Savage Worlds - Rippers - The Horror Wars - Gargoyles PDF
Savage Worlds - Rippers - The Horror Wars - Gargoyles PDF
Savage Worlds - Rippers - The Horror Wars - Gargoyles PDF
Thomas Scratch was a complete failure. He their rocky hides, and their incredible strength
was kicked out of Oxford for failing science, could open up London’s banks, museums, and
booted from the apprenticeship of a prominent more!
doctor for his clumsiness, and even blackballed Scratch would be rich, powerful, and
by a secret coven of sorcerers in London for his respected now! And those who laughed would
stupidity. pay dearly.
So Thomas wandered to London’s rooftops
and decided to end his miserable existence. A
great storm gathered as he wailed at the world,
cursing God and all those He had created. He
collapsed onto the back of a massive gargoyle, The Gargoyle’s are a new Cabal faction for
sobbing hot tears and pounding his frail fists on Rippers: the Horror Wars. Fortunately for the
the statue’s unfeeling flesh. He muttered one last world, Thomas quickly discovered his creations
curse, a mish-mash of arcane terms he’d learned are only animate—and can only be created—
from the London warlocks and made to throw during a storm. Thomas is on a quest to learn
himself from the top of St. Pancras Station. how to conjure tempests, but as yet has not
Lightning struck! Scratch was hurled uncovered this powerful spell. He has quickly
backwards and lay in a smoking heap. He cried gained the notice of the Cabal, however.
again—he couldn’t even manage to kill himself For the most part, Scratch and his minions
right! keep to themselves, terrorizing his former
He was still sobbing when the gargoyle shook professors and others he feels treated him poorly
itself to life. The thing stomped over to Scratch every time a storm arises.
and stood before him. Thomas screamed, The Cabal has just contacted Scratch, and
thinking the beast was about to stomp him into offered him bits and pieces of the spell he seeks
the rooftop with its massive feet. But the in exchange for his own knowledge. Scratch isn’t
creature picked up the scientist! It turned and foolish enough to give away that secret, but he
looked about, then took off into the storm- does occasionally lend his services in exchange
wracked sky! for bits of the storm summoning spell.
Thomas was flying! Wherever he commanded
Death From Above
The following Savage Tale features this new
faction and its assault on Johann Van Helsing.
The Cabal has lured Johann and his friends into
a trap atop a tall building in downtown London,
and plans to destroy him there with the aid of
Scratch’s disguised gargoyles.
Like many of our Savage Tales, Death From
Above features random Events that can take
place during the fight. These are described at
the end of the document—don’t read them until
they’re triggered.
Setup: Set up the game as shown on the map Game Table approximately 3’ wide
below. The map is the roof of a tall building in
London. The dark areas are the streets far below.
See Event 3 for Cabal deployment.
The Ripper player has 1000 points, and must
purchase a Slayer (Johann Van Helsing). Ripper
troops must be deployed on the rooftop or stairs Events
east of the X.
Special Rules Event 1
Falling: Any figure that is Shaken or worse
The massive gargoyles cause the roof to
within 2” of the building edge must make a
collapse! The battle ends as the entire rooftop
Strength roll. Those that fail fall!
begins to crumble. Every non-flying figure must
Extras are removed from play unless they can
make an Agility roll or fall into the rubble below.
fly. Flyers are moved to the edge and lose their
These count as casualties for Victory Points!
next action instead.
Wild Cards get one chance to catch
themselves. This is an Agility roll at -4. Those Event 2
who fail are removed from play. Those who The Cabal player has 1000 points, and may
succeed lose their next action. only use troops from the Gargoyle faction.
Victory: When the game would normally end, Scratch has arranged his gargoyles so that they
see Event 1. look like part of the building. His Gargoyles must
be set up at the four corners first, then evenly
between each corner, and so on.
Flying Gargoyles may be placed in the black
space left of the building. These have just shown
themselves as Van Helsing arrives.
Scratch himself can either be placed on the
rooftop—gloating about the cleverness of his
trap—or in the arms of a flying gargoyle. A wise
player puts him in the arms of a gargoyle so that
the creature acts as Scratch’s Guardian.
Gargoyles uses the following Vampire Wars Rippers, the Horror Wars, and
Figures from Johann Van Helsing are Copyright
Scratch: The Defiler (GHG02) 2004, Great White Games.
Gargo yle: Gargoyle (GHG01)
Gargoyle: This document may be reproduced
Lesser Gargo yles: Winged Fiends (GHG03)
Gargoyles: for personal use. It may not be
Animated Statues: Gollums (GHG04) redistributed.
Scratch (Villain) Gargoyle (Villain)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts
Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d4 d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12,
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6 Vigor d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4 Skills: Fighting d10
Gear: — Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness:
Abilities: Scratch must be purchased to field any 11
Gargoyles. Gear: Stone Fists (Str+2)
Cost: 54 Abilities: Armor +2, Construct, Flight
8”, Guardian (Scratch only).
Cost: 84