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A Changing World
The world is changing all the time. Some
changes happen suddenly and last for a
short time, and others are longer. Even
though change may seem scary, it can also
be a chance for you to learn and grow.
The big change that lots of people are
talking about right now is the coronavirus.
If you’re like most kids, this may be a pretty
confusing time for you. Maybe your school
has been temporarily closed, or maybe
a family member is worried about not
working, or perhaps you’re upset because
you can’t get together with your friends.
Use the space below to list some of the changes you are currently facing.
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What I Know… and Want to Know
Your family love you and want to keep you safe. They can be your very best
source for information. Lots of kids are wondering, what IS the coronavirus?
Scientists tell us that the novel (or new) coronavirus is a different type of virus.
It’s a tiny germ that can spread to people and make them sick.
That’s why we are taking so many safety precautions—like asking you not to
touch your face and to wash your hands frequently. Now is an important time
for you to have information about the virus.
Use the space below to tell what you
have heard about the coronavirus.
Asking questions is a good way to help you understand what is
happening. There are no wrong questions, so don’t be afraid to
ask! There are lots of places you can go to find the answers to your
questions, like asking a grown-up, your teacher, your doctor, the City
Hall where you live, the internet, or the library (online for now)!
Make a list of some of the questions you may have:
What To Do When I Feel Afraid
If you’re like a lot of kids, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed.
We really aren’t sure what’s going to happen next, and that can
feel scary. When you are afraid, here are some things you can do
to feel better.
Circle the ones you would like to try.
Turn off the TV! Talk to a Curl up and read
caring grown-up your favorite book.
Drink a glass about feeling afraid.
of cold water. Get the facts.
Take some
Listen to deep breaths Draw a picture of
calming music. and exhale slowly. what you are afraid of.
Your feelings send messages to your brain that affect how you think, feel,
and act. When you express them, others can understand what you’re
going through. Remember: All feelings are okay… but keeping them inside
can cause aches and pains.
Circle the feelings you are having right now.
Loved Sick Confused
Frustrated Grouchy Nervous
Trusting Happy Angry
Bored Lonely Thankful
Afraid Brave Excited
Stand six giant steps away Wash your hands before you eat,
from your friends or neighbors. after using the bathroom, and after
sneezing or coughing.
Wave instead of shaking hands.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds
(sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” two times
Call or video chat with your friends
to make sure you’re washing long enough).
whenever you are lonely.
Make a Daily Plan
When you are going through big changes, it’s helpful to stick
to your normal routine. Do your homework every day, get some
fresh air and exercise, and have regular mealtimes and bedtimes.
If you don’t already have a daily schedule, use this chart to
create one. Ask a grown-up to help you list all the things
you do each day and what time of day you do them.
Calming Corner
A Calming Corner is a safe and comfy place you can go when you need to
calm down. Having time to yourself is important during times of stress.
Circle what you want to add to your Calming Corner.
Glitter jar
Pinwheel (for taking Fish tank
Soft rug slow, deep breaths) with goldfish
Other ideas:
People Care About Me!
In difficult times, it’s comforting to spend extra time with those you love and care
about. Reading together, playing board games, working on a puzzle together,
or if allowed, hiking or going for a walk or bike ride are some good ideas to
help your family to stay connected. Use this space below to make a list
of all the people who care about you and what you like to do together.
(You might be surprised at how many people there are!)
The Helpers Who Keep Me Safe
It’s important for you to know that many caring and courageous heroes are
working hard to keep you healthy and safe. When there are emergencies,
people always come together to help one another, especially the kids, and that’s
a good thing for you to know! Some of the people who are working hard to
keep you and your family healthy are:
There are many helpers all around you. Can you think of any others?
Let Those
Feelings Out!
Remember when we talked about
expressing your feelings? Here are some
good ways for you to let your feelings out.
Circle some of the ones that work
best for you, and add other ideas.
Other ideas:
Sometimes It’s ANNOYING!
If you’re like most kids, there might be times when you feel frustrated or even
angry because you aren’t able to be with your friends or do the things you
would like to do. It’s natural to feel this way when everything around you seems
upside down. It’s important to find healthy ways to express angry feelings.
Here are some things you can do to help you manage those really big feelings.
Circle the ones that work best for you, and add other ideas.
Other ideas:
When you’re feeling angry,
take a deep breath
and count to ten...
and before you know it,
you’ll feel better again!
Looking Forward
Many people are upset about the changes caused by the coronavirus.
But with all of us working together, in time things will settle down and
get back to normal again. In times like this, it’s really helpful to make
plans to look forward to in the future.
List or draw some of the things you would like to do with your family
and friends once things get back to normal.
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Take Your Feelings Temperature
Scientists and doctors are hard at work
to figure out the coronavirus and how
to keep us all safe and healthy. In the
not too distant future, you’ll be able to
go back to school, play sports, and
hang out with your friends. The parks,
our places of worship, libraries, stores,
and restaurants will open, and you’ll be
able to do all the things you enjoy.
Your family loves and cares about you.
They will always do their best to keep
you safe and healthy. The best thing
you can do to help during this time
has completed the First Aid for Feelings workbook with flying colors.
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Moodster illustrations by Aardvart. Author photo by Vick Photography, Edina, Minnesota.
All other photos ©
No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or The Moodsters help children learn how to recognize,
otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, understand, and manage their emotions.
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ISBN: 978-1-338-72435-6