Temperature Sensor: Selection Guide
Temperature Sensor: Selection Guide
Temperature Sensor: Selection Guide
Each sensor has been given a rating for six attributes or characteristics. These ratings give a
general idea of how a sensor will perform and aid in the early decision making process,
but are not a substitute for detailed specifications. Sensor summaries begin on page 5.
Temperature range Accuracy and Resolution Magnetic resilience
It is important to select sensors that suit the temperature The Accuracy and Resolution rating for each sensor type takes The Magnetic Resilience rating for each sensor type is a
range of the intended system. The low-end temperature into account the amount of uncertainty in the measurement comparative rating of the sensor’s accuracy in magnetic
rating generally indicates where the sensor type starts to by the sensor with respect to an absolute standard, as well field. The higher the rating, the less the sensor shifts
perform poorly, as sensitivity over when exposed to
whereas the upper the temperature magnetic field.
rating is the point range of interest. This is a general
where the sensor These ratings are to comparison
will begin to be used as a general between sensors
sustain permanent comparison only, across the entire
damage. For more as some sensors are sensor temperature
information, see very sensitive over range. Check sensor
specifications. narrow temperature specifications for
The Temperature ranges, but less each sensor as many
Range attribute is sensitive over others. become resilient
a relative rating for Check specifications to magnetic
comparison, not for greater detail. fields at higher
a quantitative temperatures.
0.1 1 10 100 500
available as a high-reliability
variant for space applications. Typical Cernox® Resistance
105 CX-1010 CX-1030
SD packa CX-1050 CX-1070 CX-1080
Resistance (ohms)
0.1 1 10 100 500
Temperature (K)
Silicon Diodes Key Features Curve DT-670 Tolerance Bands
▪▪ Useful temperature range from 1.4 K to 500 K 3.0
Silicon diodes are an excellent general purpose sensor with a wide
operating temperature range, from 1.4 K to 500 K. With their adherence ▪▪ Interchangeable using a standard curve 2.5 670C
to a standard curve, silicon diodes are interchangeable. This makes them
less complicated to operate and maintain. Silicon diodes have excellent
Tolerance (K)
accuracy and resolution below 30 K, making them an outstanding 1.5
choice below these temperatures. Above 30 K their sensitivity is reduced.
Due to orientation dependent magnetic offsets and a high
susceptibility to ionizing radiation, silicon diodes are only 0.5 670A
suitable for purely cryogenic environments. A number
of mounting options are available for the 0.0
2 100 200 305 400 500
silicon diode package. This gives the
user flexibility in attaching Temperature (K)
the sensor to the optimal LR packa
measurement location of
a given experiment or Curve DT-670 Tolerance Bands
environment. 1.8
Shaded area expanded here for clarity
Average slope
1.4 -22.6 mV/K
Voltage (V)
0 20 40 60 80
0.4 Average slope
-2.1 mV/K
0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature (K)
Gallium Aluminum Key Features Typical GaAlAs diode voltage
▪▪ Perfect for systems that operate to 500 K in
Arsenide Diodes the presence of magnetic field TG-120
Gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) diode cryogenic temperature
sensors lack the standard curve and interchangeability attributed to
silicon diodes, however, they are particularly well suited for low to
Voltage (V)
moderate magnetic field applications at low temperatures. Being a
single junction direct band-gap device, GaAlAs sensors are effective in
moderate magnetic fields up to 5 T. Though sensitivity is poor above
50 K, the GaAlAs sensing element exhibits high sensitivity PL package
(dV/dT) at low temperatures and a wide useful
temperature range of 1.4 K to 500 K.
Cernox or silicon diodes
would be preferable in most
setups. However, in magnetic Temperature (K)
field-enabled systems with
maximum temperatures
above 420 K, GaAlAs sensors SD package Magnetic Field-Dependent Temperature Errors
may be the best choice. 4
30 K 77.35 K
P package 0
300 K
0 1 2 3 4 5
Magnetic field (T)
Germanium Key Features Germanium dimensionless sensitivity
▪▪ Highly stable and accurate GR-1400
Lake Shore germanium resistance temperature sensors are recognized 10
|Dimensionless sensitivity|
stability, however, this advantage comes at a cost. Germanium sensing
elements must be mounted without strain inside the package, leaving
AA and CD packages the only choices available. These sensors are not
useful above 30 K due to reduced sensitivity, but are highly accurate 1
and precise from 1 K down to 0.05 K.
Because the germanium sensing element is susceptible to
orientation dependent magnetic offsets, germanium
sensors aren’t a good choice when magnetic 0.1
fields are present. 0.05 0.1 1 10 100
Temperature (K)
Cernox sensors will be a
better performing choice in
the majority of scenarios,
Typical Germanium Resistance
although germanium sensors 106
cryogenic calibration.
Resistance (ohms)
CD packag
e 103
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Temperature (K)
AA pack
Rox™ Typical Rox™ Resistance RX-102A
The Rox family are all ruthenium-oxide RTDs, but have quite different 100
▪▪ Interchangeable
characteristics. In general, these are low-temperature sensors with useful ▪▪ Useful range of operation
maximum temperatures of 40 K or less. Most Rox™ sensors are consistent from 50 mK to 10 K
enough to be considered interchangeable, with two accuracy bands
Resistance (kohms)
available with each sensor model.
Rox sensors are not suited for environments with ionizing radiation
RX-102A RX-103A RX-202A
and also experience measurement shifts when exposed to magnetic 10 ▪▪ Interchangeable
fields, though these shifts can be compensated for. Four RX-202A ▪▪ Useful range of operation
different Rox sensors are offered, each of them with
from 50 mK to 300 K
different attributes suited to varied but specific RX-102B
environments and applications.
Of the Rox models available, RX-102B
the RX-102 A is the most CB package 1
popular due to their 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 ▪▪ Ultra-low temperature
interchangeability, low price, Temperature (K) sensing down to 20 mK
and sensitivity at liquid ▪▪ Only sensor option capable of
helium temperatures. measuring below 50 mK
▪▪ Interchangeable
▪▪ Useful range of operation
from 1.4 K to 40 K
CD package
AA package
Platinum Key Features
▪▪ Useful upper temperature
Typical Platinum Dimensionless Sensitivity
Platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) are very popular due to their low limit of 873 K
price and are useful in higher temperature systems with operating ranges PT-100
Dimensionless sensitivity
Celsius, the only sensor capable of reading higher being thermocouples. ▪▪ Low cost
Lake Shore's 100 Ω PRTs adhere to the ISO standard temperature curve
but have also been characterized for viable operation down to 14 K,
making them the lowest temperature PRTs available.
Above 70 K, PRTs offer high repeatability and nearly constant
sensitivity (dR/dT). Platinum resistors are also useful
in magnetic field environments where errors
approaching one degree can be 0.1
10 100 1000
tolerated. The physical material Temperature (K)
used in PRTs withstands
ionizing radiation.
Typical Platinum Resistance
Users may trade accuracy
for price with PRTs as 400
Resistance (ohms)
3 10
AL pa
10 100 1000
Temperature (K)
Capacitance Key Features
▪▪ Lowest possible offset in magnetic It is recommended that temperature in zero field be measured with
CS capacitance sensors are highly specialized sensors for the sole purpose environment another sensor and that the capacitance sensor be employed as a control
of controlling the temperature of cryogenic systems under the influence element only.
of very strong magnetic fields. These sensors require partner sensors, ▪▪ Requires an accompanying sensor
such as Cernox, to perform other temperature monitoring tasks and for absolute accuracy, and specific
also require special measurement hardware, like the 3061 capacitance measurement equipment capable
option card for the Lake Shore Model 335 or 336 temperature controller. of capacitance temperature control Temperature
Despite this added complexity, capacitance sensors are vital if the
system temperature must be held extremely stable when under
strong magnetic fields, because they exhibit virtually
no magnetic field dependence. Once the target
temperature is reached, CS sensors are CS-501-GR
capable of mK control stability
above 1.4 K.
RTD Capacitor
Control during Control during
temperature transition high field
Thermocouples Type E and K Thermocouple
Dimensionless Sensitivity (Tref=273.15 K)
With the widest available temperature range of any sensor type, 100
thermocouple wire is useful for basic temperature measurement on
a budget. The downside of using this sensor type comes with the
care required to mount, thermally anchor, and run the wire to the 10
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
Temperature (K)
Tref=273.15 K
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
Temperature (K)
Lake Shore offers the widest range of sensor packaging options to suit any
application. The following summaries allow easy comparison by scoring
various characteristics important to the package selection process.
The most popular cryogenic package. ▪▪ SD package with 32 AWG gold-plated SD package with two Kovar leads
▪▪SD package with two platinum leads
Specifically designed to be rugged and copper leads approximately 3 cm long. approximately 2 cm long. approximately 2 cm long.
compact with excellent thermal contact to ▪Leads
▪ soldered to package using eutectic ▪▪ Leads brazed to package for increased ▪▪Leads welded to package for increased
the outside environment. lead/tin solder. temperature rating. temperature rating and reduced
▪ will have a slight magnetic ▪▪ Package is quite magnetic due to Kovar® magnetism.
▪▪ Easy to bond or clamp to flat surfaces
signature due to a thin nickel underplating. leads and is not recommended for use in ▪▪Package will have a slight magnetic
▪▪ Package mass is kept low, ensuring fast
magnetic fields. signature due to a thin nickel underplating.
thermal response times
▪▪ Sapphire base for excellent thermal
conductivity and electrical isolation
▪▪ Alumina body and lid
▪▪ Hermetically sealed with an inert argon
internal atmosphere
▪▪ Gold plated to reduce effect of optical
Bare Chips CERNOX ®
When the smallest possible ▪▪ Sapphire chip with electrical contacts ▪▪ BG: Approximately 25 mm of 2 mil (44 AWG) gold ▪▪ Difficult to work with due to ▪▪ Surface-mount resistor
and sensor element on one side wire bonded to both contact pads of the sensor extremely small size and electrical package
size and thermal mass is
▪▪ Best option if you can make your ▪▪ BC: Approximately 25 mm of 2.5 mil (42 AWG) contacts on both sides of the chip ▪▪ Metal contacts must be
required, bare chip sensors
are the package of choice. own wire bonds bare copper bonded to both contact pads of the ▪▪Requires die attach and wire electrically isolated
sensor using silver-loaded epoxy. bonding equipment
This option will require ▪▪ Backside metalized
more advanced mounting ▪▪ Gold leads are the best option for maintaining ▪▪Lowest thermal mass sensor
steps than any other lowest possible sensor mass available from Lake Shore.
package option. ▪▪ Copper leads are a little more robust than gold
and do not dissolve as fast in solder
Bolt-down BO CY CU CD
Packages Available sensor types
Cernox®, Silicon Diodes, GaAlAs Diodes
Available sensor types
Silicon Diodes
Available sensor types
Cernox®, Silicon Diodes, GaAlAs Diodes
Available sensor types
Cernox®, Rox™, Germanium
Bolting sensors down ▪▪ Lowest mass bolt-down package option ▪▪ Most rugged package available, ▪▪ Lowest mass bolt-down package with ▪▪ Lowest magnetic
provides a convenient targeting industrial applications insulated leads signature bolt-down
▪▪ Leads thermally anchored with BeO
semi-permanent method package for many sensors
heat sink chip ▪▪ Rugged multi-strand Teflon®-coated ▪▪ Insulated leads thermally anchored to
for attaching sensors to wire makes this suitable for less extreme copper bobbin ▪▪ Comparatively large
an apparatus. The trade- ▪▪Standard two gold-coated copper leads
of the SD package. cryogenic temperatures due to heat leak ▪▪ 4-lead connection allows easy thermal mass
off for this convenience and difficulty in thermal anchoring modification of lead length without ▪4-lead
▪ connection allows
is an increase in the ▪2-lead
▪ connection makes this package altering calibrations modification of lead length
thermal mass of the suitable for diodes only without altering calibrations
sensor, resulting in a
decrease in thermal
Bolt-down CB AL AM
Packages (continued) Available sensor types
Available sensor types
Available sensor types
▪▪ Rox package specifically designed for ▪▪ Improves the ease of mounting for ▪▪ Improves the ease of mounting for
sub-50 mK operation Lake Shore PT-102 platinum sensors Lake Shore PT-103 platinum sensors
▪▪ Free from magnetic material ▪▪ Platinum leads remain exposed and must ▪▪ Platinum leads remain exposed and
be handled with care must be handled with care
▪▪ Aluminum alloy limits maximum ▪▪ Aluminum alloy limits maximum
temperature to 800 K temperature to 800 K
Packages Available sensor types
Cernox®, Rox™, Germanium
Available sensor types
Cernox®, Silicon Diodes
Available sensor types
GaAlAs Diodes
Several package options ▪▪ Free from magnetic material ▪▪ Cylindrical copper adapter mounted to ▪▪ GaAlAs diode package ▪▪ Various sized packages
are available that can be SD package using indium solder depending on sensor type
▪▪ Reduced thermal conductivity compared ▪▪ Free from magnetic material
recessed into a mounting
to SD or bolt-mounted packages ▪▪ Better thermal conduction path than ▪▪ Reduced thermal conductivity ▪▪ Uninsulated leads require
hole. This solution results other hole-mounted packages insulation and handling
in a smaller sensor ▪▪ 4-lead insulated sensor for compared to SD or bolt-mounted
Cernox and germanium ▪▪ Uninsulated leads require handling packages ▪▪ Care must be exercised when
footprint, but makes
▪▪ 2-lead insulated connection for Rox care so they don't short to the mounting ▪▪ 2-lead uninsulated sensor connection handling fragile leads
replacing the sensors surface
more difficult than
other options.
Supporting advanced scientific research, Lake Shore is a leading
global innovator in measurement and control solutions.
Leading researchers around the world trust Lake Shore for measurement ©2017 Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
and control solutions that drive the discovery and development of new Rev. June 2017
materials for tomorrow’s technologies. The technical information contained herein is subject to change at any time.
In electronics, clean energy, nanotechnology, and many other Rox is trademarks of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
applications, Lake Shore provides the products and systems needed
Cernox and Lake Shore Cryotronics are both registered trademarks of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
for precise measurements over a broad range of temperature and
magnetic field conditions.
Serving the needs of the research community since 1968 Lake Shore
has grown its product solutions to keep pace with evolving interests
in scientific exploration, from the physics lab to deep space. Apiezon is a registered trademark of M & I Materials, Ltd.; CryoCable is a trademark of Omega Engineering,
Inc.; Teflon is a registered trademarks of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.; Kovar is a registered trademark of CRS
Through our international technical service and sales teams, Holdings, inc.
we foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, and a
commitment to the pursuit of science. All other trademarks or service marks noted herein are either property of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc., or their
respective companies.