Physical Movement
Physical Movement
Physical Movement
Grade: 3rd
Objectives: Students will be able to comprehend the book, Giraffes Can’t Dance by
incorporating various movements and instruments during the read aloud. They will be able
to recognize the Cha Cha, the Waltz, and the Tengo. They will also be able to identify
Core Standards:
Physical Movement:
performance. Students will use space, pathways, shapes, levels, speed, directions, force
Standard 3.2.1: Recognize open space and how using it will gain advantage.
Strand: Create: Students will conceptualize, generate, develop and organize artistic
ideas and work. They will complete and refine dance works
Strand: Connect: Students will synthesize and relate knowledge from personal and
collaborative experience to make and receive art. They will relate artistic ideas and works
Strand: Create: Students will conceptualize, generate, and organize artistic ideas
and work. They will complete and refine musical works (Standards 3.M.CR.1–3).
• Drums
• Xylephones
• Shakers
• Triangles
Lesson Outline:
1. Present book to the class. And discuss the author and illustrator with them. Ask them
what they think the book is going to be about based off of the cover. Making
2. Mention that in the book there is a part that mentions a few different types of dancing.
The waltz, tengo, and cha cha. Ask students if any of them know what those dances
are. Then play the three videos. After each video discuss what they notice about the
1. Stop at 32 seconds and have students run around (keeping spacing in mind).
2. Stop at 55 seconds and have half the class play their instruments while the
other have shows you their dance moves. And then switch.
3. Stop at 1:13 and have the students use the triangle to represent the waltz,
4. Stop at 1:19 and have the students with drums play their instrument, while
5. Stop at 1:25 and have students with the xylophones play their instrument, while
those without a xylophone show their tango moves that are elegant and bold.
6. Stop at 1:33 and have students with shakers play their instruments and those
8. Stop at 3:40, what can the sounds of these instruments represent in nature?
9. Stop at 4:40 and have student show you with their instruments and movement
4. After playing the animation movie discuss the book with the students. Gathering their
5. Bring attention back to the very last part of the book “We all can dance,” he said,
“When we find music that we love.” Then haves students pick their favorite song to share
with the class. Pass around a paper and have student write the title and artist. Then at
some point during the day (when students need to move around for a bit or even let out
some energy), play one of the songs from the list and have the students dance to it.
Reminding students that tempo will reflect how we dance. Do this everyday for a few
weeks or until all the songs from the list have been played.