Task 3 - Collaborative - Work - ESP
Task 3 - Collaborative - Work - ESP
Task 3 - Collaborative - Work - ESP
Developed by:
Before going into context with this essay, I want to emphasize that ESP students are
adults who are already familiar with English and are learning the language to
communicate a set of professional skills and perform specific functions related to work;
This includes facing each of the challenges that may arise with the sole objective of
spreading English towards a particular purpose.
The ESP speaker or teacher should first of all consider the needs of the students,
identify these needs and the capabilities involved in devising functions for which the
students will use English.
In this essay we will analyze the case of two parents who plan to live abroad with their
two children next year, and are looking for an English tutor who can help their 12-year-
old son and daughter have an easier transition to a science class. These two children
have been in a bilingual school for 2 years, but for some reason the science teacher
spoke more Spanish than English during their class, and for this reason the children
were not familiar with enough English vocabulary on science topics. . Their parents
want their children to learn and master the science vocabulary used for sixth and
seventh grade. Children are pretty good at learning English, but they don't understand
specific vocabulary well enough.
Although it seems incredible, in some bilingual institutions do not teach the subjects in
English, especially the didactics of science as it is in the case of the two students that are
12 year olds; This happens because the educational system was lagging and that is
because today students are graduating with little knowledge of English in a specific area
like science. This is my perspective of what is happening, and I mention it because I
was part of those generations of students for whom English in science was not the most
The most unfortunate thing is that still in some schools classes are still taught in the
same way, either because there are still teachers with many years of service who refuse
to accept the change in society that needs more and more of the English language or
because They are young teachers who find it easier to teach as they were taught.
After doing this analysis, we set out to find a solution for 12-year-old children whose
parents will take them to study abroad next year; Here the teacher plays a key role,
because we have to find the necessary strategies to achieve the learning of scientific
knowledge in English since the child has a very particular way of understanding the
world around him.
once the need or problem to be solved has been defined, we must analyze the contents
that the children are going to be taught and the appropriate time for them to learn; the
most optimal time is in the morning since it is in this time that the brain is most rested.
Once the content has been selected, learning objectives must be established; in this case
to reinforce the vocabulary of science and what better than to define a design plan based
on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). This methodology is based on
learning foreign languages through the teaching of common subjects such as science.
This allows teachers to have a greater scope in terms of content and language that can
be included in the day to day. In this way, children learn efficiently because they are
constantly exposed to the language by using it in interactions and in specific academic
functional language.
Finally, it is important to promote collaboration and knowledge of the culture; When
teaching science in English, you should talk about relevant topics in the communities
where the students live. This increases the knowledge that students have about their
social and cultural environment. Thanks to this, students' motivation and involvement
are increased because they can use the knowledge they acquire in classes on a daily
basis and apply it abroad when they enter their new school.
The previous case gives us a clear example of how most English teachers in our country
are not competent when it comes to preparing in English for specific purposes. ESP.
As future teachers of the English language, we have to learn this language in each of the
areas and specialize to transmit English effectively and prepare ourselves for each of the
challenges of educational life.
Chacon. M (2011) Metodo de analisis de necesidades de cursos de ingles con
fines específicos a poblaciones de estudiantes de educación a distancia.
Universidad de Costa Rica. UNED. Revista Espiga No. 22: pg 49-57 Retrived
from: file:///D:/Downloads/Dialnet-
Dudley-Evans, T. (2001). English for specific purposes. In R. Carter & D.
Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages (The Cambridge Guides, pp. 131-136). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511667206.020. Retrieved from
English Test-Aptis (2016) Assessing English for Specific Purposes. Retrieved
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=62sMGrmxjto
Angela’s essay