Nursing Care of The Child With A Hematologic Disorder Terms
Nursing Care of The Child With A Hematologic Disorder Terms
Nursing Care of The Child With A Hematologic Disorder Terms
Formed Elements
A. Thrombocytes (platelets) - coagulation - causes blood clot (normal level of platelets 150,000-450,000 mm3)
Dengue fever - decrease platelet; caused by virus that attacks platelets
Clotting Process
Study clot
B. Leukocytes (WBC)
A. Granular Leukocytes -
1. Basophils - anti-inflammatory
2. Eosinophils - activates when there is helminths (parasites) and allergic reactions
3. Neutrophils- photocyte
B. Agranular Leukocytes -
1. Monocytes - big phagocytes
2. Lymphocytes - T-Lymphocytes & B Lymphocytes
*Increased WBC indicates infection
Hematologic Disorders
Condition Signs and Symptoms Management
Hemophilia -prolonged bleeding from any - Control bleeding
-defects in clotting mechanism of blood : two wound -Prevention of bleeding with use of factor
most common deficiencies are: -Bleeding into the joints replacement
1. Factor VIII, classic hemophilia (hemarthrosis) resulting to A. Drugs that replace deficient coagulation
2. Factor IX, Christmas disease pain, deformity and retarded Factors
growth 1. Antihemophilic Factor - obtained from
- hereditary influence: X-linked gene -anemia human sources: provides concentrated
classically occurring in males, and females as -epistaxis Factor VIII
carrier -Intracranial hemorrhage 2. Antihemphilic plasma
-Platelet count - normal 3. Factor IX complex contains factors II,
-Prolonged coagulation time VII, X (concentrated)
-Increased PTT B. Adjunctive Measures
1. Episilon-aminocaproic acid (Amicar): inhibits
the enzyme that destroys formed fibrin and
increase fibrinogen activity in clot formation
2. Fibrinogen: maintains plasma fibrinogen levels
required for clotting materials
3. Thrombin : supplies physiologic levels of
natural material at superficial bleeding sites to
control bleeding
Nursing care:
1. Immobilize of the affected joints
2. Compression of the bleeding site
3. Elevation of the body part
4. Application of cold compresses
5. Select safe toys: prevent trauma
6. Avoid use of aspirin or ibuprofen
7. Provide counseling since disease is genetic
8. Treat the child as normally as possible, avoid
overprotectiveness and overpermissiveness
Sickle Cell Anemia - Colic - 1st sign in infants *Prevent Crisis:
-Autosomal disorder affecting hemoglobin (Severe pain in joints, back, 1. Avoid infection, DHN, and othe rconditions
-defective hemoglobin causes RBC to become extremities) causing strain on body, which precipitates a crisis:
sickle shaped and clump together under -Difficulty concentrating urine prophylactic use of flu vaccines
reduced oxygen tension -Frequent infections 2. Avoid hypoxia, treat respiratory tract infections
-chronic, severe, hemolytic disease _Delayed Growth and STAT
development 3. Avoid DHN - causes a rapid thrombin formation
Sickle Cell Crisis: -Hb 6-9 g/dl 4. Daily fluid intake should be calculated
* Vaso-occlusive crisis: most common and - decreased ESR, increased according to body wt. (130-200 ml per kg). During
only painful type: results from sickled cells WBC crisis, fluid needs to be increased especially if the
obstructing blood vessels causing occlusion, -Vaso-occlusive crisis: child is febrile
ischemia, and potential necrosis *fever, acute abd’l pain
(visceral hypoxia) *During crisis:
*Splenic Sequestration crisis: results form the *hand-foot syndrome 1. Adequate hydration (may need IV therapy)
spleen pooling large quantities of blood, which (dactylitis - symmetrical 2. Proper positioning, careful handling
causes a precipitous drop in blood pressure and painful soft tissues swelling of 3. Exercise is tolerated (immobility promotes
ultimately shock: acute episodes occurs most hands and feet in the absence of thrombus formation and respiratory problems)
commonly in children between 8 months - 5 trauma) 4. Adequate ventilation
years of age, can result in death from anemia *arthralgia without an 5. Control of pain: use of narcotic analgesics
and cardiovacular collapse: Chronic exacerbation of anemia 6. Blood transfusions for severe anemia
manifestation is termed functional asplenia
-Splenic Sequestration Crisis *Genetic counseling:
* Aplastic Crisis: diminished RBC production: * preicipitous decrease in BP 1. Disorder mostly occur in blacks: can be found
may be triggered by a viral or other infection *Shock in Mediterranean people
2. Screen young children for the d/o since clinical
*Hyperhemolytic crisis: Increased rate of RBC Aplastic crisis: manifestations usually do not appear before 6
destruction *Profound anemia months of age
3. If both parents are carriers, each pregnancy has
Hyperhemplotic crisis: 25% chance of producing a child with the disease
-jaundice, anemia
Leukemia Acute Leukemia * Acute Leukemia
* Acute Leukemia -sudden onset of high fever -Systemic chemotherapy
-is a malignant proliferation of white blood -thrombocytopenia and -Bone marrow transplant may be possible
cell precursors (blasts) in bone marrow or abnormal bleeding such as -Antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral drugs
lymph tissue and their accumulation in nosebleeds, petechiae, easy -Transfusion may also be given of platelets to
peripheral blood, bone marrow and body bruising after minor trauma and prevent bleeding and red blood cells to prevent
tissues. prolonged menstruation anemia