Yat Day 1 Plan
Yat Day 1 Plan
Yat Day 1 Plan
Lesson Purpose:
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the students to each other, to the volunteers and the
instructors as well as to theatre itself. They will also take part in the first actor-related aspect of the
production process by learning about auditioning.
Prior Knowledge Required:
Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to
1. correctly identify locations on the stage
2. outline the history of theatre arts
3. demonstrate a proper slate
4. read the different parts of a script
5.a. Apply research from print and nonprint sources to script writing, acting, design and directing
6.a. Describe visual, aural, oral, and kinetic elements in theatre, dramatics, media, dance, music, and
visual arts
6.d. Describe and compare the functions and interactions of performing and visual artists and audience
members in theatre, dramatic media, musical theatre, dance, music, and visual arts
8.a. Describe and compare universal characters and situations in dramas from and about various
cultures and historical periods, illustrate in improvised and scripted scenes, and discuss how theatre
reflects a culture
8.d. Explain how culture affects the content and production values of dramatic performances
Materials and Resources Needed:
White board
Dry erase markers and eraser
Notebooks, pencils and folders for each student
Large paper
Activities binder*
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Students will be greeted to the class as they enter the
room, allowing for attendance to be taken and helping to
ensure that everyone is in the correct place.
At 8:00am students will be welcomed as a group and asked
to stand in a circle, instructors and volunteers included, to
participate in a name game. Participants will come up with
a series of movements to match with his/her name, a
distinctive movement for each syllable. The movement
should relate to an activity he/she enjoys. Everyone will
practice simultaneously for a couple minutes. Once
movements are selected, the group will form a straight line.
One at a time, students will cross in front of the group
repeatedly performing the action while saying his/her
name. Those remaining in the line will mimic what is being
Overview of Course
20 minutes
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What is Theatre
40 minutes
Page 3|6
The Stage/Vocabulary
(Note, works typed in
red are vocabulary
40 minutes
15 minutes
Page 4|6
Auditioning Information
40 minutes
45 minutes
Page 5|6
10 minutes
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