Trends in The Global Immuno-Oncology Landscape: From The Analyst'S Couch
Trends in The Global Immuno-Oncology Landscape: From The Analyst'S Couch
Trends in The Global Immuno-Oncology Landscape: From The Analyst'S Couch
In general, targets with already approved 2017 7 1 1 2
2018 6 6 1
agents attracted fewer new agents in the past Gilead Sciences 2017 5 7
year than those without approved agents National Cancer 2018 7 6
Institute 2017 5 1
(FIG. 2). For example, despite a 113% increase 2018 5 7
GlaxoSmithKline Plc
in the number of cell therapies in a year, 2017 4 8
Shenzhen Geno-Immune 2018 12
CD19-targeted cell therapies only increased Medical Institute 2017 1 5
by 37%. Conversely, the number of agents China PLA General 2018 5 4 1
Hospital 2017 3 3
targeting neoantigens (for example, targets 2018 6 2 2 Clinical stages
identified through bioinformatic analysis of an Eli Lilly 2017 5 2 Approved
individual patient’s tumour) increased by 133% Johnson & Johnson 2018 6 3 1 Phase III
2017 6 4 Phase II
in 1 year. The increase in the number of targets Third Military Medical 2018 1 9 Phase I
being addressed by IO agents may lead to a University Hospital One 2017 8
broader range of approved immunotherapies 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
in the future. It is worth noting that agents Number of active IO agents
against non-specified tumour-associated
antigens (TAA) actually showed a decrease in Figure 3 | Trends in organizations with IO agents in clinical development. The current top 15
Nature Reviews | Drug Discovery
clinical pipelines in immuno-oncology (IO) from total 655 clinical-stage organizations, which jointly
the number of active agents, suggesting that
own 1,297 IO agents in clinical stage.
the field is moving in more precise directions
(Supplementary Fig. 1).
2017, the FDA has granted two approvals to primary factor to guide IO drug development.
More organizations now in global IO CAR T therapies, eight approvals to anti-PD1 For example, biomarkers should be adopted
development. In September 2017, 461 and anti-PDL1 agents, and one approval for for all eligible cancer trials to identify those
organizations (including both academia a CD3-targeted bispecific antibody, totalling patients who may most likely benefit from
and industry) were developing 964 clinical 10 approvals in one year. Second, since 2011, the right novel cancer immunotherapies.
agents. One year later, 655 organizations are new immunotherapies have become not only In addition, correlative studies should be
developing 1,287 clinical agents, which means the standard of care for 15 cancer types, but maximally integrated into all clinical trials
a 42% increase in the number of clinical also the front-line treatments for melanoma, so we can learn both from successful and
stage organizations and a 34% increase in lung cancer and kidney cancer, making failed clinical trials, which would allow every
the number of clinical-stage agents (FIG. 3). immunotherapy one of the pillars of cancer clinical trial and every patient volunteer to
Focusing on the top 15 clinical pipelines, therapy. Third, immunotherapies, such as make increased contributions to our pursuit
we found that 36 new agents were added anti-PD1 and anti-PDL1 agents, are quickly of cures for cancer.
in 1 year, a 20% increase. Importantly, big entering into major markets beyond the
pharma still dominates the clinical space, United States, Europe and Japan, exemplified Jun Tang*, Laura Pearce, Jill O’Donnell-Tormey and
Vanessa M. Hubbard-Lucey are at the Anna-Maria
as the top 8 clinical pipelines all rest with by the recent approvals of nivolumab
Kellen Clinical Accelerator, Cancer Research Institute,
major pharmaceutical companies. However, and pembrolizumab in China. Finally, a New York, NY, USA.
4 academic centres made the top 15 clinical large number of clinical studies prove that *e-mail:
pipelines. immunotherapies bring long-lasting survival
benefits to patients, fulfilling the promise of Published online 19 Oct 2018
Conclusion cancer immunotherapy as a potential cure
Competing interests
Our landscape analyses show that, in 1 year, for some cancer patients. J.O-T. is a paid board member of HemaCare. L. P. is a con-
the IO global pipeline had a 67% increase in However, caution is needed when sultant to Cancer Research Institute and Canadian Cancer
Trials Group.
the number of active agents, a 50% increase in translating the promising science of
Supplementary information
active drug targets and a 42% increase cancer immunology into successful cancer Supplementary information is available for this paper at
in active clinical-stage organizations. immunotherapies. The recent failure or
This tremendous growth suggests a termination of multiple phase III studies
strong enthusiasm in, and an unparalleled evaluating indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 RELATED LINKS
commitment to, IO drug development. (IDO1) inhibitors reminds us that drug Cancer Research Institute Clinical Accelerator:
We think this optimism is well justified. development is a very risky endeavour. Going
First, since our last survey in September forward, scientific evidence should be the