Boot, Boo Project Procurement Methodes
Boot, Boo Project Procurement Methodes
Boot, Boo Project Procurement Methodes
Dr. S a r a t h Dasanayake
Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo
he main objective of this private investment to undertake the in Some believe that BOO/BOOT
paper is to show the latest frastructure development that has his concept has its historical roots in the
developments of project ap torically been preserved for the public concession systems of the nineteenth
praisal methodology with respect to sector. Under the BOO/BOOT and early twentieth centuries. But
the emergence of BOO/BOOT project, a private company is given con others believe that BOO/BOOT
projects in developing part of the cession to build and operate a facility projects differ so significandy from
world. The final outcome of this that would normally be built and op the old concession approach that
paper is to set an agenda to discuss erated by the government. This private their roots are much more recent. Un
issues related to the preparation of company is responsible for financing der the old concession method, pri
consistent feasibility studies and con and designing the project In most cases vate sector has more autonomy but
tract documents for the successful at the end of the concession period, host government does not have more
operation of BOO/BOOT projects. the private company returns ownership participation and more control on
First, this paper presents a brief defi of the project to the host government facility. But under the BOO/BOOT
nitional preamble to the B O O / However, this concession period is de projects, host government decides on
BOOT concept Second, it deals with termined primarily by the length of the needforthe project and its scope,
advantages and challenges of BOO/ time needed for the facility's revenue design, performance and mainte
BOOT approach. Third, this paper stream to pay off the company's debt nance and select the private sponsors
explains the main characteristics of and provide a reasonable rate of return by means of an appropriate bidding
BOO/BOOT projects. Fourth, this for its effort and risk. Generally, BOT process.
paper presents the scope of works stands for build, operate and transfer
and terms of references for the feasi or build, own and transfer (the terms Advantages a n d Challenges o f
bility studies on BOO/BOOT mega are used interchangeably).The different the B O O / B O O T A p p r o a c h
projects. The fifth part of this paper forms of BOT variants include BOO
discusses issues related to the various (build, own and operate, ie without any The advantages and challenges of
contract documents and agrements obligation to transfer); BOR (build, o p BOO/BOOT approach can be
relevant to BOO/BOOT projects. erate and renewal of concession): summarised as follows:
Sixth, this paper illustrates important BOOT (build, own operate and trans 1 The use of private sector financ
factors for the success of the BOO/ fer); BUT or BRT (build, rent or lease ing to provide new sources of
BOOT projects in develpoing parts and transfer); BT (build and transfer capital, which reduces public bor
of the world. Finally, concluding immediately), BTO (build, transfer and rowing and direct spending and
observations will be fbllowed.In the operate); possibly subject to installment which may improve the host
annexure, the standard procedure payments of the purchase price); government's credit rating.
adopted by Sri Lankaforthe BOO/ OBFO (design, build, financeand op
2 The ability to accelerate the de
BOOT projects will be presented. erate); and DCMF (design, construct,
velopment of projects that would
manage and finance); MOT (modern
otherwise have to wait for, and
ize, own/operate and transfer); ROO
T h e Definition of a B O O / B O O T compete for, scarce sovereign re
(rehabilitate, own and operate) and
Project sources.
ROT (rehabilitate, own and transfer).
3 The use of private sector capital,
Disagreement can be found regarding
BOO/BOOT is the terminology initiative and know-how to reduce
for a model or structure that uses the origin of BOO/BOOT concept.
project construction costs,