What Your Teachers Did Not Tell You About H2 History 9252
What Your Teachers Did Not Tell You About H2 History 9252
What Your Teachers Did Not Tell You About H2 History 9252
The essays constitute a massive 60% of the A-Level marks. But this
section is really significant because of the amount of preparation that can
be done. The A Level questions are limited in scope with the focus for
each topic made explicitly clear in the syllabus document. What this
means is that you can prepare the arguments, supporting evidences and
thoughtful conclusions well before the A-Levels. At the A-Levels, it will not
be about writing new arguments on the spot, but writing prepared
This is an advantage that you must not take for granted; to put things into
perspective, if you secure 55% of the marks, only about one-third of the
case study marks would be required to secure distinction. In contrast to
essays, case studies, while important, are primarily focused on your on-
the-spot ability to interpret sources– so study smart.
There is a perception that the more examples you memorize and write,
the higher the marks. This is not the case. A short essay could get the
high marks, while a long essay could get low marks. As a matter of fact,
writing as much as you can could do more harm than good. In the
process, you may, for instance, end up leaving one counter argument
alone without having time to address it with a substantiated rebuttal,
undermining the requirement of a consistent stand and putting you off
track of attaining band L-7. Be highly selective about what you write.
Every school uses different notes and has a different interpretation of the
syllabus document. Using their own history notes, certain “lower-ranked”
schools consistently achieve high rates of distinction, even having over
Strategy #4: Only create notes once you are very familiar with
the content.
Strategy #6: Use model essays if you are unable to reach the L-7
grade standard.
If you are interested in the complete guides for each topic, you can check
out https://www.h2historyguides.com/ which has quality documents that
you can use.
I hope each of you can learn from these 6 strategies and not repeat the
mistakes that many of your seniors have made. Remember, your time is
limited. Use it wisely. I wish you all of you the best for your A-Levels. Stay
positive, work hard, make it happen.