The Nigeria of My Dreams

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The Nigeria of my Dreams.

I have a dream ………. Said Martin Luther King his famous speech .
Everybody have a dream. I also have a dream concerning this great nation of
ours, Nigeria.

The Nigeria of my dream is a land where respect for elders, honesty and
accountability; cooperation, industry, courage, discipline, self-confidence
and integrity are the core values of its people. I see a new Nigeria that its
citizens value hard work and realise that one cannot have something for
nothing. A Nigeria where poverty is a thing of the past. A country that its
citizens can be proud to belong to and grateful to inhabit, a Nigeria that
rewards hard work, protects its people and their property and offers its
children better prospects than those they may be tempted to seek in Europe
or the United States. A Nigeria where all its citizens knows that their loyalty
and diligence will be rewarded. A Nigeria where the welfare, health,
employment, education, political power, physical security and the
development of its citizens is of paramount importance.

How long would we (all Nigerians including me) dream and wish to be
citizens of better land. All these dreams I had can be fulfilled, if Nigerians
will embrace the right values such as accountability, transparency,
participation, inclusivity and quest for societal gain among others.

Nigeria has all it takes (human and material resources) to become the
strongest economy in Africa and one of the leading economies in the world.
I believe it’s a step in the right direction for us as a nation, adopting the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGS). The goals are: Eradicate extreme
Poverty and Hunger, Achieve Universal Primary Education, promoting
Gender Equity and empower women, Reduce Child Mortality, improve
maternal health care, combats HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases, ensure
environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for

Our commitment and participation are among the things required to

achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) by 2015. With wise
management, Nigeria could become Africa’s largest economy and play a
significant role in the global economy. Our country is large and diverse.
Nigeria is blessed with abundant natural resources including arable land,
natural gas, petroleum, tin, columbite, iron ore, coal, limestone, lead, zinc,
kaolin, gold, gemstones, graphite, marble, tantalite, uranium, salt, soda and
Sulphur. We are the sixth largest producer of oil in OPEC.

All these dreams will remain mere daydreams, unless we embrace the right
values; mutual respect i.e recognizing the innate dignity and worth of all
people and the value of diversity, equity and justice, honesty and
transparency and humility.

Finally, I believe this dream is our dream. Everyone has a role to play. If
everyone plays it well, Nigeria will surely be great. In my dreams, I see a
new Nigeria in the hands of God. Let us therefore, join hands and make the
dream come true.

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