Multimedia Process Essay Task 3

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Multimedia Process Document

Chelsie Atkins

Student ID Number: 000980803

Program Mentor: Amy Ricabal

Assessment Code: TDT 1-Task 3

April 19, 2020


This video provides third grade students and teachers an example of where to start a

mathematical reasoning problem similar to the one on the graphics page. The students are able to

view and listen to the reasoning needed to start the problem rather than using a guess and check

strategy. Students are able to watch the video and practice solving the problem simultaneously.


The audience for this video presentation is third grade students and teachers at Goshen

Post Elementary. All of the students in the group are eligible for gifted services in the area of

language arts, math or both subjects. Although not all students will be able to solve the problem

in the video, going over what to think about helps the problem be accessible to all students.

Justification of Software

I used the program PowerPoint to create a storyboard. I will also be using PowerPoint to

make my video and include text. PowerPoint allows flexibility when aligning objects compared

to the formatting in other applications. The storyboard helped me plan out my video with a goal

in mind. The storyboard helped me consider the essential knowledge when solving the problem

as well as the information that could be excluded. The elements in solving the problem that are

the most critical needed to be emphasized virtually. The storyboard is a wonderful tool to use

when planning. I chose to use the PowerPoint software with an added voice and screen capturing

program on my MacBook Pro. The video allows the student to see every step at the beginning of

the solving process up close while listening to the reasoning process.

Video/Audio Process

After using my storyboard to help plan out my presentation, I began creating the presentation

material needed for the video. This included the title slide, the definition of the word given and

an example problem with interactive number tiles. I separated these slides, so that students could

listen while each piece of information was being discussed. This will help the students follow

along with each step of the problem and do as I do. I then opened screen and voice recording

application built into my MacBook Pro. To open this app you can hold command, shift and 5

simultaneously. A toolbar then pops up on the bottom of the screen. Make sure you select the

fifth image over titled “record selected portion”. A resizable dotted rectangle will show on the

screen. By dragging the sides of the shape, resize the rectangle to the size of your presentation

screen. When choosing my presentation area, I selected the PowerPoint screen. When the screen

size is selected, click the record option on the bottom right of the toolbar. The recording will

capture your screen, mouse and voice. The finished video will pop up in the lower right hand of

the screen. Double click the window and the video will open in the center of the screen. Push the

play button to replay your presentation to double check for any errors. Lastly, click the export

button in the top right corner of the video window and select save to photos. This will save the

video to photos. I then logged in to and uploaded the video from my photos to

YouTube. I changed the required settings to make my video viewable to the public. I then went

to my Google Site Multimedia page. I selected the YouTube element over to the page and then

clicked to paste the URL. The video is now embedded onto the Google Site.
Concept Framework

I used PowerPoint to create a simple flowchart of the information I wanted to cover along

with the order. I chose to use PowerPoint due to its editing flexibility and ease to align. Creating

of this chart allowed me to visually find a stopping point for my video due to time. I was able to

estimate both time and problem depth by creating a flowchart.


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