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1. Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 was enacted on ________

A. 16th September, 1860 B. 6th October, 1860

C. 17th October, 1860

Answer: Option B

2. Pakistan Penal Code has ______ sections

A. 511 sections B. 505 sections

C. 510 sections

Answer: Option A

3. Pakistan Penal Code is _______

A. Customary law B. Procedural law

C. Penal law

Answer: Option C

4. Pakistan Penal Code is applicable to

A. Throughout Pakistan B.

Whole Pakistan including Kashmir

C.To specific areas of Pakistan

Answer: Option A

5. A foreigner commits an offence within Pakistan he can

A. Be tried in Pakistan
B. Not be tried in Pakistan

C.Be punished under Pakistan Penal Code and can be tried in Pakistan

Answer: Option C

6. A Pakistani subject commits murder in Uganda he can

A.Not be convicted in Pakistan

B.Be convicted in Pakistan at Islamabad

C.Be tried and convicted for murder in any place in Pakistan wherever he may be found

Answer: Option C

7. The term "Mens rea" means

A. Constructive intention B. Actual intention

C. Common intention

Answer: Option B

8. According to P.P.C. "Person" includes any

A. Company or association B. Body of persons

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

9. The term "Gender" include

A. Male B. Female

C. Both male and female

Answer: Option C

10. According to P.P.C. "Public" includes any class of

A. People B. Community

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

11. According to P.P.C. "Movable property" include

A. Land

B.Corporeal property of every description

C.Any thing attached to earth

Answer: Option B

12. According to P.P.C. "Wrongful gain" is a gain by

A. Unlawful means B. Lawful means

C. By deceiving

Answer: Option A

13. Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss
to another person, is said to do that thing

A. Fraudulently

B. Dishonestly

C. Wrongfully

Answer: Option B

14. A writing expressing the terms of contract which may be used as evidence of the contract is called

A. Document

B. Mutual understanding

C. Internal link

Answer: Option A

15. The "Special law" is applicable to

A. Whole community B. Local area

C. Particular subject

Answer: Option C

16. Any harm whatever illegally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation or property is called

A. Harm B. Injury

C. Hurt
Answer: Option B

17. Nothing is an offence which is done by a child of

A. Seven years of age B. Thirteen years of age

C. Fifteen years of age

Answer: Option A

18. Act done in private defence is

A. An offence B. Not an offence

C. Depends upon nature of the act

Answer: Option B

19. "Solitary" confinement means_________

A. Isolation of prisoner

B.Isolation of prisoner from his family

C.Isolation of prisoner from human intercourse and society

Answer: Option C

20. A writes his name on the back of a bill of exchange. As the effect of his endorsement is to transfer
the right to the bill to any person who may become the lawful holder of it, the endorsement is

A. A valuable security

B. A Contract

C. An agreement

Answer: Option A

21. The term "Common intention" means

A. Mutual interest

B. Common interest

C. Common motives

Answer: Option C

22. The term 'Voluntarily" means

A. An act of ones own privilege

B.An act upon some ones instigation

C. An act upon dictation

Answer: Option A

23. Imprisonment in default of payment of fine shall not exceed

A.One half of maximum punishment

B.One third of maximum punishment

C.One fourth of maximum punishment

Answer: Option C

24. Compensation specified to be paid by the offender to victim or his heirs is called _______

A. Arsh B. Daman

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

25. Arsh and Daman are ______ punishments in their own rights

A. Independent B. Dependant

C. Fixed

Answer: Option A

26. Section 53, Pakistan Penal Code provided ______ kinds of punishments

A. 5 kinds

B. 10 kinds

C. 15 kinds

Answer: Option B

27. The term "Qisas" means

A. Same kind of hurt

B. Alternate
C. Same kind of treatment

Answer: Option A

28. Tazir is punishment which is not determined or fixed by the legislature but is left to the discretion of

A. State

B. Victim

C. Court

Answer: Option C

29. The word "Tazir" is derived from

A. Azar

B. Tazar

C. Tazarum

Answer: Option A

30. Value of diyat is described in section ______ of P.P.C.

A. 223

B. 323

C. 423

Answer: Option B

31. Minimum quantum of diyat as provided in section 323 P.P.C. is

A. 30630 grams silver

B. 30600 grams silver

C. 30530 grams silver

Answer: Option A

32. As per section 74, P.P.C. when any offender is awarded imprisonment for three months the solitary
confinement shall not exceed _______ days in any one month of the whole imprisonment awarded

A. Seven days
B. Ten days

C. Fifteen days

Answer: Option A

33. An act of person of unsound mind is

A. An offence

B. Not an offence

C. Depends upon nature of the act

Answer: Option B

34. The maxim "de minimis non curat lex" means

A. Law favour minor injuries

B.The law does not take account of trifles

Answer: Option B

35. Under Pakistan Penal Code an aggressor does not entitled to right of

A. Self defence B. National defence

C. Public defence

Answer: Option A

36. Section 99, P.P.C. deals with acts in which there is

A. Right of private defence

B. No right of private defence

C. Right of defence of property

Answer: Option B

37. Section 105, P.P.C. deals with

A. Right of defence of other person

B. Right of private defence

C.Right of private defence of property

Answer: Option C

38. Section 107, P.P.C. provides definition of

A. Aggression B. Instigation

C. Abetment

Answer: Option C

39. A instigate B for commission of an offence, such instigation will be called

A. Abetment B. Solicitation

C. Participation

Answer: Option A

40. A instigates B to murder C, B refused to do so A is

A.Not guilty of abetting B to commit murder

B.Guilty of abetting B to commit murder

Answer: Option B

41. A instigate B to give false evidence. A in consequence of the instigation commits that offence. A is
guilty of abetting that offence and is

A.Liable to the same punishment as B

B.Not liable to any kind of punishment

Answer: Option A

42. Section 120A P.P.C. deals with

A. Criminal conspiracy B. Common intention

C. Criminal instigation

Answer: Option A

43. To constitute a criminal conspiracy there must be an agreement of minimum

A. Five or more persons

B. Three or more persons

C. Two or more persons

Answer: Option C

44. Punishment for criminal conspiracy is provided in

A. Section 120B

B. Section 120C

C. Section 120D

Answer: Option A

45. A joins an insurrection against Pakistan. A has committed offence as defined in

A. Section 120

B. Section 120A

C. Section 121

Answer: Option C

46. According to section 122, P.P.C. A collects arms with object to wage war against Pakistan he shall be
punished with imprisonment for

A. Life

B. A term not exceeding ten years

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

47. The term "Sedition" means

A. An offence against state

B. An offence against public

C.An offence against specific community

Answer: Option A

48. Sections 131 to 140, P.P.C. are related to

A. Railway, Post, Medical

B. Army, Media, Air Force

C. Army, Navy, Air Force

Answer: Option C

49. As per Section 141, P.P.C. an unlawful assembly is an assembly of

A. Two or more persons B. Three or more persons

C. Five or more persons

Answer: Option C

50. According to section 143, P.P.C. punishment for unlawful assembly is

A. Six months

B. One year

C. Two years

Answer: Option A

51. When element of force and violence is used by unlawful assembly then this offence will be called

A. Assault

B. Rioting

C. Felony

Answer: Option B

52. Punishment for rioting is provided in

A. Section 145, P.P.C.

B. Section 146, P.P.C.

C. Section 147, P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

53. Punishment for offence of rioting is

A. One year

B. Two years

C. Three years

Answer: Option B
54. Section 161, P.P.C. deals with illegal gratification by

A. Private persons

B. Politicians

C. Public servants

Answer: Option C

55. Section 161, P.P.C. deals with taking of gratification by

A. Private persons

B. Public servant

C. Foreigner

Answer: Option B

56. Whoever, being a public servant, and being legally bound as such public servant not to engage in
trade, engages in trade. He committed offence under section _______

A. 167, P.P.C.

B. 168, P.P.C.

C. 169, P.P.C.

Answer: Option B

57. The right of a person to stand, or not to stand as or withdraw from being a candidate or to vote or
refrain from voting at an election is called _____ of that persons

A. Constitutional right B. Electoral right

C. Natural right

Answer: Option B

58. Chapter IX of P.P.C. deals

A.Offences relating to election

B.Offences by or relating to public servants

C.Offences relating to common Pakistani citizens

Answer: Option B
59. When two or more persons by fighting in a public place disturb the public peace they are said to

A. Public nuisance

B. Affray

C. Rioting

Answer: Option B

60. A being legally beound to appear before the High Court of (Sindh) in obedience to a subpoena
issuing from that Court, intentionally omits to appear. A has committed offence under

A. Section 170, P.P.C.

B. Section 174, P.P.C.

C. Section 175, P.P.C.

Answer: Option B

61. Section 182, P.P.C. deals with

A.False information by any person to public servant

B.False information by public servant to public

C.False information by public servant to court

Answer: Option A

62. Under section 189, P.P.C. whoever holds out any threat of injury to any public servant. He shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to _____ or with fine

A. Six months or with fine B. One year or with fine

C. Two years to with fine

Answer: Option C

63. The term "Perjury" means

A. Siving false evidence B. Making false document

C. None of the above

Answer: Option A

64. Punsihment for perjury is ______

A. Five years B. Seven years

C. Three years

Answer: Option B

65. A in support of a just claim which B has against Z for one thousand rupees, falsely swear on a trial
that he heard Z admits the justice of B's claim. A has given


False evidence regarding the matter


True evidence regarding the matter

C. Fabricated evidence

Answer: Option A

66. Whoever being bound by oath to state truth makes false statement he shall be pubished with

A. Imprisonment for three years B. Imprisonment for five years

C. Imprisonment for seven years

Answer: Option C

67. A makes a false entry in his shop book for the purpose of using it as corroborative evidence in Court
of Justice. A has

A. Committed no offence B. Fabricted false evidence

C. Given false evidence

Answer: Option B

68. Whoever fabricates or gives false evidence with intent to procure conviction of capital offence shall
be punished with

A. Imprisonment of five years B. Imprisonment of seven years

C. Imprisonment of ten years

Answer: Option B

69. Section 197, P.P.C. deals with

Issuance of or signing false certificate

B. Issurance of or signing cheque


Issuance or signing of genuine certificate

Answer: Option A

70. Section 211, P.P.C. deals with

A. Charge B.

False charge of offence made with intent to injure

C. False information

Answer: Option B

71. "Harbouring offender" means


To conceal a person with intention of screening him from legal punishment


To facilitate a person in commission of an offence


To facilitate law enforcement agencies

Answer: Option A

72. The term "Counterfeit" means


Making of one thing resemblance to another with mala fide


Making of resemblance for public welfare


Making of resemblance with good faith

Answer: Option A

73. Punishment for counterfeiting Pakistani coin as provided in Section 232, P.P.C. is


Imprisonment of a team which may extend to seven years


Imprisonment for a term which may extend to tem years


Imprisonment for fourteen years

Answer: Option B

74. Whoever uses Government stamp fraudulently or with intent to cause loss to government he has
committed offence under section ______ P.P.C.

A. 242, P.P.C. B. 262, P.P.C.

C. 272, P.P.C.

Answer: Option B

75. Chapter XIII of P.P.C. deals with


Ofences relating to weight and measures


Offences relating to public records


Offences relating to treasury

Answer: Option A

76. Whoever uses a false instrument fraudulently for weighing shall be pubished with imprisonment for
a term which may extend to one year or with fine as provided in

A. Section 262, P.P.C. B. Section 263, P.P.C.

C. Section 264, P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

77. ______ of P.P.C. defined "Public nuisance"

A. Section 265 B. Section 666

C. Section 268

Answer: Option C

78. The term "Nuisance" means


Anything which annoys or disturb

B. Any thing which facilitate

C. Anything which cause injuries

Answer: Option A

79. Section _____ deals with sale of noxious food or drink

A. 271, P.P.C. B. 272, P.P.C.

C. 273, P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

80. As provided in section 273, P.P.C. whoever sells noxious food or drink shall be punished with
imprisonment which may extend to

A. Six months or with fine B. One year or with fine

C. Two years or with fine

Answer: Option A

81. Section 279, P.P.C. deals with rash driving or riding

A. In streets B. On public way

C. In racing grounds

Answer: Option B

82. Imprisonment for rash navigation of vessel as provided in section 280, P.P.C. is

A. Six months B. Five years

C. Three years

Answer: Option A

83. Whoever sells obscene books etc. he has committed offence under section

A. 292, P.P.C. B. 293, P.P.C.

C. 294, P.P.C.

Answer: Option A

84. Section 294, P.P.C. deals with offence of

A. Obscene acts and songs B. Sale of obscene books

C. Sale of obscene C.D's

Answer: Option A

85. Whoever destroys, damages or defiles any place of worship, or any object held sacred by any class of
persons with intention of thereby insulting the religion of any class he shall be pubished


With imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years


With imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years


Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend two years

Answer: Option C

86. Section _______, of P.P.C. deals with the offence of trespassing on burial places

A. 295 B. 296

C. 297

Answer: Option C

87. Section 298B, of P.P.C. deals with offence of misuse of epithets, description and titles etc by


Quadiani group and Lahori group

B. Shia and Sunnies

C. Ahl-i-Kitab's

Answer: Option A

88. "Minor" means a person who is not

A. Of the age of 18 years B. Of the age of 14 years

C. An adult

Answer: Option C

89. "Qatl" means causing death of

A. Human being B. An animal

C. Any other living thing

Answer: Option A

90. "Culpable" means

A. Censurable B. Blamable

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

91. The right of causing death of a convict if he has committed qatl-i-amd is called

A. Qisas B. Tazir

C. Daman

Answer: Option A

92. Definition of qatl-i-amd is given in

A. Section 300, P.P.C. B. Section 301, P.P.C.

C. Section 302, P.P.C.

Answer: Option A

93. Whoever, with the intention of causing death or with the intention of causing bodily injury to a
person, by doing an act which in the ordinary course of nature is likely to cause death, or with the
knowledge that his act is so imminently dangerous that it must in all probability cause death, causes the
death of such person is said to commit
A. Qatl-i-amd B. Qatl-i-Khata

C. Qatl shibh-i-amd

Answer: Option A

94. Section _______ , deals with pubishment of qatl-i-amd

A. 301 B. 302

C. 303

Answer: Option B

95. Whoever commits qatl-e-amd shall be punished

A. With death as qisas B.

With imprisonment as tazir

C. With both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

96. Section 304, P.P.C. deals with


Proof of qatl-i-amd liable to qisas


Proof of qatl-i-amd liable to tazir

C. None of (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A

97. If there is no wali of deceased then the Government will be wali as provided in

A. Section 306, P.P.C. B. Section 305, P.P.C.

C. Section 304, P.P.C.

Answer: Option B

98. Punishment for qatl-i-amd as tazir is

Imprisonment for twenty five years


Imprisonment for a term which may extend to twenty years


Imprisonment for a term which may extend to fourteen years

Answer: Option A

99. Whoever commits qatl shibah-i-amd shall be pubished with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to

A. Ten years B. Fourteen years

C. Twenty five years as tazir

Answer: Option C

100. A in order to cause hurt strikes Z with a stick or stone which in ordinary course of nature is likely to
cause death. Z dies as a result of such hurt. A shall be guilty of

A. Qatl-i-khata B. Qatl shibah-i-amd

C. Qatl-i-amd

Answer: Option B

101. When an offender of qatl-i-amd is minor

A. He shall be liable to qisas B. He shall not be liable to qisas

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B

102. Where an offener quilty of qatl-i-amd is not liable to qisas under section 306 or the qisas is not
enforceable as provided under clause

A. Diyat B. Arsh

C. Daman

Answer: Option A

103. Compromise in qatl-i-amd where a female has been given in marriage to victim shall be

A. Void badl-i-sulah B. Valid badl-i-sulah

C. Irregular badl-i-sulah

Answer: Option A

104. A aims at a deer but misses the target and kill, Z who is standing by. A is guilty of

A. Qatl-i-amd B. Qatl shibah-i-amd

C. Qatl-i-khata

Answer: Option C

105. Punishment for qatl-i-khata as provided in Section 319, P.P.C. is


Diyat and also imprisonment which may extend to five years


Diyat and imprisonment for ten years as tazir


Diyat and imprisonment for fifteen years as tazir

Answer: Option A

106. Whoever, without any intention to cause death of, or cause harm to, any person, does any lawful
act which becoms a cause for the death of another person is said to commit

A. Qatl-bis-sabab B. Qatl-i-amd

C. Qatl shibh-i-amd

Answer: Option A

107. Whoever without any intention to cause death of or causes harm to, a person, causes death of such
person either by mostake of act or by mistake of fact, is said to commit

A. Qatl-i-amd B. Qatl shibah-i-amd

C. Qatl-i-khata

Answer: Option C

108. A unlawfully figs a pit in the thoroughfare, but without any intention to cause death of, or harm to,
any person. B while passing from there falls in it and is killed. A has committed

A. Qatl-bis-sabab B. Qatl shibah-i-amd

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

109. Section 320 of P.P.C. deals with punishment of


Causing death by rash or negligent driving

B. Causing death by intention

C. Causing death by ikrah

Answer: Option A

110. The term "Ikrah" means

A. Corroboration B. Facilitation

C. Compulsion

Answer: Option C

111. As per P.P.C. ikrah has ______ kinds

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4

Answer: Option A

112. The term "Afw" means

A. Forgive B. Waive

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

113. Culpable homicide has ________, kinds

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5

Answer: Option B

114. Whoever causes bodily pain disease or infirmity or injury to any person is said to cause _______
A. Injury B. Hurt

C. Amputation

Answer: Option B

115. "Compound" means

A. Compromise B.

Adjustment through agreement

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

116. Whoever with intent to cause harm to the body or mind of any person, causes the death of that or
any other person by means of a weapon or an act which in the ordinary course of nature is not likely to
cause death is said to commit

A. Qatl-i-amd B. Qatl shib-i-amd

C. Qatl-i-khata

Answer: Option B

117. Section 324, P.P.C. deals with


Attempt to commit qatl-i-amd


Causing of hurt by dangerous weapons or means under ikrah

C. Causing of death

Answer: Option A

118. Whoever shall have been habitually associated with any other person or others for the purpose of
committing robbery or child stealing by means of or accompanied with qatl, is a

A. Dacoit (as per section 326) B. Kidnaper (as section 326)

C. Thug (as per section 326)

Answer: Option C

119. Whoever is a thug, shall be punished with imprisonment for


Ten years, and shall also be liable to fine


Fourteen years, and shall also be liable to fine


Imprisonment for life and shall lso be liable to fine

Answer: Option C

120. As per section 331, P.P.C. there are _____ ways for recovering diyat

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5

Answer: Option A

121. Whoever causes pain, harm, disease, infirmity or injury to any person or impairs, disables,
disfigures, defaces or dismembers any organ of the body or part therof any person without causing his
death is said to

A. Cause hurt B. Cause jurh

C. Cause injury

Answer: Option A

122. Hurt has ______ kinds

A. 3 B. 5

C. 7

Answer: Option B

123. Itlaf-i-udw is a kind of

A. Jurh B. Hurt

C. Shajjah

Answer: Option B

124. Whoever dismembers, amputates, severs any limb or organ of the body of another person is said to
A. Itlaf-i-udw B. Itlaf-i-salahiyyat-i-udw

C. Shajjah

Answer: Option A

125. Section 336A P.P.C. deals with hurt by

A. Corrosive substance B. Destructive substance

C. Blunt weapon

Answer: Option A

126. The term "Corrosive substance" means.

A. Eating material B. fretting material

C. None of above

Answer: Option B

127. Whoever causes, hurt by corrosive substance shall be punished with imprisonment for

A. Life and fine of one million B.

Fourteen years and minimum fine of one million

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

128. Whoever destroys or permanently impairs the functioning, power or capacity of an organ of the
body of another person, or causes permanent disfigurement is said to cause

A. Itlaf-i-udw B. Itlaf-i-salahiyyat-i-udw

C. Shajjah

Answer: Option B

129. Whoever causes, on the head or face of any person, any hurt which does not amount to itlaf-i-udw
or itlaf-i-salahiyat-i-udw, is said to cause

A. Shajjah B. Jaifah

C. Non of above

Answer: Option A
130. As per Section 337, of P.P.C. Shajjah has ______ kinds

A. 6 B. 8

C. 9

Answer: Option A

131. ______ is the ijury on head or face of the person where bone of the victim is not exposed

A. Shajjah-i-khafifah B. Shajjah-i-mudiah

C. Shajjah-i-Hashimah

Answer: Option A

132. ______ is an injury on head or face of the victim where bone of the victim is exposed but not

A. Shajjah-i-khafifah B. Shajjah-i-mudihah

C. Shajjah-i-Hashimah

Answer: Option B

133. Punishment for shajjah-i-mudiah is given in section

A. 337A(i) B. 337A(ii)

C. 337A(iv)

Answer: Option B

134. Section 337 A(iv) of P.P.C. deals with punishment of

A. Shajjah-i-hashimah B. Shajjah-i-munaqillah

C. Shajjah-i-ammah

Answer: Option B

135. ______ is an injury on head of the person where by causing fracture of the skull of the victim and
the wound ruptures the membrane of the brain

A. Shajjah-i-damighah B. Shjjah-i-ammah

C. Shajjah-i-mudiah

Answer: Option A
136. Whoever causes shajjah-i-damighah to any person, shall be liable to arsh which shall be one-helf of
diyat and may also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to

A. Twenty five years as tazir B. Fourteen years as tazir

C. Ten years as tazir

Answer: Option B

137. Section 337-B, of P.P.C. deals with

A. Jaifah B. Ghayr-Jaifah

C. Jurh

Answer: Option C

138. Jurh has _______, kinds

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4

Answer: Option A

139. Whoever causes on any part of the body of a person, other than the head or face, a hurt which
leaves a mark of the worund, whether permanent or temporary is said to cause

A. Shajjah B. Jurh

C. Jaifah

Answer: Option B

140. Whoever causes jurh in which the injury extends to the body cavity of the trunk, is said to cause

A. Jaifah B. Ghayr Jaifah

C. Jurah

Answer: Option A

141. Whoever causes jurah which does not amount to jaifah, is said is to cause

A. Ghayr-Jaifah B. Damiyah

C. None of above

Answer: Option A
142. Ghayr-Jaifah has ______, kinds

A. 5 B. 6

C. 7

Answer: Option B

143. Whoever causes ghayr jaifah, in which the skin is ruptured and bleeding occurs, is said to cause

A. Damiyah B. Hashimah

C. Badiah

Answer: Option A

144. Punishment for damiyah as provided in section 337 F(i) P.P.C. is


One years imprisonment with daman


Two years imprisonment with arsh


Three years imprisonment with daman

Answer: Option C

145. Section 337-F ______ of P.P.C. prescribe punishment for mutalahimah

A. (iii) B. (iv)

C. (v)

Answer: Option A

146. Section 337(F)(vi) of P.P.C. provides punishment for

A. Mudiah B. Hashimah

C. Munaqqilah

Answer: Option C

147. Under Section 337G, of P.P.C. punishment of imprisonment provided for rash or negligent driving is

Imprisonment which may extend to three years as tazir


Imprisonment which may extend to four year as tazir


Imprisonment which may extend to five years as tazir

Answer: Option C

148. Whoever as per section 337-I, of P.P.C. causes hurt by mistake (khata) shall be liable


To arsh or daman specified for the kind of hurt caused

B. Imprisonment for six month

C. Imprisonment for one year

Answer: Option A

149. Imprisonment for causing hurt by means of a poison as provided in section 337-J is

A. Five years B. Seven years

C. Ten years

Answer: Option C

150. Ehoever causes hurt to extort confession, or to compel restoration of property shall be punished in
addition to qisas, arsh or daman as the case may be and imprisonment of


Either description for a term which may extend to five years


Either description for a term which may extend to seven years


Either description for a term which may extend to ten years

Answer: Option C
151. Section 337M of P.P.C. deals with hurt

A. Liable to arsh B. Not liable to qisas

C. Liable to daman

Answer: Option B

152. Cases in which qisas for hurt shall not be enforced are provided in section _______

A. 337L B. 337M

C. 337N

Answer: Option C

153. The arsh for causing itlaf of an organ which is found singly in human body shall be


Equivalent to the value of diyat

B. Equivalent to Half of diyat

C. Equivalent to 1/3 of diyat

Answer: Option A

154. Section 337-R of P.P.C. deals with arsh for organs in

A. Single form B. Pairs

C. Trice

Answer: Option B

155. A amputates right ear of Z the half of which was already missing. If A's right ear is perfect


He shall be liable to arsh not qisas


He shall be liable to qisas not arsh

C. He shall be liable to daman

Answer: Option A
156. Arsh for the organs in quadruplicate is provided in section 337

A. Q B. R

C. S

Answer: Option C

157. Section 337-T of P.P.C. provide arsh for

A. Chest B. Fingers

C. Foot

Answer: Option B

158. Section 337-U of P.P.C. deals with

A. Arsh for teeth B. Diyat for teeth

C. Daman for teeth

Answer: Option A

159. Whoever causes itlaf of a tooth other than a milk tooth shall be liable for

A. Tenth of diyat B. Fifteenth of diyat

C. One-twentieth of diyat

Answer: Option C

160. Whoever causes itlaf of a milk tooth, he shall be liable to daman and may also be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to

A. One year B. Two years

C. Three years

Answer: Option A

161. Whoever uproots one eyebrow shall be liable to arsh equal to

A. Half of diyat B. 1/3 of diyat

C. 1/4 of diyat

Answer: Option A
162. A twice stabs Z on his thigh. Both the wounds are so close to each other that they form into one
wound A shall be


Liable to arsh separately for every wounds


Liable to arsh for one wound only

C. Daman

Answer: Option B

163. The arsh may be made payable in a lump sum or in instalments spread over a period of ______
from the date of final judgment

A. Three years B. Five years

C. Seven years

Answer: Option B

164. As per section 337-Y, of P.P.C. the value of daman may be determined by the ________

A. Government B. Victim

C. Court

Answer: Option C

165. The daman may be made payable in lump sump or in instalments within a period of

A. Three years B. Five years

C. Seven years

Answer: Option B

166. Whoever causes a women with child some of whose limbs or organs have not been formed to
miscarry, if such miscarriage is not caused in good faith for the purpose of saving life of the women or
providing necessary treatment to her is said to cause

A. Isqat-i-Janin B. Isqat-i-Haml

C. Non of (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B
167. Section 338-A of P.P.C. deals with punishment for

A. Isqat-i-haml B. Isqat-i-janin

C. None of the above

Answer: Option A

168. Whoever causes isqat-i-haml shall be liable to punishment as tazir with imprisonment of either
description for


Three years, if the isqat-i-haml is caused with consent of the women


Ten years if the isqat-i-is caused with out consent of the women

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

169. Whoever causes a women with a child some of whose limbs or organs have been formed, to
miscarry, if such miscarriage is not caused in good faith for the purpose of saving the life of the women,
is said to cause

A. Isqat-i-haml B. Isqat-i-janin

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B

170. Arash and damans shall payable to victim and if he dies to his

A. Father B. Relatives


Heirs according to their shares

Answer: Option C

171. A obstructs a path along which Z has a right to pass. A, not believing in good faith that he has a right
to stop the path. A is thereby prevented from passing A, has wrongfully

A. Confined Z B. Restraint Z

C. None of above
Answer: Option B

172. Whoever wrongfully restrains any person in such a manner as to prevent that person from
proceeding beyond certain circumscribing limits is said


Wrongfully to confine that person


Wrongfully restraint that person


Illegal detention of that person

Answer: Option A

173. A, causes Z to go within a walled space, and Locks Z in. Z, is thus prevented from proceeding in any
direction beyond the circumscribing line of wall. A, wrongfully

A. Restraint Z B. Confines Z

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option B

174. Punishment for wrongful confinement is provided in

A. Section 342, P.P.C. B. Section 343, P.P.C.

C. Section 341, P.P.C.

Answer: Option A

175. A slmkes his fist at Z, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause Z to believe
that A is about to strike Z. A, has committed

A. An affray B. An assault

C. Threat

Answer: Option B

176. Section 352 of P.P.C. provides punishment for

A. Assault B. Affray

C. Illegal confinement
Answer: Option A

177. Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any women, intending to outrage or knowing it to be
likely that he will there by outrage her modesty, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term

A. Which may of one year B. Which may of two years

C. Which may of five years

Answer: Option B

178. Whoever assault or use criminal force to women and stripes her of her clothes and, in that
condition exposes her to public view, shall be punished with death or


With imprisonment for ten years


With imprisonment for fourteen years


With imprisonment for life

Answer: Option C

179. Whoever assault or uses criminal force to any women and stripes of her clothes and expose her to
public view shall be punished under section

A. 353, P.P.C. B. 354, P.P.C.

C. 354A, P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

180. Section 359, P.P.C. provide ______ kinds of kidnapping

A. Two kinds B. Three kinds

C. Four kinds

Answer: Option A

181. Any person, lawfully entrusted with the care or custody of minor or other by a Court is called

A. Natural guardian B. Lawful guardian

C. None of the above

Answer: Option B

182. Section 360, P.P.C. deals with

A. Kidnapping form Pakistan B.

Kidnapping from lawful guardian

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A

183. Whoever by force compels, or by any deceitful means induces, any person to go from any place is
said to _____ that person

A. Kidnap B. Abduct

C. Harass

Answer: Option B

184. Section _____ deals with definition of abduction

A. 361, P.P.C. B. 362, P.P.C.

C. 363, P.P.C.

Answer: Option B

185. Punishment for kidnapping as provided in section 363, P.P.C. is


Imprisonment for seven years

B. Imprisonment for five years


Imprisonment for three years

Answer: Option A

186. Section 365, deals with kidnapping or abduction for

A. Ransom B. Extorting property

C. None of above

Answer: Option C
187. Section 365A, of P.P.C. provides punishment of death or imprisonment for life in case for


Kidnapping for extorting property, valuable security.


Abduction and kidnapping for extorting property

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

188. Section 365B, of P.P.C. deals with


Kidnapping and abducting women to extort property


Kidnapping and abducting women to compel for marriage etc.

C. None of the above

Answer: Option B

189. Punishment for offence committed under section 365B, as provided in P.P.C. is


Imprisonment for fifteen years


Imprisonment for twenty years

C. Imprisonment for life

Answer: Option C

190. Section 366-B, P.P.C. deals with importation of girl from

A. Foreign country B. Pakistan

C. None of above

Answer: Option A
191. Whoever unlawfully compels any person to labour against the will of that person, whall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to

A. Two years or with fine B. Three years or with fine

C. Five years or with fine

Answer: Option C

192. Section 375, P.P.C. defines

A. Rape B. Unnatural offence

C. Zina

Answer: Option A

193. As per section 375, P.P.C. there are ______ ingredients of rape

A. Two B. Three

C. Five

Answer: Option C

194. ______ is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to offence of rape

A. Bleeding B. Penetration

C. Touching

Answer: Option B

195. Whoever commits rape, whall be punished with death or imprisonment of either description for a
term which shall not be less than _____ years or more than ______ years and shall also be liable to fine

A. Ten, twenty five B. Seven, twenty five

C. Ten, fourteen

Answer: Option A

196. "Unnatural" offence means


Intercourse against the order of nature

Intercourse with a woman through proper way

C. Intercourse with animal

Answer: Option A

197. The term "Sodomy" means


Sexual intercourse by man with a women


Unnatural offence by male with male

C. None of the above

Answer: Option B

198. Section ______, of P.P.C. deals with unnatural offence

A. 376 B. 776-A

C. 377

Answer: Option C

199. Whoever intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession of any person
without that person's consent moves that property in order to such taking is said

A. To commit robbery B. To commit theft

C. To commit dacoity

Answer: Option B

200. Whoever commits theft shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

A. Two years B. Three years

C. Five years

Answer: Option B

201. A finds a ring belonging to Z on a table in the house which Z occupies. Here the ring is in Z's
possession, and if A dishonestly removes it A commits

A. Theft B. Extortion
C. No offence

Answer: Option A

202. A commits theft on property in Z's possession and, while committing theft he has a loaded pistol
under his garment having provided this pistol for the purpose of hurting Z in case Z should resist


A commits theft U/S 382, P.P.C.


A commits theft U/S 378, P.P.C.


A commits theft U/S 381, P.P.C.

Answer: Option A

203. Whoever commits theift, having made preparation for causing death, or hurt or restraint, or fear of
death, or of hurt, or of restraint, to any person, in order to the committing of such theft, or in order to
the effecting of his escape after the committing of such theft, or in order to the retaining of property
taken by such theft, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to

A. Five years B. Seven years

C. Ten years

Answer: Option C

204. A threatens to publish a defamatory liable concerning Z unless Z gives him money. He thus induces
Z to give him money. A has committed

A. Theft B. Assault

C. Extortion

Answer: Option C

205. Whoever commits extortion shall be punished according section 384, P.P.C. with imprisonment of
either description which may extend to

A. Three years B. Five years

C. Seven years

Answer: Option A
206. Robbery become dacoity when it is committed by

A. Two or more persons B. Five or more persons

C. Seven or more persons

Answer: Option B

207. A holds Z down, and fraudulently takes Z's money and jewels from Z's clothes, without Z's consent.
Here A has committed theft, and, in order to committing of that theft, has voluntarily, caused wrongful
restraint to Z. A has therefore committed

A. Robbery B. Dacoity

C. No offence

Answer: Option A

208. Section 392, P.P.C. deals with punishment for

A. Robbery B. Dacoity

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

209. Maximum punishment of dacoity as per section 395, P.P.C. shall not be less than

A. Four years B. Ten years

C. Fourteen years

Answer: Option B

210. When five or more persons, who are conjointly committing dacoity, commits murder in so
committing dacoity, every one of those persons shall be punished with

A. Death B. Imprisonment for life

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

211. Whoever makes preparation to commit dacoity, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a
term which may extend to

A. Ten years B. Fourteen years

C. Life imprisonment
Answer: Option A

212. Whoever unlawfully, by the use or show of force or by threats of any kind, seizes or exercises
control of, an aircraft is said to commit

A. Confinement B. Hijacking

C. High treason

Answer: Option B

213. Section 405, P.P.C. deals with


Criminal breach of trust

B. Breach of trust

C. Breach of contract

Answer: Option A

214. Whoever commits criminal breach of trust shall be punished with imprisonment of _________


Three years as provided in section 406 P.P.C.


Five years as provided in section 406 P.P.C.


Seven years as provided in section 406 P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

215. As per Section 406, P.P.C. whoever commits criminal breach of trust shall be punished with
imprisonment of


Either description for a term which may extend to five years


Either description which may extend to seven years


Either description which may extend to ten years

Answer: Option B

216. Section 411 of P.P.C. deals with


Dishonestly receiving of stolen property


Dishonestly sale of property


Possession of theft property

Answer: Option A

217. Whoever habitually receives or deals in property which he knows or has reason to believe to be
stolen property, shall be punished under section 413 P.P.C. with imprisonment for life or imprisonment
for a term which may extend to

A. Seven years B. Ten years

C. Fourteen years

Answer: Option B

218. Whoever dishonestly receives or retains stolen property shall be punished with

A. Imprisonment of three years B. Imprisonment of five years


Imprisonment of seven years

Answer: Option A

219. Whoever cheats by pretending to be some other person, or by knowingly substituting one person
for another or represents that he or any other person is a person other than he or such other person
really is, he commits the offence which is


Called cheating by personation

B. Cheating

C. Fraud

Answer: Option A

220. Section 420, P.P.C. deals with

A. Cheating by personation B.

Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property

C. Cheating and fraud

Answer: Option B

221. A voluntarily burn a valuable security belonging to Z intending to cause wrongful loss to Z. A has

A. Fraud B. Mischief

C. No offence

Answer: Option B

222. Sections _______ to ______ of P.P.C. deals with mischief and its various kinds

A. 425 to 430 B. 430 to 438

C. 425 to 440

Answer: Option C

223. Whoever commits criminal trespass by entering into or remaining in any building, tent or vessel
used as a human dwelling or any building used as a place of worship, or as a place for the custody of
property, is said to commit

A. House-trespass B. House-breaking

C. Criminal treaspass

Answer: Option A

224. Whoever commits lurking house-trespass after sunset and before sunrise, is said to commit


Lurking House-trespass

Lurking House-trespass by night

C. House-trespass

Answer: Option B

225. House-trespass after preparation for hurt assault or wrongful restraint is dealt by

A. Section 450, P.P.C. B. Section 451, P.P.C.

C. Section 452, P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

226. Section _______ deals with punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking at night

A. 452, P.P.C. B. 454, P.P.C.

C. 456, P.P.C.

Answer: Option C

227. Sections 462A to 462F, P.P.C. deals with offences relating to

A. Oil B. Gas

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

228. As per section 462-A, Sub-section (c) "gas meter" means


An instrument which measures gas delivered to consumer for consumption


An instrument which measures gas recovered from well

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

229. Whoever tamper or abets in tampering with petroleum pipelines for the purpose of theft of
petroleum or disrupting supply of petroleum shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment which may
extend to

A. Seven years B. Ten years

C. Fourteen years

Answer: Option C

230. Section 462-D, P.P.C. deals with tampering with gas meter by

A. Domestic consumer B. Commercial consumer

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option A

231. Any person or individual being the domestic consumer who does tampering or abets in tampering
with any gas meter, regulator, meter index or gas connection or any other related system and
equipments, whether to commit theft of gas or for unauthorized distribution or supply of gas shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to


Three months or fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees


Six months or fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees


Nine months or fine which may extend to one thousand rupees

Answer: Option B

232. Section _____ of P.P.C. deals with tampering gas meter by industrial or commercial consumer

A. 462-C B. 462-D

C. 462-E

Answer: Option C

233. Any person or individual being industrial or commercial consumer who does tampering or abets in
tampering with any gas meter, regulator, meter index, or gas connection or any other related system or
equipments, whether to commit theft of gas or for the purpose of unauthorized distribution or supply of
gas shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to

A. Seven years B. Ten years

C. Fourteen years

Answer: Option B
234. Section _____, of P.P.C. deals with damaging or destructing the transmission or transportation lines

A. 462-D B. 462-E

C. 462-F

Answer: Option C

235. Any person who damages or destructs any transmission or transportation lines by an act of
subversion by explosive material or in other manner shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a
term which may extend to

A. Ten years B. Fourteen years

C. Sixteen years

Answer: Option B

236. "Forgery" means


Making of false document


Making of false evidence

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

237. Section 468, P.P.C. deals with


Forgery for the purpose of harming reputation


Forgery for the purpose of cheating

C. Non of the above

Answer: Option B
238. A has a letter of credit upon B for rupees 10,000, written by Z. A in order to defraud B, adds a
cipher to the 10,000, and makes the sum 1,00,000, intending that it may be believed by B that Z so
wrote the letter. A has committed

A. Forgery B. Perjury

C. Cheating

Answer: Option A

239. Whoever commits forgery for the purpose of cheating under section 468, of P.P.C. shall be
punished with imprisonment which may extend to

A. Two years B. Five years

C. Seven years

Answer: Option C

240. Section 471, of P.P.C. deals with


Using as genuine a forged document


Using of public records fraudulently

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

241. A mark used for denoting that movable property belongs to a particular person is called

A. Trade Mark B. Property Mark

C. None of the above

Answer: Option B

242. Section 489-A, of P.P.C. deals with


Counterfeiting currency notes or bank notes

B. Counterfeiting of public notes

Counterfeiting of any document

Answer: Option A

243. Extendable punishment of imprisonment under section 489A, of P.P.C. for counterfeiting of
currency notes or bank notes is

A. Five years B. Seven years

C. Ten years

Answer: Option C

244. Whoever sells to, or buy or receives from, any other person, or otherwise traffics in or uses as
genuine, any forged or counterfeit currency-note or bank-note, knowing or having reason to believe the
same to be forged or counterfeit he commits offence under section

A. 489B P.P.C. B. 489C P.P.C.

C. 489D P.P.C.

Answer: Option A

245. Whoever commits offence under section 489B, P.P.C. shall be punished with imprisonment for

A. Life B. Ten years

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C

246. Whoever makes or uses documents resembling currency notes or bank notes he commits an
offence under section

A. 489 D, P.P.C. B. 489 E, P.P.C.

C. 489 F, P.P.C.

Answer: Option B

247. Whoever issues cheque dishonestly he commits an offence under section

A. 489 F B. 489 G

C. 489 H

Answer: Option A
248. Whoever dishonestly issues a cheque which dishonoured at presentation before bank he shall be


With imprisonment for two years


With imprisonment for three years


With imprisonment for five years

Answer: Option B

249. Section 489-G of P.P.C. deals with


Counterfeiting or using currency notes


Counterfeiting or using documents resembling prize bond or unauthorized sale thereof

C. None of above

Answer: Option B

250. Every man who deceitfully causes any women who is not lawfully married to him to believe that
she is lawfully married to him and to cohabit with him or have sexual intercourse in that belief, shall be
punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to

A. Five years B. Ten years

C. Twenty five years

Answer: Option C

251. Section ______ of P.P.C. deals with marriage ceremony fraudulently gone through without lawful

A. 496 B. 496-A

C. 496-B

Answer: Option A
252. Whoever takes or entices away any woman with intent that she may have illicit intercourse with
any person, or conceals or detains with that intent any woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may extend to

A. Three years B. Five years

C. Seven years

Answer: Option C

253. Definition of "Fornication" is provided in section ______ of P.P.C.

A. 496B B. 496A

C. 496C

Answer: Option A

254. Whoever commits fornication shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

A. Three years B. Five years

C. Seven years

Answer: Option B

255. The term "Fornication" means


Willful sexual intercourse of a man and woman not married to each other


Sexual intercourse by two mans with each other

C. None of the above

Answer: Option A

256. Section ______ of P.P.C. deals with punishment for false accusation of fornication

A. 496B B. 496C

C. 496D

Answer: Option B

257. Whoever brings or levels or gives evidence of false charge of fornication against any person shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A. Five years B. Seven years

C. Ten years

Answer: Option A

258. Section _____ of P.P.C. deals with prohibition of depriving women from inheriting property

A. 498A B. 498B

C. 498C

Answer: Option A

259. Whoever by deceitful or illegal means deprives any women from inheriting any movable or
immovable property at the time of opening of succession shall be punished with imprisonment for
either description for a term which may extend to


Three years or with a fine of one million rupees


Five years or with a fine of one million rupees.


Ten years or with a fine of one million rupees

Answer: Option C

260. Section ______ of P.P.C. deals with prohibition of forced marriage

A. 498 B. 498A

C. 498B

Answer: Option C

261. As per section 498B whoever coerces or in any manner whatsoever compels a women to enter into
marriage shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to


Three years and shall also be liable to fine of five hundred thousands rupees


Five years and shall also be liable to fine of five hundred thousands rupees

Seven years and shall also be liable to fine of five hundred thousands rupees

Answer: Option C

262. Section _____ of P.P.C. prohibits marriage with Holy Quran.

A. 498A B. 498B

C. 498C

Answer: Option C

263. As per section 498C whoever compels or arranges or facilitates the marriage of a women with the
Holy Quran shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to


Three years and shall be liable to fine of five hundred thousand rupees.


Five years and shall be liable to fine of five hundred rupees.


Seven years and shall be liable to fine of five hundred thousand rupees.

Answer: Option C

264. As per section 498C oath by a woman on Holy Quran to remain unmarried for the rest of her life or,
not to claim her share of inheritance shall be deemed to be marriage with

A. Holy Quran B. Hadiths

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

265. "Defamation" means


The act of harming reputation


The act of harming body of a person


The act of popularizing a person

Answer: Option A

266. Punishment for criminal intimidation as provided in section 506 is


Imprisonment for either description a term which may extend to two years


Imprisonment for either description a term which may extend to three years

C. None of above

Answer: Option A

267. Punishment for the offence of criminal intimidation under section 506 part second is

A. Imprisonment for seven years B. Imprisonment for five years

C. Imprisonment for three years

Answer: Option A

268. Which one from the following is last Section of P.P.C.

A. 509 B. 511

C. 513

Answer: Option B

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