Manual On Accessible Built Environment PDF
Manual On Accessible Built Environment PDF
Manual On Accessible Built Environment PDF
Reception Area & Counter Desks: General Requirements
·Shall have hard, non-slip and even surface;
·Shall be free of loose gravel;
·Shall provide continuing common surface not interrupted by steps or sudden changes
in level and other obstructions such as manhole covers, light or telephone poles;
·Shall be marked with signage in Braille and visual signage at appropriate height to
indicate the shopping area, apartment blocks, bus stop, taxi stand, etc.;
·Shall be there if there is more than one entry to the dwelling, the most accessible one
should be selected considering proximity to the driveway, most level walking surface,
height of stairs and available handrails;
Shall the driveway provide easy access to the home by means of a walkway that is level
and free of cracks and uneven surfaces. For details regarding accessible parking refer to
Chapter 3.
Shall conform to appropriate stairs accessibility standards and be provided with handrails
conforming to Chapter 6.
·Shall consider if a ramp is to be installed, it should conform to Chapter 4.
Sloped OR Ramped Access
The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 27th December,
2016, and is hereby published for general informa on:—
WHEREAS the United Na ons General Assembly adopted its Conven on on the Rights of Persons with
Disabili es on the 13th day of December, 2006;
AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Conven on lays down the following principles for empowerment of
persons with disabili es,—
(a) Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make
one's own choices, and independence of persons;
(b) Non-discrimina on;
(c) Full and effec ve par cipa on and inclusion in society;
(d) Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabili es as part of
human diversity and humanity;
(e) Equality of opportunity;
(f) Accessibility;
(g) Equality between men and women;
(h) Respect for the evolving capaci es of children with disabili es and respect for the
right of children with disabili es to preserve their iden es;
2.(w) "public building'' means a Government or private building, used or accessed by the public at large,
including a building used for educa onal or voca onal purposes, workplace, commercial, ac vi es,
public u li es, religious, cultural, leisure or recrea onal ac vi es, medical or health services, low
enforcement agencies, reformatories or judicial foras, railway sta ons or pla orms, roadways, but
stands or terminus, airports or water ways;
(x) " public facili es and services' includes all forms of delivery of services to the public at large, including
housing, educa onal and voca onal trainings, employment and career advancement, shopping or
marke ng, religious, cultural, leisure or recrea onal, medical health and rehabilita ons, banking,
finance and insurance, communica on, postal and informa on, access to jus ce, public u li es,
transporta on;
(y) "reasonable accommoda on" means necessary and appropriate modifica on and adjustment,
without imposing a dispropor onate or undue burden in a par cular case, to ensure to persons with
disabili es the enjoyment or exercise of rights equally.
(zd) "transporta on systems" includes road transport, rail transport, air transport, water transport, para
transit system for the last mile connec vity, road and street infrastructure etc;
(ze) "universal design" means the design of products, environments, programmes and services to be
usable by the people to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adapta on or specialized
design and shall apply to assis ve devices including advance technologies for par cular group of persons
with disabili es.
Social security, health rehabilitation and recreation
24. 1(e) access to safe drinking water and appropriate and accessible sanita on facili es
especially in urban slums and rural areas;
25 1(b) barrier-free access in all parts of Government and private hospital and other healthcare
ins tu ons and centres;
2(b) promote various methods for preven ng disabili es;
29 (g) developing technology, assis ve devices and equipments to facilitate access and
inclusion for persons with disabili es in recrea onal ac vi es;
30 3(b) redesign and support infrastructure facili es of all spor ng ac vi es for persons with
disabili es.
(d) provide mul -sensory essen als and features in all spor ng ac vi es to ensure effec ve
par cipa on of all persons with disabili es;
Duties and Responsibilities of Appropriate Governments
40. The Central Government shall, in consulta on with the Chief Commissioner, formulate rules for
persons with disabili es laying down the standards of accessibility for the physical environment,
transporta on, informa on and communica ons, including appropriate technologies and systems, and
other facili es and services provided to the public in urban and rural areas.
41. (1) The appropriate Government shall take suitable measures to provide,
· facili es for persons with disabili es at bus stops, railway sta ons and airports conforming to the
accessibility standards rela ng to parking spaces, toilets, cke ng counters and cke ng machines;
· access to all modes of transport that conform the design standards, including retrofi ng old
modes of transport, wherever technically feasible and safe for persons with disabili es,
economically viable and without entailing major structural changes in design;
· accessible roads to address mobility necessary for persons with disabili es.
(2) The appropriate Government shall develop schemes programmes to promote the personal mobility
of persons with disabili es at affordable cost to provide for-
(a) incen ves and concessions;
(b) retrofi ng of vehicles; and
(c) personal mobility assistance.
42. The appropriate Government shall take measures to ensure that,—
(i) all contents available in audio, print and electronic media are in accessible format;
(ii) persons with disabili es have access to electronic media by providing audio descrip on,
sign language interpreta on and close cap oning;
(iii) electronic goods and equipment which are meant for everyday use are available in
universal design.
43. The appropriate Government shall take measures to promote development, produc on and
distribu on of universally designed consumer products and accessories for general use for persons with
disabili es.
44. (1) No establishment shall be granted permission to build any structure if the building plan does not
adhere to the rules formulated by the Central Government under sec on 40.
(2) No establishment shall be issued a cer ficate of comple on or allowed to take occupa on of a
building unless it has adhered to the rules formulated by the Central Government.
45. (1) All exis ng public buildings shall be made accessible in accordance with the rules formulated by
the Central Government within a period not exceeding five years from the date of no fica on of such
Provided that the Central Government may grant extension of me to the States on a case to
case basis for adherence to this provision depending on their state of preparedness and other related
(2) The appropriate Government and the local authori es shall formulate and publish an ac on plan
based on priori sa on, for providing accessibility in all their buildings and spaces providing essen al
services such as all primary health centres, civil hospitals, schools, railway sta ons and bus stops.
46. The service providers whether government or private shall provide services in accordance with
the rules on accessibility formulated by the Central Government under sec on 40 within a period of
two years from the date of no fica on of such rules;
Provided that the Central Government in consulta on with the Chief Commissioner may grant
extension of me for providing certain category of services in accordance with the said rules.
48. The appropriate government shall undertake social audit of all general schemes and programmes
involving the persons with disabili es to ensure that the scheme and programmes do not have an
adverse impact upon the persons with disabili es and need the requirement and concerns of persons
with disabili es.