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Kate Marie Buencochillo 10A Societal discrimination of gays is most

likely to cause suicidal attempts, depression,
End to Homosexual Injustice fear and other negative consequences as
In a world where our rights are protected suggested by a 1989 study by the U.S.
by law, there remains one major issue of Department of Health and Human Services.
discrimination that needs to be addressed - The increasing rates of suicides among LGBT
homosexuality. Homosexuality is the state of Youth has less to do with their sexual
being sexually attracted to persons of the same orientation, but everything to do with the unjust
sex. The prevalent question now is: Is it really societal responses they face everyday.
against the natural order of things or just Bullying and harassment are two of the most
deemed unacceptable because it does not emotionally driven and pervasive issues that
conform to the social norm? The presence of isolate gays from family and peers. This
homosexuals in society is an undeniable truth abandons them from their loved ones and may
and consequently, people must learn to accept result to severe psychological problems.
and embrace their uniqueness. Although the existence of homosexuals
To those who think that homosexuality should be respected, the fundamental
is a choice, a case study has revealed that teachings of the Church remain to be its
people are inherently homosexual and it is not biggest adversary. The rejection of
directly rooted in external influences but rather homosexual behavior is clearly depicted in
develops independently in oneself. Moreover, it God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
is obviously unjust to judge someone on caused by their immoral and unnatural acts of
something they have no control over. With all lust. The divine law is therefore violated and
the pressure society exerts, choosing to until now, it continues to be an endless dispute
become a homosexual sounds completely between the LGBT community and the Church.
ridiculous. Homosexuality is a pressing reality that
Gender stereotyping contradicts to the can no longer be left unresolved. In order for
law that every person is free to express the world to be completely free from sufferings
himself. Since the beginning of history, and injustice, respect and acceptance must
homosexuality was considered unlawful not transcend among all corners of the earth,
until the advent of democracy has triggered regardless of sexual preference or orientation.
activists to campaign for respect and equality Sources:
among all sexes. While countries like Russia
still support anti-gay laws, one must note that www2.ucsc.edu/visionaryvoices/Oakes/Lydia_
as homosexuality continues to be a Essay.html
stereotyped lifestyle, more conflicts will stem www.essaylib.com/blog/examples/essays-on-
forth and further lead to an inevitable divide gays-rights.html
among different sexual preferences.

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