Alpha Gel Prepared in Alcohol - Water System
Alpha Gel Prepared in Alcohol - Water System
Alpha Gel Prepared in Alcohol - Water System
Abstract: In this study, the changes in the structural and physicochemical properties of an α-crystalline
phase (often called an “α-gel”) were assessed in a sodium methyl stearoyl taurate (SMT)/behenyl alcohol/
water system. The α-gels were characterized focusing on the effects of the alcohol/surfactant ratio and water
concentration. Water molecules solubilized in the interlayer of the α-crystalline phase resulting in expanded
interlayer spacing. Beyond the solubilization limit of 85 %, water molecules were trapped in the matrix of
the α-crystalline phase in non-equilibrium (i.e., two phases). Accordingly, different self-diffusion coefficients
for the solubilized and trapped water molecules were measured using a Fourier transform pulsed gradient
spin echo technique to monitor the 1H NMR spectra. It was concluded that the two self-diffusion coefficients
correspond to the water solubilized in the interlayer, i.e., “slow water,” and trapped in the matrix of the
α-crystalline phase, i.e., “fast water.”
Key words: α-crystalline phase, structural and physicochemical properties, sodium methyl stearoyl taurate (SMT)/behenyl
alcohol/water system,
Correspondence to: Kei Watanabe, Research Center (Shin-yokohama), Shiseido Co. Ltd., 2-2-1 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama,
Kanagawa 224-8558, JAPAN
Accepted August 24, 2011 (received for review May 25, 2011)
Journal of Oleo Science ISSN 1345-8957 print / ISSN 1347-3352 online
K. Watanabe, H. Inoue, T. Teshigawara and T. Kimura
Fig. 3 Small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering patterns of an α-crystalline phase comprising SMT/behenyl alcohol/wa-
ter (i.e., composition B in the phase diagram, Fig. 1) at (a) 60° and (b) 80°.
d=2ℓ(φwρw+φsρs)/φsρs, (2)
where d represents the interlayer spacing, ρw represents
the density of water (1 g/cm3), ρs represents the density of
the lipophilic group(0.84 g/cm3 according to a reported
, φw and
value for stearyl alcohol in the supercooled state13))
φs represent the total weight fraction of water and the sur-
factant and higher alcohol in the system, respectively, and
ℓ represents the monolayer thickness of the lipophilic
group(assumed to be ∼2 nm) .
The theoretical and measured values correspond very
well in the range of 20-80% water. Above 85%, a deviation
of the experimental values from the theoretical values was
observed due to incorporation of the excess water beyond
the solubilization limit in the matrix of the α-crystalline
phase instead of in the interlayer.
Fig. 4 Interlayer spacing, d, of an α-crystalline phase Figure 5 shows the volume fraction of excess water
as a function of water concentration. The open phase separated from the gel comprising the α-crystalline
circle represents the value measured using phase and the water phase by centrifugation at 40,000 G
SAXS. The full line represents the value calcu- for 3 h. At water concentrations below 80%, no water
lated using the following equation: phase separates from the gel. Gels with water concentra-
d =2ℓ (φwρw + φsρs)/φsρs, tions of 90 and 95% separated water layer at a bottom.
where d represents the interlayer spacing, ρw The volume fraction of water layers were 5 vol% and 40
vol% of total volume of the systems, respectively. The
represents the density of water (1 g/cm 3), ρ s
weight ratios of water included in the gels at upper layers
represents the density of the lipophilic groups
were calculated to be 0.89 and 0.91 for the 90 and 95%
(0.84 g/cm3 according to a reported value for
water systems, respectively. These values are close to 0.85,
stearyl alcohol in a supercooled state), φw and φs which is the maximum weight ratio of water that can be
represent the total weight fraction of water and solubilized in the interlayer in equilibrium. These results
the surfactant and higher alcohol in the system, strongly suggest that the water that separates is the excess
and ℓ represents the monolayer thickness of the water that was incorporated into the matrix of the
lipophilic group (assumed to be ~2 nm). Com- α-crystalline phase in non-equilibrium.
positions A, B, C, and D correspond to those in These results also suggest the importance of considering
the phase diagram (Fig. 1). that water molecules in different locations have different
J. Oleo Sci. 61, (1) 29-34 (2012)
α -Gel Prepared in Sodium Methyl Stearoyl Taurate/Behenyl Alcohol/Water System
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