Food and Water Safety: A Guide To

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A Guide to

Food and Water

for the oil and gas industry
Five Keys to
Safer Food
A supplement to the OGP/IPIECA publication
A Guide to Food and Water Safety for the Oil and Gas Industry

OGP Report Number 397

All photographs courtesy of ©

A Guide to
Food and Water
for the oil and gas industry
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
5th Floor, 209–215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 2388 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2389
E-mail: Internet:

International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
London office
5th Floor, 209–215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 0272 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2350
E-mail: Internet:
Brussels office
Boulevard du Souverain 165, 4th Floor, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: +32 (0)2 566 9150 Facsimile: +32 (0)2 566 9159
E-mail: Internet:

This document was compiled on behalf of the OGP-IPIECA Health Committee by the Food and
Water Safety Task Force.

© IPIECA/OGP 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior consent of IPIECA/OGP.
Disclaimer: Information provided herein is offered in good faith as accurate, but without guarantees or
warranties of completeness or accuracy. Readers are hereby put on notice that they must rely on their own
diligence when determining how or whether to respond to the information herein. Further, this guide is not
intended to replace necessary and appropriate medical or other professional advice or attention.

This publication is printed on paper manufactured from fibre obtained from sustainably grown softwood forests and bleached
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Food and Water Report 14/4/09 4:01 pm Page ii


1 Purpose of the Guide Appendices (see attached CD-ROM):
1 Scope
Appendix 1
Food quality
2 The business case for food and water safety programmes (FWSP)

3 Contextual background Appendix 2

Fitness for task—food handling
5 Food and water safety planning using the Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) system Appendix 3
5 What is HACCP? Resources available on the Internet
6 Is HACCP appropriate for water supply systems considering the
sophisticated treatment technologies that are readily available? Appendix 4
7 Preliminary steps and organizing principles Action tracking and reporting (example
company guidance documents)
9 HACCP principles for FWSP
9 Hazard analysis
Appendix 5
12 Water: exposure, transmission and pathogen characterization
Examples of key performance indicators
15 Food-borne diseases—exposure, transmission and pathogen
19 Critical control points
Appendix 6
Record keeping, documentation
20 Critical limits
21 Good hygiene practice
24 Outbreak investigation Appendix 7
24 Monitoring procedures for critical control points Catering facilities hygiene checklists
26 Establishing corrective action when a critical limit is exceeded (example company guidance document)
26 Establishing effective record keeping
26 Establishing verification procedures Appendix 8
27 Training and knowledge Food safety checklist and audit report

28 Summary Appendix 9
Training resources—food safety, HACCP
and sanitation

This Guide to Food and Water Safety for the Oil and Gas Industry is also
available in PDF format on the OGP/IPIECA CD-ROM of the same
title (see inside back cover). Hyperlinks are included throughout the PDF
document to facilitate access to related information on the Internet, and
to supporting documentation (including the nine Appendices to this
Guide) included on the CD-ROM.The hyperlinks are indicated in this
printed version by way of the blue highlighted text.


Purpose of the Guide

Food and water safety is of paramount can have significant and adverse impacts on
importance to the effective functioning of the workforce productivity, particularly during
oil and gas industry. All sectors of the industry, large-scale construction phases of a project. In
from frontier exploration and production view of the overall significant health risk
locations to retail operations, are potentially at profile for oil and gas operations, this industry-
risk. Diseases related to food and water are specific document provides guidance on the
major contributors to project morbidity, and prevention of food- and water-related diseases.

The strategies utilized in this Guide are based
upon an emerging international consensus on Understanding food safety management systems
the key principles and practices for organizing The underlying foundation of HACCP, ISO 22000 and WHO
and implementing effective and sustainable management programmes is an understanding of specific medical
principles related to the transmission, clinical presentation and
food and water management programmes.
strategies for prevention of the major food and water related diseases.
Internationally, the two recognized building
blocks of food management programmes are
the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point settings and socio-economic conditions that
(HACCP) system and the generic food safety are present in host countries. The Guide is not
management system (FSMS) developed under designed to be used for ISO certification
the 2005 International Organization for (registration) purposes.
Standardization (ISO) 22000 standard. The Oil and gas operations take place in a
ISO 22000 standard derives much of its myriad of settings, ranging from remote desert
structure and content from HACCP. environments to densely populated urban
Water safety management systems have areas; hence there is a need for food and water
been the subject of numerous World Health safety management programmes (FWSPs) in
Organization (WHO) guidance documents. both developing and developed countries, and
The 2001 WHO document, Water Quality: in settings ranging from retail operations to
Guidelines, Standards and Health: Assessment of frontier exploration projects.
risk and risk management for water-related infectious The focus of the Guide is internal, i.e. ‘inside
disease, also embraces the key HACCP the fence’ FWSP as opposed to either external
principles as one of the most effective community outreach efforts or an assessment of
strategies for managing water-related disease potential health impacts of oil and gas activities.
risks. Therefore, from a management perspect- The OGP/IPIECA Health Committee has
ive, there is a strong overlap and commonality produced detailed health impact assessment
between food and water safety management (HIA) guidance, entitled A Guide to Health
approaches, particularly in their use of HACCP. Impact Assessments in the Oil and Gas Industry
This Guide emphasizes basic prevention (2005), which includes a consideration of
and management systems that could be potential impacts from oil and gas operations on
implemented across diverse geographical community food, water and sanitation resources.



This Guide is aimed at corporate and ● fundamental medical principles that explain
project level HSE managers, operations the transmission and development of food-
managers, company physicians, clinic medical and water-related illnesses;
staff, occupational health and hygiene ● how to develop effective management
supervisors, and company, contractor and systems for food and water safety based on
franchise retail site managers and staff. Where the key medical principles; and
good practice guidelines and programmes are ● the process of developing appropriate
already established within the industry, they monitoring and evaluation strategies.
are referenced. Specific discussion of key
elements of ISO 22000, HACCP and This Guide and the associated Appendices
selective WHO water guidance documents (see also the CD-ROM at the back of the
are presented. Guide) include generic programme templates,
The Guide is an evidence-based refer- checklists, audit protocols, lay person guidance
ence that scientifically and systematically documents, web-based resources, and evidence-
describes: based technical and scientific articles.

The business case for food and water

safety programmes
The World Health Organization reports a countries. Even in remote settings, oil and gas
rising incidence of food- and water-related operations do not exist in a complete
illnesses in both developed and developing population vacuum; hence, industry activities
are extremely susceptible to negative impacts
The risk to workers and to industry that can arise from inadequate food and water
safety planning.
There is significant worker risk for both morbidity (illness) and mortality
(death) from microbial, chemical and physical contamination of food and Therefore, regardless of operational size or
water supplies. In addition, there is a substantial company reputational complexity, it is imperative to have both
risk both within the industry and to the outside world that is associated resource commitment and senior management
with insufficient food and water safety planning.


Contextual background—epidemiology
Food and water safety is an important global Water quantity issues are more complex but
issue that can impact on oil and gas equally significant. For example, the per capita
operations regardless of geographical location. water consumption in the developed world is
According to the WHO, unsafe food and significantly higher (by 3–7 times) than in
water is implicated in 3 million deaths and Africa, and 2–3 times higher than in Asia. As
about 2.4 billion episodes of illness per year. shown in the graph below, increases in water
Food and water illness can be transmitted to quantity have a significant effect on reduction
end users in a variety of ways. Hence, this in diarrhoeal diseases that typically exceeds the
Guide uses the general terminology of ‘food- benefits of water quality. As illustrated in
related’ or ‘water-related’ as opposed to Figure 1, the benefits of improved sanitation
food-borne or water-borne. As discussed later and hygiene promotion are extremely large
in the document, there is a subtle but real and actually exceed the risk reduction
difference between ‘related’ and ‘borne’, potential associated with either water quality
particularly for water diseases. In general, or quantity.
‘related’ is used as a global descriptor as
opposed to ‘borne’ which refers to a specific
Figure 1 Reductions in diarrhoea risk from improvements in water quantity,
type of transmission pathway. While the water quality, sanitation and hygiene
traditional focus is on microbial contamin-
ation, in many parts of the world chemical
percentage reduction in diarrhoeal illness

and physical contamination is potentially as 35

serious a problem. For this Guide, the 30

Source: Esrey et al. (1985), Huttly et al. (1997)

technical focus is on the broad impacts and 25
control of microbial, chemical and physical 20
contamination of food and water systems. The 15
power of the HACCP system approach
presented in the Guide is that all potential
contaminants would be considered within the
presented management system. latrines water quantity water quality hygiene promotion
In many parts of the world, surface water
and groundwater supplies are under severe
stress both in terms of quantity and inherent In the USA alone, the Centers for Disease
quality. More than 90 per cent of the burden Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates
of disease attributable to water supply is that, each year, 76 million people get sick,
associated with diarrhoeal disease. Never- more than 325,000 are hospitalized and
theless, both water quantity and water 5,000 die as a result of food- and water-
quality affect the underlying burden of related illnesses. While the absolute
disease, although water quality issues are magnitude of the illness (morbidity) and
more readily observed at a community level. death (mortality) figures vary across
For example, gastroenteritis is the most countries, the underlying medical problem
commonly reported disease associated with nevertheless exists across all industrialized
poor drinking water quality. This is probably countries. Over the past two decades, surveys
due to the obvious physical symptoms and in Sweden, The Netherlands, New Zealand,
the fact that the attack rates for gastro- the UK and Canada have demonstrated that
enteritis can reach more than 50 per cent of food-borne diseases are a widespread and
the exposed population. common public health problem.


Contextual background—epidemiology

When can food become contaminated? Some of the major categories of food and water hazards
Food can become contaminated at virtually every step along the Food and water can be adversely affected either separately or in
supply and production chain. Many food-borne microbes are naturally combination since water is essential for food preparation. Food and
present in the intestinal tracts of healthy animals that are commercially water can be impacted by a variety of hazards that can make people sick
raised for food. During commercial production and processing, meat either immediately or in a slower and more chronic fashion. Some of the
and poultry can become contaminated by contact with even small major categories of food and water hazards include:
amounts of intestinal contents. ● Microbial pathogens—microorganisms that occur naturally in
animals, humans or the environment, and can cause both short- and
long-term medical illnesses.
● Zoonotic diseases—diseases that can be transmitted from animals to
In a developing country setting, where oil
humans through food or water.
and gas operations are increasingly projected to
● Parasites—intestinal worms or other organisms transmitted through
occur, the food- and water-related morbidity contaminated water or food.
and mortality problem is worse. The WHO ● Adulterants—physical contaminants in food or water can pose an
has stated that poor sanitation and inadequate ingestion hazard, e.g. glass, metal, plastic, hair, etc.
drinking water supplies pose a much greater ● Mycotoxins—naturally occurring substances that are present on
hazard to health in the developing country plants or in animal products. Mycotoxins can increase the risk of
cancer in humans.
setting than in developed ones. Figure 2
● Antibiotic drug residues—Residues can occur in animal products.
illustrates the global burden of disease by type
Some residues may potentially contribute to the growing resistance of
of risk, where ‘environmental disease’ accounts microorganisms to antibiotics.
for approximately 21 per cent of the disease ● Pesticide residues—contaminants which may impact both surface
burden. Based on these data, Figure 3 and groundwater sources. High levels of pesticide residues may also
demonstrates that water- and sanitation-related enter into the local food chain, particularly in a developing country
diseases account for almost 50 per cent of the
overall environmental health burden of disease. ● Chemicals—industrial and environmental contaminants including
those produced during processing.
In order to efficiently manage the potential
● Additives—direct and indirect substances added during food
health risks associated with the food and water processing; in many developing countries non-approved
supply chain, there have been numerous dyes/colourants are utilized.
attempts to develop comprehensive safety ● Heavy metals—may be present in both food and water sources.
management systems. At an international level, Metals enter the food chain through soil or water. Water may be
the most common approaches have been impacted by naturally occurring or man-made sources.

described in the following key documents:

Figure 2 Global burden of disease by type of risk Figure 3 Distribution of environmental health burden of disease
(Source: WHO 2002) (Source: WHO 2002)
11% 30%
42% diet related 13% indoor smoke
malnutrition other
addictive substances

environmental health
19% 48%
sexual health issues unsafe water and sanitation


● Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point are quite similar. In addition, food and water
(HACCP) System developed by the WHO supply chains invariably comingle; hence, there
Codex Alimentarius Commission (1996) is an emerging consensus that food and water
( safety can be efficiently managed as a
haccp/en/); combined effort. While it is very important to
● WHO Guidance Documents: understand some of the basic medical
• Water Safety Plan Manual (2006). principles that influence the transmission and
• Water Quality Standards, 3rd Edition spread of food- and water-related illnesses, the
(2006). key management system that is increasingly
• Water Quality: Guidelines, Standards and used to manage an integrated approach to food
Health: Assessment of risk and risk and water safety is HACCP. The critical
management for water-related infectious disease medical information needed to fully
(2006). implement an overall food and water safety
● ISO 22000 generic food safety manage- plan is incorporated into the HACCP
ment system standard released in 2005; approach; therefore, this IPIECA/ OGP Guide
ISO 9000 series quality management focuses on the strategy of using HACCP as the
systems are also applicable. most efficient method for the prevention and
management of food- and water-related
There is a growing convergence between all illnesses. Issues involving nutrition and food
of these systems and the underlying strategies quality are presented in Appendix 1.

Food and water safety planning using HACCP

What is HACCP? biological, chemical and physical, as close to

their source as possible. There are clear
The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point descriptions of what to do and how personnel
(HACCP) system is a set of principles used to should be trained. Finally, there is a clear
control the risks of contamination. Within the implementation and recording process. The
food industry the result of the HACCP HACCP system is designed to identify
approach has been improved quality assurance reasonably expected hazards under many
and a greater opportunity to discover and different conditions. In addition, HACCP is
correct non-conforming output. HACCP is dynamic so that it can accommodate changes
considered to be the benchmark means of in equipment design, process procedures and
assuring food and beverage safety. addition of new technology. Therefore,
HACCP was developed as a way to HACCP is particularly useful for new or
understand the risks associated with the food rapidly changing operations. From an oil/gas
production process. HACCP identifies and industry perspective, this approach is preferred
focuses on control of the critical operations as as the industry has extreme variability in size
opposed to end-point testing. Thus, HACCP of operations ranging from small retail facilities
has a focus on controlling hazards, including to large production operations. In addition,


Food and water safety planning using HACCP

many of the links in the food and water ● a series of barriers are developed which
supply chain are outside the control of the would be effective at eliminating the risk of
project operator (Figure 4). contamination entering the system; and
● any barrier failure is rapidly detected and
appropriate corrective actions taken in a
Is HACCP appropriate for water supply timely manner.
systems considering the sophisticated
treatment technologies that are readily Experience in managing water supply
available? systems indicates that the ideal system cannot
At its most basic, water-related disease be fully achieved. In recent years, despite
management involves: enormous efforts at scenario planning, barrier
● identifying potential sources of contam- development and the presence of conventional
ination; treatment systems, many developed countries
● understanding transmission pathways includ- have still experienced significant water-related
ing critical personal hygiene behaviours; and disease outbreaks. These outbreaks have
● managing barriers to prevent contamination occurred in highly developed countries
from reaching end users. regardless of adequacy of water supply and
without relation to personal hygiene. In the
Therefore, an ideal management system can developing world, water-related disease
be developed if: outbreaks are further complicated by water
● all scenarios by which contamination could availability and significant personal and
enter the system are fully understood; community hygiene issues.
● appropriate training is given and reinforced For example, over a ten-year period from
for good hygiene practices; 1988–1998, the UK Department of

Figure 4 Potential points of contamination with food and water safety hazards

(Food and water)

(Food and water)
(Food) Product transport
Storage and

(Food) (Food and water)

Slaughter, sorting Preparation
Introduction of
food and water
safety hazards
(Food and water) (Food and water)
Source Consumption

(Food and water)

(Food and water) Environmental
Farm production
Farm inputs


Figure 5 The five preliminary steps and seven key principles of the HACCP system

Assemble a team

Describe the products (food and water)

Document intended use of product

Construct a process flow diagram

Initial steps in the HACCP process

Validate process flow diagram

Identify hazards and preventive measures

The seven principles of HACCP

Identify critical control points

Environment, Transport and the Regions
reported on 25 known outbreaks of Establish critical limits

cryptosporidiosis, a microbiological contamin-

Identify monitoring procedures
ant associated with consumption of public
drinking water supplies. Large water treatment
Establish corrective action procedures
and supply systems often rely on a defined
‘treatment barrier’ in order to prevent system Validate/verify HACCP plan
contamination. However, experience with
large water supply systems indicates that Establish documentation and record keeping
multiple treatment barriers are frequently
From WHO (2006), Chapter 12, Water Risk Assessment Management Strategies.
required and some level of failure should be
Given both the geographical and
operational diversity of oil and gas activities, Preliminary steps and organizing
the use of scientifically based, close to source, principles
process oriented management systems such as
HACCP would appear to be a preferred Preliminary steps
alternative. HACCP for water management The HACCP system is based on five
has been found to be an acceptable framework preliminary steps and seven key principles.
for guiding the process of risk management, (Figure 5).
and has been well discussed in the published The preliminary steps are to assemble a
literature since the mid-1990s. HACCP HACCP team, describe the product, identify
principles have been successfully applied to its intended use, construct a flow diagram and
major water supply systems in Australia since confirm the flow diagram on site. The flow
1999. Overall, the HACCP approach is diagram covers all of the steps which might
consistent with industry emphasis on have an influence on the overall safety of the
appropriate risk management, strong quality product (Figure 6). While initially designed for
assurance, well engineered process control, food service, all of these steps are appropriate
structured training and clear verification and for water system safety as illustrated by the
documentation procedures. WHO water safety process (Figure 7) which


Food and water safety planning using HACCP

Figure 6 A typical process flow diagram constructed as part of the HACCP process

Assemble a team

Describe water supply

assessment Conduct hazard analysis

Reviewing experience
Identify control measures and
future needs

Define operational limits Supporting

monitoring programmes
Establish monitoring

Establish corrective actions and incident response

Management Review, approve

and Establish record keeping and audit

Validation and verification

closely mirrors the five preliminary steps and Figure 7 The WHO Framework for Safe Drinking Water
seven principles of HACCP.
Health-based targets
The initial critical step is assembling and Public health
organizing a multi-disciplinary team. Food context and
health outcome
and water systems are complex even for small
exploration sites or retail operations. The Water Safety Plans

application of the HACCP strategy requires

an underlying set of functioning management System Monitoring Management and
assessment communication
systems known as ‘prerequisite programmes’.
For the overall food chain, the two critical
prerequisite programmes are good manu-
facturing practice (GMP) and good hygiene Surveillance
practice (GHP). In this Guide, the focus will
be on GHP since the oil and gas industry is
not part of, nor has control over, the food
manufacturing supply chain. A specific
section on GHP focused on food issues is sets will be needed is crucial. In many
presented on pages 21–24. Prerequisite situations, particularly in the developing
programmes for water supply and world setting, medical infectious disease
management would include environmental expertise may be required. Finally, the team
and engineering quality control programmes. needs to be appropriately resourced in terms
Recognizing that a variety of technical skill of time, equipment and budget.


HACCP principles for FWSP

Hazard analysis The five steps of the hazard analysis process
Hazard analysis, (Figure 8) is generally based ● Hazard identification is a process intended to
on the standard risk assessment paradigm identify the most significant hazards that could
adversely impact the product.
which consists of hazard identification,
exposure assessment, hazard characterization ● Exposure assessment describes how the end users
come in contact with the product. Important
and risk characterization. The hazard analysis is exposure parameters include frequency (how often)
a critical and essential step since it is the and duration (how long).
process of collecting and interpreting ● Hazard characterization describes the adverse
information on those hazards and conditions health effects that may result from ingestion of a
that may adversely impact the product. This microorganism. The severity of the effects and the
process involves a certain level of professional likelihood of their occurrence are also
considerations. Typically, there is a dose-response
judgment and it should be recognized that relationship between the concentration of the
there are potentially significant uncertainties. microorganism and the probability of a given
adverse outcome.

Figure 8 The hazard analysis process

● Risk characterization and prioritization combines
the previous steps in order to obtain an estimate of
the likelihood and severity in a given population of
Hazard identification
adverse health effects.
● Risk management is based on the overall risk
characterization analysis, so that a series of
preventive measures can be designed and
Exposure assessment Hazard characterization

Risk characterization
and prioritization
that will be utilized or consumed by the
defined end users. For most oil and gas
Risk management operations the employees, contractors and site
visitors are the critical end users. Hazards may
be any biological, chemical or physical
substance that causes the product to become
Hazard analysis is a dynamic process and is unsafe.
performed on an ongoing basis during all In this Guide, the primary focus is on
phases of a project, e.g. exploration, microorganisms and microbial toxins that may
construction, operations and decommissioning. enter the food and water chain and adversely
Hazard analysis can be triggered by equipment affect end users. However, physical and
changes, introduction of new materials, chemical hazards are also important. Physical
facility/layout changes or when new hazards hazards include such items as packing
emerge. materials, e.g. metals, glass, and other non-food
The first step in the hazard analysis process elements. All hazards are evaluated within the
is identification of the most significant hazards HACCP management system.
that could adversely impact the product (see Chemical contamination falls into five
Figure 9). ‘Product’ is the food and/or water general categories:


HACCP principles for FWSP

Figure 9 Some of the more significant hazards that can effect food products

vehicle emissions

crops processing

agricultural practices


livestock storage retail cooking



industrial emissions
and effluents

● Industrial and environmental—PCBs, are normally added to food to improve

dioxins, heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury, food aesthetics, colour and shelf-life.
cadmium), nitrates/nitrites, radionuclides. However, use of inappropriate types and
● Biologically derived—mycotoxins (afla- concentrations of additives can have
toxins), ciguatera, shellfish toxins, significant adverse health effects. Chemical
pyrrolizidine alkaloids, histamine. adulterants such as melamine can be
● Process produced—polyaromatic hydro- inappropriately added in order to artifici-
carbons (PAHs), heterocyclic amines, ally boost the nitrogen content of the food
nitropyrenes, nitrosamines, urethane, and make the overall protein content
chloropropanols. appear higher. Melamine is an organic base
● Agrochemical residues— compound that is rich in nitrogen and is
i) pesticides (chlorinated, organophosphate used in plastics, adhesives, dishware,
and carbamates), fumigants, fungicides, whiteboards and countertops.
herbicides, rodenticides, fertilizers,
plant growth regulators, molluscicides, Chemical contamination is a significant and
nematocides; and complex issue for the food and water supply
ii) animal drugs including antimicrobials, chain, and the interested reader is advised to
growth promotants, therapeutics and consult specialty sources of information
antihelminthics. regarding specific contaminants. Although
● Inappropriate additives—includes a huge chemical contaminants are, at times, a source
variety of agents affecting texture, flavour, of food and water issues, the primary source
colour and protein content, etc. Additives of contamination is pathogens.


● Pathogen characteristics
• Infection: after invasion, multiplication of
a pathogen in a host. Infections may
produce acute, chronic or no observable
clinical effects; some pathogens can cause
an infection when present in very small
numbers while other agents require a
million or more organisms.
• Toxins: poisonous substances that are
produced by organisms and are capable of
causing disease, e.g. botulinum toxin.
• Toxigenic: some bacteria and moulds
multiply on food and produce specific
toxins, e.g. B. cereus, S. aureus, C. botulinum.
• Pathogenicity: the ability of an organism
There are a large number of microorganisms to cause disease.
that can impact food and water, and these are • Infectivity: the proportion of persons
generally classified by their significance: exposed to a pathogen and who become
● Pathogens—organisms that can enter the infected by it.
food and water chain and cause end-user • Communicability: ease of spread between
morbidity and/or mortality, e.g. viruses, individuals.
bacteria, protozoa, moulds and helminths • Virulence: a measure of the severity of the
(worms). disease that a pathogen is capable of
● Toxigenic substances—specific toxins causing in a host.
(poisons) produced by certain organisms • Latency: the period of time between
(animals and plants) that grow in food and infection and when signs and symptoms
are capable of producing adverse health of disease or infection begin to occur.
effects including death, as well as chemical • Dose-response: determination of the
toxins (pesticides, heavy metals, etc.) that relationship between the magnitude of
may be components of food products and exposure (dose) to a chemical, biological
water sources. or physical agent and the severity and/or
● Spoilage—organisms related to food frequency of associated adverse health
production and storage, e.g. bacteria, yeasts effects.
and moulds, which may spoil the taste but • Persistence: the ability of an organism to
not create illness. survive and eventually multiply in a given
● Useful—organisms that are essential for set of environmental media and
making certain food products, e.g. yoghurt, conditions, e.g. soil, water, food, hot, cold,
cheese, beer, leavened bread, soy sauce, etc. saline, etc. In order to persist and
multiply, pathogens need a source of
The likelihood of disease outcome is a nutrients, water, adequate temperature
result of the interaction of a pathogen (an and pH ranges, appropriate levels of
organism capable of causing an infection), host oxygen and time. Table 1 (overleaf), from
and matrix, i.e. food and/or water. Some of the WHO, illustrates the differences in
the key considerations that influence this pathogen persistence in different
interaction are: environmental media.


HACCP principles for FWSP

Table 1 Pathogen survival time (in days, unless otherwise stated) Water: exposure, transmission and
Organism Fresh water Salt water Soil Crops
pathogen characterization
Viruses 11–304 11–871 6–180 0.4–25 For most oil and gas operations the major
Salmonellae <10 <10 15–100 5–50 sources of the water supply will be some
Cholera 30 +285 <20 <5 combination of surface water, groundwater
Faecal coliforms <10 <6 <100 <50 and/or rain water. Selection and protection of
Protozoan cysts 176 1 year +75 no data
sources is extremely important and careful
consideration of other polluting activities in
Ascaris eggs 1.5 year* 2* 1–2 year <60
the area is important. There are well
World Health Organization

Tapeworm eggs 63* 168* 7 months <60

recognized and easily anticipated hazards that
Trematodes 30–180 <2 <1 130** are associated with each source, i.e. biological,
* Not considered an important transmission pathway ** Aquatic macrophytes chemical and physical. The main focus of this
Guide is on biological hazards; however,
chemical contamination is also a potentially
● Host susceptibility and response to a
significant concern, especially in the develop-
potential pathogenic exposure (Figure 10)—
ing country setting, due to:
these are influenced by age, sex, immune
i) the high use of agricultural chemicals in
status, pre-existing illness, genetics,
many rural settings;
nutritional status, social status and
ii) uncontrolled industrial waste disposal and
behavioural habits.
● Behaviours—identify and assess potentially
iii) leaking underground storage tanks;
hazardous staff behaviours that may
iv) uncontrolled disposal of hazardous house-
introduce pathogens into the system.
hold products;
● Transmission routes—the points and
v) leachate (water that has collected contamin-
manner in which pathogens enter the food
ants as it trickles through wastes or soils)
and water supply chain.
from poorly managed landfills and septic
systems; and
vi) uncontrolled access by surrounding
Figure 10 Host susceptibility and response
communities to the oil/gas water source.

No infection Symptomless

Exposure Infection Complete

Complications Residual
and chronic symptoms
Adapted from WHO (2006)



Also, natural chemical ‘contamination’ can stand pipes. In this Guide, the focus is
be very important (e.g. arsenic in groundwater primarily on the water-borne and water-
that was used for community drinking water washed sub-categories of the diseases.
supplies in Bangladesh). The minimum quantity of water needed
Medically, there are a large number of for survival is three to five litres per person
organisms, e.g. bacteria, viruses and parasites, per day. The recommended minimum water
that can adversely impact water quality. quantity requirements are listed in Table 3.
Experience has shown that it is more useful to Water-borne diseases are characterized by
organize water-related diseases by transmission the faecal-oral route of transmission and
routes rather than to simply list the different include person-to-person, animal-to-person
potential pathogens. The four main trans- and other direct and indirect pathways that
mission routes for the generic concept of include inanimate objects (e.g. towels, food
‘water-related’ diseases are presented in and water) which can act as carriers. The most
Table 2. Sometimes a fifth category, ‘water significant water-borne pathogens are
collection’, is described because of the presented in Table 4. The critical faecal-oral
documented transmission through this route pathogens and their most important trans-
where people interact with each other and the mission routes are presented in Table 5
water source at boreholes, hand dug wells and (overleaf ).

Table 2 Transmission routes for water-related diseases Table 3 Recommended minimum water requirements
Category Comments Usage Volume (litres/day unless otherwise stated)
Water-borne diseases Caused by the ingestion of water Individuals 15–25
contaminated by human or animal faeces or Schools 15–30 litres per pupil per day
urine containing pathogenic bacteria or
viruses; includes cholera, typhoid, amoebic Hospitals 220–300 litres per bed per day
and bacillary dysentery and other (with laundry facilities)
diarrhoeal diseases. Pour-flush latrines 1–2 litres per flush
20–30 litres per cubicle per day
Water-washed (or Due to inadequate quantity of water;
un-washed) diseases diseases that would have been washed Dry latrines (for cleaning) 2 litres per cubicle per day (more if
away with water; caused by poor personal heavy usage such as in work camps)
hygiene; includes scabies, trachoma and Livestock: large (cattle) 20–35
flea-, lice- and tick-borne diseases in
addition to the majority of water-borne Livestock: small (sheep, pigs) 10–25
diseases, which are also water-washed.
Table 4 Examples of water-borne pathogens
Water-based diseases Legionnaires disease caused by the
legionella bacteria. Others caused by Bacteria Viruses Parasites
parasites found in intermediate organisms Shigella spp Norwalk virus Giardia intestinalis
living in water; includes dracunculiasis,
Pathogenic E. coli Enteroviruses Cryptosporidium parvum
schistosomiasis and some other helminths.
Vibrio cholerae Hepatitis A and E Entamoeba histolytica
Water-related diseases Transmitted by insect vectors which breed
in water; includes dengue, filariasis, malaria, Campylobacter jejuni Adenoviruses
onchocerciasis, trypanosomiasis and Salmonella typhi Rota virus
yellow fever.
Small round viruses


HACCP principles for FWSP

Table 5 Critical faecal-oral pathogens and their most important transmission routes
Pathogen Important reservoir/ Transmission multiplication
carrier water food person to person in food
Campylobacter jejuni Variety of animals + + + +
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Man + + + +
Enteropathogenic E. coli Man + + + +
Enteroinvasive E. coli Man + + NI +
Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli Man + + + +
Salmonella typhi Man + + ± +
Salmonella (non-typhi) Man and animals ± + ± +
Shigella Man + + + +
Vibrio cholerae 01 Man, marine life + + ± +
Vibrio cholerae non 01 Man and animals + + ± NI
Hepatitis A Man + + + –
Norwalk agents Man + + NI –
Rotavirus Man + NI + –
Cryptosporidium parvum Man, animals + + + –
Entamoeba histolytica Man + + + –
Giardia lamblia Man, animals + ± + –
Ascaris lumbricoides Man – + – –

+ = yes ± = rare – = no NI = no information

Table 5 illustrates that: ● The pathogen-host interaction is critical

i) many pathogens can be transmitted by since the likelihood of infection depends
multiple routes rather than by a single on pathogen invasiveness and virulence in
pathway; and addition to host immunity as the pathogen
ii) there is a strong commonality between the multiplies in the host not in the water.
key food and water pathogens.
Given these pathogen characteristics, it
However, water-borne pathogens do have becomes extremely important to consider
several characteristics that are important and the general routes of potential pathogen
critically but subtly different from the contamination, particularly the distribution
processes that occur with food contamination: system, i.e.:
● Pathogens are not in solution, i.e. the ● colonization by pathogens on non-metallic

organisms are not uniformly distributed. pipe-fittings, joints and linings;

● Pathogens are often clumped and typically ● microbial growth throughout the distribu-

adhere to any solids that are in the water; tion system facilitated by the presence of
therefore the pathogen concentration is organic carbon in the water, particularly in
highly variable and an infective dose can rainwater catchment systems;
not always be reliably predicted from a ● corrosion of pipes, valves, pumps and

random water sample. storage tanks;


● pipes infiltrated and compromised by economics. A century ago, typhoid fever,

animal and plant life; and tuberculosis and cholera were common food-
● loss of pressure causing mixing of borne diseases; however, in the developed
contaminated water with uncontaminated world these are now rarely seen as food-borne
supplies. problems. In contrast, these infections are still
commonly diagnosed in many developing
Water-washed diseases are strongly countries around the world. Many of these
influenced by a general water scarcity, countries have significant oil and gas activity
regardless of underlying water quality. The lack that ranges from exploration and development
of water is the defining characteristic and to small retail outlets.
strongly influences personal hygiene behavi- A food-borne disease occurs when an end-
ours. In many developing country settings, the user consumes contaminated foods or
local project staff may come from an beverages. While there are a wide variety of
environment where water scarcity has pathogens that can contaminate food, there is
produced and reinforced inadequate personal no one unique infection or illness. Toxins or
hygiene behaviours. These behaviours may other harmful chemical substances can cause
persist even though the project has adequate food-borne diseases. In addition, pests, e.g.
volumes of high quality water. Many of the cockroaches, rodents and flies, can transfer a
faecal-oral diseases are also transmitted by variety of pathogens onto, or from, raw and
water-washed behaviours. cooked foods. Finally, physical object
Water-based infections often depend on contaminants, e.g. glass, wood, etc. can also
water animals and plants such as snails, crabs cause harm.
and fish that act as an intermediate host. One More than 250 different food-borne
of the most common water-based infections is diseases have been described in the medical
schistosomiasis, which uses freshwater snails as literature. The overwhelming majority of these
intermediate hosts, and is an extremely are infectious diseases caused by a variety of
common parasitic disease in parts of Africa and bacteria, viruses and parasites that can be
Asia. Another important water-based organism present in different foods. However, toxigenic
is Legionella. This inhabits water found in substances can be produced by certain
cooling towers and showerheads, and in droplet organisms which enter into the food supply.
form can be inhaled, leading to legionnaires’ For example, the bacterium Staphylococcus
disease, a serious respiratory illness. aureus can grow in some foods and produce a
Water-related infections are transmitted by toxin that causes intense vomiting. Similarly,
insects (mosquitoes) that breed in water the disease botulism occurs when the
sources. The key diseases in this category are bacterium Clostridium botulinum grows and
malaria, dengue, sleeping sickness, river produces a powerful paralytic toxin in foods.
blindness and filariasis. These toxins can produce illness even if the
microbes that produced them are no longer
present and actively reproducing. Since
Food-borne diseases—exposure, different toxins may produce a wide variety of
transmission and pathogen clinical symptoms, there is no one ‘syndrome’
characterization that is completely characteristic of a food-
The spectrum of food-borne diseases (FBDs) borne illness. Typically the microbe or toxin
is not static and is highly dependent upon enters the body by ingestion and passes
both geography and overall country socio- through the gastrointestinal tract; hence, the


HACCP principles for FWSP

first symptoms for many food-borne diseases The US CDC1 has provided a brief
are often nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps description of each of the most common
and diarrhoea. food-borne infections:
The most commonly recognized organisms ● Campylobacter—a bacterial pathogen that

causing food-borne infections are the causes fever, diarrhoea and abdominal
Norwalk viruses and Norwalk-like viruses, and cramps. It is the most commonly identified
the bacteria Campylobacter, E. coli and bacterial cause of diarrhoeal illness in the
Salmonella. Other important pathogens include world. These bacteria live in the intestines
the infections caused by the bacteria Shigella, of healthy birds, and most raw poultry meat
the virus known as Hepatitis A, and the has Campylobacter on it. Eating undercooked
parasites Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidia. chicken, or other food that has been
Unfortunately, there are always new sources of contaminated with juices dripping from
emerging FBD. raw chicken is the most frequent source of
A rapidly emerging FBD in many parts of this infection. (See Figure 11.)
the world is trematodiasis, a disease caused by ● Salmonella—a bacterium that is widespread

liver and intestinal flukes (worms). In China, a in the intestines of birds, reptiles and
particular type of liver fluke infection has more mammals. It can spread to humans via a
than tripled over the past decade. The higher variety of different foods of animal origin.
frequencies and transmission dynamics that The illness it causes, salmonellosis, typically
have been observed are probably related to: includes fever, diarrhoea and abdominal
i) the expansion of aquaculture for cramps. In persons with poor underlying
production of freshwater fish and crustacea; health or weakened immune systems, it can
and invade the bloodstream and cause life-
ii) improved transportation and distribution threatening infections.
systems which allow these aquatic foods to ● E. coli O157:H7—a bacterial pathogen

be efficiently disseminated to both local that has a reservoir in cattle and other
and international markets. similar animals. Human illness typically
follows consumption of food or water that
By the year 2000, aquaculture production has been contaminated with microscopic
had expanded dramatically, increasing from amounts of cow faeces. The illness it causes
5.3 per cent of total seafood production in is often a severe and bloody diarrhoea and
1970 to 32.2 per cent in 2000. According to painful abdominal cramps, without much
recent research reviews, at least half of fever. In 3–5 per cent of cases, a
globally consumed fish will likely come from complication called haemolytic uraemic
aquaculture farming by 2030. Therefore, the syndrome can occur several weeks after the
risk of food-borne trematodiasis is growing in initial symptoms. This severe complication
significance. includes temporary anaemia, profuse
The order of frequency of each of these bleeding and kidney failure.
infections is variable, particularly in a
developing country setting where accurate
medical diagnostic facilities may not be
available and where the microbiological
spectrum of pathogens may be quite Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department
of Health and Human Services:
different from that in the historic industrial
countries. g.htm#mostcommon


Figure 11 Contamination risks with regard to frozen poultry

and feed

Incorrect at room Contaminated
thawing temperature water, equipment
and surfaces


Contaminated Non-refrigerated
drip transport

● Calicivirus, or Norwalk-like virus, is an Similarly, fresh fruits and vegetables can be

extremely common cause of food-borne contaminated if they are washed or irrigated
illness, though it is rarely diagnosed because with contaminated water. Water contaminated
the laboratory test is not widely available. It by animal manure or human sewage are the
causes an acute gastrointestinal illness, most common scenarios. Salmonella can infect
usually with more vomiting than diarrhoea, a hen’s ovary so that the internal contents of a
that resolves within two days. Unlike many normal looking egg can be contaminated even
food-borne pathogens that have animal before the shell is formed. Filter feeding
reservoirs, it is believed that Norwalk-like shellfish such as oysters can concentrate Vibrio
viruses spread primarily from one person bacteria that are naturally present in sea water,
through an infected food source, to another. or other microbes that are present in water
Infected kitchen workers can contaminate a contaminated by human sewage dumped into
salad or sandwich as they prepare it, if they the sea. Similarly, poorly managed aquaculture
have the virus on their hands. Infected facilities can be a major source of
fishermen have contaminated oysters as they contaminated product. Table 6 summarizes the
harvested them. These viruses can also be hazards by food product group.
spread directly from person to person by During the food processing chain, other
way of faecal-oral transmission. food-borne microbes can be introduced from


HACCP principles for FWSP

Table 6 contamination hazards by product

Meat and Seafood Milk Poultry and Eggs and Vegetables, Spices Cereals Fats
meat products poultry products egg products fruit and nuts and oils
Salmonella ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shigella ✓
S. aureus ✓ ✓ ✓
Yersinia enterocolitica ✓ ✓
C. perfringens ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. botulinum ✓ ✓
Pathogenic E. coli ✓ ✓
Vibrio Cholerae ✓ ✓
Vibrio Parahemolytica ✓
Vibrio Vulnificus ✓
Listeria monocytogenes ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Parasites ✓ ✓ ✓
Mycobacterium ✓
Brucella ✓
E. coli ✓
Bacillus ✓
Clostridium ✓
Campylobacter ✓ ✓ ✓
Hepatitis A ✓ ✓
Hepatitis E ✓
Rotavirus ✓
Norwalk virus ✓
Moulds ✓ ✓ ✓
B. cereus ✓ ✓
Toxic adulterants ✓
Chemical contaminants ✓

infected humans who handle the food, or by contaminated by contact with certain raw
cross contamination from some other raw foods or drippings.
agricultural product. The unwashed hands of The way that food is handled after it is
food handlers who are infected with Shigella contaminated can also make a difference in
bacteria, hepatitis A virus and Norwalk virus whether or not there is an outbreak potential.
can be significant transmission sources. In the In order to cause a FBD, many bacterial
kitchen, microbes can be transferred from one microbes need to multiply to a higher
food to another food by utensils, cutting concentration in the food. Lightly contamin-
boards or other preparation surfaces. A food ated food that is not refrigerated can become
that is fully cooked and safe can become highly infectious within 12–24 hours. In


general, refrigeration or freezing prevents inactivated even by boiling although the

virtually all bacteria from growing but does Staphylococcus organism is killed. Therefore,
not necessarily kill the pathogens as they are food contaminated by low levels of the
still preserved in a non-reproducing state. Staphylococcus toxin can still produce significant
However, there are exceptions to this illness because the toxin is so potent, i.e.
observation as two food-borne bacteria, 0.0002 mg is the minimum quantity of
Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica Staphylococcus aureus toxin needed to produce
can continue to grow at refrigerator illness. Conversely, the potent Botulinum toxin
temperatures. High salt, high sugar or high is completely inactivated by boiling.
acid levels typically keep bacteria from
growing. Microbes are killed by heat. Food
heated to an internal temperature above 160˚F,
Critical control points (CCP)
or 78˚C, for even a few seconds is sufficient to Under the HACCP system, a CCP is ‘a step
kill parasites, viruses or bacteria. However, at which control can be applied and is
there is an exception to this observation. The essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety
Clostridium bacterium produces a heat-resistant hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. The
spore that is only destroyed at temperatures intent of the HACCP system is to focus
above boiling. Therefore, canned foods must control at CCPs’. The defining characteristic
be cooked to a high temperature under of a CCP is a point, step or procedure at
pressure as part of the canning process. which biological, chemical or physical factors
Similarly, the toxins produced by bacteria can can be controlled. An example of the HACCP
vary in their sensitivity to heat. For example, decision tree is given in Figure 12.
toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus is not

Figure 12 Example of an HACCP decision tree

Does a control measure exist?

Is control at this step

Yes No Yes
necessary for safety

Is the control measure specifically designed to

eliminate or reduce the likely occurrence of a No Not a CCP
hazard to an acceptable level?

No Modify step, process

or product

Could contamination with identified hazards

occur in excess of acceptable levels, Yes
or could these increase to unacceptable levels?

Yes No Not a CCP

Will a subsequent step eliminate identified

hazards or reduce a likely occurence to an No Critical Control Point
acceptable level?

Yes Not a CCP


HACCP principles for FWSP

The CCP process was initially designed for Based on experiences in large water systems
the food system; however, experience has that have adopted the HACCP system, there
shown that it is equally applicable for water was an initial tendency to over-identify
systems. According to the WHO, for water potential CCP. In many water systems, risks are
systems, barriers are control points because adequately managed with standard procedural
they are designed to control the risk by measures or the food system equivalent of
reducing or eliminating the transfer of ‘good manufacturing practices (GMP)’ which
pathogens to end users. For water systems, are designed to prevent or reduce hazards from
microbiological risks are usually best entering the water. This is equivalent to the
controlled at, or as near as possible to, the microbial strategy of contamination prevention
source of contamination—once systems are discussed in the previous hazard analysis
already contaminated, end-of-pipe treatments section. Examples of water GMP include
become necessary. End-of pipe treatments can: catchment management procedures, reservoir
i) fail due to source amplification, i.e. the source security inspections, management of sediments
pathogen load steadily increases beyond the and stagnant zones and the distribution system.
end-of-pipe treatment design; and For a large, well-resourced water system these
ii) lead system operators to become overreliant GMP measures may be in place; however, for
on such measures as a single barrier for many small systems, particularly those
protection. associated with exploration and development
operations or retail operations, the situation is
Many examples of water safety plans and entirely different and it is appropriate to take
strategies for the management of drinking an ‘expansive’ perspective on CCP.
water supply are available through the WHO For food and water systems a ‘generic
Drinking Water Portal (see examples in HACCP plan’ can be a useful guide; however,
Figures 13 and 14). the risks, i.e. the severity and likelihood, can
vary at different facilities as a function of
physical setting, facility layout, equipment, raw
material sources and selection of treatment
Figure 13 Example water safety plan flow chart 2 technologies. The conditions within a given
operation are often unique such that an
Water safety plans
individual site-specific plan is needed.

System Monitoring Management and

assessment communications Critical limits
For each CCP, a criterion that must be met is
established. These criteria are collectively
Figure 14 Example drinking water supply flow chart 2
known as critical limits. Critical limits are
safety boundaries that are developed and set
Drinking water supply for each of the CCP. Critical limits may be
derived from regulatory standards and
Water resources Distribution Consumer guidelines, e.g. WHO Drinking Water Quality
and sources system system Guidelines, but also include preventive
measures such as time, temperature, physical
2 Figures 13 and 14 reproduced courtesy of the World Health Organization. dimensions, pH, and available chlorine. For
Visit the WHO Water Portal at: water systems, these measurable/observable


factors are assigned limits such that, provided There are also a variety of critical limits that
the control point is operating within these can be, and are, used for food systems.
prescribed limits, it is assumed that the hazards
are under control. According to WHO, this is
an important concept as the hazards
Good hygiene practice
themselves usually are not the measurable GHP is a fundamental HACCP prerequisite
factor. Instead, WHO recommends that some programme and, based on the Codex
feature of the barrier that can be observed or definition, refers to the set of practices that
measured be selected as a surrogate for control impacts on the conditions and measures
of the hazard. For water systems, hazards are: necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of
● not always measurable at concentrations food at all stages of the food chain. GHP is an
that represent a regulatory risk; important means of preventing food and water
● not always or easily measurable in real time contamination, in addition to minimizing
or on a continuous basis; pathogen growth and survival. Figure 15
● variable in time and space and are not illustrates the relationship between the source
always present in a steady state; hence, the of contamination and subsequent pathogen
absence of a detectable concentration at a growth and survival.
particularly point in time and space does
not mean that absence of evidence is equal
to evidence of absence. Figure 15 The relationship between initial contamination and subsequent pathogen
growth and survival
Therefore, water critical limits are usually Contamination
set at two levels:
i) when operational limits are at a point Food handler
(contaminated hands)
where a response is required even though
water quality is not likely to be significantly
Flies and pests
compromised; and excreta
ii) the level at which urgent action is required
Source of food contamination

to ensure that water quality and safety Infected Contaminated

food/animal household water
remains acceptable for end users.

The most frequently used critical limits for Food Polluted environment
Night soil (raw/cooked) (soil/dust)
water are shown in the box below.

Irrigation and Dirty pots/

Examples of frequently used critical limits waste water cooking utensils
for water
● Time ● Titratable acidity Domestic animals Cross-contamination
● Temperature ● Preservatives
● Humidity ● Salt concentration
● Aw ● Available chlorine
Survival and growth

● pH ● Viscosity
Aw refers to water activity which is the ratio of water vapour abuse
pressure of the food to that of pure water at the same


HACCP principles for FWSP

The specific areas considered under GHP ● Transportation—the transportation system

include: should provide adequate controls so that
● Primary production—introduction of microbial growth of pathogens, spoilage
hazards, e.g. pesticides, antibiotics, that may organisms and toxin production is
be difficult or impossible to control at later prevented. During shipment, food must also
stages of the food chain. be protected from external contamination
● Establishment: design and facilities—it sources and damage.
is critical to use a primary design ● Product information and consumer
prevention strategy when constructing and awareness—it is important, particularly for
laying out premises, equipment and facilities retail outlets, that a system be in place for
for water, storage and work surfaces. The lot identification, appropriate labelling and
design should minimize contamination, product information. Consumer education
protect against pests and facilitate proper is relevant for retail customers but also for
maintenance, cleaning and disinfection; pest employees and staff. Food and water safety
control is not just a food facility issue but awareness is potentially a very positive
should be part of an integrated control training programme that can be considered
system that also includes other key disease for all employees.
vectors such as mosquitoes. Proper air flow ● Training—this includes a system for roles
and lighting should also be a primary and responsibilities, the development of the
design consideration. actual training courses and refreshers, and
● Control of operation—this refers to basic establishing adequate levels of supervision.
hazard control via the HACCP system.
● Establishment: maintenance and sanita- These areas are generally within the sphere
tion—the control of potential sources of of direct influence for most oil and gas
contamination can be significantly enhanced operations including retail outlets. It is not
by appropriate maintenance (preventing anticipated that an oil and/or gas operation
physical contamination from metals, dusts, would have primary production activities;
plaster, debris, etc.), cleaning, pest control however, some small-scale animal husbandry
systems and waste management. Cleaning is possible at some remote sites; therefore,
procedures include debris removal, use of primary production GHP would be an
detergent solutions, rinsing with water, important consideration.
disinfection where necessary and dry
cleaning. A pest control practice will keep GHP handling of food, premises and
pests out of the relevant facilities, protect kitchen utensils
the food supply, identify and eradicate The WHO has developed ‘Five Keys to Safer
infestations, and include regular inspections Food’. These are illustrated in the box on
by trained personnel. page 23.
● Establishment: personal hygiene—food Premises and kitchen utensils are significant
handlers require specific medical evaluation areas that require careful management.
regarding their health status. Injury and Guidance specific to this area can be found in
illness reporting is critical. Specific training the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food
regarding personal hygiene and behaviours Code, 2005.
is essential. Detailed discussion regarding
food handlers can be found on pages 23
and 24.


Food handlers
Five keys to safer food
Food handlers may transmit food-borne
Keep clean disease, particularly the faecal-oral group;
● Wash your hands before handling food, and often hence the role of good hygiene practices for
during food preparation. these workers is critical. From a micro-
● Wash your hands after going to the toilet. biological perspective, humans are a reservoir
● Wash and sanitize all surfaces and equipment used for several infectious agents, e.g. Vibrio cholerae,
for food preparation. Salmonella typhi and Shigella, and also the
● Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pests toxin-producing bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.
and other animals. Many of these pathogens can cause infection
at very low levels of contamination.
Separate raw and cooked In general, pathogens often transmitted by
● Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other food handlers include:
● enteric viruses including Norwalk-like
● Use separate equipment and utensils such as knives
viruses and hepatitis A;
and cutting boards for handling raw foods.
● Salmonella typhi;
● Store food in containers to avoid contact between
● Shigella;
raw and prepared foods.
● Staphylococcus aureus; and

Cook thoroughly ● Streptococcus pyogenes.

● Cook food thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, eggs

and seafood. Pathogens occasionally transmitted by food
● Bring foods like soups and stews to boiling to make handlers:
sure that they have reached 70˚C. For meat and ● Campylobacter jejuni;
poultry, make sure that juices are clear, not pink. ● Cryptosporidium parvum;
Ideally, use a thermometer.
● Entamoeba histolytica;
● Reheat cooked food thoroughly.
● certain E. coli species;
● Giardia; and
Keep food at safe temperatures
● non-typhoidal Salmonella.
● Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for
more than two hours.
An example of fitness for task for food
● Refrigerate promptly all cooked and perishable food
(preferably below 5˚C). handlers is presented in Appendix 2. The
● Keep cooked food piping hot (more than 60˚C) prior
medical condition of an individual can vary
to serving. significantly on a daily basis; hence, medical
Source: WHO Food Safety (

● Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator. screening strategies have a very mixed success
● Do not thaw frozen food at room temperature. rate. Experience indicates that simply
educating workers and supervisors of the
Use safe water and raw materials medical symptoms that are contraindicated for
● Use safe water or treat it to make it safe. food preparation is critical. Some of the most
● Select fresh and wholesome foods.
important exclusionary symptoms are:
● diarrhoea;
● Choose foods processed for safety, such as
pasteurized milk. ● vomiting;
● fever;
● Wash fruits and vegetables, especially if eaten raw.
● sore throat;
● Do not use food beyond its expiry date.
● eye/ear nose throat discharges; and
● presence of any infected skin lesions.


HACCP principles for FWSP

expertly examine faecal specimens is often

unavailable in a timely fashion.

Overall, laboratory examinations are not a

substitute for an effective educational and
training programme of personal hygiene,
particularly frequent and effective hand washing,
non-smoking policies, adequate and appropriate
clothes, and the use of hairnets and gloves.

Hand washing programmes are a critical prevention and

control strategy. In the USA, research indicates that
infected food handlers are the source of contamination
in approximately 20 per cent of the food-borne disease
Employees must be trained to report the outbreaks with a bacterial or viral cause.
presence of these symptoms or findings to
supervisors or the on-site medical department,
if available. In addition, it is critical to know if Outbreak investigation
a food handler has had close contact with an Outbreak investigation is an important topic
individual known to be experiencing and has been the subject of numerous
gastroenteritis, or whether the worker has publications and descriptive manuals.
recently returned from a visit to an area with Background materials that cover approaches to
a known high endemic incidence of outbreak investigations are described in the
gastrointestinal disease. It is a straightforward WHO Guidelines for Investigation and
exercise to inquire about these symptoms or Control, 20073.The majority of these outbreaks
exposure history during pre-work safety involve faecal-oral pathogens that are spread
meetings. Food handlers must be educated so because of poor or non-existent hand washing
that they report all illnesses, particularly the procedures. Research indicates that the viral
presence of any of the key symptoms or transfer rate from hands to ready-to-eat food is
findings (e.g. skin lesions). Medical about 10 per cent. Proper hand washing can
examinations are a snapshot in time and are have a significant positive impact. Unfortu-
only valid at the time they are carried out; nately, the infective dose for some pathogens,
hence an overreliance on medical screening e.g. Giardia, Cryptosporidium, hepatitis A, and
examinations has not proven to be a cost- Norwalk-like viruses, is so small that other
effective strategy. Similarly, laboratory prevention and control strategies beyond hand
examination, including faecal testing, is washing must be considered.
problematic for several reasons:
● A faecal sample is small and usually

multiple samples in a short time period

Monitoring procedures for critical
must be obtained to effectively rule in or
control points
out a problem. After critical limits are selected, the next step
● False negatives are common and could be is to decide how frequently the critical limits
produced by an individual taking an should be checked and how the results should
● In a developing country setting, the 3 For more information see:
expertise to efficiently obtain, process and publications/foodborne_disease/fdbmanual/en/index.html


be recorded, i.e. by establishing a system of sumption is too short. In general physical and
specific monitoring procedures. direct reading chemical measurements are
Within HACCP, monitoring is a ‘planned preferred because they can be rapidly
sequence of observations or measurements to performed and are, at least for food production,
assess whether a CCP is under control, and to good surrogate indicators of whether micro-
produce an accurate record for use in future biological control is being maintained.
verification procedures’. Monitoring serves Over the past few years, there has been a
three critical functions: revolution in the development of rapid, real-
● It provides a way to track the system’s time testing equipment for chemical and
operation so that a trend toward loss of biological parameters. A variety of excellent
control can be recognized in a timely rapid analytic tests have been developed for
fashion and appropriate corrective action many of the key water quality parameters.
taken. Therefore both continuous and/or episodic
● It indicates when loss of control and a real-time testing is feasible. Similarly,
deviation from the critical limits occurred, microbiological testing has dramatically
and which corrective action was triggered. improved and rapid testing kits are now
● It generates written documentation for use available. However, culture test kits for faecal
in the HACCP verification process. and total coliforms still require 24–48 hours.
Less sensitive but rapid testing equipment for
Continuous monitoring systems are faecal coliforms in water is available. Food
preferred for both food and water systems; testing has advanced significantly because of
however, these systems must be accurately the development of real-time, biological
calibrated and documented. Staff must detection systems designed to provide instant
understand and be trained in the need to results for bio-contamination testing on
perform accurate monitoring and calibration. surfaces or in liquids. These detection systems
It is common to discover during routine measure the ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
audit inspections that monitoring and molecule. ATP is found in all living organisms
calibration have not been either correctly such as mould, bacteria, and plant and animal
performed or recorded. Complex systems like cells. Samples can be collected, tested and
food and water supply chains rarely remain quantified using an ATP bioluminescence
static; therefore, it would be very unusual to system. However, ATP bioluminescence is not
see no variability in a monitoring measure- a complete substitute for microbiological
ment over time. testing. Scientific research indicates that visual
In the absence of a continuous monitoring inspection alone may not always be adequate
process, an appropriate monitoring interval to assess surface cleanliness. ATP testing is a
should be established. Monitoring intervals can useful indicator of surface cleanliness and
be based on statistical process control systems could be helpful as part of the monitoring
although this may not be practical for many process. For many food facilities, particularly
oil and gas operations. This illustrates why the small retail outlets or exploration camps, ATP
selected critical limits must be outcomes that bioluminescence could help identify potential
can be efficiently, rapidly and cost-effectively problem areas since the results are available at
measured. Microbial testing that is based on the time of the inspection and can be used
culture techniques is generally ineffective for immediately for corrective action and as a
monitoring CCPs because the time period teaching and training aid for staff. References
between measurement and end-user con- for ATP testing can be found in Appendix 3.


HACCP principles for FWSP

Establishing corrective action when a preventive monitoring is occurring in a

critical limit is exceeded systematic fashion. Unusual occurrences that
are discovered as CCPs are monitored must be
The development of a corrective action plan is corrected and recorded immediately with
critical. This plan is designed to: documentation of the corrective action taken.
● determine the disposal plan for any The level of sophistication of the record
product, food or water, which was keeping is a function of the complexity of the
produced when a significant deviation was given food and water operation. The simplest
documented; effective record keeping system that can be
● correct the underlying cause that produced integrated within the existing operation
the exceedance and reestablish that the management systems is preferred. Appendix 6
CCP is under control; and illustrates some of the record keeping tools
● maintain records of corrective actions. that are available.

It is highly unlikely that a universal

corrective action plan can be developed;
Establishing verification procedures
instead, specific plans for each CCP may be The verification step is an essential step of any
necessary. As part of the plan there should be quality management process. Documented
development of corrective action procedures. periodic revalidations, independent audits or
Appendix 4 illustrates an example of correct- other internal verification procedures are
ive action parameters. essential. Appendix 7 and Appendix 8 illustrate
examples of company programmes for
How do we measure performance? inspection, verification and audit.
Performance can be measured by using data
from catering activity, food sampling, temper- Why carry out inspections and audits?
ature monitoring, inspection and audit reports, Although the inspection and auditing
investigation of incidents and illnesses, and processes sound similar they are in fact
customer feedback. It is important to define the different. Inspection is a tool to monitor
responsibilities of catering contractors and the standards or key controls, or assess a particular
business for collecting, analysing and acting on issue. It is not time-consuming and pre-
the data. Performance should be reviewed notification is not required.
regularly using meaningful key performance
indicators. Examples of key performance
indicators are shown in Appendix 5.

Establishing effective record keeping

Appropriate record keeping is the sina qua non
of HACCP. Correcting problems without
keeping records invariably leads to the same
problems recurring, particularly in an
environment where staff are on a rotational
work pattern, e.g. offshore platforms or
exploration camps. Regularly recording events
observed or measured at CCPs ensures that


Auditing is a more structured process ● Feedback loop to ensure critical issues have
which requires pre-notification of a visit. It been addressed.
includes elements of inspection but also more
detailed analysis of data, records and operating What are some of the essential elements
procedures. It is essential that those who carry of the audit or inspection?
out such visits are suitably trained. ● Establishment of appropriate verification
inspection schedules.
What are the benefits of inspections and ● Review of the HACCP plan.
audits? ● Review of CCP records.
● Both provide an objective assessment of ● Review of deviations and their resolution,
food and water safety issues. including the disposal plan for food or water.
● Inherent in the process is constructive ● Visual inspections of operations to observe
feedback on how to improve food and if CCPs are under control.
water safety and quality. ● Random sample collection and analysis.
● Action plans can be agreed. ● Review of critical limits to verify that they
are adequate to control hazards.
When should inspections and audits ● Review of written record of verification
take place? inspections which certifies compliance with
● Whenever there is any doubt about food or
the HACCP plan or deviations from the
water safety.
plan and the corrective actions taken.
● To provide management information and
● Validation of HACCP plan, including on-
site review and verification of flow diagrams
● On a periodic basis. There is no fixed
and CCPs.
frequency but the number of visits/re-visits
● Review of modifications of the HACCP
should be commensurate with the risk.
Who should conduct inspections and
audits? Training and knowledge
● Inspections should only be conducted by
people who have attended food and water Training and knowledge are essential in order
safety inspection courses. to make HACCP successful. Management or
● Audits should only be undertaken by supervisory individuals should understand the
competent food specialists. HACCP process since ultimately they are
● It is essential that a close-out meeting is responsible for proper plan implementation
held immediately at the end of the visit so and routine monitoring of CCPs. The depth
all the relevant issues can be discussed. and breadth of an individual staff employee/
contractor’s training will depend on the
What do the visits comprise? assigned responsibilities within the food and
● Introductory discussions with relevant water supply system. For most employees
managers and staff. and/or contractors, the training plan should be
● A tour of the appropriate areas. specific and focused on their job function;
● Inspection of relevant records. however, an overview of the HACCP
● Use of checklists. prevention philosophy is useful.
● A close-out meeting.
● A report identifying necessary actions and


HACCP principles for FWSP

The essential elements and frequency of the

training should be appropriate for the
position. For example, training provided to
food handlers may encompass the following:
● basic bacteriology;

● food poisoning and food-borne disease;

● prevention of contamination with foreign

● food storage and temperature control;

● food preservation;

● personal hygiene;

● cleaning and disinfection;

● pest control; and

● fitness for work and reporting of illness.

Sources of training programmes are listed in

With regard to the frequency of training: Appendix 9. Finally, the HACCP plan should
● at induction, the basic principles of food include a feedback loop for employees so that
hygiene should be explained and understood; they can contribute and suggest what additional
● within three months of starting work all training is needed. All employees should be
food handlers should demonstrate made a part of the continuous food and water
competence in GHP. safety improvement cycle.


HACCP is a systematic management systems effective. This Guide provides the basic
approach to food and water safety. HACCP background information for understanding
management systems will work across the the best practice approaches to food and
diversity of operations that are the hallmark water safety.
of the oil and gas industry. A unified manage- There are significant benefits for the oil and
ment system that covers both water and food gas industry in adopting a rigorous approach
systems will be health protective and cost- to food and water safety.






A ‘Guide to Food and Water Safety’

This document is also included on the attached CD-ROM in PDF format†.The file includes links
to the associated Appendices which are also included on the CD-ROM.The links are represented
in this printed version by the blue highlighted text.

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of t hi s C D- R O w it h o u
c o p ie s t p r io
tho rized r ag
u nau ree
o nt w
d. N ith
rv e

ll r
A Guide to IPI


Food and Water Safety

for the oil and gas industry

This CD-ROM is designed to run

automatically. If it fails to start,
browse to the file called ‘Start’
and double-click to begin. (Requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader v.4 or later)

This CD-ROM contains the joint OGP/IPIECA publication

A Guide to Food and Water Safety. The Guide consists of the

main report together with nine associated Appendices,



ern so
ati all in PDF format. As
al ion at
Ass er v
atio lC ons
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me nta
Oil & iron
Gas P y Env
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s • In te rn a tio n al P et ro le u m I

Food and Water Report 14/4/09 4:01 pm Page 32

The OGP/IPIECA Membership

Company members
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
BG Group
BHP Billiton
Cairn Energy
Devon Energy
Dolphin Energy
GDF Suez
Hunt Oil Company
Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National Corporation
Kuwait Oil Company
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Mærsk Olie og Gas
Marathon Oil
MOL plc
Nexen International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP)
NOC Libya
OMV OGP represents the upstream oil and gas industry before international organizations
OXY including the International Maritime Organization, the United Nations Environment
Papuan Oil Search Ltd Programme (UNEP) Regional Seas Conventions and other groups under the UN
Perenco Holdings Ltd
Persian LNG umbrella. At the regional level, OGP is the industry representative to the European
PetroCanada Commission and Parliament and the OSPAR Commission for the North East Atlantic.
Petropars Ltd Equally important is OGP’s role in promulgating best practices, particularly in the areas
Petronas of health, safety, the environment and social responsibility.
Premier Oil
Qatar Petroleum International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA)
RasGas The International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association was
Repsol YPF
Safer Exploration and Production
founded in 1974 following the establishment of the United Nations Environment
Operations Company Programme (UNEP). IPIECA provides one of the industry’s principal channels of
Saudi Aramco
Shell International communication with the United Nations.
SNH Cameroon IPIECA is the single global association representing both the upstream and
Talisman downstream oil and gas industry on key global environmental and social issues. IPIECA’s
TNK-BP programme takes full account of international developments in these issues, serving as a
Tullow Oil forum for discussion and cooperation involving industry and international organizations.
Wintershall IPIECA’s aims are to develop and promote scientifically-sound, cost-effective,
Woodside Energy
Yemen LNG practical, socially and economically acceptable solutions to global environmental and social
issues pertaining to the oil and gas industry. IPIECA is not a lobbying organization, but
Association and Associate members
Australian Institute of Petroleum
provides a forum for encouraging continuous improvement of industry performance.
American Petroleum Institute
Baker Hughes
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Canadian Petroleum Products Institute
Colombian Safety Council
Energy Institute
European Petroleum Industry Association
Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo,
Gás e Biocombustíveis (IBP)
Smith International
Oil & Gas UK
South African Petroleum Industry Association
World Petroleum Council
A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 1: Food quality

Food quality should not be confused with food hygiene, Good food knowledge and use of seasonings and herbs
although the two often go hand in hand. Good quality by a site chef will encourage people to eat the food
food is not praised much by oil field staff; bad quality food provided.
will always be commented on and may be a source of Presentation of food is also extremely important. Most
considerable unrest and low morale. site dining halls will present food in bain maries for ease of
A kitchen producing a healthy diet is only useful if service. Effort put in to the presentation of food, not only
people want to eat the food produced. Every effort should in the serving trays but also on plating of food for
be made to source good quality produce locally. consumption, adds to the overall dining experience for the
Maintaining stock levels so that food is not stored for long individual.
periods and storing food appropriately will maximize both
quality and nutritional value. Cooking techniques can have
significant effect on food nutritional composition as well as
food presentation. Steaming and stir frying are particularly
good methods for this.

Reference: ENI internal document

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 2: Fitness for task—food handling

Why is fitness for food handling important? What needs to be done?

To prevent the transmission of microbiological infection ● Induction of new staff must include awareness of food
from food handlers to consumers. hygiene, correct food handling and the importance of
personal hygiene.
● Procedures need to be in place:
What is a food handler? • for staff to report if they have suffered, been in contact
A food handler is defined as any person who works in an with, or think that they may be suffering from a
area where food is being prepared, produced, served, packed disease that can be transmitted through the food chain;
or transported. This applies to all catering staff, including • to ensure that these staff can be adequately assessed,
contract catering staff and temporary workers, and any and if necessary, treated; and
maintenance workers working within food areas. • to ensure that all food handlers are immunized against
food-borne conditions, e.g. polio, typhoid, Hepatitis A.
● All food handlers should be assessed pre-employment.
What are the health issues relating to being a food ● Periodic review is necessary (annual is recommended).
handler? ● Immunizations should be updated at the time.
Many infections are able to be transmitted through food,
e.g. Hepatitis A and Shigella. It is important that all staff
who work as food handlers understand this and how to
Where can I get advice on this issue?
reduce/eliminate the likelihood of this occurring. Also, This is a complex area, it is therefore important that advice
food handlers may be at risk from some aspects of their job should be taken from your local Occupational Health
and it is necessary to identify vulnerable individuals. professional prior to any decision to exclude a member of
staff from fulfilling duties as a food handler on medical
fitness grounds.

Resource: Company Internal Guidance Document

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 3: Resources available on the Internet

UKOOA Guidelines for Environmental Health for Offshore Installations, 2007

(Publication code: EHS23 2007)

WHO Food Safety Programme




Enhancing Participation in Codex Activities; FAO/WHO training package, 2005.

Luminescence; testing for adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

CDC Online Courses

Foodborne Disease Outbreak Investigation: E. coli O157:H7 Infection in Michigan
Computer-based Epidemiologic Case Study (CB3075).
This self-instructional case study is an interactive exercise developed to teach public health
workers epidemiologic principles and practices. It is based on a real-life outbreak
investigation and requires the student to apply and practice his/her epidemiologic knowledge
and skills.

Foodborne Disease Outbreak Investigation: Botulism in Argentina

Computer-based Epidemiologic Case Study (CB3058).
This self-instructional case study is an interactive exercise developed to teach public health
workers epidemiologic principles and practices. It is based on a real-life outbreak
investigation and requires the student to apply and practice his/her epidemiologic knowledge
and skills.

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 3: Resources available on the Internet

Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas

CD-ROM (CB3076)
This self-instructional case study is an interactive exercise developed to teach public health
workers epidemiologic principles and practices. It is based on a real-life outbreak
investigation and requires the student to apply and practice his/her epidemiologic knowledge
and skills.

Tap Into Prevention: Drinking Water Information for Health Care Providers
This material presents the basics on drinking water quality and shows how health
professionals are involved in local drinking water issues. Case studies include interviews with
people who responded to Milwaukee’s 1993 cryptosporidiosis outbreak.

The Food Emergency Response Network: FERN

Learn about the Food Emergency Response Network (FERN); how it works, who is
involved, how it coordinates with other networks, and what the current and future activities
will be.

Viral Hepatitis Serology Training: Hepatitis A-E

This educational program contains eight case studies which describe viral causes of hepatitis
illness. Accompanying the case studies are Q&A and serologic interpretive graphs which
involve the participant in actual diagnosis.

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 4: Action tracking and reporting

(example company guidance documents)

Action tracking parameters

Criteria Example Green Yellow Red
Blast chilling, Equipment capable of being able Available and working within Available but Not available or maintaining
refrigerators/walk in to rapidly reduce and/or maintain specification. maintaining food food temperatures above 8˚C.
chillers food temperatures between 1 °C temperatures between
and 5 °C. 5˚C and 8˚C.

Chilled food Food should not be left out at 5˚C or below Between 5˚C and 8˚C Above 8˚C
temperature ambient temperature for more Food left at ambient
than 20 minutes, and temperature for more
temperature checked on delivery. than 20 minutes.

Cleaning Robust cleaning schedule in Cleaning schedule in place and Cleaning schedule No evidence of organized
place, and catering grade catering grade chemicals in use. available but not cleaning and use of non-
cleaning products available and implemented, or non- catering grade chemicals.
used. catering grade chemicals
in use.

Cooking too far in Food should be cooked as close Food cooked as late as possible Completion of cooking Completion of cooking more
advance to consumption as possible. before service and/or during more than an hour prior than an hour prior to service
Cooking far in advance due to service. to service with adequate with inadequate temperature
power cuts is not acceptable. temperature controls in control.

Cross-contamination Controlled through the use of Provision and effective Colour-coded equipment No colour-coded equipment
colour-coded chopping boards, segregation of colour-coded provided but used available. Cross-contamination
knives and cleaning cloths. Raw chopping boards, knives, cloths incorrectly. between raw and cooked.
foods stored below cooked and correct food storage.
(ready to eat) foods or physically

Fitness for work All food handlers are vaccinated Full compliance. Valid Programme in place but No evidence of compliance.
and medically screened certificates/documentation documentation
periodically and prior to available in facility. incomplete or expired.
commencement of work.

Freezers/walk in Should be easily capable of -18˚C or lower Between -18˚C and Above -12˚C
freezers storing food at or below -18˚C -12˚C

Hand washing Wash hand basins (WHB) should Located near entrances, Not located near to No soap or drying facilities
provision be unobstructed and sited near accessible and with soap and entrances but with soap available at WHB.
entrances and provided with hand drying facilities. and drying facilities.
liquid soap dispensers, hand
drying facilities and waste bin.

Heating, ventilation, Air temperatures in kitchen being Kitchen temperatures at 25˚C or Kitchen temperatures Kitchen temperatures above
air conditioning maintained at 25˚C or below and less. Vapours being extracted. between 25˚C and 30˚C. 30˚C or inadequate extraction
capable of removing cooking of cooking vapours.

Hot and cold Should be able to keep food hot 63˚C or above / 5˚C or below Between 60˚C and 63˚C / Below 60˚C / above 8˚C
displays (above 63˚C) and cold (below 5˚C). 5˚C and 8˚C

Hot food Cooked food to achieve a core 75˚C or above on completion of Between 70˚C and 75˚C Less than 70˚C on completion
temperature control temperature of 75˚C and to be cooking. on completion of of cooking.
kept at 63˚C or above for no more Food kept at 63˚C or above for cooking. Food held below 63˚C.
than 4 hours. less than 4 hours. Food kept above 63˚C for
more than 4 hours.
continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 4: Action tracking and reporting (example company guidance documents)

Action tracking parameters (continued)

Criteria Example Green Yellow Red
Hot holding cabinets Should be able to keep hot food Cabinet maintaining Cabinet maintaining Cabinet not achieving 60˚C, or
at 63˚C or above. temperature above 63˚C. temperature between cabinets required but not
60˚C and 63˚C. provided.

Hot water provision Capacity and temperatures 82˚C (disinfection sinks and 60˚C (disinfection sinks <60˚C (disinfection sinks and
should be appropriate to use. dishwashers) 60˚C (detergent and dishwashers) dishwashers).
sinks) 43˚C– 49˚C (WHB). 40˚C–43˚C (WHB). <40˚C or >49˚C (WHB).
Available at all times. Sporadic hot water Inadequate supply.

Personal hygiene Staff washing their hands on Staff observed engaging in Staff not washing hands Staff not washing hands after
entering food preparation areas, correct hand washing during thoroughly or regularly. visiting toilet or handling
change of task and after using visit. refuse.
the toilet.

Pest control Facility should be pest free and Effective pest control measures Pest activity identified Evidence of uncontrolled pest
designed to keep pests out. in place. but control measures in presence and/or an absence of
place. control measure.

Physical / chemical Effective control of cleaning Control over potential Procedure in place but No MSDS in place. Chemicals
contaminants chemicals (e.g. MSDS in place), contaminants. Dedicated not fully implemented. stored with food. No physical
glass, ceramics, wood, decanted chemical storage. contaminant control.
ingredients etc. Significant potential for

Refuse Bins effectively distributed within Lidded external bins stored away Bins with manual lids in Waste bins overflowing.
arrangements the kitchen. External bins from entrances; appropriate use internally. Some External food bins open,
enclosed and kept away from internal bins. refuse strewn outside. attracting pests.

Salad preparation Potable water and sanitizer used Sanitizer and potable water used Potable water available Potable water/salad
to disinfect and rinse salad to disinfect and rinse salad but rinsing not carried washing/sanitizer not used.
vegetables. vegetables. out.

Structure and layout There should be a linear Easily capable of providing safe Poor layout with most Area too small to meet the
workflow that allows staff to food for the intended number of tasks being conducted in demand. Risk of contamination,
work without compromising customers. one area. e.g. cooked food and raw
food safety. foods prepared in same area.

Training Supervisors trained to Food Supervisors have attained Food Supervisors about to take Supervisors have not attended
Safety for Managers level and all Safety for Managers level and Food Safety for Managers Food Safety for Managers
food handlers given a minimum food handlers trained. course, and food and/or no training programme
of an induction and 6 hours food handlers trained with in place for food handlers.
hygiene training. training programme

Resource: Company Internal Guidance Document

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 4: Action tracking and reporting (example company guidance documents)

Catering Action Report

Report No: Urgent action required

Action required
Site Visited:
Work in hand or not imminent
Date of Inspection: Facility provider responsible
Inspected by: Caterer responsible

Area / Location / Issue Defect / Non-conformance Action Action by Target date Status
Blast chillers/refrigerators/
walk-in chillers

Chilled food temperature


Cooking food too far

in advance


Fitness for work

Freezers/walk-in freezers

Hand washing provision

Heating, ventilation,

Hot and cold displays

Hot food temperature

Hot holding cabinets

Hot water provision

Personal hygiene

Pest control


Refuse arrangements

Salad preparation

Structure and layout


Resource: Company Internal Guidance Document

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 5: Examples of key performance indicators

Examples of Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicator Rationale Performance target Monitoring frequency
KPI-1 Suitability of catering facilities Caterer’s facilities must be ‘fit for 100% compliance. Pre-qualification or renewal of
purpose’ and meet the technical contract.
requirements laid out in the
section ‘facilities and equipment’.

KPI-2 Meet legal compliance COMPANY and it’s contractors 100% compliance. During pre-qualification and
should comply with local periodically depending on risk.
regulations and/or with the
COMPANY Food and Water
Management guidance, whichever
is the more stringent.

KPI-3 Health status of staff Health status of staff can All health and vaccination Pre-qualification and periodically
jeopardize food and water safety. certificates must be up to date. depending on risk.

KPI-4 Temperature control Food temperatures are critical to Records available for all items Pre-qualification and periodically
documentation food safety, and robust identified under ‘key controls’. depending on risk.
measurements and recording are Temperatures should be recorded
required at all stages from delivery three times each day.
to service.

KPI-5 Cleaning schedules Robust cleaning schedules must Records of cleaning activities Periodically depending on risk
be in place. The schedule should supported by visual observation. and findings from inspections
state what, how, when and who and audits.
cleans equipment.

KPI-6 Training All levels of catering staff should 100% compliance. (No exception for Pre-qualification and periodically
meet the standards set out in the prospective caterer. Existing caterer depending on staff turnover.
training matrix. allowed three months to confirm

KPI-7 Documented HACCP and Food HACCP is an acknowledged 100% compliance. (No exception for Pre-qualification and periodically
Safety Policy international minimum standard prospective caterer. Existing caterer depending on risk and findings
for food service and catering and allowed three months to confirm from audits.
is the standard required by qualification).
Food safety policy is required to
set out the caterers practices and

Resource: Company Internal Guidance Document

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 6: Record keeping, documentation

Why do we need documentation? How long should documents be kept, and in

what form?
● As a reference source to ensure correct procedures
are followed This will depend on local legislation. In the absence of any
● To provide evidence of any required certification other requirements this should be for a minimum of one
● To ensure traceability of raw material supplies year and, in the case of health records, 40 years. Electronic
● To demonstrate compliance with procedures or paper format will depend on the country requirements.
● To provide indicators of performance

What documents must be kept?

● The food safety management programme
● The HACCP Plan
● Health and vaccination certification
● Food delivery notes
● All temperature documentation
● Cleaning schedules
● Pest control documentation and records of visits
● Training records
● Complaint book
● Maintenance records (e.g. refrigeration)
● Recipe books
● Records of sampling and water supply integrity testing
(e.g. potable water used for salad washing)
● Records of internal audits and inspections

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 7: Catering facilities hygiene checklists

(example company guidance document)

Catering facilities checklists

Kitchen facilities should be inspected and reported on weekly.
Suggested points to include are:
Food handling, Kitchen and Dining

Prepared by: Date:

Sat. = When checked and satisfactory
Unsat. = When checked and if unsatisfactory, requires comment and short description of
planned mitigating action / who is responsible for mitigation / due date. Must be filed.

Sat. Unsat.
Delivery of food
Documentation of certificate of origin, receipts, and expiry date of goods checked ■ ■
Cleanliness of delivery area ■ ■

Garbage area
Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Insects absent ■ ■
Rodents absent ■ ■
Collection frequency ■ ■

Washing-up area
Maintenance of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of fittings ■ ■
Pre-scraping carried out ■ ■
Dish washer provided ■ ■
Machine temperatures adequate, rinse temperatures above 82˚C ■ ■
Equipment sanitized by chemical or heat (60˚C ) if hand washed ■ ■
Tap water of sufficient quantity ■ ■
Protective gloves available for manual dish washing ■ ■

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 7: Catering facilities hygiene checklist (example company guidance document)

Sat. Unsat.
Clean equipment and utensil storage
Maintenance and structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Maintenance of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of fittings ■ ■
Stored equipment protected from dust and dirt ■ ■
Proper colour-coded wipe/polish cloths available and used ■ ■

Bulk dry store

Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Maintenance of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of stored goods ■ ■
Temperature satisfactory ■ ■
No goods stored on the ground/floor ■ ■

Cold rooms and refrigerators

Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of shelves ■ ■
Food in cold room stored, no more than 10˚C ■ ■
Fridge temperature below 5˚C ■ ■
Raw and cooked foods adequately separated and covered ■ ■
Thermometer provided and in working order ■ ■
Temperature log kept and satisfactory ■ ■
(in hot areas, morning and evening temperature is not adequate; should include reading from
the hottest part of the day during summer season)
Door seals clean and in good condition ■ ■

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 7: Catering facilities hygiene checklist (example company guidance document)

Sat. Unsat.
Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of shelves ■ ■
Food stored above floor level ■ ■
Raw and cooked foods adequately separated and covered ■ ■
Door seals clean and in good condition ■ ■
Frozen foods thawed in cold room before use ■ ■
Temperature below -18˚C ■ ■
Temperature log kept and satisfactory ■ ■
Thermometer provided and in working order ■ ■

Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Maintenance of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of fittings ■ ■
Sink provided ■ ■
Room temperature satisfactory during preparation of meals, ambient temperature around 26˚C ■ ■
Sufficient hot water at the correct temperature provided ■ ■
Drains sufficient and working ■ ■
Well lit work surfaces ■ ■
Cleaning programme in place and well communicated to staff ■ ■
Ventilation working satisfactorily ■ ■
Ventilator hoods have grease filters ■ ■
Designated hand washing sinks with liquid soap, pedal bin and paper towels, water temperature between 45 and 49˚C ■ ■

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 7: Catering facilities hygiene checklist (example company guidance document)

Sat. Unsat.
Beverage/ice area
Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Maintenance of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of fittings ■ ■
Water supply to ice machine satisfactory ■ ■
Ice scoop stored satisfactorily ■ ■
Cold drinks machine regularly dismantled and sanitized ■ ■

Maintenance of structure ■ ■
Cleanliness of structure ■ ■
Maintenance of fittings ■ ■
Cleanliness of fittings ■ ■
Aerially disconnected from food production area ■ ■
Hot and cold water provided ■ ■
Soap and nail brushes provided ■ ■
Single user towels provided ■ ■
‘NOW WASH YOUR HANDS’ sign displayed ■ ■
Floors dry ■ ■

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 7: Catering facilities hygiene checklist (example company guidance document)

Sat. Unsat.
Miscellaneous overall
Kitchen/dining facilities sufficient for the number of people served ■ ■
Kitchen staff sufficient for the number of meals prepared ■ ■
Changing facilities provided for staff ■ ■
No equipment or pots stored directly on the floor ■ ■
Electronic fly killers installed ■ ■
Premises rodent/animal proofed ■ ■
Full air-conditioning provided ■ ■
Food expiry dates satisfactory ■ ■
Pest control satisfactory ■ ■
Water supply safe for drinking ■ ■
Date of last water samples taken ■ ■
Power supplies properly maintained ■ ■
Cutting and chopping boards colour coded ■ ■
Chopping knives colour coded ■ ■

Written cleaning schedule in use ■ ■
Worktops, cutting boards and other small equipment sanitized after use ■ ■
Re-usable dry stores items examined before re-use ■ ■
Stock rotation of perishable items ■ ■
Perishable out of refrigeration to a minimum ■ ■
Frozen meat/fish/poultry defrosted in the refrigerator ■ ■
Rice to be used is freshly cooked ■ ■
Bain-maries/heating cupboards/hot plates working and at correct temperatures ■ ■
‘NO SMOKING’ sign in food production area ■ ■
‘NO SMOKING’ in food production areas enforced ■ ■
Toxic items (cleaning materials) labelled correctly and stored in proper places ■ ■
Safety data sheets of cleaning agents available in the correct language ■ ■
Contents of opened food cans transferred to proper containers once opened ■ ■
Main rule: food should be cooked hot and served hot: cooked food not allowed to reach a temperature below 63˚C ■ ■
Cooked food has reached a temperature of at least 75˚C before being transferred to bain-maries ■ ■
Thermometers and probes, including probe wipes, available to check food temperature ■ ■
Basic first-aid equipment available to kitchen staff ■ ■
Fire fighting equipment available and working ■ ■
Fire escapes not blocked ■ ■

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 7: Catering facilities hygiene checklist (example company guidance document)

Sat. Unsat.
Appearance ■ ■
Protective clothing, including shoes (not open sandals), and light coloured uniforms ■ ■
Protective clothing and uniforms properly laundered ■ ■
Head coverings ■ ■
Medically examined prior to employment and then at least yearly ■ ■
Stool tests included in medical examination ■ ■
Infected food handlers excluded from work until cleared ■ ■
Food handlers vaccinated (specify according to local regulation) ■ ■

Corrective actions to be taken

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Food hygiene inspection checklist

Hand washing facilities
Are wash hand basins readily accessible and clean, and free of utensils/food waste?
Is there sufficient hot (43–49˚C) and cold water?
Have soap and drying facilities been supplied and replenished?
Are wash hand basins installed with taps that are not hand operated (e.g. surgeon’s taps or foot-operated)?
Storage and display temperature control—chilled and frozen
Are all refrigerators holding food at or below 5˚C?
Are all freezers holding food at or below -18˚C?
Are refrigerators and freezers loaded to ensure that there is unobstructed air flow?
Are the door seals of all chillers and freezers clean and intact?
Are all the evaporator fins free from a build-up of ice?
Can the emergency door release of walk-in refrigerators and freezers be operated effectively?
Are storage temperatures recorded a minimum of three times a day and documents readily accessible?
Are actual food temperatures being taken (using probe or infra-red thermometers) and recorded?
Is corrective action taken and noted when correct food storage/display temperatures have not been achieved?
Are chilled foods not exposed to ambient temperature for more than 20 minutes during preparation and storage?
Is the cold display equipment maintaining food at a temperature of 5˚C or below?
Are cold foods transferred to remote canteens in insulated boxes?
Salad and fruit preparation
Is the water used for salad preparation of drinking-water quality (potable)?
Is a chemical sanitizer available and used to disinfect salad products and fruit (excluding oranges, etc. where the peel isn't eaten)?
Is the strength of the sanitizer checked (e.g. are test strips available to confirm this)?
Are damaged/poor quality fruit and salads removed prior to sanitizing?
Temperature control—cooking
Are food temperatures checked immediately after cooking? (Should be 75˚C or above)
Are actual food temperatures being taken (using probe or infra-red thermometers) and recorded?
Is corrective action taken and noted when correct cooking temperature has not been achieved?
Does cooking start less than 5 hours before service starts?
Is everything cooked today for service today?
continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Food hygiene inspection checklist (continued)

Hot holding and hot display
Is hot holding/hot display equipment turned on at least an hour before food is placed into it, and checked each hour that it is in use?
Is the hot holding/hot display equipment maintaining food at a temperature of 63˚C or above?
Are actual hot display food temperatures being recorded and records readily accessible?
Is corrective action taken and noted when the correct food storage temperature has not been achieved?
Are the hot holding cabinets in a clean, serviceable condition (e.g. door seals clean, undamaged and in contact with the door)?
Are the water reservoirs for the hot holding cabinets filled and maintained with hot water during use?
Are hot foods transferred to remote canteens in insulated boxes?
Indicators of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) failures
Are doors and windows closed in air-conditioned food preparation areas?
Is the air temperature in food preparation areas below 25˚C?
Are grease filters clean and present in the extraction hoods?
Are colour-coded cleaning cloths available (e.g. RED=raw, BLUE=cooked/ready to eat, YELLOW=toilets)?
Are colour-coded chopping boards available (e.g. RED=raw, BLUE=fish, GREEN=salads, WHITE=ready to eat)?
Are colour-coded knives available (e.g. RED=raw, BLUE=fish, GREEN=salads, BLACK=ready to eat)?
Is the colour-coded equipment being used correctly as above?
Are chopping boards in good condition (e.g. free from deep scoring)?
Physical/chemical contaminants
Are glass objects in the food production/service areas (e.g. bottles, glass shelves or sneeze guards) free from damage or chips?
Are glass breakages (including ceramics) recorded?
Are all lights provided with intact diffuser covers?
Are the diffusers free from dead insects?
Is food kept above floor level (e.g. stackable containers of meat or prepared vegetables)?
Are bags of raw ingredients stored on impervious material pallets (not wood)?
Are bagged products, once opened, decanted into storage bins to avoid pests?
Are cleaning chemicals and equipment kept in a separate store away from food storage and preparation areas?
Personal hygiene
Do food handlers wash their hands on entering a food preparation room? (Observe)
Do food handlers wash their hands between handling raw and ready-to-eat foods? (Observe)
Check the hands of 5 food handlers. Are cuts protected by a blue plaster?
Are food handlers free from jewellery (a plain wedding band and plain sleeper earrings are acceptable)?
Are food handlers free from excessive cosmetics and perfume?
Is suitable headwear for hair provided and used by everyone in the kitchen?
Are uniforms in an undamaged, clean condition?
continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Food hygiene inspection checklist (continued)

Provision of hot water
Is hot water continuously available for pot washing (e.g. does not run out)?
Is the temperature of water at pot/dish washing sinks at or above 60˚C?
Is the automated dishwasher rinse cycle at or above 82˚C?
Is the cleaning schedule followed?
Is ‘clean as you go’ appropriately implemented (e.g. spot cleaning)?
Is detailed cleaning of utensils and equipment performed to an acceptable standard?
Is general cleaning (e.g. walls, tiles, floors, etc.) performed to an acceptable standard?
Pest control
Are the facilities free from flying insects?
Is the facility free of the evidence of pest activity (e.g. no droppings, insect bodies, fur, feathers, product damage)?
Are all open windows fitted with a fly screen?
Are all electronic fly killers switched on?
Are routine toolbox talks being conducted and recorded?
Refuse arrangements
Do waste bins have lids?
Are kitchen waste bins pedal operated?
Are waste bins positioned close to wash hand basins and work benches?
Are waste bins emptied before they are overflowing?
Is the external waste holding area clean and tidy?
Goods receipt
Are produce temperatures, shelf life dates and packaging condition checked and recorded for each delivery?
Are accepted chilled products received at 5˚C or lower?
Are accepted frozen goods received at temperatures of -15˚C or lower?
Are chilled and frozen goods delivered in a refrigerated vehicle?
Are all goods received within manufacturers expiry/use-by date?
Are goods in store rooms undamaged and complete with labelling?
Is there a register of rejected goods indicating reason for rejection and action taken?

Non-conformances Date corrected

Resource: Company Internal Guidance Document

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Food safety audit report

Catering Company: Location:

Company Contact: Date:

Catering Contact: Audit performed by:

Policy and organization Comments

Food Safety Policy Statement Does the Food Safety Policy state the Caterers’ intentions to meet their obligations to
produce safe and legal foodstuffs and their responsibilities to those they serve? Is the
policy document translated into the local language(s) and signed by senior
management? Is the policy clear with regard to employee responsibilities and
cascaded down to supervisory staff and key personnel? Is the document
unambiguous, readily available and reviewed no more than 2 years ago?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

HACCP Has the caterer established a documented HACCP system which is compatible with
the following 7 HACCP principles:
● Conducting a hazard analysis?

● Determining the critical control points?

● Establishing critical limits?

● Establishing a system to monitor control of the CCP?

● Establishing the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a

particular CCP is not under control?

● Establishing procedures of verification to confirm that the HACCP system is

working effectively?
● Establishing documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to

these principles and their application?

In formulating the HACCP plan, has reference been made to ensure that local/national
legislation codes of practice or guidelines are taken into account?

Has HACCP been implemented through the caterer’s Food Safety Management Plan?

Is the site catering supervision/management or nominated team/company

representative able to demonstrate competence in the understanding of the HACCP
principles and their application?

Are the critical control points identified in relation to food preparation controlled and
monitored within the critical limits stated in the HACCP plan?

Where critical limits have been exceeded (e.g. high temperatures), has action been
taken and recorded?

Are the catering facilities located where they are not affected by the activities of other
businesses (e.g. dust and smells) or in an environment which is not conducive to
minimum standards of food hygiene (e.g. insect or pest populations which may lead
to infestation)?

Is the site secure to ensure only authorized personnel can enter the food preparation

Are yards and driveways in good condition, well drained and capable of easy cleaning
to prevent contamination in the vicinity of the catering premises?

Are all buildings associated with the catering operation surrounded by clear space of
at least 1 metre to minimize pest activity?

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Catering facility design specifications Comments

Design and product flow Is the catering workflow from delivery of ingredients to service arranged to minimize
product contamination and facilitate working safely?

Do the premises allow for safe working space and storage? Does this enable all
operations to be carried out properly under safe hygienic conditions to minimize
potential physical, chemical or microbiological contamination (e.g. effective
segregation between bakery and butchery operations)?

Are the facilities for plate and utensil washing and general-purpose cleaning (where
appropriate) adequately segregated from production and preparation?

Walls Are walls designed, constructed, finished and maintained to prevent the
accumulation of dirt to reduce condensation and mould growth and to facilitate

Are floor/wall junctions and corners coved to facilitate cleaning? (Cavities in the
surface of walls should be avoided to prevent debris from lodging and pest
harbourage). If not coved, are the wall/floor junctions clean?

Floors Are floors designed so they are safe, slip resistant, easily cleanable, impervious and
maintained in good repair?

Are floors designed so that water can drain and no pools of water are evident?

Drainage Larger catering facilities (e.g. more than 500 meals per day): has drainage been
installed in the food preparation area to remove water from dishwashers and sinks,
and to allow floors to drain effectively after cleaning?

Ceilings Have ceilings and overheads been designed, constructed, finished and maintained to
prevent the accumulation of dirt to reduce condensation and mould growth and to
facilitate cleaning?

Windows Where windows are designed to be openable for ventilation purposes, are they
adequately screened to prevent the ingress of pests?

Doors Are all external doors close fitting or adequately proofed? Are external doors to food
preparation and storage areas kept closed?

Lighting Has adequate lighting been provided for all working areas?

Are all bulbs and strip lights, including those on electric fly killer units protected by
shatterproof plastic diffusers or sleeve covers?

Ventilation / air-conditioning Have mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning been provided in product storage
and all processing and dining environments?

Contamination control Has the use of wood within food preparation areas (where appropriate) been

Has the use of glass been minimized in food preparation areas? Are procedures in
place to ensure Ingredients are not decanted directly into cooking and mixing

Is crockery checked for cracks and chips and removed if damaged?

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Water supply Comments

Mains Are all water supplies used for cleaning, or in connection with any operation in the
preparation of food, potable (safely drinkable), having either been drawn from mains
supply or suitably treated according to their source?

Is the quality of water, steam or ice that comes into contact with food regularly
monitored to ensure they present no risk to product safety?

Bottled Is the bottled water purchased from an approved source?

Are the water dispensers subject to regular cleaning and sanitizing to an approved
programme and procedure?

Equipment Is all equipment constructed of non-flaking, non-corrosive and non-reacting
materials? Are materials used in the construction of all equipment food grade?

Is equipment positioned so as to give access under, inside and around for ease of
cleaning and servicing? (Equipment should preferably be moveable unless sealed
below and above.)

Is equipment fit for purpose and maintained/serviced in accordance with the

manufacturer’s instructions? Is equipment designed to keep food at a specific
temperature able to achieve this in the environment in which it is located?

Maintenance Has all equipment been maintained effectively? Is reactive maintenance relied upon
or is a planned preventative maintenance schedule in place for all major items of
equipment? (This should include which items of equipment are to be maintained, the
frequency of preventative maintenance and the ordering of parts in advance which
are known to fail or need regular replacement, e.g. heating elements).

Does the plan include HVAC, compressors, chillers, freezers, hot holding, hot display
and blast chillers?

Are outside contractors and all engineers made aware of, and do they adhere to, the
caterer’s food hygiene standards when in food preparation areas? Discuss.

Is cleaning or replacement of light fittings done outside food preparation times?

Is all preventative planned maintenance documented and copies of the associated

paperwork given to the caterer for verification purposes?

Product specifications
Purchased goods Are specifications for high-risk foods agreed and documented? Does imported food
meet the standards relevant to any import agreements? Is imported food used only as
intended (e.g. imported meats may only be used for catering meals)? No food shall be
supplied to a third party.

Are all foods supplied direct from manufacturers or their approved agents? (All
documentation must be supplied on request to prove authenticity and traceability.
The onus shall be on the caterer to prove they have purchased foodstuffs in good
faith and with integrity from approved suppliers).

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Purchase Comments
Purchase Do the receipt documents and/or product labelling facilitate correct stock rotation?
Does the caterer make every attempt to ensure traceability and authenticity of raw

Can avoidance be achieved of cross-contamination by ingredients which would

constitute a safety issue (e.g. peanuts) or which will cause significant consumer
dissatisfaction (e.g. meat in vegetarian products, incorrect handling or mixing of Halal
foods with non-Halal foods)?

Is there a list of approved suppliers which also includes details and means of

Are raw material acceptance criteria and procedures documented?

Are sufficient quantities of food maintained to permit the efficient operation of the
unit? (The caterer should ensure continuity of supply, notwithstanding seasonal

Are all foods and ingredients of the agreed quality demanded? (For example,
imported meats shall not be substituted by local supplies without the knowledge of
the client, irrespective of quality.)

Receipt Do all food ingredients have labels on their packaging or, where package labelling is
not practical, are they supplied with accompanying information identifying the

Is there a system to ensure that any quality/food safety issues are followed up with
the supplier and recorded?

Food handling
Storage (all types) Are all foods stored so as to ensure food safety? Is attention given to correct
temperature control and the avoidance of cross-contamination?

Are separate storage facilities provided for the storage of chemicals?

Are damaged, soiled and infested products segregated immediately and disposed of
or returned to the supplier?

Preparation Are procedures implemented to ensure that cross-contamination is prevented during

preparation and that food is not exposed for any excess period of time, to minimize
temperature and risk to health?

Are all raw and ready-to-eat foods handled separately?

Does defrosting take place in chillers, chilled areas or defrosting cabinets? Does the
caterer ensure that foods are not subject to soaking in their own juices or defrosted
by washing in warm water? (Defrosted items should not be refrozen without an
intermediate processing stage such as cooking)

Cooking Is food adequately cooked to a minimum temperature of 75˚C? How is this managed?

Cooling / freezing Are procedures implemented to ensure that food is adequately cooled as quickly as
possible to minimize any growth of pathogenic bacteria? Is there sufficient capacity
provided for batch cooling and freezing?

Is food intended for freezing frozen as soon as possible after the cooking process?

Hot holding Are procedures implemented to ensure that food (where required) is hot held (+63˚C)
to prevent any growth of pathogenic bacteria?

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Food handling (continued) Comments

Re-heating Is re-heating avoided and only undertaken under strict controls? (The practice of re-
cooking due to sporadic power interruptions is wholly unacceptable and all efforts
must be made to ensure power supplies to kitchens are continuous.)

Post preparation chilled and Are procedures implemented to ensure that cold ready-to-eat food (e.g. salads) is
frozen storage maintained at a safe temperature and for a safe period of time?

Service Are procedures implemented to ensure that food is maintained at a safe temperature
(either hot or cold) as appropriate during the period of time it is on display?

Are corrective actions implemented to avoid recurrence of a non-conformance and

adequate documentation kept of the action taken?

Are procedures in place to regulate the disposal of left-over foodstuffs following a

period of time on display?

Is a complaints or suggestions book maintained within the dining room and

examined daily? Are all complaints investigated and the necessary corrective actions
taken by site management?

Recipes To enable investigation in the event of a problem arising, are recipes maintained in
writing and kept available for all foods produced within the facility? (Chefs must
adhere to the recipe formulation.)

Are all meals of sufficient quality, quantity and variety in accordance with agreed

Food samples Are food samples (from the menu) of high-risk foods taken (discuss how often)

Temperatures Do temperatures comply with temperature requirements as stated in the ‘Action
Tracking Parameters’ ?

In circumstances where temperature and or time control is critical to product safety,

quality, attribute or legality (e.g. cooking, freezing or blast chilling), is temperature
and/or time recording used for monitoring?

Are cooking, cooling and freezing procedures undertaken to minimize bacterial

growth and maximize quality?

Are ambient temperatures in food preparation areas maintained at or below 25˚C?

Calibration Is all temperature monitoring equipment calibrated on an annual basis?

Caterer transport Is refrigerated transport capable of maintaining product temperature within
specification under maximum load while the product is stored and transported on
the vehicle?

Is all food transported in such a way that it is protected from the external

Are vehicles pre-chilled before loading of non-ambient foods?

Are documented maintenance, cleaning and hygiene procedures maintained for all

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Personal hygiene and training Comments

Changing facilities Are changing facilities provided for all personnel whether they are staff, contractor or
visitor, prior to entry to food preparation areas?

Are hand-washing facilities provided near to the food preparation entrance? Do wash
hand basins have hot and cold water or water at a temperature of 43–49˚C, soap and
hand drying facilities?

Do toilets not open directly into a food preparation area? (However, a ventilated ante-
space is deemed acceptable.) Toilets shall also be equipped with a separate wash
hand basin, with water at a temperature 43–49˚C, soap and drying facilities.

Health assessment and Prior to food handling, do food handlers undergo fitness for task health assessment?
illness prevention
Does the caterer have a procedure for the notification by employees (including
temporary employees) of any relevant infectious disease or conditions from which
they may be suffering or have been in contact with?

Do employees receive and sign for a copy of the caterer’s hygiene rules and their
agreement to report infections and illness? (The caterer should have these available
at all times.)

Is vaccination and health certification completed prior to employment and kept up to


Protective clothing Is protective clothing and footwear provided for all food handlers and those working
with food? (Open toe sandals are not acceptable and personal footwear must not be
allowed in food premises with the exception of visitors.)

Is clothing clean, light coloured, washable and regularly washed? (Buttons and
pockets should be avoided.) Are separate tabards or aprons provided to allow ingress
and egress for food preparation areas without the need for changing?

Is all hair (where appropriate) fully contained in a hat or hairnet to prevent product

Is protective clothing (where possible) laundered on site or by a contract laundry in a

manner that will ensure food safety? (It is acceptable for staff to launder their own
protective clothing if the cleanliness of clothing is monitored.)

The use of gloves by food handlers should be checked (with the exception of those
working on food service). It is imperative that staff who handle food wash their hands
regularly (especially when changing tasks). Staff engaged in food service may wear
gloves during food service times but only on the basis that it provides an elevated
perception of hygiene assurance to the customer. Discuss.

Personal hygiene Is smoking banned and managed properly in food preparation and storage areas?
Check outside the rear door for signs of smoking and discuss issues especially around
lack of hand washing.

Are fingernails kept short, clean and unvarnished? Are false nails not permitted.

Are jewellery and watches not permitted to be worn with the exception of a plain
wedding band and one piece sleeper earrings? ( These may be permitted at the
discretion of the caterer.)

Are all cuts and grazes on exposed skin covered by a detectable blue plaster?

Is eating and drinking banned or managed properly in food preparation areas?

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Personal hygiene and training (continued) Comments

Training Are all personnel (including temporary personnel and contractors) appropriately
trained in food hygiene and health and safety prior to commencing work? Are they
adequately supervised and instructed during the working period?

Prior to employment, do all food handlers receive food hygiene induction training?

Is ongoing hygiene training commensurate with the activities of the food handler
completed? Staff must be competent in the duties they have been employed for. (No
food handler must engage in any activity for which they have not been trained.)

Are all supervisors and managers trained appropriately?

Are staff using prescribed dangerous machines (e.g. slicers and bandsaws)? Are they
trained in their use and authorized to use them?

Audits and control

Internal audits Does the caterer undertake internal audits? Discuss the benefits.

Are the results of previous internal audits available for inspection?

Are corrective actions relating to these audits progressed to satisfactory completion?

Records Are records (e.g. temperatures) legible and genuine? (Do the records look consistent?)
Retrospective completion of records can be an issue and cross-checking against
temperatures taken on the day is an indicator. Emphasize the importance of
management follow-up in all instances of incomplete or retrospective recording,
including the potential to bring the operator into disrepute.

Does the caterer operate, keep, review, maintain etc. records relating to product
safety legality and quality?

Corrective action
Corrective action Are corrective actions undertaken as soon as is reasonably practicable to prevent
further occurrence of non-conformity, and is an action tracking system maintained?

Cleaning and hygiene

Cleaning and hygiene Is there a cleaning schedule in place for the cleaning and sanitizing of all food
preparation and service areas, facilities and equipment? Is it followed and managed
properly with respect to:
● what is to be cleaned, when and how, by whom and where cleaning shall take

● equipment cleaning in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions using food

grade chemicals;?
● staff trained in cleaning, COSHH awareness and availability of material safety data

sheets; and
● staff understanding and undertaking ‘clean as they go’?

Waste disposal
Waste disposal Is waste disposed of regularly to minimize the accumulation of waste? (Waste should
be deposited at an authorized site. All waste and refuse must be removed (ideally
daily) by a licensed waste carrier directly to an authorized place of tipping. The final
place of disposal should be known.

Are external food waste collection containers and compactors closed and/or covered
at the time of the audit?

continued …

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 8: Food safety checklist and audit report

Pest control, birds and feral animals Comments

Pest control, birds and feral Do staff understand food pests and how they contaminate food and/or the measures
animals they need to undertake in order to prevent this? Discuss with a member of staff or

Do staff understand the importance of housekeeping (e.g. clean as you go), keeping
lids on bins and keeping food off the floor and the avoidance of attracting pests near
to food premises?

Are all potential points of entry (e.g. around pipes, under doors and drainage works)
regularly checked for wear, tear and pest ingress/egress? Are drains fitted with
screens and traps to prevent pest entry?

Are electric fly killers operating, are they maintained and the tubes changed every
year prior to the insect season? Are they sited near to entrances and exits to attract
incoming flying insects? (Under no circumstance must they be sited above food
contact surfaces or bread packing stations. They must be switched on all day
including times of the day where the facility is not is use)

Are all inward deliveries checked for pest damage? Are all decanted foods (flour,
sugar, etc.) placed in light coloured bins (to refract light onto potential foreign bodies)
with tightly fitting lids?

Are the services of a competent pest control contractor (preferably a member of a

trade organization) engaged in order to make more thorough assessments of potential
pest activity? Visits should be carried out with a minimum frequency of 6 times per
year (8 for larger premises). The contractor should also be available on 24-hour call-
out in the event of a possible infestation or immediate treatment being required.

Laboratories used for support Does the caterer undertake or subcontract food sampling? Discuss.

Are laboratories used for food and water sampling accredited to operate to BS ISO EN
17025 or do they have other acceptable methods of operation and quality control?

Technical support
Technical support Does the caterer have a system in place to ensure that they are regularly informed of
all relevant legislation, food safety issues, legislative, scientific and technical
developments and industry codes of a practice?

Is the caterer able to demonstrate an adequate level of technical support either in-
house or by subcontract specialist services? (It is essential that the technical support
is capable of meeting the needs of the business and dealing with foreseeable

Resource: Company Internal Guidance Document

A guide to food and water safety
for the the oil and gas industry

Appendix 9:
Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

● Posters, publications and software

● Powerpoint and PDF presentations
● On-line videos and video streamings
● Video tapes
● Web resources

Posters, publications and software

21 CFR Part 110: Current Good Manufacturing Practice In Manufacturing, Packing or

Holding Human Food. (1997) Spanish document title: ‘Buenas Practicas de Manufactura para el
Proceso, Empaque o Almacenaje de Alimentos Para Los Seres Humanos.
Spanish Translation of the 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 110 Current Good
Manufacturing Practice In Manufacturing, Packing or Holding Human Food.The
document is a reading tool for Spanish speaking persons. Part 110 is a prerequisite for any
firm prior to implement Hazard Analysis Critical Control. CETI Translations and
Publications Services. Spanish.

21 CFR Part 113: Low Acid Canned Foods Processed in Hermetically Sealed Containers.
(2000) Spanish document title: Titulo 21, Codigo de Regulacion Federal, Parte 113, Alimentos de
Baja Acidez Procesados Termicamente en Envases Sellados Hermeticamente. This document contains
35 pages with graphics of retorts and can seam formation. CETI Translations and
Publications Services. Spanish.

Applied Foodservice Sanitation Instructor’s Kit, 4th edition. (1992) Curriculum includes
instructor’s guide with detailed course outlines, lesson plans, quizzes and 31 transparency
masters; 160 35mm slides; and lecture cards. National Restaurant Association, Educational

CPG/HACCP-Plan. (1998) A software package designed to assist in the development and

maintenance of HACCP plans. Developed and produced by Bradley Ward Systems, Inc. and
supplied through Food Processors Institute.

doHACCP Software. (1998) Norback, Ley and Associates LLC. English, Spanish, Japanese or

Draft HACCP Principles for Food Establishments at the Retail Level. NGA has available the
FDA’s draft of the HACCP Principles Guide for Operators of Food Service, Retail Food
Stores, and other Food Establishments at the Retail Level.The draft contains the processes
for retail food establishments to voluntarily apply HACCP in retail establishments. National
Grocers Association.

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Employee Food Safety Handbook, 3rd. Ed. (2004) features an easy-to-read format and full-
color illustrations, this versatile employee handbook, available in English and Spanish, covers a
variety of issues that are critical to food safety.The handbook is filled with bulleted lists,
charts, and chapter quizzes that reinforce key food safety issues and make the material easier
for employees to understand. J.J. Keller & Associates. English or Spanish.

Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide. (2001) Spanish translation: Guia de
Control y Riesgos Para los Productos de la Pesca,Tercera Edicion, Junio 2001. CETI Translation and
Publication Services.

Five Keys to Safer Food. (2006) This colorful poster stresses five essential food safety
prevention measures (keep clean, separate raw and cooked; cook thoroughly; keep food at
safe temperatures; use safe water and raw materials) and explains why these points are
important.World Health Organization. English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian,
Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatian, Czech, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian,
Japanese, Kannada, Macedonian, Malayalam, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepali, Palau, Papua New
Guinea, Persian, Portuguese, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Solomon Islands, Swedish,Tamil,Tetum,
Thai,Tswana,Turkish and Zulu.

Focused on Food Safety. Training Resource Binder. (1999) This set of 20 food safety posters
are modelled after the 1999 FDA Food Code.They are 8.5 x 11, laminated. Food Safety
Resources, Inc. English and Spanish.

Food Handler's Pocket Guide for Food Safety. (1995) This guide, designed to fit in a shirt
pocket, covers personal hygiene, receiving and storing food and supplies, housekeeping, pest
control, inspection guidelines, and more. Designed as a tool for on-the-job use for food
service workers. Food Marketing Institute. English or Spanish.

Food Safety & Sanitation. (1996) Designed for foodservice training, topics are: Getting to
know food-borne bacteria; Introduction to HACCP; Understanding sanitation; Cleaning and
sanitizing; Dealing with complaints about food-borne illness; Hygiene; and Cooling. Each
lesson should take 30 minutes. Based on the 1997 FDA Food Code.The Grossbauer Group.

Food Safety Poster.This laminated 17-inch wide x 22-inch long poster lists the seven
HACCP principles in English and Spanish. J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.

Food Safety Posters. (1996) 4 color posters, size 16 x 20 inches, covering personal hygiene,
cross-contamination, temperature danger zones, and safe cooling and reheating. Food
Marketing Institute. English or Spanish.

Food Sanitation and Safety Study Course, 2nd Edition. (1989) This study course is
designed for self-study by persons employed in food service, especially those newly
employed, or as a training aid to be used by dietitians, dietary consultants or managers. It
contains 16 lessons on basic information on sanitation as related to all areas of a food service
department and on safety in the work environment. Each chapter contains questions, a case
study, and activities. Iowa State University Press.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

HACCP: A Systematic Approach to Food Safety, 3rd Edition. (1999) This manual is designed
to assist you in developing a HACCP plan to meet your company’s specific needs. 184 pp.
Also available in Spanish (3rd ed., 1999), Japanese (2nd ed., 1995) and French (1st ed., 1993).
National Food Processors Institute.

HACCP Documentation Software Kit. (1995) Systematically guides the user through all
stages of HACCP plan development. Prompts, process flow diagrams and decision trees help
trainees to recognize all hazards and make intelligent decisions. Developed and produced by
the Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association and supplied through the Food
Processors Institute.

HACCP Plan for Fresh-Cut Produce. (1997) A model food safety program based on the
principles of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points system and customized for fresh-cut
operations. International Fresh-Cut Produce Association.

HACCP Training Resource Pack. (June 2001) Provides HACCP training at both the
introductory and advanced levels. Emphasizing HACCP within food quality management
systems, it details the crucial relationships between HACCP, sanitation and other prerequisite
programmes that ‘design out’ hazards.The Pack includes: 1) comprehensive training manual
in print and on CD; 2) HACCP—How the System Works (18-minute video); 3) courses notes
and powerpoint slides on CD; 4) 403-page reference book, HACCP: A Practical Approach, 2nd
Ed.; and 5) appendix of key resources. Aspen Publishers, Inc.

HACCP Verification and Validation: An Advanced HACCP Workshop Manual, 2nd Edition. (2000)
This manual walks you through the verification principle, providing examples and suggestions
on how to design a HACCP verification system for your company. 268 pp. Also available
in Japanese (2nd ed., 2000) and Spanish (1st ed., 1998), National Food Processors Institute.

Keller-Soft™ HACCP Plan Developer (2001) Each of the seven principles of HACCP is
discussed in detail throughout the programme through the use of feature introductions and
12 videos, as well as explanations about what you should consider and links to HACCP
guidance documents. Minimum system operating requirements: IBM® PC or 100%
compatible, Pentium® processor, 32 MB of RAM, 50 MB of hard disk space, 16-bit color
video, CD-ROM drive, mouse. Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 5.5 is required and included
with the install. J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.

learnHACCPTM. CD-ROM. (1999) Norback, Ley and Associates LLC.

More Food Safety & Sanitation. (1998) Curriculum includes learning objectives, presentation
outline, background info for presenter, transparencies, handout masters, pre- and post-tests,
training tips. Designed for food service training, topics are: Hygiene; Cleaning kitchen
equipment;What to do when the inspectors come; Pests; Heating and cooling; Egg safety
and microwave cooking.The Grossbauer Group.

Quick Tips for Food Handlers. (1996) Pocket-sized laminated cards covering: produce,
employee hygiene, receiving food and supplies, storing food and supplies, prepared foods,
housekeeping and pest control, cleaning and sanitizing food contact items, safe temperatures
for food, seafood, recalls beef and other red meat. Food Marketing Institute. English or Spanish.

A guide to food and water safety
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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Sanitation Manual: A Food Handler’s Guide. (1992) Soft-cover book designed as a tool for
training as well as a reference guide. It is written in easy-to-understand language, with
numerous illustrations and an extensive index. National Environmental Health Association.
English or Spanish.

Serve Safe Food Posters.These six laminated posters (8.5 x 11 inches) remind employees of
important food safety procedures including proper hand washing time and temperature
control and personal hygiene. National Restuarant Association. English and Spanish.

Serving Safe Food and Idiot Card. (1995) Products of the Golden Gate Restaurant
Association and the San Francisco Bureau of Environmental Health Management, these
materials are given to food workers who graduate from the city’s certification course.The
card contains shortlists of reminders about temperature controls, thawing, cross-
contamination and personal hygiene.The brochure expands on the information. Golden
Gate Restaurant Association. English, Spanish or Chinese.

Standard Sanitary Operations Procedures (SSOP). (1997) Spanish document title ‘Procedimientos
de Operacion Sanitaria Estandar (SSOP)’. Describes in detail 21 CFR Part 123.11. based on the
eight SSOPs.The document provide an explanation of a condition or practice, suggested
frequency of inspection, firm policy and procedures, monitoring procedures and records.
Appendices include sanitizers concentrations, a brief annual inspection form, daily inspection
form and color coding for pipes. CETI Translations and Publications Services. Spanish.

Title 9, CFR, Regulatory Requirement under the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Poultry
Inspection Act, Part 416, Sanitation. (1998) This is a Spanish translation of the USDA/FSIS
sanitation general regulations related to development of Sanitation Standard Operations
Procedures (SSOPs), implementation of SSOPs, maintenance of SSOPs, corrective actions,
record keeping requirements and agency verification. Published on 61 Federal Register
38868, July 25, 1996. CETI Translation and Publication Services. Spanish.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

PowerPoint and PDF Presentations

Food Security, Preventive Measures Guidance. (PowerPoint slides) W. Fanaselle, US FDA

HACCP Training Tips. (PowerPoint slides) NY Sea Grant and Cornell University

Operational Risk Management: Ensuring Security for Food Systems.1 S. Brooks,Taco Bell Corp.

On-line videos and video streaming

9/99 HACCP— Background and Overview. Presentation at Regional Outreach Conference

in Mexico City (FDA) (Audio 10:06 min.)2
HACCP (Audio 6:22 min.)—North Dakota State Univ. Extension Service

Safe Food Depends on You (English and Spanish) (10 min.).3 Maryland and Delaware Sea Grant

Sanitation Control Procedures Course.Video Streaming.3 Seafood HACCP Alliance

Video tapes

A Lot on the Line.Through a riveting dramatization, A Lot on the Line is a powerful training
tool for food manufacturing and food service employees. In this training video, a food plant
supervisor and his pregnant wife are eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child. Across
town, a deli manager is taking his wife and young daughter away for a relaxing weekend.
Both families, in a devastating twist of fate, will experience the pain, fear, and disruption
caused by foodborne illness.This emotionally charged video will enthrall new and old
employees alike and strongly reinforce the importance of incorporating GMPs into everyday
work routines.Without question, A Lot on the Line will become an indispensable part of your
company’s training efforts. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 25 minutes. English or Spanish.

The Amazing World of Microorganisms (2003).The video explores how some of these
microscopic creatures are crucial in producing foods, fighting disease and protecting the
environment. In addition, certain microorganisms, when given the proper time and
conditions to grow, are responsible for food spoilage, illness, and even death.
Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 12 minutes. English or Spanish.

Basic HACCP Training Videos.Twelve tapes cover: documentation procedures; refrigeration

and temperature control; antimicrobial treatments; product recall; microbiology and employee
understanding; dealing with physical hazards; laboratory feasibility and microbial testing; the
need for verification, validation and audit; writing the process flow diagram; the decision tree
and determining critical control points; the process of ‘receiving’; and writing the HACCP
plan. American Association of Meat Processors.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Control of Listeria in the Meat Plant & Sanitation.The video training presentation is made
especially for entry level food service and meat plant employees engaged in sanitation
activities. It includes a concise and easy-to-follow guide to use to develop your own effective
plant sanitation programme. American Association of Meat Processors. 15 minutes.

Controlling Listeria: A Team Approach. In Controlling Listeria: A Team Approach, a small food
company voluntarily shuts down following the implication of one of its products in a
devastating outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes.This recall dramatization is followed by actual
in-plant footage highlighting key practices in controlling Listeria.This video provides workers
with an overview of the organism, as well as practical steps that can be taken to control its
growth in plant environments. Lastly, the video leaves plant personnel with a powerful,
resounding message:Teamwork and commitment are crucial in the production of safe, quality
foods. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 16 minutes. English or Spanish.

Design Modifications for Improved Cleaning & Sanitation. Details cleaning and sanitation
procedures to assure product quality and safety. Highlights methods to reduce the incidence
of Listeria monocytogenes in meat processing plants.Watt Publishing Co. 18 minutes.

Everyday Heroes: Reducing the Allergen Risk in Food Processing. (1999) Details what an
allergen is, what happens in an allergic reaction, and the most common ways the
unintentional allergen reaches the food product. It is directed toward your plant personnel.
The facilitator’s information includes transparencies and speaker’s notes. Medallion
Laboratories. 20 minutes. English or Spanish.

FastTrack Food Safety Essentials. Provides an overview of food safety. All food service
employees learn six crucial guidelines for combating food-borne illness. Helps them realize
food safety is their responsibility—not someone else’s. Educational Institute. 23 minutes.
English or Spanish.

Final Check: The Screening Line.Theory and operation of a can screening line. BCIT. English
or French.

Food Safety and Sanitation. (1999) Explains bacteria; where they come from, how they are
destroyed, basic sanitation techniques, and the role of the plant employee in providing safe
food products at your company.Twenty transparencies, including speaker’s notes, are
included.The video may be used as a training tool for one person or in training sessions for
a large group. Much of the footage is from plans where different equipment, lines, and
practices are shown and explained. It is suitable for all food manufacturing segments. It is also
an ideal tool for all new employees to veiw before starting any work on the manufacturing
floor. Medallion Laboratories. 20 minutes. English (Spanish pending).

Food Safety and Sanitation Training Program. (1992) This training programme, geared towards
food service workers, is divided into three lessons. Lesson one discusses personal hygiene,
proper hand washing techniques, and food handling techniques. Lesson two teaches proper
thawing techniques, holding temperatures, and cooking temperatures. Lesson three defines
cross contamination and how to avoid it. Each lesson includes a post-test.The lessons are
designed to be used with the USDA video ‘Food Safety Is No Mystery’ (which is included
in kit). Penn State Cooperative Extension.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Food Safety the HACCP Way. (1994) Gives a concise, easy-to-understand explanation of the
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to food safety management,
including the seven steps of HACCP. Education Institute. 12 minutes. English or Spanish.

Food Safety:You Make the Difference. (1995) This video tackles four major problem areas of
food protection: handwashing, cross contamination, cooking/heating/cooling, and hot and
cold reheating. Seattle King County Department of Public Health. 28 minutes. English,
Spanish, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Korean,Vietnamese, or Russian.

Food Safety Zone Video: Cross Contamination. This video will give your employees a deeper
understanding of the different types of cross contamination, how to prevent it, and how to
detect it through visual inspections and equipment. Emphasizes that prevention is the key to
eliminating cross contamination. J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. 10 minutes. English or Spanish.

Food Safety Zone Video: Personal Hygiene. Employees will understand why their personal
hygiene is critical to the success of your business. It reviews proper handwashing techniques,
identifies the results of ineffective personal hygiene, talks about storing clothes and personal
belongings away from food production and storage areas. J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. 10
minutes. English or Spanish.

Foundations for Food Safety: HACCP Pre-requisite Programs and Standard Operating
Procedures. (American Meat Institute). Helps plant employees learn the relationships between
prerequisite programsme and HACCP, and how SOPs should be developed and maintained
for prerequisite programmes. Industry experts explain pre-op sanitation and employee
hygiene programmes.Watt Publishing Co. 15 minutes. English or Spanish.

Germ Busters. Shows food cannery workers why good hygiene practices are important and how
to follow them; ideal for international audiences, all presented in mime (no speaking). BCIT.

GLP Basics: Safety in the Food Micro Lab. (2001) This training video teaches laboratory
personnel how to prevent workplace hazards. Despite technological advances in the modern
food microbiology lab, hazards can occur anytime without warning. How prepared is your
staff to handle emergencies? The effectiveness of their training can have lasting consequences
on them, and your business.The video covers common and sometimes dangerous laboratory
hazards and provides guidelines on how to prevent personal injuries, avoid equipment
damage, and protect your facility.Topics covered in this comprehensive video include: general
laboratory rules; personal protective equipment; microbiological, chemical, and physical
hazards; autoclave safety; and, spill containment. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 16 minutes.

GMP Basics: Avoiding Microbial Cross-Contamination. Even the most comprehensive quality
systems and HACCP plans can be put at risk by simple, everyday actions that cause microbial
cross-contamination.Your employees need specific knowledge and practical training to avoid
microbial cross-contamination in your plant.This video takes a closer look at how harmful
microorganism can be transferred to finished products. Employees see examples of how
microbial cross-contamination can occur as a result of improper traffic patterns, poor
personal hygiene, soiled clothing, unsanitized tools and equipment.Vivid illustrations remind
employees of the importance of following GMPs. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 17 minutes.
English or Spanish.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

GMP Basics: Employee Hygiene Practices. (1997) This programme teaches employees the
importance of and methods for proper hygiene and personnel practices with an emphasis on
hand washing.Topics cover: 1) Hygiene and proper work attire, including hair-restraints,
frocks, and jewellery; 2) Employee practices, including food storage, locker rooms, and traffic
in the plant; and 3) Hand washing technique and frequency, including the use and
maintenance of gloves. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 21 minutes. English or Spanish.

GMP Basics: Food for Thought—The GMP Quiz Show. In the grand tradition of television
quiz shows, three food industry workers test their knowledge of GMP principles. As the
contestants jockey to answer questions, your employees can join in the engaging battle of
wits and correctly identify real-life GMP violations. From the first question to the final
bonus round, the video provides a thorough and always timely review of GMP principles.
This video also includes a separate 8-minute review section to use in conjunction with a
supplied quiz sheet. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 16 minutes. English or Spanish.

GMP Basics: Guidelines for Maintenance Personnel. (1999) Through real-life dramatizations of
commonly violated GMPs, maintenance personnel learn that, although they never actually
handle the product, they need to follow the same guidelines as other plant employees.Topics
include: 1) Personal hygiene, including clean outer garments, hair-restraints and proper hand
washing technique; 2) General personnel practices and traffic patterns; and 3) Maintenance
practices that threaten food safety. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 16 minutes. English or Spanish.

GMP Basics: Process Control Practices. (1999) This video illustrates process control practices
of importance to receiving, manufacturing, and shipping personnel.Topics include: 1)
Receiving inspections and storage guidelines; 2) Importance of product and packaging
protection; and 3) Pre-shipment inspections and controls. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 16
minutes. English or Spanish.

Grime Fighters. (1991) For training and retaining store-level employees working in receiving,
processing, displaying or the direct selling of prepared and other highly perishable foods
available from special supermarket departments. Food Marketing Institute. 39 minutes.

HACCP: Series of 4 videos. Receiving to Cooking (21 minutes); Cooking to Cooling (22
minutes); A HACCP Case Study; and Managing Food Safety: A Practical Approach to
HACCP (reissue of ServSafe) (20 minutes). National Grocers Association.

HACCP: 7 Steps to Food Safety. (1998) Presents general food safety and sanitation
information in a HACCP format to foodservice workers. North Dakota State University. 6

HACCP for Food Service: Video Training Series. (1997) Series consists of two videos, Hand
in Hand—An Introduction to Food Safety and HACCP and The HACCP Game: Scoring
Points for Your Team. LaVella Food Specialists. 10 minutes/video. English or Spanish.

The HACCP Journals—A Reporters Notebook. (American Meat Institute) Provides an

introduction to HACCP principles and stresses the importance of implementing the
HACCP process to produce safe meat and poultry products.Watt Publishing Co. 15 minutes.
English or Spanish.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Inside HACCP: Principles, Practices & Results. (2001) From hazard analysis to recordkeeping,
the video provides a thorough overview of HACCP’s seven guiding principles. Actual in-
plant footage is used throughout, and special emphasis is placed on the four principles:
monitoring; corrective action; verification; and recordkeeping, in which employees actively
participate. Silliker Laboratories, Inc. 17 minutes. English or Spanish

Introduction to Food Safety. Introduces employees to the causes of food-borne illness and the
role human error plays in food contamination. National Grocers Association. 10 minutes.
English or Spanish.

Introduction to the Principles of HACCP. (1999) For use in meat processing facilities to train
employees. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 15 minutes. English or Spanish.

Invisible Challenge: Food Safety for Food Handlers. (1999) Covers four retail topics: personal
health and hygiene; proper temperature and time control; food handling and prevention of
cross contamination; and proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures. Food Marketing Institute
29 minutes.

Keeping Microbes in Check. (1992) To educate food handlers and managers on basic sanitation
rules. Food handlers will learn: 1) The routes of cross-contamination; 2) The dangers of
rodents and how to prevent them from entering the food service establishment; 3) To
maintain correct temperature ranges when storing and serving food; and 4) How to properly
defrost foods. Kantola Productions 14 minutes. English or Spanish.

Legal Assessment—HACCP Regulations. (1996) Videotape of a teleconference discussing

HACCP rights and responsibilities with questions and answers addressed by a team of
lawyers. George Flick, Ph.D. Approx. 3 hours.

Meeting the FDA Mandatory HACCP Quality Assurance Program. (1996) Videotape of a
teleconference on the HACCP seafood regulation with questions and answers addressed by a
Food and Drug Administration representative. George Flick, Ph. D. Approx. 3 hours.

Personal Hygiene. Outlines the significance and detailing of proper personal hygiene and
attire.This is a crucial step in learning about serving safe food. National Grocers Association.
10 minutes. English or Spanish.

Personal Hygiene and Practices in Food Manufacturing. (1993) This video shows the role poor
hygiene can play in the contamination of food in the manufacturing process. Geared towards
small and medium-sized food companies. Pennsylvania State University. 20 minutes. English,
Spanish or Vietnamese.

Personal Hygiene and the Fish Fillet. (1999) This video highlights key areas of personal
hygiene and proper factory cleaning procedures in a fun and informative manner.
Combining animation (Frederico the Fish) with in-plant footage, a cast of characters explains
the important role that all personnel play in producing quality seafood products for Canadian
and international consumers. National Seafood Sector Council. 14 minutes. English or French.

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Personal Hygiene in Food Service. (1992) To demonstrate the importance of proper personal
hygiene and grooming habits or ensuring cleanliness and preventing illness. Kantola
Productions. 10 minutes. English or Spanish.

Preparation, Cooking, and Service. Illustrates proper food handling, temperature and
contamination controls. National Grocers Association. 10 minutes. English or Spanish.

Preventing Food-borne Illness. (1992) Examines the essential steps for storing, handling, and
serving food safely.To describe the three most common types of health-threatening food-
borne bacteria. Kantola Productions. 16 minutes. English or Spanish.

Principles & Rules for Meat Safety: Employee Hygiene Practices for Meat & Poultry Processors.
Helps meat plant employees prevent food-borne illness through microbial control and covers
contamination, bacterial growth and personal hygiene.Watt Publishing Co. 15 minutes.
English or Spanish.

Produce Safety and Sanitation. (1995) This videotape reviews the basic safety and sanitation
procedures for maintaining a safe, clean produce department. National Grocers Association.

Proper Cleaning and Sanitizing. Demonstrates how to clean and sanitize in kitchen and
dining areas, reduce bacteria and handle garbage and solid waste. National Grocers
Association. 10 minutes. English or Spanish.

Receiving and Storage. Discusses the correct steps to ensure food received is safe and stored
properly. National Grocers Association. 10 minutes. English or Spanish.

Safety Video Direct (Website).This site features several food service videos on sanitation,
hand washing, and personal hygiene.

Sanitation. (1997) Teaches restaurant workers what they can do to prevent pest infestation.
Orkin Pest Control. 13 minutes.

Sanitation … Is Not an Option. (1992) Covers personal hygiene; bacteria, fungi, viruses and
worms that cause food-borne illnesses; purchasing, receiving, preparing, serving, and storing
of food; cleaning and sanitizing; pest control; and facility maintenance for food service
managers and workers. Culinary Institute of America. 35 minutes.

Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures for Meat & Poultry Plants. (1996) Includes
everything a plant needs to know to develop SSOPs in preparation for implementing a
HACCP plan. American Association of Meat Processors. 30 minutes.

Sanitizing for Safety: Food-borne Illness, How You Can Prevent It. Personal hygiene, how to
prevent cross-contamination, proper food handling and storage, and sanitation for food
service operations. Produced by The Clorox Co. 17 minutes. English and Spanish.

A guide to food and water safety
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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Seafood Handling and Evaluating. (1986) This tape demonstrates how to use proper sanitation
to protect the quality of seafood. It features procedures for receiving and storing major
market forms of seafood in fresh, frozen, smoked and canned. Methods for evaluating the
physical condition of seafood and effective temperature control in preventing product
deterioration are included. Food Marketing Institute. 16 minutes.

SERVSAFE Food Safety and Sanitation Training Program. (1994) Curriculum consists of five
employee videocassettes (10 min. each) and one manager video (20 min.).Video topics are:
Introduction to Food Safety; Receiving and Storage; Preparation, Cooking, and Service;
Proper Cleaning and Sanitizing; Personal Hygiene; and Managing Food Safety: A Practical
Approach to HACCP. National Restaurant Association, Education Foundation. English or

Shellfish Sanitation. (1986) Covers identification, sanitation, handling, and merchandising of

shellfish. Food Marketing Institute. 20 minutes.

Sushi Guidelines. (2000) This video, based on the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s
Sushi Guidelines, is aimed at both industry and regulatory personnel to give them a better
understanding of the potential hazards associated with the product. It is based on sections of
the 1999 FDA Model Food Code and independent research by PDA. Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture.

Web resources

2004 Code of Federal Regulations (FDA Regulations in Title 21) and Federal Register.

A Guide to Seafood Sanitation Procedures: Handling Seafood Safely.1 (North Carolina Sea
Grant.) Provides Spanish and English instructions on hand washing, clean clothing and
proper methods to ensure safe seafood.

American Society for Microbiology (ASM): Clean Hands Campaign.The Clean Hands
Campaign is a key component of ASM’s ongoing efforts designed to spread the ‘importance
of handwashing’ message.

The Bad Bug Book (Food-borne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
Handbook).This handbook provides basic facts regarding food-borne pathogenic
microorganisms and natural toxins. It brings together in one place information from the
Food & Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the USDA
Food Safety Inspection Service, and the National Institutes of Health.

California Department of Agriculture Food Safety

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard

Assessment—Documents Related to Chemical Contamination of Sportfish.

California Department of Health Services, Food and Drug Branch.

Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Pest Control in Food Processing, Storage and Service Areas.
(U. of Georgia)

Compendium of Fish and Fishery Product Processes, Hazards and Controls.The Compendium
is designed as a companion document to the US Food and Drug Administration’s Fish and
Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide and the Seafood HACCP Alliance’s HACCP:
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Training Curriculum.

Cross-References Between 21 CFR, Parts 110—Food GMPs, and 123—Seafood HACCP.

This teaching aid combines the cross reference to HACCP sanitation and Part 110, sanitation
from the GMPs.The cross-reference information was created by Daryl Thompsom, US FDA,
and then paginated by Ken Hilderbrand (Oregon State U.). Ken uses these three forms (table
of contents, 3 pp., Sanitation Control Procedures, 1 p., and Sanitation GMPS, 15 pp.) to
‘walk’ the class through the HACCP 8 points of sanitation and to find the text in the GMP.
Ken asks the class to read and discuss. He usually does not cover it all but uses this document
as a teaching method to demonstrate where the HACCP 8 points originate. (Word File)

Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing or Holding Human Food,

Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Part 110. (2003).

Do Your Own Establishment Inspection: A Guide to Self Inspection for the Smaller Food
Processor and Warehouse (FDA).

Ensuring Food Safety … the HACCP Way.1 An introduction to HACCP and a resource
guide for retail deli managers.

Everyone Can Fight BAC! (Partnership for Food Safety Education.) In English, Chinese,
French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.

FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

FDA Report on the Occurrence of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors in Selected Institutional
Foodservice, Restaurant, and Retail Food Store Facility Types (2004)

A guide to food and water safety
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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide,Third Edition 2001.


The Food Code, 2001 (FDA).

The Food Code, Supplement to, (2003) (FDA).

Food Safety and Bioterrorism Information

Food Safety Information Hotlines.

Food Safety Training Course, 2002, Industry Council for Development.Web:

Gateway to Government Food Safety Information.

Handwashing and Hygiene Information.

Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point Applications to the Seafood Industry.1
Jong S. Lee with Kenneth S. Hilderbrand, Jr., Oregon Sea Grant (ORESU-H-92001).

HACCP Training Course, 2002, Industry Council for Development.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Principles and Application Guidelines (Adopted
August 14, 1997), National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods

Ice Your Fish to Stop Histamine—Scombrotoxin Prevention, 2004, Sea Grant

Inspection information.

International HACCP Alliance.

Integrated Fly Management Program. This site presents detailed information for pest control
managers in the entire area of fly management.

Integrated Food Safety Information Delivery System, maintained by the Iowa

Department of Inspections and Appeals, Inspections Division, Food and Consumer Safety
Bureau.This site contains food safety fact sheets and ready-to-use signs (requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader) which can be used in food establishments.The signs and fact sheets cover
the day-to-day operation of a food establishment, such as proper hand washing techniques,

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Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

no smoking, manual dish washing, and hot and cold holding temperatures. All materials are
based on the FDA’s 1999 Model Food Code.The materials are available in: Bosnian, Chinese,
English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Russian, Spanish, and

Iowa State University Food Safety Project. Includes food safety lessons on-line.

Mercury Information

National Sea Grant Depository, HACCP Digital Library.1

National Seafood HACCP Alliance for Training and Education.

Organisms that Can Bug You (Partnership for Food Safety Education) in English, Chinese,
French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.

Parasites in Marine Fishes.

Pathogen Reduction/HACCP & HACCP Implementation.

USDA/FSIS. Includes generic HACCP models.

Pest and Filth Information.

Retail Seafood Cross-Contamination.

Retail Seafood Temperature Control


Sanitation and Food Safety Resources (PSU)

Teaching Techniques (Honolulu Community College)

Ten Least Wanted Foodborne Pathogens. (Partnership for Food Safety Education) in English,
Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. (FDA)

Training in HACCP.1 Provides tips to trainers. 25 pp. (Industry Council for Development)

A guide to food and water safety
for the oil and gas industry

Appendix 9: Training resources—food safety, HACCP and sanitation

Training Materials, Sea Fish Industry Authority

UC Davis Seafood HACCP Information and Other HACCP Information Sources

USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service.

1 Acrobat Reader required (

2 Requires RealPlayer (
3 Requires Windows Media Player 9


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