Sales Promotion Skycon

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“A Study on the sales promotion schemes of the Products”


Skycon Technologies, Bathinda

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of




Yograj Singh


Roll No.


I hereby declare that the project titled “A Study on the sales promotion schemes of the
products” is an original piece of research work carried out under the guidance of supervisor the
information has been collected from genuine & authentic sources.

The work has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of MBA (Batch 2016-
2018) of Guru Kashi University.

Yograj Singh

Perseverance, inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in success of any
venture. In the present world of competition there is a race of existing in which those who are
having willed to come forward succeed. Project is like a bridge between theoretical and practical
working. With willing I join this particular project.
To design and compare a project report is very laborious work, which no student complete
without taking any help from any professional.
First of all, I would like to thank the supreme power of almighty God who is obviously the one
who has always guided us to work on right path of our life. 
I express my deep gratitude to my guide for his invaluable guidance during the project. His
unlimited guidance, innovative ideas and tireless efforts helped along the way in completing the
project. I am also thankful to the staff members for their encouragement and cooperation in this
successful completion of my project.
In the end I would like to thank my parents whom greatly indebted for having me brought me
love and encouragement of this stage

Yograj Singh


Promotion is the final element in the marketing mix. After the nature of product is decided, its
price fixed and the methods of distribution decided, the manufactures has to take effective steps
in meeting the consumers in the markets. In the present consumer oriented markets it is the duty
of manufacturers to know what is required by the consumer. It is also their duty to make the
customers know where, when how and at what prices. The products would be available. The
term promotion is very often used as a synonym for selling. But selling is a narrow term which
includes only transfer of title or personal selling. Promotion on the other hand is broader in its
outlook and includes a variety of activities used ultimately for increasing sales volume. Similarly
the terms sales promotion cannot be taken to mean what is commonly does. Sales promotion is
only a part of the promotion. Basically promotion is an "exercise" in information persecution and
influence. Promotion has come to mean the overall co-ordination of advertising selling, publicity
and public relations. Promotion is a helping function designed to make all other marketing
activities more effective and efficient. But sales promotion as such helps only the selling activity
still, there exit same difference of opinion on the real connection of the term sales promotion.

Table of contents

Sr. no. Chapter name Page no.





Skycon Technologies is a leading solution provider for Internet based applications. Established in 2009,
The Company has been promoted by some highly experienced Professionals dedicated to provide total IT
solutions under one roof. It possesses not only the latest technology gadgets but also the most
knowledgeable and experience hands to offer most user friendly customized solutions.

Skycon Technologies provides high quality on site services for software development and the
end users on a broad range of hardware & software platforms and latest technologies.

Skycon believes in a hands-on approach on all projects. That is why a Director of the firm will
always be in control of the key functions on our projects. Skycon is equipped with the latest
technology and has the necessary staff and resources to ensure the best professional service is
provided at all times.

Vision, Mission and Goals


Our vision is to grow our multi-disciplinary team in order to offer a broad spectrum of specialist
Engineering, Information Technology and Management Consulting services to become our
Clients' preferred Professional Service Provider (PSP) choice through excellence and efficiency
in all aspects of the project life cycle.Skycon is a leading practice that will exceed expectations
and set new standards!


Our Mission is to offer excellent service in each of our professional disciplines, in accordance
with statutory practices, codes of conduct and integrity, thereby developing our team and
providing a leading platform from which to service the built environment and in particular, our
valued Clients.


Skycon Technologies would strive hard to achieve the 3 goals mentioned below:

 To provide clients awesome websites without incurring exorbitant costs.

 Create best value for Customers, Shareholders and all Stake holders.
 To provide world class E – Commerce, Web Development Solutions to achieve
impeccable reputation and credentials through best business practices.

Products/Services Offered By Company

Web Development

Website is key component of Internet World. From websites to mobile phone apps & portals, to
attractive product packaging, the work of a graphic designer is seen everywhere. But a good
design also requires a strong backbone of programming & development. This is the job of a
developer. An increase number of jobs and high demand for trained and skilled graphic
designers, web designers, and developers. You can be one of these in-demand professionals.
Therefore it is very important to develop a website with strong web presence and functionality.
Among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of
building web sites: writing mark-up and coding. Most recently Web development has come to
mean the creation of content management systems or CMS. These CMS can be made from
scratch, proprietary or open source. In broad terms the CMS acts as middleware between the
database and the user through the browser. A major benefit of a CMS is that it allows non-
technical people to make changes to their web site without having technical knowledge. At
Skycon we provide a best solution of website Development. Our professional and skilled web
developers build creative websites using the latest technologies.

Bulk Messaging

Bulk Messaging is the dissemination of large numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile
phone terminals. It is used by media companies, enterprises, banks (for marketing and fraud

control) and consumer brands for a variety of purposes including entertainment, enterprise and
mobile marketing. Skycon is a leading SMS messaging service provider offering two-way SMS
communication services straight from your internet enabled computer.

M.Tech Thesis

Skycon Technologies Provide Proper Guidance to Students for their Research Work Based on
IEEE Research Papers. We provide research in various area of Computer & Electronics for
M.Tech, M.Phill. And P.hD. Courses Following are the list of Topics on which Our research
students are doing work

Industrial Training

Industrial training plays an important role in college studying period. Because of industrial
training, students will get opportunity to experience doing real work while studying and also
industrial training helps to fill the gap between the academic curriculum and the industry. It gives
an opportunity to students to apply theoretical knowledge practically. Industrial training also
gives exposure to students about the work environment in the companies. They also learn tools
used in the industries as no college teach them about tools used in the industry. So because of
industrial training, students become job-ready before they complete the college and increase their
chances to get employment. Industrial training also helps to improve the personal skills and also
provides the opportunity to get employed after the completion of the training.

Introduction about topic

What is Sales Promotion ?

Promotion is the final element in the marketing mix. After the nature of product is decided, its
price fixed and the methods of distribution decided, the manufactures has to take effective steps
in meeting the consumers in the markets. In the present consumer oriented markets it is the duty
of manufacturers to know what is required by the consumer. It is also their duty to make the
customers know where, when how and at what prices. The products would be available.

 Meaning of Promotion

The term promotion is the term and includes mainly three type of sales activity :

1. Mass impersonal selling methods (Advertising).

2. Face to face personal selling (Salesman ship).

3. Activities other than personal selling and advertising such as point of purchase display
(P.O.P.) show and exhibitions, demonstrations and other non securing selling efforts. This form
of activity is called ‘Sales Promotion’.

There are two type of promotion blends:-

1. Pull Blend.

2. Push Blend.

Both of these are closely related to the channel of Distribution.

1. A pull blend is one in which mass impersonal, sales efforts are given the greatest emphasis.
The purpose of pull blends to pre-sell to the final consumers. So that they demand the product at
the retail level of distribution. The firm adopting this strategy would spend more on advertising
and sales promotion rather than in personal selling. These efforts pull down the product from the

2. A push blend emphasizes personal selling. Naturally firms adopting this method develop a
strong sales force at both the distributor and the dealer level. This method would tend to push the
product through the channel of distribution.

Promotion and Selling

The term promotion is very often used as a synonym for selling. But selling is a narrow
term which includes only transfer of title or personal selling. Promotion on the other hand
is broader in its outlook and includes a variety of activities used ultimately for increasing
sales volume.

 Promotion and Sales Promotion

Similarly the terms sales promotion cannot be taken to mean what is commonly does. Sales
promotion is only a part of the promotion. Basically promotion is an "exercise" in information
persecution and influence. Promotion has come to mean the overall co-ordination of advertising
selling, publicity and public relations. Promotion is a helping function designed to make all other
marketing activities more effective and efficient. But sales promotion as such helps only the
selling activity still, there exit same difference of opinion on the real connection of the term sales

 Acc. to A.H.R. Delons :-

"Sales promotion means any steps that are taken for the purpose of obtaining or increasing

 Acc. to W.Q. Kelly Opines:-

"Muddled misused misunderstood that is sales promotion Acc. to him the field of sales
promotion as a marketing activity is still vaguely defined and organized.

Sales Promotion and Advertising

There is no universally accepted distribution between these two terms. To same advertising
includes all forms of mass media communication directed towards influencing the end consumer.
Sales promotion on the other hand, includes the form of mass communication directed towards
information and influencing the channel of distribution (e.g. distributors, retailers etc.). Hence a
price of product literature distributed by retailers in sales promotion. These sales promotion
merges on one side in to advertising and on the other in to personal salesman ship. It is

concerned with the dissemination of information to whole sellers, retailers, customers (both
actual and potential, and to the salesman).

Sales promotion is concerned with the creation. Application and dissemination of material and
techniques that supplement advertising and personal selling. Sales promotion makes use of direct
mail, catalogues, trade shows, sales contests, premiums, samples, windows displays and other
aids. Its purpose is to increase the desire of salesman, distributors and dealers to sell a certain
brand to make consumers more eager to buy that brand. Personal selling and advertising do
include prospects to make these decisions. Sale promotion provides an extra stimulus.

 Objective of Sales Promotion

1. To increase sales directly by publicity through media which are complementary to press and
poster advertising.

2. To disseminate information through sales man dealers etc. So as to insure the product getting
in to satisfactory use by the ultimate consumer.

3. To attract new consumer.

4. To face the competition effectively.

5. To help salesman in selling more to the retailers and consumers.

6. To check seasonal decline in sales. Generally speaking sales promotion involves rendering the
following services:-

(a) Services to dealers.

(b) Services to own salesman.

(c) Special publicity.

Sales Promotional at different levels

1. Sales promotion at Dealers Level:-

It may include various schemes some of which are discussed here.

(i) Advertising Materials:-

The advertising material prepared by the company such as store signs, banners, shelf signs, board
etc. are distributed to sub dealer for display purposes this is in fact a method of advertising.

(ii) Store Demonstration:-

In the promises of the whole seller or the retailer the products sales personnel will conduct
special demonstration for the company’s product. A personal demonstration is good to introduce
a new product at its peculiar advantage can be high lightened and the consumer’s doubt clear. It
can be used to re stimulate an old product. A good demonstration with a great dealer of action
will draw heavy crowds in to the store and will attract attention to the product.

(iii) Special Display and Shows:-

These are in seasonal in character but could be arranged in an elaborate manner and for all the
products of a company. Usually these are arranged along with trade fair and exhibition. Besides
effecting sales these shows impress the company’s name generally on the public.

Sales promotion at consumer’s level

The various schemes of sale promotion at Consumer’s Level may include.

1. Coupons (A Chit of Stated Value):-

These are given directly to the consumer these coupons are in most cases kept inside the
package. The consumers many receive a price reduction of the stated values of the coupon at the
time of purchase. The retailer receives reimbursement for the value of the coupon form the
manufacturer. Coupons act as a short run stimulus to the sale of the product, since they are
directly tied with the purchase of the item. They encourage the retailer to stock the product.

What is important is that a coupon offer does not spoil the named price of the brand nor does it
un pair the margin of the dealers. But it is not easy to measure the effectiveness of a coupon

offer. One over knows how many customer would have bought the product without the incentive.
It is also difficult to find out how many customers were held after the coupon offer expired.

2. Price-off-offer (Also known as bargain offer price packs) :-

This offer is intended to stimulate the sales during a slump season. In this method the customer is
offered a reduction from the printed price list. It is also used when a substitute for competing
product enters the market.

Many experts on sales promotion fed that ‘Off Schemes’ are among the weaker and less
desirable methods of promotion. These can be trade resentment particularly when the retailer
raises the price to retain his margin. Secondly that is not conductive to building up brand loyalty.
Consumers may simply shift to the products that offer this scheme.

3. Samples:-

In the hope of converting a prospect into a customer a sample (Some quantity of the product)
may be given. This helps the consumer to verify the real quality of the product. Various pair
manufacturing companies offer this method. For developing brand loyalty this method is quite
useful. Sampling is a fast method of demand creation because one knows the result as soon as the
consumer has had time to use the sample and buy the brand.

Disadvantage of Sampler:-

Offering sample in quit expensive. There is the cost of producing samples. The distribution costs
are also high. Samples have to be mailed to potential customers or to be distributed through retail
shops. There are also problems when the real product does not resemble the sample supplied.

4. Money Refund Offer:-

An offer usually stated on the package is that manufacturers will return with in a stated period
part or all of the purchaser’s money if he is not completely satisfied with the product.

5. Trading Stamps:-

A premium in the form of stamps is given by the sellers to consumers while selling goods. The
number and value of stamp that the buyer receives depends on the values of the purchase. These
stamps are redeemable through premium catalogues at the stamp redemption centres.

6. Buy-Back Allowance:

This an allowance following a previous trade deal not offer a certain amount of money for new
purchases based on the quantity of purchases on the first trade deal. It extends the life of a trade
deal and helps to prevent part deal sales decline. It greatly strengthens the buyer’s motivation to
co-operate on the first deal.

7. Premium:-

There are various forms of premiums provided by the manufacturer as sales promotional

(a) Coupons are supplied for effecting price reductions.

(b) Factory in pack premium these are popular in the case of Body food and Tin food items,
Spoons, Cups, Measuring, Glass etc. and such other items are packed with the product in the box
itself. Factory in pack premium are particularly goods for product meant for children. The Binaca
Toothpaste packs contain animal shape toys. These are very attractive and qutie popular among
the children.

(c) Self Liquidating Premiums :-

The cost of the premium is collected from the buyer himself. But when the buyers pays for it he
has to pay only a considerably low price for the premium. This is possible for the manufacturer
purchases the items in bulk at a premium and his cost per unit as is substantially low.

Other Steps by Manufacturer for Promoting Sales

Dealers can be helps in different ways :-

1. Communicating Market News :-

Often this service is reciprocal the manufacturer may acquaint his dealer with the fact relating to
his production and prices while the dealer may familiarize him in return with the information
bearing on charges in the consumer's demand, their like and dislike complaints and criticism,
substitutes etc.

2. Inviting to Sales Conference and Convention :-

The gestures of regard and respect pave the way for better relation and co-operation.

3. Offering Reasonable Terms of Sale :-

Of all the forms of encouragement, the monetary incentive evokes immediate response. Hence
every producer must offer the most responsible terms of sale such as longer periods of credit and
higher rates of descants.

4. Supplying suitable packages and useful things.

5. By taking the return back.

6. By furnishing them with sales literature and display materials.

Aggressive Selling

Meaning :-

Goods are produced for market. Manufacturers have to make efforts to sell all they produce.
When the manufacturers uses various sales efforts to obtain increased sales volume for his
product it is called aggressive selling or offensive selling. The sales efforts which a
manufacturer makes to retain his customers i.e. to protect his already established market against
against his competitors is termed as defensive selling. In contrast to this aggressive selling is
concerned with the sales efforts made with the express objective of selling more by expanding
the market for the product of the selling firm.

Aggressive Selling and Defensive Selling:-

Aggressive selling is based on the answer to the question how much does the firm gain (in term
of sales with profit) by using this method defensive selling is based on consideration as to how
much the firm will lose if it does not use this method increase of sales can be obtained from two

1. New customers if the market is expending.

2. From the competitors i.e. those consumers who were purchasing similar product of
competition firms, if the market for the product is static.

Acc. to H. Whitehead:-

"In case of an expanding market the entire firm may stand to gain by following the methods of
aggressive selling but if the market is static manufacturer of a new market will have to be much
more aggressive to capture the established market of competitors".

When Aggressive selling is resorted?

Usually manufacturer of a new product has to do aggressive selling:-

1. When the product has been improved.

2. When the manufacturer’s product is supervisor in quality to the product of the established

3. When the total market for the product or line of product to expanding.

4. If the manufacturer’s share of the market is comparatively small.

5. If the manufacturer has unused production capacity with heavy investment in plant and
equipment he will like to develop the demand for his product rapidly so that demand for his
product is equal to the optimum production capacity of his plant ; and

6. When primary demand for a product must be created and provision must be made in the
channel of distribution to educate consumers regarding the new product and to instruct them in
its use.

Method of Aggressive Selling:-

Sales promotion efforts use for aggressive selling may be divided in two classes.

1. Trade Promotion.

2. Consumer Promotion.

1. Trade Promotion:-

Under trade promotion methods special incentives are offered to the trader to buy products of the
firm. Such incentive may take one or more of the following firm :-

(a) Cash Allowance:-

A definite percentage of discount is allowed on the purchase of given unit of a product.

(b) Extra Product:-

Instead of giving any cash allowance extra product is given with each unit of product ordered.
For instance if a box normally contains 20 Cakes of Soap, special box contains 25 cakes may be
made and sold at the same price as that of the box of 20 cakes.

(c) Gifts:-

Various gifts are awarded in return for an order of a particular magnitude.

2. Consumer Promotion:-

Under consumer promotion method special incentives are offered to the consumers to buy the
firms product. The more prominent amongst such incentives are as following.

(a) Coupons:-

A coupon of a giving value is sent to the consumer. By presenting this coupon to the retailer
consumers can purchase a particular product mentioned on the coupon at a reduced price. The
retailer sells the products mentioned. In the coupon to such consumer (consumers presenting the

coupons) under and agreement with the manufacturer at a price lower than the user retail price.
Thus the consumer get the benefit of reduced price to the extent of the value of the coupons.

(b) Self Liquidating Offers :-

Under this system, the firm offers an article at an attracting price if the consumer send a given
sum of money accompanied by a given number of box tops from the packages of a particular
product the benefit to the consumer is that he receives the articles at a bargain price.

(c) Bargain Packs :-

Under this system a product is sold at a reduced price for a short period Bargain pack method
encourages new consumers to try the product. It is also helpful in obtaining large displays in the

(d) Sampling :-

The method involves giving the product or a small quantity of the product to a consumer free
with the hope that the customer will be favourable impressed with its actual use and will
eventually become a regular purchaser of the product.

A firm selling new product or an extensively improved product finds this methods useful. Also a
firm whose market is hold by competitors whose free sampling almost expensive.

The above mentioned methods may be reinforced by adopting.

(i) Direct method of selling through.

(ii) Offer of door to door selling.

(iii) Hire purchase and installment payment methods of selling and by forming combination.

Other Methods of Aggressive Selling :-

(i) Employment of ‘Missionary Salesman also known as Promotional Salesman’. These salesman
call upon retailers and aggressively promote a product.

(ii) Instead of using wholesalers, the firm may develop its own sales force to call directly on

(iii) The firm may follow a compromise method by employing a manufacturer’s agent and giving
him a large enough commission to encourage him to sell product intensively and aggressively.

(iv) New territory exploitation sales promotion has a particularly important role in developing
the company’s product in new territories.

(v) Increment and promotions.

(vi) Letters to dealer and Customer.

In fact, an ingenious sales manager can devise any number of incentives schemes for promoting
the sales volume.

Objectives of the study

Objectives of the Project
1. To study the sales promotion schemes at Skycon Technologies.

Scope of the Study

Scope of the Study
 The scope of the study is limited to Skycon Technologies, Bathinda.


Research Methodology

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It deals with the
objective of a research study, the method of defining the research problem, the type of
hypothesis formulated, the type of data collected, method used for data collection and analyzing
the data etc. the methodology includes collection of primary and secondary data


A research design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a

manner that aims to combine relevance to the research. A research design is a basis of
framework which provides guidelines for the rest of research process. It is the map of blueprint
according to which the research will be conducted. The research design used for this study is
“DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN”. This design includes surveys and facts finding enquiries of different

Sources of Data:

 Primary data: Primary Data is collected through questionnaire.

 Secondary data : Secondary data is collected through books, magazines and internet.

Sampling Design:

 Sampling Area:

The area is limited to Mohan Industries, Budhlada.

 Sample size:

The sample size of my project is limited to 50 only.

 Sample Techniques:

Data is collected through random sampling.

Instrumentation Technique:

 Tools and Techniques of data collection

The questionnaire serves as a useful guide for the communication process and may be used with
survey research in any form whether the questions are in written or verbal form. Without a
questionnaire the interview has no structure.

 Research tool:

Sample statistical tool is this analyzed and expresses in terms of percentage. The information
gathered from the primary source would be analyzed by tabulating all information received.
Conclusion and interpretation of this study would then be made using various tools like graphs,
charts and tables.


Limitation of research:

1. The research is confined to a company and does not necessarily shows a pattern

applicable to all of Country.

2. Some respondents were reluctant to divulge personal information which can affect the

validity of all responses.

3. In a rapidly changing industry, analysis on one day or in one segment can change very

quickly. The environmental changes are vital to be considered in order to assimilate the


Data Analysis &

Analysis of Questionnaire

Here I have formed a questionnaire to study why after sales services are important and what are

their impacts on the attitude of customers and what can company do in order to retain customer

for long period.

All Questions are of objectives type. There are 10 questions in my questionnaire.

Analysis through Questionnaire

Q1. Where do you mainly do your shopping?

a) Local Stores

b) Stores (10+ miles away)

c) Online

d) Auctions

e) Other

Selected option No. of respondents Percentage

Local Stores 50 50
Stores (10+ Miles 20 20
Online 25 25
Auctions 0 0
Other 05 05
Total 100 100

According to these data it can be clearly said that most people buy the products from local stores

and from online websites.

No. of respondents Q.2 Do

Local Stores
Stores (10+ Miles Away)

influence you purchasing a type of product?

a) Always

b) Sometimes

3. Never

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Always 25 25
Sometimes 55 55
Never 20 20
Total 100 100

This is a very crucial question as sometimes people buy the products according to brand and
sometimes they buy the products according to only product description. as shown above in out=r
survey brand sometimes influence the buying behaviour of the product.

No. of persons


Q.3 Do you tend to buy more when there are sales and special offers on?

a) Always

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Always 25 25
Sometimes 55 55
Never 20 20
Total 100 100

As shown above in our survey sales and promotion offers sometimes influence the buying
behaviour of the product.

No. of persons


Q4) Customized marketing strategies affects the growth of the company in the rural market?

a) Always

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Always 55 55
Sometimes 25 25
Never 20 20
Total 100 100

As shown above Customized marketing strategies affects the growth of the company in the

No. of persons


Q5) Advertising affects the sales figures of the company?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Strongly Agree 35 35
Agree 25 25
Neutral 30 30
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 10 10

Total 100 100

As shown above advertisement directly affects the sales of the product.

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q6) Sales promotion activities in rural areas are totally different than urban areas?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Strongly Agree 45 45
Agree 25 25
Neutral 30 30
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that sales promotion activities are totally different i rural areas
than that of urban areas.

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q7) What is the impact of sale promtion schemes on overall sale of Mohan Industries?

a) Sales Increases

b) Remain Same

c) Sales Decreases

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Sales Increases 65 65
Remain Same 35 35
Sales Decreases 0 0
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that sales promotion activities results in increase in sales.

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q8) Rural marketing is more challenging and needs more customized products to

satisfy the needs of the rural customers?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Strongly Agree 40 40
Agree 25 25
Neutral 30 30
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 05 05
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that Rural marketing is more challenging and needs more
customized products to satisfy the needs of the rural customers

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q9) which sales promotion activity gives maximum sales?

a) Discount Coupans

b) Direct Discount

c) Referal Discount

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Discount Coupans 15 15
Direct Discount 50 50
Referal Discount 35 35
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that sales promotion activities are totally affected by direct
discount and referal discount.

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q10) Heavy investment on packaging affects the sales of the product?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 25
Agree 25 25
Neutral 50 50
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that heavy packing of productssometimes effectes the sales of
the products.

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q11) Which form of advertising is more suitable for rural areas?

a) Media & Print Media

b) Radio

c) Melas/fairs

d) Wall Painting

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Media & Print Media 45 45
Radio 10 10
Melas/fairs 10 10
Wall Painting 45 45
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that the most suitable form of advertisement in rural areas is
Media and wall painting.

No. of persons

Media & Print Media

Wall Painting

Q12) Retailers in rural areas affects the purchasing decision of rural consumers?

a)Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Selected option No. of persons Percentage

Strongly Agree 45 35
Agree 25 25
Neutral 30 30
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Total 100 100

As shown above it is concluded that Retailers in rural areas affects the purchasing decision of
rural consumers.

No. of persons

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

of the Study

Findings of the Study

I started my survey with some sincere efforts was quite successful to obtain information from

respondent regarding different aspect of product. The conclusions of this report are as follows:.

 The behavior consumers display in searching for, Purchasing, using, Evaluating and
disposing of products, services, and ideas Consumer decision making. cognitive and
emotional aspects such as impulse, family, friends, advertisers, role models, moods, and
situations that influence a purchase is dynamic.

 Approx 50% of the customers influences by the brand name of the product and buy the
products because of brand name.
 Approx 70% of the customers before buying the products access the mannuals, and
gather information and buy the products according to the features provided by the
company of the product.

Suggestions Of the

Suggestion of the Study

 The level of awareness about various sales promotion tools is very low except in the case
of Price-Off and Premium schemes. It is suggested that sales promotion schemes should
be sufficiently backed and supported by print and electronic media advertising.
 Consumers prefer to get value added offers in the form of additional quantity of the same
product they buy as incentives. Bonus pack schemes can be used more effectively than
fkee gifts and compliments.
 Coupon distribution system should be streamlined, as consumers mostly prefer to get
them through newspapers and magazines.
 Marketers may use Price-off or discount strategy to achieve the shortterm objectives of
promotion like brand switching, trial purchase, and stockpiling ahead of other schemes.
 The long-term effectiveness of sales promotion is very limited. Sales promotion does not
lead to repeat buying or create brand loyalty in a satisfactory manner. It may be used as a
short-term measure to reduce inventory or ward off competition.


Conclusion of the Study

The heterogeneity among people across the world makes understanding consumer buying
behaviour an intricate and challenging task. Product motives and patronage motives play a
crucial role in consumer purchases. Like individuals organisations also make many buying
decisions. The major factors that distinguish it from consumer decision are Market structure and
Demand, Buyer characteristics, and Decision process and buying patterns.

The degree of involvement has a lot of impact on search of information, Information processing,
and Transmission of information. The various models of consumer involvement help marketers
to study purchase behaviour across product segments.

Consumers usually go through five stages in arriving at a purchase decision. In the first stage, the
customer identifies an unsatisfied need. In the second stage consumer collect information about
the product and brands. In a third stage, the

consumer evaluates all the alternatives with the help of available information. Later in stage four,
the customer makes a purchase decision. And finally in the fifth stage, consumer experiences
post-purchase satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Organizational buyer has different decision making
criteria. Decision making rules – Compensatory and Noncompensatory – simplify the complex
nature of decision making to consumers.

Consumer's repurchase possibility of the products purchased under sales promotion offers is very
limited. Premium schemes create maximum repurchase incidences. In the level of awareness and
attractiveness Price-Off offers is far ahead of other tools of sales promotion. Consumers prefer
Bonus Packs to Free Gifts, Bundled Products and self-liquidating offers. Sales promotion does
not lead to building brand loyalty. Price-Off is the most effective tool in motivating buyers to
make trial purchase, switch brands and stockpile products.


Sales Promotion Schemes

Dear Sir/Madam
I am a student of Guru Kashi University. I am undertaking a survey as
a part of my Management Training course.

Q1. Where do you mainly do your shopping?

a) Local Stores

b) Stores (10+ miles away)

c) Online

d) Auctions

e) Other

Q.2 Do brand names influence you purchasing a type of product?

a) Always

b) Sometimes

3. Never

Q.3 Do you tend to buy more when there are sales and special offers on?

a) Always

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Q4) Customized marketing strategies affects the growth of the company in the rural market?

a) Always

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Q5) Advertising affects the sales figures of the company?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Q6) Sales promotion activities in rural areas are totally different than urban areas?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Q7) What is the impact of sale promtion schemes on overall sale of Mohan Industries?

a) Sales Increases

b) Remain Same

c) Sales Decreases

Q8) Rural marketing is more challenging and needs more customized products to

satisfy the needs of the rural customers?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Q9) which sales promotion activity gives maximum sales?

a) Discount Coupans

b) Direct Discount

c) Referal Discount

Q10) Heavy investment on packaging affects the sales of the product?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Q11) Which form of advertising is more suitable for rural areas?

a) Media & Print Media

b) Radio

c) Melas/fairs

d) Wall Painting

Q12) Retailers in rural areas affects the purchasing decision of rural consumers?

a)Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Strongly Disagree

e) Disagree

Thank you for investing your valuable time in giving us your inputs.

Please give us the following details

Name :

Phone / Mobile Number :



 Marketing Management “Philip Kotler” [PRENTICE HALL OF INDIA

PVT,LTD NEW DELHI-110001,2003.] 11th EDITION

 Research Methodology “ C.R.Kothari”[NEW AGE





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