SR Elite Revision Neet Weekend Test - 1 Paper - 13-08-19
SR Elite Revision Neet Weekend Test - 1 Paper - 13-08-19
SR Elite Revision Neet Weekend Test - 1 Paper - 13-08-19
SUB : BOTANY Max. Marks : 720
Pattern of the Entrance Examination:-
Paper containing 180 objective type questions ,from Biology, Physics and Chemistry
Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only to darken the appropriate circle. Answers marked
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Each item carries 4marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. For
each incorrect response 1mark will be deducted from the total score
01. Which of the following is defining feature of 05. The most important prerequisite in taxonomy
living organisms ? based on field and laboratory tests that
(1) Growth effects other aspects is
(2) Reproduction (1) Identification
(3) Ability to mount response to a stimulus (2) Nomenclature
(4) All the above (3) Classification
02. Ernst Mayr is not related to following branch (4) None of these
namely 06. indica, esculentum, solanum, datura, allium,
(1) Ornithology melongena
(2) Systematics How many of the above taxa are specific
(3) Zoogeography epithets ?
(4) Palynology (1) 3
03. Defining feature of life forms is (2) 4
(1) Cellular organisation (3) 2
(2) Reproduction (4) 6
(3) Growth 07. A committee governing classification and
(4) 1 and 3 nomenclature of acellular agents is
04. A human being and a cow can be (1) ICBN
differentiated in the following defined feature
(2) ICZN
(1) Growth, Reproduction
(3) ICTV
(2) Reproduction, Metabolism
(3) Cellular organization, Reproduction (4) 1 and 2
(4) Self consciousness
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08. Statement-I : Herbaria serve as quick referral (2) Biodiversity
systems in taxonomical studies. (3) Bioremediation
Statement-II : Botanical gardens have (4) Biogeochemical cycle
collections of living plants for reference. 13. Viable and visible taxon is
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are (1) Order
correct (2) Family
(2) Statement I is correct, Statement II is (3) Species
wrong (4) Class
(3) Statement I is wrong, Statement II is 14. Statement-I : The properties of tissues are not
correct present in constituent cells.
Statement-II : The function of tissue is due to
(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are
interaction between component cells.
wrong (1) Both Statement I and Statement II are
09. Statements unrelated to Systema Naturae is / correct
are (2) Statement I is correct, Statement II is
(1) Written by Linnaeus wrong
(2) Has description of systematic (3) Statement I is wrong, Statement II is
arrangement / classification of animals correct
(3) Animal names in this book are coined (4) Both Statement I and Statement II are
following binomial nomenclature wrong
(4) Specific group of plants are described 15. The following taxon is present between class
10. “Based on similarities and dissimilarities”. and family
(1) Genus
The above phrase is applicable to
(2) Phylum
(1) Identification by keys
(3) Species
(2) Classification
(4) Order
(3) Nomenclature
16. Identify the organisms that belong to same
(4) More than one option is correct
11. Growth by accumulation of material on the (1) Cat, Dog, Rat
surface is observed in (2) Tiger, Leopard, Cat
(1) Living organisms (3) Tiger, Dog, Cat
(2) Non-Living organisms (4) Cat, Dog, Leopard
(3) Both living and non-living organisms 17. Pair of animals included in different families
(4) In all types of life forms based on similarities and dissimilarities are
(1) Lion, Tiger
12. Number and types of organisms present on
(2) Tiger, Leopard
earth refer to (3) Cat, Leopard
(1) Biosystematics (4) Cat, Dog
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18. True regeneration is shown by (4) Societies which indulged in
(1) Amoeba ‘anthropocentric’ view of biology
registered huge progress in biological
(2) Planaria (flat worm)
(3) Fungi 24. The taxon ‘family’ ends with the suffix
(4) Chlamydomonas (1) ‘ales’
19. Growth and reproduction are exclusive (2) ‘ane’
events in (3) ‘aceae’
(1) Chlamydomonas (4) ‘phyceae’
(2) Escherichia coli 25. Musca domestica belongs to
(3) Rhizobium (1) Order - Diptera
(4) Spirogyra (2) Division - Chordata
20. Prerequisite to observe metabolism is (3) Class - Mammalia
(1) Growth (4) Family - Poales
(2) Cellular organisation 26. Taxonomic ‘Key’ is
(3) Reproduction (1) Taxonomical aid for identification
(4) Consciousness (2) Generally analytical in nature
21. Patient in “COMA” can show (3) Based on the contrasting characters in a
(1) Irritability pair called couplet
(2) Self consciousness (4) All the above
(3) Consciousness 27. Order Polymoniales includes plant families
(4) Metabolism (aided by Machines) Solanaceae and Convolvulaceae based on
(1) Vegetative characters only
22. The term not applicable to truely living
(2) Mainly based on floral characters
organisms is
(3) Vegetative and floral characters equally
(1) Self-replicating
(4) None of these
(2) Evolving
28. Identify the correct sequence of taxonomic
(3) Self regulating
(4) Inert systems
(1) Species → Phylum → Order →
23. Identify the incorrect statement
(1) Living world consists of amazing
diversity of living organisms (2) Genus → Species → Order →
(2) Early man could easily perceive the Kingdom
difference between inanimate and living
(3) Species → Genus → Order →
(3) Systematic description of life forms is Phylum
(1) Cloaca receives urine, faeces and 70. Presence of water vascular system is the
most distinctive feature of
(2) Skin is moist and scaly
(1) Echinodermata
(3) Body is divisible into head and
trunk (2) Hemichordata
Temperature (°A)
out the correct option.
A. Coelenterates and ctenophores are ∆tA=150°
symmetrical acoelomates.
B. Platyhelminthes animals are
triploblastic acoelomates.
C. Most of the poriferans are
asymmetrical acoelomates.
O Temperature (°B) 100
D. Echinoderms are segmented t A −180 t
schizocoelomates. (1) = B
100 150
(1) All A, B, C and D are true t A − 30 tB
(2) =
(2) Only A and B are true 150 100
(3) A, B and C are true t B −180 t
(3) = A
(4) A, C and D are false 150 100
t B − 40 t
91. The readings of a bath on Celsius and (4) = A
100 180
Fahrenheit thermometers are in the ratio 2 :
94. The coefficient of linear expansion of an
5. The temperature of the bath is
o inhomogenous rod changes linearly form α1
(1) – 26.66 C
to α2 from one end to the other end of the
(2) 40 C rod. The effective coefficient of linear
o expansion of the rod is
(3) 45.71 C
o (1) (α1 + α2 )
(4) 26.66 C
92. A faulty thermometer has its fixed points (2) (α1 + α2 )
marked 5 and 95. If the temperature of a
(3) α1α2
body as shown on the Celsius scale is 40,
then its temperature shown on this faulty (4) (α1 − α2 )
thermometer is 95. A uniform metallic rod rotates about its
o perpendicular bisector with constant angular
(1) 39
speed. If it is heated uniformly to raise its
(2) 40 o temperature slightly then
o (1) Its speed of rotation increases
(3) 41
(2) Its speed of rotation decreases
(4) 44.4 (3) Its speed of rotation remains same
(4) Its speed increase because its moment
of inertia increases
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96. A steel tape gives correct measurement at (1) 2.15 cm3
20 C. A piece of wood is being measured (2) 2.69cm3
with the steel tape at 0°C. The reading is
(3) 2.52 cm3
25cm on the tape, the real length of the given
piece of wood must be (4) 2.25 cm3
(1) 25 cm 100. A block of wood is floating on water at 0°C
(2) less than 25 cm with certain volume 'V' below the water.
When the temperature of water is slowly
(3) greater than 25 cm
raised to 10°C, the value of 'V'
(4) we cannot say (1) Increase upto 4°C and then decreases
97. A uniform metal rod is used as a bar (2) Increases continuously
pendulum. If the room temperature rises by
(3) Decreases continuously
10 C, and the coefficient of linear expansion
(4) Decreases upto 4°C and then increases
of the metal of the rod is 2 x 10 per o C
101. A non-conducting body floats in a liquid at
then the period of the pendulum will have
percentage increase of 20 o C with 2/3 of its volume immersed in
−3 the liquid. When liquid temperature is
(1) – 2 x 10
increased to 100 o C then 3/4th of body’s
(2) – 1 x 10 volume is immersed in the liquid. Then the
−3 coefficient of real expansion of the liquid is
(3) 2 x 10 (neglecting the expansion of container of the
−3 liquid)
(4) 1 x 10
−4 o
98. Two metal rods of same length and same (1) 15.6x 10 / C
area of crossection are fixed end to end (2) 156 x 10
−4 o
/ C
between rigid supports. The material of the
−4 o
rods have youngs moduli y1 and y2, and (3) 1.56x 10 / C
coefficients of linear expansions α1 and α 2 . −4 o
(4) 0.156 x 10 / C
On Heating, the Junction between the rods
does not shift, if 102. The coefficient of apparent expansion of
liquid when determined using two different
y 2y
(1) 1= 2 vessels A and B are γ1 and γ 2 respectively.
α α
1 2 If the coefficient of linear expansion of
(2) y α = y α vessel A is α , the coefficient of linear
1 2 2 1
expansion of vessel B is
(3) y α = y α
1 1 2 2 αγ1γ 2
2 2 (1)
(4) y α = y α γ1 + γ 2
1 1 2 2
99. A glass flask of volume 200 cm3 is just filled γ1 − γ 2
with mercury at 20 C. The amount of 2α
mercury that will overflow when the γ1 − γ 2 + α
temperature of the system is raised to 100°C 3
is ( γ glass = 1.2 x 10 / o C and γ mercury (4)
γ1 − γ 2
−4 o 3
=1.8 x 10 / C)
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103. A one litre flask contains some mercury. It is (3) remains same
found that at different temperatures, the (4) we cannot say
volume of empty space inside the flask
107. A gas is found to obey the law,
remains same.The volume of mercury inside
the flask is (for flask αg = 9 x 10-6 0C-1 , p V =constant. The initial temperature and
γHg = 1.8 x 10-4 0C-1) volume are T0 and V0 . If the gas expands
(1) 100 cc to a volume 3V0 , its final temperature
(2) 125 cc becomes
(3) 150 cc T0
(4) 175 cc 3
104. A metal cube of coefficient of linear T0
expansion α is floating in a beaker 3
containing a liquid of coefficient of real (3) 3T0
expansion γ . When the temperature is raised
(4) T0 3
by ∆ T , the depth upto which the cube is
108. An ideal gas is initially at absolute
submerged in the liquid remains unchanged.
temperature T and volume V. Its volume is
If the expansion of the beaker is ignored, the
relation between α and γ is increased by ∆V due to an increase in
temperature ∆ T , pressure remaining
(1) α= constant. The quantity δ = ∆V /(V ∆T )
varies with temperature T is
γ (1)
(2) α=
2 δ
(3) α = 3γ
(4) α = 2γ
105. A cylindrical block of wood floats vertically T
(3) 192
(4) 168
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115. A vessel of volume 'V' contains an ideal gas at (2) 9150 cal
a pressure P0. The gas being removed from (3) 7150 cal
the vessel by means of piston pump with
(4) 8200 cal
stroke volume V/4. The pressure of the gas
119. Cooking is difficult on mountains because
inside the vessel after 3rd stroke of the piston
pump is (1) Water boils at low temperature
P0 (2) Water boils at high temperature
3 (3) Water does not boil
64 P0 (4) It is cool there
125 120. The fraction of ice that melts by mixing
(1) They have low molecular mass 150. Statement-I : Tyndall effect is observed only
(2) They form true solutions with water when the diameter of dispersed particles is
(3) Zymase catalyzes the conversion of not much smaller than the wavelength of the
(4) Urease catalyzes the hydrolysis of Statement-II : Tyndall is observed only when
(2) 50 ml of 0.2 molar AgNO3 + 100 ml (4) [Fe(CN)6]-4 > PO4-3 > SO4-2 > Br-1
of 0.1 molar KI
(2) CoCl3 .5 NH 3 CN
(3) CoCl3 .4 NH 3
(4) CoCl3 .3 NH 3 (2)
165. Effective atomic number is not equal to the
(3) NCS
atomic number of inert gas in