BMS AdmissionNotice PDF
BMS AdmissionNotice PDF
BMS AdmissionNotice PDF
20 August 2019
During the Fourth Allotment, applicants can obtain admission without visiting the college. The
details of how to apply and seek admission are provided below. Applicants are advised to read this
Step 1: The Allotment List shall be displayed on the UG Admission portal as well as on the
Applicant’s Login.
Step 2: The Applicant is required to login to the UG Admission Portal using their registered email
and password. The allotted course (and college) shall be displayed. In case the applicant
wishes to get admission to the displayed course, the applicant is required to click on the
“Apply for Admission” button provided.
Note 1: Choosing the “Apply for Admission” option shall finally lead to cancellation of
admission in any course where the applicant is currently admitted.
Note 2: Applicants who do not choose “Apply for Admission” or do not pay the fees shall
not be allotted any seat in the courses during the schedule announced above.
Note 3: Applicants are not required to visit the college in order to gain admission.
Step 3: The college/institution shall examine the certificates uploaded by the applicant during
office hours for two days and approve the admission if these are found satisfactory. The
college/institution staff may contact the applicant over email or phone in case of any
Note: The applicant who is allotted a course and college is advised to keep their registered
mobile phone on and regularly check their registered email account during the admission
days after clicking on “Apply for Admission”.
Step 4: On receiving Approval for admission by the Principal, the applicant is required to submit
the college fee within the stipulated time allotted for the purpose. Applicants already
admitted in a course at the University of Delhi shall be required to cancel admission in any
such course and pay cancellation fee in order to be eligible.
Step 5: After fee payment, applicants who are satisfied with their current allotment and do not
wish to be upgraded to another course and college as per their registered preference order
can choose “opt out of further reallotment” on their dashboard. Such applicants shall not
be provided another allotment in the subsequent list. Applicants who do not choose this
option shall be provided another allotment that is higher in their preference order during
the next allotment, if seats are available.
Step 6: The admitted students shall be required to present themselves with their original
documents for verification at the time of commencement of classes or as per the directions
issued by the college on the college website, and/or directly sent to the applicants on their
registered email.
Procedure and Rules for Spot Allotment along with the detailed schedule shall be displayed on
Saturday 24 August 2019