Compendium Bestpractices14

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A HUDCO - HSMI Publication

Human Settlement Management Institute,
Research and Training Wing,
HUDCO House, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
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Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited

Corporate Office : Core 7-A, HUDCO Bhawan,
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CIN: U74899DL1970GOI005276

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Housing & Urban Development Corporation Limited years of visionary
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organisation
World Habitat Day 2014 Release
HUDCO Awards for Best
Practices to Improve the
Living Environment

A compendium of the award winning entries and

other appreciated entries received for the HUDCO
Best Practices Award for the year
2013 -14

A HUDCO – HSMI Publication


NEW DELHI – 110 003

Foreword i

About the Award Winning Entries ii

Acknowledgements iv

Award Winning Entries 1

Other Appreciated Entries 61

Contact Details of Best Practice Award Winning Entries 72

Team Members and Jury for Selection of Award 73


Our cities are facing many challenges today. Rapid pace of urbanisation has outpaced the rate at
which services can be provided, resulting in inadequate coverage and deficiency of basic services.
There have been many efforts in different parts of the country to meet this challenge. The innovative
ideas have been thought of locally and implemented successfully. However, all of them have not been
recognised or documented systematically. Such best practices are emerging and need recognition,
publicity, appreciation and replication.

HUDCO is a techno-financing Institution with significant contribution in the field of Housing and
Urban Development, is striving in filling the gap for Basic Infrastructure and Affordable Housing in
the country. HUDCO has started identifying and encouraging such Best Practices by awarding them
annually in different spheres of habitat developments. HUDCO has also started documenting these
Best Practices for the reference of others, as part of its R & D activities.

Entries for HUDCO Award for Best Practices 2013-14 had been invited from Government Organisation,
Parastatal Agencies, Multilateral Agencies, Local Bodies/Authorities, Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Private/Corporate Sector, Research
& Academic Institutions or Public/Private Foundations. The entries were invited in various
categories namely, Urban Governance, Housing, Urban Poverty & Infrastructure, Urban Transport,
Sanitation, Environment Management, Energy Conservation & Green Building, Urban Design &
Regional Planning, Inner City Revitalization & Conservation and Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation
& Rehabilitation. A Committee comprising of eminent professionals with diverse background was
constituted to select the winning entries. The Committee decided the winners through rigorous
procedure by using evaluation criteria. This criteria is based on Planning implementation/
Process applied, Innovativeness/application of technology, Stakeholder’s participation, Impact,
Sustainability and Replicability. The Committee recommended Ten (10) awards out of 89 entries
received from different organisations this year.

As per the past practice, this year also, HUDCO Award for Best Practices to improve the living
environment for the year 2013-14 were presented to Ten Winning organisations for their outstanding
contribution in different categories, on the occasion of HUDCO’s Annual Day function held on 25th
April 2014.

These award winning Best Practices are included in this publication for wider dissemination and
replication/adoption in various housing and infrastructure projects throughout the country. This
publication contains a summary of all the winning Best Practices, highlighting their salient features
and a few other entries, which are also worth mentioning.

I hope that these splendid efforts of HUDCO’s HSMI in bringing out this publication will encourage
many other organisations in replicating the same to bring about improvements in the approach,
delivery and management of various projects in our country. Also, I hope that these practices will
be replicated by agencies of Central and State Governments and other Institutions.

Dr. M. Ravi Kanth, IAS (r)

Chairman & Managing Director

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment i


This year entries for HUDCO Award for Best Practices were invited in the following categories :
1. Urban Governance;
2. Housing, Urban Poverty and Infrastructure;
3. Urban Transport;
4. Environmental Management, Energy Conservation and Green Building;
5. Sanitation;
6. Urban Design and Regional Planning, Inner City Revitalisation and Conservation; and
7. Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Rehabilitation

89 No. of entries were received for HUDCO Award for Best Practices “To Improve the Living
Environment 2013-14”. A Committee comprising of eminent professionals recommended following
10 institutions/organisations for their entries for HUDCO Award for Best Practices 2013-14 which
were awarded on 25th April 2014 on the occasion of HUDCO’s Annual Day function. They are listed
below in no order of preference:

Agency/ Stake holder Name of Entry with category

Surat Municipal Corporation, Gujarat Virtual Civic Centre – Anywhere Anytime Civic
Centre and Citizen’s Connect – SMC Mobile
Application under the Category of “Urban
Directorate of Municipal Administration Public Grievance & Redressal System (PGR),
Municipal Reforms Cell, Karnataka AASTHI (GIS based property tax information
system), Service Level Bench Marking – TULANA
and Fund based Accounting System (FBS) under
the Category of “Urban Governance”
Commissioner of Municipal Administration, Pro-poor activities through Micro Enterprise
Chepauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu support, Skill Training and Community
Mobilization under the Category of "Housing,
Urban Poverty and Infrastructure"
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Construction worker welfare programmes at IIT,
Gujarat Gandhi Nagar by Indian Institute of Technology,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat under the Category of
“Housing, Urban Poverty and Infrastructure”
Bhopal Municipal Corporation, Madhya Pradesh Integration of City Bus Operation with Bus Rapid
Transit System of Bhopal under Urban Transport
under the Category of “Urban Transport”
Haryana Police Housing Corporation Ltd Construction of Green Building by Haryana
Police Housing Corporation Ltd. under the
Category of “Environment Management, Energy
Conservation and Green Building”

ii HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Urban Administration and Development Rain Water Harvesting in Gautampura, (MP)
Department, Govt of MP and Integrated Urban Sanitation Programme
(IUSP) in Madhya Pradesh under the Categories
of “Environment Management, Energy
Conservation & Green Building”and “Sanitation”
Jaipur Nagar Nigam, Rajasthan Waste to Energy Solutions by Jaipur Nagar
Nigam, Rajasthan under the Category of
Gangtok Municipal Corporation, Sikkim Inner City Renewal/ Revitalisation under
the Category of “Urban Design and Regional
Planning, Inner City Revitalisation and
Lucknow Development Authority, Urban Conservation and Revitalization of
Uttar Pradesh Hazratganj Precinct, Lucknow by Lucknow
Development Authority under the Category of
“Urban Design and Regional Planning, Inner
City Revitalisation and Conservation”

I congratulate all the award winning agencies and other stakeholders who actively participated
and are the winners of the HUDCO Award for Best Practices 2013-14 and I hope that by way of this
compendium their efforts will be replicated to encourage such best practices in other parts of the

Director (Corporate Planning), HUDCO

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment iii
HUDCO’s Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI) would like to acknowledge all the
organisations/institutions, NGOs’, Private Sector and other agencies, which have responded to our
request for submission of entries for consideration of award of the Best Practices. Their efforts to
participate by way of submitting the entries in the required format have helped us to organise this
activity in a sustained manner and we deeply appreciate and acknowledge their efforts. The support
given by our Regional Offices have been vital in pursuing and encouraging them to participate in
this activity. We would like to acknowledge the efforts put in by the Regional Heads and the teams
of officers and staff at Regional Offices for giving their ample support.

We highly acknowledge the guidance and support given by CMD, HUDCO to HSMI team and deeply
cherish his enthusiasm and encouragement given to us in carrying out this activity at various stages.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Expert Committee consisting of eminent
professionals in different fields under the Chairmanship of Prof. Chetan Vaidya, Director, School of
Planning and Architecture, New Delhi and our editorial team who has devoted their valuable time
to systematically evaluate and make presentation of the entries received to the Expert Committee
Members. The role of HSMI team Coordinator Shri Surendra Kumar, Deputy General Manager
(Projects)/Fellow with the help of Shri Jeewan Lal, Assistant General Manager (Sectt.), Shri Amit
Singh and Ms. Aditi Saxena (Research Associate) has been commendable who have made significant
efforts to organise the entries received and take follow up at all stages to ensure that this activity is
properly organised and also in the publication of this document.

Dr S.K. Gupta
Executive Director (Training), HSMI

iv HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Award Winning

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 1

The Best Pracice award in the category of “Urban Governance” was given to Surat Municipal Corporaion
(SMC) in recogniion of its E-Governance iniiaives namely Virtual Civic Centre – Anywhere Anyime
Civic Centre and Ciizen’s Connect – SMC Mobile Applicaion


Anywhere Anytime Civic Centre

BACKGROUND computerized payroll, property tax, vehicle tax,

pension systems, E-tendring, Audit, finance and

urat is the eighth largest city in terms accounts, RTI, etc. The usage of these centres
of population in India and it is the 4th increased steadily over a period of time. It was
fastest growing city (as per City Mayor’s also observed that the number of transactions
Foundation report). The jurisdiction of the city increases substantially during the rebate period
grown from 128 to 326 in the year and billing period.
2006. The city has witnessed decadal growth
of over 60% since last 5 decades with city To enable the best in class services SMC
population increasing from 2.8 million (census has adopted and implemented information
2001) to 4.5 million (census 2011). technology based tools in the area of
e-Governance and m-Governance with a portfolio
Surat Municipal Corporation is a local self- of over 45 applications and IT infrastructure of
government which has come into being under over 1200 desktops.
the Bombay Provincial Municipal Act, 1949. It
became one of the first municipalities of India in Despite its success, it faced difficulty in meeting
1852 AD, and a municipal corporation in 1966. public expectation. To overcome geographical,
demographical and time barriers attached with
SMC has taken many initiatives like City CSC/CFC a web based portal VCC is planned
Civic Centers [elsewhere known as Citizen which is accessible through SMC’s website.
Service Center (CSC) or Citizen Facilitation
Center (CFC)] for rendering citizen centric SUMMARY
Services to the citizens in the year 2003 with
a view to improve service delivery and bring Virtual Civic Center is aimed to overcome the
in efficiency and transparency in municipal limitation of conventional physical civic center /
operations. There are 16 such functional centres citizen facilitation centers and acts as an add-on
which are offering vide range of services like service delivery channel.

2 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

This successful initiative has a high 2010 Single no. helpline as an add on to
penetration and popularity among citizens, complaint management system
is of immediate and lasting individual and
2011 Revision of IT plan
public benefit, is low cost, easy to access and
the system is replicable and scalable. 2012 Virtual Civic Centre
2013 Mobile App.


For the purpose of catering the services

through physical Civic Centers, SMC had created
the applications and databases for various
applications. These desktop based applications
are used by SMC employees to render services.
To make these services available through
virtual civic center, the web based portal is
The implementation of these initiatives offers created wherein all the transactions related
satisfaction both to organization and citizens far activities are now done directly by the citizen.
greater than effort and cost. To enable collection of taxes and charges, the
payment gateway is securely integrated with
Virtual Civic Center aims to cover as many corporation’s website and database. Necessary
services that are offered through physical Civic security has been placed at Server, Database
Centers. The service delivery is electronic in and Network level. Other aspects such as user
nature and offered through the website of the friendly user interface, local language support,
corporation. The exhaustive portfolio of services user intimation, system security and sanctity
offered along with various other features makes were also of prime importance.
the Virtual Civic Center one of the best initiatives
in country. SMC has the in-house development team which
is deployed with a view to take care of various
IT requirements of SMC. Resources from this
KEY DATES team were mobilized to carry out necessary
front-end and back-end development and to
1979 Start of Computerization integrate them with existing IT applications.
1982-85 Development and implementation Since, the in-house team was involved in Mobile
of computerized payroll, property App development, no additional budgetary
tax, Vehicle tax provisions were required to be made.
1990-92 Property tax Online Receipt System
Computerized accrual based
double accounting system
2000 Birth and death system imlpemented
2001 IT Plan for computerization at SMC
2003 Started City Civic Centre (CSCs/
2007-08 • e-tendering adopted
• Information kiosks
2009 • m-Governanace started with
vaccination alert system
• Mobile van to cater to remote

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 3


The Virtual Civic Center completely removes

manual interventions of SMC employees
for service delivery. The service delivery is
completely automated and electronic in nature.
The services are offered on-the-spot from SMC’s
website. Various measures are taken to make the
Virtual Civic Center services easily accessible
and popular amongst the citizen without any
additional cost attached to it.

From above chart it can be seen that the number of

transactions rose by 60% whereas the value of transactions
rose by 127%

Brief of Services Covered

• Payment of Property Tax Including Advance
• Payment of Profession Tax for Enrollment
RESULTS ACHIEVED Certificate (EC) & Registration Certificate (RC)

Virtual civic centre got a very good response • Payment of Water Meter Bills for residential
and it can be said that if the latest technology is and non-residential connections
used with necessary checks and balances it can • Renewal of Shops & Establishment
help both citizens and organization in achieving Registration Certificate
efficiencies. The SMC at large benefitted in
multiple ways by reducing the manpower cost, • Issuance of Birth & Death Certificate
operational costs, increasing transparency, etc. • Download of Forms at free of cost
Over 44,000 transactions have taken place since
its inception in April 2012. • Feedback regarding services offered

In graph above the bar’s with green colour is the SMC’s Working Hour and the blue represents non working
hours which clearly shows that 51% of the transaction have taken place outside SMC’s public service hours and
remaining 49% taken place during normal working hours.

4 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Impact Assessment (pre and post)


Service Delivery Channel By visiting any of 16 Civic Centers Through internet
Service Delivery Time Accessible during all working days Accessible all days
from 1100 hrs to 1700 hrs
Mode of Service Delivery Delivered through SMC employees Obtained through website
Application platform Through desktop based client Through web based client
server application server application with same
backend as for physical Civic
Cost to obtain service No additional service charge No additional service charge
and no additional payment
gateway transaction cost
Travel cost Travel cost is incurred as physical Services are accessible from
visit is required for obtaining any place anytime, hence no
services travel cost incurred by user
Indirect cost incurred by user Indirect cost is in terms of time, Transaction time is at max
opportunity cost in terms of time 2-5 minute. Hence can be
consumed in obtaining service performed during free time
rather than utilization of economic between working hours.
Green Governance Receipts are printed on paper, Receipts and certificates are
two copies in single A4 page with available in form of pdf
perforation in between.
Capacity building Necessary training provided to the No specialized training is
operators required
Citizen charter The services are offered The services are delivered on
instantaneously but one needs to the spot
wait in queue in case of rush


Financial Sustainability The web interface of the virtual Civic Centre

No additional operation expenditure is required is designed with latest net framework and is
to be incurred for enabling Virtual Civic Center as well integrated with existing application which
it utilize the same resources (like power, internet is also designed with Microsoft technology at
bandwidth, etc.) which are required and already front-end as well as back-end. Due to popularity
available for running the corporation’s website. of the technology ample sills are available easily.
The application maintenance is done in-house. Moreover, plugin oriented Architecture offers
SMC is not incurring any fixed or recurring facility to use common services across multiple
charges for integration and offering the payment applications and also provides flexibility to
gateway services. enroll other services with an ease.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 5

ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY that it appeals to all sections and classes of
society. Availability of over 100 payment
Due to Virtual Civic Center, people can access options ensures that the service is not limited to
the services from their convenient place. They customers of specific bank(s) or specific debit/
need not travel to SMC offices. In a larger credit card holders.
context, the reduced footprints lead to reduced
fuel consumption and reduced pollution. The TRANSFERABILITY
receipts and certificates are available in the form
of PDF for user’s future reference which results As part of starting physical City Civic Centers,
in less paper consumption. SMC has already has IT applications for various
citizen centric services. The past experience and
SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY setup helped in development of the application
and interface for virtual civic center. SMC is
The easy user interface and local language planning to start offering services currently
support ensures that any person with minimum offered through virtual civic center from its
computer knowledge can access the services. mobile app as well. The existing web-service
There is no extra charge for accessing services based architecture would be useful for it as
through Virtual City Civic Center which ensures well.

6 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

SMC Mobile Application

he initiative highlighted over here is that
of SMC’s Mobile App which is aimed to
establish direct connect with citizens. The
ever increasing penetration of smart phones has
provided an opportunity to various government
and non-government organizations to use this
media to offer services to the customers.

SMC has become the frontrunner in utilizing

this medium by offering various information
and services on the go through its Mobile App.
SMC is the first Municipal Corporation in India
to have such mobile application for citizens.
SMC had started implementing m-Governance
1979 Start of Computerization
taking into consideration high penetration of
mobile phones. The m-Governance was started 1982-85 Development and implementation
in 2009 with a unique and noble concept of of computerized payroll, property
Vaccination Alert System. SMC was the first to tax, Vehicle tax
start Vaccination Alert System and later on the 1990-92 Property tax Online Receipt System
concept was replicated by others. Computerized accrual based double
accounting system
Apart from above, SMC started various other 2000 Birth and death system implemented
services these services includes SMS notification 2001 IT Plan for computerization at SMC
on registration of complaint bearing ticket
ID along with name and contact no. of SMC 2003 Started City Civic Centre (CSCs/
official responsible CFSc)
to resolve the 2007-08 • e-tendering adopted
complaint, transaction • Information kiosks
notification, alert for 2009 • m-Governance started with
recruitment exams vaccination alert system
and interview, etc. The • Mobile van to cater to remote
existing m-governance areas
coverage is depicted
below: 2010 Single no. helpline as an add on to
complaint management system
2011 Revision of IT plan
2012 Virtual Civic Centre
2013 Mobile App.

SMC is having various applications in place for

the purpose of catering the services through
physical Civic Center, Virtual Civic Center and

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 7

Information Kiosks. The and managed in-house. The cost attached with
Mobile App was designed in making Mobile App available in market place
such a way that it seamlessly through Google Play Store and Apple App Store
integrate with existing is also nominal. In the backend, the mobile
backend infrastructure. In- application utilizes the same resources (like
house development team is power, internet bandwidth, etc.) which are
deployed with a view to carry required and already available for running the
out necessary development. corporation’s website thus making it financially
Since, the in-house team sustainable.
was involved in Mobile App
development, no additional TECHNOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY
budgetary provisions were
required to be made. The development platforms for mobile
application are well defined and robust in nature.
 Check outstanding property tax and Water The future upgrades of SMC app will be available
Meter Charges at free of cost from the Google and apple mobile
 Check profession tax registration details app market place. In the backend, there is a
with outstanding common architecture for supporting different
 Check shops & establishment Registration mobile application platforms like android and
Information IOS which makes them easier to manage and
 Check Birth and Death Registration it is also scalable in nature so that additional
Information services can be easily incorporated.
 Rainfall Details
 Active Tender Details Environmental Sustainability
Due to Mobile App, people can access the
 Complaint Registration
services from their convenient place. They need
 Feedback not travel to SMC offices. In a larger context,
the reduced footprints lead to reduced fuel
RESULTS ACHIEVED consumption and reduced pollution. Moreover,
in future the mobile application will also enable
SMC Mobile App got a very good response from
financial transactions, which in turn reduce the
the citizen. During the flood like situation in
footprints at the city civic centers and in turn
the month of September 2013 for three days,
lead to green governance.
the mobile application was downloaded and
accessed by number of citizens to receive the
Social and cultural sustainability
authentic and timely information regarding the
rainfall and discharge from Ukai Dam. During The easy user interface and local language
this very short period, over 3 lakh hits were support ensures that any person can use the
registered through Mobile App. mobile application easily. The mobile app is
available for download at free of cost. The
So far over 30,000 download took place through reduced prices of smart phone and internet
Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Over services makes the mobile app accessible to
8.5 lakh hits are registered through Mobile App. larger section of society. Also the use of smart
People not only living in Surat, Gujarat and India phone is not limited to youth but it is now being
but also from other countries (over 15 countries) used by people of other age groups as well.
downloaded the application.
SMC has launched Virtual Civic Center (online
Financial Sustainability services) offering majority of citizen centric
The cost to manage and maintain the Mobile services to the citizens using the internet
App is very minimal as the same is developed through www. The Mobile

8 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

App also utilizes the backend architecture
developed for Virtual Civic Center. In future the
mobile app will also allow financial transactions
utilizing the same backend platform. Thus, the
technology and application already in place is
used for enabling the services through mobile


The mobile application got a very good response.

As per the priority defined, the application was
first launched for only Android based smart
phones and later for iOS based devices. But
immediately after the launch of android based
Based on the response received, SMC is planning
app, lots of feedbacks were received to make to incorporate host of other features in the
it available for iOS. SMC took a quick call and mobile app including the feature for making
expedite the development process for iOS as well payment for property tax, profession tax, water
and make available the iOS based application in meter charges and availing Birth & Death
quick succession. certificates.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 9

The Best Pracice award in the category of “Urban Governance” was given to Directorate of Municipal
Administraion Municipal Reforms Cell, Karnataka in recogniion their following iniiaives 1) Public
Grievance & Redressal System (PGR) 2) AASTHI (GIS based property tax informaion system) 3) Fund
based Accouning System (FBS) 4) Service Level Bench Marking - TULANA

Public Grievance & Redressal System (PGR)

BACKGROUND in the citizen would approach the urban local
bodies with a complaint, register it through
he PGR module is a citizen friendly a paper form or over the phone and keep

T complaint registration and tracking wondering about the status of the complaint and
system that functions over internet, Phone its redressal.
and Paper form. Through the Public Grievance
and Redressal System citizens can register KEY DATES
their grievances and be able to track progress
of its redressal in a structured and efficient 1st June 2005 - Launch of Application
manner. Upon registration, the computer system 16th June 2010 – Application Live in all 213
generates a “Complaint tracking Number” using Urban Local Bodies
which the status and progress of the complaint
can be checked by the citizen over internet. MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES

The uniqueness of PGR system has been that it Asian Development Bank funded "Nirmala Nagar
has introduced transparency and accountability Project" implemented in 47 ULBs and later
from Municipal Administration. This system from 2008 onwards in the remaining 164 ULBs
includes advanced features like, Auto routing under World Bank funded "Karnataka Municipal
of complaints to appropriate redressal officer Reforms Project". An NGO is appointed on an
and if the complaints are not redressed in the annual contract basis by each Urban Local Body.
stipulated time, they automatically get escalated
The entire process of rolling out of Municipal
to the higher level officer. Application generates
Unique Complaint Tracking Number which Applications of ULBs is handled by the IT
easies the tracking of the complaints. It helps professionals of Municipal Reforms Cell, duly
in easy dialogue between citizen and redressal appointed by the department, directly from the
officer and it has the facility to forward the market. Municipal Reforms Cell hand holds the
complaints to appropriate person. ULBs in implementation of computerization
reforms and further maintenance of the same.
Earlier manual system of grievance registration The task of capacity building and training to
and redressal was a single track system where Municipal staff is also vested with the Cell.

10 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

PROCESS Complaint Name Allotted time
for escalation
Through the Public Grievance and Redressal
System citizens can register their grievances Water pipes leaking 1
and be able to track progress of its redressal Supply of Drinking Water 2
in a structured and efficient manner. Upon Maintenance of Toilets 2
registration, the computer system generates Working of PGR Module 2
a “Complaint tracking Number” using which
Illegal connections for UGD 7
the status and progress of the complaint
can be checked by the citizen over internet Complaint against garbage/ 7
“24X7”. Complaints are also auto-routed to the sweeping contractor
appropriate redressal officer. If complaints are Cleaning of storm water 15
not redressed within the allotted time they drains
automatically get escalated to the higher level Revenue loss by ULB Staff 15
officer. Parking Issue 30
Multi-level parking 60
ULB has appointed Non-Government
organization(NGO) for fair handling of PGR cell Time allotted for few complaints based on the severity
with nominal monthly fee and also an agreement escalated to higher officer.
has been made between ULB and NGO with
the condition that NGO has to work round the RESULTS ACHIEVED
clock for City Corporations and City Municipal
Councils and it has to work 12 hours for Town  Significant change in the perception of the
Municipal Councils and Town Panchayats. common man about a government office.
1. Acceptance of application  Introduced PGR–Citizen friendly complaint
2. Forwarding registration and tracking system that
3. Follow-ups functions over internet, Phone and Paper
form and status is trackable through
Follow ups and status inquiry by the applicants: complaint ID.
• By calling the ULB  Enables Citizens and other city stakeholders
• Online using complaint tracking methods to understand the city’s problems better and
-through the respective ULB website constructively participate in the governance
• By visiting the ULB of the ULB.
 Ensure availability of data for all the
Reports and Monitoring: Various types of Government departments to use it for
reports are generated and are available on further value addition.
the system to show the performance of the  Significant time-saving for the public for
system. Citizens can use their complaint IDs to availing different services offered by the
track and monitor the progress. If complaints ULB. For example, the processing time
are not redressed within the allotted time for several issues has been reduced from
they automatically get escalated to a higher several days to less than 1 day.
level officer. There are 148 types of complaints
 Involvement of NGO to help illiterate and
pertaining to different sections which can be
other needy people to complete their
registered through PGR system and status tracked.
 Transparency has helped in increasing the
confidence of citizens in the administration.
 Online status tracking help people know the
status of their paperwork at any time from
any place.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 11

 Complete accountability is maintained as TRANSFERABILITY
papers are delivered to people within the
committed time. Daily summary and auto This initiative was the first of its kind in
escalation of pending cases to the higher India where a state-wide model of reforms
level officers has boosted the performance was implemented. Traditionally, municipal
of the administrative staff. e-governance reform initiatives have been driven
at the local level, which have made them difficult
 Useful to understand what kind of problems to replicate. In the case of the Nirmala Nagar
occur, at which parts of the ULB and at Project, the vision was to create a standardized
what time of the year set of systems and processes across the state
 Aid the administration to streamline which would not only provide the benefit of
the Municipal functions through knowledge sharing across the individual bodies
process re-engineering and proper but also creates a common platform on which
planning management. comparative evaluation between municipalities
could be undertaken. Under this framework,
SUSTAINABILITY some of the most innovative decisions taken on
the e-governance front were:
The PGR system was on PPP model which is also
being periodically evaluated to understand the 1. Creation of a centralized system which was
functioning of the system as against the design common in terms of process and data model
concept. An NGO is appointed to manage the PGR across the state.
cell in a ULB, which results in fair functioning of 2. The centralized approach enabled the
the Cell. technology team to leverage the internet
to evelop an application that was accessed
Complaints are categorized into three types: by the individual municipal bodies over the
Immediate– to be replied, problem solved and internet.
attended within 24 hrs. 3. The applications are now hosted centrally
Priority – to be replied, problem solved and at an independent entity (Karnataka
attended within 7 days. Municipal Data Society) which provides
the applications to the individual municipal
Normal – either to be replied or problem bodies for an annual subscription fee. This
solved or attended within 30 days based on the is also a first under the Indian government
complaint type. context.

12 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Fund Based Accounting System (FBS)
BACKGROUND end E-Governance initiatives. It is also a tool of

performance evaluation at individual official/
und Based Accounting System is a officer level, at each department level and at
scientific tool which can be put to multiple
institutional level. It is an urban tool to ensure
uses. It offers best finance management
accurate, reliable & timely information about
as a core function with robust MIS layers at
each of the departments of a ULB. It facilitates all the activities of ULB. It breaks the hierarchy
the achievement of right balance between in the management of urban information,
resources and development demands. It ensures thus retaining purity without any distortion
efficiency in application of scarce resources of the field level information. It increases the
apart from refining budgeting process. It is a confidence to share the information with stake
perfect back end system for any of the front holders such as NGOs, ROs, Scholars, Citizen etc.


Name of the Name of Agency No. of ULBs Date of

programme Assisted Implementation
NirmalNagara Asian Development 51 1-4-2006
Programme Bank 4 1-4-2007
Karnataka Municipal World Bank 69 1-4-2007
Reforms Project 4 1-4-2008
85 1-4-2009

MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES FBAS Coordinator, 3 Accounts Superintendents

along with 9 trained accountants were
Asian Development Bank funded "Nirmala Nagar placed to monitor the Accounting Reforms
Project" implemented in 55 ULBs and later implementation. Field level Consultants were
from 2008 onwards in the remaining 158 ULBs also appointed to hand hold the ULBs during the
under World Bank funded "Karnataka Municipal inception for one year. Institutional head along
Reforms Project". with the accountant has been made accountable
along with all section heads of ULB’s for their
State Level Nodal Agency for consultation on roles and responsibilities.
accounting reforms was appointed for framing
the implementation strategy. A special cell Existing staffs of the organizations over 8000
called Municipal Reform cell has been created were trained section-wise on their roles and
to carry on municipal reforms, under this a responsibilities under the new accounting
dedicated team headed by Joint Controller, system and Field level consultants who are

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 13

Chartered Accountants, were put on board friendly software has been developed
for each organization to train them on job and with the partnership of an NGO namely
assist them in implementation during inception e-Governments foundation. Now in-house
period. Accountant post, which has to be held capacity has been developed.
by a B.Com graduate, is created to carry on the
accounting job. Accountants were well trained RESULTS ACHIEVED
in manual as well as in application software of
 For the first time in the history of ULBs in
accounting. Financial statement auditor who is a
Karnataka, Opening balance sheets were
Chartered Accountant is appointed for auditing
prepared to incorporate the assets and
of financial statements for vouching the True
liabilities in the accounts of ULBs. The Fixed
and Fair view of financial reports.
Assets worth around 4033 cores of rupees
otherwise unnoticed have been physically
identified, enumerated and brought into
The Fund Based Double Entry Accrual Accounting records.
System enables the accuracy of records,  The web-enabled software has enabled the
preparation of financial statements, accounting Government in accessing database of all the
of receivables and payables, segregation between ULBs on centralized server.
capital and revenue items, which will depict a
 Karnataka Municipal Accounting Manual is
better financial picture of ULB and enables to
available as a ready reference to guide the
endeavor better fund management, resource
ULB staff
mobilization and budgetary control.
 The new accounting rules make it
 Disclosure of Accounting and Budgeting
mandatory to prepare fund wise accounting
information and financial position
reports with following funds:
to public through ULB website and local
newspaper. o General Fund
 Two rounds of Public participation in o Water Supply and Sewerage Fund
preparation of Budget have been made o Enterprise Fund
 This will assist in determining the extent
 All Assets and liabilities of 213 ULBs of recovery of cost of providing services to
have been brought into Accounts and over citizens and ring fence the funds allocated
Rs.4033 Crores assets have been captured for each purpose.
 Standard Chart of accounts being used for  The new accounting rules have mandated
Accounting as well as for Budget, which is the preparation of City Management report
uniform for all 213 ULBs. for each ULB, including following;
 Cost and Performance indicators for o Audited financial statements;
evaluation of ULB’s services and financial
o Details of major works carried out;
has been made part parcel of financial
statements. o Additional revenue generation
measures for further developmental
 Audit - In addition to statutory audit from works; and
the Controller, State Accounts Department,
o Cost and Performance Indicators
Financial statement audit from Chartered
Accountants and complimentary audit  Introduction of pre-budget public
from Accountant General, Karnataka also consultations during budget preparation
introduced. has resulted in higher transparency, general
awareness about ULB accounts/finances
 Use of Computerized accounting system:
and increased accountability.
Municipal e-governance is one of the
mandates of municipal reforms. A user  Institutionalization of reforms has enabled

14 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

grooming of in house experts who have  Budget Variance Statements
conducted innumerous training for ULB
 City Management Reports
staff regarding change in accounting
procedure and their role and responsibility.  Cost and performance indicators
 Entire implementation phase of the new  Income Expenditure Accounts
system is effectively completed, and
 Notes to accounts
financial statements of 213 ULBs are
available.  Receipts and Payment Accounts
 Completed and ongoing work details etc.

Transparency and accountability creates a sense LESSON LEARNT:

of trust on the local authority of the staff, citizens,
• An important lesson of the ULB experience
contractors, elected representatives as the
with budgeting and financial management
focus is on deliverables, the implied continuity
reforms is that implementation of
and support is achieved thereof, moreover this
innovative concepts is only possible if these
systems success is carrying this concept to all
are reoriented to the existing organization
other Local Bodies in the state.
Better and effective use of resources, taking • A Management Information System can be
stock of works done directly helps in checking effective only if hierarchical blockages to
wastages, stopping misuse and helps to review flow of information are removed.
consumption pattern of resources. • By the same logic a decentralized bottom up
system of budget preparation is better than
Most of the expenses are one time investments a centralized system.
for establishment of equipment and training of
staff to operate the software created and the • The most important learning from these
benefits of structured information has a payback initiatives is that transparency, clarity,
period of less than a year. and simplification are essential attributes
for any scheme where citizen interface is
• Complexity of the information management
Citizens can view the following financial details has to be handled by use of computers and
through ULBs website: not by employees.
 Budget
• Appropriate customisation needs to be
 Balance Sheet done to suit even the lowest IQ employee.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 15

Service Level Benchmarking - TULANA


ulana – Service Level Benchmarking

T provides the mechanisms by which the

ULB knows if it is achieving its objectives
as the online application transforms data into
information useful for decision making. The
system is able to deliver following functions
of monitoring mechanism that measures the
output. A monitoring mechanism that produces
information on the output that is accurate,
timely, relevant and complete.

With the rapid economic growth the

municipalities have been vested with certain
obligatory functions and ULBs are under
immense pressure and strain to meet the
raising levels of demands and aspirations of
their citizens resulting in undesirable levels of
service delivery and insufficient utilization of Benchmarking is now well recognized as
available resources, the Directorate of Municipal an important mechanism for introducing
Administration (DMA), Karnataka, took an accountability in service delivery.
initiative to build a common platform which
In context of urban local bodies, benchmarking
could ease out the tracking and management
can be defined as the process of determining how
aspects of various sectors for improvised
efficiently and effectively the concerned agencies
governance in ULBs. are delivering the services and the effort of the
agencies in improving the mobilization of own
KEY DATES resources and to measure whether this resources
are being utilized in an optimum manner or not.
16TH November 2009 – Application Live in all
It also provides an assessment of the quality of
213 Urban Local Bodies
work the local body is doing and how successful;
it has been in satisfying community needs and
Under this project, six service sectors and one
The entire process of rolling out of Municipal
finance sector have been considered, which
Applications of ULBs is handled by the IT comprises 49 Performance Indicators. The
professionals of Municipal Reforms Cell, duly sectors are;
appointed by the department, directly from the
market. Municipal Reforms Cell hand holds the Service-Oriented sector
ULBs in implementation of computerization 1. Water Supply System.
reforms and further maintenance of the same. 2. Waste Water Management (sewerage and
The task of capacity building and training to sanitation).
Municipal staff is also vested with the Cell. 3. Solid Waste Management.

16 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

4. Roads, Road side Drains and Street lights. RESULTS ACHIEVED
5. Disease Control.
Tulana now provides the mechanisms by which
6. Developments of Parks and Gardens. the ULB knows if it is achieving its objectives
Finance Sector as the online application transforms data into
7. Finances. information useful in decision making.

One of the major focus areas for the project right From the perspective of Service Users:
from the start was, to create a scalable platform  Measure performance
that could be rolled out across the state, covering
all 213 ULBs. Following are the key elements of  Improve performance
the scalable design:
From the government or any other socio-
a. Technical Architecture: technical perspective:
b. Centralizing also allows standardization of
formats and processes that automatically  Improved information base
drive economies of scale  Easy and defined monitoring
A Service Level Benchmarking Website  Provide greater transparency has also been
developed which acts as a gateway for accessing  Fund allocation
the application;
 Rationalize decision making
 Related policy decision
 Comparison of the ULBs
 Replication of Best Practices
 Prioritize the activity
 Streamline /flow of data
 Attract financial investment
 Retain/maintain quality of life
 Competing with other ULBs
 Performance improvement plans

From the perspective of citizens:

 This tool has enabled them to assess their

own city in comparison with other cities.
 This tool also helps citizens to involve in the
local body decision making, through this
effective community participation could be
 Planning to include the citizen role in
the application for viewing the reports
regarding the services through which
each and every citizen is able to know the
TThe System Process services and its level in ULB.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 17

SUSTAINABILITY which would not only provide the benefit of
knowledge sharing across the individual bodies,
The Karnataka Municipal Data Society but also create a common platform on which,
(KMDS) was setup specifically to scale up to comparative evaluation between municipalities
accommodate the training and support queries could be undertaken. Under this framework,
from the municipal bodies. In addition, this some of the most innovative decisions taken on
provided the framework in terms of training the e-governance front are given as under:
facilities, knowledge sharing which helped in
reducing the time taken for the municipal bodies 1. Creation of a centralized system, which was
to adopt the reforms. common in terms of process and data model
across the state.
The Karnataka Municipal Data Society (KMDS) 2. The centralized approach enabled the
has been setup with a self-sustaining revenue technology team to leverage the internet to
generation mechanism, and has created a model develop an application that was accessed
structure that can be replicated across the by the individual municipal bodies over the
country. internet.
TRANSFERABILITY 3. The applications are now hosted centrally at
Municipal Data Center, which is an entity of
The vision was to create a standardized set the Directorate of Municipal Administration
of systems and processes across the state (DMA).

18 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

AASTHI (GPS based property tax
information system)
BACKGROUND Issues faced by the government

ASTHI (GIS based property tax • Discrepancies in reported figures from
information system) is introduced for ULBs
effective collection of property tax, to • Lack of timely information about property
bring more transparency, accountability in the details from ULBs
entire process of property tax collections. The
• Inaccurate projections of Property Tax
reform aims to automate taxation process and
to integrate with other functionaries of the demand which was one of the main source
ULB to keep the updated data and information of revenue of ULBs
of every property with unique standard across • Monitoring Collection efficiency across 213
all ULBs of the state. It aims to do it through ULBs difficult
a GIS based Property Tax Information System
• Tampering of Manual records, misplacement
which would improve the record keeping of
properties, increase the tax compliance rates of records.
and also enable ULB officials to make informed
decisions. KEY DATES

• Project initiation - March 2004

Before the initiative following issues were
faced by the department:
• Low rate of filing the property tax returns
Asian Development Bank funded "Nirmala
• High accumulation of arrears
Nagar Project" implemented in 47 ULBs and
• Negligible penalty for not filing the later from 2008 onwards in the remaining 164
return. ULBs under World Bank funded "Karnataka
• Improper assessment of property tax by Municipal Reforms Project".
ULB Officials which was causing huge
revenue loss to the ULB Cadre and Recruitment Rules for Urban Local
Bodies (ULBs) have been amended and Senior/
• Large number of properties were un-
Junior Programmers posts have been created
assessed and not brought under tax net with minimum qualification of B.E (CS/IT)/
• Delay in preparing the list of defaulters MCA for Senior Programmers and B.Sc (IT)/BCA
• No uniform procedure of taxation.
• Property records were maintained in
manual DCB registers
Issues from the perspective of citizens/
service users :
• Delay in issuing property tax extract to
• Difficulty in preparation of Demand
Collection Balance register.
• Difficulty in preparing & serving notices to

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 19

for Junior Programmers. For the first time, IT Responsibility for calculating property tax
Engineers posts in ULBs were filled up through due was shifted from city officials to property
competitive exams and they are rigorously owners themselves. A comprehensive survey of
trained on the development, implementation all taxable land of all municipalities (excluding
and further maintenance of the GIS based Bangalore) was conducted. The new IT system for
Aasthi application along with other municipal tracking and managing property tax collections
applications. Municipal commissioner/ was implemented in all municipalities across
Chief Officers, Engineers, Revenue Officers, the state.
Revenue Inspectors, and Bill collectors are also
simultaneously trained on implementation and RESULTS ACHIEVED
usage of the online application.
 This system has brought transparency in
the process of property tax collection.
 Property tax notices are generated
In the beginning of fiscal year 2002-03, the automatically and the property tax details
government of Karnataka implemented a set of are shared with the owners of the property.
far reaching reforms to its system for collection  The system has increased the responsibility
of property tax in urban areas. The method of and accountability on the part of Bill
assessing property value for the purposes of Collectors and Revenue Officials. With a
calculating property tax due was changed from click on the button, the Commissioner can
one based on estimated rental value to one based find out the amount, his Bill Collector was
on the total capital value of land plus buildings. supposed to collect, assess his performance


Bill Collector Nodal Engineer
Collects data from
Municipal Books/SAS ULB Base map preparation which includes city Boundary,
forms Ward Boundary, Block Boundary and street network

Validate and Augment Hiring & training locally hired survey Assistants & ULB
the data with DCB for Engineers on street naming & property numbering
all the years in Form A

Amalgamation data in Field survey of properties

Form C
Capture MIS
Create a unique ID for each
Attributes in Form B
Data entry by Property

Craw property Polygons with PID on

Data validation by ward/Block Maps
Revenue Staff MRC


20 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

as to whether notices have been served by 5. GIS application envisages role based access
him and whether demand notices served by and every Role/User is accountable for his/
other revenue officials. her actions.
 This software helps to monitor and control
the entire property tax collection system TRANSFERABILITY
without depending on the information This initiative was the first of its kind in
being provided by the lower staff manually. India where a state-wide model of reforms
 The system also has central database at the was implemented. Traditionally, municipal
State Level. e-governance reform initiatives have been
 The performance of different ULBs is driven at the local level, which have made them
monitored by using the central database difficult to replicate. The vision was to create
which brings a sense of fear and resultant a standardized set of systems and processes
responsibility in the minds of the Managers across the state which would not only provide
of ULBs. the benefit of knowledge sharing across the
individual bodies but also create a common
 The system has simplified the collection platform on which comparative evaluation
of data enabling periodical of State Level between municipalities could be undertaken.
review of property tax collection. Under this framework, some of the most
innovative decisions taken on the e-governance

This Project has been institutionalized. Hence 1. Creation of a centralized system which was
they are system driven. common in terms of process and data model
across the state.
1. Municipal Reforms Cell: The various
officers appointed in this office shall ensure 2. The centralized approach enabled the
effective implementation of E-Governance technology team to leverage the internet to
modules. They offer online/on site technical develop an application that was accessed
assistance to ULBs to sort out various by the individual municipal bodies over the
implementation issues. internet.
2. State Level GIS Agency: Survey of India has The applications are now hosted centrally at
been appointed as a Technical Assistance & an independent entity (Karnataka Municipal
Support Agency (TASA) for implementation Data Society) which provides the applications
of GIS in all the ULBs. to the individual municipal bodies for an annual
3. IT Engineers appointed to implement the subscription fee under the SaaS (Software as a
project: IT Engineers exclusively appointed Service) model. This is also a first time in the
for this project in the ULB, are assigned the Indian government context.
task to implement and further maintain
E-Governance modules in their respective LESSON LEARNT:
ULBs and coordinate with ULB, Field Level
staff and Municipal Reforms Cell for this 1. It was felt that different ULBs had followed
purpose. different procedures in finalization of city
4. District Urban Development Cells and boundaries, ward boundaries, identification
Nodal Officers: Project Directors and of major roads, city maps etc. and thereby the
Nodal Officers positioned in the District whole process was not found to be uniform.
Urban Development Cells attached to the As such, it was decided to use existing
respective DC offices handhold the ULBs maps of the ULBs and hand sketches if any
in implementation and maintenance of existing in the ULBs, the Town planning
e-Governance initiatives taken-up by the maps available with the Director, Town
State Government. Planning and Satellite /Aerial imaginary

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 21

maps, available with SoI, at any given time especially of the Commissioner or the Chief
and to amalgamate these maps and then to Officer heading the local body.
develop the comprehensive maps and then 4. Retaining a capable human resource pool
to digitize these maps by duly fixing the was another challenge. IT skills are a new
proper boundaries of the ULBs. skill set that the government, both at the
2. Despite several circulars from the DMA state and the local level has acquired as
to verify the Form Cs filled by the hired part of this programme. While essential
engineers by fixing targets for Rev Officers, to the implementation of the programme,
Revenue Inspectors, Bill Collectors, and retaining this resource pool poses a
Commissioners/ Chief Officers, the ULBs challenge and is essential to sustain this
had not done this verification properly. This programme.
resulted in Survey Errors 5. Training, building capacities and ensuring
3. One of the most important challenges faced integration and cooperation of the existing
in the implementation was the frequent bureaucratic staff in the programme is
change in the bureaucracy at the local level, another challenge.

22 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

The Best Pracice award in the category of “Housing, Urban Poverty and Infrastructure” was given to
Commissioner of Municipal Administraion, Chennai, Tamil Nadu in recogniion of its iniiaive Housing
for Urban Poor; Access to Civic Services, educaion & Health Faciliies “Pro-poor aciviies through Micro
Enterprise support, Skill Training and Community Mobilizaion”

Pro-poor activities through Micro Enterprise support, Skill

Training and Community Mobilization
BACKGROUND Housing to provide 6137 Dwelling units. The
Central Government sanctioned additional fund

he implementation of housing scheme of Rs.37.40 Crores as an incentive for the state
for the Urban Poor through agencies like based on the performance.
Urban Local Bodies and Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board were attempted to provide PROCESS
16000 dwelling units for the year 2013-14 out
of the total target of 1, 30,000 planned through  The NHGs were given opportunity to
145 projects in the state. participate in mela and interact directly
with the training institutes to select the
The State has committed to strengthen the skills of their choice and interest.
serviceability of the urban local body in addition  Awareness on the importance of
to providing shelter for the Poor. People’s participation in NHG meetings to avail
participation and Bottom up approach is felt benefits was given to the groups.
as the priority to be established for the present
generation.  The credit of subsidy directly to the account
of the group was facilitated to avoid delay in
Sustainable development is aimed through the process of sanction.
improvement in the financial ability of the
urban local body to meet the increasing demand  Marketing support extended by organizing
caused due to rapid urbanization. This was exhibitions in districts periodically to
the first State to bring Beneficiary led house promote sale of the products produced by
construction through in-Situ development. the women groups.
Awareness Creation
Sensitization programs under UCDN conducted
For the year 2013-14, the Government made periodically to facilitate the urban youth to
allocation for universal coverage of urban poor know about different pro-poor programs of all
towards livelihood and improvement in the government departments and to help them in
environmental condition at an estimated cost of preparing micro plan utilizing the services of the
Rs. 114.77 Crores and Rs. 750 Crores for Inclusive community organizers and other stake holders.

NHG Group Activities under UCDN Component

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 23

Community Mobilization and support shelter for more than 6.5
Lakhs, which otherwise will only be the life
 Three tier system of community based time dream for urban poor.
organization, as envisaged in the guidelines
of SJSRY has been formed in all the Urban  Proactive measures were taken to release
Local Bodies. the funds in advance to the implementing
agencies before release of central funds to
 A total of 780 CDS have been formed in all
speed up the implementation which has
the ULBs and the same has been registered.
largely saved additional cost escalation and
The community based organization has
reduced the burden of the beneficiaries.
80956 NHGs and 9364 NHCs.
 The bottom-up approach of need assessment
is in practice.
 The Town Urban Poverty Alleviation Cell
formed in all the Urban Local Bodies will
assist in availing benefit under the scheme
every year.
 Exhibitions are conducted to facilitate sales
outlet for the products produced by the
Women groups.
 The CDS is given the responsibility to
mobilize the community and avail benefits
to the needy poor on priority basis through
participatory technique.


 This was the first State to bring Beneficiary-
led house construction through In-Situ
 All the Urban Local Bodies have earmarked a
minimum of 25% of the municipal financial
resources towards the basic services to Poverty Alleviation
urban poor fund in the Municipal Budget.  The state has 86504 active NHG groups and
is effectively functioning through support of
CITY Total Budget Actual individual & group Micro enterprises and
Municipal Earmarked Expenditure Skill development training over the last 15
Budget (Rs. crore) (Rs. crore) years. Several groups are making sizeable
(Rs. crore) for urban on urban
income generation.
up to poor up to poor up to
2013-14 2013-14 2013-14  In the current Year, 37402 beneficiaries
CHENNAI 10818.85 3475.62 3252.49 were trained, 14004 were placed in
MADURAI 1494.21 422.26 402.32 jobs. Presently, 10455 beneficiaries are
COIMBATORE 1573.33 435.36 419.88 undergoing training. 10857 individuals are
assisted with self-employment ventures.
 The State has borne additional share due The financial utilization towards the above
to escalation of cost to the tune of Rs.650 is Rs.84.28 Crores with the subsidy of Rs.
Crores to successfully execute the project 21.07 Crores.

24 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

 In addition to the joint venture through  Employment through Skills, Training and
micro enterprise, the Women groups were Placement is arranged
involved in the maintenance of Community
Toilet for income generation. At least 100  Partnerships for empowerment of the poor
including NGOs & CSR
families will have access for usage and an
amount of Rs.100 per family or on usage  Creation of Youth Empowerment & Service
basis is charged from the user. (YES) Centre is proposed
 The accounts of income & expenditure  Universal Financial Inclusion and Revolving
are maintained by the user group. Income Fund Support
generating activities on products related to  Market linkages for service and
toiletries will be encouraged to the groups manufacturing sectors
for their livelihood. Further, in possible
 Shelters for homeless, destitute, street
areas, advertisement revenues will also
children, migrants other vulnerable
flow in to these groups. groups.
 721 Community toilets in state have been  The State has launched Tamilnadu Urban
entrusted for maintenance to the self-help Livelihood Mission(TNULM) and a separate
group and 5629 women are benefitted. budget of Rs 200 Crores has been earmarked
for the year 2013-14.
Urban Wage Employment Programme (UWEP)
 Provide infrastructure support for
Under the component of Urban Wage construction of community and school
Employment Programme (UWEP), 5.03 man toilets and carry out awareness and training
days’work have been generated at a cost of activities
Rs.8.47 Crores.

Urban Community Development Network


 So far 80,956 NHGs, 9364 NHCs and 780

CDSs have been formed and functioning
effectively. Capacity building, training and
awareness creation has been imparted at a
cost of Rs.6.54 Crores.
 Under this component, the Community
Organizers are assigned to guide the CDS in
the preparation of Micro plan, Mini plan and
Consolidated Town plan.
 They help the community in preparing
proposals for the self-employment
and group enterprise ventures to the
implementing banks.
 They also facilitate in creating awareness
to the urban poor in terms of various pro-
poor assistance available through various
department of the state and the center in
uplifting their livelihood, Health, Education,
Clean Environment and Child care. Community Based Activities

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 25

LESSONS LEARNED: above the allocation for a consecutive period
of two years for the State from the Ministry.
 The Community based organization
structured on a three tier basis has helped TRANSFERABILITY:
in mobilizing the community towards the
development of their living standards,  The beneficiaries are assisted with
utilizing the support of all poverty subsidized cement through government
alleviation schemes. cooperatives to make their construction of
dwelling unit cost effective.
 Organizing periodical Melas at the Regions
and Corporations has facilitated the urban  Biometric technology aids in collecting
youth to have direct interaction with the objective and authentic information.
training partner, sponsoring Institution
 Community participation is ensured by
(Government) and NGOs before opting for
involving the beneficiary to construct their
the right choice of skill training. own housing unit as against the traditional
 The Result of the above effort has prompted procedure of engaging the construction of
the State Level Nodal Agency to claim dwelling units to the contractors/NGOs/
additional funds for the scheme over and department etc.

26 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

The Best Pracice award in the category of “Housing, Urban Poverty and Infrastructure” was given to
Indian Insitute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat in recogniion of its Service for Urban Poor iniiaive
“Construcion worker welfare programmes at IIT, Gandhi Nagar”

Construction Worker Welfare programmes

at IIT, Gandhi Nagar


tarted in 2011, Nyasa primarily aims to

S support and educate the children of migrant

construction workers in and around the
campus neighborhoods. Our collective strength
January 26, Marked start of Nyasa. A
2011 community lunch was organized
for 400 construction workers and
their families to create awareness
in education as an educational institution was about the welfare of construction
used as a platform to bring the children from workers.
dusty environs to an open air school within
January 26, The children of ‘Nyasa’ school gave
the IITGN temporary campus in Chandkheda.
2014 a stage performance at Republic
This provided the children quality time through
Day Celebration Function at IIT
education and entertainment while their parents
were hard at work. Buoyed by the support of
students and IITGN, Nyasa has implemented Unspecified Periodic Health Check Camp for
the same model at the Institute’s permanent dates construction workers; (Annual)
campus, which is presently under construction. winter clothes distribution; book
Two Nyasa schools at our permanent campus in distribution; kite flying; Republic
Palaj cater to the needs of nearly 200 children of Day celebrations; Independence
construction workers. Day celebrations; community
lunch; fun and frolic with IITGN
Nyasa’s second mission is to cater to the housing students etc.,
needs of the migrant construction workers. March Construction Planning Completed
The innovative design of housing and academic 2013 and Workers Housing Scheme
buildings at IITGN’s Palaj Campus requires Finalized
a dedicated workforce. IIT Gandhinagar is August Start of Construction with
committed to providing decent housing for 2013 implementation of Construction
migrant construction laborers during the Housing Scheme for Workers
duration of their work. The construction site
provides respectable and sanitary housing for
the families of construction workers and a safe Community engagement is one of the core
environment for their children to play and learn. missions of IITGN and IITGN staff, students
The VGEC campus, where IIT Gandhinagar and faculties have all contributed their time,
temporary campus is located, was a place skills and financial resources to support
of bustling construction activities. Migrant Nyasa activities. Currently Nyasa has 55 active
construction laborers had no place to live or to volunteers and steadfast support from the
leave their children while they were at work. IITGN governing body. Nyasa receives donations
Construction workers in India traditionally toil in of money, goods from well-wishers, alumni,
some of the most miserable housing conditions. friends and family of staff and students. The

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 27

Institute also undertook special initiatives for
construction worker welfare through policy
decisions and construction rules it developed
for its new campus. Provision of satisfactory
housing for construction workers was made an
explicit condition of the contracts issued by the
Institute and this is implemented as a required
best practice for all construction.


Workers’ Housing
requirement of labor. All workers housing shall
The bidder shall construct clean, hygienic and be constructed within three months of Date of
well ventilated workers’ housing, with adequate start, failing which additional recovery will be
water supply, electrical and sanitation facilities. made at Rs.10,000/- ( Ten Thousand) per day,
This housing shall be constructed on location till the workers’ housing is made available at site
decided by Engineer in charge. Use of piece of up to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
land for housing shall be allowed by IITGN free
of cost for the duration of this work. Housing for NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FOR
150 ±10% workers shall be constructed within CONSTRUCTION OF LABOUR HOUSING
One Month of Date of start, failing which a
recovery will be made at the rate of Rs.10,000/- Along with the housing, IITGN encouraged
(Ten Thousand) per day till the workers’ housing practice of best safety measures for the on-
is made available as per above number at site site construction workers. Elaborate safety
up to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. measures were undertaken and a two-day
The additional number of houses required to be fresher training (16 hours) was provided to all
constructed would be decided by the Engineer- construction workers. A comprehensive group
in-charge based on his assessment of the insurance cover of Rs 50,000 to Rs 100,000 was

28 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

established for the workers and their supervisory of insurance cover to be provided shall be
staff. Apart from these, regular health camps are submitted by the contractor / associate agencies
organized to monitor their physical health and within 20 days of date of start. In case of a
cultural gatherings are periodically held to take default, appropriate policy shall be done by the
care of their mental well-being. Safety Monitoring Committee and double the fee
of the policy shall be recovered from the next bill
The contractor including subcontractors shall
provide comprehensive group insurance cover
for all the workers and their supervisory staff
Basic housing, drinking water, sanitation etc. are
deployed at site. The amount of insurance cover
shall be Rs 50,000 and Rs 1, 00,000 for workers provided to construction workers, which sets an
and supervisory staff respectively. The details example for future construction activities

Good Quality roofed housing near construction site

No child left behind, a small effort to keep children occupied

Community lunches work used as a plateform to create performance

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 29

Accessible clean drinking water and sanitation

 Free education is provided to children of TRANSFERABILITY

construction workers, who typically have
As a community effort, IIT Gandhinagar has
never been to schools.
plans to develop,
 Mid-Day meal and nutritious snacks are (a) An ‘opportunity school’ to the children of
provided and regular health camps are the migrant workers and children from
being conducted to ensure their physical nearby villages.
health and wellbeing. (b) Streamline methodology to enable support
of the kids who wish to venture to other
 After attending Nyasa School, at least six educational institutes or skill based
students were helped to enroll in regular education.
government schools. IITGN community also (c) Continue supporting the housing of
assures financial help to bright students construction workers as long as the
who want to pursue education. construction persists.

30 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

The award for Best Pracice in the category of “Urban Transport” was given to Bhopal Municipal
Corporaion in recogniion of its Service for Urban Transport Planning “Integraion of City Bus Operaion
with Bus Rapid Transit System of Bhopal” under Urban Transport

Integration of City Bus Operation with Bus Rapid Transit

System of Bhopal under Urban Transport

BACKGROUND  Concentration of activities in core areas of

hopal Municipal Corporation started the
city bus operations successfully on Net  Lack of effective utilization of road system.
–Cost Basis Contract through a private  Lack of scientific design of roads.
operator on 2nd Nov., 2010. The BRTS Bus
operation on the BRT corridor has successfully  Lack of network to address various
commenced from 27th Sept, 2013 as “MY Bus” components of mixed traffic.
on Net–Cost Basis Contract through a private
operator who is obliged to pay 38% of the cost KEY DATES
of buses deployed for respective cluster upfront
fee. 25 July 2006 Bhopal City Link limited
form as an SPV of Bhopal
Presently 185 nos. of 900 mm floor ht. Buses & 20 Municipal Corporation
no. of AC 400 mm floor height buses are plying on
the different 12 approved routes of Bhopal city 10 Nov 2006 BRT Pilot corridor
including BRTS route with an average ridership of 21.795 km length
of 1.25 Lakhs passenger per day. Bhopal City costing 237.36 Cr was
Link Limited has contributed in fulfilling the mentioned
public transport needs to a large extent of a city 1 Nov 2010 JNNURM funded city bus
where in the past four decades, the population operations started
of the city has increased four times whereas the
16 September 2013 Revised cost for BRTS
vehicles population has increased 87 times and
corridor sanctioned for
the road length has increased by only five times.
Rs. 357.20 cr
Before the initiative: 27 September 2013 BRTS bus operation on
 Lack of integration between land use and the BRT corridor has
transport. started successfully as
“My Bus”


Contribution of Center/State/ULB Government:

Initially Bhopal BRTS project was sanctioned
in 2006 under JnNURM for Rs 237.76 Crores.
The project cost under JnNURM is shared by the
Center Government (50%), State Government
(20%), ULB (30%). HUDCO sanctioned the
loan of Rs 71.328 Crores for BMC for its 30%

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 31


Presently approx. 35,000-40,000 passengers

per day are travelling in the My Bus in the BRT
corridor and 1.25 lakhs per day are travelling
in all the routes of city bus services provided
by BCLL. All the routes of the city have been
designed in such a way that they cross at major
intersections or overlap the BRT corridor on the
major roads thereby integrating the City Bus
Operations with Bus rapid Transit System of
PPP MODEL - BUS OPERATION IS BASED ON Bhopal. Citizen of Bhopal are very happy to have
NET COST CONTRACT: a safe, comfortable and fast public transport.
My Bus has got a huge response from public. My
Bhopal City Link Limited operates its buses on Bus is depicting a new success story in urban
a very innovative public private partnership transport of Bhopal.
model where a predefined revenue sharing
mechanism creates a win-win situation for all
the stakeholders viz-a-viz company, operators,
technology provider vendors and people at large. Financial Sustainability: Ability to recover
Operator is required to pay security deposit of cost of operations from fares depends on
38% of the cost of buses deployed for respective a number of factors such as availability of
cluster and gives an average premium of Rs. 4000
competing modes of transportation, quality
per bus Per Month. Company in turn provides
and coverage of the network, population
the basic support infrastructure and facilitates
density, presence of feeder network and last
for the operations by creating infrastructure
like depots, bus shelters, operational control mile coverage. Fare-box revenue is likely to be
mechanism etc. vendors have been deployed the major source of income for city bus project
by the company to issue common passes and and it is critical to set fares at a suitable level
automatic fare collection. Operator is also to ensure recovery of costs. BCLL has ensured
responsible to Operate & Maintain the entire the financial sustainability of its operations
Fleet & Assets under the project and pay Route by generating major share of revenue by
authorization fees per bus per month. alternative sources like advertising.

32 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Advertisement revenue: The rolling stock is an
excellent medium for advertising. In addition,
stations, en-route stops and the corridor also
provide ample space for advertisements. These
rights may be sold on the basis of a fixed fee or
even on revenue sharing basis. The inherent
risk under both methods is quite different. In
a booming economy the up-side potential from
revenue sharing may be quite high while rates
may drop-off precipitously during a downturn.
These rights may also be renewed periodically
so that the best option may be chosen depending
upon the scenario and competition for the space.

seamless connectivity by incorporating SPVs
Implementation of bus based public transport on Bhopal model. Bhopal project was also
system in tier two city on net cost basis with a shortlisted for Sustainable Urban transport
very innovative revenue sharing mechanism award at Washington DC. Case was presented
on PPP model as implemented in Bhopal has in a conference organized by World Bank and
been recognized by state government as well World research institute. Various national and
as government of India. Bhopal project was international institutes are now collaborating
awarded as one of the best PPP initiative in India with BCLL to get associated and disseminate
during last UMI awards. Government of Madhya the knowledge. Currently we have MOU with
Pradesh has decided to implement similar bus EMBARQ, World Bank, Asia BRT forum and
systems in smaller cities and towns to ensure Institute of Urban Transport.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 33

The award for Best Pracice award in the category of “Environment Management, Energy Conservaion
and Green Building” was given to Haryana Police Housing Corporaion Ltd in recogniion of its Service
in “Green Building”

Green Building
BACKGROUND for constructing their H.O building and they
chose to construct upon a building on this for
The Haryana Govt. through Haryana Renewable demonstrating various Green technologies.
Energy Department Authority (HAREDA) is
propagating the message of usage of Renewable
resources and conservation / efficient usage of
resources. It was envisaged to get the highest
Green rating of “Five Star” under GRIHA.
Accordingly after the competition among the
various designers the building design and
features were finalized. It has a basement and
three floors with a total plinth area of about
55000 sq.ft. The construction cost in Rs. 1200
lakhs including solar panels installed on its
roof. The building has a unique way of rain
water harvesting by which the rain water from
the building area is stored in the underground
water tanks (509 cum) in central courtyard of KEY DATES
the building. The Grey water from washbasin/
bathrooms is re-used after filtration for 13.02.08 Rough cost estimate submitted to
landscaping using drip irrigation system. The HAREDA for 771.47 Lakhs.
grass pavers too helped in soaking the rain water 25.04.08 Date of Start.
and percolating it to the ground. The cavity 09.06.11 Revised R/C/E submitted to
was filled with XPS foam, passive downdraft HAREDA for 1036.39 Lakhs.
evaporative cooling system, solar passive design 22.12.12 Date of Completion.
of the building, fly ash brick walls, autoclaved
16.01.14 “Five Star” GRIHA rating
aerated concrete blocks, water saving faucets,
(Provisional) awarded.
42.5 KW integrated solar photovoltaic system,
heat resistant roof insulation tiles etc. are
features which amply achieved the objective of
demonstrating the Green building elements and All the financial resources were arranged
got it rated from independent agency GRIHA by HAREDA from the Govt. Their Director
with highest ranking of “Five Star”. Smt. Sumita Misra, IAS made the efforts to get
the funds. The architectural/Structural details
The Haryana Renewable Energy Development were provided by the Consulting architect M/s
Authority (HAREDA) a nodal agency of Haryana Elements. The execution of the project, framing
Govt. intended to spread the message of Green of tenders, etc. was done by Haryana Police
buildings especially water conservation in a Housing Corporation. The structural drawings
sustainable manner. The HAREDA was having a were provided by M/s Sanjay Prakash and
land of 1 acre at Plot no. 1, Sector-17, Panchkula Associates, R1/301, HauzKhas Enclave, New

34 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Delhi-16. The water treatment system, VRV ii) Insulated Glass unit (6mm outer Toughened
system, Fire Fighting system details etc. were glass + 12mm Air gap + 6mm) for all
provided by consultants McD BERL Pvt. Ltd., structural glazing and external windows (U
L-16 , 3rd Cross, 26th main road , 1st phase., JP value = 1.8, 49% VT). For interior windows
Nagar, Bangalore 6mm Sunenergy clear (U value 4.1 & 68%
PROCESS iii) UPVC windows all-around of M/s Fenesta.
To get the project implemented the architectural iv) AAC Blocks (Autoclaved aerated concrete)
and structural drawings were issued by the used on East and West side of Building
consulting architect M/s Elements. The Haryana as well as in entire Boundary wall (Rs.
Police Housing Corporation Ltd., supervised 4057.00/cum).
the execution of the project. The HAREDA v) Flyash Bricks used in the Building (Rs.
facilitated the meetings between HPHC and M/S 3275/cum).
Elements. The meetings were regularly held on
weekly basis at site. The problem in drawings, vi) Curing compound used for saving water
specification etc.were discussed and tried to be (Curefree from M/s CICO, 35.00/ sqmt)
sorted out. The structural and water treatment vii) Low VOC paints used.
/VRV/Firefighting System consultants were
viii) Heat resistant Roof insulation tiles over
based at Delhi and Bangalore respectively and
insuplast (Exfoliated Vermiculite) (Rs. 870/
so their lesser visits to site was a problem. This
affected the progress of work too. However
the requisite information was extracted in due ix) Bamboo Flooring
course of time and project implemented. x) Solar Control Clear Polycarbonate Sheet 10
mm thick (M/s SABIC Innovative Plastics)
xi) Water Saving Faucets having flow controller
Orientation: The south side is glazed to have Sink Cock (6 LPM), Single lever sink mixer
winter Sun. The ACP louvers are meant to have (6 LPM), Pillar Cock 2.5 LPM, Shower (6
more of direct sun in winter as compared to LPM) (M/s Jaquar).
summers in courtyard. The tapered windows xii) Recirculation of Hot water form Solar water
on East & West sides avoid Sun rays in summer heater.
xiii) Water Proofing Using Crystalline Process.
BUILDING ELEMENTS xiv) Ricron 35.6mmfibre from M/s Reliance in
external plaster.
i) Cavity walls on East & West filled with XPS
foam (50mm thick having density of 32 Kg/ xv) Stainless Steel railing in 304 Grade.
cum, Rs. 740/- sqmt) xvi) Sensor Entrance door.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 35

Recycled cellulose fiber sheets used Solar Passive Design (DUTS)

Misting system for natural cooling Photo voltaic cell panels (capacity - 180 KWH per day)

Grass pavers Louvres over open court yard to cut summer sun

Rain Water Harvesting: During Rainy Season using aeration, pressure sand filter, activated
the Rain water will be stored, filtered and used carbon filter etc. and used for Landscaping.
for all purposes including drinking. The Rain
Water is treated using pressure sand filter, Solar Passive Design: Solar Ducts for natural
activated carbon filter, chlorination etc. Grass
flow of Hot Air, from Basement upto Terrace.
pavers have been provided in the Campus and
the 100% surface runoff will be harvested
through pits in campus drain. Fire Detection and Fighting System:
Addressable System for detection with
Grey Water for Landscaping: Using Drip Automatic Fire Fighting Pumps (Electric, Diesel,
Irrigation the 100% Grey Water is also treated Jockey& Boosting System)

36 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Misting System: Cooling through flash Cultural: The natural way of cooling using PDEC
evaporation of 14 micron water particles saves system thus revives the old cultural practice of
lot of energy. 3 pumps of 10 LPM capacity (M/s ancient India. The building design will promote
Coolline, USA) Nozzles of 0.008” orifice with new methodology of construction. The people
Antidrip system includes ultraviolet filters & 1 residing in the building too feel more connected
micron filter. with the building as the building features
associate more with the nature.
VRV System
Environmental: The overall non-polluting
Solar Photovoltaic Cells: for Generating properties of green elements will help in
Electricity from Sun. Excess Electricity will be reducing environmental deterioration.
stored in the Battery Bank.
The Confidence gained by using green products
Financial: The resources, energy etc. saved will in demonstrative project of HAREDA has
lead to recovery of cost with the passage of time. resulted in the usage of various elements in
other projects. The items being used are Cavity
Social and Economic: The Green design of walls, AAC Blocks, UPVC windows, Low VOC
building will lead to harmonious atmosphere Paints, Heat resistant proof insulation tiles, Solar
and saving in building construction cost too in water heating system, Sensor Doors, Rain water
totality. harvesting, VRV system etc.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 37

The Best Pracice award in the category of “Environment Management, Energy Conservaion and Green
Building and sanitaion” was given to Urban Administraion and Development Department, Govt. of MP
in recogniion of its Service in Rain Water Harvesing and Integrated Urban Sanitaion programme (IUSP)
in (1) Rain Water Harvesing in Gautampura (2) Low Cost Sanitaion Soluions

Rain Water Harvesting in Gautampura

BACKGROUND Disputes over getting water from the tankers

became a common practice and masses were
ive years back, similar to other badly irritated and tormented due to this
municipalities of Madhya Pradesh, mismanagement. After some years when
Gautampura Nagar Parishad (GNP) was the problem became uncontrolled, people
facing acute shortage of water due to scanty came on the streets and started road block
rainfall and low yield of ground water. The newly agitations/hunger strike etc. This resulted in
elected council came into existence in the year mismanagement and helplessness in the ULB.
2004. Council with youth leadership analyzed
the overall situation of water supply in the town. KEY DATES

Nagar Parishad organized meetings with the Jan 2009 Stakeholder consultation-
senior citizens of the town and analysed the April 2009 Inception of the project -
reasons behind shortage of water and also 2010 Project completion
discussed on possible solutions. The traditional 2011-12 Results achieved
approach of water conservation and local
technologies were pooled together. Water MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES
flowing in the nearby non perennial river
"Chambal" was retained and transferred to a The financial arrangements done by the
nearby artificial lake. In order to collect the water Nagar Parishad mainly included steps for cost
percolating from the lake, 2 dug-wells were restriction as mentioned below:
created. As a result water gets filtered naturally 1. Restriction on water transportation
and gets collected in the dug-wells, from where expenditure
municipality supplies water to the entire town. In 2. Use of locally available material like stones
the entire process most important aspects were (Chambal river stones) etc. for construction
use of local technology, traditional approach and of lakes and wells. Neem trees were planted
community participation.

In the absence of reliable water source, Nagar

Parishad Gautampura was facing severe water
problems. However, river 'Chambal' passes
2.5 kilometers from the town, but it is not a
perennial source and also gets diminished in this
part of region. Gautampura Nagar Parishad was
constituted in the year 1980-81, and initially
tube wells were installed to supply water to
the citizens. Gradually, water level went on
decreasing and the municipality kept on boring
deeper tube-wells.

38 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

to safeguard the constructed wall from river engineers of PHED and irrigation dept. They
backwater. were of the opinion that backwater of Chambal
3. Lake creation: 50% funds from public and river might damage this lake. The boundary of
50% from the ULB lake was strengthened by using stones of the
4. Water Supply: User charges Chambal river. In order strengthen the soil Neem
plantation was done in near-by area so that the
PROCESS back water of Chambal river could not damage
the pond. At the same time, the construction of
Holding the river water: Two and a half wells and getting the water through the same was
kilometers away from the town, a culvert (on thought to be imaginary, but council showed full
river Chambal) was converted into stop dam- faith in traditional knowledge and experience of
type structure to hold the flow of rain water. It the senior citizens of the town. It was decided to
basically involved installation of lids on the pipes continue the construction work.
existing below culvert. These lids were circular
in shape, detachable and designed locally. The Different departments estimated the cost of
basic objective of using lids was to hold water construction of the pond and the well between
after the month of August when water level in 25 and 30 lakhs, but Nagar Parishad got the
the river starts reducing. construction work completed at the cost of Rs.
13 lakhs only.
Creation of Dug-wells: The water quality was
not satisfactory for drinking purpose. At the The next hurdle was non-availability of
same time ULB was facing revenue crises and electricity. For this, M.P.E.B.(Madhya Pradesh
construction of water treatment plant was Electricity board) gave an estimate of Rs 3.7
practically impossible. Hence, it was decided Lakh for laying electric lines from the power
to create two dug wells, so that the percolated house to the newly created well in Kharacha
water from lake could be stored again and water region. Due to shortage of funds, this idea was
can be filtered through natural process. A 10 dropped and Nagar Parishad used local labour
meter diameter and 15 meter deep well was and poles and electric wires which earlier were
constructed at a distance of 50 feet from the considered as scrap by MPEB. It costed only Rs
lake. Surprisingly, water erupted in the well at 65000 to Nagar Parishad. Various parts of the
only 60 feet. Following its success one more well town were connected with pipelines and water
of same capacity was created. was made available.

Creation of lake in such a manner was RESULTS ACHIEVED

considered infeasible and impractical by the
The success of this effort rested on the belief
of the traditional knowledge and experience of
Creation of the elderly people. After the implementation
Dug-well of works, when it rained, all the structures
constructed by Nagar Parishad to collect water
became full with water. Within a short span
of time a great rise in groundwater level was
recorded. Water streams got erupted recorded.
Water streams got erupted in the newly built
wells near the tank in 'Kharcha' region. This was
a clear indication of rise in ground water level
due to recharging of water bodies. After sufficient
quantity of water was arranged, Nagar Parishad
laid 2 kilometer long pipe-linefrom dug-wells
and started supplying water to the town. This
way the problem of drinking water was solved.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 39

Gautampura Nagar Parishad is supplying water solve the problem permanently nor be useful
to its citizens @ 90 lPCD for a developing country like India. It will only
reduce the ground water level. The only option
Naturally filtered water is being supplied left is conserving water by constructing lakes,
Gautampura is the only Nagar Parishad in whole ponds etc. Permanent solution for water supply
district which has got a sustainable water supply problem is conservation of water.
mechanism. There is no more agitation amongst Gautampura Nagar Parishad followed the
the citizens of Gautampura Nagar Parishad which concept of revitalizing water bodies which has
was considered to be harshly affected by water proved to be sustainable since ages. All the
scarcity has now become self-sufficient with water resources like stop-dam, lakes, wells
respect to drinking water supply. The present etc. constructed by the Nagar Panchayat can
supply of water is equal to the UDPFI prescribed remain useful till infinite years. With the growth
norms and the water level is tremendously high. of population water demand would increase
hence the Nagar Parishad has started capacity
SUSTAINABILITY enhancement measures of water bodies.
All the water resources like stop-dam, lakes,
wells etc. constructed by the Nagar Parishad can
remain useful till infinite years. The success of this 'Novel Experiment' of
conserving water by Gautampura Nagar Parishad
Transportation of water and boring tube wells has become exemplary. Such experiments are
are temporary arrangements only. Boring being thought to be done by other towns also.
tube-wells and transporting water can neither This model of Gautampura has been appreciated

Creation of Artificial Lake

40 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

by the Principal Secretary, Urban Administration and constructed a pond through community
and Development Department and a letter has participation.
been issued to all the ULBs of Madhya Pradesh
to adopt the same model. In another nagar parishad of Madhya Pradesh,
Diken, dugwells have been created at a potential
In the eastern region Runji, of Gautampura, site and similar water conservation measures
people got inspired by Nagar Parishad’s initiative have been adopted.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 41

Low Cost Sanitation Solutions

BACKGROUND 3 Sept 2013 IUSP's enhancement to

Mukhyamantri Shahari
he State Government and the Urban Local

T Bodies (ULBs) have been implementing

various programmes to resolve the
problem of urban sanitation, but in the absence
Swachhata Mission

of uniform policy guidelines, lack of a progress 1. Financial support to cater immediate

monitoring mechanism, the efforts have not been requirements - Based upon demand raised :
very encouraging. To tackle these challenges, the
state initiated the Integrated Urban Sanitation A. Construction of Community toilet, each unit
Programme (IUSP)in consonance with the cost Rs.15.00 lakhs
Government of India's National Urban Sanitation - State grant 13.50 lakhs and ULB
Policy-2008. contribution 1.50 lakhs
B. Construction of Individual toilet, each unit
The programme is designed to be demand
cost Rs.10000 (Convergence with ILCS)
driven and led by the community. The
programme targets to cover all the ULBs in the - Government of India grant 75%, State
state (in phased manner) over a period of five grant 15% and Beneficiary contribution
years, targets for the next two years have been 10% (ULB will borne the escalated cost)
fixed. During the year 2011-12, the state has 2. Comprehensive plans for sanitation which
successfully constructed 178 community toilets would be implemented through CM sanitation
in 52 ULBs and 14281 toilets in 13 cities. If mission.
demand assessment is considered,4 cities have
attained status of open-defecation free. The IUSP Financial Model for Community Toilet
is being implemented through the convergence
with Government of India’s ILCS scheme and Construction & O&M User Charge
PPP mode (Sulabh Model) has been adopted for Model-1
Option 1 :
community toilets. ULB will construct, Operate
& Maintain One time use
for toilet &
To assess the overall situation of sanitation in the Model-2 bathing
= Rs. 5/person
urban areas of State and in order to understand
ULB will construct, Operate &
the perception of persons deprived of proper Maintains by NGO/Community
sanitation facilities, a state level sanitation Option 2 :
survey was conducted (available at http:// Model-3 Provision of A Private partner will construct,
monthly pass

survey of 3.54 lakh families was conducted in the Operate & Maintain for 30 years
@Rs. 30 per person

year 2008-09, which revealed that almost 25%

households in the urban areas do not have safe
sanitation facility. Out of these, 16000 families PROCESS
were found to be practicing open defecation.
For immediate needs (based upon survey
results) financial support was extended to the
ULBs for construction of required infrastructure.
For inclusive and effective programme
13 Feb 2009 Integrated Urban Sanitation
implementation, every urban local body is
Program Launched -
expected to prepare a City Sanitation Plan (CSP).
28 August 2012 The pilot scheme converted The IUSP program is based on the following
to District Head scheme - basic principles:

42 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

(i) Adoption of a demand based strategy with pollution Board, etc., working in the water
community participation in planning, and sanitation sector.
implementation and management of
sanitation infrastructure. (v) Ensuring better utilization of funds allocated
under 12th and proposed 13th Finance
(ii) Adoption of locally suitable methods and Commission for management of municipal
technologies. solid waste.
(iii) Encouraging community and private
participation and fixing their role in creating (vi) Bringing coordination among various
and maintaining sanitation infrastructure, externally aided projects and schemes in
so that a sense of community ownership in the state to achieve better outcomes.
the infrastructure is achieved. (vii) Encouraging innovative ideas for fund
(iv) Bring coordination among the various generation including reforming tax regime,
departments such as Health, Education, public private partnership, financial market,
PHED, Industry, Environment, transport, private companies, user fee, etc.


Facilitation and
Advocacy Implementation
Framework Framework

State level
District level Urban City level State level Urban City level Urban
Coordination and
Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation Cell Sanitation Cell
Committee Committee

RESULTS ACHIEVED Therefore more and more cities of the State are
demanding for sanitation activities and it has
Under IUSP emphasis was given on IEC activities. been envisaged that the Urban Madhya Pradesh
The strengths of the campaign were innovations would get open defacation free by the year 2017.
in Information Education and Communication,
motivation through incentives, competitive Towns like Gautampura, Sailana, Namli and
spirit, active participation and partnerships, Kukshi have become OD free cities while
involvement of women as well as men, and Hoshangabad town is rapidly moving to achieve
universal coverage. the OD free status.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 43

Investment in toilet construction through the investment hence the model proves to be
provision of generous subsidies for hardware to successful.
households has increased the reported coverage
of sanitation in the covered cities.  Success also depends on consumers'
involvement in program management,
Subsidy-driven programs do not generate financing, and promotion.
motivation for use of the facility. Indeed,  As discussed above, beneficiary consent was
subsidized toilets are often not used or lie received first and thereafter the people were
abandoned, or are being put to alternative uses. oriented through awareness programs and
Recent studies of statewide sector assessments campaigns. Hence beneficiary involvement
in India show that most people continue to is there.
defecate in the open not due to a lack of access to  Along with this at places like Kukshi and
toilets but primarily because they see no reason Gwalior community is maintaining the
to change their behavior because awareness of toilets
associated health risks is limited or ignored. In
 For the intervention to make an impact on
fact, usage of toilets is highest where households health, household members must use and
recognize the need for toilets and therefore, maintain the facility properly and possibly
construct them on their own. change some basic beliefs and practices
in their daily lives. Without consumer
SUSTAINABILITY demand for better sanitation many of
these fundamental steps of program
Socio-Economic and Cultural implementation are prone to failure.
To be successful, sanitation programs require
 It is most important to make the female family
individuals or households to make a significant member aware about sanitation. Women, in
commitment by agreeing to modify their homes most of the towns also face security issues
or adopt new technologies. Because sanitation in absence of sanitation facility. Hence the
programs are rarely fully subsidized by target consumers identified under IUSP
government, consumers are frequently expected were women and children. However, males
to pay for the installations themselves. were also included under communication
programs and it resulted in success of the
IUSP : IUSP program has been initiated after initiative.
a comprehensive household survey and  The IUSP has been very successful in making
beneficiary consent was obtained for the people believe that safe sanitation is equally
construction of toilets. Under IUSP, provision important for them similar to water. Only
of 90% grant makes it possible for individuals the old aged persons still don't accept the
to construct individual toilets by one time change and opt for open defecation.

44 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment


IUSP is encouraging locally driven approaches to The financial models have proved to be a
improve access to sanitation in informal urban successful one as very nominal charges are
settlements. With the right funding and ways of being taken from the users. Along with this no
sharing information, their success stories can be charges are being taken from children and Old
replicated and scaled up elsewhere. The IUSP is a aged persons.
statewide program and hence the success stories
of cities like Sailana, Kukshi and Hoshangabad
are being replicated in other towns also.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 45

The Best Pracice award in the category of “sanitaion” was given to “Jaipur Nagar Nigam” in recogniion
of its services in Sanitaion “Waste to Energy Soluions

Waste to Energy Solutions

BACKGROUND completed the plant by 31.12.2013 well before
the dead line and the trial run of the plant has
aipur Nagar Nigam (JNN) has established been allowed in month of January-2014. The
J Sewerage Treatment Plan at Delawas plant is now functional.
comprised two units of 62.5 MLD capacity each
which are based on Activated Sludge Process SALIENT FEATURES
(ASP) technology.
Initially Biogas produced from both the units was  Land of 10000 sqmtrs is provided to PPP
allowed to flare up in atmosphere without any operator on nominal lease of Rs. 1/ sq.mtrs.
recovery/useful conversion but later on it was  Entire cost of site development,
decided to use the Biogas for productive purpose. infrastructure and installation of project,
Accordingly a power plant for generation of commissioning, operation and maintenance
8800 KWA energy per day was established for is borne by the PPP operator.
using Biogas from STP plant unit-I in year 2009.
 Period of operation after commissioning is
25 years.
After completion of Unit-II in year 2012, it
was decided to use the Biogas of second unit  Minimum supply of Biogas from STP
for manufacturing of CNG by setting a bottling plant-6000 Cu.M/day.
plant. Such arrangement was made on PPP  PPP operator to pay Rs. 6.15/cum of each
mode and no funds from government/ULB was unit of Biogas supplied.
used. National level tenders were invited in year
 Scheduled commissioning date of plant
2012 for establishment of the bottling plant on
was decided as 01.11.2014 but it was
PPP mode. M/s Brijdham Power Pvt. Ltd. was
commissioned earlier
awarded the project after fulfilling required
technical qualification criteria and finding their
offer as most attractive. KEY DATES

1. 10.08.2011 Presentation about use of

Biogas for production of
CNG was made before NNJ
& Government of Rajasthan
(GoR) officials.
2. Aug.2012 NNJ invited national level
tender from interested
3. 15.04.2013 NNJ awarded the project
at Delawas STP site to M/s
Brijdham Power Pvt. Ltd.
4. 07.02.2014 Commissioning of Plant

The biogas of second unit is being used for MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES

manufacturing of Bio CNG by setting a bottling
plant under PPP mode through M/s Brijdham The PPP operator mobilized the financial,
Power Private Limited. The PPP operator has technical and human resources in a manner to

46 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

provide better & effective results. The promoters special grade of ZMS to absorb H2S and CO2 from
has contributed 75% of total project cost the inlet gas. The outgoing gas will be free from
approximately Rs.11.00 corers and 25% taken H2S and approximately 5% CO2. While one tower
in the form of loan from financial institution. is purifying the gas, the other tower is taken for
Technical support is outsourced from a very regeneration which is achieved by:-
reputed company who has vast experience in
this field. Human resources are procured from a) Depressurization of tower.
local area with best educational & technical b) Creating partial vacuum in the tower.
background. c) Providing small purge of pure gas in the
reverse direction in the tower.

The biogas collected in the membrane will be The changeover from one tower to another is
fed to a roots compressor where pressure of gas fully automatic and accordingly continuous
is raised to 0.5 kg/ cm2g. This gas is then fed to a supply to purified gas is available at the outlet
zeolite Molecular Sieves based purification unit of the system. The outgoing purified gas can be
which has a twin tower arrangement filled with used for combustion purpose.

Biogas Balloon


Drying, Desulfurization Gas conditioning with or without CO2


Compression Reformation

Boiler CHP
Bottling or Filling Fuel cell
Gas grid station
& Heat
Fuel Electricity
Substitute for & Heat
LPG or Natural

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 47


The project is a unique example to address the

problem of environment pollution, employment
using waste to produce useful energy, alternative
fuel at affordable price and good model for
revenue to local bodies which will help in
meeting with O & M cost.
 By putting up of this Project under PPP mode
which resulted a tremendous knowledge
sharing and employment to local talent.
 The project involved the team work of
Company, Nagar Nigam Jaipur, and other
organization like Local Self Government  By putting up this project, other Local Self
Departments, Pollution Control Board, etc Bodies may also think to utilize the Bio Gas
produced and flared from STP projects.
 Its production will help jobs and benefits
the local economy.
 It will reduce the Vehicular pollution and


The produced CBG is to be sold at lower price

than the commercial LPG price. Considering the
debt equity ratio of 75:25, a payback period of
five years shall be the case.

 The socio-economic/ cultural/

environmental impact of project includes

48 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Energetic. CBG is presenting the power of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and
clean fuel against the conventional fuel like nitrous oxide (NO) from the storage and
LPG. thus contribute to diminishing of global
 Reduced dependence on imported fossil  Convenient storage of biogas. Biogas/CBG is
fuels. As CBG is produced locally and easily stored and can be used anywhere and
within national boundaries, the use of at any time.
CBG drastically reduces the dependence of
local communities on imported fuels and Biogas potential is known to everyone but the
increases the local energy supply.
main question is how to harness. The project is a
good showcase for existing cases of Biogas plant
 Reduction of GHG emissions and diminishing
of global warming. throughout the country and concept for biogas
upgradation and bottling plant can be emulated
 The use of CBG can reduce emissions of by other ULB’s also.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 49

The Best Pracice award in the category of “Urban Design and Regional Planning, Inner City Revitalizaion
and Conservaion” was given to “Lucknow Development Authority” in recogniion of its Service in Inner
city renewal/revitalizaion, Urban Conservaion and Revitalizaion of Hazratganj Precinct, Lucknow

Urban Conservation & Revitalization of Hazratganj

Precinct, Lucknow Development Authority

BACKGROUND traditional areas, which were more convenient

and accessible. The business in Hazratganj
ucknow has been blessed with deep- went low, forcing traders to shift or extend their
rooted culture and heritage (both tangible activity to malls. Neglected buildings, dangling
and intangible). Hazratganj is one such hoardings, masked shop fronts hiding beautiful
place with rich legacy and heritage (200 year
architectural facade, had reinforced the public
old legacy) and “reinventing and updating itself’
perception that Hazratganj is not a happening
in form of up market High Street of Lucknow.
place consequently sinking the spirit of the
Not only was Hazratganj the center of the
street under its own apathy.
Lucknowites’ commercial life, it was also an
important part of its social life; people thronged
The prime issues on Hazratganj Street before
the street at weekends to meet friends, see a
the intervention were:
movie and window-shop (activity locally known
as Ganjing).  Lack of pedestrian facility and public
In the past 30 years, the rapid urbanization has  Domination of skyline by Large scale
resulted in growth of suburban centers with hoardings, signage and banners.
shopping malls and multiplexes outside the  The building façade and architectural details
had been screened off with advertising
 Indiscriminate parking and traffic chaos,
encroachment and lack of organized open
public spaces
 Collapse of infrastructure services.
 Lack of Architectural control

The completion of 200 year of Hazratganj was

the spark that initiated both citizens of Lucknow
and Government to re-awaken the past and save
it before it is lost.


Initiation of Idea April 2010

Design Development July 2010
Start of Work September 2010
Completion of Work 15th January 2010

50 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment


The objective of the project was to revitalize

not only the tangible aspect, such as street
facade and street elements, but also conserve
intangible aspect of Hazratganj. The priorities
can be defines as :
1. Identification of stakeholders and their role
in the project.
2. Creating awareness among local
stakeholders ( shop owners and residents)
to respect and know about once heritage
which was done by the architect , local
intelligentsia, Media and historians.
3. Political support for such a complex project
was another priority.
4. Development of Design and conservation
strategy of the project by the architect
5. Execution of project in a limited time (only
five months) to complete it towards the
200th anniversary of the Hazratganj.
Restoration of street features and walkways
The objective was to restore the characteristic
identity of the street by improving the overall MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES
character of the street, strengthening the street
infrastructure, vehicular circulation, pedestrian Mobilization of resources for such an urban scale
activity and other public utilities. The aim was project was a challenge. The Political and public
to make Hazratganj a sustainable market in view support was instrumental in getting financial
of present economic pressure and competition assistance from the government. Selection
by newly developed markets. of a specialized Conservation architect from
the city also helped technical backup required
The implementation strategy thus framed for sensitive development of the project. The
comprised the following prime features: media and intelligentsia were actively involved
in creating awareness and significance of the
o Removal of the hoardings and banners, project.
wires & cables
o Simultaneous dismantling and removal of Key stakeholders involved in the project were
the encroachments on the pavements, open identified and Commissioner of Lucknow was
spaces and terraces of the properties made Nodal officer for the project to coordinate
o Laying the street infrastructure features & between following stakeholders:
development of pedestrian infrastructure.
o Development of open spaces at the identified Govt Bodies
locations  Lucknow Development Authority
o Façade restoration and painting and  Municipal Corporation Lucknow
installation of common signage system
 Jal Santhan
o Road carriageway and circulation pattern
suited to traffic analysis  Jal Nigam

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 51

 State Power Corporation Involvement of multiple government agencies
 Department of Communication, Government responsible for up gradation of infrastructure
of India. ( BSNL) was our next challenge. This project was taken
as pilot project for urban renewal.
Private Bodies
 Hazratganj Traders Association There were certain properties which had been
modified to such an extent that it was practically
 Halvasia Market traders Association
impossible to bring back to its original
 Connect Lucknow (group of eminent shape. The stakeholders were convinced and
citizens of Lucknow ) persuaded to conserve their premises on their
own. Guidelines for the façade treatment was
Stakeholder meetings were held during derived which were unanimously accepted and
execution of the project. Even now meetings executed with close supervision of the architect
are held to discuss the maintenance issues. All and local citizens.
design level decisions were taken in consultation
with local stakeholders by apprising them of Approach was a community - driven,
their importance, alternatives available and Government supported comprehensive
their priority before execution. strategy. In fact the present program for
Hazratganj was perfect example of collective
PROCESS efforts from Traders, Government and public at
The prime challenge of the project was to revive large.
the original building facades. The damaged parts
of the building were restored in cohesion with The major highlights of the rejuvenation project
the colonial architectural. The details on the are stated below:
building like jack arches, semicircular arches,  Restoring character of the street and
matrices on the façade, cornices and cast iron improvement of views and vistas
details were restored.
 Development of activity nodes and
The secondary challenge was to bring public piazzas for general public
interaction back on the street. This was attained  Development of Open Spaces and
by pedestrianizing the street and control the restoration of architectural features
nuisance caused by the vehicles. Eight to ten
feet wide pathways were introduced at both the  Introduction of softscape in the area
edges of the street.  Improvement of infrastructural facilities.

52 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

RESULTS ACHIEVED cement. It is a unique example of synergy
between the stakeholders and implementing
 The area has become a tourist spot with authorities in the direction of successful co-
every visitor coming to Lucknow visits this ordination of the work. Improved transportation
place at least once to experience the revived routes people find it easier to travel to these
"Sham-e- Awadh". suburban malls and new commercial hubs.
 The property owners on the street
themselves renovated their own premises Throughout the state, in town after town, the
on the basis of the standard code for the story repeated itself. The business in these areas
buildings. were low forcing traders to shift or extend their
 A uniform code for the architectural façade activity to malls, dwindling the property values
stating the colour scheme of the buildings and also sinking the spirit of the street under
and the purposeful strategy releasing the its own apathy. Neglected buildings, dangling
architectural features of the street façade hoardings, masked shops fronts hiding beautiful
was followed. architectural facade, trash strewn street
 A signage system was developed and was gradually had reinforced the public perception
agreed upon by the stakeholders, and that heritage precincts are not a happening
applied to the street place.

These measures helped a lot to achieve the The project states that with the positive support
uniform character on the street and a sense of and commitment of the government and the
an individual precinct within the surroundings. management authorities along with the mutual
consensus of the stakeholders, efficient solutions
The project was acknowledged by awards like can be worked out and executed towards
22nd Architect of the year award by J.K white organized urban centers in the cities.

Then Now

Then Now

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 53

For instance, it was the first time, that leaped significantly after the project. The
multinational companies which have a standard rental and property rates are now double
colour scheme for their logos and signage, the rate before intervention.
respected the spirit of the project and followed  The pedestrianization of the streets and
the colour scheme recommended for the street creating green open spaces at intermediate
façade. Well-known brands which often vie for locations have played an important role in
retail space in shopping malls, opened their recreating the aura of the place. Hazratganj
exclusive stores in the revitalized premises has once again became a centre to patronize
which explains the success of the project and the art, culture and lifestyle of the city.
state a learning example.
 The civic infrastructure put in place for the
The success of the project clearly states the street, such as the underground ducting
sensitivity people have towards their heritage system, drainage pattern and the parking
and the potential it can generate when developed facilities have imparted the street to persist
with an organized strategy. on a long term basis with the same character
it has been boasting all this while.
The architect of the project has been invited by
 The economic viability of the project various organizations in the county for sharing
can be stated by the instant growth in his experiences and achievement of the project.
the sales of the market. The sales of the Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab Govt have
commercial establishments have doubled shown keen interest in the methodology of the
instantaneously after the completion of the project. Mall road, Mussoorie, Main Street of
project. Amritsar, Streets leading to Taj in city of Agra
are being revitalized based on the concept of
 The revitalized Hazratganj premises have
Hazratganj. The project became inspiration in
witnessed a dramatically increased footfall
urban renewal and revitalization of heritage
(almost 4 times) in the suburb, which clearly
precincts of other cities of Uttar Pradesh and
states the success of the project.
other states as well. The project attained mass
 The once dwindling property rates have public attention, locally and even nationally.

54 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

The Best Praciceaward in the category of “Urban Design and Regional Planning, Inner City Revitalizaion
and Conservaion” was given to “Gangtok Municipal Corporaion” in recogniion of its Service in Inner
city renewal/revitalizaion

Inner City Renewal/Revitalization

BACKGROUND Over the last decade, there has been a considerable

growth and densification in peripheral rural
angtok, the capital of Sikkim is at an settlements (revenue blocks) that form a part
elevation of 1700 m above the mean sea of present town of Gangtok. The quality of life,
level and is a picturesque hill station. It the pace of development and availability of
is the largest town in Sikkim with a population
basic infrastructure and employment prospects
of 100286 persons (Census, 2011). Being the
has been the major cause for rapid rural urban
capital it has significance for administrative
functions, educational centre, a tourist town and
hub of trade and commercial practices.
Due to rapid and unplanned growth, the basic
The town has grown over the years due amenities and urban services have been affected
to evolution of changing conditions. The to a great extent. The infrastructure of the
transformation of the town from 1920’s to capital is unable to cope up with the demands
present time is being shown in four photographs. of the stakeholders and to tourist population.
Gangtok is also the main tourism hub of Sikkim.
In order to preserve the serene beauty of the
town efforts are being made to improve the
existing infrastructure, with the techniques of
urban renewal and redevelopment.


M.G. Marg is the main Business Centre used to

be a double lane road and the main township
of Gangtok was established along its either
side. The double-lane starts from the frontage
of Tourism Office to Star Cinema Hall having a
total length of about 1.00 KM. The lanes were
separated by raised flowers platform fenced with
MS grits along the major portion of its length.
There were traffic rotary at few intermediate
locations. There were problems of congestion,
conflict between vehicles and pedestrians, lack
of adequate space for street parking facilities,
encroachment of open spaces and degradation
in the quality of life with rising air pollution
from vehicular emissions. The street has been
reduced to mere conduits of mobility rather
than sites of social experience and expression.
The street had lost its cultural and symbolic
significance. Seasonal traffic generated during
the peak tourist season aggravated the problem.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 55

To preserve the beauty and importance of Initially there was resistance from the
the Main Business Centre, MG Marg has been stakeholders and public apart. The local
declared No Vehicular Zone. Presently people businessman felt that the closure of vehicular
entering into MG Marg have to use parking traffic will result in loss of business as people
places located at Old West Point School, Old may not visit their shops once vehicles are not
Children Park and Lall Bazaar. The shifting of allowed into the main market. However, the
mainline taxis to Multilevel car park at Deorali administration made efforts to convince the
has improved the traffic flow in around the long term benefits of changes and managed to
city Gulleys has been widened up, redesigned convince all the stakeholders. Hence, vehicular
and refurbished to suit the commuters. Bust traffic has been closed and one way vehicular
of Father of Nation after whom the street has exit from New Market towards Kashi Raj Marg
been named has been relocated with improved has been placed. The people entering into MG
surroundings. Now the street is one of the Marg have to use parking places located at
best Walking Mall in the Country, free from Old West Point School, Old Children Park and
vehicular traffic, the visitors can take leisurely Lall Bazaar. The shifting of mainline taxis to
walk along the street, rest on chairs and enjoy Multilevel car park at Deorali has improved the
the beauty in pollution free environment. The traffic flow in around the city Gulleys has been
project was commenced on June 2007 and widened up, redesigned and refurbished to suit
completed on December, 2008. the commuters.

Then Now

Then Now

56 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

KEY DATES driver did not lose business as new parking lots
have been constructed near to the market from
The project was commenced on June 2007 and where they are running their business as usual.
completed on December, 2008. The rental value of the properties has increased
many folds after the construction of THE
“The Projects has been funded by the State MODELED INFRASTRUCTURE has added new
Government with the assistance from the looks to the town which has given new ambience
Government of India.” to the surrounding. The major ‘Tourism events’
are held at MG Marg which attracts a large
PROCESS numbers of tourists which in turn has increased
business viabilities of the place.
Initially there was resistance from the
stakeholders and public apart. The local CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN BUTTERFLY
businessman felt that the closure of vehicular OVER BRIDGE AT DEORALI
traffic will result in loss of business as people
may not visit their shops once vehicles are not Gangtok Municipal Corporation has taken
allowed into the main market. However, the initiative to construct the bridge which has
administration made efforts to convince the eased the problem of the locality at Deorali as the
long term benefits of changes and managed to people being hit by cars while crossing road and
convince all the stakeholders. the public of the locality have been demanding
pedestrian over bridge for safe crossing of
the road. The project has been funded by the
The traders’ fear of loss of Business turned out State Government with assistance from the
to be unfounded as the new look of the area Government of India. The project commenced
attracted more people into the market resulting during February,2012 and was completed by
into more business for the traders. Even the taxi June 2013.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 57

Then Now

Then Now

Deorali being one of the major hubs of the The new look pedestrian over bridge and
Gangtok town has many government offices, the public footpath along the national highway
schools and residential areas. The Main has become welcome relief for all the public.
National Highway passes through the town This has facilitated the safe walking for the
and there is always heavy vehicular traffics on public along the National Highway. The effort
the road. There have been instances of people has reduced the chances of vehicle hitting the
being hit by cars while crossing road. The public pedestrians walking along the road.
of the locality have been demanding pedestrian
over bridge for safe crossing of the road.
The initiative saw the light of day due to active
participation of all the stakeholders which Gangtok Municipal Corporation has taken
helped in timely execution of the projects. initiative to remodeled and repaired public
paths at Tibet Road and the Kazi Road of the city
RESULTS ACHIEVED which falls under Tibet Road Municipal ward of
the Corporation. This footpath is one of the most
As for the other project, the people whole important connecting footpaths which is used
heartedly supported the initiative as they by a large number of public, office goers and
realized the benefits of the project. The biggest the students. The footpath has been laid with
beneficiaries of the project are students, Kota stone and side walls with tiles to make it
common man and the residents of the localities, more user friendly, all the drinking water pipes
who can cross the road without the fear of being which were exposed along the path has been
hit by speeding cars. laid underground. The pipes can be repaired

58 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

internally without digging the surface of the CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH
footpath. In order to facilitate people using the ALONG THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY, GANGTOK
footpath at night, footpath has been provided
with new street lights. Now the public are happy The initiative for constructing 12 km long
with the new ambience that the renovated public pedestrian footpath along the National highway
path has provided. was initiated due to fact that there are large
number of Urban poor who cannot afford to own
car but have to travel distances. People living in
During the first phase the Corporation undertook
fringe areas of the town prefer to walk short
the repairing and remodeling of the footpath
distance from their residence to nearby areas to
connecting Tibet Road and the Kazi Road of
attend to their daily chores and safe walking for
the city which falls under Tibet Road Municipal the public along the National Highway. However,
ward of the Corporation. This footpath is one of the ever increasing vehicular traffic posed threat
the most important connecting footpaths which to the people walking along the road. Hence, the
are used by a large number of public, office goers Government considered providing safe walking
and the students. The footpath which was in place for the common man, hence the idea was
dilapidated condition crosses through the alley conceived and implemented.
which also provides support for drinking water
pipes. The effort has reduced the chances of vehicle
hitting the pedestrians walking along the
The exposed pipes posed threat to the public road. The project started during 2005 and was
using the footpath. The open drainage flowing successfully completed during 2006.
along the footpath also posed health hazards
to the people living nearby. Considering its
importance, the Corporation undertook its
repairing and re-modeling at an estimated
cost of Rs. 27,36,800.00. The project was
conceived and commence during August,
2013 and was dedicated to the public on 28th
October, 2013.

Gangtok has many such public footpaths which

connect different arterial roads of the city. These
footpaths which were constructed many years
ago are back bones of internal connectivity of
the city though most of them are in dilapidated
condition. These footpath are used by the
students, teachers and poor people from low
income group who cannot afford to own car and
hire taxi every day for attending their works.


The Corporation pooled its resources from the

fund available under ‘Basic Services to Urban
Pool’ (BSUP) and executed the project itself
so as to ensure its timely execution. The local
councilor of the Municipal ward played pivotal
role to take aboard all the stakeholders for
execution of the project.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 59

RESULTS ACHIEVED not sensitized about the purpose and benefits
of these projects, it will be extremely difficult to
 Actual improvement achieved in people’s execute the projects on time and people may not
living conditions including women and reap the benefits of such schemes.
 Better co-ordination and integration SUSTAINABILITY & TRANSFERABILITY
between various actors, organizations or
institutions; The efforts of the Government has not only
eased the pressure on the infrastructures but
 Changes in local, national or regional social, the renewed and re-modeled infrastructure has
economic and environmental policies and added new looks to the town which has given
new ambience to the surrounding. The Re-
 Improved institutional capacity at the modeling of MG Marg, Construction of Pedestrian
national, sub-national or local levels; Butterfly Over Bridge at Deorali, Improvement
 Changes to local or national decision of Public Footpath at Kazi Road, Gangtok and
making, including the institutionalization of Construction of 12 KM Public Footpath along
partnerships; with the National Highway, Gangtok are the
assets that local resident are proud of these as
 Recognizing and addressing specific
the people making use of the infrastructure,
opportunities and constraints;
consumption of gas (petrol & Diesel) has reduced
 Changes in the use and allocation of human, due to their not using taxis which are the main
technical and financial resources at the mode of transport in Gangtok
local/national level;
 Changes in people’s attitudes, behavior and A large numbers of tourists and officials alike visit
in the respective roles of women and men. Sikkim every year and they are really impressed
with the facilities created in the town for tourist
LESSONS LEARNED and public. Inquiries have been received about
The biggest lesson learned during the execution the projects from different quarters, however,
of the initiatives are that unless the stakeholders replication of same will differ due to topography
are not involve in any projects and people are and implementing authority.

60 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Other Appreciated

As appreciated and acknowledged

by the committee for their role in
Environment improvement

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 61

The following entry submissions were appreciated by the
Committee but these were not awarded. They are listed below in
no order of preference:
 Entrepreneurial Execution in Sustainable Materials and
Technologies (Environmentally Sound Technology) by Kesrajan
Building Centre Private Limited, Ahmedabad.

 Solid Waste Management by Bobbili Municipality, Andhra


 Zero Garbage Management System in Proddatur (Solid Waste

Management) by Proddatur Municipality, Andhra Pradesh

 Post Disaster Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of low Cost &

Disaster Resistant houses in Madhubani (Bihar) by Dr. Sunil
Kumar Chaudhary

62 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Kesrajan Building Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Entrepreneurial Execution in Sustainable Materials and
Technologies (Environmental)


ith conservation at heart Kesarjan Recycling of industrial waste
started with fly ash product One of the biggest chunk of waste which caught
manufacturing and has now expanded our attention was ‘construction & demolition
from mud blocks to large scale RCC precast units. waste’. Primarily there were two reasons for
In course of time, it has undertaken different recycling C&D waste; one was to fix the waste in
construction projects, including Rural Housing the building in beneficial way and two replace
Project, Earthquake Rehabilitation Work and virgin materials like sand and aggregates.
buildings under VAMBAY, with all appropriate
Recycling of C&D waste was started on a small
technologies. In addition to our base location in
scale which was self-initiated and self-financed.
Ahmedabad, the Centre also operates in Kutchh, A small crushing and sieving unit was established
Delhi, Nagpur and Jamnagar. that would suffice our internal requirement
when fully operational. All research was done
Since its initiation the recycling unit is on self- using waste from the factory itself. Once stable
sustaining mode and some of our products like and tested products were manufactured, C&D
brick contain 70-90% recycle content. We are waste from the open market was sourced and
regularly testing the aggregates and products to used. Now products like bricks and blocks with
ensure that they are as per standards. up to 92% recycled content as well as up to M35
grade precast concrete products using the same.
Though the Building Centre (BC) movement
was at peak in 1996, in Gujarat there were very Revival of traditional lime mortar and lime
few takers, even the State Government was based products
not so keen. However at Kesarjan, we found Cement a gift of last century, is wonderful
unique synergy between our idea of exploring material which has eradicated a 3000 years old
material’s potential and optimizing its usage material – lime. Definitely lime is inferior for RCC
with that of BC’s activities and that has guided application, at the same time masonry structure
us throughout our journey. built and finished with lime is in front of us


This Building Centre is an entrepreneurial

endeavor by a technocrat. Being first generation
entrepreneur there were many financial hurdles.
Majority of the investment has been mobilized
through family resources in tune of rupees
12 million. Another 3.5 million rupees have
been mobilized through bank recently. Initially
Building Center grant of 0.5 million was given
to Kesarjan. For all research and development
work resources are mobilized through internal

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 63

for centuries. Lime has unique chemistry with Social and Cultural
pozzolana and the resultant product is answer
Experience and guidance of veteran artisans has
to our major problem with cement mortar for
been treasured by us. Local masons are given
masonry and plaster. Ready Mix Lime Mortar
hands on training by them at many execution
is offered in the market and now being used for
heritage as well as new buildings. sites. Elaborate documentation process is
initiated to conserve dying traditional knowledge
RESULTS ACHIEVED database of processes, methodologies and skills.

Kesarjan is the first private entrepreneurial Environmental

facility to set up C&D waste recycling plant
Lime mortar has better properties of insulation,
without any incentive or subsidies or policy
breathability and vapour permeability than
back up.
cement mortar resulting in increased comfort
level and decreased operational energy. Being
caustic by nature, lime is naturally dis-infectant
and keeps environment healthy. It’s almost
carbon neutral material as it absorbs CO2,
while setting. Gentle binding properties of lime
enables full reuse of adjacent material reducing
requirement of new materials.


Kesarjan’s initiative to recycle C&D waste and

produce efficient products is running successfully
which can be replicated in any medium to large
scale urban areas. M/s Procon, precast concrete
Waste from demolition contractors, RMC plants manufacturing facility in Ahmedabad, is in the
and brick kilns is routinely sourced, processed process of setting up infrastructure for recycling
and utilized at the factory. Approximately 1100 construction waste with Kesarjan’s support.
tons external waste with more than 1200 tons
waste generated at the factory has been already Further stride in recycling demolition
recycled and fixed in value added products. waste is decentralized processing. Kesarjan
Many people exposed to excellent properties in collaboration with Chinmaya mission,
of lime were not able to use it because of the Ahmedabad will be recycling their C&D waste to
cumbersome lime mortar making process, they make masonry products on their site itself. This
have found their solution in ready mix lime model is replicable in any region.
Kesarjan highly envisages its various initiatives
SUSTAINABILITY being replicated at various scales and places
that will help in our race towards sustainable
Financial tomorrow.
Lack of scale, inefficient marketing, and half
developed approach were few of the hurdles
in the way of financial stability and not the
eco-friendly approaches. Slowly and gradually
grasping the market and moving forward with
almost doubling the turnover annually.

64 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Bobbili Municipality, Andhra Pradesh
Solid Waste Management

here was improper and inefficient 40% of the house hold garbage is not being

T collection of solid waste in the town

before the current initiative which began
in 2009. People were not aware of safe disposal
segregated at source level, for which mass
education has been taken up with the active
participation of community organizations,
of municipal solid waste. Most of the garbage in C.R.P’S, and educational institutions. People
municipal areas was scattered in localities. There responded and cooperated to the Municipality.
was no route map for collection and dumping In order to implement micro level solid waste
of garbage and the garbage was collected and management practices, the municipality has
dumped in open places. . The commissioner in initiated wall writings, enema slides, introducing
this situation had taken it as a challenge and programmes and local media covering the entire
strongly instructed the concerned officials to town with the help of community organizations,
provide medicines and other essentials to the N.G.O’s and voluntary organizations for
public. sustainable Environment.

The entire 30 Election wards have been divided RESULTS ACHIEVED

in to 9 routes with 10 vehicles, 52 regular
workers and 105 contract workers deployed Bobbili Municipality is the first U.L.B. to initiate
to lift garbage regularly and each route allotted Push-Carts in AP for D-2-D collection to prevent
with sufficient staff to lift every day generated mixing of major waste streams and promote
garbage and de-silting of drains, sweeping of all higher percentage of segregation at source.
roads and door to door collection of garbage by Achieved No-Dump status as early as 2011 and
implementing dry and wet garbage collection for the past 3 years has sustained its activities
system separately. 96% generated garbage is under 3 different commissioners.
being lifted every day and remaining 4% lifting
of garbage covered in the afternoon sessions. Commissioners from every region of Andhra
Pradesh are challenging themselves to raise the
Task Force Team has been constituted to ride bar ever so higher in urban solid waste resource
on Hotels, eating establishments, and shops management. Our state is marching towards
where Violation of Public Health Rules is being MSW Rules compliance with innovative models
found and also to create to awareness and that are simple and replicable.
impact of collection of door to door garbage and
segregation of dry and wet at the source.


As far as Solid Waste Management is concerned,

12th Finance Commission has released sufficient
funds to implement the system. Apart from
public also participated for the initiative in the
name of non-revenue of budget to motivate the
public for sustainable environment.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 65

SUSTAINABILITY methane (CH4) gas is used for cooking for
workers and Electricity Is being produced from
The workers were trained in segregation of the produced bio gas with the help of diesel
organic and inorganic waste through the route generator by consuming 30 of the total fuel.
managers instead of asking households. The
Push carts were introduced with bins for wet and TRANSFERABILITY
bags for dry, to achieve 100% segregation at the
point of collection. It was introduced gradually The initiative of SWM was taken from the best
in avoiding issues of team and waste handling. practices of Suryapet Municipality. And also
The inorganic waste at the park is segregated the process of Vermicomposting was followed
into various categories, broadly, plastics, glass under the guidance department of Horticulture
bottles, metals and non-recyclables. of Bobbili Municipality. C&DMA has resolved
to conduct Solid Waste management review
The municipality established 7 units bio gas meetings only at the compost yards and Solid
production system with the help of 50% subsidy Waste Resource Management Parks after the
of NEDCAP foundation, each unit having a first review at Bobbili, happened in July 2011.
capacity of 2 cubic meters, with 14 cubic meter
total capacity. Cow dung is mixed with bio- Many Municipalities of A.P, Students of
composting leach ate for the bio gas production. Engineering and Medical Colleges, N.G.O’s have
Input of the each unit 50 lit of leach ate mixed visited and got inspired by the initiative. Training,
with 50 kgs of cow dung same quantities of Educational and Awareness programme has
output will come from the biogas unit. Presently become regular activity.

66 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Proddatur Municipality, Andhra Pradesh
Zero Garbage Management System in Proddatur
(Solid Waste Management)


he municipality implemented 100% Door

T to door Collection of all types of waste

including street waste into two bin system
i.e., biodegradable and non-biodegradable
(recyclables) form. The segregated collected
garbage is being transported to compost
yard. 4MT of Dry Recyclable waste is send to
recyclable unit, maintained by outsourcing
agency. 43 MT of wet garbage is Processed on
the same day into vermi, box and windrows
composting. 12 MT of debris is used in low
level areas for leveling. 20 MT of silt is kept in a
separated compartment in compost yard. 1 Mt
of inert material is send to DALMIA CEMENTS PROCESS
for incineration. In the way, we have converted
the entire 80 MT of daily collection of garbage  Source segregation
is processed and to make zero i.e. zero garbage  Door to door collection
management system. The compost yard is
being maintained as a park and growing the  Road Sweep
floriculture and vegetable farming.  Transportation


 Vermi Compost
Materials like 10000 cloth bags, various types
of IEC materials and vehicles such as push carts  Box Composting
and dust bins are arranged by donors in our  Windrows composting
areas and the rest of the material is purchased
by municipality.  Community Composting

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 67

 House Composting  The entire biodegradable waste is processed
in to manure on the same day by following
 Recycling of Non Bio-degradables
windrows, box and vermi composting
 Reclamation methods.
 Drain Silt  The entire non biodegradable is being sold
 Debris to Sneha Foundation @ Rs. 2/kg

 Anti larva Operation  The inert material is dumped in the scientific

landfill site.
RESULTS ACHIEVED  No garbage is accumulated in the town or
 Free from Garbage on the streets, the town compost yard i.e., zero garbage leads to
looks very neat and the status of the ULB is clean, healthy and eco friendly atmosphere
measured with this service. in the town.

68 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Dr. Sunil Kumar Chaudhary
Post Disaster Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of low Cost &
Disaster Resistant houses in Madhubani (Bihar)

BACKGROUND where innovations might consist of small

technological improvements of existing and
he River Kamla diverted from its natural

T course in proximity of the Nepali border,

at about 12 km up the existing barrage,
and as it breached its embankments, the river
well-established practices to make them
safer and more durable in time of disasters.

started flowing on a completely different
course, washing away human settlements and The main source of finance was Disaster
cultivations on a breadth of 15 km and a total Management Department, Building construction
length of 150 km towards South. Over 2 million Department, Govt. of Bihar and Donation from
people were affected in five districts; more public and Private party. Currently there is no
than 340700 houses were damaged along with cost to the participating communities. At the
significant losses of crops and cattle due to the conclusion of the Campaign, PARYAVARAN KI
protracted inundations. KHATIR (PKH) plans to continue many of the
consultancy services to communities for a fee.
In the light of above the main purpose was:
The Campaign has a full-time director of
 Rehabilitation of flood victim homeless strategic partnerships based Patna who provides
people by constructing affordable, eco- technical inputs and connects the grass roots
friendly, climate sensitive and disaster work with high level officials and organizations.
resistant House; This person works closely with several central
 Another objective was to create two government departments and local people
significant changes at the community level, with whom PKH synchronizes efforts to move
a registry of all homeless persons and a vulnerable homeless persons into permanent
plan to move 2.5 per cent of the chronic housing.
and vulnerable homeless population into
permanent housing each month PROCESS

 To promote ‘environmentally conscious’ and Damage Assessment: A total of 44 households

‘people-centred’ rehabilitation processes, out of 110 in Khirhar and 80 out of 102 in

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 69

Siriyapur village resulted seriously affected by of resource facilities made to provide technical
the flooding and were chosen as the beneficiaries support to beneficiaries and local masons in
of the two pilot projects. The villagers are all form of knowledge sharing, quality control of
marginal farmers which make their living on construction, skill trainings and workshops on
cattle breeding (few cows, buffaloes and goats)
bamboo techniques, crafts, treatment processes
and rice cultivation on small plots of land.
Assessment of Innovative local resources:
PKH conducted disaster assessments to identify
the major local resources available in the area.  The experience has already had an
It encountered an exceptional abundance of important impact, both for the residents
bamboo with compatible features for building who have been actively involved throughout
purposes, along with well-established skills and the process and for other grass roots groups
around the state and other part of country
capacities of local masons and artisans with
.As a result of pressures, mobilization of
bamboo techniques.
these groups, state legislation has been
approved that enables other community-
Community Meetings: As a first step, a number based organizations and social movements
of community meetings were arranged once to access federal land for housing
a week to identify people’s housing needs, construction.
expectations and to introduce the principles of  Over 17000 flood victim homeless people
the ODR process. have been permanently housed to date in
three district of Bihar. Levels of income and
BAMBOO MODEL HOUSES AND EXPOSURE employment increased. Rapid-results teams
VISITS also report changes in mind set, behaviours
and processes that carry the effect beyond
Four different prototypes were built in order to their life span.
experiment their affordability and resistance
 Residents have been trained in building
according to different choices of structural construction and self-management of
systems, joints, wall filling and size of living resources.
 The project has succeeded in mobilizing
a diverse group of people who previously
Setting up the Demonstration Hub and felt a sense of hopelessness. Community
Artisans Training: With the help of Disaster meetings went from having 150 persons
Management Department, Govt of Bihar, PKH in attendance to over 350 people currently
created a Community Hub, which is a complex participating.

70 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

SUSTAINABILITY the use of fewer building materials.
 The project incorporates the use of biogas
 The Campaign believes that the best way and solar energy and eliminates the burning
of ending homelessness permanently is to of coal and emissions of CO2
provide an integrated but tailored package
of housing + health + employment support. TRANSFERABILITY
 Where relevant, homeless people receive
employment support, which has increased  This practice of Rehabilitation is a scaling-up
income and employment. Having a process in itself, taking a proven approach
permanent address is important in being in Madhubani and Darbhanga to the Bihar
able to access employment. as a whole and beyond. This practice itself
attempts to accept as many invitations as
 The Campaign provides capacity building
possible to visit external organizations
and support to enrolled flood victims
in the India to discuss and advocate the
 Flood victim people living in open space, practice’s methodology.
where their health and safety are at great
risk, to stable housing almost always have  This practice now works on a regular
a positive impact. Over 10% of flood victim basis with 17 local coalitions across India.
adults struggle with mental illness. PKH Many visitors have come to see the project,
now has a Programme that targets Medicaid including grass roots groups, community
funds to support housing for homeless leaders, international visitors and university
people. students
 Training and approach applies a number  The PKH has carried out a number of
of appropriate building technologies workshops and exchanges with other
increasing the positive environmental communities to transfer knowledge and
impact of the project. tools, and a blog is under preparation to
 The house construction process requires share the experience more widely.

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 71

Contact Details of Best Practice Award Winning Entries

Commissioner Commissioner
Surat Municipal Corporation Bhopal Municipal Corporation
Surat Mahanagar Sevsa Sadan 2nd Floor, Harshwardhan Complex
Gordhandas Chokhawala Marg T.T. Nagar
Muglisara Bhopal (MP)
Surat – 395 003 Phone: 0755-2701222/4074843
Tel 0261-2422244 Fax: 0755-2701223
Fax No.0261-2422110

Director The Managing Director

Directorate of Municipal Administration Haryana Police Housing Corporation Ltd
Municipal Reforms Cell Plot No. C-10, Sector 6
1-4, 6th Floor, IT Park Panchkula
Rajajinagar Industrial Estate Tele 0172-5004221,
Bangalore -560 010, Karnataka Fax 5064153
Telephone: 080-23003100 Fax: 080-23003111
Email Address:,

Commissioner The Municipal Commissioner

Municipal Administration Department Gangtok Municipal Corporation
6th Floor, Ezhilagam Annexe Urban Development & Housing Department
Chepauk Government of Sikkim
Chennai-600005 Gangtok,
Fax No.044-28411364 East District
Sikkim. Pin -737101

Commissioner Principal Secretary (UDH)

Urban Administration and Development Room No. 5225, IInd Floor
Department, Govt of MP Main Building, Sachivalaya Bhawan
Room No.203, 1st Floor, Palika Bhawan Govt of Rajasthan, Janpath
Shivaji Nagar 6 No. Stop Jaipur – 302 015
Bhopal – 462 016 Fax 0141-2385885
Tel No.755-4044490, Fax No.0755-2552591

Dean The Vice Chairman

Strategic Planning & Special Initiatives Lucknow Development Authority
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar Pradhikaran Bhawan
VGEC Campus, Chandkheda Vipinkhand, Gomti Nagar
Ahmedabad – 382 424 Lucknow – 226010
Tel 079-274908907, Fax 079- Fax 0522-2396887
23972324/23972583 (9898448732)

72 HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment

Team Members

Managing Editors Committee for Selection of Field of Expertise

Award Winning Entries
Dr. M Ravi Kanth, IAS (r) Prof. ChetanVaidya, Architect & Town Planner
Chairman & Managing Director,
Director, HUDCO School of Planning and
Architecture, New Delhi
Dr. S.K. Gupta
Executive Director (Training) Mr. R.K. Safaya, Architect & Urban Designer
HSMI, HUDCO Ex. Executive Director,
Editorial Team – HSMI,
HUDCO Dr. N.B. Mazumdar, Solid Waste Management
Ex. Chief Projects (Waste Expert
Mr. Surendra Kumar, Management), HUDCO &
Fellow/ Dy. General Manager Chairman of Expert Committee on
(Projects) MSWM, MoUD, GOI
Mr. Jeewan Lal
Asstt. General Manager Dr. Amod Kumar, Medical Practitioner
(Sectt.) Consultant & Head of Department
of Community Health, St.
Mr. Amit Singh
Stephen’s Hospital, Delhi
Research Associate
Ms. Aditi Saxena, Mr. V.K. Dhar, Engineer & Town Planner
Research Associate Ex-faculty, NIUA, Delhi

Human Settlement Management Institute,
Research and Training Wing,
HUDCO House, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Telephone 011-24369534, 011-24308600/606,
Fax 011-24365292, 24366426

Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited

Corporate Office : Core 7-A, HUDCO Bhawan,
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road New Delhi – 110 03
Telephone (EPABX) 011-24649610-23, 24627113-13,
After Office Hours: 011-24648193-95, Fax No. 011-24625308
E mail:, Website:
CIN: U74899DL1970GOI005276

gkmflax ,aM vcZu MsoyiesUV dkWikZsjs'ku fyfeVsM 44

years of visionary
Housing & Urban Development Corporation Limited growth
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organisation

HUDCO Awards for Best Pracices to Improve the Living Environment 73

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