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(No Model.

No. 497,917. Patented May 23, 1893.


Witnesses, o/ania) 6tan, Inventor,

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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 497,917, dated May 23, 1893.
Application filed August 15, 1892, Serial No. 443,074, (No model.)
To all, whon, it may conce772. longitudes of all other first class geographi
Be it known that I, ALEXANDER GLEASON, cal globe maps or charts of the world.
a citizen of the United States, residing at Buf On the face of the map are circular lines
falo, in the county of Erie and State of New from the center or north pole to ninety de-55
5 York, have invented a new and Improved grees South representing the latitudes of the
Time-Chart, of which the following is a speci earth, both north and south of the equator.
fication. These circular lines are indicated by the let
My invention has reference to certain me ter, G'.
chanical devices and geographical illustra In operating with this map I employ two 6o
Io tions, to be used on a flat circular map of the indicating arms G and H, pivoted together by
world, and will be fully and clearly hereinaf means of a pin, a, having a flange, b, (see Fig.
ter described and claimed, reference being 3), the two arms G and H being put on said
had to the accompanying drawings, in which pin above the flange, b, then a light spring
Figure 1 represents a flat circular map of washer H, in the top of the arm H and the 65
15 the world, showing the outlines of the several head of the pin riveted so that the two arms
continents, some of the larger islands, the in are held together by friction and can be turned
dicating arms and other matter which will be on each other back and forth.
more clearly hereinafter shown. Fig. 2 is a In the center of the map is an eyelet, c, and
vertical central sectional elevation through a into the opening (through the eyelet, c), is put
2 o small central portion of the map, showing a the lower end, d, of the pin, a, so that these
portion of the indicating arms and the con indicating arms have two movements, a move
struction of the parts by which they are se ment one on the other and one or both to
cured movably together and the two to the gether around the center of the map, and may
map. be detached at pleasure from the map if so 75
25 Referring to said drawings-A represents desired, and are also made easily removable
the map proper which is circular inform, and by simply lifting the pin, d, out of the eyelet
flat; having twentyfour radiating or meridian c. On these indicating arms are numerals, J,
lines, B, extending from the center to the cir indicating degrees of latitude corresponding
cumference. The periphery, C, of the circle to the degrees of latitude as represented and
3o being divided into divisions, D, which repre marked on the map at B at thirty degrees
sent the minutes in twenty four hours; (for west of Greenwich. By bringing either of the
this purpose it would take fourteen hundred indicator arms to any given point, the lati
and forty of these divisions,) I have shown tude and longitude of the said point may at
- but half of this number in the drawings be once be determined without future computa- 8
35 cause the whole number Would bring the lines tion. -

too near together for showing them clearly. In order to ascertain the time of day or
The twenty four meridian lines are divided night, in any part of the world, corresponding
near the periphery into quarters each repre to your own meridian time; first: place the
senting quarters of an hour and at the periph lower indicating arm, G, into the center socket
4o ery into sixty divisions each representing or receptacle, letting the graduate edge of the
minutes of meridian time. A little way in arm be in line on your own meridian time, for
from the periphery and at the twenty four instance if it be New York, which is the fif
hour divisions, are shown the hours of the day teenth meridian: Now you wish London’s
in Roman numerals, indicated by the letter, corresponding time:-Place the arm H., on 95
45 E, and commencing the reckoning of time the meridian of Greenwich, which is London,
from Greenwich, London, or on the line F. and marked, F, at the same time holding the
On the face of the map proper, and within arm G in its place. You have now got the ab
another circle (still toward the center) is laid solute corresponding difference of time be
out the continents, principal islands, rivers tween New York and London, which is five CO

so and cities of the world; their latitudes and hours in round numbers. Next look at your
longitudes corresponding to the latitudes and own pocket time or clock, and if it be just
2 497,917

eleven o’clock; move the arm G to eleven and to each other, they are thus impressed upon
the arm H, will still retain its relative posi the mind of the student. The extorsion of
tion to arm G, (as the two arms are held to the map from that of a globe consists, mainly
each other by friction) and indicate six p.m. in the straightening out of the meridian lines
or the corresponding fractional parts of an allowing each to retain their original value
hour be it more or less. Thus the time stands from Greenwich, the equator to the two poles.
all ready computed to any child who is able I claim as my invention
to read the time of day from the face of an The combination with a time chart of a cir
ordinary clock. Again, in order to give the cular time dial encompassing the circular 35
O child the most simple lesson first I would get
the difference of the time between the two
map, a disk or dial graduated and divided to
indicate longitude and sun time on any me
places as above mentioned, then placing the ridian line or intervening lines, two indicat
arm G at twelve, of course the arm H will ing arms loosely pivoted to the center of the
stand at five p.m. for London, and there is no circular map, numerals indicating degrees of 40
computation or counting for the child to longitude on each of said arms, and a pivoted
make; he thus reads the hour and fractional joint for holding said arms together so the
part thereof from the dial of the map. The friction between them will be sufficient to
utility of such a computating map will be ob hold them one to the other at any point to
vious, not only to the school child but for an which one may be moved on the other and 45
adult or official person. The map is not so permit both to be moved together by turning
extorted as to lose the relative latitude and one, substantially as and for the purposes de
longitude of any places on the land or sea, scribed.
but retains all latitudes and longitudes of ALEXANDER GTLEASON.
places agreeing with other recognized authors; Witnesses:
25 and as the proper relations of continents and JAMESSANGSTER,
countries all stand in their relative position JENNIE. M. CALDWELL.

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