HRM 2017 - Assignments Complete
HRM 2017 - Assignments Complete
HRM 2017 - Assignments Complete
1. An employee in an organization who personally takes all official papers from one
department to another in that organization is an example of:
a. A manager
b. A leader
c. A line employee
d. A staff employee
6. Helping employees improve their knowledge, skills, and competencies helps with:
a. Employee staffing
b. Employee recruitment
c. Employee retention
d. Employee development
9. Analyzing business processes with the explicit intention to change them leading
to a reduction in resource consumption and enhancement of production is known
a. Training and development
b. Human resource development
c. Business process analysis
d. Business process re-engineering
Principles of Human Resource Management 2017: Assignment 2
1. Workers that have full time jobs and enjoy special benefits and privileges are
known as:
a. Special workers
b. Contingent workers
c. Core workers
d. Contract workers
2. Workers that are hired only when a special job is required to be completed and
only during the time that that job is being worked on, are known as:
a. Special workers
b. Contingent workers
c. Core workers
d. Contract workers
3. A type of work schedule that results in the reduction of workdays per week but an
increase in the number of hours of work per day so that the total number of work
hours per week remains the same is known as:
a. Flexible work hours
b. Compressed workweek
c. Balanced work hours
d. None of the above
4. A type of work schedule that results in a division of work schedules into core time
and flexible time to help employees balance their work and personal lives is
known as:
a. Flexible work hours
b. Compressed workweek
c. Balanced work hours
d. None of the above
5. Breaking down of work into smaller tasks that are repetitive and can be
considered as individual units of work is known as:
a. Work rearrangement
b. Work elimination
c. Work simplification
d. None of the above
6. Rearranging tasks in an effort to cut down on tasks that one can do without and
maximize the output of tasks that are really required, is known as:
a. Work rearrangement
b. Work elimination
c. Work simplification
d. None of the above
7. An integral step of work without which the assigned output cannot be achieved, is
known as:
a. Task
b. Job
c. Duty
d. Responsibility
8. A group of units of work that form a significant activity leading to the desired
activity of the organization is known as:
a. Task
b. Job
c. Duty
d. Responsibility
9. Turnover costs of separation include:
a. Pre-employment testing
b. Exit interview
c. Recruiter fees
d. Orientation and training
10. Turnover costs of hiring include:
a. Pre-employment testing
b. Exit interview
c. Recruiter fees
d. Orientation and training
Principles of HRM 2017: Assignment 3
1. An employee fears that if she reports her boss’s unwelcome personal advances
towards her, she may lose her job, even though her boss has never said this
explicitly. This is an example of:
a. Adverse impact
b. Coercion
c. Disparate treatment
d. Affirmative action
2. A manager announces openly that anyone reporting his misdemeanour in the
office will be dealt with more strictly that the ones who choose to ignore his bad
behavior. This is an example of:
a. Adverse impact
b. Coercion
c. Disparate treatment
d. Affirmative action
3. A manager forces his subordinate to withdraw her complaint against his
inappropriate behavior by bullying her and shouting at her in front of the entire
office. This is an example of:
a. Adverse impact
b. Coercion
c. Disparate treatment
d. Affirmative action
4. An organization requires that all applicants for the position of a maintenance
engineer at a construction site at the periphery of a nuclear plant have M. Tech.
degrees in Civil Engineering. This is an example of:
a. Business necessity
b. Discrimination
c. Bonafide occupational qualification
d. Affirmative action
5. An organization requires that all applicants for the position of a maintenance
engineer at a construction site at the periphery of a nuclear plant have at least
three years of experience with maintenance operations of civil engineering sites
in high risk areas. This is an example of:
a. Business necessity
b. Discrimination
c. Bonafide occupational qualification
d. Affirmative action
6. Ethical theory that assumes that after the formation of basic rules of acceptable
social behavior, different points of view will exist, and should be allowed to co-
exist, is known as:
a. Pluralism
b. Ethical relativism
c. Absolutism
d. None of the above
7. Ethical theory that assumes that there are no universal rights and wrongs and
that the decision for right and wrong depends upon the culture and context the
decision maker makes the decision in, is known as:
a. Absolutism
b. Ethical relativism
c. Pluralism
d. None of the above
8. Utilitarian ethics deals with:
a. Decision about right and wrong based on the cost-benefit analysis
b. Decision about right and wrong based on the end result
c. Decision about right and wrong based on the opinion of the person in
charge of the situation
d. None of the above
10. An organization needs to cut down on its expenses. Towards this end, it decides
to lay off a few senior executives so it can save the jobs of a larger number of
junior executives. Since these employees are being laid off despite their stellar
performance, the organization decides to give them a year’s worth of health
insurance and a seven day trip for two to Europe in addition to what is promised
through their contract. This is an example of:
a. Unemployment insurance
b. Supplemental unemployment benefit
c. Job sharing
d. Bonus
Principles of HRM 2017: Assignment 6
Principles of HRM 2017: Assignment 7
3. An Indian organization buys a dying business in England and revives it under the
banner of its Indian name while retaining most of its English footprint. This is an
example of:
a. A wholly owned subsidiary employing the Brownfield strategy for entry into
international business
b. A wholly owned subsidiary employing the Greenfield strategy for entry into
international business
c. A wholly owned subsidiary acquiring a business that is already set up in a
foreign country
4. A multinational organization allows its employees in their foreign subsidiary to
handle their problems at their own end and intervenes only when they approach
the head office for help. This is an example of:
a. Guide and advise approach to management of labor relations in
multinational enterprises
b. Hands off approach to labor relations in multinational enterprises
c. Strategic planning approach to labor relations in multinational enterprises
5. A multinational organization expects its employees in their foreign subsidiary to
report to the head office about their day to day affairs and the head office
participates in all their decision making activities. This is an example of:
a. Guide and advise approach to management of labor relations in
multinational enterprises
b. Hands off approach to labor relations in multinational enterprises
c. Strategic planning approach to labor relations in multinational enterprises
6. To get ahead of its competitors, an organization adds new features to its product
offerings that are not offered by its competitors. This is an example of:
a. Cost reduction strategy
b. Enhancement strategy
c. Innovation strategy
7. To get ahead of its competitors, an organization routinely organizes a series of
sales in its factory outlets, where its products are priced at 20% to 40% below the
market price. This is an example of:
a. Cost reduction strategy
b. Enhancement strategy
c. Innovation strategy
8. To get ahead of its competitors, an organization starts using better raw material
to manufacture its products and offers them at the same price as before. This is
an example of:
a. Cost reduction strategy
b. Enhancement strategy
c. Innovation strategy
9. According to the cybernetic model of strategic HRM, with reference to behaviour
management as a responsibility of strategic HRM, an organization ensures that
the salaries of its employees are commensurate with their output. This is an
example of:
a. Competence utilization
b. Behavioral control
c. Behavioral coordination
10. With reference to the types of networks in networked organizations, an
organization that survives on a team of expert firms networking with each other to
complete a project, is utilizing:
a. An interactive network
b. An individual network
c. An interwoven network
Principles of HRM 2017: Assignment 8
1. With reference to the just cause standard of discipline, notification refers to:
a. Forewarning to the employee of the disciplinary consequences of his or
her conduct
b. Reasonable relation of the rule that was violated to the safe and efficient
operations of the organization
c. Impartial inquiry into the action deemed inappropriate
d. None of the above
2. With reference to the just cause standard of discipline, the term ‘reasonable rule’
refers to:
a. Forewarning to the employee of the disciplinary consequences of his or
her conduct
b. Reasonable relation of the rule that was violated to the safe and efficient
operations of the organization
c. Impartial inquiry into the action deemed inappropriate
d. None of the above
3. With reference to the just cause standard of discipline, fair investigation refers to:
a. Forewarning to the employee of the disciplinary consequences of his or
her conduct
b. Reasonable relation of the rule that was violated to the safe and efficient
operations of the organization
c. Impartial inquiry into the action deemed inappropriate
d. None of the above
4. With reference to the just cause standard of discipline, proof of guilt refers to:
a. Evenhanded application of the rules, orders & penalties of the disciplinary
b. Reasonable relation of the disciplinary action and/ or punishment to the
seriousness of the rule violated
c. Provision of substantial evidence through the investigation regarding the
action requiring disciplinary action
5. With reference to the just cause standard of discipline, reasonable penalty refers
a. Evenhanded application of the rules, orders & penalties of the disciplinary
b. Reasonable relation of the disciplinary action and/ or punishment to the
seriousness of the rule violated
c. Provision of substantial evidence through the investigation regarding the
action requiring disciplinary action
6. With reference to the just cause standard of discipline, absence of discrimination
refers to:
a. Evenhanded application of the rules, orders & penalties of the disciplinary
b. Reasonable relation of the disciplinary action and/ or punishment to the
seriousness of the rule violated
c. Provision of substantial evidence through the investigation regarding the
action requiring disciplinary action
7. Which of the following is an example of positive discipline?
a. Verbal warning – written warning – suspension – discharge
b. Counselling sessions – assignment of a mentor – adjustment of time-
schedules – training – feedback – final warning – discharge
c. Immediate fine every time a mistake is made
8. Which of the following is an example of the hot stove rule?
a. Verbal warning – written warning – suspension – discharge
b. Counselling sessions – assignment of a mentor – adjustment of time-
schedules – training – feedback – final warning – discharge
c. Immediate fine every time a mistake is made
9. Which of the following is an example of progressive discipline?
a. Verbal warning – written warning – suspension – discharge
b. Counselling sessions – assignment of a mentor – adjustment of time-
schedules – training – feedback – final warning – discharge
c. Immediate fine every time a mistake is made
10. Which of the following scorecards ties all major activities and perspectives of an
organization’s operations to the vision and strategy of the organization:
a. Balanced scorecard
b. Basic Input Process Output Scorecard
c. Causal Chain Scorecard