Suivi WN FEKOLA 30.10.19
Suivi WN FEKOLA 30.10.19
Suivi WN FEKOLA 30.10.19
Engine JAD Customs Forwarding Ship date Tracking nr. / parts return
Site claim no. Claim WN Description + Requested part(s) Supplier Comments / requests Status
No. invoice agent by JAD AWB / BL request?
(Yes - No)
FKE001 WN001 all GE01- The start valve cover, on the engine, does not 13/06/17: MAK confirm 7 coverings will be ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7070029 Bolloré 07/08/17 172-23942870 No
GE07 allow the turbo rinse lever to be operated. sent. Logistics pr
Request: 7x Start valve cover. CPT
FKE001 WP001 Purifier 1x parring spring tube broken 0 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 1620242 DHL to MAM 01/09/17 No
S937 Request: 1x spring 56640702
FEK002 WN002 CM3= Scratches on camshaft and rollers (pictures 14/06/17 REJECTED BY CAT. These marks REJECTED
34372 sent) are normally already present after the test bed
run and will look the same after thousands of
hours. Please see attached service info.
However, for safety we recommend a check
of the cams at regular intervals in the course
of checking the running
gear of engines.
WN003-Loïc WN003 CM2= 1x PLC analog car - Thermocouple card REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 0 Express via 0 No
34370 (=Siemens) JAD / CLOSED MAM
During the commissioning of the genset, we
noticed that all the A-banc temperatures were
fluctuating and then creating wiring break
alarm. After SEG investigation (Volkmar
Ladewig) we found out that the PLC analogue
card at rack –N2-N5 was the cause of this
issue. We switched this card and installed it
on B-banc : the temperature issue switched
on B-banc.
We had to take a card from another engine as
a temporary solution, waiting for the delivery
of the new one.
WN004-Loïc WN004 CM3= Oil leak on big jack ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7090030 Express via 21/09/17 4004600458490 No
34372 During the inspection of the main bearing MAM
journal (requested by the customer) we
experienced an oil leak on the big jack.
Request: sealing rings for hydraulic device =
1x 0.9213-024 + 1x 0.9213-025
FEK003 WN005 CM4= On HFO FLOW METER the amplification 13/09/17: Our supplier is asking after REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY Taken to site 0 0 0
34369 Electonic card is out of order. additional information to localize the failure: 1. JAD / CLOSED by Vincent
Request 1x Ampli electronic card Which error massage is shown at the Sept 2017
counter/display? Therefore please see page
57 at the attached operating instruction.
2. Picture of the defective Part.
FEK006 WN006 34372 Safety valves HV20 CM3+8 on circulating 18/09/17 CAT ask for more infos: CONSIDERED CLOSED BY JA DELMAS - 0 0 0
CM03 + module are leaking. 1. Please check and proceed as described in
34374 attached operation instruction / page 11 /
CM08 chapter „7.0 Care and maintenance“
2. Please check the pressure on the module.
Is it to high?
3. Please send pictures of the Valves.
Maybe the problem can be solved with this
FEK006 WN007 CM7= The coupling bolts+bolt+nuts are missing on REJECTED 14/09 as might be lost or stolen. REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY Delivery 0 0 0
34371 CM7. Lost, stolen, or damaged parts are not a JAD / CLOSED through
Bolts 6x M24x110 - URGENT warranty issue. project
0 WP002 Purifier The tip of the outlet hose pump is out of the 0 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7100020 Bolloré 12/10/17 004680041334 No
S937 hose Express via
Request: 1x Flexible hose 57435105 on S937 MAM
FEK004 WP003 CM5= Raccord rapide (pr lever réserve M530) Rejected = wear and tear part according to REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY Shipped 0 0 No
34368 SAI. JAD / CLOSED trhough
0 WN008 all CM01- During commissioning and operation at HFO We will provide 50 new high pressure pipes. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7100028 Bolloré 26/10/17 AWB 057- No
CM07 we noticed a HFO leak between the injection 40 for your claim and 10 as reserve. Logistics 61951105
pumps and injectors. - URGENT
Request: 40x high pressure fuel pipes
0 WN009 CM1= FUEL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR BROKEN ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7100051 Express via 24/10/17 Tracking No
34373 The crimping between the housing of the dial MAM 004600460095 /
and the thermometer body has been damaged AWB 666-
by vibrations. The housing began to rotate by 58782275
itself when engine was running and finally
broke at the level of the crimping
Request 1x Fuel thermometer
WN010 Hervé WN010 all CMs - Leak at oil pump HP03 of HFO pre-pressure ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7120032 Express via 28/12/17 Bordereau No
Common module. The diaphragm is damaged. MAM 004680042927 –
module Request 1x Diaphragm E505FKM for Pump LTA 666
MH03 type : Versa-matic E5AP3R339C. Wet kit : E5 62211741
0 WP004 HFO Bended expansion joint. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7120031 Bolloré 28/12/17 004680042757 No
Piping Temporarily replaced by spool. HFO piping Express via
from fuel treatment house to CM engines. MAM
Request: 1x expansion joint HFO compatible
DN80, PN 16, Lengh 180 mm.
0 WP005 0 No remote reading of tank level, transmitter 0 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 7110011 Bolloré 30/11/17 004680042250 - No
I/O module damaged by water. JAD / CLOSED Express via LTA 666
Request: 2x 71187812 I/O module for FPM51 MAM 62207806
0 WP006 S937 Guide ring damaged on HFO purifier N°2 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7110025 Bolloré 29/11/17 004680042367 - No
Request 1x guide ring 59777704 Express via LTA 666
MAM 62207611
0 WN011 34367 Leaking mechanical seal on HT pump from REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 7120024 Express via 09/02/18 4680043625 lta No
combined module JAD / CLOSED MAM 666 64063160
Request: 1x MECHANICAL SEAL 433
0 WN012 CM4 - Leaking mechanical seal on HT pump from REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 7120024 Express via 09/02/18 4680043625 lta No
34369 combined module JAD / CLOSED MAM 666 64063160
Request: 1x MECHANICAL SEAL 433
0 WP007 Alternator Alternator 7, burned connections on alternator 29/11/17: Intervention announced by Leroy ACCEPTED / CLOSED 7120019 DHL from 00/01/00 5816979405 No
7 - SN : bars. Service and advice required Somer in December 2017 Leroy Somer
607721-3 to MAM
0 WN013 CM8 - Lube oil piping crack CONFIRMED AS CLOSED BY FEKOLA 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34374 Welding cracked on lube oil piping. Alternator
bearings oil supply pipe connection to main
lube oil pipe before engine.
0 WN014 CM5 - Lube oil piping crack CONFIRMED AS CLOSED BY FEKOLA 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34368 Welding cracked on lube oil piping. Alternator
bearings oil supply pipe connection to main
lube oil pipe before engine.
WN015 Hervé WN015 all GE01- Speed/ load control - load curve 06/12/17: mail MAK: still under technical ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
GE08 For all gensets, no load curve on isochronous checking. 13/12/17: We need further
W050 SITE mode. When Connecting engine to bus bar in information to encircle and to solve the
isochronous mode, genset active load problem. Therefore please send us the
equalizing with other gensets immediately, not SCADA-records which were plotted at the
allowing for progressive loading. failure time. Hervé replied
Request: 1x Engine speed controller 723+
programming. Scope of Loïc's action plan.
Update dans onglet client
0 WP008 Thermal Leak through gland packing showing bellow 28/11/17: Quality problem has been registered ACCEPTED / CLOSED - DHL from 17/12/17 0 No
oil valve seal broken. Packing nut tighten to stop the in their system. Alfa Laval to
TAG : leak, bellow seal needs to be replaced. 17/12/17: shipment was done by supplier to MAM
TV9104 Request: 1x Bellow seal 4.1, stem 4.2 MAM
W050 WN016 all GE01- Speed/Load control - mode switching 06/12/17: mail MAK: still under technical ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
GE08 For all gensets, when switching from droop checking. 13/12/17: We need further
mode to isochronous mode, speed regulator information to encircle and to solve the
723 sending immediately strong speed problem. Therefore please send us the
increase signal leading to sudden increase of SCADA-records which were plotted at the
load, strong overshoot before stabilizing. failure time. Hervé replied
When switching so at load greater than 2 MW,
this leads to engine overload and trip. See
also WN015. 19/09/2018 : WP035 WN015 and WN016
described issue with regulation mode, see
Request: Programming of speed regulator WN015.
723 to be investigated.
Visit of Martin Ziemens from 16 to 23/04/2019.
Updating of the speed regulator program.
Report and new parameters send the
Same as WN015.
0 WP009 Combustio 1x Supporting bracket with gaskets 29/11/18: supplier confirm mechanical ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8020017 Bolloré 09/02/18 AWB 666 No
n air filter breakages are not convered on warranty - but Express via 64063160 /
CM8 commercial gesture applied MAM 004680043142
0 WP010 0 Damaged differential pressure indicators, Confirmation received that 2 manometers will ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9020061 Bolloré 00/01/00 0 No
water ingression, leading to some broken be delivered + spares for the 2 functional units
mechanism (2). Found up to 1/3 full of water. + raccords. Supplier chased regarding
Of the 8 mounted, only 2 still good condition. delivery.
0 WN021 All CMs Wrong speed pick-up sensors for slow turn 09/03/18: CAT delivered 14x speed pick up + ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8030012 Bolloré 18/03/18 004680044709 No
delivered 14x pipe union Express
Request: 14x pcs 9.4692 211 speed pick up
W045 WN022 CM8 - Missing Lube oil tank level sensor 14/02/18: still under technical investigation. REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9010011 Bolloré 09/01/18 004680050528 No
34374 No level sensor fitted on CM8 lube oil sump 20/0218: we have to reject your above JAD / CLOSED Express AWB 666
tank and no additional parts as listed below mentioned claim. 70299703
The contract clearly states that the delivery
must be checked for completeness and
integrity immediately and within 10 days. In
this cases we are far beyond.
WN023 Hervé WN023 CM7- Leak oil pump HP03 of HFO/DFO circulating Leak oil pump HP03 of HFO/DFO circulating REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8010045 Bolloré 09/02/18 004680043845 No
34371 module, diaphragm damaged. module, diaphragm damaged. JAD / CLOSED Express via LTA 666
MAM 64063160
0 WP014 Fin fan Radiator fan on CM5 breaker trip. 8020052 Bolloré via 27/02/18 172-28596304 No
coolers Request: 1x electrical motor Tamel MAM
WN024 Hervé WN024 All CMs HP injection pipes leaking - part 2 of WN008 30 tubes will be delivered by CAT ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8010005 Bolloré via 09/01/18 172-27641434 No
/ WN008 Of the 50 pipes already delivered under MAM
warranty, 30 has been used to replace leaking
ones on engines, still lot of leaking pipes need
to be replaced. The remaining warranty
spares will run short very quickly.
additional pipes. Requested by David in
reference to WN008.
0 WP015 CM 1 - Axial fan CM1 breaker trip. Requested status of the motor. Repaired? CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34373 Request: 1x Electric motor OMEC Asoka confirms motor has been repaired.
Megger test of motor, found winding U and V JAD: Please send us the invoice of the repair
OK, winding W 850kohms, insulation test to issue a credit note for this value to close
failed. this claim.
0 WP016 0 cache de l’arrêt d’urgence local CM5. Supplier ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8020012 Bolloré 25/02/18 004680044196 No
Item E650 de la punch list V12, avec la croix Express via
dans la case garantie. MAM
0 WN028 CM 1 - Air piping stop cylinder ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8020057 Bolloré 06/03/18 004680044318 No
34373 Express
0 WP019 HFO At dismantling of HFO separator bowl, found ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8020047 Bolloré via 27/02/18 172-28596304 No
separator guide ribs of distributor broken. MAM
N°3 S937 Fitted a complete new bowl to restart the
separator. Distributor being probably part of
bowl balancing, cannot be changed separately.
Request: 1x distributor 586119 80
0 WP020 Control air Permanent alarm on 8B compressors supplier asks for picture of defective part and ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8030003 Bolloré 11/03/18 004680044408 No
dryer n°2 common panel « air dryer N°2 fault ». Alarm questions Express
connected to thermostat fitted on freon line
after expansion valve, entering evaporator.
Found actual temperature OK with infrared
thermometer, thermostat switch probably
defective. This thermostat not represented on
drawings for this air dryer unit S160.
Compared with infrared temperatures after
expansion valve on air dryer unit n°1, found
same and air dryer unit n°1 not in alarm.
Request: 1x Thermostat switch w/ probe
W086 WN029 CM5 - Damage to turbochargers nozzle rings and The root cause has not been identified. REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY - Bolloré 03/07/19 004600027060 No
34368 turbine wheel JA Delmas will issue a credit note for 42 JAD / CLOSED Reimbursemen Express
521,95 EUR before end of October 2018 t of ABB
corresponding to the converted value of the repair invoice
ABB Dakar repair invoice. 1897320131_3
2 through
credit note
WN030 Hervé WN030 CM8 - HFO leak on pump mechanical seal - Kracht 06/03/18: we can not handle your issue REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8030023-1 Bolloré 08/04/18 004680044804 No
34374 pump KFF80, HP01 - HFO circulating pump WN030 under warranty. JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
Request: 1x mechanical seal The pump has already 1764 operating hours 64067835
and the claimed part is a wear and tear part.
The life time of this part depends heavily on
external factors such as the oil quality, dry
running or insufficient filtration.
WN031 Hervé WN031 CM8 - Expansion joint air inlet T/C A : inner sleeve ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8050055 Bolloré 29/05/18 172-30108282 No
W090 SITE 34374 damaged.
Alignment of pipes before/after expansion joint
Request: 1x Inner sleeve for expansion joint
W110 WP021 Starting Compressor cooling fan blades were damaged 12/03/18: supplier asks for picture of of the ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8030030 Bolloré 15/04/18 004680045218 No
air Request: 1x cooling fan 0902995.122A front of control panel with running hours, and Express
compress picture of inside et outside of the protection
or #02 carter.
W111 WP022 Thermal Pump/Motor flexible coupling was damaged REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8030028 Bolloré 29/04/18 004680045593 No
oil Request: 1x Flexible coupling JAD / CLOSED (incorrect Express
circulating shipment
pump #01 through
supplier) +
WN032 Loïc WN032 all GE01- Engine vibrations 4 cases of tools for Maul & Theet intervention ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8050056 + Bolloré 29/05/18 172-30108271 Yes
W087 GE08 sent by CAT to Paris. Tools to be returned - 8120006 +
W180-W187 OK returned by Fekola. 9030003
To measurement campains confirmed
abnormal vibration level. The cause and
solution is identified. Please refer to the letter
sent 08/10/18 confirming replacement of all
spring elements . Site implementation planned
for December 2018.
WN032 Loïc WN032 0 Engine vibrations : elastic bearing + CAT sent parts for installation on site CLOSED 8050058 Bolloré 30/05/18 057-66649133 No
W087 accessories
W095 WN033 CM8 - Thermometer (Fuel, heater in) is broken on 06/06/18: This damage seems to be caused REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8060045 Bolloré 05/08/18 004680047919 No
34374 fuel circulating module by external / mechanical impact. We can see JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
Request: 1x straight thermometer, 0-160°C, scratches on the surface at the picture. We 67094856
fuel heater réf 20010031 can not handle this issue under warranty.
W096 WN034 CM7= Thermometer (Fuel, heater in) is broken on 04/06/18: Mail from CAT: Could you pls. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060038 Bolloré 20/06/18 004680046783 No
34371 fuel circulating module inform what exactly is broken? Is the glass Express LTA 666
Request: 1x straight thermometer, 0-160°C, tube broken, or does the scale not show the 67066941
fuel heater réf 20010031 correct temperatures, or…?
06/06/18: We would like to inform you that
broken glass is not a warranty issue. The
described damage can only occur through
mechanical impacts. Nevertheless we will
send a spare thermometer as good will to
close this case. Following record no. is
already opened ref. this delivery:
Ktr.268179/002G. Future cases will be
W097 WN035 CM3= Car de nouv casse verre du thermometre qui Straight thermometer, 0-160C ref. 20010031 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8060045 Bolloré 05/08/18 004680047919 No
34372 sera refusée selon mail reçu sur WN034 JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
W120 WP023 Starting Non return valve is worn out, air leaking Already under process before sending the ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060035 Bolloré 17/06/18 004680046658 No
air backstream through the valve claim as initiated by Guillaume Express
or #02
W121 WP024 Starting Non return valve is worn out, air leaking Already under process before sending the ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060035 Bolloré 17/06/18 004680046658 No
air backstream through the valve claim as initiated by Guillaume Express
or #01
W118 WP025 Starting 1st stage valve plate, suction spring plate was ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070006 Bolloré 15/07/18 057-67594586 No
air damaged
compress Request: 1x Spring inlet valve
or #02
W119 WP026 Starting 1st stage cylinder liner having abrasive marks, ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070006 Bolloré 15/07/18 057-67594586 No
air due to failure of “spring inlet valve” from
compress WP025.
or #02 Request: 1x Cylinder LP
W122 WP027 Starting Diaphragm of the automatic drain valve is ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070006 Bolloré 15/07/18 057-67594586 No
air damaged
compress Request: 1x membrane
or #02
W123 WP028 Starting Diaphragm of the automatic drain valve is ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070006 Bolloré 15/07/18 057-67594586 No
air damaged
compress Request: 1x membrane
or #01
W141 WP029 Starting During inspection it was found that valve seat ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070006 Bolloré 15/07/18 057-67594586 No
air and discharge spring plate of 1st stage is
compress damaged
or #01 Request: 1x Spring discharge valve + 1x
Valve seat
W145 WN036 all GE01- High Vanadium levels in engine oil on all Maintenance manual requirements REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
GE08 engines. regarding presence of vanadium contents
According to VPS lube oil test reports, apply. If limit value is reached, oil has to be
Vanadium levels in engine oil are continuously changed. Sodium content in proportion of 1/3
increasing in all CM’s; exceeding and 2/3 would potentially affect the engine
manufacturers allowed limit of 150 ppm. Last components.
VPS reports of all CM’s are attached herewith Vanadium issue will be part of the site
for reference investigation. As per you claim (item 1 from
Requesting MAK investigation our letter 08/10/18) for fuel pump seizures,
specialists will go on site for extensive
inspection of the power plant fuel and
lubricating oil system. Objective is to identify
the injection pump premature wear
contributors and address the presence of high
vanadium contents in lubricating oil.
03/12/2018 : The separator system is OK
according to Alfa Laval engineer.
Found an issue with guide oring. To be
January 2019: Loïc is going to send a mail
following further analysis.
12/01/19: Reply from Fekola: "No proper
solution found for vanadium input. Impossible
to change oil at this rate. Too expensive".
14/01/19: Loïc has sent mail with fuel analysis
at the vebting pipe. Vanadium contamination
comes from the fuel through to blue-by.
W098 WN037 CM2= Thermometers (Fuel, heater in/out) are 06/06/18: Be informed that this claim needs to ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8080050 + Bolloré 29/08/18 + 004680048373 No
34370 broken on fuel circulating module be checked technically with our engineering. 8100040 Express 17/10/18 LTA 666
Request: 2x thermometers 20010031 08/08: confirmation by CAT that they will send 67108576 +
2 thermometers. 004680049344
29/08/18: First delivery contained only 1x LTA 666
thermometer. The second has been sent from 68742295
W099 WN038 CM6= Thermometer, fuel temp. at engine inlet is 0 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8060060 Bolloré 27/06/18 004680046922 No
34367 broken JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
W100 WN039 CM7= Thermometer, fuel temp. at engine inlet is 0 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8020032 Bolloré 17/06/18 004680046743 No
34371 broken Express
Request: 1x MAK, Thermometer, 0 to 160
Celsius degree
W101 WP030 CM7= Main ventilation unit differential pressure 12/01/19: Reply from FEKOLA that this ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9010061 Bolloré 00/01/00 0 No
34371 switch is broken subject can be closed as it is solved.
Request: 1x Pressure switch Supplier added 2 pressure swith to the delivery
W102 WP031 CM8= Main ventilation unit differential pressure 12/01/19: Reply from FEKOLA that this CLOSED 9010061 Bolloré 00/01/00 0 No
34374 switch is broken subject can be closed as it is solved.
Request: 1x Pressure switch See WP030
W112 WP032 CM1= #01 Main ventilation fan guard damaged It is probably due to a welding defect on the REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34373 (discharge side) limits of the wires, which does not affect the
Request: 1x fan guard functioning of the fans. Nevertheless, we
recommend to cut the loose wires to prevent
long lengths to move.
W113 WP033 CM8= #01 Main ventilation fan guard damaged Same as WP032 REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34374 (discharge side)
Request: 1x fan guard
W103 WP034 ZAP02002 1x adaptor OR1802486-1 for 1x adaptor - delivered on ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
site 29/06/18
W106 WN040 CM4= Pipe for fuel fine filter DP cell was damaged ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060070 Bolloré 15/07/18 05767594586 No
34369 Request: 1x set of pipes 1.7667-040
W107 WN041 CM4= Air piping to stop cylinder B3 cracked, broken ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060037 Bolloré 19/06/18 004680046766 No
34369 Request: 1x Control air pipe 9.4241-006 Express LTA 666
W108 WP035 0 Just after the generator synchronized (in Same as WN015+WN016 - refer to WN015 CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
droop mode) generator suddenly went on full
Doublon avec WN015+WN016
W109 - CM8= Two cylinder head gaskets had to be ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060016 Bolloré 13/06/18 004680046646 No
34374 consumed for inspecting A1 & B7 units. This Express
was a forced pre-mature inspection, due to
one charge air filter cartridge had not been
installed during commissioning
2x Set of gaskets 9.2108BB
W114 WN042 all GE01- Fuel leaking from all injection pump in/out low 11/06: retour CAT: claim at technical ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070027 Bolloré 15/07/18 05767594586 No
GE08 pressure fuel pipes checking.
Request: 14/06: CAT request the appropriate operating
224x guide ring 9.8517-106 hours of all engines @ failure date
224x seal ring 9.8517-104 19/06/18: after technical checking we can not
224x seal ring 9.8517-561 explain the cause, as there are no leaks with
224x Guide ring 9.8517-206 this dimension on comparable stations.
224x seal ring 9.8517-304 Nevertheless we will send the needed
224x seal ring 9.8517-562 sealings under good will.
W115 WN043 CM1= Lube leaking from #7 crankcase relief door 12/06/18 mail CAT: We are going to send 2 x ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060069 Bolloré 01/07/18 004680047068 No
34373 Request: Relief valve 431633-600 relief valve with sealing compound for both Express LTA 666
claims. Lead-time 27/06-28/06/18 67068245
26/06/18: The sealing compounds in stock
reached their expiration date so we had to
send them back to supplier to get new ones.
W116 WN044 CM2= Lube leaking from #7 crankcase relief door 12/06/18 mail CAT: We are going to send 2 x ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060069 Bolloré 01/07/18 004680047068 No
34370 Request: Relief valve 431633-600 relief valve with sealing compound for both Express LTA 666
claims. Lead-time 27/06-28/06/18 67068245
26/06/18: The sealing compounds in stock
reached their expiration date so we had to
send them back to supplier to get new ones.
W124 WP036 7T200562 Magnetic swicth on fire pump on 3406C S/N 18/10/18 sent drawing to Fekola to confirm REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8110021 Bolloré 11/11/18 004660113157 No
7T200562 reference. JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
PO under process
W117 WN045 CM2= Lube leaking from #6 crankcase relief door ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8060061 Bolloré 27/06/18 004680046945 No
34370 Request: Relief valve 431633-600 Express LTA 666
W125 WN046 CM5= Water leaking Fuel circulating module LFO ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070052 DHL from 31/07/18 4933772126 No
34368 cooler relief valve Bordeaux
Request: 1x Safety valve, TCP, set point 0.6
Mpa 6796100157
W126 WN047 CM3= Water leaking Fuel circulating module LFO ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8080036 Bolloré 23/08/18 004680048035 No
34372 cooler relief valve Express LTA 666
Request: 1x Safety valve, TCP, set point 0.6 67107471
Mpa 6796100157
W127 WN048 CM7= Water leaking Fuel circulating module LFO ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8080038 Bolloré 23/08/18 004680047902 No
34371 cooler relief valve Express LTA 666
Request: 1x Safety valve, TCP, set point 0.6 67107471
Mpa 6796100157
W128 WN049 CM1= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070036 Bolloré 22/07/18 057-67092793 No
34373 cock Express
Request: 2x o-ring 1.7667-026 + 1x o-ring
W129 WN050 CM3= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070036 Bolloré 22/07/18 057-67092793 No
34372 cock Express
Request: 2x o-ring 1.7667-026 + 1x o-ring
W130 WN051 CM4= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070036 Bolloré 22/07/18 057-67092793 No
34369 cock Express
Request: 2x o-ring 1.7667-026 + 1x o-ring
W131 WN052 CM5= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070036 Bolloré 22/07/18 057-67092793 No
34368 cock Express
Request: 2x o-ring 1.7667-026 + 1x o-ring
W132 WN053 CM6= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070036 Bolloré 22/07/18 057-67092793 No
34367 cock Express
Request: 2x o-ring 1.7667-026 + 1x o-ring
W133 WN054 CM7= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070036 Bolloré 22/07/18 057-67092793 No
34371 cock Express
Request: 2x o-ring 1.7667-026 + 1x o-ring
W134 WN055 CM3= Unit#B6 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34372 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304 06/11/18: received FEKOLA PO at 50% of the
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561 costs
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W135 WN056 CM3= Unit# A5 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34372 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W136 WN057 CM5= Unit# B6 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34368 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W137 WN058 CM5= Unit# A8 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34368 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W138 WP037 CM2 CM#2 radiator, section 3, fan motor #6 burnt ='Suivi WN ts frns'!J99 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
radiator out. Spare motor was fitted in place.
Request: 1x Radiator Cooler Fan
drive AC Electric Motor Type :WU-DA1329M-
W147 WP038 0 CM #04 Group-3, 2F2 Radiator Cooler Fan Same as WP037 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
drive AC Electric Motor 27/11/18: credit note 791168 issued to cover
Above mentioned fan motor was tripped. repair costs
Inspected and found that, winding -1 is having
low insulation resistance.
Request: 1x Radiator Cooler Fan drive AC
Electric Motor
W148 WP039 0 CM #04, Group-3 3F2 Radiator motor was Same as WP037 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
tripped. Found that, Motor-protective circuit 27/11/18: credit note 791168 issued to cover
breaker one phase is burnt out. (breaker repair costs
output is giving 2-phase only)
W146 WP040 0 Exhaust boiler #02 and SCADA Confirmation claim is in process. 27/06/18: ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9060030 Bolloré 20/06/19 004680053421 0
communication failure. asked to do a test - Sent return from Fekola to Express
supplier that test was done and unsucessful -
awaiting return from supplier.
Test confirm module U17 has to be replaced.
Order under process.
Availability confirmed end of week 20 at
13/06/2019 : Order at Roissy. Shipment under
Parcel left Roissy le 20/06/2019.
W142 WN059 CM1= Double nipple connecting to the fuel fine filter ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070005 Bolloré 15/07/18 05767594586 No
34373 DP cell was damaged
Request: 1x Double nipple 1.7667-045
Probably due to high engine vibrations
W143 WP041 Leak oil Leak oil tank low level relay contacts are Rejected REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8090047 Bollré 00/01/00 0 No
recovery damaged JAD / CLOSED Express
unit #02 Request: 1x Relay Relpol
W144 WP042 A08 - SEPAM Ethernet communication failure with 28/06/18: confirmation that module ACE CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
SEPAM PLC occurs continuously shoud be replaced if problem is pesitant.
W139 WN060 CM1= Fuel fine filter DP cell, inlet pipe double nipple ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070028 Bolloré 15/07/18 05767594586 No
34373 was cracked
Request: 1x double nipple 1.7667-045
Possibly due to high engine vibrations
W140 WN061 CM8= Turbocharger A bank exhaust gas inlet ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8070014 Bolloré 15/07/18 05767594586 No
34374 temperature sensor.
Spare thermocouple fitted.
Request: 1x thermocouple 9.4692-205
Possibly due to high engine vibrations
W149 WN062 CM6= Unit# A4 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34367 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W151 WN063 CM4= Unit# A6 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34369 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W150 WP043 HFO During an inspection it was observed that Warranty delivery under process ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8100020 Bolloré 00/01/00 0 No
Separator guide ribs underside the bowl distributor had Express
#03 S937 been broken
Request: 1 X Distributor REF 58611980
W152 WN064 CM3= Unit# A8 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34372 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
W153 WN065 CM2= FO leaking from FO fine filter change over ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8080037 Bolloré 23/08/18 004680047994 No
34370 cock Express LTA 666
Request: 67107471
2 X O RING REF 1.7667-026 + 1x 2 X O
RING REF 1.7667-035
Probably due to poor quality O-rings. Need to
be replaced with O-rings of better quality
W154 WN066 CM5= Fuel leaking from CM fuel fine filter priming 10/09/18 confirmation of shipment ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8090024 Bolloré 16/09/18 004680048684 No
34368 valve Express LTA 666
1x Pressure balancing REF 1.7667-015 67110783
W155 WP044 HFO HFO Separator #01 was tripped by 05/07/18: rejected by Alfa Laval - PO under REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8110037 Bolloré 18/11/18 004680049783 No
Separator ‘communication Error’ alarm. process JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
#01 PLC – CPU cooling fan ( 24Vdc Brushless 69458616
Fan Motor)
W156 WN067 CM4= Air piping to stop cylinder B4 cracked, broken ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8080039 Bolloré 23/08/18 004680048096 No
34369 Request: 1x Control air pipe 9.4241-006 Express
W157 WP045 0 Economizer #01 – Thermal oil outlet Rejected - offer received REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8090043 Bolloré 23/09/18 004680048700 No
Temperature transmitter failure - request 1x JAD / CLOSED Express
PT 100 Temperature Transmitter
W158 WN068 CM5= Unit# A1 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34368 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1x Pump element ref 9.3598 DD requested parts between Fekola and
1x Gasket set for injection pump REF 9.3597- JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
005 dated 08/10/2018.
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring REF 9.8517-562
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W159 WN069 CM2= Unit# B7 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34370 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced.Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W160 WN070 CM2= Unit# A1 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34370 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced.Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W161 WN071 CM5= Unit# B2 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34368 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W162 WN072 CM4= Unit# A4 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34369 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W163 - HFO separator #1, #2, #3, #4 suction filter REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8010007 Bolloré 07/10/18 004680049010 No
internal coating was completely damaged. JAD / CLOSED Express
Request 4x suction filters
W164 - HFO Separator #03 was tripped by REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8010007 Bolloré 07/10/18 004680049010 No
‘communication Error’ alarm. JAD / CLOSED Express
It is found that PLC-CPU is tripped when the
PLC is giving relay output to start cooling fan,
as fan is short circuited.
Request: 1x cooling fan
W164 WN073 CM6= Turbocharger A bank exhaust gas outlet ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8080035 Bolloré 23/08/18 004680048275 No
34367 temperature sensor giving error reading and Express
engine tripped by exceeding high high limit.
Cause mentioned on WN: Possibly due to
high engine vibrations
Part requested: thermocouple 9.4692-227
W165 WN074 CM2= CM#2 fuel inlet temperature transmitter ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8090006 Bolloré 06/09/18 004680048516 No
34370 9.4692-201 does not work anymore. Express
Reason unknown.
W166 WN075 CM4= Unit# B7 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34369 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W167 WN076 CM7= Unit# B7 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34371 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W169 WN077 CM1= Unit# A6 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34373 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W170 WN078 CM1= Unit# B1 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34373 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W171 WN079 CM1= Unit# B2 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34373 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes have been replaced. Request: also monitored. agent
1 Pump element Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Gasket set for injection pump requested parts between Fekola and
4 Seal ring JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W172 WN080 CM1= CM#1 fuel inlet temperature transmitter ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8090007 Bolloré 06/09/18 004680048514 No
34373 9.4692-201 does not work anymore. Reason Express
W173 WN081 CM1= Engine slow turn device has never been Part of the Woodward punch list and will be ACCEPTED / OPEN 8110045 + Bolloré 27/11/18 004680049994 No
34373 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed. solved by Woodward 8110048 + Express (8110045) + LTA 666
03/12/2018 : All the necessary parts have 8110065 (8110045) + 02/12/18 69459574
been sent. Only installation remains (Sergel 9100011 ( Bolloré (8110065) + (8110045) +
for cable pulling, SEG for programming). JA1960432) (8110048) + 03/12/18 004680050109
Cable pulling has been finished since Bolloré (8110048) LTA 666
25/03/19. Express 06/10/19 ( 69460090
(8110065) 9100011- (8110065) + LTA
21/06/2019 : Arrival of Rolf Jasper the Bolloré JA1960432) 057-80210955
27/06/2019. Delayed to 28/06/2019. Express ( (8110048)
17/07/2019 : Installation unfortunately 9100011 ) LTA
impossible because of damaged cable... 004680055325 (
Necessary parts will be supply (prefabricated 9100011 )
from factory).
07/08/2019 : Order send for the spares. EXW
beginning october (lead time : 8 weeks).
28/10/2019 : Joseph on-site W41 for cable
pulling. Rolf (SEG) will be on site W44-45 for
W174 WN082 CM2= Engine slow turn device has never been Same as WN081 ACCEPTED / OPEN 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34370 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed.
W175 WN083 CM3= Engine slow turn device has never been Same as WN081 ACCEPTED / OPEN 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34372 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed.
W176 WN084 CM4= Engine slow turn device has never been Same as WN081 ACCEPTED / OPEN 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34369 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed.
W177 WN085 GE05= Engine slow turn device has never been Same as WN081 ACCEPTED / OPEN 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34368 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed.
W178 WN086 GE06= Engine slow turn device has never been Same as WN081 ACCEPTED / OPEN 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34367 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed.
W179 WN087 GE07= Engine slow turn device has never been Same as WN081 ACCEPTED / OPEN 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34371 installed by SEG. Only CM8 has been installed.
W189 - All CMs All CMs, high exhaust temperatures - exhaust Investigation & measurement on site CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
temperatures of all engines go high at high confirmed that engines heat balance and
ambient temperatue conditions in hot season, operating conditions match the specifications.
and come with the “Exhaut HighTemperature”
pre indication alarm Analysis on site by Loïc, report to be sent to
Fekola by 10/10/2018
Report sent 09/10/18 by Benoît Golinski - heat
balance & operating conditions are matching
the secifications.
W190 WN088 All CMs In all engines LT engine inlet temperatures go According to decision with CAT a PT100 has ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8110038 Bolloré 18/11/18 + 004680049813 No
high at high ambient temperature conditions in to be installed in the HT circuit. Process under (MAK parts) + Express 03/12/18 LTA 666
hot season, eventhough the LTCW clarification. Implementation on site December 8110048 (MAK parts) 69458616 + LTA
temperature regulating valve fully opens for 2018. (cables) + Bolloré 057-80210955
scavange air cooler and flow to the radiator All parts sent. Installation on site remains to (cables)
coolers. This is ultimately causing the rise of be done.
the exhaust temperatures to high limits by 03/12/2018 : heat balance and calculation of
high scavange air inlet temperatures. Reason the exchangers to be provided.
08/01/19: heat balance and cooler calculation
provided. Needs to be confirmed during next
hot season.
W192 - Common? Since commisioning the sytem grid voltage SEG will go on site to implement power factor REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
does not follow the set value of 13.85kV in the and Qshare modes. JAD / CLOSED
PMS; when the engine’s voltage controllers Implementation first quarter 2019.
are put to VAR share mode (Isochronous) and Visit from Mamadou Niang planned February
remains at 13.68kV. 2019.
W193 Pump/Motor flexible coupling was damaged 0 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8090043 Bolloré 23/09/18 004680048700 No
Request: 1x Flexible coupling REX OMEGA JAD / CLOSED Express AWB 666
20, Part No – 1Q-16 68738143
W195 WN092 CM5= Fuel fine filter capillary tube was broken from Parts will be delivered. The tube has to be ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8120004 Bolloré 04/12/18 004680050127 No
34368 the union at engine block side adapted locally! Express LTA 666
Request: 1x set of pipes 1.7667-040 + 2 70295632
welding nipple 1.7667-410
Cause: possibly vibrations
W196 WN091 CM7= Unit# B1 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Claim at first rejected by CAT due to lack of COVERED BY JAD/B2GOLD 50/50 Invoice 713726 Fekola air 06/12/18 0 No
34371 seized and replaced with spare. A pump visibility on fuel characteristics and operating Agreement freight
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure conditions. Since presence of vanadium was forwarding
pipes replaced. also monitored. agent
Request: Proposal to share 50% of the costs of the
1 Pump element requested parts between Fekola and
1 Gasket set for injection pump JAD/CAT - Action plan according to letter
4 Seal ring dated 08/10/2018.
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
4 Seal ring
Poss; cause? Unknown, loss of lubrication
lower part of the plunger?
W197 WP049 Thermal Due to abnormal sound from the electrical Motor ordered. EXW 05/05/19 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9050031 Bolloré 22/05/19 057-84076160 No
oil motor while the pump was in operation, ball
circulating bearings of the motor was replaced (with SKF
pump #02 bearings). But the bearings failed again within
few days. Same scenario was repeated twice
more, in all cases bearings failed within few
days of operation.
Request: 1x electrical 3GAA221220
Possible cause: unbalance misalignment of
the rotor?
W198 WP047 Starting Starting air compressor #1 problem was Rejected by supplier as no longer under REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8110044 Bolloré 27/11/18 004680049941 No
air identified as the KMCP #1 contactor actuation warranty - will under analysis by JA Delmas JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
compress position is not sufficient to actuate the auxiliary 69459574
or #01 contact switch which has been placed on top
of contactor.
1.) TeSys D contactor - 3P(3 NO) - AC-3-<=
440V 32A - 24V AC coil LC1D32B7
2.) TeSys D - auxiliary contact block - 2 NO -
screw clamp terminals LADN20
W199 WP050 LO and Thermic detectors on LO & LFO service tanks Order under process. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9050005 Bolloré 08/05/19 004680052134 No
LFO damaged due to water accumulated inside When it comes to installation: please use the Express LTA 666
service during heavy rain falls. As a result false fire necessary dispositions to avoid water 83198091
tanks alarm is frequently activated. infiltration.
thermic Request: 2x electronic heat detector Parcel at Roissy - shipment to be organised
detectors TMP2/T.D.R.1A week 18.
Possible cause: not fitted properly during Shipment organised week 19 after receipt of
commissioning? import license
W200 WP051 HFO Defective Remote Level Indicator Rejected by supplier as no longer under REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
Storage Request: 1x FMP51-74TX5/0 warranty - JAD / CLOSED
Tank #1 Loïc to take contact for technical clarification.
Parts available: week 4
W201 WN093 CM7= Fuel fine Filter opened for cleaning and found 0 ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8100041 Bolloré 17/10/18 004680049343 No
34371 element has been deformed and damaged. Express LTA 666
Request: 1x Fuel fine filter element 1.7667-046 68742295
W202 - Overhead Overhead crane #02, Long travel on two Technical clairification required. Loïc to take REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8110047 Bolloré 29/11/18 004680049879 No
Crane #2 speed is working properly. But just after slow contact. JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
speed, crane limit switches jump to speed 69459832
travel instead of stop. Same fault condition is
there in both forward & backward operations.
[ All microswtiches are working properly. At
180° rotation angle; limit switch does not have
enough stroke length to contact stop function
inside the micro switch]
Request: 1x long travel two speed limit switch
W203 WN096 CM4= Combined module electrical panel A/C found Lead-time +/- week 46 SUPPLIER DECISION PENDING / COVERED 8110062 Bolloré 02/12/18 004680050086 No
34369 to be blow with hot air and also found BY JAD Express LTA 666
compressor pipes has been broken inside the 69460090
unit while spilling out with oil.
Request: 1x SK 3302100 enclosure cooling
W204 WN094 CM7= Combined module section MCB was tripped Awaiting part lead-time - +/- 4 weeks = week REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8110042 Bolloré 27/11/18 004680049903 No
34371 off with alarm state and investigation was 47. JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
revealed that relevant panel disconector 69459574
switch has been blown off.
Request: 1x 1SCA105798R1001 disconnector
W205 WN095 CM4= Fuel fine filter DP cell housing damaged at Engine out of warranty for CAT since REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8100042 Bolloré 17/10/18 004680049345 No
34369 mounting base and unable to fix with mounting 14/09/2018 but JA Delmas still under warranty JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
bolts properly. Also display and function is with FEKOLA 68742295
defective when operation.
W207 WP053 Thermal Motor protection circuit breaker of the thermal 0 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8110043 Bolloré 27/11/18 004680049863 No
Oil Circ: oil circulation pump no. 01 motor; fails to JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
Pump #1 “switch ON”, due to an internal mechanism 69459574
failure. Failure was occurred along with
respective pumps contactor burnout incident.
Request: 1x 1SAM550000R1009
W208 WP046 3516 CAT 3516B #3 engine’s LFO cooler, one leg 08/10/18: rejected by MAM as no longer under REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
ZAP of the holding down bracket was cracked, warranty.
02002 detached piece was pressed into to the
radiator cooler core and holed one of the
radiator cooler tube. Few other tubes were
also dented but not holed.
Damage was temporally repaired with epoxy
to maintain the availability of machine.
Request: 1x radiator cooler
W209 WN097 CM2= The measuring head rubber holding down Rejected by CAT REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 8120026 Bolloré 09/12/18 004680050178 No
34370 mounting of the OMD device have been JAD / CLOSED Express LTA 666
broken apart. 70296155
Request: 2x Measuring head suspension,
bottom + 2x Measuring head suspension,
W210 - HFO It was noticed that level sensor is not working Parts availble week 4 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
Settling even though the supply power and other JAD / CLOSED
Tk #1 terminals are ok. Experienced some water
accumulation inside the sensor interior.
W211 - 0 It was noticed that respective battery charger Tried to be solved through intervention via ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 No
unit existing with an alarms and cannot get phone, not sufficient. Trying to organise
reset as the procedure followed to reset the intevention on site. 12/01/19: Reported as
#2 charger unit. Contacted the customer critical by Fekola if other unit fails.
services and did not successful with the poor Order for service has been placed with
communication facility. supplier. Intervention date to be confirmed.
AEG found a contractor to come on site.
Intervention took place on site week 20-21.
Report send the 20/05/2019, FW to B2Gold
the 28/05/2019.
W212 WP054 CM8= It was experienced that CM #8 ventilation fan We suspect that the pitch is not OK. We CLOSED 9080017 Bolloré 10/08/19 057-85865850 No
34374 unit #2 draws high current rating and suggest supplying the impeller only or to give
frequently get tripped by over current instruction for modifying the pitch.
protection. Drive motor nominal current rating 12/01/19: Fekola asks to supply impeller with
is 45.9 amps while it draws 67amps when on correct pitch
load. Without load it takes 17 amps. Fan
blade assembly changed with the stand by Following Loïc's inspection on site, the pitch is
motor and same problem was experienced. fine. The cause of the issue is linked to the
Suspect wrong pitch of the fan blade motor. New motor to be supplied.
assembly. 05/07/2019 : Confirmation received that we
will deliver a new motor.
07/08/2019 : New motor will be shipped on
week 33.
17/09/2019 : New motor has been shipped on
week 32.
W213 WN098 CM7= During 6000 hrs service of turbochargers, it As the responsabilities are not clear (turbine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 No
34371 was observed that ‘A’ bank nozzle ring has washing), we proposed during the last
considerable damages to vanes steering commitee to share the cost : 50%
JAD - 50% B2Gold.
W214 - All CMs It was observed that all pressure gauges on Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
T/C turbine washing lines were faulty. JAD / CLOSED
Mentioned failure date: 25/10/18
- WN099 0 0 530 o-rings taken to site by Loïc in December REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9030022 DHL 11/03/19 5404001934 No
non 2018. JAD / CLOSED
conform 526 remaining o-rings to be sent to Fekola. =
ity sheet customs invoice 9030022
W215 - CM Observed fuel leaking from fuel circulating Rejected as considered as wear and tear part REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 No
#01,03, pump’s shaft seals on above mentioned
05, 07, 08 engines.
Request: 8x Shaft seal of fuel circulating
pump (GLRD (L4) - [Gear pump KFF 80 RF
40 – D 15])
W216 - CM1= Observed water leaking through valve control Rejected as considered as wear and tear part REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 No
34373 spindle.
Request: 1x Screw joint with scraper, 1x
Guiding bush, 1x PTFE V Sealing ring
W217 - CM5= Observed water leaking through valve control Rejected as considered as wear and tear part REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 No
34368 spindle.
Request: 1x Screw joint with scraper, 1x
Guiding bush, 1x PTFE V Sealing ring
W218 - CM5= Automatic drain valve is malfunctioning. Red 17/12/18: Technical advice from manufacturer REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
34368 alarm. transferred to site. Awaiting return from the JAD / CLOSED
Request: 1x Air receiver Automatic drain checkings
valve BEKO 20/12/19: Item dismantled and all parts
cleaned, problem remains.
Order under process automatic drain valve.
W219 - CM TC turbine side water cleaning 3-way control Lead-time: approx week 3 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
#2,3,5,6,7 valve is leaking on above mentioned engines JAD / CLOSED
when doing T/C washing.
Request: 5x 3 way control valve 9.7259-021
W220 - 0 Turbo: CM6 turbine hood damaged. 12/01/19: Fekola asking for action plan. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9070008 Bolloré 03/07/19 004600027060 No
Request: 1x rotor hood + 1x rotor JAD to Fekola: Have you received any Express
feedback from ABB Dakar?
W221 - 0 CM1 Turbine blades damaged. 12/01/19: Fekola asking for action plan. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9070008 Bolloré 03/07/19 004600027060 No
JAD to Fekola: Have you received any Express
feedback from ABB Dakar?
W222 - CM7= Experienced HMI screen was stuck when Belt is considered as wear and tear part, ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9010041 Bolloré 20/01/19 004680050829 No
34371 preparing the engine to start; and following therefore we reject this claim. Express LTA 666
hardware error message was appeared when 81337933
rebooting. IT specialists on site; found that
problem was in booting device cFast Card
(hard drive) in the panel PC.
Request: 1x 1. CFast Card (Hard drive) of
HMI panel PC
W223 - 0 Radiator Ambient Temp. Sensor for radiator Part ordered. Lead-time: +/- week 4/2019 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
control was not installed since the JAD / CLOSED
commissioning of CM #08 and terminals are
just left close to the place where it need to be
Request: 1x PT100 TST434-J1A3B2
W224 0 0 0 See WN022 : duplicate. REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
W225 0 CM5= Unit# A2 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Quote with 50% discount on parts t provided: ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34368 seized and replaced with spare. A pump DV90500008
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure
pipes replaced. Parts ordered by FEKOLA.
1x Gasket set for injection pump 9.3598 DD
1x Pump element 9.3597-005
4x Seal ring 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring 9.8517-562
W226 - CM6= During 6000 hrs service of turbochargers, it As the responsabilities are not clear (turbine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9070008 Bolloré 03/07/19 004600027060 No
34367 was observed that ‘A’ bank nozzle ring vanes washing), we proposed during the last Express
have been damaged considerably. steering commitee to share the cost : 50%
Request: 1x Nozzle ring 56001 JAD - 50% B2Gold.
W227 - CM6= During 6000 hrs service of turbochargers, it Same as W226. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9070008 Bolloré 03/07/19 004600027060 No
34367 was observed that ‘B’ bank nozzle ring has Express
considerable damages to vanes As the responsabilities are not clear (turbine
Request: 1x Nozzle ring 56001 washing), we proposed during the last
steering commitee to share the cost : 50%
JAD - 50% B2Gold.
W228 - CM3= Observed pump Shaft seal is leaking Wear and tear part, therefore rejected. REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34372 Request: 1x Shaft mechanical seal spare part
set for Grundfos TP 40-160/2 XE-F-A-AUUE
W229 - CM2= Observed pump Shaft seal is leaking Wear and tear part, therefore rejected. REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34370 Request: 1x Shaft mechanical seal spare part
set for Grundfos TP 40-160/2 XE-F-A-AUUE
W230 - Thermal Switching of level micro switch contacts are Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9010064 Bolloré 27/01/19 004680050850 No
oil drain malfunctioning. JAD / CLOSED Express AWB 666
tank Request: 1x Reed switch Limit switch for 81338600
magnetic level gauge D01054-00001
W231 0 Fuel Climasys Standard Panel Cooling Unit – Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
Treatment Failure with operation. Item removed for repair JAD / CLOSED
House and found that compressor winding has been
Panel AC short circuited.
Request: 1x 1. Climasys Standard Cooling
Unit – 1000w 230V. Schneider NSYCU1K
W232 - CM3= It was noticed during 7500hrs planned Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
34372 maintenance; unit A5 position 4 valve JAD / CLOSED
(exhaust) spindle stem was damaged while
Request: 1x 1. Exhaust valve spindle 9.2107-
W233 - HFO Separator was tripped off due to firmware Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9010065 Bolloré 27/01/19 004680050756 No
Separator malfunction. It was noticed that A10- PLC JAD / CLOSED Express AWB 666
#02 module has been burnt out. 81338600
Request: 1x Bus module for 24 VDC I/O
modules X20BM11 = 58098617 +
1x X20 digital input module, 4 NAMUR inputs,
8.05 V X20DI 4760 = 58098610
W234 - CM3= ‘All auxiliary auto’ condition couldn’t be 11/03/19: Fekola confirm blank card are fine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040029 Bolloré 07/04/19 004680052223 No
34372 reached on HMI screen. Hard reset was given as program can be uploaded by their IT Express LTA 666
but HMI was not booted back with normal department. Supplier finally agrees to supply 82334442
configuration. Error message as below, in programmed cards for W234 W235 W249
Request: 1x 1. CFast Card (Hard drive) of W253 W258 - lead-time: week 14
HMI panel PC
W235 - CM2= ‘All auxiliary auto’ condition couldn’t be 11/03/19: Fekola confirm blank card are fine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040029 Bolloré 07/04/19 004680052223 No
34370 reached on HMI screen. Hard reset was given as program can be uploaded by their IT Express LTA 666
but HMI was not booted back with normal department. Supplier finally agrees to supply 82334442
configuration. Error message as below, in programmed cards for W234 W235 W249
Request: 1x 1. CFast Card (Hard drive) of W253 W258 - lead-time: week 14
HMI panel PC
W236 - CM6= Filter opened for cleaning and found element Wear and tear part, therefore rejected. REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34367 has been deformed and damaged.
Request: 1x Fuel fine filter element 1.7667-046
W237 - CM2= Engine was tripped off with HTCW low Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
34370 pressure shut down alarm and investigation JAD / CLOSED
W238 - SCADA founddata
PC3 that files
pressure sensor connected
are corrupted ballkey
and missing New hard drive already supllied under ACCEPTED / CLOSED 8120052 DHL 19/12/18 8164011516 No
Supervisor data to make it work. warranty. Some issues are remaining as per
y System Request: 1x Fek-PC 3 customer. A remote teamviewer session has
been organised in January to solve this issue.
12/01/19: Return from Fekola: "PC 3, done
with Sandrine and Jess, a 3 days visit to
arrange with Jess on his next rotation for
New quote sent for 5 days on site. Only terms
of quote remain to be discussed.
W239 - All CMs It was noticed that LO sump level indication That situation is known since commissioning REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
system on SCADA is not monitoring and and was discussed previously as not being an
functioning correctly for all engines. It highly issue as it is handled manually by the operator
fluctuates with the time and a high range. (Brice's information). The deadline is over to
Some engines level low alarm also appears report these kind of issues to CAT, therefore
even when the physical level maintains at we have to reject this claim, but we can
satisfactory condition. propose a technical solution. Please advise
Request: 8x CMs LO sump Level monitoring Loïc and Aline if you are interested.
system 12/01/19: Fekola asking for technical solution.
Will be proposed by Loïc. Proposal sent
17/01/19, advising we can wait for result from
other site.
W240 - All CMs Radiator cooling water local temperature Please note 48 + 48 thermometers ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9050034 Bolloré 23/05/19 057-84122872 No
gauges for both HT and LT are not indicating correspond to the full quantity of installed
the correct values with the operation and give thermometers. Could you please confirm that
an error reading. all are damaged or confirm the exact quantity
Request: 48x Local Temperature indicators 0- of damaged parts?
80 degC + 12/01/19: Reply from customer: Thermometer
48x Local Temperature indicators 0-100 degC type not good. All shows varying degree of
Order under process. Parts should be end of
week 20 at Roissy.
W241 - LFO LFO is leaking from pressure gauge top. 0 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9010066 Bolloré 27/01/19 004680050757 No
Separator Request: 1x pressure gauge 543054 05 JAD / CLOSED Express AWB 666
#01 81338600
W242 - All CMs all engines LO suction line pressure indicators 0 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
are broken and defective due to heavy JAD / CLOSED
Request: 8x 1. Pressure Gauge (-1.0bar – 1.5
bar) réf. 155003845
W243 - CM3= CM #3 local control panel fuel pressure It seems that the gauge suffered from over REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34372 indicator gauge is defective pressure, therefore we reject this claim.
Request: 1x pressure gauge 9.4630-011
W244 - Used LO The level sensor is not working and water Will be covered under warranty as it is an REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
Tank accumulated inside the sensor. installation fault, but please do the necessary JAD / CLOSED
Request: 1x FMP50-HXN 3/0 to avoird the water entry in the future.
W245 0 CM5= Filter opened for cleaning and found element Wear and tear part, therefore rejected. REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34368 has been deformed and damaged.
Request: 1x fuel fine filter element 1.7667-046
W246 0 CM5= Unit# B7 fuel injection pump plunger & barrel Quote with 50% discount on parts t provided: ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34368 seized and replaced with spare. A pump DV90500008
gasket kit and sealing rings for low pressure
pipes replaced. Order received from FEKOLA.
1x Gasket set for injection pump 9.3598 DD
1x Pump element 9.3597-005
4x Seal ring 9.8517-104
4x Seal ring 9.8517-304
4x Seal ring 9.8517-561
4x Seal ring 9.8517-562
W247 0 CM7= LFO flow meter supply and by pass valves are Order under process REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9020061 Bolloré 02/03/19 057-82493003 No
34371 leaking with fuel oil. Changing of spares with a JAD / CLOSED
new valve is only possible since; valves are
welded type on both ends.
1 1/4" 2034S 07
W248 0 CM3= Engine tripped off due to “HT cooling water Order under process ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040038 Bolloré 20/04/19 057-83466390 No
34372 temperature engine outlet safety high level”
alarm. Found sensor was defective.
Request: 1x 9.4692-201
W249 0 CM4= During the HT cooling water low pressure 11/03/19: Fekola confirm blank card are fine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040029 Bolloré 07/04/19 004680052223 No
34369 shutdown limit adjusting by Woodward from as program can be uploaded by their IT Express LTA 666
Germany through remote login; the following department. Supplier finally agrees to supply 82334442
screen was appeared as “Hardware or in programmed cards for W234 W235 W249
software” error. The problem was identified as W253 W258 - lead-time: week 14
the faulty Cfast memory card.
Request: 1x CFast Card bootable device
W250 - Common 24V DC power supply of the unloading panel Part ordered. Lead-time: beg. week 13 REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9030040 Bolloré 04/04/19 004680051855 No
auxiliary - fails to give 24V DC output due to a JAD / CLOSED Express
Unloading malfunction.
station Request: 1x 24V DC power supply of the
panel unloading panel ref. QT20.241
W251 0 CM5= All auxiliary auto’ condition couldn’t be Card programmed for CM5 sent ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9030010 Bolloré 07/03/19 004680051053 No
34368 reached on HMI screen. Inspection was done Express AWB 666
by woodward representative via remote login. 81342354
Inspection revealed that, HMI hard drive
(cFast) failure.
Failure Attachment:- (Removed from CM #05
– failed to re-boot system )
Request: 1x CFast Card bootable device
W252 0 Common HFO settling tank #2 level switch low low 15/03/19: Asoka confirms standard version ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040021 Bolloré 04/04/19 004680051865 No
Auxiliary (LSLL ) alarm was not functioning and found OK, no need for Atex - order under process: Express
that Micro switch is not working. lead-time: week 13
Request: 1x level switch NIVOMAG MKA
210-9Ex (P185499)
W253 0 CM6= All auxiliary auto’ condition couldn’t be Supplier finally agrees to supply in ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040029 Bolloré 07/04/19 004680052223 No
34367 reached on HMI screen. Inspection revealed programmed cards for W234 W235 W249 Express LTA 666
that, HMI hard drive (cFast) failure. W253 W258 - lead-time: week 14 82334442
Request: 1x 5CFAST.064G-10 card CM6
W254 0 Thermal Noticed shaft coupling was broken into pieces New pump has to be supplied. REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9060037 ( Bolloré 22/06/2019 057-84526304 0
Oil and pump shaft was hard to move. JAD / CLOSED pour pompe Bolloré 03/07/2019 pompe Circor
System Investigation found that pump drive end Orders are under process for the pump and Circor) Express ( 004600027061-
Circulation bearing has failed and damaged to the shaft. the coupling. EXW mid July. 9070006 ( flex felx. Coupling) flex coupling
pump #2 Premature failure occurred with less running 21/06/2019 : The pump arrived at forwarder coupling Aalborg
hours on the specific pump awaiting AWB. Coupling will follow later. Aalborg )
Request: 1x Thermal oil circulation pump
Allweiler NTT80-250U5AW4 + 1x flexible 28/06/2019 : Pump shipped on 22/06/2019.
coupling 0108120200000 05/07/2019 : coupling shipped on 03/07/2019.
W255 0 Instrument It was found that compressor drive belts have Belt is considered as wear and tear part, REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
air been broken; while opening the housing cover therefore we reject this claim.
system - for inspection.
Compress Request: 2x 1. V-Belts XPZ DSR 7
or #2
W256 0 CM1= Generator drive end pressure gauge giving March 2019 : Please provide some further CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34373 false reading and regulating valve damaged; information on how the regulating valve broke.
and flow cannot be controlled according to the Case closed.
gauge glass level indication.
Request: 1x Generator drive end LO pressure
gauge with regulating valve
W257 0 CM3= LT CW is leaking at LFO cooler relief valve. Order under process ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040038 Bolloré 20/04/19 057-83466390 No
34372 Request: 1x safety valve 6796100157 TCP
0.6Mpa – DN ½”
W258 0 CM1= ‘All auxiliary auto’ condition couldn’t be Supplier finally agrees to supply in ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040029 Bolloré 07/04/19 004680052223 No
34373 reached on HMI screen. Hard reset was given programmed cards for W234 W235 W249 Express LTA 666
but HMI was not booted back with normal W253 W258 - lead-time: week 14 82334442
configuration. Error message as below,
Request: 1x CFast Card (Hard drive) of HMI
panel PC
W259 All CMs The contract specifies that the engines should Will be analysed by Loïc once on site week ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
deliver 6,667 KW at ambient temperatures of 11.
46C. This cannot be achieved at site Send CAT proposal on 09/04/2019 (modifying
conditions, where we at an ambient engine alarm settings).
temperature of 38C only can perform 6,800 CAT will provide an official statement about
KW. this modification of alarm and shut down
The consequences is that we with the mine
load pattern, must run with an additional 13/06/2019 : Exhaust settings alarms and
engine when ambient temperatures are above shutdown are under modification these days.
38C. We are missing almost 0.5 MW on the Assement of the engine under high ambiant
engine terminals compared with your temperature to do once done.
guarantees. The planned amount of engines
for operating on the mine load is 5 engines, so 21/06/2019 : Most of the setting are
we are losing 2.5 MW on the terminals. modifyied. Assement of the engine under high
ambiant temperature to do once done.
W260 0 All CMs/ As agreed at the Bordeaux meeting This request will be analysed by technical PENDING 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
Control November 2018, I hereby submit the list of team after end of warranty .
System/ software for which we need installation SEG password will be send to B2Gold on
Automatio software, licenses and passwords: week 26.
n Sent the 27/06/2019.
W261 0 Instrument The GALI quality certificate for the 2 x 8 bar Test certificates received. Will be sent by ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
air control air tanks what we received on the Loïc. Done
System project was not tally with the physically
available tank serial numbers.
Request: correct pressure testing documents.
W262 0 CM8= The quality assurance documentation for the Test certificates received. Will be sent by ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34374 starting air vessel for engine 8, has a wrong Loïc. Done
document attached.
This one refers to 2 vessels with the following
serial numbers:
• 1600212001
• 1600212005
• 160212004
W263 0 CM4= Turning gear electrical drive motor housing Order under process. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040038 Bolloré 20/04/19 057-83466390 No
34369 found to be shaking when engine is in
operation. Investigation found that one
mounting bolt has been sheared apart while
damaging the mounting threaded hold broken
in to pieces. Temporary repair done for the
time being.
Request: 1x barring device elec motor 9.7332-
W264 0 Electrical It was noted that manufacturer manuals for Docmentation sent on 24/05/2019 through ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 No
Distributio Station auxiliary transformers, Earthing wetransfer.
n System transformers and grounding resistors are not
handed over with hard copies and soft copies.
Request: 1. Manuals for Auxiliary transformers
–EC07-901/903 -qty 2
2. Manuals for neutral grounding transformers
– EC07-902/ 904 - qty 2
3. Manual for Neutral Earthing resistor - qty 2
W265 0 All CMs It was noted that electrical wiring diagrams Could you please send us the full page ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
13.8 kV between AVR and Generator are physically showing pages concerned on the electrical
power not coherent each other and hard to trace with diagram
Generation the manuals which were handed over by
and Woodward and Leroy Somer. Also informed to
automation “Reg Pro” generator consultant Mamadou
system Samake regarding the issue when he visited
the Fekola site recently for the CM #2
generator fault. So correct wiring diagrams as
per the physical illustrations are requested.
Request: 1. Correct electrical wiring diagrams
between AVR and generator
W266 0 Electrical It was noted that manufacturer manuals for Not part of JA Delmas supply. REJECTED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
Distributio Station lightening protection conductors are
n& not handed over with hard copies and soft
Protection copies.
W267 0 Engine It was noted that correct manufacturer Loïc will contact Lakmal to discuss what PENDING 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
Hall Over manuals for power house overhead cranes further is required.
Head are not handed over with hard copies and soft Spare parts and electrical drawing requested
Cranes copies. Hard to find the correct mechanical to the supplier.
spare part with the physically available type.
W268 0 CM3= LTCW pump #1 was tripped with breaker Order under process. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9060039 Bolloré 22/06/19 057-84526304 0
34372 protection and investigation revealed that ETA Roissy week 25.
drive motor front bearing has failed and 21/06/2019 : Part already at Roissy, awaiting
damaged to the rotor shaft severely. AWB.
Request: 1x LTCW Pump Drive Motor 28/06/2019 : Shipped on 22/06/2019.
1CV3205A 1TZ95032AA535GB4-Z
W269 0 LFO Part ordered REJECTED BY SUPPLIER / COVERED BY 9040022 Bolloré 04/04/19 004680051939 0
separator LFO separator #1 tripped with fault alarm and JAD / CLOSED Express
#1 investigation was observed that smoke
coming from the supply PLC and found as
Request: 1x LFO separator module supply
PLC 58098614
W270 0 0 FEK-PC2 Display Monitor: red color vertical We will supply you the Dell model P2419HC ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9070051 Bolloré 28/07/19 004680053905 0
lines have been appeared on the LCD screen which is the replacement part of P2414H (not Express
permanently available anymore).
28/06/2019 : LCD screen ordered week 26.
17/07/2019 : Screen on delivery.
29/07/2019 : Screen shipped the 28/07/19.
Case closed.
W271 0 CM1= It was noticed that while carrying out Order under process. ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9050026 Bolloré 22/05/19 004680053008 0
34373 maintenance works on spring box changing; B- ETA Bamako 22/05/2019. Express
bank T/C air suction side compensator inside
metal skit has been damaged severely.
Request: 1x T/C air suction side compensator
W272 0 CM3= It was noticed that while carrying out Order under process ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9040038 Bolloré 20/04/19 057-83466390 No
34372 maintenance works on spring box changing; ETA Bamako 22/05/2019.
crank case breather line rubber compensator
has deformed from its flange ends.
Request: 1x rubber compensator 9.8330-705
W273 0 CM3= During 6000hrs planned inspection it was As the responsabilities are not clear (turbine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 9070008 Bolloré 03/07/19 004600027060 No
34372 observed that A-bank T/C cartridge hood washing), we proposed during the last Express
cover has been severely damaged. Also steering commitee to share the cost : 50%
found that tip of the compressor blades got JAD - 50% B2Gold.
slightly damaged. ABB technical
representative informed that it has to be Awaiting your feedabck. Feedback received.
inspected and repaired on their workshop 05/07/2019 : Pressure regulator on delivery
before reusing. since 03/07.
Request: 1x hood cover + 1x rotor 17/07/2019 : Agreement found between JAD
and B2GOLD. Credit note to follow.
23/07/19 Credit note done - 791231
W274 0 CM2= During 6000hrs planned inspection it was As the responsabilities are not clear (turbine ACCEPTED / CLOSED 0 0 00/01/00 0 0
34370 observed that A-bank turbine tips have been washing), we proposed during the last
rubbing on the turbine diffuser. steering commitee to share the cost : 50%
JAD - 50% B2Gold.