Unit 3: Vocational Guidance

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Unit 3: Vocational Guidance

• Educational Guidance Meaning purpose and functions

• Guidance in Elementary School
• Guidance in Secondary School

Educational guidance is a process of assisting the individual student to reach optimum

educational development. It is a sort of guidance that is only rendered to the student
Educational Guidance helps the students to make right choices, as well as make
adjustments in relation to schools, curriculum, courses and school life which is contribute to
the all-round development.
Educational guidance, in short, answers the following questions:
 What course or career is a student best suited for?
 What type of education will reveal his inborn capacities and help him to develop
 What is the purpose of his learning and study?
Definitions of Educational Guidance
1. In the words of Brewer, “Educational guidance is a Conscious effort to assist in the
intellectual growth of an individual.”
2. Arthur A. Jones defined Educational Guidance “as the assistance given to pupils in
their choices and adjustment with relation to schools, curriculum, courses and school
3. Ruth Strang regards Educational Guidance “as something intended to aid the
individual in choosing an appropriate program and in making progress in it.”
4. According to Myers, “Educational Guidance is a process concerned with bringing
about between a pupil with his distinctive characteristics on the one hand, and
different opportunities and requirements on the other, a favourable setting for the
pupil’s development or education.”
5. For Dunsmoor and Miller, Educational Guidance is primarily concerned with the
student’s success in his educational career. It relates to the student’s adjustment to
school and to the preparation and carrying out of suitable educational plans in keeping
with his educational needs, abilities and career interests.”
Purpose of educational guidance:
1. To enable the child to know in detail about the subjects and courses offered by schools that
he might attend.
2. To help him to adjust to the curriculum.
3. To assist the child to secure information regarding the possibility and desirability of further
4. To help the child to know the purpose and function of different types of schools.
5. To assist the child in knowing the requirements for admission in the school of his choice.
6. To help the child to adjust to the school, its rules, regulations and the social life connected
with it.
7. To assist the pupil to understand himself, that is to understand his potentialities, his
strength and weaknesses.
8. To help the child in developing good study habits.
9. To assist him in selecting hobbies.
10. To help the child in selection of subjects in accordance with his needs, capacities and
11. To help the child in selecting the co-curricular activities.
12. To help the child to derive maximum benefit out of the various school programmes.
13. To give assistance to the child in solution of problems relating to study.
14. To enable the child to know his progress in achievement from time to time.
15. To assist the child in using his leisure time most profitably.
16. To assist him in selection of a right vocation.
17. To help the child or educand to participate in out-of-class educational activities in which
he can develop leadership and other social virtues.
18. To help the child in building of a good social relationship.
19. To help the child in knowing the availability of scholarships, stipends, loans etc.
20. To help the child to know the weak points of his educational achievement and adopting
remedial measures accordingly.

Functions of Educational Guidance:

*It helps young people to pursue the right type of education.
*It facilitates the smooth transition for children from home to school, from primary to
secondary school, from secondary to higher educational institutions, and to the world of
*It helps students to cope with examination anxiety.
*It helps students to develop effective study habits.
*It provides students with meaningful educational experiences.
*Educational guidance checks wastage and stagnation in education.
*It helps to make proper educational adjustment.
*It helps pupils with specific problems like lack of relationship between ability and
achievement, deficiency in school subjects, faulty study habits, defective methods of learning
and poor motivation.
*Educational guidance helps the pupil choose educational course best suited to him.
*It helps pupil make educational plans consistent with his abilities, interests and goals to
select appropriate curricula and course.
*It helps in the scholastic and co-scholastic development of the learner.
*To make the learner informed about various educational opportunities and aids available for
his educational growth and development.

Guidance in the elementary school:

Guidance in Elementary Level should be based on the continuing development and
fundamental knowledge, attitudes and skills of a person as a child matures into an adolescent.
The emphasis of guidance is on prevention and positive approach with emphasis on mental
hygiene and development of correct values.
Purpose of guidance in the elementary stage:
• Helping pupils to make a satisfactory transition from home to school
• Diagnosing difficulties in the learning of basic educational skills
• Identifying pupils in need of special education (Gifted, Backward, Handicapped)
• Helping potential drop-outs to stay in school
• Helping pupils to develop insight into the world of work and favourable attitude
towards work
• Assisting in plans for their future education or training
Function of guidance in the elementary stage:
 Aiding pupils to make a good beginning of their education
 Aiding pupils to plan intelligently
 Aiding pupils to get the best out of their education
 Preparing pupils to enter secondary school
Guidance in the Secondary school:
1. To help the students to acquire information regarding the possibility and
desirability of future schooling
2. To help to know about the purpose and functions of different types of
educational institutions
3. To help to know about the course/subjects in the institution he might attend
4. To help to know about the requirements for entrance into the institution of
his choice
5. To help to adjust to the curriculum, the school and the social life connected
with it –
a. To help in selection of subjects/books/materials
b. To help in developing study habits
c. To help in making satisfactory progress
d. To help in selecting hobbies/co-curricular activities
e. To help to know about scholarships etc
f. To help to know about his/her interests/aptitudes/abilities etc
g. To help in building good social relationships
6. To help in selection of future vocation
7. To help to know about different openings after school

1. Assisting students to grow up as capable and contributing members of society
2. Aiding the process of identification and development of abilities aptitudes/skills and
3. Helping pupils to understand their strengths and weaknesses to do scholastic work at
the level of their ability
4. Providing information about educational and vocational opportunities and
5. Helping in making realistic educational and vocational choices and plans
6. Helping in the solution of problems of personal and social adjustment in school, home
and community
7. To help understand and sustain social relationship
8. To develop critical thinking, appreciation of worthwhile activities, sound and
desirable mental ability as well as a sense responsibility and service among students.
9. Following up
10. placement

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