Sindh Chief Court Rules Original Side
Sindh Chief Court Rules Original Side
Sindh Chief Court Rules Original Side
(Original Side).
Exercise of original Civil Jurisdiction
8. Holding of Court on Original Side 3
9. Jurisdiction to be exercised by a Judge 3
10. Reference to two or more Judges 3
11. Distribution of business 3
12. Disposal of miscellaneous matters 3
13. Definition of miscellaneous matters 3
14. Disposal of applications by Registrar (O.S.0 5
15. Appeal from the Registrar to a Judge 10
16. Date to be fixed for hearing reference in Court 10
17. Costs of proceedings before Registrar (O.S.) 10
18. Registrar (A.S.) to dispose of business in absence of Registrar (O.S.)
19. Disposal of applications by the Deputy Registrar. 10
The Original Side Office - Dates and Cause-lists
20. Registrar, (O.S.) to fix dates on every Saturday 11
21. Day for short causes 11
22. What are short causes 11
23. Transfer of short causes to long causes 12
24. Days for execution proceedings, etc. 12
25. Fixing of dates for final disposal 12
26. Cases to be brought to trial in order of their age 13
27. On order of transfer of Small Causes Courts suit being made, Registrar (O.S.) to
send for records 14
28. Cause-List 14
29. General Cause List Book 15
30. Sealing of summons, order, etc 15
31. Duties of Sheristedar 15
32. Registers 16
33. Arrangement of record in pending matters 16
34. Contents of each file 17
35. Binding and title page 18
36. One file in miscellaneous applications 18
37. Diaries 18
38. Order sheet 19
39. Removal of record from Court-house 19
41. Names etc., parties 20
42. Authority to be stated 20
43. Draftsman’s endorsement 21
44. Particulars to be stated in address for service 21
45. Initialing alteration, etc. 21
Interlocutory Proceedings
73. Form 27
74. Contents thereof 27
75. Counter-affidavits, etc. 28
76. Procedure in applying for interim relief 28
77. Application for appointment of receiver to be by petition supported affidavit 28
78. Form of order of appointment 29
79. Register of receivers 29
80. Receiver other than Official Receiver to give security 29
81. Surety may point out omission or neglect of duty cast on receiver 29
82. Notice to surety of application affecting surety’s risk 29
83. Powers of a receiver 30
84. Receiver’s remuneration 30
85. Establishment and costs therefor to be detailed in the appointment order 19 30
86. No charge for additional establishment allowed 30
87. Receiver to file half-yearly accounts 30
88. Account to show balance in hand and how much may be paid into Court etc., to
be filed with
affidavit. Form of affidavit 30
89. Examining and vouching of accounts by officers 31
90. Appointment for passing accounts a Notice thereof 31
91. Objections to report to be filed 31
92. Passing of accounts by Court 31
93. Procedure as to hearing of objections 31
94. Auditing of difficult and complicated accounts 31
95. Order as to payment of balance 32
96. Consequence of receiver’s negligence to file accounts or pay the balance, etc. 32
97. Consequence of default by receiver 32
98. Rule 84 applicable to manager or guardian 32
99 Interim receiver 32
Security Procedure
100. Security summons 32
101. Production to title deeds, affidavit of justification, examination 33
102. Contents of affidavit of justification 33
103. More than two sureties irregular 34
104. Property in respect of which a surety may justify 34
105. Who are not competent sureties 34
106. Who may be present at the examination 34
107. Reference to Court 34
108. Security for costs 34
109. Custody of securities and security bonds 34
110. Urgent motions 35
111. Oral motions 35
112. Urgent maters 35
113. Only one advocate to be heard for a party 35
113A Notice of proceedings to Advocate-General 35
Institution of Proceedings
114. Appearance by agent 35
115. Leave to verify 36
116. Suit against corporation or a firm 36
117. Copies to be filed of applications, etc. 36
118. Presentation of proceedings on Original Side 36
119. Examination of proceedings
Return if not in order 37
120. Admission of plaints 37
121. Plaint liable to be rejected to be submitted to Judge hearing miscellaneous
matters 37
122. Admission or rejection of execution application 38
123. Notice to the other party 38
124. Registration of proceedings admitted 38
125. Ex-parte amendments 38
126. Amendments how to be made 38
127. Attestation of amendment 38
128. Time for payment of process fee and consequence of non-payment 39
129. Restoration 39
130. Fresh plaint 39
131. Parties or their advocates may file processes duly filed up 39
132. When process fee not to be levied 40
133. Full address to be given to persons on whom process to be served 40
134. Process for service on persons of rank and gazetted officers 40
135. Summons for final disposal and settlement of issues 40
136. Returnable date of summons 41
137. Processes to be served or executed within jurisdiction to be addressed to Nazir
138. Endorsement on process for service outside jurisdiction 41
139. Process to be served without identification by party 41
140. Endorsement of identifier on the original process 42
141. Procedure where defendant refuses to accept service or cannot be found 27 42
142. Return of service 42
143. Service by affixing to outer door 42
144. Notice where summons is affixed to outer door 43
145. Inquiry as to sufficiency of service 43
146. Fresh process not to issue until previous one returned 43
147. Acts of Registrar to be effectual as acts of Court 43
Suits by or against Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind
148. Admission of next friend to bring a suit. Order unnecessary 44
149. Next friend to file address for service 44
150. List of all likely guardians ad litem to be filed 44
151. Address for service of the Court appointed guardian ad-litem 45
152. Duty of the Officer of the Court appointed guardian ad-litem 45
153. Application of rules 148 to 152 to persons of unsound mind and to appeals and
applications 45
Appearance by Defendant a Written Statement a Counter Claim
154. Hearing of applications 45
155. In default of appearance by defendant suit to be posted on short cause day 45
156. Procedure when defendant appears 46
157. Ordinarily one extension allowed for filing W.S. 46
158. Procedure where no written statement filed by any defendant. 46
159. Procedure if written statement filed by any defendant. 46
159. Procedure if written statement; not filed by some of the defendant. 46
160. Service of copies of written statement and list of documents on the other side 47
Set off
161. Court my disallow set-off 47
Counter Claim
162. Counter claim by defendant 47
163. Counter claim 47
164. Reply to counter claim 48
165. Excluding counter claim 48
166. Proceeding with counter claim where action stayed 48
167. O. XX, R. 19 to apply to decree in such suits 48
Third Party Procedure
168. Third party notice 48
169. Effect of notice 49
170. Appearance of third party a default 49
171. Procedure on default before trial 49
172. Third party directions 49
173. At trial 50
174. Costs 51
175. Fourth and subsequent parties 51
176. Defendant claming against co-defendant 51
Summary Suits
177. Written statement 52
178. On default by defendant suit to be set down forthwith 52
179. Ex-parte order may be set aside on application 52
180. Judgment for part of claim 52
181. Where one defendant has good defence but other not 52
Commercial Suits
182. What are commercial causes 53
183. Plaint in such suits to be marked “commercial suits” 53
184. Setting down of Commercial suits 53
185. Decision of Commercial Judge may by consent be final 53
186. Setting down for directions 53
187. Any party may apply for directions at the hearing 54
188. Subsequent application must be by petition to Court 54
189. Costs of subsequent application 54
190. Appeal from Registrar to a Judge 54
191. Agent may make affidavit of documents when none of the parties reside in
Karachi 54
192. Procedure where the affidavit is required to be made by the absent parties 55
193. Date for settlement of issues by Court 55
209. Summon to witnesses 60
210. Summoning public officers as witnesses 61
211. Summoning Finger Print expect 61
212. Payment of expenses to witnesses who are public officers 61
213. Payment of expenses to other witnesses and issue of certificates to Railway
servants 62
214. Re-attendance of witnesses on adjourned hearing 62
218. Adjournments to be a day certain 64
219. Adjournment granted only on good cause 64
220. Costs of adjournment 64
221. Notice of antedating of hearing 64
Originating Summons
222. Who may take out originating summons and in respect of what matters 65
223. Order for administration of estate or of the trust 66
224. Persons to be served with summons 66
225. Vendor or purchaser may take out summons 67
226. Persons to be served with such summons 67
227. Mortgagee or mortgagor may taken out such summons 67
228. When may a partner take out such summons 67
229. Persons interested under will, etc., may take out such summons 68
230. Court not bound to determine question of construction 68
231. Persons to be served with such summons 68
232. Service on other persons by direction 68
233. Plaint and document along to be filed 68
234. O.S. plaint how to be marked 68
235. Service of originating summons 69
236. Returnable date of originating summons 69
237. Entry of appearance 69
238. When may be supported by evidence 69
239. What may be done on bearing originating summons 69
240. Costs in originating summons 70
241. Order made on originating summons to be drawn up as decree of Court 70
242. Direction as to carriage or execution of decree 70
243. Subsequent summons about same estate 70
244. O.II, r.2 of the Code not to apply to plaints filed in support of originating
summons 70
245. When costs of originating summons shall be allowed in a suit 70
Proceedings at the hearing of Suit, and up to and inclusive of decrees
246. Evidence, how taken 71
247. Any particular question and answer may be taken down 71
248. Question objected to and allowed by Court 71
249. Remarks on demeanour of witnesses 71
250. Sheristedar to bring to Judge’s erasure, etc., and documents tendered in evidence
251. Exhibits how marked 71
252. Numbering lines of depositions, etc. 71
253. Proceedings in another suit, how put in evidence 72
254. Witnesses not to be present in Court during hearing of the suit 72
255. Exhibits to be officially translated 72
256. No compromise without leave of Court in pauper suits 72
257. Judgment how delivered 72
258. Written judgment of two or more Judges how pronounced 72
259. Payment of costs a condition president in order for withdrawal 73
260. Setting of draft of decree 73
261. Directions under rule 260(3) and (4) liable to be refereed to Court 73
262. Date of signing decree to be also endorsed 74
263. Copies of decrees to Collector
Certificate under S. II, Court Fees Act to be sent to Collector 74
264. Errors how rectified after decree sealed 74
Taxation of Costs
265. What bills of costs are to be taxed by the Deputy Registrar 74
266. Time for filing bill of costs 74
267. Receipt and advocate’s certificate to accompany bill of costs 75
268. Notice for taxation 75
269. What expenses of witnesses may be included in costs 75
270. Condition for taxing expenses of copies of documents 75
271. Taxation of costs 75
272. Review of taxation only on notice to the opposite side 76
273. No review of taxation of costs if bill of costs not filed in time 76
274. What costs allowed after taxation 77
275. Meaning of “proportionate costs” 77
276. Application to Court for review of taxation 77
277. Hearing of such application 77
Proceedings under Chapters III and IV of the Arbitration Act, 1940
281. Form of award
Award in form of special case 78
282. Award how filed in Court 78
283. Service of notice of filing of award in Court 79
284. Form of application to modify, correct or set aside, award. 79
Interim Orders
285. Applications for interim orders to be by interlocutory applications 80
286. Service of notice of interim order on opposite party 80
287. Form of other applications under the Act and their registration 80
288. Notice to persons concerned 81
Stay of Proceedings
289. Title of applications, etc., under section 34
Notice to issue before ordering stay of proceedings 81
290. Advocates’ fees 82
290A. Notice of a appointment of arbitrator 82
291. Mode of service of notices 82
292. Award includes interim award 82
Proceedings in Execution
301. Interpretation 85
Execution of documents
317. Decree-holder to file in Court the draft and fees for service 88
318. Execution of document under O. XXI, rule 34(5) 88
319. Deposit with warrant of arrest 89
320. Production of person arrested after sunset 89
321. Superintendent to keep in custody 89
322. Production before Judge under fresh warrant of persons already in custody 89
323. Application of encumbrance to be made a party to the suit or to join in the sale
324. Inquiry before the Registrar, (O.S.) as to matters specified to O. XXI, rule 66 89
325. Receipt of attached property to be given 90
326. Procedure where property is already under attachment by revenue authorities 90
327. Removal of property attached under O. XXI, Rule 43 to the Court 90
328. Removal to Court by judgment-creditor on executing bond 90
329. Procedure where removal impracticable or costly 91
330. Deposit of cost for removal or maintenance of property 91
331. Account to be rendered on demand 92
332. Restoration of attached property on payment of costs incurred 92
354. Preparation and issue of processes in execution 97
355. Procedure on stay of execution 97
356. Recording of evidence and order in execution proceedings 97
Nazir’s Office
357. Nazir and Deputy Nazir to execute or to cause to execute processes 97
358. Nothing of date on processes 97
359. Service on holidays 98
360. Service on the firm of advocates 98
361. Payment of money 98
362. Notice of payment or deposit to judgment-creditor or Collector 98
363. Delivery of securities, jewellery or other valuables into Court 98
364. Application for payment of money, etc. 99
365. Applications for be checked 99
366. Payment by money order, bank draft etc. 99
367. Written authority of client requisite for payment to advocate 100
368. Account books to be kept 100
369. Signing of cheques and checking of accounts 101
370. Account books to be kept in minors or lunatics’ estates 101
371. Return of minors’ estates under administration 102
372. Nazir to visit civil jail daily 102
373. Inspection of civil jail by Registrar, A.S. 102
374. Charge of property in criminal cases
Charge of dead stock 102
Testamentary and instestate jurisdiction
391. Notice of application to be given to collector 105
392. Notice to next-of-kin 105
393. Citation to Administrator-General 106
394. Form of citation 106
395. When citation to be dispensed with 106
396. Proof of identity 106
397. Blind or illiterate testator 106
Limited Grants
398. Order for limited grant 106
Administration Bond
399. Forms of administration and succession certificate bonds 107
400. Amount of administration bond and succession certificate bond 107
401. Insurance Companies as sureties 107
402. Attestation of bonds 107
Contentious Proceedings
408. Particulars in caveat 108
409. Notice of caveat 108
410. Affidavit supporting caveat 108
411. Notice to caveator to file affidavit 109
412. Consequence of not filing affidavit 109
413. Procedure 109
414. Notice in probate suit 109
415. Certificates under section 274 (1) (b) of the Act 109
416. Notice by executor or administrator to creditors under section 360 and 367 of the
Act 110
417. Disposal of petition for non-prosecution 110
418. Making will 110
Matrimonial Jurisdiction
I: Rules under the Indian Divorce Act, 1869
438. Joinder of co-defendant to counter-claim 116
439. Application for alimony pendente lite 116
440. Service of such application on husband
Wife’s application to Court for decree
Witnesses when to be examined 116
441. Varying, modifying or rescinding of an order for alimony ‘pendente lite’ 117
Rules under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890
448. Title of Proceedings 119
Appointment of Guardian
449. Form of application 119
450. Contents of application 119
451. Where father of minor is living 119
452. Form of Notice 119
453. Copy of application to Court to Wards 119
454. Procedure in appointing or declaring guardian 120
455. Security by guardian 120
456. Time for furnishing security-order conditional 120
457. Form of certificate of guardianship 120
458. Form of Register 120
459. Directions at the hearing 120
460. Form of statement filed under Section 34(b) 121
461. Marriage of minor girl 121
Interlocutory Applications
462. Subsequent applications to be interlocutory 121
466. Guardian to keep accounts 121
467. Time for submitting and period of accounts 122
468. Inspection and audit of accounts 122
469. Where minor attains majority before 31st March in following year 122
470. Order under sections 32 and 43 91) of the Act re. investment of surplus monies
etc. 122
Allowance to Guardians
473. Allowance to guardians 123
474. Administration fees if Nazir appointed guardian of property of minor 123
475. Costs 123
476. Rules may be relaxed for estates smaller than Rs.500 in value 124
Rules regarding Reference and Application under Section 66 of the
Indian Income-tax Act, 1922
References under section 66 (1)
477. Form of reference 124
478. Notice of hearing to assesee and Commissioner 124
490. Constitution of Bench to hear references and applications 126
491. Copy of judgment to be sent to Registrar, Appellate Tribunal 126
492. Costs of reference or application 126
Rules under the Indian Oaths Act, 1873
493. Form for witnesses 126
494. Form for interpreters, and jurors 127
Rules under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882
495. Deposit of money due on mortgage 127
496. Deposit of costs 127
497. Order for payment of money into Court under S. 83 128
498. Mode of service 128
499. Costs of mortgagee 128
500. Court’s order for paying out 128
501. Enforcement of order 128
Rules under the Powers of Attorney Act, 1882
502. Presentation of petition to the Deputy Registrar 129
503. If presentation by both door and donee, it may be filed forthwith 129
504. In other case notice to issue and order of Court to be obtained 129
505. Filing of powers of attorney 129
506. Power of attorney filed when returned 130
507. Index to be kept of instruments deposited 130
508. Deputy Registrar to dispose of application for search, copies etc. 130
509. Fees 130
Crown Side Rules
Constitution of Court and Sittings
515. Vakalatnama 131
516. Qualification of jurors 132
517. Disqualification of jurors 132
518. Persons exempted from serving as jurors 133
519. Clerk of the Crown to made out a list of qualified men before 1st April 133
520. Upon completion of such list, Clerk of the Crown to make out lists of Common
and Special
Jurors 134
521. Number of person to be numbered consecutively 134
522. Names of persons to be numbered consecutively 134
523. Publishing of notice for inspection of the Jury List and for objections (if any) to
be taken 134
524. Original lists to be kept by the Clerk of the Crown and inspection to be given
525. Correction of mistakes in the lists by Clerk of the Crown 135
526. Clerk of the Crown to cause to be made out a list of Jurors to serve on the Juries
527. Summoning of jurors 135
528. Names of jurors excused attending at one session may be inserted in the list for a
session 135
529. Additional jurors may be summoned 136
530. Panels of Special and Commons Juries to be delivered to the Court 136
531. Mode of choosing Jury 136
532. Note in the list of jurors summoned to serve at the Sessions 137
533. Issue and service of process 137
534. Witnesses residing beyond certain limits how summoned 138
535. Attendance of witnesses under recognizances. 138
536 Process for service 138
537. Payment of expenses to witnesses 138
545. Provisions of Chapter V of Sindh Chief Court Rules, (A.S.) to apply 140
546. Time for application for exercising revisional jurisdiction 140
547. Application for bail 140
548. Copy of bail application to be sent to public Prosecutor and his receipt filed 140
549. Application how disposed of 141
550. Order granting bail to order Nazir or Magistrate to take bail 141
551. Nature of security 141
Rules under the Partition Act, 1893
552. Rules 337 to 351 to apply to sales under Partition Act 141
Rules under The Presidency-towns Insolvency Act, 1909
567. Awarding costs 146
568. Scale of costs 147
569. Applications for costs 147
570. Priority of costs and charges payable out of assets 148
571. Disallowance of costs of unnecessary petition 149
572. Apportionment of costs in cases of partnership 149
573. Costs out of joint or separate estates 149
574. Public officer or agent of company 150
575. Attestation of firm’s signature 150
576. Service on firm 150
577. Debtor’s petition by a firm 151
578. Schedule 151
579. Order of adjudication against a firm 151
580. Acceptance of composition, etc., by joint and separate creditors 151
581. Voting on composition 152
582. Adjudication and separate committees 152
583. Separate firms. 152
584. Lunatics 152
Creditor’s Petition
588. Security for costs 153
589. Joint petitions 153
590. Death of debtor before service of petition 154
Hearing of Petition
591. Adjudication order to be made forthwith on debtor’s petition 154
592. Proceedings on creditor’s petition 154
593. Several respondents 154
594. Debtor intending to show cause 154
595. Non-appearance of creditor 154
596. Personal attendance of creditor when dispensed with 155
597. Proceedings after trial of disputed question 155
598. Application to dismiss. 155
Interim Receiver
599. Appointment of interim receiver 155
600. Form and contents of order 156
601. Deposit 156
602. Further deposit, if necessary 156
603. Repayment of deposit 156
604. Damages if petition dismissed 156
Order of adjudication
605. Form and contents 157
606. Transmission of copy to Official Assignee and service on debtor 157
607. Stay of proceedings 157
608. Advertisement. 157
609. Costs of petition, & c 158
Interim Protection
624. Application for protection order 162
625. Hearing of application 162
626. Protection order 162
627. Warrant of release 163
Meetings of Creditors
628. Application for direction to hold meetings 163
629. Order to call meeting 163
630. Notice of meeting 163
631. Copy of Resolution for Registrar 164
632. Adjournment 164
633. Form of proxies 164
634. Signature of Proxy. 164
635. Filling in when creditor blind, & c. 164
636. Miners not to be proxied 164
Discharge of Insolvent
652. Application for discharge 167
653. Fixing date for hearing of application for discharge and notice 167
654. Official Assignee’s report 168
655. Opposed application 168
656. Answer to report and creditor’s grounds of opposition 168
657. Form of grounds of opposition 169
658. Hearing of application 169
659. Order on application for discharge 169
660. Notice of order 170
661. Costs of application 170
662. Conditional orders 170
663. Execution of decree against insolvent 170
664. Accounts of after acquired property 170
665. Failure to apply for discharge 171
666. Renewal of application 171
Proof of Debts
Realization of property
681. Warrant of seizure and search warrant 174
Disclaimer of Lease
682. Disclaimer of lease 174
Distribution of Property
683. Notice of intended dividend 176
684. Production of bills, notes, & c. 177
685. Dividend may be sent by post 177
686. Notice of intention to make final dividend 177
687. Rate of interest on dividends which the Official Assignee is ordered to pay 177
688. Appointment of insolvent to manager property or carry on trade 178
720. Control of Committee of Inspection over Official Assignee 187
721. Report of Official Assignee as to value of property Summary administration 188
Administration of the estates of persons dying insolvent
Access to insolvent’s books
727. Insolvency register 190
728. Power of Court to extend time 190
Rules under The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890
729. Interpretation 190
730. Institution of suits 191
731. Warrants 191
732. Statements requisite in suits of necessaries and of wages 191
733. Warrant with Court’s leave though particulars wanting 192
734. Service of warrant, filing thereof 192
735. Service of summons or warrant, how of effected on vessel 192
736. Service how effected on cargo landed 192
737. Service on cargo in custody of third person 192
738. Suits in rem by default 192
739. Judgment for the claim, if well founded 192
740. Entry of appearance 193
741. Contents of written statement 193
742. Security 193
743. Releases 193
744. Release before appearance entered on application 193
745. On payment into Registry, release of property 193
746. Release of cargo arrested for freight, on payment 193
747. Value of property under arrest in salvage suit 193
748. On security or payment into Registry, property arrested released 193
749. Release by Nazir 194
750. Caveat Release Book 194
751. Penalty for delaying release 194
752. Caveat Warrant Book 194
753. Entry of appearance in Caveat Warrant Books 194
754. Service of plaint on party entering Caveat Warrant 194
755. Party entering caveat to give security of filing of plaint 195
756. On default, suit may proceed ex parte 195
757. Judgment to claim enforcement of payment 195
758. Notwithstanding caveat property may be arrested 195
759. Sale by order of the Court 195
760. Procedure by Nazir on sale of property 195
761. Audience before Taxing Officer. 196
762. Payment of moneys 196
763. Payment out of money 196
764. Security for latent demands 196
765. Notice against payment Caveat Payment Book 196
766. Applications 196
767. Signature to application 196
768. Improperly filled up application 196
769. Caveat to be in force for six months 196
770. Withdrawal of caveat 197
771. Application to overrule a caveat 197
772. Fees by Officers and Nazir 197
773. Forms of Admiralty Division to be followed 197
774. Where not provided for, rules and practice of O.C.J., to apply 197
775. Fees to nautical assessors 197
Rules under The Indian Companies Act, 1913
Winding up
Provisional Liquidator
807. Appointment of provisional liquidator 207
808. Order appointing provisional liquidator 207
809. Provisional Liquidator to hand over assets to the official liquidator or receiver
810. Provisional Liquidator governed by rules which apply to official liquidator 207
Winding up Order
811. Notice under section 170(3) 208
812. Copy of winding up order to be sent to official liquidator or official receiver
Advertisement order to wind up 208
Official Liquidator
Statement of Affairs
821. Preparation of statement of affairs 211
822. Official liquidator may hold personal interview for investigating company’s
affairs 211
823. Extension of time for submitting statement of affairs 211
824. When application to Court for extension of time may be made 211
825. Application to dispense with requirements of section 177-A to be supported by
official liquidator’s certificate 211
List of contributories
831. Official liquidator to prepare list of contributories 213
832. Appointment of place and time for settling list of contributories 213
833. Settlement of the list of contributories 214
834. Notice of settlement to contributories and application to Court to vary the list
835. Application filed out of time not to be entertained 214
836. Variation of the list of contributories by the official liquidator 214
837. Certificate of final settlement to be filed in Court 214
838. Official Liquidator not personally liable for costs 214
839. Calls by liquidator 215
840. Application for leave to make call 215
841. Document making the call 215
842. Service of notice of call 215
843. Enforcement of payment of call 215
871. Notice of intended dividend 221
872. Provisions of rules 863 to 869 to apply 221
873. Dividends payable principal and interest 221
874. Declaration of dividend 221
875. Notice of declaring and payment dividend 221
876. Dividend may be sent by post 222
877. Payment of dividend to nominee 222
878. Form of order directing return of capital to contributories 222
879. Application of rules as to meetings 222
880. Summoning of meetings 222
881. Time and place of meeting 223
882. Expenses of meetings at the instance of creditor, etc. 223
883. Chairman of meeting 223
884. Passing of resolution at creditor’s meeting 223
885. Passing of resolution at contributories meeting 223
886. Copy of resolution to be filed 224
887. Non-reception of notice by a creditor 224
888. Adjournments 224
889. Quorum 224
890. Procedure in the absence of quorum 224
891. When creditor can vote 224
892. When creditor cannot vote 225
893. When secured creditor can vote 225
894. Effect of voting by a secured creditor 225
895. Procedure when secured creditor votes without surrendering security 225
896. Meetings under section 178-A of the Act. 225
897. Minutes of proceedings 225
898 Report by Chairman 225
899. Voting by proxies 226
900. Form of proxies 226
901. Forms to be sent with notice 226
902. Who may be appointed a proxy 226
903. Proxies to be lodged 226
904. Use of proxies by deputy 226
905. Proxy by blind or incapable creditors or contributories 226
906. Proxy of a creditor or contributory unacquainted with English 227
Committee of inspection
907. Advertisement of date of hearing of application under section 178-A (3)
Official liquidator creditor or contributory may be heard on application 227
908. Not dealing with assets 227
909. Restriction of purchase of goods by official liquidator 227
910. Committee of Inspection not to make profit 228
911. Cost of obtaining sanction of the Court 228
912. Sanction of payment to Committee 228
913. Nature of books to be maintained 228
914. Nature of book when the business of the companies to be carried on 229
915. When accounts to be filed 229
916. Audit of accounts 229
917. Form of accounts 230
918. Form of affidavit when there are not receipts and payments 230
919. Account to be opened in a bank 230
920. Payment in of moneys 230
921. Payment in of money’s 230
922. Securities to be deposited with the bank 230
923. Delivery of security to draw bills 231
924. Countersigning authority 231
925. Memorandum of sanction to draw bills 231
926. Investment of moneys 231
927. Collection of dividends on securities 232
Termination of winding up
935. Filing of final accounts 234
936. Disposal of balance 234
937. Dissolution of the company 234
938. Attendance at proceedings 235
939. Appointment of representative party 235
940. Appearance to be filed before attendance 235
941. Transfer of suits 235
942. Filling of affidavit and service of copy thereof is condition precedent to use of it.
943. Form of declaration of solvency 236
944. Duties of advocate of official liquidator 236
945. Advocate’s fees 236
946. Accounts, etc., to be filed in Registrar’s office 236
947. Fees of inspection and copies of accounts filed under sections 177-A and 244
Voluntary winding up
948. Rules for application in voluntary winding up 237
949. Rules applicable to meetings 237
950. Chairman of meetings 237
951. Form of statements under Ss. 208-D and 209-G of the Act 237
952. Notice of appointment of liquidator in voluntary winding up 237
958. Savings of pending proceedings in winding up 239
Rule made under Section 20(f) of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882
959. Investment of trust money in debentures issued under the City of Karachi
Municipal Act 239
APPENDIX D. Rules regulating application for and payment of the service of the
Governments or his Assistant. 522
1. Short title. These rules may be cited as The Sindh Chief Court Rules (Original
2. Commencement and repeal. (1) They shall come into operation on the expiry of
thirty days from the date* of their publication in the official Gazette and shall apply
also to all proceedings then pending.
(2) So much the rules of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner of Sindh as relates to
matters provided for by under these rules is hereby annulled.
(3) “Code” means the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, as amended from time to time;
(4) “first hearing” includes the hearing of a suit for settlement of issues and any
adjournment thereof;
(9) “verified” means verified in the manner provided by Order VI, rule 15 of the
Code” and
(10) all other expressions used herein shall have the meanings prescribed by the Code
or the General Clauses Act, 1897, as the case may be.
4. Computation of time. In all cases in which any particular number of days not
expressed to be clear days, is prescribed by these rules, the same shall be reckoned
exclusively of the first day and inclusively of the last day; unless the last day falls on
a Sunday or other day on which the office of the Chief Court is closed, in which case
the time shall be reckoned exclusively of that day also and of any other following day
or days during which the office may continue closed.
5. Service of notice. Except where otherwise provided by these rules, any notice
directed to be given to any party on any interlocutory application shall be in writing,
and may be served by the party or his advocate on the other party or his advocate
personally or by sending the same by post in a registered prepaid cover to the address
for service of the party or his advocate.
6. Use of forms in appendices. The forms given in the appendices with such
modification as the circumstances of each case may require, shall be used for the
purposes therein mentioned.
7. Alteration, etc. of rules in First Schedule to the Code. The rules contained in the
First Schedule to the Code shall, so far as they are inconsistent with or contrary to
these rules be deemed to have been thereby altered or superseded.
8. Holding of Court on Original Side. A Court for the exercise of the Original
Jurisdiction of the Chief Court on its several sides may be held before one or more
10. Reference to two or more Judges. If it shall appear to any Judge either on the
application of the party or otherwise, that a suit or matter can be more advantageously
heard by a Bench of two or more Judges, he may report to that effect to the Chief
Judge who shall make such order thereon as he thinks fit.
11. Distribution of business. All suits and proceedings instituted on any of these
several sides of the Civil Original Jurisdiction of the Chief Court, shall be heard
before the Chief Judge, or such Judge or Judges as the Chief Judge shall from time to
time nominate for that purpose.
12. Disposal of miscellaneous matters. The Judge or, if there be more than one, one of
the Judges sitting on the Original Side from time to time nominated by the Chief
Judge shall ordinarily sit once every week to hear miscellaneous matters.
(2) application for arrest before judgment, for attachment before judgment and for
appointment of a receiver;
(3) applications under rules 161, 165, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175 and 176;
(5) applications to amend the plaint, petition or subsequent proceedings where the
amendment sought is not formal, or applications to strike out any matter therein;
(6) applications for commissions to examine witnesses under O.XXVI, rule 4 (1) (a)
& (c) of the Code;
(7) applications for leave to defend under O.XXXVII of the Code;
(9) applications under section 30 of the Karachi Small Causes Court Act, 1929, for
removing suits into the Chief Court;
(10) applications by receivers, guardians and others relating to the management and
disposal of the property;
(11) applications in all matters arising under the *** Companies Act 1*** Trustees
Act, the Trustees and Mortgagees’ Powers Act, 1*** Trusts Act, the Arbitration Act
and generally in the matter of any Act, unless otherwise provided in the Act itself or
by these rules;
(14) inquiries directed by the Court as to the fitness of persons to act as trustees,
receivers, and committees of lunatics;
(19) matters referred by the Registrar (O.S.) and appeals against his order passed
under these rules except those in execution proceedings;
(20) applications for orders of production of prisoners and other under the Prisoners
Act, 1900;
(21) other interlocutory applications and any such matter as the Judge thinks fit to
dispose of a miscellaneous matters, and such other applications as by these rules and
directed to be so disposed of.
14. Disposal of applications by Registrar (O.S.). The Registrar (O.S.) shall dispose of
all contested or uncontested applications or applications for consent orders of the
following description:-
(2) applications for leave to verify plaints, written statement, petitions or any other
proceedings in a suit or matter;
(3) applications for leave of the Court to file a plaint when such leave is necessary;
(4) applications under O.I., R.8 (i) for leave sue or defend on behalf of, or for the
benefit of, all in the same interest;
(6) applications under O. II, R. 4, join causes of action in a suit for the recovery of
immovable property;
(7) applications for the admission or appointment of a next friend or guardian ad litem
of a minor or a person of unsound mind or new next friends or guardians ad litem;
(8) applications for fresh summons or notice and for short date summonses and
(10) applications for transmission of process for service to another Court, etc;
(11) applications for orders regarding issue of summonses or notice and regarding
service thereof;
(14) applications arising from the death, marriage or insolvency of parties to suits or
petitions or from the assignment, creation or devolution of any interest, estate or title,
pendente lite;
(16) applications for further and better statement of particulars under O. VI, R.5;
(18) applications for return of documents under O.XIII, R. 9 (i) of the Code;
(19) applications for order for discovery and for orders concerning the admission,
production and inspection of documents;
(21) applications for order for execution of a decree or order for arrest of a judgment-
debtor when such judgment debtor does not appear on the day of hearing fixed under
the notice issued or on such day as the hearing thereof may be postponed to, or by
attachment or sale, with power to order issue of notice under sections 74 and 145 and
under O.XXI, rules 2, 16, 22, 34(2) 37 or 66(2) of the Code, or where notice is
otherwise necessary or considered desirable;
(22) applications for order for the transmission of a decree with the prescribed
certificate, etc.;
(25) applications for discharge from custody, subsistence money not being paid;
(27) applications for leave under O.XXI, R. 50, sub-rule (2) except where liability is
(28) applications for the issue of proclamations of sale under O.XXI, R.66, and for
direction as to the publication thereof under R.67;
(31) applications for special costs in connection with the attachment and/or sale of
immovable property;
(32) applications for special directions to the Nazir as to the service or execution of
any process of the Court;
(33) applications for order for withdrawal of attachment or for return of a warrant;
(34) application for stay of execution under O.XXI, R. 26(1) and (2);
(35) applications for order for payment of money realized in execution or otherwise
deposited in Court including applications to share in assets realized under section 73,
unless the case is on one of the cause lists for the day.
(36) applications for commissions to examine witnesses under O.XXVI, rule 1, unless
the suit is on one of the lists of causes for the day, and applications for de bene esse
(42) applications for order requiring a party to a suit or matter to produce and leave
with the Registrar any document not in the English language in his possession for the
purpose of being officially translated;
(44) applications for order for the production of records or documents in the Chief
Court, Original Side, or accounts filed in such records, before any other Court;
(45) applications for an order for the issue of a precept to another Court for the
production of a record of such Court or of notice or summons to a Public Officer for
the production of public record or register;
(48) all matters affecting procedure arising out of applications under the 1***
succession Act, 1925, the Court-fees Act, 1870, the 1*** Companies Act 1913, the
*** Trustees Act, 1866, the Trustees and Mortgagee’s Powers Act, 1866, 1*** Trusts
Act, 1882 the Arbitration Act, 1940, the Guardians and Wards Act 1890, and
generally in the later of any Act unless otherwise provided in the Act itself or by these
Provided that-
(1) when the Registrar (O.S.) shall refuse any uncontested application under this rule,
it shall, at the request of the applicant or his advocate, be referred to the Judge hearing
miscellaneous matters or, if the application relates to a matter in execution
proceedings, to the Judge hearing such matters; and
(2) the Registrar (O.S.) may refer to such Judge as aforesaid any matter which he
considers to be a fit and proper one to be so referred by reason of its importance or
difficulty or novelty or by reason of the order to be made thereon being appealable or
for any other cause.
15. Appeal from the Registrar to a Judge. Any party desiring to have any question
which has been decided by the Registrar (O.S.) referred to Court, may apply therefore
within eight days from the date of the order complained of or within such further
period as the Judge for sufficient cause may allow even after the expiry of the
aforesaid period of eight days. Such application may be made by petition. Nothing in
this rule applies to the provisions of rule 147.
16. Date to be fixed for hearing reference in Court. When a matter is referred to the
Court under the first and the second proviso to rule 14 or when an application referred
to in rule 15 is made, the Registrar (O.S.) shall fix a date for the hearing in Court and
inform the parties or their advocates accordingly.
17. Costs of proceedings before Registrar (O.S.). Unless the Judge otherwise orders
or the Registrar (O.S.) otherwise directs, the costs of all orders passed by and of all
proceedings before the Registrar (O.S.) shall be costs in the cause.
19. Disposal of applications by the Deputy Registrar. The Deputy Registrar shall
dispose of the following applications:-
(1) applications to record payments out of Court under O.XXI, rule 2(1) of the Code
and also under rule 2(2) of the Code when no cause is shown; and
(2) applications for transfer or filing of decrees under O.XXI, rule 5, 7 and 8 of the
20. Registrar, (O.S.) to fix dates on every Saturday. (1) Every Saturday on which the
office of the Court is open the Registrar (O.S.) or, in his absence, the Deputy
Registrar shall sit at 12 noon to fix dates in suits or matters pending on the Original
Side and shall for the purpose be attended by the Sheristeder or one of his assistants.
(2) All matters adjourned in Court during the week without dates shall be deemed to
be adjourned to the following working Saturday for the purpose of dates being fixed.
21. Day for short causes. Short causes shall be set down for fina disposal on such day
as the Judge sitting on the Original Side shall appoint.
22. What are short causes. The following suits or matters shall be deemed to be short
(4) suits under O.XXXVI (in which leave to defend has been granted);
(5) mortgage suits, rent suits, suits on bonds or acknowledgements;
(7) such other suits or matters as may, by special order of the Judge, be directed to be
tried as short causes.
23. Transfer of short causes to long causes. Any short cause which the Judge before
whom it is set down for final disposal does not think fit to try as a short cause, may be
transferred to the long Cause List.
24. Days for execution proceedings, etc. Proceedings in execution of a decree or order
and proceedings under Special Acts when set down for hearing in Court shall be set
down for that purpose on such days and before such Judge as the Chief Judge may
from time to time by general or special order prescribe.
(1) all applications and proceedings under section 47 and O.XXI of the Code;
(3) all proceedings on the returns of writs or notices issued before or after judgment
requiring cause to be shown;
(4) all proceedings in execution referred by, or in appeal from the Registrar (O.S.).
25. Fixing of dates for final disposal. (1) Summary suits under O.XXXVII of the
Code shall not be set down for hearing till the expiration of ten days from the date of
service of summons. If an application for permission to defend is filed within the ten
days, notice shall be given to the plaintiff or his advocate and the suit shall be set
down for hearing of the application instead of for final disposal.
(2) Unless otherwise ordered, long causes in which the defendant has been duly
served with summons but is called absent on the date fixed in the summons shall not
be set down for final disposal:-
(a) until eight clear days from the service of the summons if the defendant or any of
the defendants, as the case may be, resides within the local limits of the Chief Court;
(b) until fourteen clear days from such service if the defendant or any of the
defendants, as the case may be, resides outside the local limits of the Chief Court but
in India; and
(c) until such time in other cases as the Registrar (O.S.), may fix having regard to the
place where the summons is to be served.
(3) In other long causes fifteen days at least shall ordinarily intervene between the
settlement of issues and the date for final disposal.
26. Cases to be brought to trial in order of their age. Subject to rules 21 and 24 and to
any special order in that behalf, in fixing dates for final disposal the Registrar (O.S.)
or the Deputy Registrar, as the case may be, shall see-
(1) that cases are brought to trial in the order of their age irrespective of their length
or difficulty; Provided that preference may be given so far as is reasonable, to-
(iii) all matters the lack of decision in which is delaying decision in other
proceedings; and
(2) that sufficient matters are set down for each day to secure that the day shall be
fully occupied.
27. On order of transfer of Small Causes Courts suit being made, Registrar (O.S.) to
send for records. When after an order for removing a suit from the Karachi Small
Causes Court into the Chief Court has been made and security has been given, the
Registrar (O.S.), shall send for the record of the proceedings from the Registrar,
Karachi Small Causes Court and shall treat the suit as if it had been instituted on the
Original Side.
28. Cause-List. (1) On the last working day in every week a list of suits,
miscellaneous applications and interlocutory applications appointed to be heard on
each day of the second following week shall be posted on a notice board of the Court,
showing the day of the week and date, the number of suit or miscellaneous
application, names of parties and the purpose for which they are fixed.
(2) Matters fixed for final disposal on any day of the week shall be entered in the list
for that day according to the date of their registration, irrespective of their length or
(iv) petitions in Company matters when set down for hearing in Court.
(3) The cause-list shall be prepared under the directions of the Registrar (O.S.) or in
his absence, of the Deputy Registrar, and signed by him.
(4) If their be more Judges that one on the Original Side, a separate cause-list for the
board before each of the Judges shall be prepared and posted in the manner aforesaid.
(5) Unless the Judge otherwise orders, matters fixed for any day shall be called on the
day in the order in which they stand in the cause-list.
29. General Cause List Book. (1) A General Cause List Book shall be maintained.
(2) The entries shall distinguish suits, execution applications and miscellaneous
applications and shall give their numbers and years as registered.
(3) Interlocutory applications shall be entered under the number and year of the
proceedings to which they relate and not as independent proceedings.
30. Sealing of summons, order, etc. The seal of the Court shall not be put to any writ
of summons, warrant, order or other mandatory process unless the same be signed by
the officer whose duty it is to prepare and make out the same.
31. Duties of Sheristedar. The Sheristedar shall perform the following duties:-
(3) grant summonses for witnesses not being summonses for the appearance of public
officers or for the production of public records, and to sign all civil process;
(4) dispose of applications for the return of documents and other material objects in
civil matters after the expiry of the period or disposal of appeal;
(5) dispose of applications by parties for copies and translation, and certify copies;
(6) sign registers and diaries and certify decisions and orders to lower Courts;
(8) perform such other duties as are prescribed under these rules or as the Chief Judge
may, from time to time, by general or special order direct.
32. Registers. The following judicial Registers shall be kept on the Civil Original
Side by the such ministerial officer or officers as the Registrar (O.S.) may, subject to
any order of the Chief Judge direct:-
(vi) Register of Decrees received for execution from other Courts; and
33. Arrangement of record in pending matters. The record of a regular suit shall be
divided into the following four parts:-
34. Contents of each file. (1) In the main file shall be filed in the following order the-
(i) diary;
(iv) written-statement;
(ix) copy of the judgment and of the decree of the Appellate Court or Courts, if any.
(2) In the interlocutory file shall be filed (i) the index and (ii) all petitions, affidavits
and other documents not specified as included in any other file: Provided that all
documents produced in a pending suit or matter shall, until exhibited in evidence, be
deposited for safe custody in the safes in charge of the Record-Keeper.
(iv) all processes and other papers connected with such execution proceedings.
35. Binding and title page. The splitting up of the record and the distribution of the
papers into the proper files shall in all cases be done at the outset and shall be
continued from time to time as and when they are received; papers in each file shall
be paged separately.
37. Diaries. Diaries shall be kept in Form No.1 in Appendix A by the Sheristedar or
his assistant attending in Court. They shall be written legibly. The diary in the main
file shall show a concise history of the suit or matter including the substance of the
order passed on all interlocutory applications therein. The diary in execution
proceedings shall contain a complete record of all proceedings in execution of a
38. Order sheet. (1) The order sheet shall contain all orders passed by the Court at any
(2) Orders shall be written in the order sheet in English by the Judge with his own
hand, except long orders or oral orders dictated by the Judge which may be typed and
placed immediately after the order sheet: Provided that formal orders may be written
by the Sheristedar or other officer attending the Court, but they shall be signed by the
(3) The order sheet shall also contain reference to the number of the page of the
application, return, report or other similar document with respect to which an order is
(4) Except in the case of such routine orders as “call for the record” “put up with the
record” and orders made in chambers, orders shall not be written on applications,
returns, reports and other similar documents.
39. Removal of record from Court-house. No member of the establishment shall
remove any official paper or record whatever from the Court-house without the
special sanction of the Registrar (O.S.).
Form of Proceedings
(1) shall be correctly written, typewritten or printed fairly and legibly on durable
white foolscap paper or other paper similar to it in size and quality, with an inner
margin of about an inch and a quarter wide and with at least an inch and a half of
open sheet being left at the top and the bottom of each sheet;
Cause title
(2) shall be entitled “In the Chief Court of Sindh” and shall state the jurisdiction
(whether Original Civil, Testamentary or Intestate, Matrimonial etc.,) in which it is
(4) where Indian dates are used, shall give the corresponding English dates; and
(5) Where vernacular documents are attached or relied on shall be accompanied with
an application for translation into English.
41. Names etc., of parties. (1) The full name, residence and description of each party
and, if such is the case, the fact that any party sues or is sued in a representative
character, shall be set out at the beginning of the plaint or miscellaneous application,
and need not be repeated in the subsequent proceedings in the same suit or matter.
(2) Names of parties shall bear consecutive numbers and a separate line should be
allotted to the name and description of each person.
(3) These numbers shall not be changed, and in the event of the death of a party
during pendency of the suit or matter, his heirs or representatives, if more than one,
shall be shown by sub-numbers. Where fresh parties are brought in, they may be
numbered consecutively in the particular category in which they are brought in.
42. Authority to be stated. Every proceeding shall state immediately after the cause
title the Act and section of the Act or other authority under which it purports to be
44. Particulars to be stated in address for service. The address for service required to
be filed under rules 19 to 26 added to O.VII, rules 11 and 12 added to O.VIII, rule 38
added to O.XLI, rule 8 added to O.XLVI and rule 10 to O.XLVII shall state the
following particulars:-
(i) The name of the street, lane or section and number of the house (if any);
(2) No Advocate shall be entitled to act under a vakalatnama which is not endorsed as
herein provided.
49. Notice of change of advocate. A party desiring to obtain an order for change of
his advocate on record in a suit or matter shall first give notice of his intended
application for change to that advocate, and the fact of such notice having been
served shall be stated in the affidavit in support of such application.
50. Notice of discharge to a client. An advocate on record in a suit or matter desiring
to obtain an order for his discharge, shall first give notice of his intended application
for discharge to his client and the fact of such notice having been served shall be
stated in the affidavit in support of such application.
52. Ex-officio Commissioners. The Registrar, Appellate Side, the Registrar (O.S.),
the Deputy Registrar, the Official Commissioner, the Nazir, the Deputy Nazir and the
Sheristedars on the Original and Appellate sides shall be ex-officio Commissioners
for taking affidavits in respect of matters and causes to be instituted or instituted in
the Chief Court.
53. Title. Every affidavit shall be entitled in the suit or matter in which it is sworn or
affirmed; but in every case in which there are more than one plaintiff or defendant, it
shall be sufficient to state the full name of the first plaintiff or defendant, respectively
and that there are other plaintiffs or defendants as the case may be.
54. Form. Every affidavit shall be drawn up in the first person and shall be divided
into paragraphs and every paragraph shall be numbered consecutively and, as nearly
as may be shall be confined to a distinct portion of the subject. No costs shall be
allowed for an affidavit or part of an affidavit substantially departing from this rule.
55. Deponent’s description. Every affidavit shall state the name description, place of
residence and occupation, if any, of the deponent.
56. Endorsement should state on whose behalf filed. Every affidavit shall bear at the
head an endorsement stating on whose behalf it is filed.
57. Source of information to be disclosed. (1) Every affidavit shall express clearly
how much is a statement of the deponent’s own knowledge and how much is a
statement made on his information or belief and shall also state the source or grounds
of the information or belief with sufficient particularity.
(2) When a particular fact is not within the deponent’s own knowledge but is stated
from information obtained from others, the deponent must use the expression “I am
informed” and should add “and verily believe it to be true” if such be the case. He
must also state the name and address of, and sufficiently describe for the purpose of
identification, the person or persons from whom he received such information. When
the statement rests on facts disclosed in documents or copies of documents, procured
from any Court of justice or other source, the deponent shall state what is the source
from which they were procured and his information or belief as to the truth of the
facts disclosed in such documents.
(3) All documents referred to in such affidavit and as shall be in the possession of the
deponent shall be produced in original, unless copies thereof are admissible in
evidence or are permitted by the Registrar (O.S.) to be produced pending production
of the original and shall bear numbers or letters of identification.
58. Affidavit stating matter of opinion. Every affidavit stating any matter of opinion
shall show the qualifications of the deponent to express such opinion by reference to
the length of experience, acquaintance with the opinion is with the person or matter as
to which the opinion is expressed or other means of the knowledge of the deponent.
59. Scandalous matters. The Court may order to be struck out from any affidavit any
matter which is scandalous, and may order the costs of any application to strike out
such matter to be paid as between advocate and client.
61. Attestation fee. (1) An attestation fee at the rate prescribed under the scale in
Chapter V in Appendix C shall be levied for each affidavit 1 [be paid to the officers
making the attested.]
1*** ***
62. Affidavit how taken outside Court House. When an affidavit is required to be
sworn or affirmed outside the Court House, a written requisition shall be made to the
Registrar, Appellate Side, along with the fee prescribed in the scale in Chapter V in
Appendix C stating where the Commissioner is required to attend and for what
purpose and why he is so required. On receipt of such requisition the Registrar,
Appellate Side, shall, unless he sees any reason to the contrary, require a qualified
officer of the Chief Court to attend as Commissioner at such time as he thinks proper.
Fees for attestation done without the precincts of the Chief Court shall ordinarily be
paid to the officer making the attestation provided it is done outside office hours.
63. Reading of contents of affidavit to deponent. (1) The Commissioner shall, before
the affidavit is sworn or affirmed, ask the deponent if he has read it and understood its
contents. If the deponent says that he has not read the affidavit or is ignorant of the
language in which it is written, or appears to the commissioner to be illiterate, blind
or not otherwise able to understand the contents thereof, the Commissioner shall read
and explain the affidavit to the deponent in a language which he understands.
(2) If it is necessary to employ an interpreter for this, purpose, the interpreter shall be
sworn to interpret truly.
64. Endorsement of the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall endorse at the foot of
the affidavit the date on which and, in the event of the affidavit having been taken
elsewhere than in the Court House, the place where the affidavit is taken, and shall
sign his name and description at the end and initial each page.
66. Purdanashin woman. Where the deponent is a purdanashin woman, she shall be
identified by a person to whom she is known and before whom she is accustomed to
appear unveiled, and such person shall, at the foot of the affidavit, certify that the
deponent was identified by him and sign his name thereto, and shall also prove such
identification by a separate affidavit.
67. Every exhibit to be initialled and dated. Every exhibit annexed to any affidavit
shall be initialled and dated by the Commissioner.
68. Form of certificates. The endorsements on the affidavit shall be as in Form No.3
in Appendix A.
69. What affidavit shall not be used in evidence. An affidavit not sworn or affirmed in
the manner hereinbefore provided shall not be used in evidence.
70. Use of defective affidavit. The Court may receive any affidavit sworn or affirmed
for the purpose of being used in any suit or matter, notwithstanding any defect due to
a misdescription of parties or otherwise in the title or jurat, or any other irregularity in
the form thereof, and may make a memorandum on the affidavit that it has been so
71. Special time for filing affidavit. Where a special time is allowed for filing an
affidavit, no affidavit filed after that time shall be used unless by the leave of the
Court obtained on an application made in that behalf.
72. Proof on affidavits. (1) Unless otherwise provided by these rules or ordered by the
Court, any facts required to be proved in the following matters may be proved by
(a) any uncontested case under Regulation VIII of 1872, the 1*** Succession Act,
1925, and the Guardians and Wards, Act, 1890;
(b) suits in which defendants do not appear when called on for hearing;
(c) interlocutory application; and
(d) proof as to the ability of the judgment-debtor to pay the decretal amount in
execution applications for arrest, where the judgment-debtor does not appear at the
hearing though served with notice.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule, an application under rules 58, 97, 99 or 100
of O.XXI of the Code shall be deemed to be an interlocutory application.
(2) Nothing in this rule shall be deeded to affect the provisions of section 12 of the
Deccan Agriculturists’ Relief Act 1879, or limit or otherwise affect the power of the
Court to order or permit proof by affidavit in other cases as provided in Order XIX of
the Code.
Interlocutory Proceedings
73. Form. Every interlocutory application shall be entitled in the suit or matter in
which it is filed.
74. Contents thereof. (1) Except where otherwise provided by these rules or by any
law for the time being in force, an interlocutory application:-
(a) shall contain only one prayer or one series of alternative prayers of the same kind;
(c) shall be supported” by affidavits stating clearly the grounds and the facts on which
the application is based; and
(d) when filed in a suit or matter valued at Rs.50 or less, shall specify the fact that it is
so valued by a note to that effect at the top of the left and margin.
(2) Every application not in accordance with this rule shall be returned for
75. Counter-affidavits, etc. (1) Unless the Court in its discretion extends or abridges
the time, counter-affidavits must be filed not less than 4 days before the hearing.
(2) Not more than one affidavit in rejoinder may be filed without the leave of the
Court and that not one less than 2 days before the hearing unless the Court in its
discretion extends or abridges the time. Such affidavit shall be confined strictly to
matter of reply.
(5) Where any affidavit, counter-affidavit or affidavit in rejoinder is not filed and
served as aforesaid, it shall be filed separately in the record of the case until leave of
the Court has been obtained under sub-rule (4).
78. Form of order of appointment. The order appointing a receiver may be in Form
No.4 in Appendix A, or in such other form as the Court may direct.
79. Register of receivers. On an order for the appointment of a receiver being drawn
up and filed, an entry shall be made in a register in Form No.1 in Appendix B, to be
kept for the purpose. A copy of the order of appointment shall be sent to the receiver.
80. Receiver other than Official Receiver to give security. Where an order in made
directing a receiver to be appointed, the person appointed, if not the Official Receiver,
shall unless otherwise ordered, first give security to the satisfaction of the Nazir for
the due performance of his duties as receiver. Unless the Court otherwise orders, the
Nazir shall take the recognizance of the receiver himself and two sureties and the
amount of the bond shall be double the annual rental of any immovable property, or
the value of the movable property, which is likely to come into the hands of the
receiver. Such annual rental or value shall be estimated after notice to the parties and
the receiver, and in case of disagreement the matter shall be placed before the
Registrar (O.S.) for orders.
81. Surety may point out omission or neglect of duty cast on receiver. If the security
mentioned in rule 80 be furnished by the receiver by his executing a bond with a
surety or sureties (including in the latter term a Guarantee Society), the surety or
sureties shall be entitled, by an application, to bring to the notice of the Court any act,
omission or neglect of any duty cast on the receiver by law or any other
circumstances, which would entitle the surety or sureties to be discharged from the
obligation created by such bond and the Court may thereupon make such order and on
such terms as it may think fit.
82. Notice to surety of application affecting surety’s risk. The surety or sureties
mentioned in rule 81 shall be entitled to notice of any application to the Court on the
part of the receiver or any party interested relating to any property in the management
or under the control of the receiver which may affect the risk undertaken by the surety
or sureties under the security bond furnished by the receiver and the Court upon
hearing the said surety or sureties may make such order as to his or their cost of
appearance in such application as it may think fit.
83. Powers of a receiver. In the absence of any order in that behalf, every receiver of
immovable property shall have all the powers of an owners specified in Order XL,
rule 1 (d) of the Code except that he shall not, without the leave of the Court, (1)
grant leases for a term exceeding three years, or (2) bring suits, except suits forint, or
(3) institute an appeal in any Court (except from a decree in a rent suit), where the
value of the appeal is over Rs.1,000, or (4) expend on the repairs of any property in
any period of two years more than half of the net annual rental of the property to be
repaired, such rental being calculated at the amount at which the property to be
repaired would let when in a fair state of repair.
85. Establishment and costs therefore to be detailed in the appointment order. The
establishment, clerical or otherwise, required by a receiver in addition to his ordinary
establishment, if any, and the cost thereof chargeable to the estate or property of
which he is appointed receiver, shall as far as possible be detailed in order of
appointment or subsequent order.
87. Receiver, to file half-yearly accounts. Every receiver shall, unless otherwise
order, file his half-yearly accounts in Court, the first of such accounts to be filed
within one month after the expiration of six months from the date of his appointment,
and every subsequent account within one month after the expiration of each
succeeding period of six months, or in a case where the purpose for which the
receiver was appointed has been carried out or completed before the expiry of six
months from the date of appointment, within one month from the date of carrying out
or completion.
88. Account to show balance in hand and how much may be paid into Court, etc., to
be filed with affidavit. Form of affidavit. Unless otherwise ordered, every such
account shall show what the balance in hand is, whether any, and if so what portion
thereof is required for the purposes of the estate, and how much may be paid into
Court or invested, and shall be filed together with an affidavit verifying the same in
Form No.5 in Appendix A.
89. Examining and vouching of accounts by officers. Every such account, before
being submitted to the court, shall be examined and vouched for by the Deputy
Registrar or such other officer as the Court may either generally from time to time, or
particularly with reference to a particular estate or account, appoint for that purpose.
Such officer shall have all the powers of the Official Commissioner of the Court and
may require the attendance of the receiver or his explanation or his evidence upon
oath or affirmation, or the production of any document by him and receive within
such time as he may appoint and decide objections to the account and shall embody
the result of his examination in a report.
90. Appointment for passing accounts-Notice thereof. After the officer shall have
submitted his report to the Court under rule 89, he shall obtain a date from the Court
for passing such accounts, of which date notice shall be given to the parties, the
sureties and to the receiver.
91. Objections to report to be filed. Objections if any to the report shall be filed in
Court one week before the day fixed for the passing of the accounts or within such
further time as may be allowed by the Court. They shall specify in a concise form the
nature of the objections and shall be signed and verified.
92. Passing of accounts by Court. Where no objections are filed, the Court shall, if
otherwise satisfied, pass such accounts. Where objections have been filed, the Court
shall, subject to rule 90, after hearing the objections make such order as it may think
93. Procedure as to hearing of objections. The Court may, from time to time, adjourn
the hearing of any objections or may refer them to an officer of the Court, or to any
other person, with such directions as the Court may deem fit.
94. Auditing of difficult and complicated accounts. In any case where the accounts
are difficult and complicated, the Court may order such accounts to be audited at the
expense of the estate by a Registered Accountant enrolled on the Register of
Accountants maintained by the Central Government under the Auditors Certificate
Rules, 1932.
95. Order as to payment of balance. The Court, on the passing of the accounts, may
make such order as to the payment of the balance, or any part thereof, either into
Court or in such other manner as may seem proper.
96. Consequence of receiver’s negligence to file accounts or pay the balance, etc.
Where any receiver other than the Official Receiver neglects to file his accounts, or to
pass the same or to pay the balance or any part thereof as ordered, the matter shall be
reported by the officer mentioned in rule 89 to Court and the Court may, from time to
time, when the accounts of such receiver are produced to be examined and passed, not
only disallow the remuneration therein claimed by such receiver but also charge him
with interest not exceeding nine per cent. Per annum upon the balance if any, so
neglected to be paid by him during the time such balance shall appear to remain in the
hands of such receiver.
97. Consequence of default by receiver. Where any receiver other than the Official
Receiver fails to file any account or affidavit, or to make any payment or commits
any other default, the receiver or the parties, or any of them, may be required by
notice to attend before the Court to show cause why such account or affidavit has not
been filed or such payment made, or any other proper proceeding taken, and
thereupon the Court may give such directions as may be proper, including the
discharge of any receiver and appointment of another and also the payment of costs
by the defaulter.
98. Rule 84 applicable to manager or guardian. Rule 84 shall apply to a manager or
guardian of the person or estate of a minor and a committee of the estate of a lunatic
appointed by the Court where a Government official is appointed as such manager or
guardian or a committee member.
99. Interim receiver. The provisions of rules 77 to 97 shall apply mutates mutandis to
orders for appointment of interim receivers.
The summons shall state the name and address of each surety to be tendered and the
description of property in respect of which each surety will offer to justify:
(1) where the Court has ordered security to be furnished forthwith and directed the
parties concerned to appear before the Nazir to proceed with the taking of the security
and the examination into the sufficiency of the surety or sureties tendered; or
(2) where case or Government Promissory Notes of the amount or value of the
security required have been paid into or lodged in Court to the credit of the suit or
matter in which security is to be given to a separate account.
Provided that in cases where the amount of the bond does not exceed Rs.500, the
Nazir, and where the amount does not exceed Rs.2,500, the Registrar (O.S.), and in
other cases the Court may, on good cause shown, dispense with the deposit of title
deeds and vouchers.
103. More than two sureties irregular. A tender of notice of more than two sureties
shall not be accepted except by order of the Court.
104. Property in respect of which a surety may justify. The title deeds may relate to
immovable property situate beyond the local limits of the ordinary jurisdiction of the
Court, but shall in all cases be in the name of the proposed surety. A surety may
justify also in respect of movable property of which he can produce evidence
satisfactory to the Nazir, such as deposit receipts, Government Promissory Notes, or
other evidence of title.
105. Who are not competent sureties. An agriculturist, and unless the Court otherwise
orders, and advocate practicing within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court,
a clerk of such advocate, or a partner, assistant, clerk or other employee of any person
tendering security, or of any person proposed as surety, shall not be accepted as
surety to a bond.
106. Who may be present at the examination. No person other than the party giving
security, the sureties and their respective advocates, the party or parties, if any, on
whom notice has been served and his or their advocate or advocates, shall be present
at the examination of any surety by the Nazir.
107. Reference to Court. In cases in which the security is disputed or challenged, the
Nazir shall make an order in writing and shall, if so required, refer it to the Judge.
108. Security for costs. If a party is required to give security for costs, unless the
Court otherwise orders, the penal sum in the bond shall be one thousand rupees.
109. Custody of securities and security bonds. All papers and records relating to the
taking of security including securities and security bonds, shall be kept by the Nazir
in safe custody in his safe in the strong room after making an appropriate entry in a
register to be maintained by him in Form No.2 in Appendix B. The Nazir should also
note on the case papers, below the Court’s order which has to be permanently
preserved, that he has taken the required security mentioning also the names of the
principal and the surety and the amount.
110. Urgent motions. Motions shall ordinarily be made to the Judge nominated for the
purpose on such days as may, from time to time, be prescribed, but if urgent, they
may be made on any day.
111. Oral motions. Except as otherwise expressly provided by these rules, motions
may be made orally in matters of routine or indulgence or in matters wholly within
the discretion of the Judge or Judges.
112. Urgent matters. Precedence shall be given to urgent matters and the officer
receiving them shall forthwith enter thereon also the hour of presentation. Each
ministerial officer of the Court, through whose hands such matters pass, shall in his
turn put his initials and the hour of receipt and passing on by him.
113. Only one advocate to be heard for a party. No more than one advocate shall be
heard on behalf of each party or set of parties, provided that the opening address and
the reply may be made by different advocates.
113-A. Notice of proceedings to Advocate-General. (1) The Court may direct notice
to be given to the Advocate-General in all matters coming before it, which involve a
substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the Government of India Act,
1935, or any Order-in-Council made thereunder, and the Advocate-General may
appear and take part in the proceedings.
(2) The Advocate-General may apply to be heard in any such matter before the Court
and the Court may, if in its opinion the justice of the case so requires, permit him to
appear and be heard, subject to such terms as to costs or otherwise, as the Court may
think fit.
114. Appearance by agent. (1) When a party appears by a recognized agent other than
an advocate, the agent shall, before making or doing any appearance application or
act in or to the Court, file in the Court a power-of-attorney, if it is not already filed;
or, in the case of an agent carrying on a trade or business on behalf of a party, file an
affidavit stating the residence of his principal, the trade or business carried on by the
agent on his behalf and the connection of the same with the subject matter of the suit
or matter and further that no other agent is expressly authorised to make or do such
appearance, application or act.
(2) The Deputy Registrar shall examine the power-of-attorney and, if it contains the
necessary powers, shall make an entry to that effect at the foot of the proceeding and
return the power-of-attorney: Provided always that a party shall, on receiving notice
requiring him to do so, forthwith produce and leave such power-of-attorney at the
office of the Deputy Registrar for inspection by the opposite party or his advocate.
115. Leave to verify. When application is made for the Court’s permission to a plaint
or an application being verified by some person other than a plaintiff or person on
whose behalf the application is made, the application shall be accompanied by an
affidavit of the person proposing to verify, showing clearly his connection with the
facts alleged in the plaint or application.
The aforesaid copies shall show the date of presentation of the original and the name
of the advocate, if any, of such party.
118. Presentation of proceedings on Original Side. (1) Plaints and execution
applications shall be presented to the Deputy Registrar. Application for leave to sue in
forma pauperis and insolvency petitions under section 10 of the Presidency-towns
Insolvency Act, 1909, shall be presented to the Registrar (O.S.). All other
proceedings including written statements, applications, affidavits and documents shall
be presented to the Sheristedar concerned or to such officer as may be appointed by
the Chief Judge for that purpose.
(2) The officer concerned shall forthwith enter and initial the date of receipt on the
proceedings and attest documents or copies of documents file therewith and cause the
Court fee stamps to be cancelled.
119. Examination of proceedings. (1) The officer concerned shall examine the
proceedings in the order in which they are presented.
(2) If any proceeding is not in proper form, is not properly stamped or is otherwise
defective, he shall endorse the objections thereon and return it to the person
presenting it for compliance therewith a time to be prescribed by him.
120. Admission of plaints. If a plaint filed is in order if the objections, if any thereto
have been complied with-
(i) It shall be admitted with the words “Admitted this day. Issue summons,” endorsed
thereon and dated and initialled by the Registrar, (O.S.). The Deputy Registrar shall
fix a day for the defendant’s appearance and shall cause a summons to be prepared
and issued upon payment by the plaintiff of the proper process fee for service of
(ii) translation fees, if any, shall be paid to the Head Translator within seven days of
the date of the order admitting the plaint or within such further time as may be
allowed by an order in writing of the Registrar (O.S.).
123. Notice to the other party. Except in cases in which party is entitled as a matter of
right and of course to the order asked for in a petition, notice shall ordinarily be
issued to the other party interested to show cause why the order asked for should not
be granted. If a party making an application desires that the order asked for be made
without notice to any other party interested, reasons for making the order without
such notice shall be set out in the petition.
124. Registration of proceedings admitted. On the admission or rejection of plaints,
miscellaneous applications and execution applications, they shall be registered in the
appropriate registers and their number entered thereon and on the title page, and
documents produced therewith shall be received into safe custody and registered.
125. Ex-parte amendments. Amendments in pleadings, which are made only for the
purpose of rectifying some clerical error or errors in names, dates or sums, may be
made on an order of the Registrar (O.S.), without notice.
126. Amendments how to be made. Subject to the provisions of O.I., rule 10(4) of the
Code, if in any amendment the new matter can conveniently be entered on the
original proceeding, such proceeding shall be amended by an interlineation or if the
amendment be by omitting some original matter, the same shall be struck out of the
record. Such amendment or variation shall be made in red-ink and shall be initialled
by the Registrar (O.S.) in all other cases an amended proceeding shall be filed and
annexed to the original.
127. Attestation of amendment. The attestation of any amendment under O.II rules 6
and 7, O.VI rules 16 and 17, O.VII rule 11 and O.XXI rule 17 of the Code shall,
unless otherwise ordered by Court, by done by the Deputy Registrar.
128. Time for payment of process fee and consequence of non-payment. Process fees
for the issue of summons, notice or other process and costs of advertisements shall be
paid to the Nazir within seven days from the order directing such summons, notice,
process or advertisement to issue or within such further time as may be allowed by an
order in writing of the Registrar, (O.S.). In default of such payment, the plaint or
application shall be struck off by the Registrar, (O.S.), who shall make an
endorsement to that effect on the plaint or application and sign it. The plaintiff or
applicant or his advocate presenting the plaint or application is expected to ascertain
and shall be presumed to know the date of the order directing the issue of the process
or advertisement.
129. Restoration. A plaint or miscellaneous application struck off the file under the
last preceding rule, may be restored to the file, as of the date on which it was
originally filed, on the application of the plaintiff or applicant and on sufficient
grounds being shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar (O.S.).
130. Fresh plaint. When a plaint or miscellaneous application, is so struck off the file,
the plaintiff or the applicant shall be at liberty subject to the law of limitation to
present a fresh plaint or miscellaneous application for the same matter.
131. Parties or their advocates may file processes duly filled up. Parties or their
respective advocates may, on receiving intimation of receipt of orders for issue of
process, prepare correctly on forms supplied by the Court, the Court copies of
processes and the necessary copies thereof for service and enter thereon the value of
the claim. They shall present them to the Sheristedar concerned and shall be
responsible for the accuracy of the information entered therein. The Sheristedar shall,
after scrutinizing the copies so prepared and completing them where necessary,
transfer the Court copies for payment of process and traveling expenses and
subsistence money if any according to the prescribed scales to the Nazir. If the
amounts due have been or are paid, the Court-fee stamps shall be affixed to the copies
and the copies shall be retransferred with endorsements as to payment by the Nazir.
Thereupon the Court-fee stamps shall be cancelled and the necessary copies for
service shall be sent for service as hereinafter prescribed. If the amount due is not
paid within the time prescribed by rule 128, the copies shall be retransferred, with
endorsements to that effect, by the Nazir, and shall be filed in the record.
132. When process fee not to be levied. Process fee shall not, however, be levied in
respect of process received for service from other Courts in British India, where it is
certified on such process that the proper process fees have been leived according to
the rules in force in such Courts; nor shall process fee be leived in respect of process
received for service from Courts outside British India to which the provisions of
section 29 of the Code apply, whether or not the levy of the proper process fees has
been so certified by such Courts.
134. Process for service on persons of rank and gazetted officers. (1) Processes for
service on persons of high rank shall be sent to them direct in the form of a letter.
(2) Processes for service on gazetted officers shall be sent in the form of a letter
addressed to the heads of their offices. But in special cases, for reasons to be recorded
in writing, they may be sent direct to them. In the latter cases, the Registrar (O.S.)
shall give intimation to the head of the office concerned with notice of the date for
which the gazetted officer has been summoned.
135. Summons for final disposal and settlement of issues. Summons shall issue for
final disposal in short causes and for settlement of issues in long causes.
136. Returnable date of summons. Unless otherwise ordered, every writ of summons
shall be made returnable as follows-
(1) if the defendant or all the defendants reside within the local limits of the Court, in
three weeks from the date of the admission of the plaint;
(2) in all other cases, within such time as may be considered sufficient for the
transmission, service and return of the summons.
Provided that processes for service under O.XVI, rule 1 A shall be issued to the party
for service and receipt obtained on the application for summons.
138. Endorsement on process for service outside jurisdiction. Processes for service
outside jurisdiction shall be endorsed with the fact of payment of process fees
according to the rules in force within jurisdiction and shall be sent with the travelling
and subsistence money, if any.
139. Process to be served without identification by party. The serving officer shall
serve all processes entrusted to him without the aid of the party at whose instance the
process is issued and after due enquiry as to the identity of the person on whom, or
the house or property where, the same is to be served:
Provided that if it appears to the Registrar (O.S.) or in his absence to the Deputy
Registrar that sufficient information cannot be given as to the identity and place of
residence of the person on whom process is to be served, or as to the house or
property where process is to be served, or if the Registrar (O.S.), or in his absence the
Deputy Registrar is satisfied from the affidavit of the serving officer or upon his
examination on oath (if necessary) that the person or the house or property or the
place of residence of the person aforesaid could not be identified after due diligence
and enquiry, he may ask the party concerned to supply an identifier.
140. Endorsement of identifier on the original process. If the serving officer is not
personally acquainted with the person to be served, he shall, whenever possible,
obtain on the original process the endorsement by signature or thumb-impression of a
respectable person of the locality identifying such person or place of residence or the
house or property on which the process is served.
141. Procedure where defendant refuses to accept service or cannot be found. Where
the person to be served refuses to sign the acknowledgement or cannot be found, the
serving officer shall whenever possible, before affixing a copy of the summons on the
outer door of the house of such person, obtain on the original process the
endorsement by signature or thump-impression of at least one respectable person of
the locality in support of such fact.
142. Return of service. (1) Every process serving officer shall immediately after
completion of any duty connected with any process, record with his own hand upon
the original process at the place of execution and in the presence of witnesses (if any)
his report specifying the manner of execution or the causes which prevented
execution. Such report shall be sworn or affirmed before the Nazir or the Deputy
Nazir and shall, together with the process, be filed in the record.
(2) Process serving officers must invariably note the date, hour and exact place of
service of each individual process.
(3) If the process is addressed to more than one person, the report shall describe the
manner of service on each person and also the sequence in which the processes are
served on different persons.
143. Service by affixing to outer door. If a process is affixed to the outer door of the
house in the absence of the person to be served, the serving officer shall make an
affidavit as to the following matters:-
(1) the number of times and the dates and hours at which he went to the house;
(2) the attempts made by him to find the person to be served;
(3) whether he had any, and what reason to suppose that such person was within the
house or in its neighbourhood, or endeavouring to evade service;
(4) whether any adult male member of the family of the person to be served was
residing with him.
145. Inquiry as to sufficiency of service. The Registrar (O.S.) shall hold an inquiry as
to the sufficiency of service of process in all cases in which it has been returned and
in which an appearance has not been entered on the day appointed therefore in such
process by or on behalf of the person or persons against whom it has been issued.
Such inquiry may be adjourned, if necessary, from time to time. Affidavits and
further affidavits may be received or evidence taken viva voce at such inquiry.
146. Fresh process not to issue until previous one returned. Unless otherwise ordered,
a second or subsequent process shall not be issued until after the one previously
issued has been returned.
147. Acts of Registrar to be effectual as acts of Court. All acts which may be done by
the Court under O.V., rules 19, 20, 21 and 21-A, of the First Schedule to the Code
may be done by the Registrar (O.S.) and service of process as may be ordered by the
Registrar (O.S.) shall be as effectual as if the same had been ordered by the Court.
148. Admission of next friend to bring a suit. Order unnecessary. When a suit is
brought on behalf of a minor, the next friend shall make an affidavit, to be presented
with the plaint in the suit, that he has no interest directly or indirectly adverse to that
of the minor, and that he is otherwise a fit and proper person to act as such next
friend. The age of the minor shall also be stated. No formal appointment of the person
instituting the suit as next friend need be made.
149. Next friend to file address for service. (1) Unless the next friend is a public
officer or a ministerial officer of the Court, he shall file along with the plaint a
memorandum in wiring stating his address for service. A next friend appointed under
sub-rule (2) of rule 9 or under rule 10 of order XXXII of the Code shall, immediately
on being so appointed, file his address for service.
(2) If the next friend fails to file his address for service as aforesaid or within such
further time as the Registrar(O.S.) may allow, the plaint shall not be admitted or, if it
has already been admitted, such failure may be deemed to be sufficient cause for
removing him under rule 9 of Order XXXII of the Code.
150. List of all likely guardians ad litem to be filed. (1) In suits where the defendant is
a minor the plaintiff shall file with the plaint a list of persons (with correct addresses)
who are suitable for appointment as guardians ad litem.
(2) A notice shall issue in Form No.8 in Appendix A, simultaneously on two or three
such person, single process fee being levied, such persons shall be deemed to be
unwilling to act as guardian ad litem, if they do not sign the certificate at the foot of
the prescribed notice, or having signed it, fail to appear, after service of notice, on the
date fixed;
(3) if the person specified in the list filed under sub-rule (1) are unwilling to act as
guardian ad litem, the Registrar (O.S.) may, if there be more defendants than one and
their interests are not adverse to the minor, appoint one of such defendants who may
be willing to act as guardian ad litem; or may appoint forthwith one of the officers of
the Court as such guardian ad litem.
151. Address for service of guardian ad litem. Every guardian ad litem other than a
public officer or a ministerial officer of the Court, shall, within seven days of the
order of his appointment as such or such further time as the Registrar (O.S.) may
allow, file in Court a memorandum in writing stating his address for service. Failure
on his part to do so may be deemed sufficient ground for removing him under rule 11
of O.XXXII of the Code.
152. Duty of the Officer of the Court appointed guardian ad-litem. When an officer of
the Court is appointed guardian ad litem; he shall communicate with the minor, if of
an age to understand, and with the minor’s relations if any, in order to ascertain what
defence ought to be made; and he shall appear at the hearing and explain to the Court
the steps taken.
153. Application of rules 148 to 152 to persons of unsound mind and to appeals and
applications. The provisions contained in rules 148 to 152, so far as they are
applicable, shall extend to person adjudged to be of unsound mind, and to persons
who, though not so adjudge, are found by the Court on inquiry, by reason of
unsoundness of mind or mental infirmity, to be incapable of protecting their interests
when suing or being sued; and shall also apply to appeals and applications.
154. Hearing of applications. The Registrar (O.S.) on being satisfied as to due service
of the notice of an application on the defendant or respondent or all the defendants or
respondents shall, if or as soon as the application is ripe for hearing and disposal,
proceed to dispose of it, if it is one which he is empowered to deal with himself or
shall set it down for hearing and disposal in Court on the next or some subsequent
miscellaneous business day.
155. In default of appearance of defendant suit to be posted on short cause day. If on
the day fixed for his appearance in the writ of summons the defendant does not
appear and it is proved that the summons was duly served, the suit shall, whether the
summons was issued for final disposal or not, be set down for final disposal on the
next or some subsequent short cause day.
(1) if the summons had been issued for final disposal, the suit shall be set down for
final disposal on the next or subsequent short cause day;
(2) if the summons had been issued for settlement of issues, the defendant shall be
directed to file his written statement within fourteen days of such appearance, unless
the Registrar, (O.S.) for sufficient reasons, allows more than fourteen days time for
the purpose.
157. Ordinarily one extension allowed for filing W.S. Ordinarily not more than on
extension shall be granted to the defendant for filing a written statement: Provided
that a second or any further extension shall be granted only on an application made in
writing setting forth sufficient grounds for such extension and supported, if so
required, by an affidavit.
158. Procedure where no written statement filed by any defendant. If the defendant or
all the defendants in a suit shall have failed to file his or their written statements
within the time allowed under rule 156 or any time extended by order, the suit shall
be set down for final disposal on the next or subsequent short cause day. Should the
defendant or one or more of several defendants then appear and show good cause of
his for their default, he or they may be allowed to defend on payment of costs to the
plaintiff not exceeding Rs.100 and the suit may be transferred to long causes or may
be postponed.
159. Procedure if written statement; not filed by some of the defendants. If in a suit
where there are more defendants than one, any defendant shall have failed to file his
written statement within the time fixed under rule 156 or any time extended by order,
he shall not be allowed to appear and defend except with the leave of the Court upon
such terms as to the filing of his written statement, giving discovery and the payment
of costs of adjournment as a condition precedent to leave to defend or otherwise, as
the Court may order, or upon such other terms as the Court may, think proper.
160. Service of copies of written statement and list of documents on the other side.
No written statement or list of documents shall be filed without the leave of the Court
unless a copy thereof has been previously served on each party or his advocate, if
any. Parties or their advocates served with such copies shall give a receipt therefor.
Copies shall be authenticated by the signature or initials of the parties or their
advocates, if any, on each page at the bottom of the left hand margin.
Set off
161. Court may disallow set-off. Where a defendant pleads a set-off under O.VIII,
rule 6 of the Code, the Court may, on the application of the plaintiff made in the
behalf at any stage of the proceedings and after hearing the defendant, make an order
directing that the claim for set-off may be tried separately and may make such other
order as shall be just.
Counter Claim
(2) Subject to the provisions of rule 165, such counter claim shall have the same
effect as a cross-suit so as to enable the Court to pronounce a final judgment in the
same suit, both on the original and on the counter claim.
163. Counter claim. Where any defendant seeks to rely upon any grounds as
supporting the right of counter claim he shall, in his written statement, state
specifically that he does so by way of counter claim.
164. Reply to counter claim. When a counter claim is made in a written statement,
plaintiff may deliver a reply to the counter claim within the time within which he may
deliver a written statement if the counter claim were a plaint.
165. Excluding counter claim. Where a defendant sets up a counter claim, the Court
may, on the application of the plaintiff made in that behalf at any stage of the
proceedings and after hearing the defendant, make an order directing that the counter
claim may be tried separately any may make such other order as shall be just.
166. Proceeding with counter claim where action stayed. If in any case in which the
defendant sets up a counter claim the suit of the plaintiff is stayed, discontinued or
dismissed, the counter claim may nevertheless be proceeded with.
167. O.XX, R. 19 to apply to decree in such suits. Sub-rules (1) and (2) of rules 19 of
Order XX of the Code shall apply to the decree in a suit in which counter claim is
168. (1) Where in a suit a defendant claims as against any person not already a party
to the suit (hereinafter in this Chapter called the third party) that he is entitled to
contribution or indemnity, he may make an application to the Court for leave to have
a notice (hereinafter in this Chapter called the third party notice) issued to that effect
to the third party. The Court may give such leave on an ex parte application.
(2) The application shall state the nature and grounds of the claim and shall be
supported by an affidavit.
(3) The third party notice shall be in Form No.9 in Appendix A and shall be served
together with a copy of the aforesaid application and a copy of the plaint in the
manner provided for service of summons.
169. Effect of notice. Subject to the provisions of section 22 of the Indian Limitation
Act, 1908, the third party shall as from the time of the service upon him of the third
party notice, be a party to the suit with the same rights in respect of his defence
against any claim made against him and otherwise as if he had been duly sued in the
ordinary way by the defendant.
170. Appearance of third party-default of. If a third party desires to dispute the
plaintiff’s claim in the suit as against the defendant on whose behalf the notice has
been given or his own liability to the defendant, the third party must enter an
appearance in the suit n the day fixed therefore in the third party notice. In default of
his so doing, he shall be deemed to admit the validity of and shall be bound by the
decree obtained against such defendant, whether obtained by consent or otherwise,
and shall also be deemed to admit his own liability to contribute or indemnify, as the
case may be, to the extend claimed in the third party notice: Provided that a third
party failing to appear on the day fixed in the third party notice or any adjourned
hearing may apply to the Court for leave to appear, and such leave may be given upon
such terms as the Court shall think fit.
171. Procedure on default before trial. (1) Where third party makes default in entering
an appearance in the suit or deliver an pleading which he has been ordered to deliver
and a decree has been passed against the defendant giving the notice by default, such
defendant shall, on an application made for a motion in that behalf, by entitled at any
time after satisfaction of the decree against himself or before such satisfaction by
leave of the Court, to a decree against the third party to the extent of any contribution
or indemnity claimed in the third party notice.
(2) The provisions of Order IX, Rule 13 of the Code shall apply to such decree
against a third party.
172. Third party directions. If the third party enters an appearance, the defendant
giving the third party notice may, after serving notice of the intended application
upon the plaintiff, the third party and any other defendant, apply to the Court for
directions, and the Court may-
(a) where the plaintiff’s claim is admitted by the defendant giving the third party
notice and the third party and the claim of such defendant for contribution or
indemnity is admitted by the third party the Court may pass such decrees in favour of
the plaintiff and in favour of the defendant giving the third party notice as the nature
of the case may require: Provided that execution shall not be issued without leave of
the Court until after satisfaction by such defendant of the decree against him;
(b) if satisfied that there is a question or issue proper to be tried as between the
plaintiff and the defendant and the third party or between any or either of them as to
the liability of the defendant to the plaintiff or as to the liability of the third party to
make any contribution or indemnity claimed, in whole or in part,-
(i) order such question or issue to be tried in such manner before, at or after the trial
of the suit as the Court may direct, or
(ii) give the third party liberty to defend the suit, either alone or jointly with the
original defendant, upon such terms as may be just, or to appear at the trial and take
such part therein as may be just, and generally may order such proceedings to be
taken, pleadings or documents to be delivered, or amendments to be made, and give
such directions as to the Court shall appear proper for having the question and the
rights and liabilities of the parties most conveniently determined and enforced, and as
to the mode and extend in or to which the third party shall be bound or made liable by
the decree in the suit; or
173. At trial. Where the suit is tried, the Court may, at or after the trial, pass such
decree as the nature of the case may require for or against the defendant giving the
third party notice against or for the third party: Provided that execution shall not be
issued without leave of the Court until after satisfaction by such defendant of the
decree against him.
174. Costs. The Court may decide all questions of costs as between a third party and
the other parties to the suit, and may order any one or more to pay the costs of any
other or others, or give such direction as to costs as the justice of the case may
175. Fourth and subsequent parties. (1) Where a third party makes as against any
person not already a party to the suit a claim that he is entitled to contribution or
indemnity, the provisions of this chapter regulating the rights and procedure as
between the defendant and the third party shall apply mutates mutandis as between
the third party and such other person, and the Court may give leave to such third party
to have a third party notice issued and the preceding rules of this Chapter shall apply
mutatis mutandis and the expressions “third party notice” and “third party” shall
apply to and include every notice so issued and every person served with such notice
(2) Where a person served with a notice under this rule by a third party in turn makes
such a claim as aforesaid against another person not already a party to the suit, this
chapter as applied by this rule shall have effect as regards such further person and any
other person or persons so served and so on successively.
176. Defendant claiming against co-defendant. (1) Where a defendant claims against
another defendant that he is entitled to contribution or indemnity, the defendant
making the claim may make an application to that effect and may without any leave
of the Court have a notice issued by the Registrar (O.S.) of such application to other
(2) No appearance to such notice shall be necessary and the same procedure shall be
adopted for the determination of such claim between the defendants as would be
appropriate under this chapter if the defendant making a claim were a third party.
(3) Nothing herein contained shall prejudice the rights of the plaintiff against any
defendant in the suit.
177. When an order has been made giving leave to the defendant to defend a suit filed
under Order XXXVII of the Code, the defendant shall, within fourteen days from the
date of such order, file his written statement, unless the Judge, who grants leave,
orders the affidavit of the defendant to be taken as his written statement or allows a
longer time for filing the written statement. The suit may be set down for directions
upon a written statement being filed or upon such order being made as aforesaid.
178. On default by defendant suit to be set down forthwith. Where the defendant
makes default in filing his written statement or in complying with any conditions
which may have been imposed on him, within the time limited in the order, the
plaintiff shall be at liberty to have the suit set down for hearing forthwith as if no such
order had been made.
179. Ex-parte order may be set aside on application. An ex-parte order giving leave to
defend may be set aside or varied on the plaintiff’s application by petition after notice
to the defendant, but the Judge shall refuse to issue the notice and reject the plaintiff’s
application if; it appears to him that such application could not be allowed without
going into the merits of the suit, or if the plaintiff has unduly delayed making such
180. Judgment for party of claim. If it appears that the defence set up by the
defendant applies only to a part of the plaintiff’s claim or that any part of his claim is
admitted, the plaintiff shall have judgment forthwith for such part of his claim as the
defence does not apply to or as is admitted, subject to such terms, if any, as to
suspending execution, the taxation of costs, or otherwise, as the Court may think fit;
and the defendant may be allowed to defend as to the residue became plaintiff’s
181. Where one defendant has good defence but other not. If it appears to the Judge
that any defendant has a good defence to or ought to be permitted to defend the suit,
and that any other defendant has not such defence and ought not to be permitted to
defend, the former may be permitted to defend, and the plaintiff shall be entitled to
judgment and decree against the latter, and may execute such decree without
prejudice to his right to proceed with his suit against the former.
182. What are commercial causes. Commercial suits include suit arising out of the
ordinary transactions of merchants, bankers and trader; amongst others, those relating
to the construction of mercantile documents, export or import of merchandise,
affreigthment, carriage of goods by land, insurance banking and mercantile agency
and mercantile usages.
183. Plaint in such suits to be marked “commercial suits”. Where a plaintiff at the
presentation of the plaint, applies that his suit may be dealt with as a commercial suit,
the Deputy Registrar or other officer to whom the plaint is presented for admission,
shall if satisfied that the suit is a commercial suit and has been brought with undue
delay, cause the plaint to be marked with the words “Commercial Suit” in addition to
the usual endorsements.
Explanation.- A suit which has been brought within six months of the cause of action
having arisen has been brought without undue delay.
184. Setting down of Commercial suits. Commercial suits shall, so far as possible, be
set down for hearing before the Judge appointed from time to time by the Chief Judge
for that purpose and to be called the Commercial Judge, and shall be heard in priority
to all other suits appearing on the board on that day, except part-heard suits and other
commercial suits on the same board fixed for hearing on prior dates.
185. Decision of Commercial Judge may be consent be final. The parties may, where
they so desire, agree in writing to be signed by them or their advocates, that the
judgment or decision of the Commercial Judge shall be final, when such judgment or
decision shall not be liable to appeal or revision.
186. Setting down for directions. (1) When the pleadings have been closed, the suit
shall be set down before the Registrar (O.S.) for directions; Provided that any party
may apply to the Registrar, (O.S.), before the closing of the pleadings for directions,
and the Registrar (O.S.) may grant or refuse such application as he thinks fit.
(2) On the suit coming before him for directions, the Registrar, (O.S.) shall, so far as
practicable, make such orders as may be proper with respect to the following
187. Any party may apply for directions at the hearing. Upon the hearing for
directions the plaintiff or any of the defendant who has appeared and is contesting the
suit shall, so far as practicable, apply for any order or directions with respect to any of
the matters set out in sub-rule (2) of rule 186.
189. Costs of subsequent application. Any application by any party which might have
been made at the hearing for directions shall, if granted on any subsequent
application, be granted at the costs of the party applying unless the Judge is of the
opinion that the application could not properly have been made at the hearing for
190. Appeal from Registrar to a Judge. Rule 15 shall apply in the event of any party
wishing to have any matter, on which directions have been given by the Registrar
(O.S.), under rules 186 and 187 of this Chapter, referred to the Court.
191. Agent may make affidavit of documents when none of the parties reside in
Karachi. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 13 of O.XI of the Code, where
the transactions which form the subject matter on a suit have been carried on wholly
or principally in Karachi and any of the parties are not residing in Karachi at the time
an affidavit of documents is required to be filed, such affidavit may be made by the
agent in Karachi of such absent party on his behalf.
192. Procedure where the affidavit is required to be made by the absent parties. If in
the case provided for by the last preceding rule any party desires to have such
affidavit made by all or any of the absent parties personally, he shall be at liberty to
apply for an order to that effect to the Registrar, (O.S.) setting forth the grounds for
making such order and the Registrar, after hearing the opposite party may, if he thinks
it, right and just, make such order; but the party obtaining such order shall deposit in
Court on account of the costs of such order and affidavit a sum of not less than Rs.15.
Such costs shall be dealt with by the Judge who tries the case.
193. Date for settlement of issues by Court. After the pleading have been closed and
the directions given, if any, have been duly complied with, a date shall be fixed for
settlement of issues by the Court.
194. Parties to notify commission. (1) When a party to a suit or matter intends to
apply for a commission to examine a witness, he shall notify his intention to do so at
the first hearing, and thereupon, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the suit or
matter shall not be set down for final disposal.
(2) No application for the issue of such commission as aforesaid shall be entertained
after the suit or matter has been set down for final disposal in default of such
intimation unless the Court is satisfied that the application could not have been made
earlier, and in that case the court may make such orders as to costs as it deems fit.
(3) If the objections to the issue of the commission are disallowed by the Court or if
the opposite party does not object to the issue of the commission, such party, shall,
within 7 days of the dismissal of the objections or of the service on him of the
interrogatories, as the case may be, file cross interrogatories, and serve copies thereof
on the other party, who shall, within 7 days thereafter, file re-interrogatories if any.
The objections, if any, to the cross interrogatories and re-interrogatories will then be
heard and disposed of by the Court.
196. Commission for viva voce examination. Application for issue of commission for
viva voce examination shall be made by a party within 7 days of notifying his
intention under rule 194, and shall be accompanied by an affidavit disclosing the
nature of the evidence sought for from the witness.
197. Final hearing may be fixed after return of commission. If the application referred
to in rule 195 or 196 is granted, the matter may not be set down for final disposal
before the return of the Commission, except by order of the Judge.
203. Commission for taking accounts how executed. (1) The Commissioner shall
direct which party shall file a statement of accounts before him and which parry shall
file a statement of objections and surcharge. He shall also fix the period within which
the statements of accounts, objections and surcharge are to be filed.
(2) The statement of account shall be in the form of a debtor and creditor account and
shall be verified by the accounting party or his agent. The items on each side of the
account shall be numbered consecutively and a balance shall be shown.
(3) The statement of objections shall specify the items to which objections are taken
by reference to their numbers in the statement of account.
(4) The statement of surcharge shall specify the amount with the receipt of which it is
sought to charge the accounting party, the date when, the person from whom and the
particular account on which, the same was received by him. The items of surcharge
shall be numbered consecutively.
(5) The statement of objections and surcharge shall also state (a) the grounds of each
objection and surcharge and (b) the balance, if any, admitted or claimed to be due;
and it shall be verified by the affidavit of the party concerned or his agent.
(6) If any party fails to file his statement of account or objections or surcharge within
the period allowed, the Commissioner shall report the fact to the Court.
(7) When the case before him is ready for hearing the Commissioner shall, after
reading the statements filed before him and after examining the parties, if necessary,
ascertain the points on which the parties are at issue and require them to produce their
oral and documentary evidence on such points.
(8) After the evidence has been duly taken and the parties have been heard, the
Commissioner shall submit his report together with a statement in the form of a diary
of the proceedings had before him. The report shall state (a) the contested items
allowed or disallowed by the Commissioner, (b) and reasons for allowing or
disallowing them, (c) the amount found due, (d) the name of the party to whom it is
due and (e) the name of the party by whom it is due.
204. Deposit of commission fees. (1) Commission fees shall be payable according to
the scale prescribed in Chapter VI in Appendix C.
(2) The Court or the Registrar (O.S.), as the case may be, may order that such amount
as it or he considers proper be deposited in Court in advance towards the
Commissioner’s fees together with the Costs of issue of the commission within seven
days of the grant of the commission or Letters of Request or within such further time
as may be allowed. In default, the matter shall be set down for final disposal in due
course, unless otherwise ordered for reasons to be recorded in writing.
(3) If at any subsequent time the Court is satisfied that the deposit made under sub-
rule (2) is not sufficient to cover the remuneration of the Commissioners, it may, after
notice to the parties or their advocates, order that such further amount as it considers
proper be deposited in Court within 7 days from the date of such order or within such
further time as the Court may allow. In default, the procedure prescribed in sub-rule
(2) shall be followed.
(4) No fees shall be paid to the Commission without an order in writing of the Court
or the Registrar (O.S.). Except for special reasons recorded in writing such payment
shall not be ordered until the commission has been executed and the objections, if
any, to the Commissioner’s report have been disposed of.
(5) Commission fees in the case of Commissioners being the members of the regular
establishment shall be credited to Government.
205. Return of commission. (1) Every order for the issue of a commission or Letter of
Request shall appoint a date allowing sufficient time for its execution and return.
(2) If the Commissioner is unable to return the commission duly executed within the
time fixed by the Court, he shall apply to the Court for extension of the time and the
Registrar (O.S.), may extend the time or the Court may cancel the commission and
may appoint another commissioner in his place.
206. Procedure in examination of witnesses. (1) The Commissioner shall follow the
provision of the Indian Evidence Act and shall, in case the person examining the
witness presses question which the Commissioner shall have disallowed, record such
question and the answer thereto unless the Commissioner is satisfied that any such
question is put for the purpose of obstruction or delay. He shall also record any
objection to the production of a document by or through the witness.
(2) Where times or dates according to any other than the Christian era are mentioned,
the Commissioner shall add the times or dates of the Christian era corresponding
207. Deposition to be read over to and signed by the witness. After the deposition of
any witness shall have been taken down and before it is signed by him, it shall be
distinctly read over and, when necessary, translated to the witness in order that
mistakes or omissions may be rectified or supplied.
The deposition shall then be signed by the witness and left with the Commissioner
who shall sign his name and write the date of the examination.
208. Notice of filing of report. Filing objections thereto. (1) On receipt of the report
of the Commissioner other than the report forwarding the deposition of a witness
recorded by him, the Registrar (O.S.) shall give notice to the parties to the suit or
matter of the filling of the report.
(2) Any party desiring such report to be discharged or varied shall, unless the
Registrar (O.S.), otherwise directs, within ten days from the date of the service of
such notice on him, file his objections thereto, and serve a copy of the same on the
other parties to the suit or matter. After the objections have been filed as aforesaid,
the suit shall be set down for hearing of such objections. If any party, after having
filed objections, abandons or does not proceed with them, any other party in the same
interest shall be all at liberty to proceed with such objections.
209. Summons to witnesses. (1) An application for calling witnesses before the court
or a Commissioner appointed to take evidence, shall set forth a list of the witnesses
and state, in addition to the particulars required by rule 133, whether they are required
to give evidence as experts or otherwise or to produce any document, and, in the latter
case, shall specify the date and description of the document so as to identify it.
(2) If the applicant desires to serve the witnesses or any of them personally under
O.XVI, rule 1-A of the Code, the fact shall be stated in the application.
(3) Upon the grant of process, the process fee, travelling expense and subsistence
money chargeable, if any, in respect thereof shall be calculated forthwith.
210. Summoning public officers as witnesses. (1) No application for summons for the
appearance of public officers whose absence from duty may be detrimental to the
public service shall be granted, unless it is shown by affidavit that their examination
on commission will not answer the required purpose.
(2) Except in urgent cases or as otherwise ordered for reasons recorded in writing, a
summons requiring a public officer to give evidence or produce documents shall be
served on the head of his office or, as the case may be, on the witness directly under
rule 134 at least seven days before the date when the witness is required to attend or
the document is required to be produced.
(3) When public officers are summoned, they shall be examined promptly and if
necessary, de bene esse.
212. Payment of expenses to witnesses who are public officers. (1) A servant of the
Crown or of a State Railway whose salary does not exceed Rs.20 per mensem
whether he is or is not entitled to travelling allowances under the rules regulating the
conditions of his service, shall, when summoned as a witness in his official capacity
to give evidence or to produce a document before a Court, be paid travelling expenses
in accordance with the prescribed scale.
Any servant of the Crown or of a State Railway, whose salary exceeds Rs.20 per
mensem but who is not entitled to travelling allowances under the rules regulating the
conditions of his service by reason of the fact the Court is situated not more than five
miles from his headquarters, shall be paid travelling expenses in accordance with the
prescribed scale.
Any sum payable to such servant on account of subsistence allowance shall be
credited to the Central of the Provincial Government or the State Railway, as the case
may be.
(2) Where the expenses of such servant whose salary exceeds Rs.20 per mensem and
who is summoned as a witness in his official capacity and is entitled to traveling
allowance under the rules regulating the conditions of his service, have to be
deposited in advance by a private party, the term ‘expenses’ shall be interpreted to
mean the travelling and halting allowances admissible under the rules regulating the
conditions of his service (but not subsistence allowance), and the sum so deposited
shall be credited to Government.
(3) A servant of the Crown or of the State Railway, who has not been paid travelling
expenses under sub-rule (1) and who is entitled to receive travelling allowances under
the rules regulating the conditions of his service shall obtain from the Court a
certificate that he has attended in his official capacity for the purpose of giving
evidence of facts which had come to his notice or of facts with which he had to deal
in his official capacity or of producing a document from public records, stating the
date of his appearance, the period for which he has been detained, and that he has
received no payment from the Court.
215. Production of public documents. (1) Every application for summons for
production of public documents shall be supported by an affidavit stating-
(iii) why the production of a certified copy of the same would not serve the purpose,
(iv) in cases where the production of a certified copy would serve the purpose,
whether application was made to the proper officer for a certified copy and the result
of such application.
(2) The Registrar (O.S.) shall not issue such a summons unless he considers the
production of the original necessary or is satisfied that the application for a certified
copy has been duly made and has not been granted. The Registrar (O.S.) shall in
every case record his reasons in writing.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to an application under Order 13 rule 10 of the
Code for production of the record of any other suit or proceeding from the record of
the Chief Court.
216. Return of original public record after its production in evidence. When public
records are produced and put in evidence in original, the Court, unless it thinks it
necessary to retain the original, shall direct a copy to be made at the expense of the
applicant and shall return the original.
217. Power of Courts to summon public records suo motu. Nothing in rule 215 shall
prevent the Court of its own motion from sending for public records or other
documents in the custody of a public officer or Court if it thinks it necessary for the
ends of justice. Costs in such a case of summoning and of production of such
evidence shall be paid by such party as the Court directs.
(2) The Court may forthwith on the application of the party to whom costs are
awarded enforce the payment of such costs by attachment and sale of the property of
the defaulting party, and may direct that the suit or matter shall proceed as if the
application for adjournment had been refused.
221. Notice of antedating of hearing. (1) Any party, who desires that the hearing may
be antedated, may apply therefore by interlocutory application of which notice shall
be given to the other party or his advocate.
(2) The party served with notice may give to the other party or his advocate notice in
writing that he consents to or will oppose such intending.
(3) On the day appointed for hearing of such application the Court will pass necessary
orders granting or refusing the application.
222. Who may take out originating summons and in respect of what matters. The
executors or administrators of a deceased person or any of them, and the trustees
under any instrument or any of them, and any person claiming to be interested in the
relief sought as creditor, devisee, legattee, heir, or legal representative, or as cestui
qui trust under the trusts of any deed or instrument, or as claiming by assignment or
otherwise , under any such creditor or other person as aforesaid, may take out, as of
course, an originating summons for such relief of the nature of kind following as may
by the summons be specified and the circumstances of the case may require, that is to
say, the determination without an administration of the estate or trust of any of the
following questions or matters:-
(1) any question affecting the rights or interest of the person claiming to be creditor,
devisee, legatee, heir, or legal representative, or cestui qui trust;
(2) the ascertainment of any class of creditors, devisees, legatees legal representatives
or others;
(4) the payment into Court of any monies in the hands of the executors,
administrators or trustees;
(5) directing the executors, administrators or trustees to do or abstain from doing any
particular act in their character as such executors, administrators or trustees;
(6) the approval of any sale, purchase, compromise or other transaction;
(7) the determination of any question arising in the administration of the estate or
223. Order for administration of estate or of the trust. Any of the persons named in
the last preceding rule may, in like manner, apply for and obtain an order for-
224. Persons to be served with summons. The persons to be serve with the summons
under the last two preceding rules in the first instance shall be the following, that is to
(b) for the determination of any question under sub-rule (2) of rule 222, any member
of alleged member of the class;
(c) for the determination of any question under sub-rule (3) of rule 222, any person
interested in taking such accounts;
(d) for the determination of any question under sub-rule (4) of rule 222, any person
interested in such money;
(e) for relief under sub-rule (1) of rule 223, the residuary devisees, legatees or heirs or
legal representatives or some of them;
(f) for relief under sub-rule (2) of rule 223 the cestui qui trust or some of them;
(g) where there are more than one executor or administrator or trustee and they do not
all concur in taking out the summons, those who do not concur.
(2) where the summons is taken out by any person other than the executors,
administrators or trustees, the said executors, administrators or trustees.
226. Persons to be served with such summons. The summons under the last preceding
rule shall be served upon such person as under the existing practice would be the
proper defendants to a suit for the specific performance of the contract out of which
the question to be settled arises.
227. Mortgagee or mortgagor may taken out such summons. Any mortgagee or
mortgagor, whether legal or equitable, or any person entitled to or having property
subject to a legal or equitable charge, or any person having the right to foreclose or
redeem any mortgage, whether legal or equitable, may take out, as of course, an
originating summons for such relief of the nature or king following as may be the
summons be specified and as the circumstances of the case may require, that is to say,
sale, foreclosure, delivery of possession by or recovery of any deficiency from the
mortgagor; redemption, re-conveyance and delivery of possession by the mortgagee.
228. When may a partner take out such summons. Where the existence of the
partnership or the right to or the fact of he dissolution thereof is not in dispute, any
partner in a firm or his representatives may take out an originating summons against
his partners or formers partners or their representative (if any) for the purpose of
having the partnership dissolved (if it be still subsisting) and for the purpose of taking
the accounts of, and winding up, such partnership, and for the determination of any
question arising in such partnership whether to be dissolved or wound up or not.
229. Persons interested under will, etc., may take out such summons. Any person
claiming to be interested under a deed, will, or other written instrument, may apply by
originating summons, for the determination of any question of construction arising
under the instrument, and for a declaration of the rights of the person interested.
230. Court not bound to determine question of construction. The Court shall not be
bound to determine any such question of construction if in its opinion it ought not to
be determined on originating summons.
231. Persons to be served with such summons. The summons under either of the rules
228 or 229 shall be served upon the person who would be proper defendants under
the existing practice if the same relief were sought in a suit.
232. Service on other person by direction. The Court may, in all cases, direct such
other person to be served with an originating summons as it may think fit.
233. Plaint and document alone to be filed. An originating summons shall be in Form
No.11 in Appendix A. The person entitled to apply shall present with it to the
Registrar (O.S.) a plaint, setting forth concisely the facts upon which the relief sought
by the summons is founded. The plaint shall specify at the end but not in the form of
a prayer the relief which is sought by the summons. No documents shall be annexed
to the plaint unless greater breviary or clearness would be gained by reference to
annexed documents as opposed to setting out in the plaint itself the contents of
documents which are not annexed thereto.
234. O.S. plaint how to be marked. The plaint when accepted shall be filed and
numbered as an ordinary suit, and entered in the Register of Civil Suits, but after the
serial number the letters “O.S.” shall be placed to distinguish it from plaints filed in
ordinary suits.
235. Service of originating summons. Originating summons shall be signed by the
Registrar (O.S.) and shall, together with a copy of the plaint, be served in the manner
provided for the service of summons on a defendant, and the summons after service
shall be filed in the proceedings.
237. Entry of appearance. A party served with an originating summons shall appear
before the Registrar (O.S.) on the day fixed for his appearance in the summons and
shall present a written statement of his defence, if he so desires. The Registrar (O.S.)
shall then fix a date for the hearing of the summons in Court.
238. When may be supported by evidence. On the hearing of the summons, if the
parties thereto do not agree to the correctness of the facts set forth in the plaint, the
Court may order the summons to be supported by such evidence as it may think
necessary; and may give such directions as it may think just for the trial of any
question arising therefrom. The Court may make such amendment in the plaint and
summons as may seem to it, to be necessary to make them accord with the existing
state of facts, so as properly to raise the questions in issue between the parties.
239. What may be done on bearing originating summons. If it appears to the Court
that the matters in respect of which relief is sought cannot be disposed of in a
summary manner on originating summons, it may refuse to pass any order on the
summons, may dismiss, the same and refer the parties to a suit in the ordinary’
course; and in such case may make such order as to costs already incurred as may
seem to it to be just.
In dismissing the summons the Court may, instead of referring the parties to a suit in
the ordinary course, direct that the plaint filed in support of the summons with
necessary amendments shall be admitted as the plaint is an ordinary suit. Upon such
direction being given, the letters “O.S.” placed in pursuance of rule 234 against the
entry of the case in the Register of civil Suits shall be struck off and the suit shall
proceed on the amended plaint in all respects as an ordinary suit, and the defendant
shall be required to file a written statement if no written statement has been
previously filed by him.
242. Direction as to carriage or execution of decree. The Court may give any special
directions touching the carriage or execution of such decree, or the service thereof
upon persons not parties, as it may think fit.
243. Subsequent summons about same estate. When any summons under rules 222
and 223 has been taken out, every subsequent summons relating to the same estate or
trust shall, so far as possible, be heard by the Judge who heard the original summons.
244. O.II, R.2 of the Code not to apply to plaints filed in support of originating
summons. Nothing in O.II, rule 2 of the Code, shall apply to plaints filed to support
an originating summons or to any proceedings thereunder.
245. When costs of originating summons shall be allowed in a suit. Where at the
hearing of a suit it shall appear to the Court that the party instituting the suit might
have obtained the desired relief by originating summons, it may direct that such party
shall be allowed on taxation only such costs as would have been incurred in an
originating summons.
246. Evidence, how taken. Upon the hearing of any suit the evidence of witnesses
shall be taken down by, or in the presence and under the superintendent of the Judge
or one of the Judges, not ordinarily in the form of question and answer, but in that of
a narrative. The evidence so taken shall be signed by the Judge and shall form part of
the record.
247. Any particular question and answer may be taken down. The Court may, of its
own motion or on the application of any party or his advocate take down or cause to
be taken down any particular question and answer, or any objection to any question, if
there appears to be any special reason of so doing.
248. Question objected to and allowed by Court. Where any question put to a witness
is objected to by party or his advocate and the Court allows the same to be put, the
Judge may take down or may cause to be taken down the question, the answer, the
objection and the name of the person making it together with the decision of the
Court thereon.
249. Remarks on demeanour of witnesses. The Court may record such remarks as it
thinks material respecting the demeanour of any witness while under examination.
250. Sheristedar to bring to Judge’s notice erasures, etc., and documents tendered in
evidence. The Sheristedar or other officer in Court shall examine all documents
produced or offered in evidence and bring any apparent erasures or interpolations or
any apparent insufficiency of the Court-fee or other stamps to the notice of the Judge
for orders. He shall endorse all documents admitted in evidence and all documents
rejected with the particulars required by law and sign or initial such endorsements.
251. Exhibits how marked. Depositions recorded of witnesses of both sides and
documents admitted in evidence shall be numbered with cardinal numbers 1, 2, 3 and
the following numbers, in one continuous series.
252. Numbering lines of depositions, etc. The Sheristedar shall cause every tenth line
of all depositions, judgments and orders to be numbered consecutively 10, 20, 30, and
so on for convenience of reference.
253. Proceedings in another suit, how put in evidence. When any proceedings in a
suit in the Court are necessary as evidence in another suit in the Court, they shall not
be removed from the file of the former suit unless true copies thereof are substituted
in the file of the former suit, unless the Judge shall otherwise direct.
254. Witnesses not to be present in Court during hearing of the suit. Witnesses other
than the parties shall not except by consent of parties, be present during the hearing of
the suit or other matter in Court before their deposition have been recorded.
256. No compromise without leave of Court in pauper suits. Where a plaintiff has
been permitted to sue in forma pauperis, the suit shall not be compromised without
leave first had and obtained from the Court.
257. Judgment how delivered. (1) Judgments may be either oral or written.
(2) When the Court delivers a written judgment, no further record of such judgment
shall be necessary.
(3) When the Court delivers an oral judgment, it shall be taken down by the shorthand
writer. A transcript shall then be prepared for correction by the Judge or Judges who
delivered the judgment. A fair copy of the transcript so corrected shall be signed by
the Judge or Judges and dated with the date of delivery and shall be the record of the
258. Written judgment of two or more Judges how pronounced. When any suit or
matter is heard by two or more Judges.
(1) If they have agreed to a written judgment and signed it, one of them may
pronounce the judgment in the absence, for any reason, of the other or others;
(2) if each of one of them has written a separate judgment and signed it, one of them
may pronounce the judgment written and signed by the other or others in his or their
259. Payment of costs a condition precedent in order for withdrawal. When a suit is
allowed to be withdrawn with liberty to bring a fresh suit on the same matter, unless
the Court shall otherwise direct, the order shall be drawn up so as to make the
payment of the costs of the suit a condition precedent to the plaintiff bringing a fresh
260. Setting of draft of decree. (1) Advocates shall give notice at the time of
judgment if they desire to examine and sign the draft decree before submission to the
Registrar (O.S.) and shall in such cases and in all complicated cases, but not
otherwise, be given notice as soon as the draft decree is prepared. They shall within
three days from the date of service of such notice examine and sign the draft decree if
found correct or file objections thereto, if any.
(2) If the objections filed are such that in the opinion of the Registrar, (O.S.) the other
party ought to be heard concerning them, he shall fix a day for hearing them and
direct that the other party shall be served with a notice of such hearing together with a
copy of the objections filed.
(3) If the Registrar (O.S.) allows the objections, the necessary correction or alteration
shall be made in the draft decree and initialled by the Registrar (O.S.) and the decree
shall be drawn up accordingly and singed by the Sheristedar and submitted to the
Judge for signature.
(4) If the Registrar (O.S.) disallows the objections or if no objections are filed within
the prescribed time, the decree shall be signed by the Sheristedar and submitted to the
Judge for signature.
261. Directions under rule 260(3) and (4) liable to be referred to Court. Any matter on
which directions have been given by the Registrar (O.S.) under sub-rules (3) and (4)
of rule 260 shall, at the request of a party or his advocate be referred to the Court.
Such matter shall ordinarily be heard by the Judge who passed the decree.
262. Date of signing decree to be also endorsed. The Judge when signing the decree
shall write below his signature also the date, month and year on which the decree is
actually signed by him.
263. Copies of decrees to Collector. (1) The Deputy Registrar shall cause copies of
decrees to be prepared without delay for communication to the Collector in cases in
which pauper costs are recoverable by Government and in cases affecting immovable
property coming within the scope of S. 135-H of the Bombay Land Revenue Code,
1879, and shall append to the judgment a copy of the communication.
(2) The Deputy Registrar shall also cause the certificate mentioned in section 11 of
the Court Fees Act, 1870 as amended by Sindh Act X of 1939, to be sent without
delay to the Collector.
264. Errors how rectified after decree sealed. After a decree or order has been sealed,
any application to rectify any inaccuracy, or clerical or arithmetical error or
otherwise, to make it in accord with the judgment, shall be made to the Judge who
passed the decree or order, or in the event of his absence on leave or retirement, to
any other Judge, and he may (in his discretion) after notice to the parties, when the
Judge deems it necessary, amend the same so as to bring in into conformity with the
judgment, or rectify such inaccuracy or error. Save as aforesaid no alteration or
variation shall be made without a review of judgment and rehearing under the
provisions of section 114 and O. XLVII of the Code.
265. What bills of costs are to be taxed by the Deputy Registrar. The Deputy
Registrar shall tax all bills of costs on every side of the Court and in the Insolvency
266. Time for filing bill of costs. Each party shall within five days from date of a
judgment or order submit his bill of costs.
267. Receipt and advocate’s certificate to accompany bill of costs. The bill of costs
shall be accompanied by the Nazir’s receipt for process fees expenses of witnesses
and all other monies paid into the Court. It shall also be invariably accompanied by a
certificate from the advocate concerned that he had not agreed to receive less than the
amount of advocate’s fees entered in the bill of costs or to return any part of the same.
In default of such certificate advocate’s fees shall not be allowed under the decree on
taxation of costs. In the event of any advocate having agreed to receive less, the
amount actually agreed to be received shall be certified and entered in the bill of costs
and that amount shall be allowed on taxation of costs.
268. Notice for taxation. When a bill of costs has been duly lodged before taxation of
costs, two days’ notice shall be given to the opposite party: Provided that no-notice
shall be necessary in any case when the defendant has not appeared in person or by
his advocate or guardian.
270. Condition for taxing expenses of copies of documents. All copies of documents
required by any party in whose favour costs have been awarded must be applied for
and all charges therefore paid before taxation of costs and no expenses of procuring
such copies shall be allowed after taxation.
271. Taxation of costs. (1) Except as otherwise provided in rule 568, advocate’s fee
shall be taxed according to the scale prescribed in Chapter VIII in Appendix C. Other
costs shall be taxed according to the charges necessarily and actually incurred. The be
charges shall include, in addition to other costs allowable under the rule, the to other
costs allowable under the rule, the cost of typing according to the ordinary scale or
where the cost of printing is shown, cost of printing, pleadings for the use of the
Court, the fess paid at the Registration Office Court, and the cost of preparation of
process taxed according to the scale prescribed in Chapter IX in Appendix C.
(2) Unless the court expressly directs otherwise, the following costs shall not be
deemed to have been incurred necessarily within the meaning of sub-rule (1) and
shall not be taxed;-
(i) Court-fee stamps on all applications dismissed, or not allowed or not pressed;
(iv) Expenses of filing and proving unnecessary documents or documents which the
other party was no previously called upon to admit by notice (O. XII, r. 2), or of
exhibiting interrogatories unreasonably, vexatiously or at improper length (O.XI, r.
(v) Process-fee for serving persons found by the Court to have been unnecessarily
impleaded or the suit against whom has been dismissed, withdrawn or not prosecuted;
(3) At the time of passing an order disposing of an application, the Court or the
Registrar (O.S.) shall direct whether or not the costs of it shall be costs in the cause.
272. Review of taxation only on notice to the opposite side. No application for review
of taxation, unless the taxation was ex parte, shall be made except on notice to the
opposite side.
273. No review of taxation of costs if bill of costs not filed in time. If the bill of costs
is not filed within the time fixed under rule 266, the bill will be prepared by the taxing
officer and no application for review of taxation shall be allowed, unless made before
the decree is signed.
274. What costs allowed after taxation. The only costs which shall be allowed after
taxation shall be the costs of execution or of transmission of the decree to another
jurisdiction. Such subsequent costs shall be entered on the face of the decree.
276. Application to Court for review of taxation. Any party, who may be dissatisfied
with the decision of the Deputy Registrar as to any item or part of any item may, not
later than fourteen days from the date of the decision or within such further time as
the Court may allow, apply to the Court for an order to review the taxation as to the
said item or part of any item, and the Court may thereupon after notice to the other
side, if necessary, make such order as to it may seem just; but the taxation of the
Deputy Registrar shall be final and conclusive as to all matters which shall not have
been objected to in manner aforesaid.
277. Hearing of such application. Such application shall be heard and determined by
the Court upon the evidence which shall have been brought in before the Deputy
Registrar, and no further evidence shall be received upon the hearing thereof, unless
the Court shall otherwise direct.
Proceedings under Chapters III and IV of the Arbitration Act, 1940
278. Proceedings under Chapters III and IV how entitled. (1) Every application under
section 20(1) of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (hereinafter in this rule and rules 279 to
292 called the Act) shall be verified, numbered and registered as a suit. All
subsequent applications shall be entitled in such suit.
(2) All applications under Chapter IV of the Act shall be entitled in the suit in which
they are filed.
279. Form. A special case shall be submitted in Form No.12 in Appendix A. It shall
set out clearly and distinctly the questions of law on which the opinion of the Court is
required and shall state concisely, in paragraphs numbered consecutively, such facts
and refer shortly to such documents as may be necessary to enable the Court to decide
the said questions and shall be signed by the arbitrators or umpire.
280. Special case to be forwarded to Registrar (O.S.). (1) A special case shall be
forwarded to the Registrar (O.S.) accompanied by the documents or copies of the
documents therein referred to. The Registrar (O.S.) shall fix a day for the appearance
of the parties before him and issue a notice accordingly to the parties.
Hearing in Court
(2) The Registrar (O.S.) on being satisfied as to the service of the notice on the parties
shall, as soon as the special case is ripe for hearing, fix it for hearing on the next or
some other miscellaneous business day.
281. Form of award. (1) An award shall so far as possible be in Form No.12-A in
Appendix A.
(2) Where the arbitrators or umpire state on award wholly or in part in the form of a
special case, they shall follow the provisions of rule 279 and shall also, so far as it is
practicable, state the award on various points of law in the alternative. Where it is not
practicable to do so, they shall state the award according to the view they take of the
282. Award how filed in Court. (1) The arbitrators or umpire shall cause the award or
a signed copy of it to be filed in Court by forwarding the same under a sealed cover
addressed to the Registrar (O.S.) with a petition in Form No.12-B in Appendix A
requesting the same to be filed. The arbitrators or umpire shall state in the petition the
name of the party or of any person claiming under him at whose request the award
copy of it is being filed and the amount of fees and charges received, if any. The
arbitrators or umpire shall also send together with the award or copy of the arbitration
agreement and the reference, if in their possession, the depositions and documents
which may have been taken and proved, the opinion pronounced by the Court on a
special case, submitted by them, if any, and also a copy of the notice given to the
parties together with receipts or acknowledgements thereof.
(2) If the Court makes an order under section 38 of the Act directing the award to be
delivered, it shall further direct that the arbitrator or umpire shall also deliver the
documents mentioned in sub-rule (1), if in their possession, to the applicant who shall
cause the award to be filed in Court by forwarding the same together with the
aforesaid documents under a sealed cover to the Registrar (O.S.) with a petition in
Form No.12-B in Appendix A.
(3) When an award made without intervention of a Court has been so filed, the
accompanying petition shall be numbered and registered as a suit between one or
more of the parties interested or claiming to be interested under the reference as
plaintiff or plaintiffs and the remainder as defendant or defendants.
An award made and a special case stated in an arbitration under Chapter III and IV of
the Act shall be entitled in such suit.
283. Service of notice of filing of award in Court. (1) The Registrar (O.S.) shall issue
notice to the parties other than the party referred to in rule 282 (2) of the filing of an
award in Form NO.12-C in Appendix A. If a special case in stated in the form of an
award, the provisions of rule 280 shall also be followed, so far as may be, for hearing
the special case.
(2) The arbitrators or umpire or the party referred to in rule 282 (2) shall deposit Rs.5
in the first instance in Court to meet the cost of such notice.
Interim Orders
(2) The affidavit filed with such application must among other things show that the
provisions of rule 282 have been duly complied with, that the arbitration agreement,
the reference and the award passed thereon are prima facie free from objection and
that delay in granting the application pending the service of notice under rule 283 or
pending expiry of the Act, as the case may be, is likely to prejudice him.
286. Service of notice of interim order on opposite party. (1) A copy of an interim
order passed under section 18 (1) of the Act together with a copy of the application
made and affidavit filed in support of it shall be served on the person against whom
such interim order has been passed.
(2) If the party to whom notice has issued wished to show cause, the provisions of
rule 75 shall, so far as may be, be followed.
287. Form of other applications under the Act and their registration. (1) Save as
aforesaid, all applications under the Act shall be made by petition entitled in the
matter of the Act and the arbitration.
(2) There shall be annexed to every such petition the documents, if any, relating to the
subject matter of such application.
(3) Every such petition shall be supported by affidavit and, unless otherwise ordered
by the Court, the provisions of rules 74 to 76 shall, so far as may be apply.
The person making an application shall be the petitioner and the person served
therewith, the respondent.
(4) Every petition or copy thereof shall specify the persons affected thereby and upon
whom notice must be served as hereinafter provided.
(5) Every such petition and every special case in a arbitration without intervention of
a Court (not being a special case stated in the form of an award) shall be numbered
and registered as a miscellaneous application: Provided that if more than applications
are made in the same arbitration for extension of time under section 28 of the Act,
subsequent applications shall bear the number and title of the first such application.
(6) This rule shall not apply to an application under section 34 of the Act.
288. Notice to persons concerned. Notice shall be served upon all person specified in
the application under rule 287 (4), upon the arbitrator, arbitrators or umpire against
whom an application under section 11 of the Act is made and upon such other person
as may appear to the Court or the Registrar (O.S.) to be affected by or concerned with
the application.
Stay of Proceedings
289. Title of applications, etc., under section 34. (1) Applications, affidavits and
proceedings under section 34 of the Act shall be entitled in the suit or the proceeding
which the applicant seeks to have stayed.
(2) No proceeding shall be stayed under section 34 of the Act without notice to the
opposite party, except where it appears that the object of granting a stay would be
defeated by the delay occasioned by the notice, when an interim stay may be granted.
290. Advocates’ fees. Advocates fees shall be calculated at the rates laid down in
clause 2 of Chapter VIII in Appendix C except, if the Court so thinks fit, in the case
of an application to set aside an award when the fees shall be calculated at half the
rates laid down in clause 1 of the said Chapter.
291. Mode of service of notice. (1) Unless otherwise ordered, all notices under this
(a) shall be served in the manner prescribed by-or under the Code for the service of
summons, or
(b) if the Registrar so directs, may be addressed, whether thy reside within the
jurisdiction of the Court or not to the parties, arbitrators or umpire, as the case may
be, at the place where they reside and sent to them by registered post prepaid for
acknowledgement, provided that at such place there is a regular postal service.
(2) When notice are served on the arbitrators or umpire under clause (a) of sub-rule
(1), they shall be served on, them personally.
292. Award includes interim award. The foregoing provisions relating to an award
shall apply, so far as may be, to an interim award: Provided that in the case of
arbitration without intervention of a Court an award or awards subsequent to the first
interim award shall bear the same title and number as the first interim award.
293. Title of applications, etc. Applications, affidavits and proceedings under the
Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 (hereinafter in this Chapter called
“the said Act”) shall be entitled in the matter of the said Act, and in the matter of the
arbitration: Provided that applications, affidavits and proceedings under section 3 of
the said Act shall be entitled in the suit or matter which the applicant seeks to have
295. Contents of petition. Every petition shall be divided into paragraphs, numbered
consecutively, and shall contain in a summary form a statement of the material facts
relied on and the nature of the relief asked for, and shall specify the persons liable to
be affected thereby.
296. Stay of proceedings under section 3 of the said Act. (1) Upon an application for
stay of proceedings under section 3 of the said Act being filed, the Court shall direct
notice to be given to the party or parties to the proceeding, other than the applicant,
requiring him or them to show cause, within the time specified, why the order should
not be made, unless the Court is satisfied that the object of the application would be
defeated by the delay occasioned by the notice.
(2) Any order for stay made under sub-rule (1) may be varied or set aside by the
Court on application made thereto by any party dissatisfied with such order.
297. Documents to be produced with petition. (1) The Party seeking to enforce a
foreign award shall produce with his petition-
(i) the document specified in section 8(1) of the said Act and, where such document is
in a foreign language, a translation thereof into English certified in the manner
prescribed in sub-section (2) of the said section 8;
(ii) the original agreement for arbitration or copy thereof authenticated in matter
required by the law of the country in which it was made and, when the same is in a
foreign language, a translation thereof into English certified in manner prescribed in
sub-section (2) of the said section 8;
(iii) an affidavit or affidavits showing (a) that the said agreement was valid under the
law by which it was governed, (b) that the award was made by the tribunal provided
for in the agreement or constituted in the manner agreed upon by the parties, (c) that
it was made in conformity with the law governing the arbitration procedure, and (d)
that it has become final in the country in which it was made; and
(2) If the application under section 5 of the said Act be presented without the
document specified in clause (i) of sub-rule (1), it shall forthwith be returned to the
party presenting it. If such application is unaccompanied by the documents specified
in clauses (ii) and (iii) of sub-rule (1), the Court may allow time within which such
documents must be filed.
298. Presumption as regards certain copies. (1) The Court shall presume that a copy
of an agreement for arbitration or of an award required to be produced under sub-rule
(1) of rule 297 is duly authenticated in manner required by the law of the country in
which it was made if it is certified on the face of such copy by a diplomatic or
consular agent of the British Government or of the Government of India in the
country in it was made that the authentication is in the manner commonly used in that
country for the authentication of copies of such documents.
(2) The Court shall presume that any document purporting to be a copy of the
arbitration proceeding relating to the award is genuine and accurate if it is certified on
the face of such document by a diplomatic or consular agent of the British
Government or of the Government of India in the country in which the arbitration
proceedings took place that the document is authenticated in manner commonly in
use in that country for the authentication of copies of such documents.
299. Execution of decree and orders. The provisions of the Code and the Rules and
Forms of this Court relating to execution of decrees and orders shall, mutantis
mutandis, be applicable to the execution of decrees and orders under the said Act.
300. Advocates fees. The advocates’ fees shall calculated at the rates laid down in
clauses 2 of Chapter VIII in Appendix C except, if the Court so thinks fit, in the case
of an application to set aside an award when the fees shall be calculated at half the
rates laid down in clause 1 of the laid Chapter.
302. Transmission of decree for execution. (1) An application for the transmission of
a decree to another Court for execution shall be entitled in the suit, shall specify the
Court to which the transmission of the decree is sought and be supported by an
affidavit stating the grounds. It shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the decree
or an application for the same.
(2) If the application is granted, the applicant shall within 3 days thereafter deposit in
Court the expenses for preparing a certified copy of the decree, if it is not filed with
the application.
(3) The Registrar (O.S.) shall transmit by registered post, at the cost of the applicant,
the certified copy of the decree together with the other documents mentioned in Order
XXI, rule 6 of the Code to the Court to which the transmission is sought in
accordance with the provisions of rules 4 and 5 of O.XXI of the Code.
303. Stay of execution on transmission. When a decree is sent to another Court for
execution, execution of the decree will not be stayed in the proceedings in this Court
unless this Court shall, on such terms as it thinks fit, otherwise, direct.
305. When insufficient amount realized in first district. If the amount realized in
district A shall not be sufficient to satisfy the decree, a certificate stating the result of
the sale shall be sent to the Judge of another of such Courts with a letter requesting
him to sell the property under attachment in his district (hereinafter mentioned as
district B), or a sufficient portion thereof, and certify the result to this Court.
309. Register of decrees received from other courts. Decree received for execution
from other Courts shall be entered in the Register of Decrees received for execution
from other Courts; whether they be decrees of Courts within British India or of Courts
outside British India covered by section 43, 44 and 44-A of the Code.
310. Return of decree to the transmitting Court. If, after a decree has been sent to the
Chief Court for execution, the decree-holder does not within six months from the date
of the transfer apply to the Court for the execution of his decree, the Registrar (O.S.),
shall certify to the Court which passed the decree the fact that no application for
execution has been made to this Court and shall return the decree.
312. Checking and admission of execution petition. The applications for execution
shall ordinarily be checked in the order in which they have been filed b reference to
the execution proceedings and to the Register of Civil Suits and all objections thereto,
if any, shall be noted thereon. They shall then be submitted to the Registrar (O.S.), for
orders. All applications for execution, when admitted, shall be entered in the Register
of Execution Applications.
314. Procedure when cause not shown. Where execution is for the arrest of a
judgment-debtor, if the judgment-debtor does not appear on the day of hearing fixed
under the notice issued or on such day as the hearing thereof may be postponed to the
notice and the affidavit of service thereof shall be filed and the Registrar (O.S.), after
being satisfied that it is a fit case for a warrant of arrest to issue, shall make an order
for the issue of warrant of arrest.
315. Registrar, (O.S.), not to issue execution simultaneously against person and
property. The Registrar (O.S.), shall not issue execution against the property of a
judgment-debtor at the same time that he or the Court has issued execution against his
person. But a judgment-creditor desiring to proceed against both at once, must apply
specially to the Court on affidavit, and in case of such application being refused, shall
not be allowed to include the costs thereof in his costs as against the debtor without
the special order of the Court. But when a warrant for the arrest has not been
executed, the Registrar (O.S.), may, at the request of the judgment-creditor, forthwith
issue a warrant for the attachment.
316. Application for receiver in execution of decree. An application for the execution
of a decree by the appointment of a receiver under section 51 and Order XL, rule 1 of
the Code to realize or otherwise deal with property under attachment shall be made to
the Court, and such receiver shall, unless otherwise ordered, be subject to the rules of
this Court applicable to persons appointed receivers of property, the subject-matter of
a suit.
Execution of documents
317. Decree-holder to file in Court the draft and fees for service. The decree-holder
shall file two copies of the draft referred to in Order XXI, rule 34(1) of the Code and
two copies of the Notice in Form No.15 in Appendix A together with the prescribed
process fee for service thereof. One of the copies of the draft shall be served on the
person directed to execute the document in the manner prescribed for service of
summons on the defendant to a suit.
318. Execution of document under O.XXI, rule 34(5). Unless otherwise ordered by
the Court, a document shall be executed or a negotiable instrument endorsed under
Order XXI, rule 34 (5) of the Code by the Registrar (O.S.).
319. Deposit with warrant of arrest. With every warrant of arrest before or after
judgment there shall be deposited with the Nazir a sum of Rs.2 for the intermediate
subsistence of the judgment-debtor, pursuant to Order XXI, rule 39 (1) to (4) of the
320. Production of persons arrested after sunset. Every person arrested after sunset
shall be immediately lodged in the civil jail and brought before one of the Judges at
the opening of the Court on the next working day. If such day be a Sunday or other
holiday, he shall be brought before one of the Judges at his place of residence.
321. Superintendent to keep in custody. The Superintendent of the Civil Jail, Karachi,
shall receive and keep in his custody any person arrested till the said person can be
placed before a Judge for an order of commital or otherwise; provided that on
commital an order of commital shall be lodged with the Superintendent.
322. Production before Judge under fresh warrant of persons already in custody.
When a warrant is received to arrest a person already in custody of the Superintendent
of the Civil Jail, Karachi, on civil process, the Superintendent shall forthwith cause
the person to be brought before a Judge for an order of commital. The Judge may then
apportion the subsistence allowance between the detaining creditors in such manner
as he thinks just.
323. Application of incumbrancer to be made a party to the suit or to join in the sale.
An incumbrancer, not a party to the suit, may at any time before the sale apply to the
Court to be made a party or for leave to join in the sale; and such order shall be made
thereon and in protection of his rights and as to costs as to the Judge shall seem fit.
324. Inquiry before the Registrar, (O.S.) as to matters specified in O.XXI, rule 66. (1)
If the judgment-debtor appears before the Registrar (O.S.), pursuant to the notice
issued under Order XXI, rule 66(2) of the Code, the Registrar (O.S.), shall examine
him on any matter affecting his title to the attached property. The judgment-creditor
may also examine him on any matter relating thereto. If the judgment-debtor fails to
attend, the Registrar (O.S.), shall proceed ex parte.
(2) The Registrar (O.S.) may also exercise powers under order XXI, rule 66 (4).
(3) Documents produced (if any) shall be left with the Registrar (O.S.), and shall be
subject to his directions both as to their custody pending the sale and their ultimate
disposal, such directions being subject to appeal to the Court.
327. Removal of property attached under O.XXI, Rule 43 to the Court. All live-stock
and other movable property attached under Order XXI, rule 43 of the Code shall
ordinarily be removed and conveyed by the attaching officer or by his subordinate or
by persons specially engaged by him for the purpose to the Court premises or other
appointed place and there kept under due custody till sold or otherwise disposed of
according to law:
329. Procedure where removal impracticable or costly. (1) When the property is of
such a nature that, in the opinion of the attaching officer, its removal to the Court
premises or other appointed place is impracticable or can only be effected at a cost
out of proportion to its value, the attaching officer shall report his opinion to the
Registrar (O.S.), and, pending receipt of his order, shall arrange for its proper
maintenance, guarding and custody at or near the place at which it has been attached.
(2) The Registrar (O.S.), on receipt of such a report as is mentioned in sub-rule (1),
may either order the removal of the property to the Court premises or other appointed
place or sanction its detention at the place at which it has been attached or elsewhere
under such conditions as to its maintenance, guarding and custody as he thinks fit.
(3) Nothing in this rule affects the power of the attaching officer under the provisions
of Order XXI, rule 43 of the Code to sell such property at once if it is subject to
speedy and natural decay.
330. Deposit of cost for removal or maintenance of property. Before making any
order for the attachment of live-stock or other movable property, or at any time after
any such order been passed, the Court or the Registrar (O.S.), may require the person
at whose instance the order of attachment is sought or has been made to deposit in
Court such sum of money as the Court or the Registrar (O.S.) may consider
(a) for the removal of the property to the court premises or other appointment place
and its maintenance, guarding and custody till arrival thereat.
(b) for the maintenance, guarding and custody of the property at the Court premises
or other appointed place till it is sold or otherwise disposed of; and
(c) for the maintenance, guarding and custody of the property at the place at which it
was attached or elsewhere.
In case of failure to deposit such sum within the time prescribed by the Court or
Registrar (O.S.), the Court or Registrar (O.S.) may either refuse to issue or may
cancel the order of attachment, as the case may be.
(2) If he commits default in taking delivery of the property by failure to pay the
requisite charges or otherwise, the Registrar (O.S.) may order that the property be
sold by public auction and that after defraying the charges referred to in sub-rule (1),
if any, and the expenses of the sale, the balance of the sale-proceeds be creditor to his
333. Notice regarding sale of guns and other arms, etc., attached. Whenever guns or
other arms in respect of which licenses have to be taken by purchasers under the
Indian Arms Act XI of 1878 or any other articles in respect of which licences have to
be taken under any law in force, are sold by public auction in execution to decrees,
the Registrar (O.S.), shall give due notice to the District Magistrate, Karachi, or other
appropriate officer of the names and addresses of the purchasers and of the time and
place of the intended delivery to the purchaser of such arms or other articles.
334. Sale of Government Promissory Notes, how made. Government Promissory
Notes attached in execution of a decree, which have to be disposed of in satisfaction
of the decree, shall be sent by the Registrar (O.S.), to the Comptroller, Sindh, with
instructions regarding the disposal of the sale-proceeds of the notes.
335. Immediate sale of movable property. In the case of property to be sold under the
proviso to rule 43 of Order XXI of the Code,-
(i) if such property is in the Court premises in the custody of the Nazir, the Registrar
(O.S.), may authorize him to sell the same by public auction and may give such
directions as to the date and place of sale and the manner of publishing the same as
the circumstances of the particular case admit;
(ii) in other cases the sale shall be made by public auction and after such publication
and notice as the circumstances of the particular case admit.
336. Place of sale of Live-stock, etc. Save as provided by the last preceding rule and
rule 74 of Order XXI of the Code and unless the Court otherwise orders, all sales of
live-stock, articles of local manufacture, and other things commonly sold at country
markets, which have not been brought to Court shall be held at such market in the
neighbourhood of the place where the goods were attached as may appear to be for
the greatest advantage of the debtor, regard being had to the prospect of good prices
and to the saving of expenses in carriage.
The proclamation shall, whenever such information is available, also state in whose
possession and occupation the property is and the tenancy or terms on which any
person is in occupation or possession.
340. Copy of sale proclamation to be sent to collector in case of sale of land. When
any land or share of land is ordered to be sold in execution of a decree, the Court shall
send a copy of the proclamation of sale issued under Order XXI, rule 67 of the Code
to the Collector of Karachi, or as the case may be, to the Chief Officer of the
Municipal Corporation of the City of Karachi.
341. Place of sale of immovable property. As regards all sales of immovable property,
the Registrar (O.S.) in fixing the place of sale will consult the wishes of the parties,
preference being given to those of the judgment-debtor. In the absence of any
expressed wish on the subject by the parties, the sale shall be held where the property
is situated except in cases in which in the opinion of the Registrar (O.S.), some
particular advantage is to be obtained by holding it at the Court house.
342. Sale at Court house, how conducted. All such sales when held at the Court-
House shall be conducted by the Nazir or other responsible officer of the Court and
shall take place on some fixed day of each week and at such hours of such day as the
Court shall make generally known.
343. Leave to bid. Reserved price. (1) An application for leave to bid at the sale shall
be supported by an affidavit giving reasons why the applicant should be permitted to
(2) In cases in which the Registrar (O.S.) considers that the applicant should not be
allowed to bit for less than a sum to be fixed, it shall be competent to the Registrar
(O.S.) to give leave to bid at the sale only on condition that the applicant’s bid shall
not be less than the amount so fixed, which amount shall so far as practicable, be
determined with reference to the probable market value of the property or of the lot or
lots into which the property is divided for sale.
344. Sale. On the day and at the time and place appointed for the sale, the
proclamation of sale shall be read out before the property is put up for sale.
345. Postponement of sale for want of sufficient bidding. If there be no bid or the
highest bid be below the reserved price (if any) or be deemed insufficient by the
Nazir or other officer conducting the sale, he shall postpone the sale and record the
reason for such postponement in the bidding paper.
346. Postponement of sale otherwise than under rule 345. The Nazir or other officer
conducting the sale may postpone it if he is unable to attend on the appointed day or
for other sufficient cause or with the consent of the Parties. The costs of a
postponement rendered necessary by the absence of the Nazir or other officer
conducting the sale shall be costs in the cause. The costs of a postponement made at
the request of the party or by reason of his conduct shall be borne by him or as shall
be consented to by the parties.
The name of each bidder at the sale of property shall be noted on a paper to be called
“the bidding paper” and the amount of the bid shall be entered opposite his name. If
there be no bid, the words “no bidding” shall by written in the bidding paper opposite
the property or, as the case may be, the number of the lot. If the highest bid be
deemed insufficient, the words “not sold” shall be written opposite the property or the
number of the lot. If the property be sold, the highest bid shall be inserted opposite
the property or the number of the lot and the purchaser shall write his full name
opposite such entry and shall add his address and occupation. All notices thereafter
served at the address so given shall be deemed to have been duly served on the
348. Or by his agent as such. A person purchasing as duly authorized agent for
another shall sign the bidding paper as such giving the full name, address and
occupation both of himself and his principal. All notices thereafter served at either of
the addresses given shall be deemed to have been duly served.
349. Declaration of purchase. If the highest bid be equal to or higher than the reserved
price (if any), the Nazir or other officer conducting the sale shall, make an entry in the
bidding paper to the following effect:-
350. Report of sale. Upon the completion of the sale the Nazir or other officer
conducting the sale shall file in Court his report of the sale.
351. Time for confirming sale. A sale of immovable property shall not be confirmed
until after the expiration of 30 days from the date of such sale.
357. Nazir and Deputy Nazir to execute or to cause to execute processes. The Nazir
and, subject to his directions, the Deputy Nazir shall execute or cause to be executed
through the officers of the Court all processes including all warrants or orders for the
delivery, attachment or sale of property in execution, or for the arrest or custody of
any person, which may be entrusted to the Nazir for execution. They shall return all
warrants and orders within the time prescribed, with an endorsement specifying the
manner of execution or the causes which prevented execution. Such warrants and
orders shall be filed in the record. A Process Service Register shall be kept in Form
No. 3 in Appendix B.
358. Nothing of date on processes. The Nazir or the Deputy Nazir shall note on every
process the date on which it was delivered to him.
359. Service on holidays. No process shall be served or executed and no sale shall be
held in execution on Sundays or during holidays or vacation of the Chief Court,
except by leave of the Court or the Registrar (O.S.).
360. Service on the firm of advocates. Where the service is effected on a firm of
Advocates, such service may be on any one or more of the partners of such firm.
361. Payment of money. (1) The Nazir and, subject to his directions, the Deputy
Nazir shall receive all monies paid under due authority into the Court and shall pay
out all monies duly ordered to be paid out of Court.
(2) Money may, be paid or deposited in Court by postal money order. In that case the
person making the payment shall send to the Nazir a statement containing full
particulars regarding the intended payment or deposit.
(2) Where the decree orders payment of Court fees to Government under O.33, rule
10 of the Code, no order shall be made on the application, for payment of such money
or delivery of such property without giving notice thereof to the Collector at the
expense of the applicant.
363. Delivery of securities, jewellery or other valuables into Court. When jewellery
or other valuables are brought into Court, two copies of a descriptive list thereof shall
be presented and shall be checked and signed by the Nazir in the presence of the
depositor. The jewellery or other valuable shall be placed in a box furnished with a
lock and key to be provided by the depositor. The box shall then be locked and sealed
with the seal of the Court and forwarded by the Court to the Treasury Officer together
with one of the copies of the said list and the key shall be retained by the Nazir. On
the return of the counterfoil receipt by the Treasury Officer, a receipt shall be given to
the depositor.
Note. The provisions of this rule are subject to rules 9 (a) and 341 (b) and (c) of the
Financial Rules.
364. Application for payment of money, etc. Every application for payment of money
or delivery of property deposited in Court shall be entitled in the suit or matter and
shall also show the number of the execution application, if any, is pending showing
the right and interest of the party applying and the amount claimed.
366. Payment by money order, bank draft etc. On the application of the decree holder
or other person entitled to any money deposited in court and not expended for the
purpose for which it was deposited, if there is no objection to the payment of money
on the ground of attachment or otherwise, the Registrar (O.S.) may order that the
amount, after making all necessary and lawful deductions, be sent to the applicant at
his risk
(iii) in any other, manner specified by the applicant, which the Registrar (O.S.)
Provided that, before payment is ordered to be made under clause (ii) or (iii) the
applicant shall submit a duly stamped receipt for the amount due in the form given
Received the sum of Rs. (rupees annas and pies only) from the Chief Court of Sindh
at Karachi being the amount deposited in the said Court in connection with
Dated (Signature of the Payee)
367. Written authority of client requisite for payment to advocate. Unless otherwise
ordered by the Court, no payment in a suit or matter, save and except when it is in
respect of costs, shall be made to an advocate on behalf of his client without a written
authority of the client signed by him for such payment:
368. Account books to be kept. The following account books shall be kept in the form
and in the manner prescribed for the Civil Courts subordinate to the Chief Court:-
D. Register of deposit payments, viz., register of payments from sums received into
Court in connection with suits or Judicial proceedings and deposited with
Government (to be kept in duplicate).
E. Files of applications for refund of lapsed deposits and of statements of lapsed Civil
Courts deposits.
I. Cash book.
J. Ledger.
369. The Registrar, Appellate Side 1[or in his absence the Registrar. Original Side] is
authorized to sign cheques. He shall at least once a month call for the Registers and
accounts and satisfy himself that the entries have been carefully and properly made.
When such inspection is made, he should note the fact with his own hand on the
register or account inspected.
370. Account books to be kept in minors or lunatics’ estates. The Nazir shall in
connection with minors' or lunatics' estates under his administration keep the
following account books in the manner prescribed for the Civil Court subordinate to
the Chief Court:
(2) ledger,
(4) such other account books as the Chief Judge may from time to time prescribe.
The record of each estate should be kept in separate file, papers being arranged in
chronological order, with an index for the same.
371. Return of minors’ estates under administration. The Nazir shall prepare in the
month of April of each year a history sheet in such form as the Chief Judge may from
time to time prescribe showing the minors estates still under his administration. The
history sheet shah be examined by the Registrar, Appellate side and submitted to the
Chief Judge for such order as may be necessary.
372. Nazir to visit civil jail daily. The Nazir shall be the Superintendent of and visit
the Civil Jail, Karachi, daily and satisfy himself that each prisoner has received his
subsistence money according to the prescribed scale. The Nazir shall promptly
discharge any prisoner entitled to release, obtaining where necessary through the
Deputy Registrar, the orders of the Judge.
373. Inspection of civil jail by Registrar, A.S. The Registrar, Appellate Side, shall
visit the civil jail once a month and inspect the following books which shall there be
and shall examine the warrants under which the prisoners are kept in custody. He
shall report any matters requiring orders to the Chief Judge.
374. Charge of property in criminal cases. (1) The Nazir shall take charge of all
property sent to the Court in connection with sessions trials and criminal appeals,
references, and revisions, and shall keep thereof, in the form now in use, a Criminal
Property Register.
(2) The Nazir shall have charge of all dead stock and shall keep a dead stock Register
in Form No. 4 in Appendix B.
376. Application for probate. Application for probate shall be made by petition in
Form No.21. If in Appendix A and shall be accompanied by-
(b) valuation of the property prepared strictly in the form set forth in the third
schedule to the Court Fees Act, 1870;
(c) a deposit of the amount payable upon grant of probate under the Court Fees Act,
1870; and
379. Application for succession certificate. Application for succession certificate shall
be made by petition in Form No. 25 in Appendix A and shall be accompanied by the
Deposit of a sum equal to the fee payable under the Court fees Act, 1870 in respect of
the certificate.
380. Address for service. Every application for probate, letters of administration with
or without the will annexed or succession certificate shall also state the address for
service of the petitioner.
382. Interlineations, alterations etc. in the will should be sworn to by the attesting
witness. When interlineations, alterations, erasures or obliterations appear in the will
(unless delay executed as required by the Act, or recited or otherwise identified by the
attestation clause) a statement must, if possible, be made in the affidavit of the
attesting witness whether they existed in the will before its execution or not.
385. Unsigned or unattested will. In cases in which it is not necessary that a will
should be signed by the testator or attested by witnesses to constitute a valid
testamentary disposition of the testator's property, the testator's intention that it should
operate as his testamentary disposition must be clearly proved by affidavit.
386. Production of deed, paper, etc., referred to in will. If a will contains a reference
to any deed, paper, memorandum or other document of such a nature as to raise a
question whether it ought not to form a constituent part of the will, such deed, paper,
memorandum or other document shall be produced with a view to ascertain whether it
is entitled to probate and if not produced, its non-production must be accounted for.
389. Grants throughout British India. In all cases under the Act, in which it is sought
to obtain a grant of probate or letters of administration with or without the will
annexed to have effect throughout British India, such grant must be expressly asked
for, and it must be further stated in the petition that, so far as the petitioner has been
able to ascertain or is aware, there are no property and credits other than what are
specified in the schedule attached to his affidavit of valuation.
391. Notice of application to be given to collector. The Registrar (O.S.) shall give
notice of all applications for probate or letters of administration to the Collector or the
Revenue Commissioner, as the case may be, in Form No. 26 in Appendix A.
394. Form of citation. A. citation under section 283 and a notice of an application
under section 373 of the Act shall be issued in Form No. 27 in Appendix A.
395. When citation to be dispensed with. In all applications for probate or for letters
of administration with or without will annexed where the gross value of the estate is
Rs.5,000 or less: the Registrar (O.S.), may, if he thinks fit, allow publication of
citation in one or more newspapers only or may dispense with it altogether.
396. Proof of identity. The Court or the District Delegate may in case where it is
deemed necessary, require proof, in addition to the usual statement required to be
made in the application, of the identify of the deceased or of the party applying for
the grant.
397. Blind or illiterate testator. The Court or the District Delegate shall not grant
probate of the will or administration with the will annexed of any blind or obviously
illiterate or ignorant person unless it or he has, satisfied itself or himself that the said
will was read over to the testator before its execution, or that the testator had at such
time knowledge of its contents.
Limited Grants
398. Order for limited grant. Except by order of the Court, no, person entitled to a
general grant of administration of the property, of the deceased will be permitted to
take a limited grant.
Administration Bond
405. Extension of grant to have effect throughout British, India. An order for the
extension of a grant limited to the Province of Sindh, to have effect throughout
British India shall be made on an interlocutory application filed for that purpose
supported by an affidavit stating where the additional property and credits are situate
and accompanied b the annexure (b) and the deposit mentioned in rule 376 in respect
thereon Provided that in case of a grant of letters of administration with or without the
will annexed the petitioner shall give a further bond before the grant may be
extended, as aforesaid.
407. Form of inventory. (1) The inventory and the account required by section 317 of
the Act to be exhibited shall be in Forms Nos.30 and 31 respectively in Appendix A.
Form of register
(2) A register shall be kept in Form No. 5 in Appendix B and the particulars therein
prescribed shall be entered from time to time as occasion requires.
Contentious Proceedings
410. Affidavit supporting caveat. Where a caveat is entered after an application has
been made for a grant of probate or letters of administration with or without the will
annexed, affidavit or affidavits in support of the caveat shall be filed within eight
days of the caveat being lodged. Such affidavit shall state the right an interest of the
caveator and the grounds of the objections to the application. No such affidavit shall
be filed after the expiration of the said eight days without the order of the Court.
411. Notice to caveator to file affidavit. Where an application for grant of probate or
letters of administration with or without the will annexed is presented after a caveat
has been filed, notice shall forthwith issue to the caveator calling upon him to file his
affidavit or affidavits in support of his caveat within eight days from the service of
such notice.
412. Consequence of not filing affidavit. Where the caveator fails to file arty affidavit
in support of his caveat in compliance with rule 410 or in compliance with the notice
issued under rule 411, the caveat may be discharged by an order of the Court.
413. Procedure. Upon the affidavit in support of the caveat being filed (notice
whereof shall immediately be given by the caveator to the petitioner), the proceedings
shall be numbered and registered as a suit in which the petitioner for probate or letters
of administration shall be the plaintiff and the caveator shall be the defendant, the
petition for probate or letters of administration being registered as and deemed a
plaint filed against the caveator and the affidavit filed by the caveator being treated as
his written statement in the suit. The procedure in such suit shall be, as nearly as may
be, according to the provisions of the Code. The decree shall be in Form No. 32 in
Appendix A.
414. Notice in probate suit. In a probate suit the party opposing a will may, with his
affidavit, give notice to the party setting up the will that the merely insists upon the
will being proved m solemn form of law and only intends to cross examine the
witnesses produced in support of the will and he shall thereupon be at liberty to do so
and shall not, in any event, be liable to pay the costs of the other side, unless the
Court shall be of opinion that there was no reasonable ground for opposing the will.
415. Certificates under section 274 (1) (b) of the Act. With every. certificate to be
sent to a High Court under the provisions of section 274 (1)(b) of the Act the
Registrar, (O.S.) shall send to the other High Courts a copy of so much of the
affidavit as aforesaid as relates to the state within the jurisdiction of such High Court.
416. Notice by executor or administrator to creditors under sections 360 and 367 of
the Act. Where an executor or administrator has given notice to creditors and others
in Form No. 33 in Appendix A, such notice shall be deemed to satisfy the
requirements of sections 360 and 367 of the Act.
417. Disposal of petition for non prosecution. Any testamentary application in which
grant or certificate has not issued owing to non-prosecution of the petition for a
period of one year, shall be treated as disposed of and no action shall be taken on such
petition unless a fresh petition is filed or an order obtained from the Court giving
permission to the petitioner to proceed with the petition already filed.
418. Making will. Every will, copy of a will, or other testamentary paper to which an
executor or administrator is sworn or affirmed, shall be marked by the person before
whom he is sworn or affirmed.
420. Deduction of administration fees. Administration fees shall be deducted from the
proceeds of the property at the rate not exceeding the rate prescribed in Chapter VII
in Appendix C before surrender to claimants or deposit in public treasury.
Note. For form of note to be appended to certificates and form of order see Forms
Nos. 34 and 35 in Appendix A.
Rules under the Indian Divorce Act, 1869
421. Marriage certificate to be annexed to petition. All petitions under sections 10,
18, 23, 27, 32 or 34 of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869 (hereinafter in this chapter
called. "the Act"), shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the certificate of the
marriage, if such a certificate is available to the petitioner.
422. Contents of petition. (1) In the body of a petition under section 10, 18, 23, 27, 32
or 3 of the Act shall be stated-
(ii) the place and date of the marriage and domicile of the wife at the time of the
presentation of the petition;
(iii) the domicile of the husband at the time the petition is presented, his occupation
and places of residence of the parties at the time the petition is presented;
(iv) the principal permanent addresses where the parties have cohabited, including the
address where they last resided together in India;
(v) whether there is living issue of the marriage, and if so, the names and dates of
birth or ages of such issue;
(vi) whether there have been in the Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice in
England or in the Court of Sessions, in Scotland or in any Court in India any, and if
so, what previous proceedings with reference to the marriage by or on behalf of either
of the parties to the marriage, and the result of such proceedings;
(vii) the matrimonial offences charged set out in separate paragraphs with the times
and places of their alleged commission;
(ix) the grounds on which the petitioner claims that the Chief Court has jurisdiction to
determine the petition;
(2) The petition shall conclude with a prayer setting out particulars of the relief
claimed, including the amount of any claim for damages and any order for custody of
children which is sought, and shall be signed by the petitioner:
Provided that where the petitioner is by reason of absence or for other good cause,
unable to sign the petition, it may be signed by any person duly authorised by him or
her to sign the same or to sue on his or her behalf.
(3) Rules 19 to 25 of O.VIII of the Code Shall apply so far as may be, to petitions
under the aforesaid sections.
425. Intervener in wife's petition. Where a husband is charged with adultery with a
named person, a certified copy of the pleading containing such charge a shall, unless
the Court for good cause shown otherwise directs, be serve upon the person with
whom adultery is alleged to have been committed, accompanied by a notice that such
person is entitled, within the time therein specified, to apply for leave to intervene in
the cause.
426. Service of petition and notice. Every petition or notice under the Act shall be
served on the party to be affected thereby, either within or without British India, in
the manner prescribed by the Code for the service of summons:
Provided that, unless the Court for good cause shown otherwise directs, service of all
such petitions and notices shall be effected by delivery of the same to the party to be
affected thereby, and the Court shall record that it is satisfied that service has been so
Provided also that the Court may dispense with service altogether in case it seems
necessary or expedient to do so.
428. Verification address for service. (1) Any answer which contains matter other
than a simple denial of the facts stated in the petition shall be verified in respect of
such matter, and when the respondent is the husband or wife of the petitioner, the
answer shall contain a declaration that there is not any collusion or connivance
between the parties.
(2) Where the answer of a husband alleges adultery and prays relief, a certified copy
thereof shall be served upon the alleged adulterer, together with a notice to appear in
like manner as a petition. When in such case no relief is claimed the alleged adulterer
shall not be made a co respondent, but a certified copy of the answer shall be served
upon him together with a notice as under rule 425 that he is entitled within the time
therein specified to apply for leave to intervene in the suit, and upon such application
he may be allowed to intervene, subject to such direction as shall then be given by the
(4) Rules 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of O.VII of the Code shall apply so far as may be to
addresses for service filed under sub rule (3).
429. Service of decree nisi. A copy of a decree nisi for dissolution of marriage or of a
decree of nullity of marriage or judicial separation shall be served on the respondent
and co respondent in the manner provided by the Code for the service of summonses.
But proceedings subsequent to such decree shall not be rendered invalid b reason only
of the fact that the decree is not proved to have been serve
430. Decree absolute when to be made. (1) No decree nisi for the dissolution of
marriage shall be made absolute and no decree for dissolution of marriage or of
nullity of marriage made by a District Judge shall be confirmed till after the
expiration of six months from the pronouncing thereof.
(2) On the expiration, of the period aforesaid a notice shall be served on the parties of
the date on which the suit will be called up in Court for decree absolute or, as the case
may be, for confirmation of the decree. The decree may be made absolute or, as the
case may be, confirmed without any application being made to the Chief Court either
by the party in person or by an advocate and even if no party appears at the hearing.
431. How cause shown after decree nisi. (1) Any person wishing to show cause
against a decree nisi being made absolute or wishing to apply to the Chief Court to
remove a suit under the last clause of section 17 of the Act, shall file affidavits setting
forth the facts upon which he relies. Certified copies of the affidavits shall be served
upon the party or the advocate of the party in whose favour the decree has been
(2) The parties in the suit may, within a time to be fixed by the Court, file affidavits in
answer, and the person showing cause may within a further time to be so fixed file
affidavits in reply.
432. Alimony, maintenance and custody of children. The Chief Court shall not
entertain an application for the modification or discharge of an order for alimony,
maintenance or the custody of children unless the person on whose petition the decree
was pronounced is at the time the application is made resident in India.
433. Costs. A wife whether she be petitioner or respondent may have her costs up to
and of and incidental to the hearing taxed de die in diem, and the husband may be
ordered to pay into Court a sum sufficient to cover such costs or to give security for
the same. If the sum be paid into Court, the wife may have her costs taxed and paid
out of such sum de die in diem to her or to her advocate. The Court may, where the
wife is possessed of sufficient means of her own, refuse to pass any such order.
(1) "the said Act" means the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936;
(2) "the Court" means the Parsi District Matrimonial Court constituted under section
20 of the said Act.
435. Certified copy of decree or order in certain cases to be filed with plaint. Where a
plaintiff sues for divorce on the ground mentioned in clause (h) or (i) of section 32 of
the said Act, he or she shall file with the plaint a certified, copy of the decree or order
for judicial separation, or the decree for restitution of conjugal rights, or' the order for
separate maintenance, as the case may be, on which he or she relies.
436. Application dispensing with the joinder of co defendant. (1) In every suit for
divorce or judicial separation on the ground of adultery, where the plaintiff does not
desire or is unable to make the person with whom the adultery is alleged to have been
committed a co defendant to the suit, the plaintiff shall apply ex parte to the Court for
leave to dispense with the joinder of the co defendant. Such application shall be
accompanied by the plaint intended to be filed.
(2) The Court may require the plaintiff to serve a copy of such application upon the
defendant, and after hearing the parties may pass such orders as it may deem proper.
437. Leave of the Court to sue. (1) Leave of the Court to sue under subsection (3) of
section 29 of the said Act shall be obtained on an application made to the Court at the
time of presentation of the plaint.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by the plaint intended to be filed, and shall
be supported by an affidavit made by the plaintiff setting out the grounds on which
the leave is asked for.
(3) The Court may grant the leave, or may reject the application and return the plaint
for being presented to the proper Court: provided that leave shall not be granted
without first issuing a notice to the defendant.
Counter Claim
439. Application for alimony pendente lite. (1) in all matrimonial suits under the said
Act, except suits under section 31, the wife may file with the Registrar (O.S.) an
application for alimony pendente lite under section 39 of the said Act.
(i) where the wife is the plaintiff, after service of the writ of summons upon the
husband, and
(ii) where the wife is the defendant, after filing her written statement admitting the
fact of the marriage.
440. Service of such application on husband. (1) After an application for alimony has
been filed, a copy thereof shall be served upon the husband who shall within fourteen
days after such service file his answer thereto signed and verified; in default the Court
will proceed ex parte.
Wife’s application to Court for decree (2) After the answer of the husband has been
filed, the wife may apply to the Court to decree her alimony pendente lite, provided
that the wife shall, four days before she so moves the Court, give notice to her
husband or to his agent or advocate, of her intention to do so.
Witnesses when to be examined. (3) Subject to any order as to costs, the wife may, if
not satisfied with the husband's answer, move to have a day fixed for hearing such
application when witnesses may be examined in support of and against such
application for alimony.
441. Varying, modifying or rescinding of an order for alimony ‘pendente lite’. The
Court may, upon application by either party, from time to time vary, modify or
rescind any order made on the application for alimony pendente lite; in such manner
as it may deem proper, if it is satisfied that there is a change in the circumstances of
the parties which warrants a variation, modification or rescission, a copy of such
application shall be served upon the other party, and the application shall be heard
after service thereof, on such day as the Court may fix.
Application for Permanent Alimony, Custody of Children, etc., on Decree
442. Application for permanent alimony, custody of children. etc. (1) Applications
shall be made as soon as may be convenient after the judgment in the suit has been
(2) A copy of the application shall be served upon the husband and such parties as a
Court may direct.
(3) The application will after service thereof be heard on such day as the Court may
443. Stay of application and making of interim orders. Where an appeal from the
decree in the suit is pending, every application under rule 442 shall be stayed until
after the disposal of the appeal. But the Court may, in that event, make such interim
orders for alimony or for the custody, (or access), maintenance and education of
children as it could have made if the application had been made pending the hearing
of the suit.
444. Power of the Court to pass consent order. Nothing in rule 442 shall preclude the
Court from passing, at the time of pronouncing judgment in the suit, any consent
order with regard to permanent alimony, disposal of joint property, custody (or
access), maintenance and education of children, or settlement of the wife’s property
for the benefit of the children.
445. Procedure to vary, modify, rescind or suspend order for permanent alimony, etc.
(1) Where an order for permanent alimony or for permanent custody (or access),
maintenance and education of children has been made, any subsequent application to
vary, modify, rescind or suspend such order shall be made by petition, a copy of
which shall be served on the other side.
(2) The petition shall state specifically the change in the circumstances of the parties,
or in the position of the children, which renders such petition necessary.
(4) The petition shall after service thereof be heard on such day as the Court may fix.
(2) The said certified copy shall be sent as soon as possible after the expiration of
three months from the date of the decree, or if an appeal therefrom is pending, as soon
as possible on receipt of a certified copy of the judgment and decree of the Appeal
Court and in accordance therewith.
447. Practice and procedure regulated by the Code and rules. In all other respects the
practice and procedure of the Court shall be regulated by the provisions of the Code
and the other provisions of these rules.
448. Title of Proceedings. All proceedings under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890,
(hereinafter in this chapter called “the Act”) shall be entitled in the matter of the
Appointment of Guardian
449. Form of application. An application under section 10 of the Act for the
appointment of a guardian or for a declaration that a person is the guardian of a
minor, shall be by petition in Form No. 36 in Appendix A. Such petition shall be
registered and numbered as a miscellaneous application.
451. Where father of minor is living. Where the father of a minor is living and is not
proposed as guardian, the application shall also state the facts relied on as showing
that he is unfit to act as guardian of the minor or that he consents to the application.
452. Form of Notice. The notice required by section 11 of the Act shall be in Form
No. 37 in Appendix A.
453. Copy of application to Court to Wards. Whenever the application made under
section 10 of the Act states that the property of the minor consists of land or any
interest in land, of which the Court of Wards could assume superintendence, a copy
of the application shall be sent free of charge to the Court of Wards.
454. Procedure in appointing or declaring guardian. The Court shall in all cases,
except for reasons to be recorded, examine the applicant and the
proposed guardian, if the latter is not the applicant, as to the age of the minor and the
competency and fitness of the proposed guardian and as to the necessity of the
proposed appointment. The Court shall also as far as possible, satisfy itself that the
proposed guardian has no interest opposed to that of the minor and where the
application is one for the appointment of a guardian of the minor's person, that he is
in a position to take proper care of the minor.
455. Security by guardian. The security bond required by section 34 of the Act shall
be in Form No. 38 in Appendix A. The amount of such security shall ordinarily be
equal to the value of the movable property and to twice the amount of the annual
rents, profits or other income of movable and immovable property to be received or
accounted for by the guardian.
456. Time for furnishing security order conditional. Where security is required, the
Court shall fix a time within which such security shall be furnished, and the order of
appointment or declaration shall be made conditional on the furnishing of the
459. Directions at the hearing. At the hearing the Court may determine the amount to
be allowed for the maintenance and education of the minor and the amount, if any, to
be allowed to the guardian as his remuneration, and may also give any special
directions as to the powers to be exercised by the guardian.
460. Form of statement filed under Section 34(b). The statement provided in section
34 (b) of the Act shall be in Form No. 40 in Appendix A.
461. Marriage of minor girl. When the minor is an unmarried girl, the Court shall
require that the minor shall not be married without previous permission of the Court;
and shall satisfy itself before sanctioning any proposal for a minor's marriage that it is
a fit and proper one.
Interlocutory Applications
465. Payment into Court of proceeds of sale. If a particular sale or other disposition of
property is authorised, the Court may direct that the instrument of transfer be brought
into Court for approval and that the proceeds or any portion, thereof be paid into
Court for disposal in accordance with such further directions as the Court may give.
466. Guardian to keep accounts. The Court shall direct the guardian to keep such
accounts as may be deemed necessary having regard to the extent and circumstances
of the estate.
467. Time for submitting and period of accounts. In the absence of any direction to
the contrary by the Court, the accounts to be kept by the guardian shall be for the year
beginning with the 1st Aril and ending with the 31st March, and the Court shall
require the guardian to submit on or before the 30th April in each year after the date
of the appointment copies of the accounts kept by him during the preceding year:
provided that the Court may in all cases call for the accounts at any time it shall think
fit so to do.
468. Inspection and audit of accounts. The copies submitted under rule 467 shall be
exhibited and preserved with the record of the main petition and shall be open to
inspection, with the permission of the Court, by persons legitimately interested in the
same on the payment of the fee prescribed by rule 162 of Chapter XIV of the
Appellate Side Rules. The Court should ordinarily cause copies of the accounts
submitted under rule 467 to be audited by the Nazir or such other officer as it may
appoint, and in any case where the accounts are difficult and complicated, it may
order such accounts to be audited by a registered accountant enrolled on the Register
of Accountants, maintained by the Central Government under the Auditors Certificate
Rules, 1932, at the cost of the minor's estate. The report of the Auditor shall in all
cases be submittal to the Court. The Court may allow such fees to the Auditor as it
thinks fit. In the case of the Nazir or other officer of the Court, such fees shall be
credited to Government.
469. Where minor attains majority before 31st March in following year. When at the
audit of accounts under rule 468 it appears to the Court that the ward will attain
majority at a date before the 31st March in the following year, it shall direct the
guardian to furnish accounts up to such date and shall fix a definite date for
considering such accounts and shall issue notice to the ward in Form No. 41 in
Appendix A.
470. Order under sections 32 and 43 (1) of the Act re: investment of surplus monies
etc. (1) The Court shall in all proper cases consider the propriety of making orders
under section 32 and 43 (1) as to (a) investment of surplus money, (b) borrowing of
money by the guardian on behalf of his ward, and (c) sale or retention of ornaments
or other valuable movables.
(2) When the court passes an order as to investment, it shall ordinarily direct it to be
made in securities mentioned in clauses (a), (b) (bb), (c) and (d) of section 20 of the
Indian Trusts Act, 1882, or rule 959, or in the Government Savings Bank or in deposit
with the Imperial Bank.
(3) When the Court permits investment to be made in any other securities, it shall
record its reasons for so doing.
472. Guardian not to be discharged till accounts passed. Unless the Court for reasons
recorded in writing otherwise orders, a guardian shall not be discharged from his
liabilities until he has filed his accounts and they have been passed and until he has
paid into Court any balance shown in the final account as due from him.
Allowance to Guardians
474. Administration fees if Nazir appointed guardian of property of minor. When the
Nazir or other officer of the Court is appointed a guardian of the property of a minor,
administration fees shall be charged as provided in rule 84, and credited to
475. Costs. The cost of any application with respect to the person or the property of
the minor may, if the application is for his benefit, be ordered to be paid out of the
income of his property or, if that is insufficient, out of capital monies or monies
realized by sale or mortgage of any property of the minor authorized by the Court for
this purpose.
476. Rules may be relaxed for estates smaller than Rs.500 in value. These rules shall
be applied strictly only in the cases of estates exceeding five hundred rupees in value.
For smaller estates the Court may relax these rules so far as may seem desirable in
each particular case. These rules should be applied, with necessary modifications,
also to ex officio guardians.
References under section 66 (1)
477. Form of reference. (1) All references under sub section (1) of section 66 of the
Indian Income tax Act, 1922 (hereinafter in this Chapter called "the Act), shall set out
clearly and distinctly the questions of law on which opinion of the Court is required
and shall state concisely in paragraphs numbered consecutively such facts and refer to
such documents as may be necessary to enable the Court to decide the questions
(2) They shall be addressed to the Registrar (O.S.), and shall be accompanied by three
copies of the statement of the case drawn to and of the documents referred to therein,
and also by a memorandum setting forth the address of the assessee to whom notice is
to be given of the reference.
478. Notice of hearing to assessee and Commissioner. A reference under sub section
(1) of section 66 of the Act shall be numbered and registered as a civil reference. The
Registrar (O.S.), shall fix a day of hearing and cause a notice to be issued to the
assessee concerned and to the Commissioner.
479. Form of application. An application under sub section (2) or (3) of section 66 of
the Act shall be by petition which shall set out concisely in paragraphs numbered
consecutively the material facts, the proceedings that have taken place before the
income tax Officers, a statement of the question or questions of law upon which the
case is to be stated, and shall pray for an order requiring the Appellate Tribunal to
state the case and refer it to the Chief Court, and shall be duly verified. It shall be
presented to the Deputy Registrar.
480. Copies to be filed. With the petition shall be filed a spare copy thereof and a
certified copy of the order of the Appellate Tribunal disposing of the case.
482. Registrar to place it for admission. The Registrar (O.S), shall place such petition
before a Bench appointed by the Chief Judge for admission.
483. Service of notice on admission. Where the petition has been admitted, the
Registrar (O.S.) shall fix a day for hearing and issue a notice to the Commissioner.
484. Paper Book. All references under sub section (1) and all applications under sub
section (2) and (3) of section 66 of the Act shall, together with their enclosures, be
typed at the expense of the Commissioner or the applicant, as the case may be, and
bound in book form. Three copies of the paper book shall be filed with the Registrar
(O.S.), two for the use of the judges and one for the Commissioner or he applicant, as
the case may be, at least 7 days before the hearing.
485. Notice to Appellate Tribunal if Court requires case to be stated. In the event of
the court requiring the Appellate Tribunal to state a case, notice of such order of the
Court together with a copy of it specifying the question or questions of law on which
the case is to be stated shall be sent by registered post to the Registrar, Appellate
486. Omitted.
487. Omitted.
488. Omitted.
490. Constitution of Bench to hear references and applications. All references and all
applications under section 66 of the Act shall be heard by a Bench appointed by the
Chief Judge under section 66 A of the Act.
491. Copy of judgment to be sent to Registrar, Appellate Tribunal. In the event of the
said reference being answered by the Chief Court, a copy of the judgment delivered
by the Court shall be sent by registered post to the Registrar, Appellate Tribunal.
492. Costs of reference or application. When the Court at the hearing of a reference or
an application allows costs, such costs shall be taxed on the scale prescribed in
Chapter VIII in Appendix C, unless the Court gives any special direction in the
493. Form for witnesses. The following forms of oaths and affirmations are
prescribed under section 7 of the Indian Oaths Act, 1873:
(1) Hindus and Muhammadans shall be required to repeat the following words .
"I solemnly affirm in the presence of Almighty God that what I shall state shall be the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
(2) Parsis shall be required to repeat with shoes on their feet and the right hand on the
open Zend Avesta the following words:-
"I swear in the presence of Almighty God that what I shall state shall be the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth. Manasni, Gavasni, Kunasni,
(3) Jews shall be required to hold the Hebrew Testament in the right hand and to
repeat the following words:
"I swear that what I shall state shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth. So help me God", and shall be required to kiss the book.
(4) Christians shall be required to hold the New Testament in the right hand and to
repeat the following words:
"I swear that what I shall state shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the
truth. So help me God", and shall be required to kiss the book.
494. Form for interpreters, and jurors. Oaths and affirmations shall be administered to
interpreters in similar forms with substitution of the words:
"I will well and truly interpret and explain all questions put to and evidence given by
the witness", and to jurors with substitution of the words:
"I will well and truly try the case submitted to the Jury and return a true verdict
according to the evidence."
495. Deposit of money due on mortgage. Every deposit under section 83 of the
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (hereinafter in this Chapter called the Act), shall be
accompanied by a verified petition stating the facts in connection with the mortgage
and the amount due for principal and interest. Such petition shall be registered as a
miscellaneous application and the petition by a mortgagee under section 83 of the Act
shall be entitled in such miscellaneous application.
496. Deposit of costs. Unless otherwise ordered, there shall be paid into Court, in
addition to the sum deposited under section 83 or any subsequent section, a sum
sufficient to provide for the issue and service of notices by the Court and for the
mortgagee's costs of obtaining payment out of Court and also when such payment is
made under section 83 and a re transfer of the property is required a further sum to
provide for the mortgagees costs of transferring the property and causing such
transfer to be registered.
497. Order for payment of money into Court under S. 83. Every order for payment of
money into Court under section 83 of the Act shall specify the sums to be paid and
the purpose for which each sum is intended.
498. Mode of service. Subject to the provisions of sections 102 and 103 of the Act,
notice under section 83 of the Act shall be served in one of the modes prescribed for
service of summonses by the Code or by sending it by registered post to the address
for service of the person to be served.
499. Costs of mortgagee. Where it shall appear that previous to any payment into
Court under section 83 a sufficient tender was made to and refused by the mortgagee,
he shall not be allowed to obtain payment of the amount deposited in Court to meet
his claim without deduction of the fees and charges which the mortgagor may have
incurred by reason of his payment of the money into Court nor shall he be allowed the
cost of drawing out the money paid in. Except as aforesaid or when otherwise
ordered, the mortgagee shall be allowed all costs properly incurred by him.
500. Court's order for paying out. On an application for payment of money out of
Court under section 83 by a mortgagee who has complied with the orders of the Court
and the provisions of the Act and of the rules, made in this behalf, so far as they relate
to him or apply to his case, and who has, when required so to do, transferred the
property and possession free from encumbrances and caused such transfer to be
registered and has accounted for the document of title which were held by him, the
Court shall make such order or orders as to it shall seem fit for the disposal of the
capital sum and interest thereon, and of the fund for costs and expenses.
501. Enforcement of order. Every enforceable order made under section 83 may be
enforced under the provisions of the Code and shall for that purpose be deemed to
have been made in a suit instituted under that Code.
503. If presentation by both donor and donee, it may be filed forthwith. If the power
of attorney be presented by or on behalf of both the donor and the donee, the Deputy
Registrar may forthwith order it to be deposited.
504. In other cases notice to issue and order of Court to be obtained. (1) If the power
of attorney is presented by or on behalf of the donor or the donee only, the Deputy
Registrar shall receive it and issue a notice to the donee or the donor, as the case may
be, to show cause within the time fixed therein why it should not be deposited.
(2) The cause shall be heard by, or if no cause be shown, the Deputy Registrar shall
obtain the orders of the Chief Judge or such Judge as the Cheif Judge shall appoint
either generally or specially in this behalf.
(3) If the Chief Judge or such Judge as aforesaid is satisfied as to the due execution of
the power of attorney, he shall make an order directing the power of attorney to be
filed. He may require further evidence of such execution.
(4) If the Court is not satisfied as to the due execution of the power of attorney, it
shall be returned to the petitioner.
505. Filling of powers of attorney. (1) On the order for deposit being made, the power
of attorney shall be numbered and endorsed with a certificate in Form No. 42 m
Appendix A and placed on the file of instruments deposited under the Powers of
Attorney Act, 1882; and a receipt shall be given for it.
507. Index to be kept of instruments deposited. The Deputy Registrar shall keep an
alphabetical index in Form No. 7 in Appendix B of the powers of attorney ordered to
be deposited in the Court.
508. Deputy Registrar to dispose of application for search, copies, etc. Applications
for permission to search the Index or to inspect powers of attorney, and applications
for copies or for the stamping or making of copies as certified copies shall be made
to, and be disposed of by the Deputy Registrar.
509. Fees. The following fees shall be paid in Court fee lables:-
Rs. a. p.
(1) For application to deposit a power of attorney 1 0 0
(b) sealing 2 0 0
Constitution of Court and Sittings
511. Cases to be tried by Judge or Judges nominated by Chief Judge. Cases to be tried
by the Chief Court shall be tried on the Crown Side according to the provisions of the
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, before such Judge or Judges as the Chief Judge
shall nominate.
512. Sittings of Sessions. Subject to the provisions of section 334 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898, the Court of Session shall sit daily (Sundays and Court
holidays excepted), unless the presiding Judge otherwise directs.
514. Clerk of the Crown to fix a date for the trial. On receipt of the record, the Clerk
of the Crown shall fix a date for the trial. He shall also fix dates in case in which the
trial has been adjourned by the Court without date for further hearing.
515. Vakalatnamas. (1) Vakalatnama shall be filed by all pleaders, as defined in the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, (except Barristers and Advocates), appearing on
behalf of either the prosecution or the defence in all classes of cases, including
appeals and revisional or miscellaneous applications: Provided that no vakalatnama
shall be necessary in the case of-
(b) Public Prosecutor for Sindh and Assistant Public Prosecutor for Sindh appearing
on behalf of the Crown;
(c) Pleaders appointed by the Court in any case to defend persons who are too poor to
engage counsel for themselves;
(2) Where a sessions trial is not conducted by the Public Prosecutor or Assistant
Public Prosecutor, a written authority shall be filed by the pleader appointed by the
District Magistrate.
516. Qualifications of jurors. Except as hereinafter provided, every male person who
(iv) resident within the Municipal limits of the City and Cantonments of Karachi and
Manora, and
(v) is in the receipt of an income of Rs.100 a month and upwards or pays income tax,
517. Disqualifications of jurors. The following persons shall not be eligible to serve
as jurors;
(1) Persons who have been convicted and sentenced by a Criminal Court to
imprisonment for an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding six
months or to transportation, such sentence not having been subsequently reversed or
quashed or the offender pardoned;
(2) persons incapacitated in the opinion of the Clerk of the Crown from serving by
insanity or imbecility of mind, or by deafness, blindness, or any other permanent
518. Persons exempted from serving as jurors. 1****The following persons are
exempt from liability to serve as jurors, namely:
(i) Clergymen in Holy Orders, Priests; and dissenting Ministers following no secular
employment except that of a School Master;
(iv) all engineers in charge of mills who by the rules of Government are obliged to
remain in charge of machinery; and
(v) such other persons whose absence from their employment while serving on juries
may, in the opinion of the Clerk of the Crown, by likely to be prejudicial to the public
1*** The Clerk of the Crown shall keep a list of persons exempted from liability to
serve as jurors under sub rule (1) and by the Provincial Government under section
313 (4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898. Such persons shall not be entered in
the list of jurors:
519. Clerk of the Crown to make out a list of qualified men before 1st
April. The Clerk of the Crown shall, before the 1st day of April in each year, prepare
and make out a true list of all male persons qualified and liable to serve as jurors in
alphabetical order, containing in separate columns opposite to each man's name his
proper style, occupation, place of residence and religious profession: Provided always
that in stating the religious profession of any person it shall be sufficient to say
Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu, or the like, without specifying the particular Church
or sect of the person.
520. Upon completion of such list, Clerk of the Crown to make out lists of Common
and Special Jurors. Upon the completion of such list the Clerk of the Crown shall, if
need be, make inquiry and shall adjudge and determine who, out of the persons
entered in such list, are to serve as Common and Special Jurors respectively, and shall
place in a separate list the names of all persons chosen by him to serve as Special
Jurors, not exceeding the number prescribed, and shall thereafter proceed and deal
with such list as provided in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898.
521. Number of persons in the Special Jurors List. The names of not more than
2[seven] hundred persons shall, at any one time, be entered in the Special Jurors' List.
522. Names of persons to be numbered consecutively. The names of all jurors in the
lists prepared by the Clerk of the Crown shall be numbered consecutively.
523. Publishing of notice for inspection of the Jury List and for objections (if any) to
be taken. When preliminary lists of Jurors have been published under section 314 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, a notice shall be given in the official Gazene
and in reputable Karachi newspapers that such lists are open for inspection at the
office of the Clerk of the Crown and that all objections to the lists will be heard and
determined by the Clerk of the Crown at a date and hour to be specified in the notice.
The Clerk of the Crown shall sit at such specified date and hour and hear and dispose
of the objections, if any, taken by the persons interested in the amendment of the list
and there shall be no appeal from or review of his decision.
524. Original lists to be kept by the Clerk of the Crown and inspection to be given.
The Clerk of the Crown shall keep, the said lists or a true copy thereof and shall allow
the same to be perused by any person at any reasonable time without charge.
525. Correction of mistakes in the lists by Clerk of the Crown. If at any time after the
making of such lists it should appear that any person placed thereon has been
described by a wrong name or that his place of residence has been wrongly stated or
that there is any mistake in the said list, the Clerk of the Crown may, on being
satisfied of the truth of the matter, correct such wrong description or mistake:
Provided that no correction shall be made in either of such lists which would have the
effect of placing on the list of jurors the name of any person who was not intended to
be placed thereon at the time the same was prepared.
526. Clerk of the Crown to cause to be made out a list of Jurors to serve on the Juries.
The Clerk of the Crown shall, not less than fourteen days before the commencement
of each Sessions, cause to be made out a list of as many Jurors to serve on the Special
and Common Juries respectively as the Clerk of the Crown considers necessary.
527. Summoning of jurors. Any person liable to serve on any Jury may be summoned
in the manner following, that is to say, the Clerk of the Crown may make out a
summons and such summons being put in an envelope having the words "Jury
Summons" legibly written or printed on the same side as the address, may be sent by
registered post at least 10 days before the date of the commencement of the Sessions.
The production by the person who posted such summons of the sender's receipt shall
be evidence of the summons having been duly delivered at the address of the person
whose name and address is thereon endorsed.
528. Names of jurors excused attending at one session may be inserted in the list for a
subsequent session. Any person who has been summoned as a Juror or any Session
may apply to the Clerk of the Crown to cause him to be excused from attendance as a
Juror either generally or at that particular Session. Such application shall be made at
least 1[four] days before the date fixed for the commencement of the Session, and
shall specify the Grounds upon which the application is made. The Clerk of the
Crown shall, 1*** **** **** **** **** dispose of the same or if he considers it
necessary or desirable bring them before the Judge presiding at the Session. Such
orders as may be passed on the application shall be communicated by the Clerk of the
Crown to the respective applicants. If the Judge or the Clerk of the Crown shall think
fit to excuse any of the applicants from attendance at the particular Session, he may
do so unconditionally or on condition of his serving at the next or some subsequent
Session to be fixed, and any such conditional order shall operate as an authority to the
Clerk of the Crown to include the name of such person in the list for such subsequent
529. Additional jurors may be summoned. If, during the continuance of any Sessions,
it appears that the number of persons so summoned is not sufficient, the Clerk of the
Crown shall summon, with all convenient speed, such additional number of persons
liable to serve as, jurors as may be necessary to attend on such days as the Court shall
530. Panels of Special and Common juries to be delivered to the Court. The Clerk of
the Crown shall at the commencement of each Sessions deliver to the Court a. panel
of the persons summoned to serve on the Special Jury as aforesaid or, a panel of the
persons summoned to serve on the Common Jury as aforesaid, and nothing m these
rules contained shall be construed to take away from the Court such control as it may
legally exercise on any panel delivered by the Clerk of the Crown.
531. Mode of choosing Jury. The name of each person, who shall be summoned as
aforesaid to serve on the Jury, with the place of his abode and occupation shall be
written on a separate piece of paper or card such pieces of paper or card being all as
nearly as may be of equal size and shall be put by the Clerk of the Crown in a box and
delivered by him to the presiding Judge at the commencement of the Sessions. The
Judge shall in the presence of the prisoner about to be tried draw from the said box in
open Court the said pieces of paper or card indiscriminately one after the other and
the names of the first nine persons that shall be drawn out and appear and shall not be
challenged or set aside or excused shall form the Special or Common Jury, as the
Case may be, to try such prisoner: Provided that on the trial of a person claiming to be
tried by a mixed Jury under the provisions of section 275 of the code of Criminal
Procedure, the Judge shall put back into the box the papers or cards drawn by him on
which appear the names of persons who are not European or Indian British subjects
according as the person to be tried is an European or Indian British subject,
respectively, until there are in the Jury box five such European or Indian British
subjects, as the case may be, who shall not have been challenged, set aside, or
excused, after which he shall complete the number of the Jury by drawing out the
paper or cards indiscriminately as in ordinary cases.
532. Note in the list of jurors summoned to serve at the Sessions. After the close of
each Sessions the Clerk of the Crown shall note in the margin of the lists of Jurors
kept by him against the names of the Special and Common Jurors who have been
summoned to serve at the Sessions the fact that they have been so summoned. He
shall also note against the name of any Juror who has been specially exempted by
order of the presiding Judge from serving again for a period, the fact of such
exemption and the length of the period.
533. Issue and service of process. (1) All processes shall be sealed and issued from
and returned into the office of the Clerk of the Crown.
(2) Summonses to jurors shall be signed by the Clerk of the Crown. Summonses to
witnesses to give evidence or to cause to produce a document shall be signed by the
Sheristedar on the Crown Side. Remand warrants shall be signed by the Deputy
Registrar. Warrants for the execution of any sentence shall be signed by the Judge
who passed the sentence or his successor in office.
(3) Summonses to witnesses may be served through the City Magistrate or the
Committing Magistrate, as the case may be. But in urgent or special cases summonses
to witnesses and jurors may be served by the Nazir of the Chief Court.
534. Witnesses residing beyond certain limits how summoned. No summons shall be
issue to compel the attendance as a witness of any person residing at the time beyond
the limits of the Sessions Jurisdiction of the Chief Court, except on an order of the
536. Process for service. The provisions of rule 134 shall apply mutates mutandis for
summoning gazetted officers and persons of high rank as witnesses before the
criminal sessions of the Chief Court.
538. Recording evidence of witnesses. (1) The provisions of rules 246 to 255 shall
apply, so far as may be, to the recording of evidence of witnesses and to the
exhibiting of documents in all sessions trials in the Chief Court.
(2) Originals of public records shall not ordinarily be admitted in evidence where
certified copies are obtainable and will answer the required purpose.
539. Recording of examination of accused, etc. All questions put to the accused and
the answers thereto, all oral statements made by the accused, all questions put to or by
the jury with the answers thereto shall be recorded in English verbatim by, or in the
presence and under the superintendence of the Judge.
540. Recording of charge to the jury. (1) The charge to the jury shall be recorded in
English in shorthand. The shorthand writer shall record the charge to the jury in
books the pages of which shall be machine numbered and the first and last pages of
which shall be sealed with the seal of the Court. He shall sign the shorthand notes
made by him in token of their correctness and shall lodge the same with the clerk of
the Crown.
(2) The Shorthand writer shall furnish forthwith to the Judge a transcript of the
shorthand notes taken by him which after correction, if necessary, by the Judge shall
be preserved as part of the record.
541. Diary. (1) In trials before the Chief Court in its Sessions Court Jurisdiction a
diary shall be kept in Form No. 43 in Appendix A.
(2) In other proceedings before the Chief Court in its Session Court Jurisdiction, a
diary shall be kept in the same form as in suits on the Original Side.
(3) The diary under sub rules (1) and (2) shall be written legibly by the Sheristedar or
one of his assistants attending in Court. Diary under sub rule (1) shall be signed by
the Clerk of the Crown and under sub rule (2) by the Sheristedar or his assistant as the
case may be.
542. Duties of Sleristedar. Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the Sheristedar
on the Crown Side shall, so far as may be, perform such duties on the Crown side as
the Sheristedar is empowered to perform on the Civil Original Side.
543. Registers. The following Registers shall be kept on the Crown Side:
544. Report to Government of misconduct by police. The Judge may require the
Clerk of the Crown to report to Government any instance of misconduct or abuse of
authority by the police which has come to his notice.
545. Provisions of Chapter V of Sindh Chief Court Rules, (A.S.) to apply. The
provisions of Chapter V of the Sindh Chief Court Rules, Appellate Side, shall apply,
so far as may be, to all appeals and applications for revision filed in the Sessions
Court Jurisdiction of the Chief Court.
546. Time for application for exercising revisional jurisdiction. An application for
revision shall ordinarily be made within 30 days from the date of the decision
complained against, exclusive of the time required for obtaining copies.
547. Application for bail. (1) Every application for bail shall be by petition and shall
state when, by whom, for what offence, and under what circumstances the prisoner
was committed to and where he is detained in custody, and the grounds for the
(2) The petition shall be accompanied, if the accused is committed to the Chief Court,
by a copy of the committal order; or, if he is convicted by a magistrate and sentenced
to imprisonment, by a copy of the Judgment and memorandum of appeal unless the
Court in its discretion dispenses with the same.
548. Copy of bail application to be sent to public Prosecutor and his receipt filed. A
copy of every application for bail shall be sent by the applicant to the public
Prosecutor for Sindh and his receipt shall be appended to the application for bail filed
in Court.
549. Application how disposed of. Applications for bail may be disposed of by a
Judge in Chambers, and shall ordinarily be made to the Judge nominated to take the
ensuing Sessions. When the Court of Sessions is sitting, the application shall be made
to that Court.
550. Order granting bail to order Nazir or Magistrate to take bail. (1) Whenever any
person is directed to be released on bail, the Judge shall order such bail to be given
before the Nazir or before such Magistrate as shall appear proper to the Judge.
(2) Where such bail has been given to the satisfaction of the Nazir, the order for
release, which shall be in Form No. 58 in Appendix A, shall be signed by the
Registrar, Appellate Side, and forwarded to the Superintendent of the Jail for
551. Nature of security. Security for the release of a prisoner on bail may be by way
of deposit of title deeds, Government or other securities or cash or by way of personal
security as the Clerk of the Crown, subject to the general or special order of the
Judge, shall direct.
552. Rules 337 to 351 to apply to sales under Partition Act. The provisions of rules
337 to 351 shall, so far as the same are applicable, apply to a sale under section 7 of
the Partition Act, 1893: Provided that rule 343 shall not apply to the said sale and the
Court may grant leave to any party to bid for and purchase the property or any part
thereof on such terms as the Court thinks fit.
553. Interpretation of terms. (1) In this Chapter unless the context or subject matter
otherwise requires,
(ii) "Court" includes the Registrar when exercising the powers of the Court pursuant
to the Act or these rules;
(iv) "debtor" includes a firm of debtors in partnership and includes any debtor
proceeded against under the Act, whether adjudged insolvent or not;
(v) "Judge" means the Judge for the time being assigned under section 4 of the Act
for the exercise of the original Jurisdiction of the Court in insolvency proceedings;
(vi) "Registrar" means Registrar (O.S.), and includes in his absence the Registrar,
Appellate Side, and includes also the Deputy Registrar and other officer of the Court
appointed to exercise 1 or any of the powers mentioned in section 6 of the Act and to
perform the functions assigned to the Registrar (O.S.), under this Chapter;
(ix) "writing" includes type writing and print, and "written" includes typed or printed.
(2) The provisions of section 2 of the Act shall apply to these rules and any other
terms and expressions defined by the Act shall, in these rules, have the meanings
thereby assigned to them.
Court and Chambers
554. Matters to be heard in open Court. The following matters and applications shall
be heard and determined in open Court, namely:
(d) applications to set aside or avoid any settlement, conveyance, transfer, security or
payment, or to declare for or against the title of the Official Assignee to any property
adversely claimed;
(e) applications for committal of any person to prison for contempt;
555. Adjournment from Chambers to Court and vice versa. Subject to the provisions
of the Act and these rules, any matter or application may, at any time, if the Judge (or,
as the case may be, the Registrar) thinks fit, be adjourned from Chambers to Court or
form Court to Camber; and if all the contending parties require any matter or
application to be adjourned from Chambers into Court it shall be so adjourned.
556. Proceedings how entitled. (1) Every proceeding in Court under the Act shall be
entitled Insolvency Jurisdiction with the name of the Court and of the matter to which
it relates.
(2) All applications and orders shall be entitled ex parte the applicant.
(3) The first proceeding in every matter shall have a distinctive number assigned to it
by the Registrar, and all subsequent proceedings in the same matter shall bear the
same number.
557. Publication notices. In every case in which the Act or these rules require any
notice to be published, the publication shall be made in the Office Gazette and in a
daily newspaper or advertiser having circulation in Karachi, unless otherwise
provided by these rules or ordered by the Judge.
558. Filing, Gazetting, & c. (1) Whenever the Gazette of India and the Sindh Govt.
Gazette, contain any advertisement relating, to any matter under the Act, the Registrar
shall file with the proceedings in the matter a memorandum (which shall be in Form
No. 60 in Appendix A) referring to and giving the date of such advertisement.
(2) In the case of an advertisement in a local newspaper, the Registrar shall in like
manner file a copy of the paper and a memorandum (which shall be in Form No. 60 in
Appendix A) referring to and giving the date of such advertisement.
559. Applications for discovery. Every application to the Court under section 36 of
the Act shall be in writing and shall state shortly the grounds on which it is made and
shall, unless it is made by or on behalf of the Official Assignee or a Special Manager,
be verified by affidavit.
561. Communication of order under section 60. Where an order is made under sub
section (1) of section 60 of the Act, a copy thereof shall be sent by the Registrar to the
head of the department under which the pay or salary is enjoyed. In case of an order
under sub section (2) of that section, the Registrar shall give to the Official Assignee
a copy thereof for communication to the person under whom such salary or income is
enjoyed. (Form No. 62 in Appendix A).
562. Review of order. Where an order has been made for the payment by an insolvent
or by his employer for the time being, of a portion of his income or salary, the
insolvent may upon his ceasing to receive a salary or income of the amount he
received, when the order was made, apply to the Court to rescind the order or to
reduce the amount ordered to be paid by him to the Official Assignee.
564. Production of insolvent before Court & etc. When an insolvent is arrested under
a warrant issued under section 34 of the Act within the local limits of the original
civil jurisdiction of the Court, he shall be produced with all convenient speed before
the Court: if such arrest has been effected outside such local limits, he shall be given
into custody of the officer in-charge of the Karachi Civil Jail, who shall produce such
insolvent before the Court as it may from time to time direct and shall safely keep
him until such time as the Court shall otherwise order, and any books, papers,
moneys, goods and chattels in the possession of the insolvent which may be seized,
shall forthwith be lodged with the Official Assignee.
(3) The Registrar shall before the conclusion of the examination of which the default
in answering is made, name the time when and place where the default will be
reported to the Judge; and upon receiving the report, the Judge may take such action
thereon as he shall think fit. If the Judge is sitting at the time when the default in
answering is made, such default may be reported immediately.
567. Awarding costs. (1) The Court in awarding costs may direct that the costs of any
matter or application shall be taxed and paid as between party and party or as between
advocate and client or that full costs, charges and expenses shall be allowed or the
Court may fix a sum to be paid in lieu of taxed costs.
(2) In the absence of any express direction, costs of an opposed motion shall follow
the event and shall be taxed as between party and party.
(3) The fees, costs and expenses of and for issue and service of processes, traveling
and diet expenses of witnesses, the court fees payable on appeals and applications and
all other matters in the Court' Insolvency. Jurisdiction, whether original or appellate,
shall, unless otherwise expressly provided by these rules or ordered by the Judge or
Judges hearing the application or appeal, those prescribed for or actually payable for
like matters in the Court's original or appellate civil jurisdiction, as the case may be,
and shall be deposited and paid in accordance with the rules and practice of the Court
by the party whose application necessitates them.
(4) for all summonses and notices sent by registered post, actual postal charges shall
be charged for each cover in substitution of process fee
payable under the rules.
568. Scale of costs. (1) Fees to advocates may be allowed in the discretion of the
Court. Generally one or the other of the following scales shall be observed:
Taking instructions and preparing petitions, etc., from and on behalf of a creditor
preliminary to hearing application for discharge.
(2) Subject to express provisions in these rules as to costs of certain matters, the
Judge may direct that the costs of an insolvent or of a creditor, either generally or in
respect of any particular matter, shall be paid out of the insolvent's estate prior to any
distribution of the estate amongst the creditors.
569. Applications for costs. Where any party to or person affected by any proceeding
desires to make an application for an order that he be allowed his costs or any part of
them incident to such proceeding and such application is not made at the time of the
(1) Such party or person shall serve notice of his intended application on the Official
(2) the Official Assignee may appear on such application and object thereto;
(3) no costs of or incident to such application shall be allowed to the applicant unless
the Court is satisfied that the application could not have been made at the time of the
570. Priority of costs and charges payable out of assets. The assets in every matter
remaining after payment of the actual expenses incurred in realizing any of the assets
of the debtor shall, subject to any order of the Court, be liable to the following
payments which shall be made in the following order of priority, namely:
(i) the actual expenses incurred by the Official Assignee in protecting the property or
assets of the debtor or any part thereof an expenses or outlay incurred by him or by
his authority in carrying on the business of the debtor;
(ii) the commission of the Official Assignee, and any other fees payable to or costs,
charges' and expenses incurred or authorized by the Official Assignee;
(iii) the deposit or deposits lodged by the petitioning creditor pursuant to these rules;
(iv) the deposit or deposits lodged on any application for the appointment of an
interim receiver;
(vi) the taxed costs of the petitioner, except such as have been spent out of the deposit
made by him and which are repaid to him as such;
(vii) the remuneration and charges of the person (if any) appointed to assist the debtor
in the preparation of his schedule;
(viii) any allowance made to the debtor by the Official Assignee under an order of the
(ix) the Official Assignee's necessary disbursements other than actual expenses of
realization heretofore provided for;
(x) the costs of any persons properly employed by the Official Assignee with the
sanction of the Committee of Inspection or of the Court;
(xi) the actual out of pocket expenses necessarily incurred by the Committee of
inspection subject to the approval of the Court.
573. Costs out of Joint or separate estates. (1) Where the joint estate of any co debtors
is insufficient to defray any costs or charges properly incurred before the vesting
order, the Official Assignee may pay such costs or charges out of the separate estate
of such co debtors or one or more of them in such proportion as in his discretion the
Official Assignee may think fit. The Official Assignee may also, as in his discretion
he may think fit, pay any costs or charges properly incurred as aforesaid for any
separate estate out of the joint estate or out of any other separate estate and any part
of the costs or charges of the joint estate properly incurred as aforesaid which affects
any separate estate out of that separate estate.
(2) Where the joint estate of any co debtors is insufficient to defray any costs or
charges properly incurred after the making of the vesting order, the Official Assignee,
with such consent as is hereinafter mentioned, may pay such cots or charges out of
the separate estate of such co debtors or one or more of them. The Official Assignee
with the said consent may also pay any costs or charges properly incurred as aforesaid
for any separate estate out of the joint estate, and any part of the costs or charges of
the joint estate incurred after the making of the vesting order which affects any
separate estate out of that separate estate. No payment under this rule shall be made
out of a separate estate or joint estate by the Official Assignee without the consent of
the Committee of Inspection of the estate out of which the payment is intended to be
made, or without an order of the Court.
574. Public officer or agent of company. An insolvency petition against any debtor to
any company or corporation duly authorized to sue and be sued in the name of a
public officer or agent of such company or corporation may be presented by or sued
out by any such public officer or agent as the nominal petitioner for and on behalf of
such company or corporation on such public officer or agent filing an affidavit stating
that he is such public officer or agent and that he is authorized to present or sue out
such petition of insolvency and on his producing his power of attorney, if any for the
Registrar's inspection.
575. Attestation of firm's signature. Where any notice, petition or other document is
signed by a firm of creditors or debtors in the firm's name, the partner signing for the
firm shall add also his own signature, e.g., "B and Co. by A.B. a partner in the said
576. Service on firm. (1) Any notice of petition or other proceeding shall be deemed
to be duly served if it is served upon any one or more of the partners or at the
principal place at which the partnership business is carried on within British India
upon any person having at the time of service the control or management of the
partnership business there; and such service shall be deemed good service upon the
firm whether all or any of the partners are within or without British India.
(2) Where a notice to or petition against a firm is served in the manner provided by
sub rule (1) every person upon whom it is served shall be informed by notice in
writing given at the time of such service whether he is served as a partner or as a
person having the control or management of the partnership business or in both
characters, and in default of such notice, the person served shall be deemed to be
served as a partner.
577. Debtor's petition by a firm. Where a firm of debtors files an insolvency petition,
the same shall contain the names in full of the individual partners; and if such petition
is signed in the firm's name, the petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit made
by the partner who signs the petition, showing that all the partners concur in the filing
of the same.
578. Schedule. The debtors shall submit a schedule of their partnership affairs and
each debtor shall submit a schedule of his separate affairs.
579. Order of adjudication against a firm. (1) An order of adjudication made against a
firm shall operate as an order of adjudication individually against such of the adult
partners of the firm as have been duly served individually with the notice of the
application for the adjudication of the firm or have applied to be so adjudicated.
(2) Subsequent proceedings shall continue in the name of the firm so far as is
practicable but applications for discharge must be made by the partners individually.
580. Acceptance of composition, etc., by joint and separate creditors. The joint
creditors and each set of separate creditors may severally accept compositions or
schemes. So, far, as circumstances allow, a proposal accepted by joint creditors tray
be approved in the prescribed manner, notwithstanding that the proposals or proposal
of some or one of the debtors made to their or his separate creditors may not be
581. Voting on composition. Where proposals for compositions or schemes are made
by a firm and by the partners therein individually, the proposals made to the joint
creditors shall be considered and voted upon by them apart from every set of separate
creditors; and the proposals made to each such separate set of creditors shall be
considered and voted upon by such separate set of creditors apart from all other
creditors. Such proposals may vary in character and amount.
583. Separate firms. If any two or more of the members of a partnership constitute a
separate and independent firm, the creditors of such last mentioned firm shall be
deemed to be a separate set of creditors and to be on the same footing as the separate
creditors of any individual member of the firm. And where any surplus shall arise
upon the administration of the assets of such separate or independent firm, the same
shall be carried over to the separate estates of the partners in such separate and
independent firm according to their respective rights therein.
584. Lunatics. Where an debtor or creditor is a lunatic not so found by a Civil Court,
the Court may appoint such person as the Court shall think tit to do any act required
by the Act or these rules to be done by such debtor or creditor.
585. Form of insolvency petition. A debtor's insolvency petition shall be in Form No.
71 in Appendix A and a creditor's insolvency petition shall be in Form No. 72 in
Appendix A.
586. Insolvent to lodge all books, & c., with the Official Assignee. (1) Every debtor,
who files a petition, shall lodge forthwith in the office of the Official Assignee in
addition to any books produced before the Court under section 15 (3) (a) of the Act
all papers, writings and vouchers relating to his estate with a list thereof signed by
himself and also a statement of his movable and immovable property; if the debtor is
in jail such list and statement as aforesaid shall be forwarded by the jailor.
Certificate of Official Assignee. (2) On the debtor complying with the provisions of
sub-rule (1) of this rule, the Official Assignee shall give to, the debtor a certificate
certifying the same, and no order of adjudication shall be made on the petition unless
such certificate is produced.
587. Deposit by petitioner. (1) Upon the presentation of a petition either by the debtor
or by a creditor, the petitioner shall deposit with the Nazir the sum of Rs.50, if debtor,
or the sum of Rs.75, if creditor, and such further sum as the Nazir may, from time to
time, require to cover the fees and expenses to be incurred by the Nazir, and no
petition shall be received unless the receipt of the Nazir for the deposit payable on the
presentation of the petition is endorsed thereon.
(2) The Nazir shall account for the money so deposited to the creditor, or, as the case
may be, to the debtor's estate, and any sum so paid by a petitioning creditor shall be
repaid to such creditor, so far as circumstances will permit, out of the proceeds of the
estate in the priority prescribed by these rules.
Creditor’s Petition
588. Security for costs. A petitioning creditor who is resident load, or whose estate is
vested in a trustee, Official Assignee, Official Receiver or interim receiver under any
law relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, or against whom a petition is pending under
the Act, or who has made default in payment of any costs ordered by any Court to be
paid by him to the debtor, may be ordered to give security for costs to the debtor.
589. Joint, petition. Where a petition is presented, by two or more creditors jointly, it
shall not be necessary that each creditor shall depose to the truth of all the statements
which are within his own knowledge; but it shall be sufficient that each statement in
the petition is deposed to by some one within whose knowledge it is.
Hearing of Petition
592. Proceedings on creditor's petition. A creditor's petition shall not be heard until
the expiration of eight days from the service thereof: Provided that where it is proved
to the satisfaction of the Court that the debtor has absconded or in any other case for
good cause shown the Court may, on such terms if any, as the Court may think fit to
impose, hear the petition at such earlier date as may be deemed expedient.
593. Several respondents. Where there are more respondents than one to a petition,
the rules as to service shall be observed with respect to each respondent; but where all
the respondents have not been served, the petition may be heard separately or
collectively as to the respondent or such of the respondents as has or have been
served, and separately or collectively as to the respondents not then served according
as service upon them is effected.
594. Debtor intending to show cause. Where a debtor intends to show cause against a
petition he shall file a notice with the Registrar specifying the statements in the
petition which he intends to deny or dispute and deliver or transmit by post or
otherwise to the petitioning creditor or his advocate a copy of the notice three days
before the date on which the petition is to be heard. (Form No. 74 in Appendix A).
595. Non appearance of creditor. If the creditor neglects to appear on his petition; no
subsequent petition against the same debtor or debtors, or any of them either alone or
jointly with any other person, shall be presented by the same creditor in respect of the
same act of insolvency without the leave of the Court.
596. Personal attendance of creditor when dispensed with. The personal attendance of
the petitioning creditor and of the witnesses to prove the debt and act of insolvency
and other material statements, upon the haring of the petition, may, if the Court shall
think fit, be dispensed with.
598. Application to dismiss. Where proceedings on a petition have been stayed for the
trial of the question of the validity of the petitioning creditor's debt and such question
has been decided against the validity of the debt, the debtor may apply td the
Registrar to fix a day on which he may apply to the Court for the dismissal of the
petition with costs, and the Registrar, on the production of the decree of the Court in
which the question was tried, or a certified copy thereof, shall give notice to both the
petitioner, and debtor or to their respective advocates by post or otherwise of the time
and place fixed for the hearing of the application.
Interim Receiver
601. Deposit. Before any such order is drawn up, if the person who has made the
application is a creditor, he shall deposit with the Official Assignee a sum of Rs.85
towards the prescribed fee for the Official Assignee and such further sum as the Court
shall direct for the expenses which may be incurred by him.
602. Further deposit, if necessary. If the sum of Rs.85 and such further sum so to be
deposited for the expenses which may be incurred by the Official Assignee shall,
prove to be insufficient, the creditor on whose application the order has been made
shall, from time to time, deposit with the Official Assignee such additional sum as the
Court may, on the application of the Official Assignee, from time to time, direct, and
such sum shall be deposited within twenty four hours after the making of the order
If such additional sum shall not be so deposited, the order appointing the interim
receiver may be discharged by the Court.
604. Damages if petition dismissed. Where after an order has been made appointing
an interim receiver the petition is dismissed, the Court shall, upon application to be
made within twenty one days from the date of the dismissal thereof, adjudicate with
respect to any damages or claim thereto arising out of the appointment, and shall
make such order as the Court thinks fit; and such decision or order shall be final and
conclusive between the parties, unless the order be appealed from.
Order of Adjudication
605. Form and contents. (1) An order of adjudication on a debtor's petition under
section 15 of the Act shall be in Form No. 78 and an order of adjudication on a
creditor's petition under section 13 of the Act shall be in Form No. 79 in Appendix A.
Appendix A
(2) Every order of adjudication shall contain at the foot thereof a notice requiring the
debtor to attend on the Official Assignee forthwith on the service thereof at the place
mentioned therein. When the order of adjudication is made on a creditor's petition,
there shall be stated in it the nature and date or dates of the act or acts of insolvency
upon which the order has been made.
606. Transmission of copy to Official Assignee and service on debtor. (1) A copy of
every order of adjudication, and order for the appointment of the Official Assignee as
interim receiver of the debtor's property, sealed with the seal of the Court, shall
forthwith be sent by the Registrar to the Official Assignee.
(2) A copy of the order of adjudication, sealed with the seal of the Court, shall be
delivered to or served on the debtor or each of the debtors as soon as possible either
personally or by affixing it on a conspicuous part of his last known place of business
or residence or by sending it by registered post to such place of business or residence.
608. Advertisement. (1) Upon an order of adjudication being made, the Registrar
shall forthwith cause notice to be published in accordance with the provisions of
section 20 of the Act in the Gazette of India and in one or more issues of the Sindh
Government Gazette and such other newspaper or newspapers as the Court may
609. Costs of petition, & c. All proceedings under the Act down to and including the
making of an order of adjudication shall be at the cost of the party prosecuting the
same; but when an order of adjudication is made, that cost of the petitioning creditor
shall be taxed and be payable out of the proceeds of the estate in the order of priority
prescribed by these rules.
Public examination of Insolvent and his failure to perform the duties imposed on him
610. Form of notice under section 27. The notice under section 27 of the Act shall be
in Form No. 83 in Appendix A.
611. Default of debtor in attending. If the debtor fails to attend the public examination
at the time and place appointed by any order for holding or proceeding with the same,
and no good cause is shown by him for such failure, the Court may, upon its being
proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the order requiring the debtor to attend the
public examination was duly served and without any further notice to the debtor, by
warrant cause him to be arrested and committed to prison for contempt of Court under
section 33 of the Act. The warrant of arrest may be in Form No. 84 and the warrant of
commitment may be in Form No. 85 in Appendix A.
612. Service of order and notice to creditors of examination. A sealed copy of the
order appointing the time and place for holding his public examination shall be
delivered to or served upon the debtor in the manner provided by rule 606 (2) and
notice thereof in Form No. 86 in Appendix A shall be served on the creditors whose
names appear in the insolvent's schedule or upon petitioning creditor and such other
creditors, if any as have filed an appearance in the case. Such notices may be served
by sending them by registered post addressed to the creditors at their respective
residences as set out in the schedule or otherwise appearing on the record of
the case. A list of all such notices dispatched by post shall be made in Form No. 87
and list of those sent to the Nazir shall be made in Form No. 88. The details required
by the headings in the said Forms shall be entered up before the hearing.
A notice of such order in Form No. 89 in Appendix A shall, if it has not been
published with notice of the order of adjudication, be also published by the Registrar
in one or more issues of any local newspaper or papers as the Registrar deems fit.
613. Adjournments sine die. Where the Court is of opinion that the debtor is failing to
disclose his affairs or where the debtor has failed to attend the public examination or
any adjournment thereof or where the debtor has not complied with any order of the
Court in relation to his accounts, conduct, dealings and property, and no good cause is
shown by him for such failure, the Court may adjourn the public examination sine
die, and may make such further or other order as the Court shall think fit.
614. Proceedings after adjournment sine die. Where an examination has been
adjourned sine die and the debtor desires to have a day appointed for proceeding with
the public examination, the expense of advertising and giving nonce to creditors of
the day to be appointed for proceeding with such examination shall, unless the
Official Assignee consents to such costs being paid out of the estate, be at the cost of
the debtor, who shall, before examination, any day is appointed for proceeding with
the public examination, deposit with the Nazir of the Court such sum and furnish
Court fee Stamps of such value as the Registrar may require to be deposited and
615. Notice of proceeding after adjournment sine die. In any case in which a public
examination has been adjourned sine die, and the Court afterwards makes an order for
proceeding with such public examination, notice to creditors of time and place
appointed for proceeding with such public examination shall be sent by the Registrar
by post or otherwise, and notice shall also be inserted in the Official Gazette and such
other newspaper as the Registrar may direct, at least seven days before the day
appointed (Form No. 90 in Appendix A).
Annulment of Adjudication
616. Hearing of application for revocation. In the event of the debtor or any person
interested in the matter of the insolvency of a debtor applying to the Court under
section 21. (1) of the Act for annulment of the order of adjudication, the hearing of
such application shall be fixed for as early a date as possible, consistent with the other
business of the Court, and with notice of the application being served upon the
creditor on whose petition the order of adjudication shall have been made and on such
other person or persons as the Court shall think fit.
618. Form of Security Bond. The Security Bond to be entered into by the debtor
under section 21(2) of the Act may be in Form No. 93 in Appendix A.
619. Vesting order on annulment. (1) A vesting order made by the Court pursuant to
the provisions of section 23 (1) of the Act may be in Form No. 94 in Appendix A.,
(2) A warrant of arrest and warrant of recommitment of the debtor under section
23(2) of the Act shall be in Forms Nos. 95 and 96 in Appendix A respectively.
620. Insolvent's schedule. (1) The schedule required to be filed by the debtor under
section 24 of the Act shall be in Form No. 99 in Appendix A and shall be made out
and submitted in duplicate to the Registrar,, one copy being verified by affidavit. The
verified copy shall be filed in Court with the record of the case and the other copy
shall be forthwith sent to the Official Assignee.
(2) The schedule of a debtor or debtors who has or have carried on business in
partnership shall, when his or their firm is in insolvent circumstances, be in two parts:
one part shall contain a full and true description as to all matters and things required
to be set forth in the schedule relative to the joint creditors, debtors and property: the
other shall contain a full and true description as to all matters and things required to
be set forth in the schedule relative to his or their separate creditors, debtors and
Trading account of insolvent. (3) The insolvent shall, on the request of the Official
Assignee, furnish him with trading and profit and loss accounts and such other
accounts for a period not exceeding two years prior to the date of the order of
adjudication as the Official Assignee may require: Provided that the insolvent shall, if
ordered by the Court so to do, furnish such accounts as the Court may order for any
longer period. If the insolvent fails to comply with the requirements of this rule, the
Official Assignee shall report such failure to the Court and the Court shall take such
action on such report as the Court shall think just.
621. Extension of time to file schedule. Where any debtor requires any extension of
time for the filing of his schedule, he shall apply to the Court therefore on a certificate
of the Official Assignee or an affidavit setting forth the cause of his inability to file
his schedule within the time prescribed by section 24 of the Act or within such further
time as the Court may have allowed him.
(2) Where the debtor fails to file his schedule or answers to the interrogatories
referred to in Forms Nos. 99 and 80 within the time provided by these rules or such
further time as may be extended by the Court, and no good cause is shown by him for
such failure, the Court may, upon its being proved to the satisfaction of the Court that
the order requiring the debtor to file his schedule or his answers to the interrogatories
was duly served and without any further notice to the debtor, by warrant cause him to
be arrested for contempt of Court under section 33 of the Act.
622. Failure of insolvent to file schedule. If the insolvent fails to prepare and submit
his schedule in obedience to the order of adjudication, the Registrar shall submit the
case for an order upon creditors to submit their claims, duly verified by affidavit to
the Official Assignee.
623. Notice of order to submit claims to the Official Assignee. The Official Assignee
shall publish notice of such order in Form No. 100 in Appendix A. After the date
fixed for submitting claims the Official Assignee shall cause a schedule to be
prepared as nearly as possible in accordance with Form No. 99 in Appendix A (save
that verification by affidavit shall not be necessary) and shall deliver it to the
Registrar to be filed with the record of the case.
Interim Protection
624. Application for protection order. The application of the insolvent for protection
under section 25 of the Act shall contain a statement by him as to whether any
warrant for his arrest has been issued or applied for, and if so, the name and address
of the creditor who has taken out or applied for such warrant shall be set out. The
application may be in Form No.101 in Appendix A, and shall be verified. The
application shall be accompanied by a certificate of the Official Assignee under
section 25(4) of the Act; and if the insolvent has not filed his schedule, he shall either
annex to the application a certificate of the Official Assignee that in the opinion of
that Officer it is necessary in the interests of the creditors that a protection order
should be made before the insolvent has submitted his schedule, or state therein that
such certificate was asked for but was not granted.
625. Hearing of application. Upon such application being filed as aforesaid, the Court
may, in the exercise of its discretion, either make an order for the protection of the
insolvent from arrest or detention for all the debts mentioned in the schedule or for
such of the debts (to be mentioned in the order) as the Court thinks fit, or it may
direct notice of the application to be served upon the creditors mentioned in rule 624
in addition to or in substitution for a notice in Form No.102 in Appendix A to be
published once in a daily newspaper on the insolvent depositing the necessary costs
therefore: Provided that when a creditor has given notice of his intention to oppose
the grant of a protection order, the Court shall fix a day for the hearing of the
application and cause notice thereof to be served upon that creditor. The hearing of
every such application business of the Court and with notice of the application, if any
being served and / or published as may be directed.
626. Protection order. A protection order shall be in Form No. 103 in Appendix A and
a copy thereof under the seal of the Court shall be given to the insolvent upon his
application therefore.
If such order is revoked, the insolvent shall be bound forthwith to deliver up to the
Registrar any copy of the protection order which he may have received.
627. Warrant of release. A warrant for the release of an insolvent imprisoned for debt
upon his obtaining a protection order shall be in Form No. 104 in Appendix A.
If any insolvent, who has been brought in custody from the jail, is released in the
Court house, notice of such release shall be sent to the Officer in charge of the Jail in
Form No. 105 in Appendix A.
Meetings of Creditors
628. Application for direction to hold meetings. An application for directions to the
Official Assignee under section 26 of the Act to hold a meeting of creditors may be
made by motion at a sitting of the Court or by petition in writing. When made by a
creditor, it shall be supported by an affidavit of the creditor or some person on his
behalf setting out the circumstances which render the holding of a meeting of
creditors necessary or desirable. Notice of a creditor's application or a copy of the
affidavit filed in support of an intended motion shall be serve on the Official Assignee
at least three days before the date fixed for the hearing of the application or the date
of the intended motion.
629. Order to call meeting. (1) When the Court makes an order (Form No.106 in
Appendix A) directing the Official Assignee to hold a meeting on the application, of a
creditor, the provisions of rule 7 of the First Schedule to the Act as to the costs and
expenses of the meeting shall apply.
(2) A sealed copy of the order shall be forthwith sent to the Official Assignee by the
630. Notice of meeting. A notice of meeting to a creditor under rules 2 and 3 of the
First Schedule to the Act shall be in Form No.107 in Appendix A and a notice to the
debtor under rule 4 of the said First Schedule shall be in Form No. 108 in Appendix
631. Copy of Resolution for Registrar. The Official Assignee shall send to the
Registrar a copy, certified by him, of every resolution of, a meeting of creditors.
633. Form of proxies. A general proxy shall be in Form No. 112, and a special proxy
shall be in Form No. 113 in Appendix A.
634. Signature of Proxy. A proxy given by a creditor, resident out of Sindh, shall be
deemed to be sufficiently executed if it is signed by his duly constituted attorney or
agent, whose power of attorney shall be produced before the Official Assignee, if
635. Filling in when creditor blind, & c. The proxy of a creditor, blind or incapable of
writing, may be accepted if such creditor has attached his signature or mark thereto in
the presence of a witness who shall add to his signature his description and residence:
Provided that all insertions in the proxy are in the hand writing of the witness and
such witness shall have certified at the foot of the proxy that all such insertions have
been made by him at the request of the creditor and in his presence before he attached
his signature or mark.
637. Forms where proposal submitted by debtor. (1) A proposal for composition or a
proposal for a scheme of arrangement of his affairs intended to be submitted by a
debtor under section 28 (1) of the Act shall be submitted to the Official Assignee in
Form No. 114 or 115 in Appendix A.
(2) Notice of the day and time fixed for the meeting of creditors called to consider a
proposal for a composition or scheme shall be in Form No. 116 and the report of the
Official Assignee on any such proposal and voting letter expressing a creditor's assent
to or dissent from the proposal shall be in Form No.117 in Appendix A.
639. Notice to creditors and Official Assignee. Notice of the date fixed for hearing the
application to be given to creditors under section 29 (1) of the Act shall be in Form
No. 123 in Appendix A. When the applicant is the insolvent, such notice shall also be
given to the Official Assignee:
641. Correction of formal slips & c. At the time a composition or scheme is approved
of, the Court may correct or supply any accidental or formal slip, error or omission
therein, but no alteration in the substance of the composition or scheme shall be
643. When Official Assignee may be the trustee in a composition or scheme. In every
case of a composition or scheme in which a trustee is not appointed or, if pointed,
declines to act or becomes incapable of acting or is removed, the Official Assignee
shall, unless and until another trustee is appointed by the creditors; be the trustee for
the purpose of receiving and distributing the composition or for the purpose of
administering the debtor's property and carrying out the terms of the composition or
scheme, as the case may be.
650. Application for arrest of insolvent under section 34(1). An application to the
Court under section 34 (1) of the Act shall set forth particularly the acts or omissions
on the part of the insolvent relied upon as justifying an order under clause (a), (b) or
(c) of that section and the sources of knowledge or belief on the part of the declarant
as to such acts or omissions. Every such application other than that by Official
Assignee shall be supported by affidavit.
651. Order for redirection of letters. An order to the postal authorities in British India,
under section 35 of the Act for redirection of post letters, & c., shall be in Form No.
128 in Appendix A.
Discharge of Insolvent
653. Fixing date for hearing of application for discharge and notice. (1) Upon the
application being presented and the necessary process fees being furnished, the
Registrar shall appoint a date for the hearing of the application, and notice thereof in
Form No.130 in Appendix A, shall be published and sent to the Official Assignee and
to each creditor who has proved at least one month before the day so appointed. Such
notice shall be served as provided in rule 612 and the lists prescribed by that rule shall
be prepared.
(2) The day which shall ordinarily be fixed for the hearing of the application shall be-
(a) when all the creditors are resident or have agents in the town of Karachi, the first
of second insolvency Court day after the date on which the petition was presented;
(b) when some of the creditors are not resident in and have no agents in the town of
Karachi but all are resident or have agents in India, the second or third Insolvency
Court day after the date on which such petition was presented;
(c) when some of the creditors reside out of India and have no agent, resident therein,
the third or fourth Insolvency Court day after the date on which such petition is
654. Official Assignee's report. In every case of an application by, an insolvent for his
discharge the Official Assignee shall hold an investigation into the insolvent's
conduct and affairs, and shall, at least seven days before the time fixed for hearing the
application, file with the Registrar his report under sub section (2) (a) of section 79 of
the Act. The Official Assignee shall also furnish a copy of the report to the insolvent
on his application.
656. Answer to report and creditor's grounds of opposition. (1) An insolvent who
intends to dispute any statement with regard to his conduct and affairs contained in
the Official Assignee's report shall, not less than two days before the hearing of the
application for discharge, give notice in writing to the Official Assignee specifying
the statements in the report, if any, which he proposes at the hearing to dispute.
(2) Any creditor who intends to oppose the discharge of the insolvent on grounds
other than those mentioned in the Official Assignee's report, shall give to the
Registrar not less than four days before the hearing of the application, notice of the
intended opposition stating the grounds thereof. A copy of such notice, hereinafter
called, "grounds of opposition" shall be furnished by him to the Official Assignee,
and another copy shall be sent to the insolvent's advocate, if any, or furnished to the
insolvent on his application.
657. Form of grounds of opposition. (1) Grounds of opposition shall be framed as far
as possible to the form of specific charges of acts or omissions on the part of the
insolvent on which the creditor relies and on proof of which the Court would be either
required to refuse a discharge or be justified in refusing an unconditional order of
discharge under section 39 of the Act, and shall contain such particulars as are
reasonably sufficient to give the insolvent notice of the specific matters alleged
against him.
(2) Unless a creditor files grounds of position framed as above within the time
aforesaid, he shall not be entitled, without the special leave of the Judge, to be heard
in opposition to the insolvent's application for his discharge: Provided that if any
creditor who has filed such grounds of opposition abandons them or does not proceed
thereon, any other creditor may proceed on such grounds.
658. Hearing of application. At the hearing of the insolvent's application for his
discharge, the Official Assignee and any creditor may cross examine the insolvent
and offer evidence in support of the grounds mentioned in the Official Assignee's
report, and any creditor who has filed grounds of opposition or any other creditor who
is entitled to proceed on such grounds of opposition may cross examine the insolvent
and offer evidence in support of such grounds of opposition, and the insolvent may
offer evidence in his defence, and the Court may hear such arguments as may be
offered in support of and in opposition to such grounds respectively. No matters
which are not specifically included in such grounds and grounds of opposition
respectively as aforesaid shall, without the special leave of the Judge, be entered into
or considered at the instance of any creditor.
659. Order on application for discharge. The order of the Court made on an
application for discharge shall be dated the day on which it is made and shall take
effect from the day on which the order is drawn up and signed; but except in the case
of an unopposed application, such order shall not be delivered out or published until
after the expiration of the time allowed for appeal, or if an appeal is preferred, until
after the decision of the Court of Appeal thereon. The order shall be in one of the
Forms Nos. 131 to 134 in Appendix A, as the case may require.
660. Notice of order. When the time for appeal has expired or, the case may be, when
the appeal has been decided by the Court of Appeal, on payment of the necessary
advertising charges by the insolvent the Registrar shall publish notice of the Order of
discharge once in the Official Gazette, and in a local daily newspaper or advertiser m
Form No.135 in Appendix A.
661. Costs of application. An insolvent shall not be entitled to have any of the costs of
or incidental to his application for his discharge allowed to him out of his estate.
662. Conditional orders. (1) When the Court grants an order of discharge
conditionally upon the insolvent consenting to a decree being passed against him in
favour of the Official Assignee for any balance or part of any balance of the debts
provable under the insolvency which is not satisfied at the date of his discharge, the
order of discharge shall not be signed, completed or delivered out until the insolvent
has given the required consent in the Form No. 136 in Appendix A. The decree shall
be recorded in the Original Jurisdiction of the Chief Court of Sindh and shall be in the
Form No. 137 in Appendix A.
(2) If the insolvent does not give the required consent within one month of the
making of the conditional order, the Court may, on the application of the Official
Assignee, revoke the order or make such other order as the Court may think fit.
663. Execution of decree against insolvent. An application by the Official Assignee
for leave to execute the decree passed against the insolvent pursuant to a conditional
order of discharge shall be in writing, and shall state briefly the grounds on which the
application is made. On presentation of the application, the Registrar shall fix a day
for the hearing and shall give notice thereof to the insolvent not less than eight days
before the day appointed for the hearing, and shall at the same time furnish him with
a copy of the application.
664. Accounts of after acquired property. (1) When an insolvent is discharged subject
to the condition that a decree shall be passed against him in favour of the Official
Assignee or subject to any other condition as to his future earnings or after acquired
property, it shall be his duty until such decree or condition is satisfied from time to
time to give the Official Assignee such information as he may require with respect to
his earnings and after acquired property and income, and not less than once a year to
file in the Court a statement verified by affidavit, showing the particulars of any
property or income he may have acquired subsequent to his discharge.
(2) The Official Assignee may require the insolvent to attend before the Court to be
examined on oath with reference to the statement contained in such affidavit or as to
his earnings, income after acquired property, or dealings. When an insolvent neglects
to, file such a statement or to attend the Court for examination when required so to do
or properly to answer all such questions as the Official Assignee; revoke the order of
discharge. The affidavit shall be in Form No.138 in Appendix A.
665. Failure to app1y for discharge. If an insolvent fails to apply to the court for an
order of discharge within eighteen months after the date of the order of adjudication
or six months after the conclusion of his public examination, if any, whichever is the
later period, the Registrar shad set down the case with notice to the insolvent and the
official Assignee of not less than seven days of the date on which it will be set down
for the orders of the Court under section 41 of the Act.
666. Renewal of application. After expiration of two years from the date of an order
absolutely refusing a discharge, the Court may, on sufficient grounds being shown
such as subsequent good conduct of the debtor and on a certificate of the Official
Assignee that the insolvent has furnished and rendered so far as he could such
information and assistance as were required of him, permit him to renew his
application for discharge.
Proof of Debts
667. Form of proof. A creditor's proof shall be in Form No. 139 in Appendix A.
668. Wages of labourers & c. In any case in which it shall appear from the debtor’s
schedule that there are numerous claims for wages by labourers and others employed
by the debtor, it shall be sufficient if one proof for all such claims is made either by
the debtor or his foreman, or head assistant, or some other person on behalf of all
such creditors. Such proof shall be in Form No. 140 in Appendix A and shall have
annexed thereto, as forming part thereof, a schedule setting forth the names of the
labourers and others and the amounts severally due to them. Any proof made in
compliance with this rule shall have the same effect as if separate proofs had been
made by each of the said labourers and others.
669. Transmission proofs to trustees. Where a trustee is appointed in any matter, all
proofs of debts that have been received by the Official Assignee shall be handed over
to the trustee. But the Official Assignee shall first make a list of such proofs and take
a receipt therein from the trustee for such proofs.
670. Proofs to be sent by the Official Assignee to Registrar. The Official Assignee
where no other trustee is appointed, shall forthwith after the final payment has been
made in a composition or scheme duly approved by the Court or after a final dividend
has been declared in an insolvency send to the Registrar all proofs tendered in the
proceeding with a list thereof certified to be correct, distinguishing in such list the
proofs which were wholly or partly admitted, and the proofs which were wholly or
partly rejected.
672. Procedure where creditor appeals. The Official Assignee, or as the case may be,
the trustee appoint under a composition or scheme shall, within three days after
receiving notice from a creditor of his intention to appeal against a decision rejecting
a proof, file such proof, with the Registrar with a, memorandum thereon of his
disallowance thereof. After the appeal has been heard by the Court, the proof, unless
wholly disallowed, shall be given back to the Official Assignee or trustee, as the case
may be.
673. Time for admission or rejection of proof by Official Assignee. Subject to the
power of the Court to extend the time and not later than fourteen days from the latest
date specified in the notice of his intention to declare a dividend as the time within
which such proofs must be lodged, the Official Assignee shall in writing either admit
or reject wholly or in part every proof lodged with him or require further evidence in
support thereof.
674. Time for admission or rejection of proof by trustee. Subject to the power of the
Court to extend the time, the trustee under a composition or scheme other than the
Official Assignee, within twenty eight days after receiving a proof which has not
previously been dealt with by the Official Assignee, shall in writing either admit or
reject it wholly or in part or require further evidence m support thereof.
675. Notice of admission or rejection of proof. Where a creditor's proof has been
admitted, the notice of dividend shall be sufficient notification to such creditor of
such admission. Where a proof has been rejected, the Official Assignee shall
forthwith deliver or send by prepaid post letter or otherwise notice of the rejection to
the creditor concerned in Form No. 141 in Appendix A.
Explanation. Where any claim for interest after the date of adjudication has been
erroneously included in the affidavit and is disallowed by the Official Assignee, it
shall not be deemed to be a rejection of the claim or part thereof and it shall not be
necessary for the Official
676. Costs of appeals from Official Assignee's decision as to proof. The Official
Assignee shall in no case be personally liable for costs in, relation to an appeal from
his decision rejecting any proof wholly or in part.
Application to realise Security
678. Report of the Official Assignee and hearing of application. The Official
Assignee shall inquire into every such claim and shall report to the Court thereon, and
before granting the application the Court shall take into consideration the report of the
Official Assignee and shall hear any objections which may be made by or on behalf
of a creditor or other person interested in the matter.
679. Order for realisation of security. If the Judge orders the mortgage or other
security mentioned in Rule 677 to be realized, the order shall be in Form No. 143 in
Appendix A.
Unless otherwise ordered, notice of the time, place, & c., of the sale shall be
published in the Official Gazette and one local newspaper.
680. Costs of application. If the claimant succeeds in proving his claim; the Court
may order the creditor or person, who opposed the same, to pay the claimant's costs
of the application. If the claimant fails to prove his claim, the Court may order him to
pay the opposing party's costs in opposing the same.
Realisation of property
681. Warrant of seizure and search warrant. Warrant of seizure end search warrants
under section 59 of the Act shall be in Forms Nos.144 and 145 in Appendix A and
when granted to the Nazir of the Court they may be executed personally either by the
Nazir or by the Deputy Nazir of the Court. All other processes may be endorsed by
the Nazir for service to any bailiff working under him.
Disclaimer of Lease
682. Disclaimer of lease. (1) A lease may be disclaimed without the leave of the
Court in any of the following cases viz:-
(i) where the insolvent has not sub let the demised premises or any part thereof or
created a mortgage or charge upon the lease, and
(a) the rent reserved of the property leased is less than Rs.500 per annum or,
(b) the estate is administered under section 106 of the Act, or the Official Assignee
serves the lessor with notice of his intention to disclaim and the lessor does not,
within seven days after the receipt of such notice, give notice to the Official Assignee
requiring the matter to be brought before the Court;
(ii) where the insolvent has sub let the demised premises or created a mortgage or
charge upon the lease and the Official Assignee serves the lessor and the sub lessee or
the mortgagees with notice of his intention to disclaim, and neither the lessor nor the
sub lessee or the mortgagees or any of them, within fourteen days after the receipt of
such notice, require or requires the matter to be brought before the Court.
(2) The notices shall be in Forms Nos. 146 and 147 Appendix A.
(3) Except as provided by this rule, the disclaimer of a lease without the leave of the
Court shall be void.
(4) Where the Official Assignee disclaims a leasehold interest, he shall forthwith file
the disclaimer with the proceedings in the Court; and the disclaimer shall contain
particulars of the interest disclaimed, and a statement of the persons to whom notice
of the disclaimer has been given. Until it is filed by the Official Assignee, the
disclaimer shall be inoperative (Forms Nos. 148 to 150 in Appendix A).
(5) Where in pursuance of notice by the Official Assignee of his intention to disclaim
a leasehold interest, the lessor, sub lessee or mortgagee requires the Official Assignee
to apply to the Court for leave to disclaim, the costs of the lessor, sub lessee or
mortgagee shall not he allowed out of the estate of the insolvent except in cases in
which the Court is satisfied that such application was necessary in order to do justice
between the parties.
(6) A disclaimer made without the leave of the Court under this rule shall not be void
or otherwise affected on the ground only that the notice required by this rule has not
been given to some person who claims to be interested m the demised property.
(7) Where any person claims to be interested in any part of the property of the
insolvent, burdened with onerous covenants, he shall, at the request of the Official
Assignee furnish a statement of the interest so claimed by him.
Distribution of Property
683. Notice of intended dividend. (1) Not less than a month before declaring a
dividend the Official Assignee shall publish notice of his intention to do so in Form
No. 154 in Appendix A and shall at the same time send notice thereof in Form No.
155 to each of the creditors mentioned in the insolvent's schedule who has not proved
his debt. Such notice may be delivered personally or sent by prepaid post letter, as
may be convenient, and shall specify the latest date upto which proofs must be
lodged, which shall not be less than fourteen days from the date of such notice.
(2) Where any creditor, after the date mentioned in the notice of intention to declare a
dividend as the latest date upon which proofs may be lodged, appeals or intends to
appeal against the decision of the Official Assignee rejecting a proof, he shall give
notice of his appeal or intended appeal to the Official Assignee within seven days
from the date mentioned in the notice of intention to declare a dividend or from the
date of the notice of the decision against which the appeal has been or is to be made,
whichever is the later date; and the Official Assignee shall in such case make
provision for the dividend upon such proof as if it was a disputed proof within the
meaning of section 71(1) (c) of the Act.
(3) Immediately after the expiration of the above mentioned period of seven days, the
Official Assignee shall proceed to declare a dividend and shall send in the manner
prescribed in sub rule (1) of this rule a notice of dividend to each creditor who has
proved in Form No.156 in Appendix A.
(4) On declaring a dividend the Official Assignee shall send to the Registrar for filing
with the record of the case a copy of the statement mentioned in sub section (5) of
section 69 of the Act, signed by him, as to the particulars of the estate, which shall be
in Form No. 157 in Appendix, A.
684. Production of bills, notes, & c. Subject to any law for the time being in force and
subject to the power of the Court on special grounds being shown to order production
to be dispensed with every bill of exchange, hundi, promissory note, or other
negotiable instrument or security upon which proof has been made, shall be exhibited
to the Official Assignee fore payment of dividend thereon, and the amount of
dividend paid shall be endorsed on the instrument.
685. Dividend may be sent by post. The amount of the dividend may, at the request
and risk of the creditor, be transmitted to him by cheque by post (Form No. 156) in
Appendix A in a period cover or by money order after deducting the money order
commission. No postal or other charges shall be levied.
686. Notice of intention to make final dividend. The notice to be given by the Official
Assignee under section 73(1) of the Act shall be in Form No. 158 in Appendix A and
may be delivered personally or sent by prepaid post letter as may be convenient to the
addressees at the addresses given in the insolvent's schedule or such other address as
may be otherwise known to the Official Assignee. Such notice may also be published
in any newspaper or advertiser, if in the discretion of the Official Assignee he
considers it fit to do so.
687. Rate of interest on dividends which the Official Assignee is ordered to pay.
When the Court makes an order under section 74 of the Act for the payment of a
dividend by the Official Assignee, the amount ordered to be paid shall carry interest
at the rate of six per cent, per annum (Form No.159 in Appendix A).
689. Security by Official Assignee. The Official Assignee shall give security for the
due and faithful execution of his duties to the amount of Rs.15,000 in the form of a
bond for that amount to the Governor of Sindh for the time being with two sureties to
be approved by the Chief Judge. If, either surety dies or becomes insolvent, the
Official Assignee shall, immediately after such event has become known to him, give
notice thereof to the Chief Judge, and shall execute a fresh bond with two sureties
690. Liability for loss. The Official Assignee and his sureties shall be responsible
under their bond for any and every loss of or deficiency in the funds of the Official
Assignee as such which may be occasioned by his negligence or default, or by the
negligence or default of any person officiating for him during his tenure of the office.
691. Fees, commission and percentages chargeable by the Official Assignee. The
Official Assignee shall be entitled to charge for the duties to be performed by him as
Official Assignee or as interim receiver
(a) such fees and percentages as may be chargeable by him under the Act and these
(b) a commission at the rate of 5 per cent on the gross amount or value of assets
realised or collected by him in each estate;
(c) a commission at the rate of 5 per cent on the amount realised by the Official
Assignee on sale of mortgaged property under the provisions of the Second Schedule
to the Act;
(d) a commission at the rate of 5 per cent on the amount paid or payable in pursuance
of a composition or scheme of arrangement; and when an application is made under
section 21 of the Act on the ground that the debts of the insolvent are paid in full, a
commission at the rate of 5 per cent on the total of such debts (the same to be paid
before an order is made under that section):
Provided that with reference to clauses (c) and (d) the Court may, in its discretion, fix
a sum less than the sum payable at the rate of 5 per cent as Official Assignee's
commission:, provided further where the order of adjudication is annulled or petition
is withdrawn and assets have not been realised either in whole or in part, it shall be
competent for the Court to fix such remuneration for the duties performed by the
Official, Assignee in respect of such part of the said assets as has not been realised by
the Official Assignee before the date of the order of annulment or withdrawal of
692. Payment of fees, percentages, etc., to Government. The fees, percentages and
commission realised by the Official Assignee under the provisions of the Act and
these rules shall be paid by him to the account and credit of the Provincial
Government in the first week of the month following the month in which the said
fees, percentages and commission are realised or received by the Official Assignee or
as soon thereafter as may be convenient.
693. Remuneration of the Official Assignee. The Official Assignee shall be paid on
the time scale of Rs.600 50 900.
694. Deposit in bank of moneys realised. Unless the Court shall otherwise order, the
proceeds of sale and other moneys received in respect of insolvents' estates shall,
after deducting his commission and such amount as may be required by him for
immediate payment of costs, charges and expenses, be deposited by the Official
Assignee in the Imperial Bank of India or any other approved bank to the credit of an
account in the name of the Official Assignee, and all interest accruing on the amounts
in the current account shall be credited, from time to time, to the unclaimed Dividend
Revenue Account.
All such sums as may not be required for immediate use may: from time to time, with
the sanction of the Judge, be deposited by him in any approved bank in fixed deposit
or invested in any security of the Government of India in the name of the Official
Assignee, and for such period as the Judge may deem fit. The Official Assignee shall
however be entitled to retain in his hands for petty expense a sum not exceeding
Rs.1,000 in all.
695. Money how drawn. When any money is required to be drawn from such account
the same shall be drawn by cheque signed by the Official Assignee.
697. Official Assignee to open Unclaimed Dividend Account. The Official Assignee
shall open an account called "The Unclaimed Divided Account" and shall from time
to time transfer to the said account all dividends unclaimed within one year from the
date of the declaration of such dividends except such sum as may be required for
payment of dividends together with all sums standing to the credit of the insolvents'
estates in which no further recovery is anticipated and in which no dividend can be
declared, and all such other unclaimed balances whatsoever as may be in his hands by
virtue of proceedings under the Provincial Insolvency Acts of 1907 and 1920 and,
with the sanction of the Judge, invest in the name of the Official Assignee all moneys
standing to the credit of the account in any security of the Government of India or in
fixed deposit with any approved bank.
698. Income from investments. (1) The Official Assignee shall transfer the interest
accruing from all such investments to an account called "The Unclaimed Dividend
Revenue Account". The amount in such account shall be devoted to payment of the
cost of advertising and administering small estates in which funds are not sufficient
and the cost of civil proceedings, etc., mentioned in rules 713 and 714 and interest as
mentioned in rule 687 and the remuneration of any clerk, meita or other person
employed temporarily with the sanction of the Chief Judge.
(2) At the end of every year all sums and securities standing to the credit of the
Unclaimed Dividend Revenue Account less the sum of Rs.3,000 shall be transferred
to the account and credit of the Provincial Government after the completion of the
audit of the Official Assignee's account for the year: Provided that if at any time the
amount standing to the credit of the Unclaimed Dividend Revenue Account is less
than Rs.3,000, the deficit shall be paid by the Provincial Government to the credit of
the said account in order to make up the sum of Rs.3,000.
699. Disposal of the balance of Unclaimed Dividend Account. At the end of every
year all sums and securities standing to the credit of the Unclaimed Dividend Account
less the sum of Rs.7,500 shall be transferred to the account and credit of the
Provincial Government after the completion of the audit of the Official Assignee's
accounts or the year: Provided that if at any time the amount standing to the credit of
the said account is less than Rs.7,500, the deficit shall be paid by the Provincial
Government to make up the said sum of Rs.7,500.
700. List of dividends. The Official Assignee shall keep, suspended in a conspicuous
position in his office, a list of all dividends due to creditors which have been
unclaimed for six months which list shall be open to the inspection of all persons
claiming to be interested in the estate of any insolvent.
701. Notice of unclaimed dividends. The Official Assignee shall, after the expiration
of one year from date of declaration of every dividend, publish in the Official
Gazette, in two consecutive issues thereof, a list of all dividends remaining unclaimed
in respect of every estate which has come into his possession.
702. Half yearly statement of estates. The Official Assignee shall publish half yearly
in the Official Gazette, namely, in the Gazette first published after the 31st day of
March and the 30th day of September in each year for the half year ending on the 31st
December or 30th June preceding, a statement of each estate not then wound up and
fully distributed, that is to say, of the whole receipts, of the whole disbursements
(distinguishing dividends from other payments), of the balance remaining, of the
mode in and securities on which such balance is actually invested, and of the probable
out turn of dependencies and, at the foot thereof, shall specify the amount of
commission received by him during the half year.
703. Audit of accounts. (1) The accounts of the Official Assignee shall be audited
once in every year, that is to say up to 31st December in every year, by the
Comptroller, Sindh, or any auditor deputed by him for that purpose. The auditor shall
be directed to ascertain that the accounts have been properly and accurately kept and
that all moneys received and disbursed have been accounted for.
(2) The auditor shall examine the accounts of the Official Assignee including the
statement of the half year ending 31st December preceding and report thereon to the
Chief Judge, and if during such audit any question or matter of difference shall arise
between the auditor and the Official Assignee in respect, of any payment, receipt
voucher or otherwise, such question or matter of difference shall be referred to the
Chief Judge or to such Judge as he may appoint to decide the same.
(3) For defraying the costs of the audit, the Official Assignee shall deduct from the
assets in each estate a percentage of 4 annas on the amount realised by him and credit
the same to the Unclaimed Dividend Revenue Account.
704. Fees for copy of lists. The Official Assignee shall levy the following fees in
addition to such other fees as are prescribed by these rules:-
For each copy of the list of creditors and the debts due to each of them required to be
furnished R. 1 plus such copying charges as are payable to copyists under the Sindh
Chief Court Rules (A.S.)
For each copy of vesting order plus such copying charges as are payable to copyists
under the Sindh Chief Court Rules (A.S.).
For every attendance before the Chief Court with books or papers from his Office by
order of the Court or at the request of any party.
For every attendance at any Court other than the Chief Court with papers from his
Office by order of such Court or at the request of any party.
At a Criminal Court no fee but only such reasonable expenses as may be actually
incurred shall be charged.
For every transmission by post or by messenger to any Court other than the Chief
Curt of papers from his office by order of such Court or at the request of any party.
For the execution by the Official Assignee of any conveyance of immovable property
when no portion of the purchase money is received by him for the benefit of the
creditors at large, a fee at the rate of 12 annas per cent, upon the amount of the
purchase money payable by the party requiring such execution, provided that such fee
in the whole shall never exceed.
For affixing the seal of creditors, except in respect of certified copy of the list
10000 A p
Certified copies issued by the Official Assignee shall be signed either by him or by
his Head Clerk and shall be served with the seal of his office.
Such fees shall be credited to the Provincial Government.
705. Record book. The Official Assignee shall keep a book to be called the "Record
Book" in which he shall record all minutes of all proceedings had and all resolutions
passed at any meeting of creditors or of the Committee of Inspection, but he shall not
be bound to insert in the record any document of a confidential nature (such as the
opinion of counsel on any matter affecting the interest of the creditors), nor need he
exhibit such document to any person other than a member of the Committee of
706. Duties as to debtor's schedule. (1) As soon as the Official Assignee receives a
copy of an order of adjudication, he shall, on the debtor's application, furnish him
with a copy of instructions for the preparation of his schedule. The instructions shall
be in Form No. 99 in appendix A.
(2) The Official Assignee shall also forthwith hold a personal interview with the
debtor for the purpose of investigating his affairs and determining whether the estate
should be administered under section 106 of the Act.
707. Joint and separate estate accounts. When an order of adjudication has been made
against debtors in partnership, distinct accounts shall be kept of the joint estate and of
the separate estate or estates and no transfer of a surplus from a separate estate to a
joint estate on the ground that there are no creditors under such separate estate shall
be made until after notice of the intention to make such transfer has been published
once in a local newspaper or advertiser in Form No. 160 in Appendix A.
708. Mode of application to Court. Application by the Official Assignee to the Court
may be made personally and without notice or other formality; but the Court may in
any case order that an application be renewed in a formal manner and that such notice
thereof be given to any person likely to be a affected thereby as the Court may direct.
709. Evidence on application by Official Assignee. Where for the purpose of any
application to the Court by the Official Assignee for directions, or to adjudge a debtor
insolvent, or for leave to disclaim a lease or for an extension of time to apply for
leave to disclaim a lease, or for an order to take criminal proceedings against an
insolvent, or to commit an insolvent it is necessary that evidence be given by him in
support of such application, such evidence may be given by a report of the Official
Assignee to the Court and need not be given by affidavit, and any such report of the
Official Assignee to the Court shall be received by the Court as prima facie evidence
of the matters reported upon.
710. Application for direction. In any case of doubt or difficulty or in any matter and
provided for by the Act or these rules relating to any proceeding in Court the Official
Assignee may apply to the Court for direction.
(2) If the debtor, or, as the case may be, the trustee is dissatisfied with the account or
any part thereof he may report the matter to the Court which shall take such action, if
any, thereon as it may deem expedient.
712. Disposal of debtor's books of account, & c. The Court may on the application of
the Official Assignee direct that the debtor's books of account and other documents
given up by him may be sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
713. Costs of Civil proceedings. Where the Official Assignee has been directed by the
Court in the matter of any insolvency to institute legal proceedings of any kind
whatsoever, he shall be entitled, so far as the assets in his hands relating to such
insolvency are insufficient to meet the costs and expenses of such proceedings, to pay
such deficiency out of the Unclaimed Dividend Revenue account.
714. Civil liability of Official Assignee how met. Where the Official Assignee while
acting under the order and direction of the Court or otherwise acting in his official
capacity in the matter of any insolvency shall incur any civil liability and the assets in
his hands relating to such insolvency are insufficient to meet such liability, he shall be
entitled to apply to the Court for leave to pay any deficiency out of the Unclaimed
Dividend Revenue Account, and such leave shall be granted, provided that the
Official Assignee, while so acting, shall have complied with the order and direction
of the Court and in the absence of any order and direction of the Court, he shall have
acted bona fade in the discharge of his duties.
715. Costs when assets not available. Where an insolvent has no available assets, the
Official Assignee shall not be required to insure any costs, charges or expenses in
relation to his estate without the express direction of the Court:
Provided that he shall be at liberty to apply any moneys not exceeding Rs.250 in, any
one matter out of the moneys standing to the credit of the Unclaimed Dividend
Revenue Account in defraying any necessary court fees, costs, charges and expenses
in administering estates in which he has no funds in his hands and shall repay, in
priority to all other claims or charges, the amount so applied, out of the recoveries, if
any, made by him.
716. Deficit how met. In all cases in which the Official Assignee is entitled to
discharge any civil liability from, or to pay any costs, charges or, expenses out of, the
Unclaimed Dividend Revenue Account and there is a deficit in the said account, the
said deficit shall be made good out of the revenues of the Provincial Government.
717. Liability for costs, damages and expenses. The following provisions shall apply,
to every case in which proceedings are taken either by' action, motion or in any other
manner against the Official Assignee in respect of anything done or default made by
him when acting or in the bona fide and reasonable belief that he is acting in
pursuance of the Act, or in execution of the powers given to the Official Assignee by
the Act:
(1) subject to the provisions of the next following sub section, the costs, damages and
expenses which the Official Assignee may have to pay or to which he may be put
under such proceedings, shall be paid out of the estate of the insolvent. If such estate
is insufficient, the deficit shall be paid from the Unclaimed Dividend Revenue
(2) as soon as any such proceedings are commenced, it shall be the duty of the
Official Assignee to report the same to the Court, which shall determine whether or
not such proceedings shall be resisted or defended, and unless the Court shall
otherwise determine, no such costs, damages or expenses shall be paid out of the
estate unless the Court has determined that such proceedings shall be resisted or
Special Manager
719. Special Manager's accounts. Every special manager shall account to the Official
Assignee and such special manager's accounts shall be verified by affidavit m Form
No. 161 in Appendix A, and when approved by the Official Assignee, the total of the
receipts and payments shall be added to the Official Assignee's accounts.
720. Control of Committee of Inspection over Official Assignee. (1) The Official
Assignee shall submit the Record Book prescribed by rule 705, his books of account
together with any other requisite books and vouchers to the Committee of Inspection,
if any, as and when required.
(2) The Committee of inspection, if any, shall be consulted by the Official Assignee
on all matters of importance affecting the general body of creditors, and in particular
on questions relating to the valuation, redemption and realization of securities, and
disclaimer of leases or property burdened with onerous covenants; and the
proceedings had on such consultations, together with any resolutions of the
Committee passed there at, shall, subject to the restrictions mentioned in rule 705, be
duly recorded in the record book.
721. Report of Official assignee as to value of property. (1) A report of the Official
Assignee and an order for summary administration of an insolvent's estate under
section 106(1) of the Act shall be in Forms Nos. 162 and 163 in Appendix A,
(i) there shall be no advertisement of any proceedings in a local paper unless the
Court otherwise directs;
(ii) the title of every document in the proceedings .subsequent to the making of the
order for summary administration shall have inserted thereon “Summary Case”;
(iv) on an application by an insolvent for his discharge, the list certified by the
Official Assignee shall not include nor shall notices be sent to creditors whose debts
do not exceed Rs.30;
(v) notices of meetings or of sittings of the Court shall only be sent to creditors whose
debts or claims exceed Rs.30;
722. Application for administration order. (1) A creditor's petition under section 108
of the Act shall, be in Form No. 164 in Appendix A, and shall be verified by affidavit,
which shall state the source or sources of the deponent's knowledge or belief as to the
statement or statements verified or
deposed to by him.
(2) Notice of the petition to the legal representative of the deceased debtor shall be in
Form No. 165 in Appendix A.
723. Order for administration. (1) An order for the administration in insolvency of
deceased debtor's estate under section 108(2) of the Act shall be in Form No. 166 or
167 in Appendix A.
(2) Notice of the order shall be publishes in Form No. 168 in Appendix A.
724. Duties of legal representative. When an administration order under section 108
of the Act has been made, it shall be the duty of the legal representative of the
deceased debtor to file with the Official Assignee forthwith an account of the dealings
with and administration, if any, of the deceased’s estate by such legal representatives
and such legal representative shall also furnish forthwith a list of the creditors, and a
statement of the assets and liabilities and such other particulars of the affairs of the
deceased debtor as may be required by the Official Assignee. Every account, list and
statement to be made under the rule shall be made and verified as nearly as may, be in
accordance with the practice for the time being of the Court in its original civil
725. Executor de son tort. In any case in which an administration order under section
108 of the Act has been made and it appears to the Court, on the report of the Official
Assignee, that no legal representative of the debtor exists, the account, list and
statement mentioned in rule 724 shall be made, verified and filed by such person as in
the opinion of the Court, upon such report, may have taken upon himself the
administration of or may otherwise have intermeddled with the property of the
deceased, or any part thereof.
Access to insolvent's books
726. Fee for infection. Not withstanding anything contained is rule 162 of the Sindh
Chef Court Rules, Appellate Side, the fee payable to the Official Assignee for
inspection of an insolvent 's books under section 124 (2) of the Act shall be Rs.2 if
the inspection lasts for a day or part of a day; and if the inspection lasts for more than
a day; Rs.2 for the first day and Re.1 for every subsequent day or part thereof. Such
fees shall be credited to the Provincial Government.
727. Insolvency register. The Registrar shall keep a register of insolvency petitions,
cases and proceedings in Forms Nos.8, 9 and 10 in Appendix B. He shall submit half
yearly returns in Form No.11 in Appendix B to the Chief Judge.
728. Power of Court to extend time. The Court may, under special circumstances and
for good cause shown, extend or abridge the time appointed by these rules or fixed by
any order of the Court for doing any act or taking any proceeding.
729. Interpretation. In the construction of the rules in this chapter the following terms
shall (if not inconsistent with the context or subject matter) have the respective
meaning hereinafter assigned to them; that is to say:
"the Nazir of the Court" shall mean the Nazir of the Chief Court and all processes of
the Court shall be executed by him or by one of the officers subordinate to him;
"party" shall include for purposes of Court procedure not only the party himself but
his legal representative (Barrister, Solicitor or Advocate) duly admitted to practice
before the Court under 'the rules in force for the time being as to the admission of
advocates to practice in the Court;
"suit" shall mean any suit, action or other proceeding instituted in the Court in its
jurisdiction under the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act.
730. Institution of suits. A suit shall be commenced by a plaint drawn up, subscribed
and verified according to the provisions of the Code and the practice throughout shall,
as far as is compatible with these rules, be that laid down in the Code.
731. Warrants. When a suit is instituted in rem, any party may, on filing an affidavit,
obtain from the Court a warrant for the arrest of the property proceeded against.
733. Warrant with Court's leave though particular wanting. When it seems advisable,
the Court may allow the warrant to issue though the affidavit or plaint may not
contain all the required particulars and in a suit of wages may also waive the service
of the notice.
734. Service of warrant, filling thereof. Every warrant shall be served by the Nazir or
his bailiff. The party obtaining the order for issue of the warrant shall, within six days
from the service thereof, file all the affidavits or other evidence necessary to prove
the service thereof in the registry.
736. Service how effected on cargo landed. If the cargo has been landed or
transhipped, service of the summons or warrant to arrest the cargo and freight shall be
effected by placing the summons or warrant for a short time on the cargo and on
taking off the process, by leaving the true copy aforesaid upon it.
737. Service on cargo in custody of third person. If the cargo be in the custody of a
person who will not permit access to it, service of the summons or war rant may be
made upon the custodian under the usual rules as to the service of a summons or
corresponding order in execution proceedings contained in the Code.
738. Suits in rem by default. If on the date fixed for hearing no appearance is made
for the defendant in the suit, the Court may proceed ex parte and if appearance is
made, the Court will proceed in the usual manner under the Code.
739. Judgment for the claim, if well founded. If the suit proceed ex parte and the
Judge is satisfied that the plaintiff's claim is well founded, he may pronounce for the
claim and may order the property to be sold with or without previous notice and the
proceeds paid to the Nazir or may make such order as he shall think just.
740. Entry of appearance. A party desiring to enter an appearance in any suit shall file
a written statement before the day set down for the first hearing or settlement of
741. Contents of written statement. The written statement shall contain, besides the
name of the party, an address in Karachi at which it shall be sufficient to leave all
instruments and documents sufficient to leave all instrument and documents in the
suit, in addition to the details required in written statements by the Code.
742. Security. If security is to be given in the registry, it shall be give according to the
rules and practice of the Court as to security in the case of an attachment before
judgment in an ordinary civil suit.
743. Releases. Property arrested, by warrant shall only be released in the authority of
an order in writing issued by the Court to be called a release.
744. Release before appearance entered on application. A party at whose instance any
property has been arrested the release thereof by filing an application to withdraw the
745. On payment into Registry, release of property. A party may obtain the release of
any property by paying to the Nazir the sum in which the suit has been institute.
746. Release of cargo arrested for freight, on payment. Cargo arrested for the freight
only may be released by an order of the Judge in Chambers upon proof by affidavit of
the value of the freight and on payment of the amount of the freight to the Nazir.
747. Value of property under arrest in salvage suit. In a suit of salvage the value of
the property under arrest shall be agreed to or proved by affidavit to the satisfaction
of the Judge in Chambers before the property is released.
748. On security or payment into Registry, property arrested released. Where security
shall have been given in the sum in which the suit has been instituted or such sums
shall have been paid into Court and, if the suit be one to salvage, when the value of
the property arrested shall have been proved to the satisfaction of the Judge in
Chambers, he shall grant release for the property arrested, unless there be a caveat
against the release thereof outstanding in the Caveat Release Book.
749. Release by Nazir. The order of release shall be sent to the Nazir to whom the
party on whose application the order of release was made shall pay all costs charges
and expenses attending the care and custody of the property while so under arrest and
the Nazir shall thereupon release the property.
750. Caveat Release Book. A party in a suit, desiring to prevent the release of any
property under arrest, shall file an application to that effect duly supported by
affidavit and thereupon a caveat against the release of the property shall be entered in
a book to be kept in the registry called the “Caveat Release Book”.
751. Penalty for delaying release. A party delaying the release of any property by the
entry of a caveat shall be liable to be condemned in costs and damages, unless he
shall show, to the satisfaction of the Court, good and sufficient reason for having so
752. Caveat Warrant Book. A person desiring to prevent the arrest of any property
may cause a caveat against the issue of a warrant for the arrest thereof to be entered in
the registry.
753. Entry of appearance in Caveat Warrant Books. For this purpose he shall cause to
be filed in the registry a notice, duly signed by himself or his legal representative,
undertaking to enter an appearance in any suit that may be instituted against the said
property, and to give security in such suit in a sum not exceeding an amount to be
stated in the notice or to pay such sum into the registry, and a caveat against the issue
of a warrant for the arrest of the property shall thereupon be entered in a book to be
kept in the registry called the "Caveat Warrant Book".
754. Service of plaint on party entering Caveat Warrant. A party instituting a suit
against any property in respect of which a caveat has been entered in the Caveat
Warrant Book shall, before filing the plaint, serve a copy thereof upon the person on
whose behalf the caveat has been entered and shall annex to the plaint an affidavit of
such service.
755. Party entering caveat to give security of filing of plaint. Within three days from
the filing of the plaint the person on whose behalf the caveat has been entered shall if
the sum in which the suit has been instituted does not exceed the amount for which he
has undertaken, give security in such sum or pay the same to the Nazir, or if it exceed
that amount, give security in the sum in which the suit has been instituted or pay the
same to the Nazir.
756. On default, suit may proceed ex parte. After the expiration of three days from
filing of the plaint, if the party on whose behalf the caveat has been entered shall not
have given security in such sum or paid the same to the Nazir, the plaintiff may ask
the Court to proceed with the suit by default and to pass judgment: provided that the
Court may, on good cause shown and on such terms as to payment of costs as it may
impose, extend the time for giving security or payment of the money to the Nazir.
757. Judgment to claim enforcement of payment. If when the suit comes before the
Court it is satisfied that the claim is well founded, it shall pronounce for the amount
which appears to be due and may enforce the payment thereof by order and
attachment against the party, on whose behalf the caveat has been entered, and by the
arrest of the property, if it then be or thereafter come, within the jurisdiction of the
758. Notwithstanding caveat property may be arrested. The preceding rules shall not
prevent a party from taking out a warrant for the arrest of any property
notwithstanding the entry f a caveat in the Caveat Warrant Book but the party, at
whose instance any property in respect of which a caveat is entered shall be arrested,
shall be liable to be condemned in costs and damages, unless he shall show, to the
satisfaction of the Court, goods and sufficient reason for having so done.
759. Sale by order of the Court. Every sale under the decree of the Court shall, unless
the Judge shall otherwise order, be made by the Nazir in like manner as a sale of
movable property in execution of a decree in an ordinary civil suit subject to the rules
as to Court fees and other fees in force at the time.
760. Procedure by Nazir on sale of property. The Nazir shall pay into Court the gross
proceeds of sale of any property sold by him and shall at the same time bring into the
registry the amount of sale with vouchers in support thereof for taxation by the taxing
officer of the Court, to whom the same shall be transmitted for the purpose.
761. Audience before Taxing Officer. Any person interested in the proceeds may be
heard before the taxing officer on the taxation of the account of expenses and an
objection to the taxation shall be decided by the Judge of the Court.
762. Payment of moneys. All money paid into Court shall be paid to the Nazir.
763. Payment out of money. Money paid into Court shall not be paid out of Court,
except in pursuance of an order of the Court.
764. Security for latent demands. Security for latent demands shall not, unless the
Judge shall otherwise order, be required on the payment of money out of Court.
765. Notice against payment Caveat Payment Book. A party desiring to prevent the
payment of money out of Court shall file a notice; duly supported by affidavit, and
thereupon a caveat shall be entered in a book to be kept in the registry called the
"Caveat Payment Book."
766. Applications. Forms of application to be filed in the, registry or the Nazir's office
may be obtained on application in the registry. They may be varied or altered by the
Judge at his discretion.
769. Caveat to be in force for six months. A caveat, whether against the issue of a
warrant, the release of property or the payment of money out of Court, shall not
remain in force for more than six months from the date thereof.
770. Withdrawal of caveat. A caveat may be withdrawn by the party on whose behalf
it has been entered.
771. Application to overrule a caveat. Application may be made to the Court or to the
Judge in Chambers to overrule any caveat.
772. Fees by Officers and Nazir. The fees to be paid in all proceedings, whether in
Court fees or in money shall be regulated by the table of fees and rules sanctioned
from time to time for proceedings under the original civil jurisdiction of the Court.
773. Forms of Admiralty Division to be followed. The forms used in the Admiralty
Division of the Supreme Court in England under the rules of the Supreme Court Act,
1883, shall be followed as nearly as the procedure laid down in the Code and by these
rules and the circumstances of each case will allow.
774. Where not provided for, rules and practice of O.C.J., to apply. The other
proceedings in suits brought in the Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction under the
Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890, not provided for by these rules, shall be
regulated by the rules and practice of the Court in suits brought in it in the exercise of
its original civil jurisdiction.
775. Fees to nautical assessors. Nautical assessors shall be entitled to fees according
to the scale prescribed in Chapter II in Appendix C.
776. Act defined. In this Chapter "the Act" means the Indian Companies Act, 1913.
777. General headings. The following shall be used as general headings in all matters
to which the provisions of this chapter apply:-
In the matter of the Indian Companies Act, 1913, and of the………. Company; Ltd".
(b) for all advertisements notices and other proceedings not in Court-
"In the matter of the India Companies Act, 1913, and of the........ Company, Limited";
(c) in case where it is required, the words "and reduced" shall be added to the
description of the company.
(1) every petition under section 12 of the Act (alteration of memorandum) section 54
of the Act (re organization of share capital), section 59 of the Act (for an order
confirming reduction of share capital) or section 105 A of the Act (sanction the issue
of shares at a discount) shall be accompanied by a true copy of the-
(a) memorandum of association,
(2) every petition under section 153 of the Act (for sanctioning a compromise or
arrangement), shall be accompanied by a true copy of the
(3) every petition under section 166 of the Act (for winding up) shall be accompanied
(i) in the case of a petition filed by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, by a true
copy of the order of Government sanctioning the filing of the petition, and
(ii) in the case of a petition filed by a company, by a true copy of the special
resolution resolving that the company be wound up by Court,
(4) every petition under section 247 (6) of the Act (for being restored to the register)
shall be accompanied by a true copy of the order striking out the company's name
from the register; and.
(5) every petition udder section 267 (6) the Act (for substituting memorandum and
articles: for deed of settlement) shall be accompanied by a true copy of the
781. Advertisement. (1) Unless the rules in this Chapter otherwise provide, every
miscellaneous application under the Act shall be advertised not less than 14 dais
before the date fixed for appearance before the Registrar (O.S.), in the Official
Gazette and in one English and one vernacular daily newspaper, as may be ordered by
the Registrar (O.S.) Such advertisement shall be to Form No.170 in Appendix A.
Such application shall also be served on such persons as the Act requires and in other
cases as the Registrar (O.S.) may direct.
(2) When an advertisement is required for any other purpose except where otherwise
provided in this chapter, the advertisement shall be inserted once in the Official
Gazette and in such other newspapers or newspapers for such number of times as may
be directed.
(3) The Court or the Registrar (O.S.) may however, in such cases as it or he shall
think fit, dispense with any advertisement required by the rules in this chapter.
783. Service on other persons. (1) Except where otherwise provided in this Chapter,
all notices, summonses and other documents, other than those of which personal
service is required, may be sent by prepaid post letter to the last known address of the
person to be served therewith.
(2) All notices, summonses and other documents sent by prepaid post letter in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter shall be considered as served at the
time the same ought to have been deliverer in due course by the Post Office and
notwithstanding the same may have been returned by the Post Office:
(3) No service under this Chapter shall be deemed invalid, by reason only of the fact
that any name other than the name by which a person on whom service is sought to be
made is ordinarily known, or by which he is designated in the list of contributories or
in petition, summons, order, notice, or other document, wherein the name of such
contributory or creditor is contained, has been omitted, provided the Court is satisfied
that such service is in other respects sufficient.
784. General power of Court. The power of the Court to enlarge or abridge the time
for doing any act or taking any proceeding, to adjourn or review any proceedings and
to give any direction as to the course of proceedings is unaffected by the provisions of
this Chapter.
785. General English practice to apply. In cases not provided for in this Chapter or by
rules of procedure laid down in the Act or in the Code, the practice and procedure of
the High court of Justice in England in matters relating to companies shall be
followed so far as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the Act or these rules.
Reduction of Capital
786. Form of petition. An application order section 56 of the Act shall be in Form
No.171 in Appendix A.
787. Procedure at the hearing. Upon the hearing of the application if the Court is
satisfied that the proposed reduction does not involve either diminution of liability in
respect of unpaid share capital or payment to any share holder of any paid up share
and that no creditor is entitled to object to the reduction, it may confirm the
resolution. But if the Court is not so satisfied or is of opinion that creditors are
entitled to object, the procedure hereinafter prescribed shall be followed.
788. Directions where creditors are entitled to object. In cases in which the creditors
are entitled to object to the proposed reduction, the Court may give such directions as
it thinks fit with respect to publication of notices and fixing the date with reference to
which the list of creditors entitled to object to the reduction is to be made out and
generally fixing a time for taking all necessary and proper steps for settling the list of
creditors. The order on such application may be in Form No. 172 in Appendix A.
789. List of creditors. The company shall, within the time allowed by the Court, file
in the Court a list in Form No.173 in Appendix A made out by some officer of the
Company competent to make the same, containing the names and addresses of the
creditors of the company as on the date fixed by the Court under the last preceding
rule. The said list shall also contain the amounts due to the creditors and in case of
debts payable on a contingency and not ascertained, a just estimate of the same. Such
list shall be supported by an affidavit of an officer of the company competent to make
the same.
790. Contents of affidavit. The person making such affidavit shall state therein his
belief that the list verified by such affidavit is correct and that there was not at the
date filled by the Court under rule 788 any debt or claim which if that date was the
commencement of the winding up of the company, would be admissible in proof
against the, company except the debt set forth in such list and shall state his means of
knowledge of the matters deposed to in such affidavit. The affidavit shall be in Form
No.174 in Appendix A.
791. Inspection of list of creditors. Copies of the list containing the names and
addresses of the creditors and the total amount due to them including the estimated
value of unascertained, and contingent debts, but omitting the amount due to them
respectively, or (if the Court shall so direct) complete copies of the list of creditors
shall be kept at the registered office of the company and at the office of the advocate
force the company. Any person desirous of inspecting, the same may, at any time
during the ordinary hours of business, inspecting the same may, at anytime during the
ordinary hours of business, inspect and take extracts from the same on payment of the
sum of one rupee.
792. Notice to creditors. The company shall, within 7 days after the filing of the list
of creditors referred to in rule 789 or such time as the, court may allow, send to each
creditor whose name is entered in the, said list a notice stating the amount of the
proposed reduction in capital and the amount or estimated value of the debt for which
such creditor is entered in the said list and the time, as fixed by the Court, within
which if he claims to be a creditor for a larger amount than that shown in the notice;
he must send in his name and address and the particulars of his debt or claim and the
name and address of his advocate, if any, to the advocate of the company, such notice
shall be sent by prepaid letter registered for acknowledgment addressed to each
creditor at his last known address or place of abode: Provided that, where any of the
creditors of the company are residing out of British India or where their addresses are
not known to the company, the Court may direct notice to be given by advertisement
in such papers and in such manner as the Court may deem proper. The notice or
advertisement shall be in Form No.175 in Appendix A.
793. Advertisement of the petition and the list of creditors. Notice of the presentation
of the petition and of the list of creditors shall, after the filing of the list referred to in
rule 789 be advertised in such newspapers as the Court or the Registrar (O.S.) may
direct. Every such notice shall state the amount of the proposed reduction of capital,
the places where the list of creditors may be inspected and the time within which and
the person to whom the creditors of the company, who are not entered in the said list
and are desirous of being entered therein, must send in their names and addresses and
the particulars of their claims and the names and addresses of their advocates, if any.
Such advertisement shall be in Form No.176 in Appendix A.
794. Affidavit as to result of rules 792 and 793. The company shall, within the time
fixed by Court, file in Court an affidavit made by the person to whom the particulars
of debts or claims are by the notice mentioned in rules 792 and 793 required to be
sent in, stating the result of such notices respectively and verifying the list containing
the names and addresses of the person, if any, who shall have sent in the particulars of
the debts or claims in pursuance of such notice respectively and the amounts of such
debts or claims and some competent officer or officers of such company shall joint in
such in such affidavit and shall in such list distinguish which, if any; of such debts
and claims are wholly admitted or as to any and what part thereof by the company,
and which, if any, of such debts and claims are wholly or as to any part thereof
disputed by the company. Such affidavit shall also state which of the creditors entered
in the said list have been paid or have consented to the proposed reduction. Such
affidavit shall be to Form No.177 in Appendix A. The company shall also file
affidavit in Form No.178 in Appendix A, by the person who sent the notices referred
to in rule 792.
795. Procedure when claim is not admitted. If the company contends that a person is
not entitled to be entered in the list of creditors in respect of any debt or claim,
whether admitted or not, or if any debt or claim is not admitted by the company
wholly or in part, then in every such case, unless the company is willing to
appropriate m such manner as the Court shall direct, the full amount of such debt or
claim, the company shall if the Court so directs, send to the creditor a notice in Form
No.179 in Appendix A that he is required to come in and establish his title to be
entered on the list, or as the case may be, to come in and prove his debt or claim or
any such part thereof as is not admitted by the company on the day fixed by the
Court. Such notice shall be served 14 clear days before the date fixed by the Court:
Provided that the Court may refer any inquiry under this rule to the Registrar (O.S.)
and the Registrar (O.S) shall have all the powers of the Court in respect of any matter
so referred to him: Provided further that a reference shall lie to the Court against any
order of the Registrar (O.S.) in the manner provided by these rules.
796. Costs of proof. The costs of roof of a debt or claim or of any inquiry under rule
795 shall be in the discretion of the Court.
797. Certificate by the Court as to creditors. The result of the settlement of the list of
creditors shall be stated in a certificate which shall be prepared by the advocate of the
company, and signed by the Judge. Such certificate shall state what debts or claims, if
any have been disallowed, the debts or claims, if any, the amount of which has been
fixed by inquiry under section 59 of the Act and the rules in this Chapter, and the
debts and claims, if any, which are admitted by the company, and shall show which of
the creditors have consented to the proposed reduction and the total amount due to
them, and which of the debts or claims if any the company is willing to appropriate; it
shall not be necessary to show in the certificate the names of any creditors who are
not entitled to be entered in the list or show the several amounts of the debts or claims
of the person who have consented to the proposed reduction.
798. Hearing of petition. After expiration of not less than 8 clear days from the date
of signing of such certificate as is mentioned in the last preceding rule the application
shall be set down for hearing in the ordinary course. Notice of the date fixed for
hearing of the application shall be advertised in such newspapers as the Court or the
Registrar (O.S.) may direct and shall be in Form No.180 in Appendix A.
799. Who may appear and oppose. Any creditor included in the certificate whose debt
or claim has not, before the hearing of the petition, been discharged or determined or
been secured in the manner provided by section 59 of the Act and who has not before
the hearing consented in writing to the proposed reduction of capital may, if he thinks
fit, upon giving two clear days notice to the advocate for the company of his intention
so to do, appear at the hearing of the petition and oppose it. The costs of the
appearance of the creditor shall be in the discretion of the Court.
800. Direction at the hearing. At the hearing of the petition the Court may give such
directions as it shall think fit with reference to securing, in them provided under
section 59 of the Act, the debts or claims of such creditors as do not consent to the
proposed reduction; and the further hearing of the petition may be adjourned to
enable the company to comply with such directions.
802. Approval of minutes. Within 7 days from the date of order confirming the
reduction, the company shall file for approval of the Court of Registrar (O.S.) a draft
of the minute and take an appointment for approval of the same. The advocate for the
company shall attend when the minute comes before the Court or the Registrar (O.S.)
at the appointed time.
803. Publication of reasons reduction, etc. If the Court shall, under section 65 of the
Act, think fit to require the company to publish the reasons or causes of the reduction
of the capital or any other information in relation thereto, the company shall within
the time prescribed in the last preceding rule, file a draft of the statement to be
published for approval by the Court in the manner provided by that rule. Such
statement of the approval shall, as far as possible and subject to the directions of the
Court, be published in the same newspapers in which the registration of the order was
published under rule 801.
Winding up
804. Form of petition by the Court. Every petition for the winding up of a company
by the Court or subject to the supervision of the Court shall be in Form No. 181 in
Appendix A.
Provisional Liquidator
807. Appointment of provisional liquidator. The Court may make the appointment of
an official liquidator provisionally under sub section (2) of section 175 of the Act,
with or without security upon an application supported by an affidavit setting forth
grounds, by a creditor contributory or the company and after notice to the company,
unless the application is made by the company itself or for reasons to be recorded it
thinks fit to dispense with the notice. The court may fix the remuneration of such
liquidator provisionally and direct the applicant at whose instance the appointment is
made to pay in the first instance the remuneration so fixed.
809. Provisional Liquidator to hand over assets to the official liquidator or receiver.
On the, making of a winding up order the provisional liquidator shall, if he is not
appointed the official liquidator, forthwith hand over all the assets of the company in
his hand; to the official liquidator or the official receiver, as the case may be.
810. Provisional Liquidator governed by rules which apply to official liquidator. The
rules herein relating to the official liquidator shall, so far as the same are applicable
and subject to any direction of the Court in each case, apply to provisional liquidators.
Winding up Order
811. Notice under section 170(3). Notice under sub section (3) of section 170 of the
act shall be in Form No. 183 in Appendix A.
812. Copy of winding up order to be sent to official liquidator or official receiver. (1)
Every order for winding up by the Court shall be in Form No.184 or 185 in Appendix
A, as the case may be. A copy of such order shall be sent to the official liquidator or
official receiver, as the case may be.
Advertisement order to wind up. (2) Notice of every order for the winding up of a
company by the Court subject to the supervision of the Court shall, within 12 days
after the date thereof, be advertised by the petitioner once in the Official Gazette and
shall be served upon such person and in such manner as the Court may direct. Such
notice shall be in Form No. 186 in Appendix A.
Official Liquidator
813. Appointment of official liquidator. At the time of making an order for winding
up of a company or at any time thereafter upon an application supported by an
affidavit setting out the grounds thereof by any person interested in the company or in
the assets, the Court may, if it thinks it is desirable or necessary, appoint a person
other than the official receiver as official liquidator of the company with or without
security as it may think fit:
Provided that when such appointment is to be male after the order for winding up
before making such appointment the Court shall give notice by advertisement in such
manner as it shall direct so that the first and only advertisement shall be published
within 14 days and not less than 7 days, before the day fixed. (Form No: 187 in
Appendix A).
814. Procedure when official receiver not able to take up the duties. Where no official
liquidator has been appointed, the official receiver may, if he is not in a position to
take up the duties in connection with the winding up, apply for the appointment of an
official liquidator. Upon any such application the Court may, after ascertaining the
wishes of the creditors and contributories in such manner as it deems fit, make such
order as it thinks proper.
815. Security by official liquidator. (1) An order appointing an official liquidator
shall, unless security is dispensed with or has been previously furnished, fix a time
within which such security shall be furnished. The Court may by such order impose
such restrictions as it thinks proper on the official liquidator in dealing with the assets
of the company until such security is furnished. In the event of the security not being
furnished within the time fixed, the petition shall be posted for the order of the Court
immediately after the expiry of the time so fixed.
(2) The order shall also fix the times or periods when the official liquidator is to file
his account of receipts and payments.
816. Security how furnished. Where an official liquidator has been directed to give
security, he shall give such security by entering into a recognizance with two
sufficient sureties or a guarantee society recognized by the Court or by depositing
Government securities or in such other manner as the Court shall direct in such sum
as the Court may approve. The recognizance of the official liquidator and his sureties
shall be in Form No. 188 in Appendix A. and the sureties shall file an affidavit in
Form No. 189 in Appendix A.
(a) upon the total assets including produce of calls on contributories, realised or
brought to credit and not being moneys received and spent on carrying on the
(b) when the official liquidator collects calls or realises property for debenture holders
or other secured creditors, the same rate of fees as in clause (a) above payable out of
the proceeds of such calls or property;
(c) when the official liquidator acts as trustee under a scheme of arrangement, such
remuneration, not exceeding the rate of fees as in clause (a) above, as the Court shall
(d) when the official liquidator performs any special duties not provided for above,
such amount as the court on the application of the official liquidator may consider
(2) He shall also be allowed, unless the Court otherwise directs, a sum sufficient to
cover the expenses of the employment of assistants of clerks and his office rent,
stationery, etc.
(3) The rate of remuneration of the official. liquidator shall in no case exceed the
amount specified in the scale of fees given above.
(4) No official liquidator shall settle his remuneration with the attorneys or a
advocates for the parties concerned or with the parties.
Statement of Affairs
821. Preparation of statement of affairs. Any person who under section 177 A of the
Act has been required to submit and verify a statement as to the affairs of the
company shall be furnished by the official liquidator with such forms and instructions
as he may in his discretion consider necessary. The statement shall be made out in
duplicate and shall be submitted to the official liquidator within the time prescribed
by the section or within such extended time as the official liquidator or the Court
may, for special reasons, appoint. One copy shall be verified by an affidavit. The
official liquidator shall cause the verified statement of affairs to be filed in the Court
and shall retain the duplicate thereof for his records.
822. Official liquidator may hold personal interview for investigating company's
affairs. The official liquidator may from time to time (whether before or after the
submission of the statement) hold personal interviews with persons required to submit
the statement for the purpose of investigating the company's affairs and it shall be the
duty of every such person to attend on the official liquidator at such time and place as
the official liquidator may appoint and give the official liquidator all information that
he may require and answer all such questions as may be put to him by the official
823. Extension of time for submitting statement of affairs. Where any person required
to submit a statement under section 27 A of the Act requires any extension of time, he
shall apply in the first instance to the official liquidator who may, if he thinks it, give
a written certificate extending the time and this certificate shall be filed with the
proceedings in the winding up.
824. When application to Court for extension of time may be made. Where the
official liquidator refuses to grant an extension of time for submitting the statement of
affairs, the person required to submit the statement may on notice to the official
liquidator apply to the Court.
826. Procedure for considering the official liquidator's preliminary report. On the
filing by the official liquidator of the preliminary report under subsection (1) of
section 177 B of the Act or of a further report, if any, under sub section (2) of the said
section, the Registrar (O.S.) shall fix a date for consideration of such report by the
Court and notify the date on the notice board of the Court. The official liquidator shall
either personally or by advocate attend the consideration of such report and give the
Court any further explanation or information with reference to the matters contained
therein which the Court may require.
827. Directions. The official liquidator shall, with all convenient speed (and in any
event not later than 7 days) after the filing of the preliminary report prescribed by
section 177 B of the Act, apply to the Court for directions, upon the hearing of such
application, the Court, after hearing the official liquidator and any other person
appearing on notice or otherwise, may give such directions as it shall think proper in
regard to the carrying on the winding up and more particularly in respect of (i) the
exercise by the official liquidator of any of the powers mentioned in section 179 of
the Act, and (ii) the time within which the official liquidator shall take steps to settle
the list of creditors and contributories of the company.
Collection and distribution of assets
828. Powers of the official liquidator. The duties imposed on the Court by section 184
(1) of the Act with regard to the collection of the assets of the Company and the
application thereof in discharge of the company's liabilities shall be discharged by the
official liquidator as an officer of Court subject to the control of the Court and subject
to the proviso to section 246 (2) of the Act.
829. Official liquidator to be in the position of receiver. For the purpose of the
discharge by the official liquidator of such duties, the official 1iiquidator shall, for the
purposes of acquiring and retaining possession of the property of the company, be in
the same position as if he were a receiver of the property appointed by the Court and
the Court may on his application enforce such acquisition or retention accordingly.
List of contributories
832. Appointment of place and time for settling list of contributories. The official
liquidator shall fix a time and place for the settlement of such list and shall give
notice in writing of the time and place appointed for the settlement of the list of
contributories to every person included in the list prepared by him and shall state in
the notice to each person in what character and for what number of shares or interest
such person is included in the list. Such notice shall be in Form No. 193 in Appendix
A and sent by prepaid letter post to the person at the address mentioned in such list so
as to reach such person in the ordinary course not later than fourteen days before the
date fixed for the settlement.
833. Settlement of the list of contributories. On the day fixed in the last preceding
rule the official liquidator shall hear any person who objects to being which settled as
a contributory and after such hearing shall finally settle the list which, when so settle,
shall be the list of contributories of the company.
834. Notice of settlement to contributories and application to Court to vary the list.
The official liquidator shall forthwith give notice to every person placed on the list
person placed on the list of contributories stating in what character and for what
number of shares or interest he has been placed on the list and in the notice inform
such person that any application for the removal of his name from the list or for a
variation of the list shall be made to the Court without 21 days from the date of
service on the contributory of such notice. The notice shall be in Form No. 194 in
Appendix A and shall be sent to each person by prepaid post registered for
acknowledgment at the address mentioned in the list.
835. Applications filed out of time not to be entertained. Except with the leave of the
Court no Application by, airy person who objects to the list of contributories as
finally settled by the official liquidator shall be entertained after the expiration of the
period mentioned in the notice referred to in rule 832.
836. Variation, of the list of contributories by the official liquidator. The official
liquidator may, from time, to time, added to or vary the list of contributories and any
such variation or addition shall be made m. the same manner in all respects as the
settlement of the original list: Provided that no
liability of ally contributory placed on the list settled by him and filed in Court shall
be diminished except with the leave of the Court.
837. Certificate of final settlement to be filed in Court. The official liquidator shall,
within seven days after the settlement of any list of contributories, file in, Court a
certificate of final settlement of the list of contributories in Form No.195 in Appendix
A together with the affidavit of service of notice in Form No.196 in Appendix A.
838. Official Liquidator not personally liable for costs. The official liquidator shall
not in any case be personally liable to pay any costs in relation to any application to
set aside or vary his act or decision in connection with the settling of the list of
839. Calls by liquidator. The powers and duties of the Court in relation to making
calls upon contributories conferred by section 187 of the Act may be exercised by the
official liquidator as an officer of the Court subject to proviso to section 246 (2) of the
840. Application for leave to make call. An application for leave to make any call on
the contributories or any of them shall be made by petition stating the proposed
amount of such call and shall be supported by an affidavit of the official liquidator in
Form No. 197 in Appendix A. Notice of such application shall be served in Form No.
198 in Appendix A at least 4 clear days before the day appointed for the hearing of
the application or, if the Court shall so direct, notice of such application may be given
by advertisement in Form No. 199 in Appendix A in such daily newspapers as the
Court shall direct.
841. Document making the call. When the official liquidator is authorized by order to
make a call on the contributories he shall file in Court a document in Form No. 200 in
Appendix A making the call.
842. Service of notice of call. When a call has been made by the official liquidator, a
copy of the order granting leave to make the call shall forthwith, after the call has
been made be served upon each of the contributories included in such a call together
with a notice in Form No.201 in Appendix A form the official liquidator specifying
the amount or balance are from such contributory. Such order shall be in Form
No.202 in Appendix A and need not be advertised unless the Court so orders for any
special reasons.
843. Enforcement of payment of call. Payment of the amount due from any
contributory on a call may be enforce by order of the Court to be made on application
by the official liquidation supported by affidavit in Form No. 203 in appendix A.
Such order may be in Form No. 204 in Appendix A and may be executed as if it were
a decree for money.
844. Procedure at Sales. Subject to the directions of the Court, any movable or
immovable property of the company shall be sold in the same manner as in the case
of a sale under a decree or order of the Court in a suit. Provided that all conditions
and contracts of sale shall provide that the purchase money other than the amount
paid to the officer conducting the sale at the time of bidding shall be paid by the
purchaser into the bank in which the official liquidator has been authorized to deposit
the moneys of the company to the credit of the official liquidator.
845. Application for leave to disclaim. Any application for leave to disclaim any part
of the property of a company under section 230 A of the Act may be made ex parte
and shall be supported by an affidavit showing who are the parties interested and
what their interests are. At the hearing of the application, the Court or Registrar (O.S.)
may direct notice to be given to such parties.
846. Disclaimer to be filed in Court. Where an official liquidator has been granted
leave to disclaim a leasehold interest, he shall forthwith file the disclaimer in Court.
The disclaimer shall contain particulars of the interest disclaimed and a statement of
the persons to whom notices of the disclaimer have been given. The disclaimer shall
be inoperative until it is so filed in Court. A disclaimer shall be in Form No. 206 in
Appendix A and a notice of disclaimer in Form No. 206 in Appendix A.
847. Claimant to furnish statement of his interest. Where any person claims to be
interested in any property of a company which the official liquidator wishes to
disclaim, he shall at the request of the official liquidator, furnish a statement of the
interest so claimed by him.
848. Vesting of disclaimed property. Where an application is filed under section 230
A (6) of the Act for the vesting of a disclaimed property of a leasehold nature and it
appears to the Court that there is a mortgagee or under lessee of the property, the
Court may direct notice to be given to such mortgagee or under-lessee stating that if
he does, not elect to accept and apply for such a vesting order as aforesaid upon the
terms imposed by the above sub section of the Act within a time to be fixed by the
Court, he will be excluded from all interest in and security upon the property. If at the
expiration of the time fixed by the Court such mortgagee or under-lessee fails to make
such election and application, the Court may make an order vesting the property in
the applicant and excluding such mortgagee or under lessee from all interest in or
security upon the property.
849. Application for examination. An application for the examination of any person
under section 195 of the Act shad, if made by any person other than the official
liquidator, be supported by an affidavit of such person stating the matters in respect of
which the examination is sought and the grounds on which the applicant relies in
support of his application. Notice of such application shall served on the official
850. Conduct of the examination. The conduct of the examination under section 195
of the Act may be given either to the official liquidator or to the applicant as the
Court shall think fit.
851. Party to be examined to be served with summons and paid expenses. The person
having the conduct of the examination shall cause a summons to be served in Form
No. 207 in Appendix A and cause expenses at the scale prescribed in Chapter II in
Appendix C to be paid to the person to be examined under section 195 of the Act. The
summons shall be served in the manner; prescribed for service of summons on a
852. Attendance at examination under section 195. At the examination of any person
under section 195 of the Act the official liquidator and the applicant, if any, may take
part either in person or by advocate and no other person shall he entitled to take part
except with the leave of the Court. The notes of the deposition of any person so
examined shall not be open to inspection of any person other than the official
liquidator, nor shall any copy thereof or an extract therefrom be supplied to any
person other than the official liquidator save upon the orders of the Court.
853. Procedure at public examination. Where an order has been made for the
examination of any person under 196 of the Act-
(a) the examination may be held bore the Court or such other officer of the Court
section 196 of the Act as the Court shall appoint;
(b) the Court may, if it thinks fit, either in the order for examination or by any sub
sequent order give directions as to the special matters on which any such person may
be examined.
854. Notice of public examination. The official liquidator shall give notice in Form
No.208 in Appendix A of the date and hour fixed by the Court or the officer
appointed for holding of any examination under section 196 of the Act to creditors
and contributories of the company by advertisement in such newspapers and in such
manner as the Court or the officer, as the case may be, shall direct. Where a public
examination is adjourned, it shall not be necessary to advertise the adjournment.
855. Service of summons on person to be examined under section 196. The official
liquidator shall cause a summons to be served in Form No. 209 in Appendix A on
(and shall, also cause expenses at the scale prescribed in Chapter II m Appendix C to
be paid to) the person to be examined under section 196 of the Act: Such summons
shall be served in the manner prescribed for service of summons on a witness.
856. Provisions of rule 566 to apply to examination under sections 195 and 196. The
provisions of rule 566 shall apply, so far as may be, to examination under section 196
of the Act held before the Registrar (O.S.) or other officer of the Court.
858. Advertisement for creditors. For the purpose of ascertaining debts and claims
due from the company and of requiring the creditors to come in and prove their debts
or claims an advertisement shall be issued at such time as the Court shall direct. Such
advertisement shall fix a day for the creditors to send their names ad addresses and
the particulars of their debts or claims to the official liquidator and appoint a day for
adjudicating thereon and shall be in Form No. 210 in Appendix A.
860. Verification of proof. An affidavit proving a debt may be made by the creditor
himself or by some person authorized by him.
861. Form of proof. An affidavit shall be in Form No. 211 in Appendix A and contain
a statement of accounts showing the particulars of the debt and specify the vouchers
or documents, if any, by which the same can be substantiated. The official liquidator
may call for the production of such vouchers or documents.
863. List of debts. The official liquidator, shall investigate the debts or claims sent to
him and shall, prior to the time appointed for adjudication, make out and file in Court
a list supported by an affidavit in Form No. 212 in, Appendix A of all the debts and
claims sent to him, distinguishing which of the debts and claims or party of the debts
and claims so claimed are in his opinion justly due proper to be allowed without
further evidence and which of them in his opinion ought to be proved by the creditors.
864. Allowance of debts. (1) At the time appointed for adjudication upon the debts
and claims or at any adjournment thereof, the Court may either allow the debts and
claims upon the affidavit of the official liquidator or may require the same or any of
them to be proved by the claimants, and adjourn the adjudication thereon to a time to
be then fixed.
(2) The official liquidator shall give notice in Form No. 213 in Appendix A to the
creditors whose debts or claims have been allowed on his affidavit of such allowance
in such manner as the Court may direct.
865. Proof of debts. The official liquidator shall give notice in Form No.214 in
Appendix A to the creditors whose debts or claims have not been allowed upon his
affidavit of the date fixed by the Court far adjudicating upon such debts or claims.
866. Value of debts. The value of all debts and claims against the company shall, as
far, as is possible, be estimated according to the value thereof at the date of the order
of the winding of the company.
867. Expunging or reducing a proof. The Court may, on the application, of the official
liquidator or if the official liquidator declines to interfere on the application of a
creditor or contributory and after notice to the creditor who has proved his debt,
expunge the debt or reduce its amount if it is satisfied that the proof has been
improperly admitted.
868. Cost of proof. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, a creditor shall bear the
costs of proving his debt.
869. Workmen's wages. In any case where there are numerous claims for wages by
workmen and others employed by the company it shall be, sufficient if one proof in
Form No. 215 in Appendix A for all such claims is made by any person on behalf of
all such creditors. Such proof shall have annexed thereto as forming part thereof a
schedule setting forth the names of the workmen and others and the amounts
severally due to them. Any proof made in compliance with this rule shall have the
same effect as if separate proofs had been made by each of the said workmen and
870. Judge's certificate of debts. The result of the adjudication upon debts and claims
shall be in the form of a certificate to be signed by the Judge from time to time as
convenience may require, and such certificate shall state whether the debts or claims
are lowed or disallowed and whether allowed as against any particular assets or in any
other qualified or special manner. Such certificate shall be in Form No. 216 in
Appendix A.
871. Notice of intended dividend. Not less than a month before applying to Court for
leave to declare a dividend, the official liquidator shall publish notice of his intention
to do so in Form No. 217 in Appendix A in such newspapers as the Court shall direct
and shall also send by prepaid 'letter post notice in Form No. 218 in Appendix A to
such of the creditors mentioned in the statement of affairs as have not proved their
872. Provisions of rules 863 to 869 to apply. Where any proof is lodged pursuant to
such notice, the official liquidator shall in relation to the admission or rejection
thereof act in accordance with rules 863 to 869. The official liquidator shall apply, if
necessary, to vary the list of creditors settled by the Court,
873. Dividends payable principal and interest. Creditors whose debts and claims carry
interest and are allowed shall be entitled to receive dividends upon what was due for
principal and interest at the date of the winding up. In the event of there being a
surplus the dividend payable to such creditors shall be applied, firstly, towards
payment of interest, and secondly, in reduction of the principal due to them.
875. Notice of declaring and paying dividend. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court,
the official liquidator shall give notice in Form No. 219 in Appendix A of the
dividend declared by advertisement in such newspapers as the Court shall fix and by
sending a notice in Form No. 220 in Appendix A by prepaid letter post to every
creditor who has proved his debt.
876. Dividend may be sent by post. The amount of the dividend may, at the request
and risk of the creditor, be transmitted to him by cheque by post in a prepaid cover or
by money order after deducting the money order commission. No postal or other
charges shall be levied.
877. Payment of dividend to nominee. A person to whom dividends are payable may
lodge with the official liquidator an authority in writing in Form No. 220 in Appendix
A to pay such dividends to another person named therein.
878. Form of order directing return of capital to contributories. Every order by which
the official liquidator is authorized to make a return to contributories of the company
shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, contain or shall have appended thereto a
schedule or list (which the official liquidator shall prepare) setting out in a tabular
form the full names and addresses of the persons to whom the return is to be made,
the amount of money payable to each person, arid particulars of transfers of shares, if
any, which have been made or the variations in the list of contributories which have
arisen since the date of settlement of the list of contributories and such other
information as may be requisite to enable the return to be made. The schedule or list
shall be in Form No. 221 in Appendix A with such variations as circumstances shall
require and the official liquidator shall send a notice of return to each contributory in
Form No. 222 in Appendix A.
879. Application of rules as to meetings. Subject and without prejudice to any express
provisions of the Act and directions of the Court the rules as to meetings hereinafter
set out shall apply to meetings called by the official liquidator whether under the
directions of the Court or otherwise.
880. Summoning of meetings. The official, liquidator shall summon all meetings of
creditors and contributories by giving notice in writing in Form No. 223 in Appendix
A not less than 7 clear days before the day appointed for the meeting to every creditor
or contributory of the time, place and object place thereof; provided that where the
Court shall so direct, such notice may be given by advertisement in which case the
object of the meeting need not be stated. It shall not be necessary to insert such
advertisement in the Official Gazette.
881. Time and place of meeting. Every meeting shall be held at such place and time
as the official liquidator considers most convenient for the majority of the persons
entitled to be present thereat. Different times or places or both may, if though
expedient, be appointed for the meetings of creditors and the meetings of
882. Expenses of meetings at the instance of creditor, etc. The official liquidator may
require every creditor or contributory who desires the summoning of a meeting to
deposit as a condition precedent thereto a sum sufficient for the costs thereof to be
computed in the following manner. Such costs, including all disbursements for
printing, stationery, postage to the hire of a room shall be calculated at the rate of Re:
I for each person whom notice is required to be sent for the first 25, at the rate of As.
8 for each person for the next 75 and at As. 4 for each person over 100. The said sum
may be repaid to the person depositing the same from the assets of the company if the
Court so directs.
883. Chairman of meeting. The official liquidator or some one nominated by him
shall be chairman of any meeting. In the event of there being more than one official
liquidator, the managing liquidator or his nominee shall be the Chairman. The
nomination shall be in Form No. 224 in Appendix A.
886. Copy of resolution to be filed. The official liquidator shall file with the Registrar
(O.S.) a copy certified by him of every resolution of a meeting of creditors or
888. Adjournments. The Chairman may with the consent of the meeting adjourn it
from time to time and from place to place, but the adjourned meeting shall be held at
the same place as the original meeting unless in the resolution for adjournment
another place is specified or unless the Court otherwise orders.
889. Quorum. A meeting may not act for any purpose except the adjournment thereof
unless there are present or represented thereat at least 3 creditors or contributories
entitled to vote or all the creditors or contributories entitled to vote if the number of
such creditors or contributories shall not exceed three.
890. Procedure in the absence of quorum. If within half an hour from the time
appointed for the meeting, a quorum as in the last rule is not present or represented
thereat, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the following week at the
same time and place or to such other day as the Chairman may appoint not being less
than seven days or more than 14 days from the day from which the meeting was
891. When creditor can vote. No creditor shall be entitled to vote as a creditor unless
he has lodged with the official liquidator a proof of the debt which he claims to be
due from the company and such proof has been admitted wholly or in party by the
official liquidator.
892. When creditor cannot vote. A creditor shall not vote in respect of any debt the
value of which is not ascertained or of any debt which is contingent.
893. When secured creditor can vote. For the purposes of voting a secured creditor
shall unless he surrenders his security; state in his proof the particulars of the security,
the date when it was given and the value at which he assesses it and shall be entitled
to vote only in respect of the balance due to him, if any, after deducting the value so
given by the creditor.
894. Effect of voting by a secured creditor. If a secured creditor votes in respect of his
whole debt, he shall be deemed of have surrendered his security unless the Court on
application is satisfied that the omission to value the security has arisen from
895. Procedure when secured creditor votes without surrendering security. The
official liquidator may, within twenty eight days from the date of the meeting at
which a secured creditor, voted on the basis of his valuation of the security apply to
the Court for an order to compel such creditor to give up the security for the general
benefit of creditors on payment of the estimated value.
896. Meetings under section 178 A of the Act. Rules 891 to 895 inclusive shall not
apply to meetings held under section 178 A of the Act:
897. Minutes of proceedings. The Chairman shall cause minutes of the proceedings at
the meeting to be drawn up and fairly, entered in the book kept for that purpose and
the minutes shall be signed by, him or by the Chairman of the next ensuing meeting.
A list of creditors and contributories present at every meeting shall be made and `
kept in Form No. 225 in Appendix A.
900. Form of proxies. Every proxy shall be in Form No. 227 in Appendix A and
every written part thereof shall be in the hand writing of the person giving the proxy
or some person (other than the person to whom the proxy is given) duly authorized by
901. Forms to be sent with notice. Forms of proxies shall be sent creditors and
contributories with the notice summoning the meeting. No name shall be inserted or
printed in the form before it is sent.
902. Who may be appointed a proxy. No creditor shall appoint a proxy who is not a
creditor of the company whose debt or claim has been admitted or allowed and no
contributory, shall appoint a proxy who is not contributory of the company; but a
creditor or contributory may appoint the official liquidator to act as his proxy.
903. Proxies to be lodged. A proxy shall be lodged with the official liquidator not
later than 4 O’clock in the afternoon of the day before the meeting or adjourned
meeting is to be held.
904. Use of proxies by deputy. When the official liquidator holds any proxies and
cannot attend the meeting, he may in writing depute some person to use the proxies
on his behalf and in such manner as he may direct.
Committee of inspection
907. Advertisement of date of hearing of application under section 178A (3). (1) On
an application cede under section 178 A(3) of the Act for directions a date shall be
fixed for hearing the application and notice of such date shall be given by
advertisement by the official liquidator in such manner as the Court may direct.
908. Not dealing with assets. Neither the official liquidator not any member of the
Committee of Inspection of a company shall; while acting as official liquidator or
member of such committee, except by leave of the Court, either directly or indirectly
by himself or his employer, partner, clerk, agent or servant become purchaser of any
part of the company's asset. Any such purchase made contrary to the provisions of
this rule may be set aside by the Court of its own motion or on the application of the
official liquidator, a member of the Committee of Inspection, any creditor or
contributory, and the Court may make such order as to costs as it shall think fit.
911. Cost of obtaining sanction of the Court. In any case in which sanction of the
Court is obtained under either of the last two preceding rules, the cost of obtaining
such sanction shall be borne by the person at whose instance such sanction is
obtained, and shall be payable out of the company's assets.
913. Nature of books to be maintained. The official liquidator shall provide and keep
such books of account as shall be necessary for the purpose of showing the debts and
credits of the company. In particular he shall keep (1) a cash book in which shall be
entered from day to day all receipts and payments, (2) a ledger which shall include
the individual accounts of the contributories in which every contributory shall be
debited from time to time with the amount payable in respect of a call made on him
and (3) a record book in which he shall record all minutes, all proceedings had and
resolutions passed at any meeting of creditors, contributories or the Committee of
Inspection and all such matters as may be necessary to give a correct view of his
administration of the company's, affairs.
914. Nature of book when the business of companies to be carried on. When the
official liquidator has been authorized to carry on the business of the company, he
shall keep separate book of account in respect of such business and such books shall,
as far as possible, be in conformity with the books kept by the company.
915. When accounts to be filed. Unless otherwise ordered, the official liquidator shall
file his accounts twice every year. The first of such account commencing at the date
of his appointment and brought down to the end of six months from such date shall be
filed on or before one month from the expiration of the said six months and the
subsequent accounts shall be filed at intervals of six months being brought down to
the end of the half year for which they are filed.
916. Audit of accounts. (1) The Registrar (O.S) shall cause the accounts filed
including the statement filed under section 244 of the Act to be audited. The Auditor
shall be directed to ascertain that the accounts have been properly and accurately kept
and that all moneys received and disbursed have been accounted for.
(2) For the purpose of such audit, the official liquidator shall produce before the
auditor all vouchers, books and account which may be required by the Auditor in
support of the said account and shall furnish such information as the Auditor may
(3) If during such audit any question or matter of difference shall arise between the
Auditor and the official liquidator in respect of any payment, receipt, voucher or
otherwise, such question or matter of difference shall referred to the Chief Judge or to
such Judge as he may appoint to decide the same.
(4) When the accounts have been audited, one copy thereof shall be filed and kept by
the Court and another copy shall be delivered to the Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies to be kept with his records.
(5) Notice of such audit shall be given to such persons as the Court may direct.
(6) For defraying the costs of the audit, the official liquidator shall deduct from the
assets in each estate such fees as may be allowed by the Court or if the Court so
directs, by the Registrar, (O.S).
917. Form of accounts. The accounts or the official liquidator (to be filed in duplicate
as prescribed in the Act) shall be in Form No. 228 in Appendix A and shall be
verified by an affidavit in Form No. 229 in Appendix A.
918. Form of affidavit when there are no receipts and payments. Where an official
liquidator has not, since the date of his appointment or since the date of his last
accounts, as the case may be, received or paid any sum of money, he shall file an
affidavit of no receipts or payments in Form No. 229 in Appendix A on the date on
which he shah have to file his accounts for the period.
920. Payment in of moneys. All moneys received in the course of winding up shall be
paid into such account immediately after receipt thereof.
921. Payment out of moneys. No moneys shall be paid out of the aforesaid banking
account except upon cheque or order signed by the official liquidator and
countersigned by such person as is hereinafter mentioned in rule 924.
922. Securities to be deposited with the bank. All bills, hundis, notes and other
securities of like nature payable to the company or the official liquidator thereof shall
unless the Court otherwise directs, as soon as they shall come to the hands of the
official liquidator be deposited by him with the bank for the purpose of being
presented for acceptance and payment or for payment only as the case may be.
923. Delivery of security by the bank. No bills, hundis, notes and other securities
deposited as aforesaid shall be delivered out except upon the request of the official
liquidator countersigned by such person as is hereinafter mentioned in rule 924.
924. Countersigning authority. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the person
required to countersign under rules 921 and 923 shall, in cases where the powers
mentioned to section 179 (f) of the Act have been delegated to the official liquidator,
be such member as the Committee of Inspection shall appoint for the purpose and in
cases where there is no Committee of inspection and in cases where the powers have
not been delegated to the official liquidator, shall be the Registrar (O.S):
Provided that the Court may dispense altogether with such countersignature.
925. Memorandum of sanction to draw bills. The sanction of the Court to the
drawing, accepting, making and endorsing of any hill of exchange, hundi or
promissory note, by an official liquidator shall be testified by a memorandum on such
bill of exchange and signed by the Registrar (O.S.) or the member of the committee
of Inspection referred to in the last rule, as the case may be Such memorandum shall
be in Forms No. 231 and No. 232 in Appendix A.
926. Investment of moneys. All or any party of the money for the time being standing
to the credit of the official liquidator in the bank and not immediately required for the
purposes of winding up may, with the sanction of the Court, be invested, in the
purchase of Government securities in the name of the official liquidator. All
investments of moneys as aforesaid shall be made by the bank on a request (in Form
No. 233 in Appendix A) signed by the official liquidator and countersigned by the
Registrar (O.S.) such request shall be sufficient authority for debiting the account
with the purchase money and such securities shall be retained by the bank and shall
not afterwards be sold or transferred or otherwise dealt with except with the leave of
the Court.
927. Collection of dividends on securities. Subject to any special orders of the Court,
all dividends and interest to accrue due from any such securities shall, from time to
time, be received by the bank (for which purpose the official liquidator may execute
such power or powers of attorney as may be necessary) and placed to the credit of the
account of such official liquidator. When any of such securities shall become payable,
the principal and interest due thereon shall be received and placed to the credit of the
account of the official liquidator.
928. Conclusion of proceedings. The winding up of a company shall for the purposes
of section 244 of the Act be deemed to be concluded-
(a) in the case of a winding up by the Court, at the date on which the order dissolving
the company has been reported by the official liquidator to the Registrar of Joint
Stock Companies under section 194 (2) of the Act;
929. Form of affidavit and statement under section 244 of the Act. Every statement
required to be filed in Court or with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under
section 244 of the Act shall be in Form No. 231 and verified by an affidavit it in Form
No. 235 in Appendix A.
930. Time for filing the statements. The first statement commencing at the date when
the official liquidator was first appointed and brought down to the end of twelve
months from such date shall be filed or sent within 30 days from the expiration of the
said twelve, months and the subsequent statement shall be filed at intervals of six
months being brought down to the end of the half year for which it is filed or sent.
931. Statement to be laid before meeting by liquidator. The statement to be laid
before the meeting summoned under sections 208 D and 209 G of the Act shall, in the
case of the first statement, be a statement similar in all respects to the first statement
filed in the Court or with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, as the case may be
under rule 930 and subsequent statements shall be similar in form to the first
statement, but shall commence at the date when the last previous statement
terminated and be brought down to the end of twelve months from such date.
932. Procedure on the filing of statement. Upon the filing in the Court of the
statement referred to in rule 930 the procedure laid down in rule 826 shall be
followed in respect of such statements.
933. Form of return under section 208 E (3) and section 209 H (3). The returns to be
made under sub section (3) of section 208 E and sub section (3) of section 209 H of
the Act, shall be in forms Nos. 236 and 237 in Appendix A, respectively.
934. Costs payable out of the assets. The assets of a company in a winding up by the
Court remaining after payment of the, fees and expenses properly incurred in
preserving, realizing, or getting in the assets, including where the company has
previously commence to be wound up voluntarily such remuneration; costs and
expenses as the Court may allow to the liquidator in such voluntary winding up shall
be, subject to any order of the Court and to the rights of secured creditors if any,
liable to the following payments, which shall be made in the following order of
(i) the costs of the petition including the costs of any person appearing on the petition
whose costs are allowed by the Court;
(v) the actual out of pocket expenses necessarily incurred by any member of the
Committee of Inspection and sanctioned by the Court;
Provided that this rule shall not affect any order for costs directed during the course
of the winding up proceedings.
Termination of winding up
935. Filing of final accounts. Upon termination of the proceedings for winding up of a
company the official liquidator shall file his final accounts into Court. Upon such
final accounts being passed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and
after payment in the manner provided in the next rule of the balance in his hands as
certified by the officer who passed the accounts, the official liquidator may apply for
direction as to dissolution.
936. Disposal of balance. Unless otherwise ordered, the balance in the hands of the
official liquidator referred to in the last preceding rule (inclusive of any amounts in
the bank) shall, except as otherwise prescribed by section 244 B of the Act, be paid
into Court within fifteen days after the date of passing of the final accounts.
937. Dissolution of the company. Upon the hearing of the application referred to in
rule 935 the Court may, after hearing the official liquidator and any other person to
whom notice may have been ordered by the Court, make such orders as it shall think
fit with respect to the dissolution of the company, the disposal of book of the
company kept by the official liquidator and the vacating of the, recognizance bonds
entered into by the official liquidator and his sureties: provided that, unless otherwise
ordered, the book and files of proceedings kept by the official liquidator shall be
deposited in Court.
939. Appointment of representative party. The Court may from time to time appoint
any one or more of the contributories or creditors as it thinks fit to represent before it
at the expense of the company all or any class of the contributories or creditors upon
any question as to compromise with any of the contributories or creditors or in and
about any other proceedings before it relating to the winding up of the company, and
may remove the person or persons so appointed. In case more than one person shall
be so appointed they shall join in employing the advocate to represent them.
941. Transfer of suits. Upon the making of an order for the winding up of a company
by the Court all suits and proceedings to which the company is or shall be a party
then pending or thereafter instituted in or transferred to the Chief Court shall be
assigned to and placed in the list of the Judge or Judges for the time being exercising
jurisdiction under the Act.
942. Filling of affidavit and service of copy thereof is condition precedent to use of it.
Where an order shall have been made for the winding up of any company, any person
intending to use any affidavit in any proceeding under such order shall file the same
in Court and serve a copy thereof on the official liquidator. The person other than the
official liquidator filing the affidavit shall not be required to take an office copy
thereof, but an office copy thereof shall be taken by the official liquidator, and he
shall produce the same at the hearing of any application or proceeding upon which it
is intended to be used, unless the Court shall otherwise direct.
943. Form of declaration of solvency. The declaration of solvency under section 207
of the Act shall be in Form No. 239 in Appendix A.
944. Duties of advocate of official liquidator. The advocate of the official liquidator
shall conduct all such proceedings as are ordinarily conducted by advocates in Courts;
and where the attendance of his advocate is required in any proceeding in Courts, the
official liquidator need not attend in person, except in cases where his presence is
necessary in addition to that of his advocate or the Court shall direct him to attend.
945. Advocate's fees. Advocate's fees shall be taxed in accordance with the provision
of clause 2 of Chapter VIII in Appendix C, unless a gross sum in lieu of taxed costs is
fixed by the Court.
Where service of notice may be effected by an advocate's clerk as provided by the
rules in this Chapter, a fee of Re. 1 may be allowed.
946. Accounts, etc., to be filed in Registrar's office. All accounts, lists, notices and
other documents directed by the rules in this Chapter to be filed in Court shall be filed
in the office of the Registrar (O.S.)
947. Fees of inspection and copies of accounts filed under sections 177 A and 244.
Any creditor or contributory of a company which is being wound up shall be entitled
to inspect the statement filed under section 177 A or the statement filed under section
244 of the Act on payment of a fee of Rs.3 and to receive a copy thereof or extract
therefrom on payment of the usual fees for copies.
Voluntary winding up
948. Rules for application in voluntary winding up. Where an application is made to
the Court under the provisions of the Act in the voluntary winding up of a company,
the rules in this Chapter, so far as may be, shall be applied to the subject matter and
mode of such application.
949. Rules applicable to meetings. Subject to the provisions contained in any of the
company's articles of association and except in so far as the subject matter of the
context may otherwise require, rues 880 to 885, 887 to 895, 897, 899 to 906 shall
apply to meetings of creditors of contributories convened in a voluntary winding, up.
950. Chairman of meetings. The Chairman of any meeting convened by the liquidator
shall be the liquidator or some other person nominated by him. In the event of there
being more than one liquidator, the Managing liquidator or the person nominated by
him shall be the Chairman. Where there is no such Managing liquidator and the
liquidators do not agree as to who shall be the Chairman, then a liquidator elected by
the meeting shall be the Chairman. In any meeting convened by a creditor or
contributory, the person elected by the meeting shall be the Chairman.
951. Form of statements under Ss. 208 D and 209 G of the Act. The statement to be
placed by the liquidator before the annual meetings of the company under section 208
D of the Act and before the annual meetings of the creditors and of the company
under section 209 G of the Act shall be in Form No. 234 in Appendix A.
Meetings to consider compromise and arrangement under section 153 of the Act
953. Form and notice. An application for an order for calling a meeting under section
153 (1) of the Act shall be in the form of an interlocutory application. A notice of
such application shall be in Form. No. 241 in Appendix A; and shall be served in such
mariner as the Court or fine Registrar (O.S.) may direct.
(a) fixing the time when and place where the meeting is to be held;
(d) the determination of the values of the members or creditors, as the case may be;
(e) such other directions as the Court may consider necessary in the circumstances of
the case.
955. Report of result of meeting. Within 7 days after the holding of a meeting, the
Chairman of the meeting shall report the result thereof to the Court. Such report shall
be filed and form part of the record of the application referred to in rule 953.
956. General directions for holding of meetings. In the absence of or subject to any
directions by the Court under rule 954,
(a) the meetings of the creditors or members of a company, which is in the course of
being wound up either by Court or under its supervision at the date of the application
referred to in rule 953, shall be held in the manner provided by rules 880 to 897 and
809 to 906, and where the company is in the course of being wound up voluntarily, at
the date of such application, in the manner provided by rule 949;
(b) the meetings of the creditors of members of a company which is not being wound
up at the said date, shall be held in the manner prescribed by the articles of the
company; provided that any person connected with the company as director, secretary
or member, shall not be a chairman of any creditors meeting of the company;
(c) where the value of the debt or claim of any creditor is not or has not been admitted
by the company or its liquidator, as the case may be, the Chairman shall have power
to decide the value of the debt or claim: Provided that the provisions of rule 15 shall
apply mutates mutandis to such decision.
958. Savings of pending proceedings in winding up. The rules in this Chapter shall
not apply to any company of which the winding up has commenced before the
commencement of the Indian Companies (amendment) Act, 1936. The rules in force
immediately before the commencement of these rules shall apply to the winding up of
such company.
Rule made under Section 20(f) of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882
959. Investment of trust money in debentures issued under the City of Karachi
Municipal Act. Trust property consisting of money may, until further order, be
invested in debentures issued under the City of Karachi Municipal Act, 1933.
Note. This is in addition to the securities already recognized under section 20 of the
Indian Trust Act, 1882.