Camille Suzaine Pradas - Labs and Drugs

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Camille Pradas

BSN 2B Group 8


Examination Done Date of Results Normal Values

Examination Relevance/Significance to Patient

(Why was it done to the client? what is the

significance of the result to the client’s

Hematology September 13, RBC: 4.87 CBC

2021 WBC: 5.4 HGB: 12–15 g/dL or  A complete blood count (CBC) gives
HGB: 145 120 – 150 gm/L information on a number of
HCT: 0.43 HCT: 0.35 – 0.44 hematological parameters, but
generally in pregnancy the most useful
PLATELET COUNT: 258 RBC: 4.2-5.4 mcL are the hemoglobin, platelets and white
WBC: 4.5 – 11.0 x blood cell count. Most laboratories will
Blood Typing: Type B 10(9)/L provide pregnancy adjusted reference
August 4, 2021 RH Typing: Negative PLATELET: 140 – 440 ranges to enable easier interpretation.
x 10^9/L
CBC  CBC, the doctor will run pregnancy
blood tests to determine your blood
June 6, 2021 HGB: 133 Differential Count
type and Rh factor., blood typing is
HCT: 0.39 Segmenters: 0.55 – used to determine if you have the Rh
RBC: 4.5 0.65 factor, a protein on the surface of red
WBC: 10.2 Stab Cells: 0.03 – 0.06 blood cells.
Lymphocytes: 0.25 –  The test ascertains the compatibility of
the blood type between the mother and
Differential Count 0.35 child, if there is an incompatibility it may
Segmenters: 0.75 Eosinophils: 0.02 – cause damage on the baby's circulating
Lymphocytes: 0.20 0.06 RBC.
Monocytes: 0.05 Monocytes: 0.02 –
 Most mothers-to-be are Rh-positive.
0.08 This means their blood has the Rh
CBC Basophils: 0.5 – 1 factor. If you're Rh-negative, it means
March 20, 2021 HGB: 133 your blood lacks the Rh factor. This can
HCT: 0.45 cause problems during pregnancy if
RBC: 5.2 Rh Negative blood blood tests reveal that your baby is Rh-
WBC: 5.8 type is RARE positive.
 Getting a RhoGAM shot is the best way
to prevent any possible complications
Differential Count
from Rh incompatibility. It protects your
Segmenters: 0.66 baby's red blood cells from attack if her
Lymphocytes: 0.27 blood comes into contact with yours
Eosinophil: 0.03 during labor and delivery and helps
Monocytes: 0.04 prevent Rh-related complications from
happening in later pregnancies.

Examination Done Date of Results Normal Values
Examination Relevance/Significance to Patient

(Why was it done to the client? what is the

significance of the result to the client’s

HIV screening July 8, 2021 Nonreactive Nonreactive  An HIV test is recommended for all
people who are pregnant, or planning a
pregnancy regardless of their risk
factors or the prevalence rates where
they live. Proper diagnosis and
treatment can improve the health of the
pregnant person and greatly reduce the
transmission of HIV to the infant.

Serology: HBSAG, March 20, 2021 Nonreactive Nonreactive


 All pregnant women are at risk and

should be tested for syphilis as
early as possible, if it is reactive
and left untreated there is a
possibility that the infection can
also be transmitted to the fetus at
any time during pregnancy or at

Examination Done Date of Results Normal Values
Examination Relevance/Significance to Patient

(Why was it done to the client? what is the

significance of the result to the client’s

March 20, 2021 Single live fetus FHR: 130-160 bpm  Helps to visualize if there is a
Transvaginal Crown rump length: No presence of presence of possible abnormalities
ultrasound 36.46 mm mass/es inside the mother’s internal
AOG: 10 weeks and 6 Both adnexae are reproductive structures.
days unremarkable
FHR: 153 bpm No presence of free
No focal parenchymal fluid seen
Both adnexae are
No free fluid seen in
posterior cul de sac

COLOR: Light Yellow Color: Yellow/Amber  Checks if there is a presence of

Urinalysis March 9, 2021
REACTION: 5.0 Transparency: Clear sugar, protein, ketones, bacteria,
SP GRAVITY: 1.025 Reaction: 4.8 – 7.8 and blood cells that can indicate
SUGAR & PROTEIN: SP Gravity: 1.018 – conditions like UTI, gestational
Negative diabetes, or preeclampsia.
RBC: 0-2 Negative for sugar
PUS CELLS: 0-2 and protein
RBC: 0-1/HPF
Bacteria and
Epithelial Cells: Few
Casts: None


Classificatio Dosage Route of Mechanism of Contraindication Nursing

Name of Drug n Administration Action Indication Responsibilities

(Generic & (general indication,

Brand) then specific
indication to

Vitamins, Dose: Oral route  Folic acid is  Treatment  GI Monitor patient for
Generic Name: Water- 500 mg essential for of disturbances, hypersensitivity
Folic Acid Soluble (1 x a the megaloblas hypersensitivit reactions, especially if
(Vitamin B9) day) production of tic anemias y reactions; drug previously taken
certain due to bronchospas and keep supportive
Brand Name:
coenzymes in sprue, m. equipment or
Folvite emergency drugs readily
many nutritional  Undiagnosed
metabolic deficiency, megaloblastic available in case of
systems such pregnancy, anemia; serious allergic
as purine and infancy, pernicious, response.
pyrimidine and aplastic or
synthesis. childhood normocytic
 Essential in  To prevent anemias.
the synthesis neural tube  do not take
and defects within 2 hrs.
maintenance before or after
of antacid to
nucleoprotein prevent
in improper
erythropoiesi absorption of
s. folic acid
 Promotes
WBC and
production in

Generic Name: 1 x a day, Prevention and

Iron as soon Oral route  Iron is treatment of iron-  May cause  Assess nutritional
Ferrous sulfate
supplement as essential for deficiency anemia seizures, status, bowel
Brand Name: hypotension,
pregnanc hemoglobin, function
Feosol myoglobin constipation,
y is  Monitor hemoglobin,
detected and epigastric hematocrit, iron
enzymes, it is pain, diarrhea, levels
transported to skin staining,
 Advice patient to
organs where anaphylaxis
take this on an
it becomes  May cause
empty stomach to
part of iron elevated liver increase
stores enzymes absorption/vitamin c
helps with

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