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Adjectives in A Series

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College of Education
Laboratory High School


Academic Year: 2019-2020 Quarter/Week/Day: 2nd Quarter/5th week/Tues-Wed

Subject: English/Language Inclusive Date/s: November 26-27, 2019

Grade Level: Grade-9 Practice-Teacher: Marjorie Lazarra & Bernardita Gutib

Topic: Adjectives

Instructional Payawal-Gabriel, J. (2018). English, American and Philippine Literature and

Resources: Communication Arts, Quezon City: St. Bernadette Publishing House Corporation.

Projector, Laptop, Whiteboard marker, papers

Content The learner displays communicative competence and literary appreciation through his/her
Standard: understanding of
• How adjectives can enhance emotional and sensory appeal in expressing ideas.

Performance The learner transfers learning by

Standard: • Designing creative commercial advertisement with a slogan.

At the end of the period, the students should be able to:

a. Use the adjectives correctly.

Learning b. Observe the proper placement of adjectives in the sentence.
Outcomes: c. Design an advertisement with a catchy slogan of a new commercial product.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Daily Routine
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment

B. Recall/Review

Alright class, let’s have a short review on what he had

tackled last meeting.

We tackled about the short story of Poe, entitled “The

Cask of Amontillado” right? Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Alright, so what’s the story all about? Yes, Paul. Paul: It’s all about revenge, Ma’am. Montresor wants
to seek revenge to Fortunato.
That’s good! It’s all about the revenge, the narrator
which is Montesor wanted to have a revenge to
Fortunato because as per Montresor, Fortunato insulted
him. But Montresor doesn’t t mention what Fortunato
has done to him.

Who is the author of the story? Jean. Jean: Edgar Allan Poe, Ma’am.

What about him? Yes, Nikko. Nikko: Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston,

That’s right! Another. Yes, Mariel. Mariel: He married his young cousin, Virgina Clemm.
Virginia was 13 years old that time, and Poe is 27
years old.

Very good!

Under influence of alcohol he was able to write

different stories.

Alright, it’s good that everyone still remembered our

last meeting.

For now, let’s have first our activity.

C. Motivation


In this activity, students will have a chance to be creative

and imaginative. Each student will be given two sticky
notes. On one note they should write a noun and on the
other an adjective. Students will mingle around the
classroom. During this time, they should look at what
every other student has written on his sticky notes. The (students performed their task)
challenge is to use either another student’s adjective
with her noun or the other student’s noun with her
adjective and put the two together in a creative sentence.
Partners can work together to write one sentence when
they are matched, and both should write it on their paper
next to their partner’s name. Continue the mix up until
every student has worked with every other student to
write a sentence using these creative words. After,
students will share their favorite sentences with the rest
of the class before collecting and checking what students
came up with.

D. Teaching-Learning Sequence

To start with, let’s first define what an adjective is?

Kindly read, Evangeline. Evangeline: Adjectives describe or modify nouns or

Alright, an adjective describes or modifies a noun. It
provides further information about a noun, indicating
things like size, shape, color, and more. It also modifies
pronouns. They answer questions like, "Which one?
How many? Whose?, and What kind?”

Adjectives may be descriptive, limiting, or proper.

Kindly read descriptive adjectives, Paul. Paul: A descriptive adjective names some quality of
the noun.

Example: I think he’s pretty short for his age.

This kind of adjective describes a noun in detail by

giving an attribute to that particular word. We should
know that descriptive adjectives usually express things
that are observable through the five senses (touch,
taste, sight, smell, and sound).

You give your own example in a sentence, Paul. Ex. The slender man appeared out of nowhere.

Next is limiting adjective. Kindly read, Chua. Chua: A limiting adjective narrows the scope of a

Example: this place those trees

one person what time
Limiting adjective defines the noun rather than
describes it. Most of the time we think of adjectives as
describing or adding detail to a noun. Limiting
adjectives help to limit a noun.
Chua: This place is beautiful.
You give your own example, Chua.

Michael: A proper adjective is derived from a proper

Next is proper adjective. Kindly read, Michael. noun.

Example: Filipino custom Shakespearean play

Let's define what proper nouns again.

Proper nouns are the nouns that refer to specific people,
places, or things. For example, writer is a noun, but
Shakespeare is a proper noun.

In fact, proper nouns are the origin of proper

adjectives. If Shakespeare is a proper noun, then
Shakespearean is a proper adjective.

Just like proper nouns, proper adjectives need to be

capitalized, too.

You give your own example sentence, Michael. Michael: He writes in an almost Shakespearean style.


Adjectives may appear, kindly read the number 1.

Yes, Alessandra. Alessandra:
1. Before the word modified.
Ex. She writes short poems.

Kindly give your own example.

Number 2, please read. Erica. Erica:

2. After the noun modified and set off by a pair of
Ex. The crowd hushed and still, watched the historic
Kindly give another example, Erica.

The Christmas lights, bright and colorful, shines on the
whole house ceiling.

Alright, number 3 please read, Zenen. Zenen:

3. after a linking verb, as a predicate adjective.
Ex. His poems are musical.

Kindly give another example, Zenen. Zenen:

His works are majestic.

Lastly, kindly read, Jose. Jose:

4. after a direct object, as an objective complement.
Ex. Examination makes her nervous.

Kindly give another example, Jose. Jose:

Being alone at night makes her panic.

Let’s now move on, on how to place the adjectives


You can confuse your readers if your adjectives are not

properly placed in the sentence.

See this example:

Poor: The new students’ desk came this morning.

(Does the word “new” modify the students or desks?)

Improved: The new desk for students came this


I will give an example of a sentence with a wrong place

of adjectives, and then you improved your sentence
with a proper place of adjectives.

Poor: Have you gone inside your new neighbors’

Yes, Jemarie. Jemarie:

Improved: Have you gone inside your neighbors’ new


Okay, nice! Another, Lizzie. Lizzie:

Poor: The old man’s watch is now worth thousands of Improved: The man’s old watch is now worth
pesos if he decides to sell it. thousands of pesos if he decides to sell it.

Alright! Very good.

Are we clear?

Now, let’s now move on to the adjectives in a series.

When two or more adjectives come before a noun, the

adjectives may be placed in this order.

Kindly read the adjectives in a series, Brian.


Determiner: A, the, all, that, five

Quality: short, lovely

Size or Shape: little, round

Age: recent, young

Color: brown

Origin: Japanese, Filipino

Material: wooden

Noun used as adjective: news, table

Noun: box, poem, reports, cloth, writers

Take note of this class, do not use too many adjectives
before a noun; otherwise, you’ll end up with an
awkward description.

So, let’s have some examples of adjectives in a series

that used in a sentence.

I will give an example then you give yours later, okay? Students: Okay, Ma’am.

For example, My sister has a big beautiful tan and

white bulldog. This example, the size of the dog is big,
the quality of the dog is beautiful, and the color of the
dog is tan and white.
Alright, you give your example, Lierge. Lierge: A disgusting pink plastic ornament.
[opinion – color – material]

Alright, that’s good! Another?

Aries: An amazing new American movie.
Yes, Aries. [quality – age – origin]

Very good!
Students: None, Ma’am.
Are we clear? Do you have questions?
Students: None, Ma’am.

Alright, if none then let’s have another activity.

E. Evaluation

This time, we will have an activity which we are pretty

sure, you will surely enjoy. This activity is titled
“Adjective Elimination”. The class will be divided into
2 groups. Each group will have 5 representatives to be
in front one at a time. To play one round, the teacher
will show to the class a picture. For the next sixty
seconds, each person must write down as
many adjectives to describe the picture as he or she can
think of. At the end of the minute, have students
compare their lists. Any word both students listed gets
crossed off. Each student gets one point for every
remaining adjective and minus one point for every word
which is not an adjective for his team. Continue until 5
representatives has had a turn up front. The team with
the most points wins the game.

F. Generalization/Closure

In every language, adjectives are important elements of

sentences. Using adjectives means that we can express
the quality of any person or object. Without adjectives
we could not say how any object looks like.
Remember, not only pronouns and adjectives are the
words which are used for description of something or

G. Assignment

For your assignment, do an advance reading about


Payawal-Gabriel, J. (2018). English, American and

Philippine Literature and Communication Arts, Quezon
City: St. Bernadette Publishing House Corporation.
Submitted by:


Practice-Teacher’s Name and Signature


Checked by:


Cooperating-Teacher’s Name and Signature




Department Head





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