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Chapter 60: Stewards of God


Everything that we see and cannot see, and anything we think we own does not belong to us.
We are entrusted to manage the talents, properties, money, and life that we have now. God, our
master is watching us and as stewards we are to use the things that has been entrusted to us
for God’s cause.
As stewards, God holds us accountable and we must not forget that there will be a day where
our faithfulness or infidelity to our duty will be seen. If we keep in mind that we do not own
anything and that everything belongs to God, our attitude and treatments towards the things that
has been entrusted to us changes. Money if used in God’s work may be an agent of spiritual
improvement. As a person gives for the mission, God takes note of the contribution to His
cause, the willingness or hesitation, and the motive in giving.
The family may be effective stewards of money as they engage in systematic giving. Through
this they may be able to contribute to the work of God. Also, as they restrict themselves from
indulging in wants they develop the attitude of self-denial. This is both a blessing both to the rich
and the poor.
In everything we do, God must be first. When the money is received, the portion for God must
be taken out first. In this way, God blesses the remainder. However, if we give to God the last
part or the remaining, the whole is cursed. In allocating the income, a portion should be given to
the poor and a great part for the cause of God. When we give, we must remove selfishness
within us. If Jesus is in the heart, giving is not a burden. The resources we have must be used
to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy ones. If there is less indulgence to extravagance,
there would be more to give to those in need.
As people acquire possessions and riches it raises their selfishness and feeds covetousness.
God designed something to counteract these attitudes and that is to be consistent in self-denial
through benevolence. As the heart goes out for others the self is forgotten.

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