04 Hmef5083 CG PDF
04 Hmef5083 CG PDF
04 Hmef5083 CG PDF
HMEF5083 Instructional Technology is one of the courses offered by Open
University Malaysia (OUM). This course is worth 3 credit hours and should be
covered over 8 to 15 weeks.
This course is offered to all learners taking the Master of Education (MEd)
programme. The main aim of the course is to give you an understanding of
educational technology, particularly on issues and challenges related to
instructional design and utilisation of learning technologies. At the end of the
course, it is hoped that you will be able to decide on how some of these learning
technologies can be adopted for your own situation.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for every
credit hour. As such, for a three-credit hour course, you are expected to spend
120 study hours. Table 1 gives an estimation of how the 120 study hours could be
Study Activities
Briefly go through the course content and participate in initial discussions 5
Study the module 60
Attend 3 to 5 tutorial sessions 15
Online participation 10
Revision 10
Assignment(s), Test(s) and Examination(s) 20
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
This course is divided into 10 topics. The synopsis for each topic is listed as
Topic 3 highlights some of the latest developments in schools today since the
implementation of the Smart School project by the Ministry of Education. This
topic also examines the implementation of technology in schools in different
Topic 5 describes how distance learning has been applied in higher institutions of
learning and have leveraged on educational technology.
Topic 6 examines the various ways technology has enhanced training and how
technology has made a difference in the training scene.
Topic 8 examines learner characteristics and how these relate to the development
of learning environments.
Topic 9 examines some of the more recent technologies that are emerging and are
used in todayÊs education. This topic also looks at possible learning situations for
the future.
Topic 10 discusses some key issues and challenges. This topic then identifies key
resources in educational technology, which would be useful for further
Learning Outcomes: This section refers to what you should achieve after you
have completely covered a topic. As you go through each topic, you should
frequently refer to these learning outcomes. By doing this, you can continuously
gauge your understanding of the topic.
Summary: You will find this component at the end of each topic. This component
helps you to recap the whole topic. By going through the summary, you should
be able to gauge your knowledge retention level. Should you find points in the
summary that you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to
revisit the details in the module.
Key Terms: This component can be found at the end of each topic. You should go
through this component to remind yourself of important terms or jargon used
throughout the module. Should you find terms here that you are not able to
explain, you should look for the terms in the module.
No prior knowledge needed.
Please refer to myINSPIRE.
Ardito, C., & Lanzilotti, R. (2011). An EUD approach to the design of educational
games. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 9(4), 25ă40.
DeWitt, D., Siraj, S., & Alias, N. (2014). Collaborative mLearning: A module for
learning secondary school science. Educational Technology & Society, 17(1),
Harris, P., & Walling, D. R. (2013). The learning designer: Merging art and
science with educational technology. TechTrends, 57(5), 35ă41.
Smaldino, S. E., Russell, J. D., Heinich, R., & Molenda, M. (2005). Instructional
technology and media for learning (8th ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson.