VSAT ( ) Private Coastal ( ) Fixed Aeronautical
( ) Amateur Repeater ( ) Private/In- House Paging ( ) Vessels Traffic System
( ) Low Power Devices ( ) Other Special Service.

This is to signify applicant’s intention to install a new radio communications network. This will likewise serve as
applicant’s application for Permit to Purchase/Possess and Construct.

Enclosed are the following documents:


1. Letter of Intent- Justification of request.

2. For Corporation/Partnership:
- SEC Certificate of Registration/Partnership.
- SEC Articles of Incorporation/Partnership and By-laws.

For Sole Proprietorship:

- Certificate of Registration from the Bureau of Domestic Trade.
- Mayor’s Permit

3. Income Tax Return (Current)

4. Audited Financial Statement of Assets & Liabilities
5. Declaration of any pending application for permits/licenses and/or administrative case with any of
the licensing and legal units of the Commission including the Regional Offices.


For Spread Spectrum Radio Service

1. Copy of NTC Certificate of Type Acceptance/Approval of Equipment.

2. Copy of brochure/technical specifications of equipment.
3. Application for Permit to Purchase. (Please see attached)

For Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Service

1. Transponder Lease Agreement with the Satellite Operator.

2. Copy of NTC Certificate of Type Acceptance/Approval of Equipment.
3. Copy of brochure/technical specifications of equipment.
4. Application for Permit to Purchase. (Please see attached)

For Private Coastal Service/Vessels Traffic System (see Annex - E)

For Fixed Aeronautical Service (see Annex - E)
For Private/In House Paging Service, Low Power Devices & Other Special Service (see Annex - F)


1. Network diagram showing the exact locations of stations (including number of building, street or
barangay, town, city, province) and geographical coordinates of each station (longitude and latitude)
and distances between stations duly signed and sealed by a registered Electronics & Communications
Engineer (ECE).

2. Topographical map showing area coverage (shaded) of the network, exact location/address including
geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude) duly signed and sealed by a registered Electronics
& Communications Engineer (ECE).

3. Mode of Operation Simplex ( ) Duplex ( ) ( ) Spread Spectrum ( ) Others

Short Description (if Special Service) ________________________________________________

For each proposed station: (Please use separate sheet if needed)

4. Geographical Coordinates for each proposed Radio Station (should be included in the network
diagram if multi-station):

Longitude: ________ ° ________’ ________ “ Latitude _______° _______’ ________”

5. Service Area and/or Points of Communications _________________________________________

6. Proposed Frequency Band/Frequency(ies) _____________________________________________

7. Bandwidth and Type of Emission ________________________________________________

8. Transmitter Output Power _____________________________________________________

9. Effective Radiated Power _________________________________________________________

10. Antenna Particulars for each proposed Radio Station(s): (should be included in the network diagram
if multi-station):
Type __________________________________Gain __________________________________

Height Above the Ground _________________________________________________________

Directivity _____________________________________________________________________

D) Applicant shall file with the NTC an application for Permit to Possess, Construction Permit and Radio
Station License (RSL) within the validity period of Permit to Purchase.

Applicant agrees that any violation of the terms, conditions, representations, undertakings and warranties, or any
misrepresentation made shall be a cause for denial of the request or revocation/cancellation of the permits/licenses
and the cancellation/forfeiture of the equipment without prejudice to filing of administrative/criminal action.

For your consideration and approval.

Name of Applicant ___________________________________________________________________________

Nature of Business __________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Tel. Nos. __________________________________________________________________________________

Signature over printed name and

position of the applicant

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