Assignment L01-T4
Assignment L01-T4
Assignment L01-T4
Question 1
(a) The rate of a fluid, q through a nozzle can be determined through a dimensionally
homogenous equation as follows:
[√ ] ΔP 2
q=C A
√() d
1− 1
Question 2
C2 H 6 + 0 .5O2 →C2 H 4 + H2 O
C2 H 6 + 3 .5O2 →2CO 2 + 3H2 O
The parallel reactions take place in a continuous reactor at steady state. The feed inlet
contains mixture of 10.0 mol% C2H6 and excess air (air consists of 21 mol% O2 and 79 mol% N2).
The conversion of C2H6 is determined to be 75.0% and the fractional yield of C 2H4 as 0.35.
The outlet stream flows at the rate of 310 mol total/hr and the molar fraction of N 2 in this
stream is 0.69.
Question 3
(a) Liquid methanol (CH3OH) is fed into an evaporator at a rate of 15.0 ft 3/min, where it
evaporates with another feed stream of N2 gas. The N2 gas is fed to the evaporator at
520R and pressure gauge of 5.0 bars. The gas mixture leaving the evaporator is
further diluted by another N2 gas stream flowing at a measured rate of 2500.0 ft 3/min
at 520R and absolute pressure of 2.5 bars. The combined gases subsequently are
compressed to an absolute total pressure of 7.6 bars and temperature of 745R.
N2 gas must leave the compressor at a partial pressure of 3.5 bars. A diagram of this
evaporation-compression process is shown below in Figure 1. Assume ideal gas
behavior for the gases compound and atmospheric pressure of 1 atm.
Figure 1
i. Determine all the unknown molar flow rates (in lbmol/min) and the molar
composition (in mol%) of the stream leaving the compressor
(11 marks)
ii. Calculate the volumetric flow rate of the N 2 gas entering the evaporator using
conversion from standard conditions.
(4 marks)
(b) A liquid mixture of 40 mol% 1-Propanol (C 3H8O) and 2-Propanol (C3H8O) is in
equilibrium with its vapor mixture at 63C. The gas-liquid mixture exhibits ideal solution
behavior. Solve the system pressure and the vapor mixture composition (in mol%).
(10 marks)
Question 4
An equal molar liquid mixture of benzene (C 6H6) and toluene (C7H8) is fed into an evaporator
at 90C. Due to the reduced pressure in the evaporator, a portion of the mixture evaporates to
form vapor. The liquid product emerges at a rate of 19.1 mol/s containing 31.6 mol% toluene.
48% of the C 6H 6 in the inlet mixture emerges from the evaporator as liquid product.
Both liquid and vapor product streams are in equilibrium at 63C.
Question 5
n-Hexane (C6H14) gas at 25C and 1 atm is combusted with excess air (assume air
consists of 21 mol% O 2 and the balance N 2) in a catalytic reactor as shown in Figure 2.
Air has been preheated to 350C, and fed to the reactor at 1 atm. The reactor has two output
streams emerges at 750C and 1 atm. Analysis of the dry product gas shows a composition
of 13.31 mol% CO2, 85.13 mol% N2, and O2 with its total rate of 157.75 mol/hr.
Figure 2
(a) Solve n1, n2, and n3 as showed in Figure 2 using atomic species balance.
(6 marks)
(b) Taking elemental species [C(s), O2(g), H2(g) and N2(g)] at 25°C, 1atm as reference
for enthalpy calculations, prepare and fill in the inlet-outlet enthalpy table and
calculate the heat transferred to or from the condenser in kilowatts (Neglect the
effects of pressure changes on enthalpies).
(19 marks)
A. List Of Formulations
ρi g kg lbm
1. SGi= ; ρref =1 . 000 3
=1000 . 0 3 =62 . 43 3
ρref cm m ft
1 x
2. M̄=∑ y i M i ; =∑ i
M̄ Mi
3 .n i=n io +νi ζ
Reactant input to process −Reactant output from process
4 . Overall Conversion= ×100 %
Reactant input to process
Reactant input to reactor −Reactant output from reactor
5 . Single-Pass Conversion= ×100 %
Reactant input to reactor
(nair , feed )−(nair ,theoretical ) n−n s
6 . % Excess Air= ×100 %; % Excess = ×100 %
(nair , theoretical ) ns
7 . Q̇−Ẇ s = Δ Ḣ+ Δ Ėk +Δ Ė p
8 . Δ H=
^ ∫ C p (T )dT
9 . Δ Ḣ=∑ ṅi H^ i −∑ ṅ i H^ i
out in
10 . ΔH =ξΔ H^ 0r + ∑ n out H^ out −∑ nin H^ in
out in
|n A ,out−n A , in|
11. ξ=
|v A|
12. PV =nRT ; P V^ =zRT
^ V ideal V^ Pc
13 . V = ;V r =
n RT c
14 . P r = ;T r =
Pc Tc
RT αa
The SRK equation of state: P= −
V^ −b V^ ( V^ +b)
( RT c )2 RT 2
a=0 . 42747 ;b=0 . 08664 c ;m=0. 48508+1 . 55171ω−0 .1561ω 2 ;α=[ 1+m(1−√ T r ) ]
Pc Pc
P V^ B
The virial equation of state truncated after the second term: =1+
RT c 0 . 422 0 . 172
B= (B o +ωB1 ); Bo =0. 083− ;B1 =0 . 139−
Pc T 1 .6 T 4 .2
r r
15 . pi = y i P= pi(T )
16 . pi = y i P= p¿i(T )
17 . p A = y A P=x p A A(T )
18 . p A = y A P=x A H A(T )
19 . sr (hr )= i¿ ¿100%
pi( T )
B. Gas Constant
Pressure 1 atm = 1.01325 x 105 N/m2 (Pa) = 101.325 kPa = 1.01325 bars
= 1.01325 x 106 dynes/cm2
= 760 mm Hg at 0C (torr) = 10.333 m H2O at 4C
= 14.696 lbf/in2 (psi) = 33.9 ft H2O at 4C
= 29.921 in Hg at 0C