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Hi! I’m Elena

Part B (Page 3)

1. It is informal situation because the conversation is between speakers in the same age.
Thohir greets Alex by saying “Sup?” it is signed informal situation.
2. Alex lives in Jakarta.
3. Thohir is from Jakarta.
4. Yes, Thohir and Alex are the same age because Thohir greets Alex by saying “Sup?”.
5. It means “Ajak saya berjalan-
berjalan- jalan
 jalan melihat sekitar”.
6. The conversation probably takes place in the classroom.
7. It is a formal situation because the conversation takes place in the classroom. Fani uses
kind of formal greeting by sa ying “Hello, everybody!”
8. Yes she is she says
sa ys “I’m from North Sumatra”.
9. Fani does her hobby every weekend.
10. (answer may vary).

Part D (Page 6)

Introducing Yourself
Introducing Giving More Information Closing
1. Hi! I’m Alex. 1. I am from Bali. 1.  Nice to meet you.
2. Hello, everybody! My 2. I am 16 years old. 2. Pleased to meet you.
name is Elena
3. Hi! My name’s Eric. 3. I like playing 3. Bye!
4. What’s up! I’m 4. I live in Bekasi. 4. See you!
5. My name is Lin. 5. I’ll be teaching 5. Glad to meet you.

Part E (Page 6)

Introducing Yourself
Introducing Giving More Information Closing
1. Hai! Aku Alex. 1. Aku dari Bali. 1. Senang bertemu
2. Halo semua! Namaku 2. Umurku 16 tahun. 2. Senang berjumpa
Elena. dengan kalian.
3. Hai! Nama saya Eric. 3. Saya senang bermain 3. Daah!
4. Hei! Apa kabar? Saya 4. Saya tinggal di 4. Sampai jumpa!
Hendric. Bekasi.
5.  Nama saya Lin. 5. Saya akan 5. Mohon kerjasamanya.

Part F (Page 7)

1. Creeps
2. Are
3. Is
4. Is
5. Sits
6. Have
7. Is
8. Do
9. Go
10. Goes
11. Know
12. Is
13. Is
14. Is
15. Have

Part H (Page 8)

1. What
2. What
3. What
4. Which
5. Which
6. What
7. Which
8. What
9. Which
10. Which
11. What
12. Which

Part I (Page 8)

1. Who is the receiver of the e-mail?

2. What does Verawaty use to introduce herself?
3. Who does Verawaty get George e-mail address fr om?
4. What is Verawaty’s classmate name?
5. What is George hobby?
6. What is Verawaty hobby?
7. What does Verawaty collect?
8. What does Verawaty aks to George?
9. What is Verawati questions to George?
10. What is Verawati questions to George?

Part L (Page 10)

Formal Situation Less Formal Situation Informal Situation

How do you do? Hi, I’m Victor. Hey dude! What’s up?
Hello. My name is Wati How are you doing?
I don’t think we’ve met
 before. May I introduce
myself? My name is Roni
1. We use formal expression when we talk in formal situation or when we talk with older
 person or higher level person.
2. We use less formal expression when we talk in casual situation.
3. We use informal expression when w talk with friends of the same age.
4. We likely introduce ourselves when we meet someone new.
5. Such as our hobbies, address, age, likes and dislikes.

Part M (Page 11)

1. My name is Elena
2. I live in Bekasi.
3. I live with my parents.
4. I like to watch TV, play games, and go to my friends’ houses.
5. I want to be a singer.
6.  Nice to meet you.

Evaluation (Page 13)

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. E


Part B (Page 17)

Dialog 1

1. Anita wore a dress.

2. Anita bought the dress at the mall.
3. Anita’s favorite color is red.
4. Yes, she liked the dress. She said “it’s nice, isn’t it?”
it? ” and “Red is my favorite color.
That’s why I love it more”.
5. Fiona compliments Anita by saying “Well, you are really good at picking the best

Dialog 2

1. Their relationship is sibling because Sheila said “Thanks, brother”.

2. It is an informal situation because Henry said
s aid “Yeah, I guess it’s time
ti me to have fun, then.
3. Henry compliments Sheila for her good score on math.
4. Sheila says “Thanks, brother”.
5. (answer may vary)

Part D (Page 19)

Situations In English In Bahasa Indonesia

Somebody’s outfit That’s a really beautiful Bajumu bagus sekali.
Somebody’s physical You have beautuful eyes. Matamu indah sekali.
Somebody’s cooking. It’s really delicious. Masakanmu sangat enak.
Somebody’s performance. Your presentation is good. Presentasimu bagus.
Somebody’s achievement. That’s excellent! Hebat sekali!
Somebody’s special skill. You’re really good at Kamu sangat pandai
singing!  bernyanyi.

Part F (Page 19)

Giving Compliments Responding to Compliments

Your cake is so delicious. Thanks.
What a lovely T-shirt. Thaank you. It’s nice, isn’t it?
That new hair style really flatters you! Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.
I definitely like you in that dress. It really
re ally Thank you. Have you not seen it before? I’ve
suits you. had it for years.
Did you make this yourself? You must share
the recipe!
You have passed the exam. Well done.
What a great answer. You’re excellent
I like your haircut.
That’s really a wonderful idea. You’re a I’m glad you think so.

Part J (Page 21)

No. Adjectives Meaning Sentence

1. Beautiful Indah/cantik It’s such a beautiful dress!
2. Great Hebat It’s a great idea!
3.  Nice Baik/bagus Your new skirt is nice.
4. Fantastic Luar biasa It was a fantastic match!
5. Gorgeous Bagus/indah Your new haircut is gorgeous!
6. Excellent Baik sekali Your score is excellent!
7. Satisfied Memuaskan/menyenangkan Your new collection is satisfied.
8. Amazing Mengagumkan The play was amazing.
9. Fabulous Menakjubkan The view is fabulous!
10. Marvelous Bagus sekali His acting on that play was marvelous!

Evaluation (Page 24)

1. A
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B

I Care About You

Part B (Page 29)

1. Brian wasn’t feeling well.

2. Brian had a headache.
3. Yes, he have taken some medicine.
4. Yes, he did. He said “I hope you feel better”.
5. Brian said thank to Andy.
6. Liana didn’t get the scolarship.
7. Randy said “I’m sorry to hear that. I know how dissapointed you must feel”.
8. Liana appreciated Randy’s concern.
9. It means Liana can get scolarship in another chance someday.
10. (answer may vary)

Part D (Page 31)

The man might have an ilness. They are likely in the hospital. The woman visits the man and
expresses her care.

Page E (Page 31)

No. English Bahasa Indonesia

1. I’m sorry to hear that. Saya prihatin mendengarnya.
2. My sincerest condolence go out to you and your Saya sampaikan duka cita
family. yang mendalam untukmu dan
3. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Perhatian dan doaku
4. Are you OK? Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?

Part G (Page 32)

Speakers Problem Statement showing care Response

Brian He didn’t get Yeah.
Brian You’re right.
Brian I hope so. Thanks for
your concern.
Reno Hey man, what’s up?
You look awful.
Reno What’s going on?
Reno Oh, what a pity.
Reno Oh, that must have been
hard for you.
Reno I hope you can have the
 promotion next year.

Part H (Page 33)

1. Oh, that’s awful!

2. I’m sorry to hear that.
3. Oh, you must be sad.
4. Oh, that must have been hard for you.
5. My prayers go out to your dad.

Part I (Page 34)

1. I am sorry to hear that.

2. She wasn’t feeling well.
3. That sounds dreadful.
4. I understand what you are goig through right now.
5. How shocking to hear about your accident.
6. I am deeply moved by your concern.
7. You need to get over it.
8. I was so shocked that you didn’t get to married him.
9. Everything is gonna be okay.
10. You will get what you want someday.

Evaluation (Page 39)

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. E
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. E
10. D

I’ll Do It

Part B (Page 43)

1. The teacher
2. Ask the teacher about it. She’ll help you.
3. The woman
4. I am.
5. He wants to speak to Ben.
6. I’d like to speak to Ben, please.
7. She’s going to do her homework this evening.
8. I’m going to do my homework this evening, Dad.

Part C (Page 44)

1.  – 
2. V
3. V
4. V
5. V
6. V
7. V
8.  – 
9.  – 
10. V

Part D (Page 44)

1. Siapa saja yang akan kamu undang ke pesta ulang tahunmu?

2. Saya ingin menyimpulkan secara cepat poin utama dari presentasi saya.
3. Ia ingin pulang ke rumah, tetapi ia tidak memiliki uang untuk membayar transportasinya.
4. Teleponnya berbunyi. Aku akan menjawabnya.
5. Saya minta maaf karena menghilangkan buku catatanmu. Saya harap kamu mau
memaafkan saya.
6. Saya ingin menyimpang dari pokok pembicaraan sebentar.
7. Para ahli mengatakan bumi akan runtuh jika kita tetap mencemarinya.
8. Biily mengatakan ia akan membantuku membuat PR.

Part E (Page 45)

1. I would like to buy new mobile phone on my birthday.

2. Dinda is really hungry. She would like to eat a platefull of nasi uduk.
3. Thohir is going to take Language study next year.
4. If you get difficulties, I will help you.
5. They are going to clean their neighborhood from litter.
Part F (Page 45)

1. Will translate
2. Will get
3. Would like to introduce
4. I am going to erase
5. I wiil see
6. I would like to be
7. I will do
8. I will go
9. I would like to know
10. I will turn

Part I (Page 48)

1. The sender was Dinda.

2. It was Ren.
3. Alex, Thohir, and Dinda.
4. The intention is to ask Ren to join to go to the ice rink.
5. Saya harap kamu bisa datang.

Part L (Page 50)

 No. Willingness Plans Intention

1. Jika kamu kesusahan, aku mau Thohir berencana Saya berniat membeli
membantumu. untuk mengambil  ponsel baru di hari
Jurusan bahasa tahun ulang tahun saya.
2. Teleponnya berbunyi. Sama mau Saya berencana Saya berniat
menjawabnya. menelpon ayah saya mengirimkan hadiah
di Amerika malam kepada ayah saya.
3. Saya akan mengambilkan minuman Andi berencana Rita berniat
untukmu. membuat minuman membantu Andi
dari buah durian. membuat minuman.
4. Dinda merasa sangat lapar. Ia mau Dinda berencana Dinda berniat makan
makan sepiring penuh nasi uduk. membeli nasi uduk di nasi uduk di kelas.
5. Siapa yang akan membantu Mereka berencana Mereka berniat untuk
membersihkan rumah? untuk membersihkan mmbeli rumah baru.
sampah di
lingkungan mereka.

Part M (Page 50)

 No. Willingness Plans Intentions

1. If you get difficulties, I will help Thohir is going to I would like to buy
you. take Language study new mobile phone on

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