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The following is the recommended testing order for MCE testing of AC

1. Rotor Influence Check (RIC)
2. Standard Test
3. Polarization Index (PI) or Dielectric Absorption (DA) Test
4. Step Voltage

For DC motors, the following order is recommended:

1. Standard Test
2. Polarization Index (PI) or Dielectric Absorption (DA) Test
3. Commutator Bar-to-Bar Test
4. Step Voltage

The following fault zones should be evaluated for their condition:

1. Power Circuit
2. Insulation
3. Stator
4. Rotor
5. Air Gap

Table 2 shows the area analyzed using the various MCE tests listed.

Table 2: MCETests

MCE Test Area

RIC Rotor, Air Gap Eccentricity,


Standard Test, RTG Insulation system

Standard Test, CTG Cleanliness of windings and


Standard Test, Phase-to- High resistance connections

Phase Resistance

Standard Test, Phase-to- Stator, Rotor, Air Gap Eccen-

Phase Inductance tricity

DA/PI Insulation system

Step Voltage Insulation system

Commutator Bar-to-Bar DC motor armature windings

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 9

MCE Test Data


Quick Reference

10 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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MCEMAX Data Interpretation 11

MCE Test Data

What is Rotor Influence Check?

The Rotor Influence Check (RIC) is a graphical representation of the
magnetic coupling between the rotor/stator.

The MCE applies a test signal to the stator windings, creating a

magnetic field in the windings. The rotor is manually turned in specific
degree-increments causing the residual field around the rotor to interact
with the generated field in the stator windings. The WinVis software
plots and displays 3 phase-to-phase graphs of stator winding inductance
in millihenrys (mH), which indicates the affect of the residual field of
the rotor on the generated field in the stator windings, versus rotor
position (degrees). The display is then analyzed to identify rotor and
stator faults, as well as motor air gap eccentricity.

The RIC should be performed as a baseline on new, repaired, or in-

service motors. Also, as average inductance and inductive imbalance on
the Standard Test increase, perform the RIC to isolate a problem to the
rotor, stator, or air gap.

What does it tell you?

By analyzing variations in the magnetic flux while rotating the rotor, air
gap eccentricity and rotor defects are identified. The RIC can also be
used to confirm stator faults.

A motor acts similar to an electromagnet. The rotor acts like the core
and the stator acts like the windings of the electromagnet. A RIC shows
how the residual magnetism of the rotor in different positions influences
the stator inductance. As the magnetic field of the rotor interacts with
more of the coils in the stator winding, the inductance of the winding
changes. This influence causes repeatable patterns of change in the
graph of the stator inductance that can be used to identify motor

Why is it important?
Broken rotor bars can cause extreme heat and vibration, which can
result in stator winding failure, bearing failure, and loss of torque in a
motor. Eccentricity, a non-uniformity of the air gap between the rotor
and stator, can cause excessive vibration and stator/rotor rub, which can
result in stator winding and bearing failure.

12 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Data Interpretation
Analyzing a RIC graph is done by following three steps, outlined by the
acronym PAC.

• P – look for peak-to-peak variation of each phase and peak-to-peak

variation between phases

• A – look for alarms for low influence rotor or eccentricity

• C – look at the curve characteristics

Table 3 describes the condition of the motor after analyzing the


Table 3: Waveform Analysis

Condition Waveform

Normal Smooth three-phase sinusoidal waveforms or non-sinusoidal wave-

forms in the Low Influence Rotor

Rotor Defect Erratic inductance throughout the peaks of the waveforms or the devel-
opment of sinusoidal activity on a Low Influence Rotor

Eccentricity Inconsistent variations in the amplitude of the waveforms. Static eccen-

tricity sometimes causes a consistent separation in the three sine waves,
coupled with a low inductive imbalance.

Low Influence Rotor (LIR)

In many cases the resulting RIC graph on an AC Induction motor
exhibits three sinusoidal waveforms. In some situations the resulting
graph is not sinusoidal due to the motor being a Low Influence Rotor
(LIR). A LIR is one that retains little or no measurable magnetic field
after the motor is shut down. With little residual magnetic field left on
the rotor, there is little or no influence into the stator’s magnetic field
during the RIC test. The resulting graphs are relatively straight lines, as
shown in Figure 1. A motor with a LIR, exhibiting little or no sinusoidal
activity, is indicative of a healthy rotor.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 13

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Figure 1: Low Influence Rotor - Good Condition

Inductive imbalance and separation of the waveforms are still effective

for stator analysis. Balanced inductance readings indicate a healthy
stator. The effectiveness of air gap assessment is reduced for early
stages of an air gap anomaly. However, waveform separation will occur
as the rotor gets closer to one area of the stator iron.

The WinVis software identifies and indicates when a RIC is performed

on a LIR with a yellow “Possible Low Influence Rotor” message.
Identifying a Low Influence Rotor is essential to correctly analyze the
RIC graph. The RIC graph of a good motor with a Low Influence Rotor
displays relatively straight lines, as seen in Figure 1. However, as rotor
problems develop the lines tend to become more sinusoidal.

As Low Influence Rotors develop faults, and the faults get worse, the
rotor develops a residual field. The initial straight line RIC graphs will
develop a sinusoidal shape, as shown in Figures 2 through 4. These
figures show the progression from one to four broken rotor bars.

14 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Figure 2: Low Influence Rotor

Figure 3: Low Influence Rotor

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 15

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Figure 4: Low Influence Rotor

During the RIC test, the amount the rotor should be moved between
tests and the total amount of rotation for the complete test are
determined by the number of poles in the motor. The increments and
rotation are automatically calculated by WinVis. You may reduce the
increments which results in performing more readings and provides a
higher resolution the curve. Widening the degree increments or doing
fewer measurements results in a lower resolution and is not
recommended. Aliasing occurs when too few measurements are taken
over a specified rotation. The resulting points are too far apart to show
the true shape of the curve. In other words, aliasing produces an
inaccurate and incomplete graph because not enough data points are
taken to reveal a true picture of the curve.

Figure 5 shows the graph of a motor with rotor bar defects. Figure 6
shows the graph of the same motor subject to the effects of aliasing.

16 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Figure 5: Rotor Bar Defect

Figure 6: Rotor Bar Defect With Aliasing

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 17

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Eccentricity is the unevenness of the air gap between the rotor and stator
of the motor. The air gap should be the same width all the way around. If
the rotor is bowed, the bearing clearances improperly set, or the end bell
is not aligned properly, the air gap will not be uniform. The WinVis
software determines eccentricity and places an alert on the RIC graph.
Figure 7 shows a RIC graph displaying eccentricity.

Figure 7: Eccentricity

Broken Rotor Bars

A rotor with broken rotor bars produces graphs with anomalies in their
wave shapes, such as flat peaks or a jagged waveform. The erratic
variations in the waveforms repeat themselves from one phase to the
next phase. This is shown in Figure 8.

18 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Figure 8: Broken Rotor Bars

Stator Faults
Depending on the winding configuration (wye or delta), phase-to-phase
or turn-to-turn stator winding shorts can result in either a one-up/two-
down or two-up/one-down RIC pattern. Figure 9 shows a RIC graph
displaying the one-up/two-down pattern and Figure 10 is an example of
the two-up/one-down pattern.

Figure 9: One-Up/Two-Down

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 19

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Figure 10: Two-Up/One-Down

To assist in the analysis, compare the RIC with the phase-to-phase

resistance readings on the standard test. If the same phases are affected
resistively and inductively, this further confirms a winding defect. If
resistance readings do not confirm this condition, evaluate the motor for
possible eccentricity/air gap problems.

20 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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This test is performed on the stator portion of AC Induction and
Synchronous motors; and the stator, rotor, and resistor bank portions of
AC Wound Rotor motors.

A Standard Test should be performed as a baseline on new, repaired, and

in-service motors. Also, the Standard Test should be performed
periodically as a good overall test of the motor’s condition.

The Standard Test provides resistance-to-ground, capacitance-to-

ground, phase-to-phase resistance, and phase-to-phase inductance

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 21

MCE Test Data

Resistance-to-Ground (RTG)
Quick Reference

22 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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MCE Test Data

What is Resistance-to-Ground?
Resistance is a measurement, in ohms, of the difficulty in moving
electrical current through a medium when voltage is applied. The
resistance-to-ground measurement is a test of the insulation system
performed by the MCE on a deenergized motor. During the RTG
measurement, the MCE tester applies a pre-determined DC potential,
for a pre-determined amount of time between phase 1 and ground leads.
At the conclusion of the test, resistance of the insulation system, in
megohms, with respect to ground is recorded.

What does it tell you?

The resistance-to-ground (RTG) value indicates the cleanliness and
health of the insulation. As the insulation ages, cracks and small holes
develop. It also becomes brittle over time, as the wiring expands and
contracts due to heating and cooling. Aging and temperature variations
also break down the molecular structure of the insulation. These factors
allow contaminants and moisture, which collect on the surface of the
insulation, to penetrate to the conductor. Since current follows the path
of least resistance, some of the motor current is diverted from the motor
circuit to these alternate paths, and ultimately to ground.

Why is this important?

A low RTG value may indicate that the insulation needs to be cleaned,
dipped, or baked. If the condition causing the low RTG is not corrected
and the RTG value continues to drop, the insulation could completely
fail and the motor windings could be damaged. This could require a
complete rewind of the stator.

Setting Warning Levels

Default warning levels are determined by using a combination of
accepted industry standards, manufacturing data, and empirical data
collected by PdMA during research and development.

As you gain experience with the MCE tester, you may choose to narrow
the range of acceptable values. The condition of the motor and the
criticality of its application to your operation or process are other factors
that should be considered when setting up the warning levels.

IEEE Std. 43-2000 establishes a standard for the minimum value of

insulation resistance which can be applied to most windings made

24 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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before 1970, all field windings, and others not noted in the exceptions
listed below. The equation for the minimum value is:

IR 1min = kV + 1

In the formula:

• IR1min is the recommended minimum insulation resistance-to-

ground, in megohms, at 40°C (104°F) at the motor windings

• kV is the rated terminal-to-terminal voltage, in rms kilovolts


• A 480 volt motor has a minimum RTG value of 1.48 megohms (480
volts = .480 kilovolts; .48 + 1 = 1.48 megohms)

• A 4160 volt motor has a minimum RTG value of 5.160 megohms

(4160 volts = 4.160 kilovolts; 4.160 + 1 = 5.160 megohms)

WinVis computes the minimum acceptable RTG value using this

equation. This value is corrected to 40°C. WinVis provides both the
temperature corrected RTG reading along with the actual measured
RTG value. To increase the accuracy of comparisons and trending,
always enter actual motor winding temperature and trend the corrected

Exceptions to the equation above are:

• Most DC armature and AC windings built after about 1970 (form-

wound coils). That standard is IR1 min = 100.

• Most machines with random-wound stator coils and form-wound

coils rated below 1 kV. That standard is IR 1 min = 5.

Data Interpretation
Three testing factors affect the value of measured RTG: temperature,
test voltage, and duration of the applied voltage. To accurately trend
RTG for one motor over time, keep these factors constant. The MCE can
maintain voltage and time constant. Temperature cannot be controlled,
therefore it is necessary to correct the temperature. When these factors
are identical for tests between similar motors being correlated, then the

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 25

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temperature-corrected RTG readings can be compared for similar

motors operating under similar conditions.

All RTG readings must be temperature corrected for trending and

comparison purposes. Temperature correction of the reading is required
because the temperature of the insulation system under test may vary
depending on operating conditions prior to testing, atmospheric
conditions, or ambient temperature. Insulation material has a negative
temperature coefficient which means that resistance characteristics vary
inversely with temperature. That is, resistance to current flow goes
down as temperature of the material goes up. A rule of thumb is that for
every 10° Celsius (C) temperature rise the resistance is halved.

While temperature correcting to 40°C is used by some, it is not used by

all. For example, some test equipment uses 25°C. It is important to note
that all readings should be temperature corrected to the same common
value (e.g. 40°C). As stated earlier, WinVis software automatically
corrects the temperature to 40°C and provides both the temperature
corrected RTG and the actual measured RTG.

The temperature corrected megohm readings should be recorded and

graphed for comparison over time. If a downward trend is observed,
look for dirt or moisture. A single reading will not have much meaning
in regards to the overall health of the insulation system; a reading as low
as 5 megohms may be acceptable if related to a low voltage application.
This test, as well as a Polarization Index, should always precede the
application of a hipot test. If low resistance-to-ground readings are
present, which already indicates a weakness, the condition should be
corrected before overstressing the insulation.

A low RTG value, where RTG is in Caution or Alarm, indicates a

possible breakdown or weakness in the insulation system.

If the RTG value is low, isolate the problem to either the power circuit
or the motor. Assuming the first test was made at the MCC, perform
another test at the motor connection box of the resistor alone. If the RTG
value is higher testing the motor, the fault is in the cables between the
MCC and the motor. Check the connections in the motor connection
box, look for moisture in the conduit and examine the cables. The cables
may require cleaning, drying, or replacement.

If the RTG value at the motor connection box is still low, the fault is in
the motor. If the value is in caution, the motor may need to be dried,

26 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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cleaned in place, or removed for a clean, dip, and bake. If the value is in
alarm, the motor may need to be rewound. If the RTG value is less than
the IEEE minimum, look for a ground fault and clear this condition
before starting the motor.

Table 4 shows the correlation between resistance to ground (RTG)

readings and motor condition, and suggests recommended actions.

Table 4: RTG, Motor Condition, and Recommended Actions

RTG Motor Recommended Actions

Stable trend, compara- Good; maximum Monitor motor on current schedule.
tively * high value margin against leak-
age current.

Downward trend Observe; condition Monitor motor more frequently.

should be trended
more often.

Downward trend, Caution; path for A problem may be developing with moisture
reading in caution con- current leakage to or dirt buildup in the motor’s insulation sys-
dition, compara- ground is develop- tem. Also, check the cable for the presence of
tively* low value ing. moisture. Schedule cleaning and inspection.
Isolate fault to motor or power circuit. Moni-
tor more often (operational conditions permit-
ting) to better define a trend. RTG will
typically decrease as CTG increases.

Downward trend, Severe; path for cur- Isolate ground fault. Correlate with CTG
reading in alarm con- rent leakage to readings. Troubleshoot and repair/replace
dition, compara- ground exists. prior to returning to service.
tively* low value

* “Comparative” or “Comparatively” means compared to an identical motor in a similar envi-


MCEMAX Data Interpretation 27

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Capacitance-to-Ground (CTG)
Quick Reference

28 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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MCEMAX Data Interpretation 29

MCE Test Data

What is Capacitance-to-Ground?
Capacitance is the ability of a dielectric material between conductors to
store energy when a difference of potential exists between the
conductors. The capacitance-to-ground (CTG) measurement is a test
performed by the MCE on a deenergized motor. During the CTG
measurement, the MCE tester applies an AC potential between phase 1
and ground leads. Circuit capacitance of the insulation system is
measured. This capacitance value reflects the cleanliness of the
windings and cables. A buildup of material on the surface of the
windings and cables results in higher capacitance readings.

What does it tell you?

A capacitor is formed by any two conducting materials, called plates,
separated from each other by a dielectric material. Dielectric material is
anything that is unable to conduct direct electric current. A cable or
motor winding surrounded by insulation provides one conductor and the
dielectric material. The second plate is formed by the stator core and
motor casing iron.

The capacitance-to-ground (CTG) value is indicative of the cleanliness

of the windings and cables. As dirt and contaminants build up on
windings and cables, CTG values increase. An increasing CTG trend
may indicate that the motor needs to be cleaned.

Actual capacitance in a motor varies with construction and materials. A

one-time CTG value cannot be used to form a diagnosis. Trend CTG
values over time to determine motor condition.

Normally, when the outside of the insulation is clean and dry, it is a

good insulator. When dirt, moisture, and other contaminates begin to
cover the stator windings, they cause the outer insulation surface areas
to become conductive. Since this surface is in contact with the ground, it
allows an AC current path to ground. Cables in the power circuit are
also subjected to the same affect, when moisture penetrates the outer
casing. The cleanliness of the windings and cables can be determined by
looking at the CTG value.

With a buildup of material on them, dirty windings and cables produce

higher capacitance values than clean ones do. Over time, CTG values
steadily increasing indicate an accumulation of dirt and that cleaning is
necessary. This can be correlated with decreasing RTG values.

30 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Why is this important?

Dirt and contamination reduce a motor’s ability to dissipate the heat
generated by its operation, resulting in premature aging of the insulation
system. A general rule of thumb is that motor life decreases by 50% for
every 10°C (50°F) increase in operating temperature above the design
temperature of the insulation system. Heat raises the resistance of
conductor materials and breaks down the insulation. These factors
accelerate the development of cracks in the insulation, providing paths
for unwanted current to flow to ground. If capacitance is higher than
normal, a low RTG reading indicates that such a path may already exist.

Setting Warning Levels

Default warning levels are based on empirical data collected by PdMA
during research and development.

As you gain experience with the MCE tester, you may choose to narrow
the range of acceptable values. The condition of the motor and the
criticality of its application to your operation or process are other factors
that should be considered when setting up the warning levels.

Default warning levels for CTG values in WinVis are based on a percent
change from the baseline measurement. This is merely a comparison
warning. A 100% increase from baseline produces a caution (yellow on
the computer display or underlined on the printed copy of a report). A
200% increase from baseline produces an alarm (red on the computer
display or bold on the printed copy of a report). These values are
guidelines. As data is gathered on a single motor or on similar motors
operating in the same environment, warning levels should be reset to
reflect the specific conditions.

Data Interpretation
Capacitance-to-ground is a function of many factors. For example, CTG
is influenced by the design of each individual motor, the length of the
cable between the MCE and motor, the type of insulation on the cables
and motor windings, and the number and type of connectors in the
circuit. Therefore, a comparison of several CTG values is more
revealing of a motor’s condition than the analysis of a single CTG value

A new or recently refurbished motor may have a very low or zero CTG
reading. A “normal” capacitance value can vary from motor to motor
and is NOT an absolute value. CTG must be analyzed by trending
readings on the same motor or by comparing values taken on similar
motors, with similar histories, operating under the same conditions. If

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 31

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CTG increases over time, dirt, moisture, and/or contaminants are

building up on the windings, cables, or both. A high CTG value, where
CTG is in Caution or Alarm, indicates excessive contamination on the
surface of the insulation.

Surge capacitors are used in some circuits and will affect CTG readings.
Whenever possible, CTG tests should be performed with the capacitors
in the circuit as well as disconnected, to indicate the health of the
capacitors. This allows for trending the condition of the capacitors as
well as the CTG of the motor. Figure 11 shows a Standard test with the
capacitors disconnected (10:21:58 AM) and with the capacitors
connected (11:51:43 AM).

Figure 11: History Chart for MCE Standard Test of a Stator

32 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Table 5 shows a comparison of similar motors operating under the same

conditions. Note the variation in the CTG values. Motors 3 and 4 show
the highest levels of contamination.

Table 5: Comparison of Values on Similar Motors

Newly In In In
Installed Service Service Service

Motor #1 Motor #2 Motor #3 Motor #4

Test Date 12/17/1996 12/17/1996 12/17/1996 12/17/1996

Test ID: 202 201 199 200

Frequency 1200 1200 1200 1200


Charge Time 30 30 30 30

Voltage 500 500 500 500

Motor Temp 40 40 40 40

Measured Mohm 2000.0 1.2 0.0 0.0

Corrected Mohm 2000.0 1.2 0.0 0.0

pF A1 to Gnd 12000 16500 22000 54250

ohm A1 to A2 0.29700 0.29000 0.31650 0.24550

mH A1 to A2 0.615 0.595 0.595 0.560

Table 6 shows a correlation between CTG readings, motor condition,

and recommended actions.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 33

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Table 6: Motor Condition and Recommended Actions vs. CTG

CTG Motor Recommended Actions

Stable trend, < 10% change Good; maximum Monitor motor on current schedule.
from baseline, compara- margin against leak-
tively* low value age current.

Between 10% and 100% Observe; condition Monitor motor more frequently.
change from baseline, com- should be trended
paratively* low value more often.

Upward trend, between Caution; surface path A problem may be developing with
100% and 200% change for current leakage to moisture or dirt buildup in the motor’s
from baseline, medium ground is developing. insulation system. Also, check the cable
comparative* value for the presence of moisture. Schedule
cleaning. Monitor more often (opera-
tional conditions permitting) to better
define a trend. CTG will typically
increase as RTG decreases.

Upward trend, greater than Severe; surface path Correlate with RTG readings. Perform
200% change from base- for current leakage to inspection of insulation system. Clean
line, comparatively* high ground exists. motor.

* “Comparative” or “Comparatively” means compared to an identical motor in a similar envi-


Table 7 shows a correlation between RTG and CTG readings, motor

condition, and recommended actions.

34 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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Table 7: Motor Condition and Recommended Actions vs. RTG/CTG

RTG CTG Motor Recommended Actions

Very High or <1000 pF Indeterminate Ground test lead (green) may not be
OVR connected to the same ground as the
motor. Reconnect the ground lead
and retest. If readings are the same,
ensure the motor is properly

Stable trend, Stable trend, Good Monitor motor on current schedule.

above IEEE compara-
minimum tively* low

Stable trend, Upward Satisfactory for con- Monitor more often (operational con-
above IEEE trend, tinued service ditions permitting) to better define a
minimum medium to trend.
high compar-
ative* value

Downward Upward Satisfactory for con- Isolate motor from power circuit.
trend, above trend, com- tinued service Retest both to isolate problem to
IEEE mini- paratively* motor (clean, dip, and bake) or power
mum low value circuit (clean, dry, or replace cables).
Check conduit for water. Monitor
more often (operational conditions
permitting) to better define a trend.

Downward Upward Deteriorating or Isolate motor from power circuit.

trend, value trend, damaged insulation Retest both to isolate problem to
near IEEE medium system with dirt and motor (clean, dip, and bake) or power
minimum compara- moisture buildup circuit (clean, dry, or replace cables).
tive* value Monitor more often (operational con-
ditions permitting) to better define a

Below IEEE Upward Motor circuit in Clear ground fault before starting
minimum, trend, high severe condition motor. Isolate motor from power cir-
trend unim- compara- cuit. Retest both to troubleshoot.
portant tive* value Repair or replace.

* “Comparative” or “Comparatively” means compared to an identical motor in a similar envi-


MCEMAX Data Interpretation 35

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Phase-to-Phase Resistance
Quick Reference

36 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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MCEMAX Data Interpretation 37

MCE Test Data

What is Phase-to-Phase Resistance?

Resistance is a measure of the difficulty in moving electrical current
through a medium when voltage is applied. Phase-to-Phase Resistance
is a measurement performed by the MCE on a deenergized motor.
During this measurement, DC potential is applied to each of the 3
phase-to-phase combinations in an AC motor and circuit resistance is
measured. These three values are inserted into an equation to determine
the percentage of imbalance of the resistance, with respect to each other.

What does it tell you?

Phase-to-phase resistance is the measured DC resistance between
phases of the stator in an AC motor and across the armature and field
coils in a DC motor. Actual phase-to-phase resistance values in a motor
will vary with temperature, motor construction, and materials used.
Monitor phase-to-phase values for a change from baseline. Trends in
phase-to-phase resistance readings can indicate the development of high
resistance connections. Imbalance percentages above certain setpoints
indicate high resistance connections.

Figure 12 shows a motor connection with damage due to a high

resistance connection.

Figure 12: Motor Connection With High Resistance Damage

38 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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An increasing resistance imbalance or a changing phase-to-phase

resistance value over time can indicate one or more of the following:

• Coil-to-coil, phase-to-phase, or turn-to-turn leakage

• Corroded terminals or connections
• Loose cable terminals or bus bar connections
• Open windings
• Poor crimps or bad solder joints
• Loose, dirty, or corroded fuse clips or manual disconnect switches
• Loose, pitted, worn, or poorly adjusted contacts in motor control-
lers or circuit breakers
• Mismatched components (incompatible materials, wrong sizes,
• Undersized conductors

Why is this important?

A high resistance imbalance indicates high resistance connections in the
power circuit or motor. A resistive imbalance causes voltage and current
imbalances, resulting in increased motor temperatures and potential
reduction in motor life.

Excessive resistance to the flow of current in a circuit is of concern from

the standpoints of safety, energy conservation, and insulation life. High
resistance points in conductors generate heat both at the point where the
resistance is located and in the three-phase motors being supplied.

The most extreme case of resistance imbalance occurs when a motor

“single phases.” This “single phasing” quickly causes the motor to fail
because the remaining phases compensate by increasing current by
200% to 300% of normal. Rapid heating of the windings which are still
connected destroys the insulation surrounding them.

Regardless of the source, some of the effects of increased heat

production in the motor include:

• Higher resistance due to heat in conductor materials adjacent to the

• Deterioration (accelerated aging) of the surrounding and supporting
insulating materials
• Increased power consumption in all cases
• Fire or failure in extreme situations

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 39

MCE Test Data

Setting Warning Levels

Default warning levels are determined by using a combination of
accepted industry standards, manufacturing data, and empirical data
collected by PdMA during research and development.

The default warning levels in WinVis are based on both actual values
and on a percent change from the baseline value.

Default warning levels are based on testing at the MCC. As you gain
experience with the MCE tester, you may choose to narrow the range of
acceptable values. The condition of the motor and the criticality of its
application to your operation or process are other factors that should be
considered when setting up the warning levels.

Data Interpretation
In AC induction motors, use the phase-to-phase resistance values and
resistance imbalances for trending, troubleshooting, and quality control.
In DC motors, use trending and relative comparison to determine the
condition of the windings in the motor. This includes comparing
readings taken from identical motors operating in similar conditions and
comparing current readings against past readings for the same motor.

Circuit resistance is determined by the length, size, width, composition,

condition, type, and temperature of the conductors and connectors.
When two dissimilar materials, such as aluminum and copper, are
connected a galvanic corrosion occurs. This corrosion will eventually
develop into a significant high resistance connection. Also, inadequate
connections cause heating of the conductor, which increases resistance
even more. This could be caused if only a few strands of a conductor or
portions of a soldered joint are improperly connected to a terminal or if
undersized connectors are used.

Resistance imbalance above the warning level, in Caution or Alarm,

indicates that a problem exists in either the power circuit or in the stator
windings. It may indicate a high resistance connection in the switchgear,
disconnect, or motor connection box. First, isolate the problem to the
motor or the circuit. Refer to individual phase-to-phase resistance
readings to assist in isolating the problem to a phase.

Changes in temperature will cause a change in resistance. Compare the

temperatures between the baseline and last test to determine a
relationship between the resistance values. Copper wire has a positive
temperature coefficient, therefore if the temperature increases, the
resistance increases.

40 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Also, look for the following characteristics which indicate faulty


• Aluminum cables connected to lugs marked for copper wire only

• Discoloration of insulation or contacts
• Damaged insulation having small cracks, bare conductors, or metal
• Mismatched cables in common circuits
• Poor lug crimps on T-Leads
• Oxidation of conductor metals
• Presence of contaminants, such as dirt

In a three-phase motor circuit, the resistance in the conductor paths

should be balanced. This means that the resistance imbalance should be
as close to 0% as possible. As a quality control check, resistance
imbalance should be < 1% when testing is performed at the motor leads
(testing motor windings only). A “resistance imbalance” occurs when
the phases have unequal resistances. The formula below shows how a
resistive imbalance can result in a voltage imbalance. This produces
uneven current flow and excessive heat.

--- × ( Rmax – Rmin ) × FLA
Vimb = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x100
Vl –   --- × ( Rmax – Rmin ) × FLA
  3 

In the formula:

Vimb = voltage imbalance

Rmax = maximum winding resistance value
Rmin = minimum winding resistance value
FLA = full load amp rating of motor
Vl = line voltage
100 = converts number to percentage

When voltage applied across three-phase motor leads is unbalanced,

circulating currents, called “negative sequence currents”, are induced.
When these negative sequence currents are present, they cause heating
in the windings. EPRI’s (Electric Power Research Institute) Handbook
to Assess the Insulation Condition of Large Rotating Machines states “a
3.5% voltage imbalance can raise winding temperature 25% in the
winding(s) affected by such currents.” EASA (Electrical Apparatus

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 41

MCE Test Data

Service Association) says a 1% voltage imbalance results in a 6-7%

current imbalance.

Table 8 shows a correlation between resistance imbalance readings and

motor condition, and suggests recommended actions.

Table 8: Motor Condition and Recommended Actions vs. Resistance


Resistive Motor Recommended Actions

Imbalance Conditions
Less than caution setpoint* Good Monitor motor on current schedule.
with stable trend

Less than caution setpoint* Observe; satisfactory Monitor motor more frequently. Trou-
with upward trend for continued service bleshoot, isolate cause, and repair as
time permits. Possible faults: loose,
contaminated, corroded connections;
high resistance connections; improp-
erly sized lugs or switches.

Between caution and alarm Caution; moderate Monitor motor monthly for trending.
setpoints* with upward imbalance; satisfac- Troubleshoot and repair at earliest
trend tory for continued ser- availability.

Above alarm setpoint* Severe; severe imbal- Check connections, troubleshoot, and
(any trend) ance; correct before repair prior to starting motor.

*For motors 600 volts and less, caution setpoint is 3% and alarm setpoint is 4%; for motors
above 600 volts, caution setpoint is 2% and alarm setpoint is 3%. NOTE: Default Caution and
Alarm settings may change without notice.

The Standard Test results shown in Figure 13 shows the effect of adding
0.6775 ohms of resistance (simulating a high resistance connection) to
phase 2. The test at 1:48 pm was taken prior to adding the resistance, the
test at 2:53 pm was taken after the resistance was added.

42 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Figure 13: Results From High Resistance Connection

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 43

MCE Test Data

Phase-to-Phase Inductance
Quick Reference

44 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 45

MCE Test Data

What is Phase-to-Phase Inductance?

Inductance is the property, measured in henrys, of a circuit or circuit
element that opposes a change in current flow, thus causing current
changes to lag behind voltage changes. It is the process by which a
charge is moved in a conductor by the presence of an electric field. In
wires this leads to a current.

Phase-to-Phase Inductance is a measurement performed by the MCE on

a deenergized motor. It indicates the ability of a winding to produce a
magnetic field and can be used to show the increase or decrease in that
ability. During this measurement, a low voltage, high frequency AC
signal is applied to each of the 3 phase-to-phase combinations in an AC
motor. Circuit impedance is measured and circuit inductance is
calculated. These three values are inserted into an equation to determine
the percentage of imbalance of the inductance, with respect to each

What does it tell you?

Phase-to-Phase Inductance tests the circuit, stator coil, iron, and rotor
components for inductive imbalances and indicates when these
imbalances are unsatisfactory. High inductive imbalances above certain
warning levels can indicate:

• Poor or incorrect rework

• Faults in power cables or main contacts in the power circuit
• Air gap eccentricity problems (inductive imbalance)
• Stator phase-to-phase and coil-to-coil current leakage paths (induc-
tive imbalance)
• Rotor porosity and lamination damage (inductive imbalance)
• Broken/cracked rotor bars or end rings (average inductance)

Inductance changes may occur when leakage paths develop. These

paths can be either within the winding coils, or directly to ground.
Leakage paths result from mechanical (friction), thermal (motor
generated heat), environmental (humidity, airborne dirt particles), or
electrical (voltage spikes) damage to the insulation system of the

In phase-to-phase and turn-to-turn shorts, current flow bypasses some

coils, thereby reducing inductive reactance and increasing current in
other parts of the motor, such as the coils. Temperature will rise in the
remaining conductors and in the surrounding insulation. This
accelerates the insulation deterioration and may cause an avalanche
effect, as heat produces more insulation failures, resulting in more

46 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

leakage paths and more coils removed from the circuit, further
increasing the temperature.

As a result of shorted turns there are fewer winding turns in a given

phase actively creating the magnetic field upon which the motor is
functioning, the other windings compensate to meet the requirements of
the load on the motor. These windings in turn draw more current than is
normally supplied by a balanced motor, increasing the winding

See Table 9 for temperature classification of insulation systems.

Table 9: Temperature Classification of Insulation Systems

Temperature Classification

Class A 105 ° C 221 ° F

Class E** 120 ° C 248 ° F

Class B 130 ° C 266 ° F

Class F 155 ° C 311 ° F

Class H 180 ° C 356 ° F

Class N 200 ° C 392 ° F

*IEEE Std. 117

** Used in European equipment

Why is this important?

A large inductive imbalance causes torque-induced vibration at two-
times line frequency (2FL). This vibration can be linked to mechanical
or electrical degradation. Also, inductive imbalance can contribute to
other problems, such as bearing and coupling damage, loosened rotor
bars, and insulation failure at winding end turns or stator slot exits.

Identifying motor faults early, before significant damage has been

caused, holds down the repair and/or rewind costs and avoids
unexpected down time.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 47

MCE Test Data

Setting Warning Levels

Default warning levels are determined by using a combination of
accepted industry standards, manufacturing data, and empirical data
collected by PdMA during research and development.

Default warning levels are based on testing at the MCC. As you gain
experience with the MCE tester, you may choose to narrow the range of
acceptable values. The condition of the motor and the criticality of its
application to your operation or process are other factors that should be
considered when setting up the warning levels.

The preset warning levels in WinVis are based on both actual values and
on a change from the baseline value. See Table 10 for the warning level

Table 10: Warning Level Setpoints

Voltage Caution Alarm

<600V 8% 12%

>600V 5% 7%

Data Interpretation
As average inductance and inductive imbalance increase, perform a
Rotor Influence Check (RIC) to further troubleshoot the motor circuit.

Many factors affect inductance readings, including motor winding coils,

the stator iron, the rotor, the number of rotor bars, and position of the
rotor. Power factor correction and surge capacitors can also affect the
phase-to-phase inductance readings.

Whenever possible, phase-to-phase inductance tests should be

performed with the capacitors in the circuit as well as disconnected, to
indicate the health of the capacitors. This allows for trending the
condition of the capacitors as well as the phase-to-phase inductance of
the motor. Figure 14 shows a capacitor distribution diagram.

48 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Figure 14: Capacitor Distribution Diagram

A high inductive imbalance, where the inductive imbalance is in

Caution or Alarm, may indicate a possible winding defect (turn-to-turn
or phase-to-phase) or severe eccentricity. Refer to the individual phase-
to-phase inductance readings to assist in locating the fault. If a RIC has
not been performed, perform a RIC to obtain additional information.

If both inductive and resistive imbalance are high, look for a shorted or
open coil in a stator winding. If resistive imbalance is low, the fault may
be in the rotor or a characteristic of the motor.

A rotor bar/cage anomaly may not produce a large inductive imbalance

on one single test. If inductive imbalance has increased or is high,

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 49

MCE Test Data

perform a RIC to further define the problem. Excessive vibration can

also be an indicator of inductive imbalance. If you notice high vibration
readings, perform inductance testing to collaborate the data.

Some motor shop tests can result in high inductive imbalances.

Retesting a repaired or refurbished motor after it has been run under
normal three phase power may be required to clear the imbalance.

Table 11 shows the correlation between inductive imbalance readings,

motor condition, and suggests recommended actions.

Table 11: Inductive Imbalance, Motor Condition and Recommended


Inductive Motor Recommended Actions

Imbalance Conditions
Less than caution set- Good Monitor motor on current schedule.
point* with stable trend

Less than caution set- Observe; satisfactory Monitor motor more frequently. Perform
point* with upward for continued service RIC. Troubleshoot, isolate cause, and
trend repair as time permits. Possible faults: sta-
tor or rotor problem, eccentricity. Look for
mechanical problem. Monitor vibration for
electric defects at 7200 CPM range (narrow
band, high resolution).

Between caution and Caution; moderate Monitor motor monthly for trending. Per-
alarm setpoints* with imbalance; satisfac- form RIC. Troubleshoot and repair at earli-
upward trend tory for continued ser- est availability.

Above alarm setpoint* Severe; severe imbal- Perform RIC. Correlate different technolo-
(any trend) ance; correct before gies. Troubleshoot and repair prior to start-
starting ing motor.

* See Table 10 for warning level setpoints.

NOTE: Caution and Alarm settings may change without notice.

50 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Table 12 shows the motor condition based on average inductance and

the recommended actions.

Table 12: Average Inductance, Motor Condition, and Recommended


Motor Condition Recommended Actions

Stable Good Monitor motor on current schedule

Increasing Observe; increase monitoring Monitor motor more frequently. Perform

RIC. Troubleshoot, isolate cause, and
repair as time permits. For possible rotor
defects perform EMAX rotor analysis and
vibration testing. Look for Fp sidebands
around the fundamental frequency.

Decreasing Observe; increase monitoring Monitor motor more frequently. Perform

RIC. Troubleshoot, isolate cause, and
repair as time permits. For possible stator
defects perform EMAX power analysis for
correlation of the inductance and imped-
ance values.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 51

MCE Test Data

Polarization Index and Dielectric Absorption

Quick Reference

52 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 53

MCE Test Data

What is the Polarization Index and Dielectric

Polarization Index (PI) and Dielectric Absorption (DA) are tests
performed by the MCE on a deenergized motor. During the PI and DA
tests the MCE tester applies a DC potential between the phase 1 and the
ground leads for a pre-determined amount of time, ten minutes for the
PI test and one minute for the DA test. During the test, resistance-to-
ground readings are taken each second. Every five seconds the average
of the previous five 1 second readings is plotted on the RTG (megohms)
versus time (seconds) display.

It is NOT necessary to perform a DA test if you are performing a PI test.

When you perform a PI test, WinVis automatically saves the first minute
as a DA test and the entire 10 minutes as a PI test.

When the test is complete, ratios for PI and DA are calculated. The PI
ratio is calculated by dividing the ten minute megohm reading by the
one minute megohm reading. The DA ratio is calculated by dividing the
one minute megohm reading by the 30 second megohm reading. The
Polarization Index Profile (PIP) and PI/DA ratio are representative of
the condition of the insulation surrounding the motor windings and the
power circuit.

Note: Reference to DA testing has been eliminated from IEEE Std. 43-

Measured resistance is determined by the voltage applied and the

resulting current (R=E/I). The current is affected by several factors, one
of which is the condition of the insulation.

Total current is the sum of three components; capacitance charging

current, absorption current, and leakage current.

The capacitance charging current starts out high and drops rapidly after
the insulation has been charged to full voltage. Larger motors with more
capacitance will take longer to be charged.

The absorption current begins high and then drops at a relatively slow
rate depending on the condition of the insulation. The alignment of the
molecules produces an opposing charge causing the reduction in
absorption current.

54 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Leakage current is a small steady current. When the insulation is in

good condition, the current should maintain a constant value. If the
value increases over time it is an indication of insulation problems.

Figure 15 graphically represents the changes in the three individual

currents and the total current throughout the PI/DA test and total

Figure 15: PI/DATests

What does it tell you?

The PI and DA tests are performed on the stator portion of AC Induction
motors, the stator and field portions of AC Synchronous motors, the
stator, rotor, and resistor bank portions of AC Wound Rotor motors, and
the armature and field portions of DC motors.

These tests identify the dielectric characteristics of the insulation while

under a constant DC potential.

Erratic RTG values occurring at any time during the test is indicative of
short-term current transients. These may be due to contamination or
moisture. A motor which fails a PI test SHOULD NOT be subjected to
further high-voltage testing.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 55

MCE Test Data

Why is this important?

A low PI value may indicate that the insulation needs to be cleaned. If a
low PI is accompanied by a low RTG value the condition is more
severe. If the condition causing the low PI is not corrected and the RTG
value continues to drop, the insulation could completely fail and the
motor windings could be damaged. This could require a complete
rewind of the stator. If the condition causing the low PI is corrected, a
less expensive motor cleaning or a clean, dip, and bake may suffice.

Setting Warning Levels

Default warning levels are determined by using a combination of
accepted industry standards, manufacturing data, and empirical data
collected by PdMA during research and development.

As you gain experience with the MCE tester, you may choose to narrow
the range of acceptable values. The condition of the motor and the
criticality of its application to your operation or process are other factors
that should be considered when setting up the warning levels.

In Managing Motors, Richard Nailen, P.E., offers the following

guidelines, shown in Table 13, for interpreting PI and DA ratios. If the
PI ratio is less than 2 or the DA ratio is less than 1.5, look for insulation

Table 13: Guidelines for PI/DA Ratios

Test Unacceptable Acceptable

PI 1 to 1.5 2 to 4

DA <1.25 >1.50

IEEE 43-2000 recommends the following values for a PI. Machines

rated at 10,000 kV and less should have values at least as large as the
acceptable values listed in Table 14 before operation or hipot testing.

Table 14: IEEE Recommended PI Ratios


Class A 1.5

Classes B,F,H 2.0

56 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Data Interpretation
The megohm readings recorded during the DA and/or the PI test are
measured and compared to produce ratios. The goal of the PI/DA is to
compare and trend a ratio, therefore temperature correction is
unnecessary. Over the duration of the test, either one minute or ten
minute, the temperature of the insulation system will not change much,
if any.

However, the resulting PI may be uncharacteristically high if the initial

winding temperature is high and a reduction in the temperature of the
insulation system occurred during the test time, such as immediately
following a shutdown. Lowering temperatures may result in a
substantial increase in the insulation resistance between the one minute
and ten minute readings. In this case it is recommended that you repeat
the test at or below 40°C. Also, if either test is taken when the winding
temperature is below the dew point, the effects of moisture
contamination must be considered during interpretation.

RTG readings involve three different current components: capacitive,

absorption, and leakage. The PI test allows the charging and absorption
currents to decay so that only actual leakage current is measured. As a
voltage is continuously applied, healthy insulation slowly polarizes and
the absorption current diminishes. This causes a steady rise in resistance
until the majority of the current is from the small amount leaking to
ground. In poor insulation, leakage current is high enough to
overshadow the lowering absorption current and provide little increase
in the resistance over time.

PI and DA can be used for both a single go-no-go comparison to a

standard and for trending over time. Individual readings can be
compared to the recommended setpoints.

Modern instruments and microprocessor sensitivity have given the

technician the tools to diagnose insulation systems much more
accurately than ever before. Graphing the megohm data during the
actual PI test provides the technician real time information for
diagnostic purposes. The ability to graph the megohm readings during
the PI test further enhances the technician’s data analysis capability by
providing a Polarization Index Profile (PIP). Megohm readings
collected and graphed in this fashion are repeatable, trendable, and can
be utilized for immediate evaluation. The megohm readings recorded do
not require temperature correction, as explained above.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 57

MCE Test Data

According to the IEEE Std. 43-2000, “If the one minute insulation
resistance is above 5000 megohms, the calculated PI may not be
meaningful.” In such cases, the PI value may be disregarded as a
measure of winding condition, but the PI test should be continued to
obtain the PI Profile (PIP).

A good PIP shows a sharp rise followed by a steady, but slowly

increasing trend. This is shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Motor with Good Insulation

A downward trend, as shown in Figure 17, suggests deteriorating


Figure 17: Motor with Bad Insulation

58 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Flat or erratic trace indicate short-term current transients. Such traces

indicate weakened insulation or breakdown, possibly due to
contamination or moisture in the power circuit or motor. Trending ratios
and PIPs over time permit scheduling of cleaning or reconditioning
before failure occurs.

A low PI or DA ratio, where the PI or DA is in Caution or Alarm, may

indicate a changing or excessive surface contamination and possibly a
breakdown of the insulation system. See Figure 18 for a sample of PI
section of the History Chart.

Figure 18: History Chart for PI and D/A Ratio

If the PI or DA ratio is low, isolate the problem to the circuit or the

motor. Assuming the first test was made at the MCC, run another test
from the MCC with the “T” leads disconnected.

If the low value is gone, the problem is in the power circuit. If the low
value still exists, test the motor at the motor connection box with the
leads to the MCC disconnected. If the low value is gone, the problem is
in the cables between the motor and the MCC. If the low value still
exists, the problem is in the motor. This process is diagramed in Figure

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 59

MCE Test Data

Figure 19: Low PI/DA Value Diagnosis

Examine the cables in the motor connection box. They could require
cleaning, drying, or replacement. Also, check for water in the conduit.

If the PI or DA ratio is < 1.0, look for a ground fault. Clear this fault
before starting the motor.

60 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Additional circumstances to be aware of include:

• Moisture or contamination on the windings decreases the PI

• The PI can be lowered by certain semiconducting materials which

are used for corona elimination on the end windings of some high-
potential AC machines

• Performing PI testing in ambient temperatures less than the dew

point may significantly impact the PI values

Table 15 shows a correlation between PI (and DA) values, motor condi-

tion, and recommended actions.

Table 15: PI and DA Values, Motor Condition, and Recommended


DA PI Value Motor Recommended Actions

Value Condition
>1.5 >2.0 Good Monitor motor on current schedule.

1.25-1.5 1.5-2.0 Observe Monitor motor more frequently.

1.0-1.25 1.0-1.5 Moderate Warning levels are tentative and rela-

tive. Isolate to motor or cables.
Increase monitoring frequency. Refer
to IEEE Std. 43-2000.

<1 <1 Severe Warning levels are tentative and rela-

tive. Isolate to motor or cables. Clear
ground fault prior to starting. Refer to
IEEE Std. 43-2000.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 61

MCE Test Data

Step Voltage Test

Quick Reference

62 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 63

MCE Test Data

What is the Step Voltage Test?

Step Voltage is a controlled overvoltage test in which the DC test
voltage is increased in a series of uniform or graded steps at regular time
intervals. The subsequent leakage current, in microamps, is recorded
and graphed. This graph is examined, during and after testing, for
increases or other variations in leakage current versus applied voltage
that are possible indications of insulation weakness.

The Step Voltage test is a process of applying a DC test voltage for a

specific amount of time, usually 60 seconds, and recording the leakage
current at scheduled times, usually 60 seconds, for a series of voltage
steps up to a predetermined level of voltage. The level and steps of
voltage applied and the amount of allowable leakage current are set
prior to beginning the test. Maximum voltage applied during the test is
normally well above the AC peak voltage. Moisture and dirt in the
insulation are usually revealed at voltages far below those expected in
service. The effects of aging or mechanical damage in fairly clean and
dry insulation may not be revealed at such low voltage levels. When the
voltage is increased in steps to produce electrical stresses, which
approach or exceed those in service, local weak spots in the insulation
will be observed in the insulation resistance.

Advanced technology has basically eliminated the term “infinity” with

respect to resistance-to-ground values. Advanced testers reach the
teraohm range, 10 12 or 10 million million ohms. Newer test capabilities
and computerized data collection have given technicians the ability to
evaluate new motor insulation systems. These advancements in data
collection provide data that can be recorded and used for trend

What does it tell you?

The use of controlled stepped or ramped voltage, offers certain
advantages over proof-type acceptance testing. By observing measured
current during the controlled application of voltage, variations in current
versus applied voltage may be useful in diagnosing certain application
defects and modes of deterioration. Controlled overvoltage tests may
also afford the possibility of detecting impending insulation problems
by recognizing abnormalities in the measured current response, thereby
allowing the test to be discontinued prior to insulation failure.

64 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Why is this important?

Step voltage testing may reveal insulation problems such as:

• Cracks or fissures

• Surface contamination

• Uncured resin

• Moisture absorption

• Delamination

• Voids

Setting Warning Levels

There are no warning levels associated with step voltage testing.

Data Interpretation
To minimize the effect of the changing absorption current on the current
measurement, the test voltage is held at each step allowing it to decay. It
is not practical to hold it until the voltage completely decays. This decay
effect is shown in the right panel of Figure 20 and 21.

The curve of the plot of current versus voltage recorded by the MCE,
and displayed in the left panel, should be nearly linear for a motor in
good condition. Figure 20 shows a step voltage test on a good motor.
The right panel reflects the voltage at each time interval.

If the curve deviates from near linear, as shown in Figure 21, impending
breakdown is suggested.

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 65

MCE Test Data

Figure 20: Step Voltage on a Good Motor

Figure 21: Possible Insulation Breakdown

Comparison of MCE Values

Compare the different MCE test results with each other and with other
technologies. The more information you have to make a maintenance
decision, the more confident you will be about your decision. Use all the
technologies to maximize troubleshooting efforts. As other technologies
indicate faults, use the MCE to track the changes in motor condition.

Table 16 shows a comparison between MCE test values and the implica-
tions of those values. Table 17 shows how MCE tests values correlate
with other technologies. Table 18 compares MCE fault zones with other

66 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

MCE Test Data

Table 16: MCE Test Values and Their Implications

When... And... Look For...
CTG RTG Moisture and contaminants in the insulation system
increases decreases

CTG RTG is steady Insulation surface contamination


Resistance Inductance Problems with the rotor, such as warped or bowed shaft,
Imbalance is Imbalance is cracked or broken bars or end rings, porosity; stator faults;
low high eccentricity

Resistance Inductance Problems in the stator, such as turn-to-turn fault, phase-to-

Imbalance is Imbalance is phase leakage, improper winding, core grinding or damage
high high

Resistance Inductance Problems in the power circuit, such as corroded, contami-

Imbalance is Imbalance is nated, or loose connections; unmatched components
high low

Inductance Resistance Shorting in the armature or field coils

decreases (DC decreases

Inductance is Resistance High resistance connections

steady (DC increases

MCEMAX Data Interpretation 67

MCE Test Data

Table 17: Comparison of MCETest Values

MCE Test Correlates With When...
CTG and RTG PI and DA Moisture and contaminants are present on
the insulation system.
Inductance Imbal- Vibration Coastdown Immediately after cutting power to the
ance Test motor, vibration levels drop significantly as
the motor’s magnetic field collapses.

Surge Test Turn-to-turn or phase-to-phase leakage

occurs in windings.

Vibration Analysis (7200 Inductive imbalance is greater than 15% for

CPM) 3-phase motors.
Wear Particle Analysis Electrically induced vibration causes bear-
ing and coupling wear.

RTG Any other insulation Values of RTG are between 0-2000 mego-
resistance test hms (0-3 teraohms with 5kv Module).

Resistance Imbal- Breakaway Test High resistance limits current flow decreas-
ance ing torque and increasing acceleration time.

Temperature/Thermogra- High resistance connections develop.

3 Phase Current Monitor- Imbalance in circuit resistance results in
ing unbalanced phase currents.

Rotor Influence Motor Current Signature Broken rotor bar, cracked end ring, or high
Check Analysis resistance connection occurs.

Table 18: Fault Zone, MCE vs. Other Technologies


Fault Surge
MCE Vibration Infrared
Zone Testing


Power Cir- X X

Insulation X X

Rotor X X

Stator X X X

Air Gap X X

68 MCEMAX Data Interpretation

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