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Century Star Turning CNC System

Programming Guide

November, 2007

Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd

©2007 Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd


Organization of documentation
1. General
2. Preparatory Function
3. Interpolation Function
4. Feed Function
5. Coordinate System
6. Spindle Speed Function
7. Tool Function
8. Miscellaneous Function
9. Functions to Simplify Programming
10. Comprehensive Programming Example
11. Custom Macro

This Programming Guide is applicable to the following CNC system:
HNC-18iT/19iT v4.0
HNC-21TD/22TD v05.62.07.10

Internet Address

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 General.....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 CNC Programming.......................................................................................................2
1.2 Interpolation.................................................................................................................4
1.2.1 Linear Interpolation..........................................................................................4
1.2.2 Circular Interpolation.......................................................................................5
1.2.3 Thread Cutting.................................................................................................5
1.3 Feed Function...............................................................................................................6
1.4 Coordinate System.......................................................................................................7
1.4.1 Reference Point................................................................................................7
1.4.2 Machine Coordinate System............................................................................8
1.4.3 Workpiece Coordinate System.........................................................................9
1.4.4 Setting Two Coordinate Systems at the Same Position.................................10
1.4.5 Absolute Commands......................................................................................11
1.4.6 Incremental Commands.................................................................................12
1.4.7 Diameter/Radius Programming.....................................................................13
1.5 Spindle Speed Function..............................................................................................14
1.6 Tool Function.............................................................................................................15
1.6.1 Tool Selection.................................................................................................15
1.6.2 Tool Offset......................................................................................................15
1.7 Miscellaneous Function.............................................................................................18
1.8 Program Configuration...............................................................................................19
1.8.1 Structure of an NC Program..........................................................................19
1.8.2 Main Program and Subprogram.....................................................................20
2 Preparatory Function (G code)...............................................................................................21
2.1 G code List.................................................................................................................22
3 Interpolation Functions..........................................................................................................24
3.1 Positioning (G00).......................................................................................................25
3.2 Linear Interpolation (G01).........................................................................................26
3.3 Circulation Interpolation (G02, G03)........................................................................31
3.4 Chamfering and Rounding (G01, G02, G03)............................................................37
3.4.1 Chamfering (G01)..........................................................................................37
3.4.2 Rounding (G01).............................................................................................38
3.4.3 Chamfering (G02, G03).................................................................................40
3.4.4 Rounding (G02, G03)....................................................................................41
3.5 Thread Cutting with Constant Lead (G32)................................................................43
3.6 Tapping (G34)............................................................................................................46
4 Feed Function.........................................................................................................................49
4.1 Rapid Traverse (G00).................................................................................................50
4.2 Cutting Feed (G94, G95)...........................................................................................51
4.3 Dwell (G04)................................................................................................................52
5 Coordinate System.................................................................................................................53
5.1 Reference Position Return (G28)...............................................................................54
5.2 Auto Return from Reference Position (G29).............................................................55
5.3 Setting a Workpiece Coordinate System (G92).........................................................57
5.4 Selecting a Machine Cooridinate System (G53)........................................................58
5.5 Selecting a Workpiece Coordinate System (G54~G59)............................................59
5.6 Origin of a Workpiece Coordinate System (G51, G50).............................................61
5.7 Absolute and Incremental Programming (G90, G91)................................................62
5.8 Diameter and Radius Programming (G36, G37).......................................................64
5.9 Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21)..........................................................................66
Table of Contents
6 Spindle Speed Function..........................................................................................................67
6.1 Limit of Spindle Speed (G46)....................................................................................68
6.2 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96, G97).............................................................69
7 Tool Function..........................................................................................................................71
7.1 Tool Selection and Tool Offset (T code)....................................................................72
7.2 Tool Radius Compensation (G40, G41, G42)............................................................74
8 Miscellaneous Function..........................................................................................................76
8.1 M code List.................................................................................................................77
8.2 CNC M-Function.......................................................................................................78
8.2.1 Program Stop (M00)......................................................................................78
8.2.2 Optional Stop (M01)......................................................................................78
8.2.3 End of Program (M02)...................................................................................78
8.2.4 End of Program with return to the beginning of program (M30)..................78
8.2.5 Subprogram Control (M98, M99)..................................................................79
8.3 PLC M Function.........................................................................................................81
8.3.1 Spindle Control (M03, M04, M05)................................................................81
8.3.2 Coolant Control (M07, M08, M09)...............................................................81
9 Functions to Simplify Programming......................................................................................82
9.1 Canned Cycles............................................................................................................83
9.1.1 Internal Diameter/Outer Diameter Cutting Cycle (G80)...............................83
9.1.2 End Face Turning Cycle (G81)......................................................................88
9.1.3 Thread Cutting Cycle (G82)..........................................................................91
9.1.4 End Face Peck Drilling Cycle (G74).............................................................94
9.1.5 Outer Diameter Grooving Cycle (G75).........................................................96
9.2 Multiple Repetitive Cycle..........................................................................................98
9.2.1 Stock Removal in Turning (G71)...................................................................98
9.2.2 Stock Removal in Facing (G72)..................................................................104
9.2.3 Pattern Repeating (G73)..............................................................................108
9.2.4 Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle (G76)..........................................................111
10 Comprehensive Programming......................................................................................114
10.1 Example 1.................................................................................................................114
10.2 Example 2.................................................................................................................116
10.3 Example 3.................................................................................................................118
10.4 Example 4.................................................................................................................119
11 Custom Macro......................................................................................................................120
11.1 Variables...................................................................................................................121
11.1.1 Type of Variables..........................................................................................121
11.1.2 System Variables..........................................................................................122
11.2 Constant....................................................................................................................129
11.3 Operators and Expression........................................................................................130
11.4 Assignment...............................................................................................................131
11.5 Selection statement IF, ELSE,ENDIF......................................................................132
11.6 Repetition Statement WHILE, ENDW....................................................................133
11.7 Macro Call................................................................................................................134
11.8 Example....................................................................................................................136

1. General

1 General
This chapter is to introduce the basic concepts in Computerized Numerical Control (CNC)
system: HNC-21T/22T, HNC-18iT/19iT, HNC-18xp/T, HNC-19xp/T.

1. General

1.1 CNC Programming

To operate CNC machine tool, the first step is to understand the part drawing and produce a
program manual script. The procedure for machining a part is as follows (Figure 1.1):
1) Read drawing
2) Produce the program manual script
3) Input the program manual script by using the machine control panel
4) Manufacture a part

1. General

1. Read drawing

  


2. Produce the program manual script

N1 T0106
N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X90Z20
N4 G00 X31Z3
N5 G01 Z-50 F100
N6 G00 X36
N7 Z3

3. Input the program manual script

4. Manufacture a part

Figure 1.1 The workflow of operation of CNC machine tool

1. General

1.2 Interpolation
Interpolation refers to an operation in which the machine tool moves along the workpiece
parts. There are five methods of interpolation: linear, circular, helical, parabolic, and cubic.
Most CNC machine can provide linear interpolation and circular interpolation. The other
three methods of interpolation (helical, parabolic, and cubic interpolation) are usually used
to manufacture the complex shapes, such as aerospace parts. In this manual, linear and
circular interpolation are introduced.

1.2.1 Linear Interpolation

There are two kinds of linear interpolation:
1) Tool movement along a straight line (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 Linear Interpolation (1)

2) Tool movement along the taper line

Figure 1.3 Linear Interpolation (2)

1. General

1.2.2 Circular Interpolation

Figure 1.4 shows a tool movement along an arc.

Figure 1.4 Circular Interpolation

In this manual, it is assumed that tools are moved against workpieces.

1.2.3 Thread Cutting

There are several kinds of threads: cylindrical, taper or face threads. To cut threads on a
workpiece, the tool is moved with spindle rotation synchronously.

Figure 1.5 Thread Cutting

1. General

1.3 Feed Function

- Feed refers to an operation in which the tool moves at a specified speed to cut a
- Feedrate refers to a specified speed, and numeric is used to specified the feedrate.
- Feed function refers to an operation to control the feedrate.


Figure 1.6 Feed Function

For example:
F2.0 //feed the tool 2mm, while the workpiece makes one turn

1. General

1.4 Coordinate System

1.4.1 Reference Point
Reference point is a fixed position on CNC machine tool, which is determined by cams and
measuring system. Generally, it is used when the tool is required to exchange or the
coordinate system is required to set.

Tool post


Figure 1.7 Reference Point

There are two ways to move to the reference point:

- Manual reference position return: The tool is moved to the reference point by operating
the button on the machine control panel. It is only used when the machine is turned on.
- Automatic reference position return: It is used after the manual reference position return
has been used. In this manual, this would be introduced.

1. General

1.4.2 Machine Coordinate System

The coordinate system is set on a CNC machine tool. Figure 1.8 is a machine coordinate
system of turning machine, and shows the direction of axes:

Figure 1.8 Machine Coordinate System

In general, three basic linear coordinate axes of motion are X, Y, Z. Moreover, X, Y, Z axis
of rotation is named as A, B, C correspondently. Due to different types of turning machine,
the axis direction can be decided by following the rule – “three finger rule” of the right

+Y +B +Z '
+X +Y +Z
+C +A
+Z +A +B
+Y '

Figure 1.9 “three finger rule”

- The thumb points the X axis. X axis controls the cross motion of the cutting tool.
“+X” means that the tool is away from the spindle centerline
- The index points the Y axis. Y axis is usually a virtual axis.
- The middle finger points the Z axis. Z axis controls the motion of the cutting tool.
“+Z” means that the tool is away from the spindle.

1. General

1.4.3 Workpiece Coordinate System

The coordinate system is set on a workpiece. The data in the NC program is from the
workpiece coordinate system.


Z- X+


W 90° 90°

X- Z+


Figure 1.10 Workpiece Coordinate System

Example: Those four points can be defined on workpiece coordinate system:
P1 corresponds to X25 Z-7.5
P2 corresponds to X40 Z-15
P3 corresponds to X40 Z-25
P4 corresponds to X60 Z-35


P3 P2 Φ60

P1 Φ40


7.5 Z

Figure 1.11 Example of defining points on workpiece coordinate system

1. General

1.4.4 Setting Two Coordinate Systems at the Same Position

There are two methods used to define two coordinate systems at the same position.
1) The coordinate zero point is set at chuck face


  


Figure 1.12 The coordinate zero point set at chuck face

2) The coordinate zero point is set at the end face of workpiece

 


Figure 1.13 The coordinate zero point set at the end face of workpiece

1. General

1.4.5 Absolute Commands

The absolute dimension describes a point at “the distance from zero point of the coordinate

Example: These four point in absolute dimensions are the following:

P1 corresponds to X25 Z-7.5
P2 corresponds to X40 Z-15
P3 corresponds to X40 Z-25
P4 corresponds to X60 Z-35


P3 P2 Φ60

P1 Φ40


7.5 Z

Figure 1.14 Absolute Dimension

1. General

1.4.6 Incremental Commands

The incremental dimension describes a distance from the previous tool position to the next
tool position.

Example: These four point in incremental dimensions are the following:

P1 corresponds to X25 Z-7.5 //with reference to the zero point
P2 corresponds to X15 Z-7.5 //with reference to P1
P3 corresponds to Z-10 //with reference to P2
P4 corresponds to X20 Z-10 //with reference to P3


P3 P2 Φ60

P1 Φ40


10 10 7.5 7.5 Z

Figure 1.15 Incremental Dimension

1. General

1.4.7 Diameter/Radius Programming

The coordinate dimension on X axis can be set in diameter or radius. It should be noted that
diameter programming or radius programming should be applied independently on each
Example: Describe the points by diameter programming.
A corresponds to X30 Z80
B corresponds to X40 Z60



Figure 1.16 Diameter Programming

Example: Describe the points by radius programming.
A corresponds to X15 Z80
B corresponds to X20 Z60

 


Figure 1.17 Radius Programming

1. General

1.5 Spindle Speed Function

The cutting speed (v) refers to the speed of the tool with respect to the workpiece when the
workpiece is cut. The unit of the cutting speed is m/min. As for the CNC, the cutting speed
can be specified by the spindle speed (N) in min -1.

V: Cutting speed
Chuck v m/min


Figure 1.18 Cutting Speed and Spindle Speed

1000  v
The formula to get the spindle speed is: N 
N: the spindle speed
v: cutting speed
D: diameter value of the workpiece

Example: When the diameter of workpiece is 200mm, and the cutting speed is 300m/min,

1000  v 1000  300

then the spindle speed: N    478r / m
D   200

The constant surface speed refers to the cutting speed even when the workpiece diameter is
changed, and the CNC changes the spindle speed.

1. General

1.6 Tool Function

1.6.1 Tool Selection
It is necessary to select a suitable tool when drilling, tapping, boring or the like is
performed. As it is shown in Figure 1.19, a number is assigned to each tool. Then this
number is used in the program to specify that the corresponding tool is selected.

Tool number

01 06

02 05
Tool post
03 04

Figure 1.19 Tool Selection

1.6.2 Tool Offset

When writing a program, the operator just use the workpiece dimensions according to the
dimensions in the part drawing. The tool nose radius center, the tool direction of the turning
tool, and the tool length are not taken into account. However, when machining a workpiece,
the tool path is affected by the tool geometry.

Rough Thread
Standard cutting Finishing Grooving cutting
tool tool tool tool tool


Figure 1.20 Tool Offset

1. General
 Tool Length Compensation
There are two kind of ways to specify the value of tool length compensation.
- Absolute value of tool length compensation (the distance between tool tip and
machine reference point)
- Incremental value of tool length compensation (the distance between tool tip and
the standard tool)

As it is shown in Figure 1.21, L1 is the tool length on X axis. L2 is the tool length on Z axis.
It should be noted that the tool wear values on X axis or Z axis are also contained in the tool
length compensation.


P L1

P=Tool tip
S=Cutting edge center

Figure 1.21 Tool Length Compensation

 Tool Radius Compensation

Figure 1.22 shows the imaginary tool nose as a start position when writing a program.

Tool nose radius center
Imaginary tool nose

Figure 1.22 The imaginary tool nose

1. General
The direction of imaginary tool nose is determined by the tool direction during cutting.
Figure 1.23 and Figure 1.24 show the relation between the tool and the imaginary tool tip.

4 8 3

● ● ●

0●9 Z 7
5 ● ●

● ● ●

1 6 2

● Imaginary tool nose

+ Tool nose radius center
Figure 1.23 The direction of imaginary tool nose (1)

1 6 2

● ● ●

0●9 Z 7
5 ● ●

● ● ●

4 8 3

● Imaginary tool nose

+ Tool nose radius center

Figure 1.24 The direction of imaginary tool nose (2)

1. General

1.7 Miscellaneous Function

Miscellaneous function refers to the operation to control the spindle, feed, and coolant. In
general, it is specified by an M code.

When a move command and M code are specified in the same block, there are two ways to
execute these commands:
1) Pre-M function
M command is executed before the completion of move command
2) Post-M function
M command is executed after the completion of move command.

The sequence of the execution depends on the specification of the machine tool builder.

1. General

1.8 Program Configuration

1.8.1 Structure of an NC Program
As it is shown in Figure 1.25, an NC program consists of a sequence of NC blocks. Each
block is one of machining steps. Commands in each block are the instruction.


Program number
N01 G91 G00 X50 Y60

N10 G01 X100 Y500 F150 S300 M03

Program block
N...... ;COMMENT
N200 M30
Command character

Figure 1.25 Structure of an NC Program
- Format of program name
The program name must be specified in the format OXXXX (X could be letters or
- Format of program number
The program number should be started with %XXXX or OXXXX (X could be numbers
- Format of blocks
A block starts with the program block number.

Program block

N.. G.. X…Y… F.. M.. S..

Spindle function
Miscellaneous function
Feed Function
Coordinate - Dimension word
Preparatory function
Program block number
Figure 1.26 Structure of Block

1. General
- Format of end of program
The last block should contain M02 or M03 to indicate the end of program.
- Format of Comments
All information after the “;” is regarded as comments.
All information between “( )” is regarded as comments.

1.8.2 Main Program and Subprogram

There are two type of program: main program and subprogram. The CNC operates
according to the main program. When a execution command of subprogram is at the
execution line of the main program, the subprogram is called. When the execution of
subprogram is finished, the system returns control to the main program.

Main program Subprogram

Instruction 1 Instruction 1

Instruction 2 Instruction 2

Follow the direction

ofthe subprogram

Instruction n

Instruction n+1

Return to the main program

Figure 1.27 Main program and subprogram

Main program and its subprogram must be written in a same file with a different program

2. Preparatory Function

2 Preparatory Function (G code)

There are two types of G code: one-shot G code, and modal G code.
Table 2-1 Type of G code
Type Meaning

One-shot G code The G code is only effective in the block in which it is specified

Modal G code The G code is effective until another G code is specified.

Example: G01 and G00 are modal G codes.

Z_ G00 is effective in this range

2. Preparatory Function

2.1 G code List

The following table is the list of G code in HNC system.

Table 2-2 G code list

G code Group Function
G00 Positioning (Rapid traverse)
◣G01 Linear interpolation (Cutting feed)
G02 01
Circular interpolation CW
Circular interpolation CCW
G04 00 Dwell
G20 Input in inch
◣G21 Input in mm
G28 Reference point return
G29 Auto return from reference point
G32 Thread cutting with constant lead
G34 Tapping
◣G36 Diameter programming
G37 Radius programming
◣G40 Tool nose radius compensation cancel
G41 09 Tool nose radius compensation on the left
G42 Tool nose radius compensation on the right
G46 16 Setting the limit of spindle speed
◣G50 Canceling the workpiece’s origin movement
G51 Moving the origin of workpiece coordinate system
G53 00 Selecting a machine coordinate system
11 Setting a workpiece coordinate system

2. Preparatory Function
G71 Stock Removal in Turning
G72 Stock Removal in Facing
G74 Pattern repeating
G75 Front drilling cycle
G80 06 Side drilling cycle
G81 Multiple thread cutting cycle
Internal diameter/Outer diameter cutting cycle
G82 End face turning cycle
Thread cutting cycle
◣G90 Absolute programming
G91 Incremental programming
G92 00 Setting a coordinate system
◣G94 Feedrate per minute
G95 Feedrate per revolution
G96 Constant cutting speed
◣G97 Constant cutting speed cancel

1) G codes in 00 group are one-shot G code, while the other groups are modal G
2) ◣ means that it is default setting.

3. Interpolation Function

3 Interpolation Functions
This chapter would introduce:

1) Positioning Command (G00)

2) Linear Interpolation (G01)

3) Circular Interpolation (G02, G03)

4) Chamfering and Rounding (G01, G02, G03)

5) Thread Cutting with Constant Lead (G32)

6) Tapping (G34)

3. Interpolation Function

3.1 Positioning (G00)

G00 X(U)… Z(W)…

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate value of the end point in the absolute command
U, W Coordinate value of the end point in the incremental command

The tool is moved at the highest possible speed (rapid traverse). If the rapid traverse
movement is required to execute simultaneously on several axes, the rapid traverse speed is
decided by the axis which takes the most time. The operator can use this function to position
the tool rapidly, to travel around the workpiece, or to approach the tool change position.

Move tool from P1 (45, 90) to P2 (10, 20) at the rapid traverse speed.



Figure 3.28 Positioning (Rapid Traverse)

Absolute programming:
G00 X10 Z20
Incremental programming:
G00 U30 W70

3. Interpolation Function

3.2 Linear Interpolation (G01)

G01 X(U)… Z(W)… F…

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate value of the end point in the absolute command
U, W Coordinate value of the end point in the incremental command
F Feedrate. It is effective until a new value is specified.

The tool is moved along the straight line at the specified feedrate.

3. Interpolation Function
Example 1
Use G01 command to rough machining and finish machining the simple cylinder part.

 


Figure 3.29 Linear Interpolation – Example 1

%3306(Absolute command) %3306 (Incremental command)

N1 T0106 N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460 N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X90Z20 N3 G00 X90Z20
N4 G00 X31Z3 N4 G00 X31Z3
N5 G01 Z-50 F100 N5 G01 W-53 F100
N6 G00 X36 N6 G00 U5
N7 Z3 N7 W53
N8 X30 N8 U-6
N9 G01 Z-50 F80 N9 G01 Z-50 F80
N10 G00 X36 N10 G00 X36
N11 X90 Z20 N11 X90 Z20
N12 M05 N12 M05
N13 M30 N13 M30

Example 2
Use G01 command to rough machining and finish machining simple conical part.

  


Figure 3.30 Linear Interpolation – Example 2

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X100Z40
N4 G00 X26.6 Z5
N5 G01 X31 Z-50 F100
N6 G00 X36
N7 X100 Z40
N8 T0202
N9 G00 X25.6 Z5
N10 G01 X30 Z-50 F80
N11 G00 X36
N12 X100 Z40
N13 M05
N14 M30
Example 3

Use G01 command to rough machining and finish machining the part.


   


Figure 3.31 Linear Interpolation – Example 3


N1 T0101

N2 M03 S450

N3 G00 X100 Z40

N4 G00 X31 Z3

N5 G01 Z-50 F100

N6 G00 X36

N7 Z3

N8 X25

N9 G01 Z-20 F100

N10 G00 X36

N11 Z3

N12 X15

N13 G01 U14 W-7 F100

N14 G00 X36

N15 X100 Z40

N16 T0202

N17 G00 X100Z40

N18 G00 X14 Z3

N19 G01 X24 Z-2 F80

N20 Z-20

N21 X28

N22 X30 Z-50

N23 G00 X36

N24 X80 Z10

N24 M05

N25 M30
3.3 Circulation Interpolation (G02, G03)


G02 I_K_ 
 X(U ) _Z(W ) _  F_
G03  R_ 

Explanation of the parameters

G02 a circular path in clockwise direction (CW)

G03 a circular path in counterclockwise direction (CCW)

X, Z Coordinate values of the circle end point in absolute command

U, W Coordinate values of the circle end point with reference to the circle starting point

in incremental command.

I, K Coordinate values of the circle center point with reference to the circle starting

point in incremental command.

R Circle radius. R is valid when I, K, R are all specified in this command.

F Feedrate
z z w k
w k
u/2 i R
x/2 u/2 i
x/2 Circle center point
Circle center point
+Z +X

Figure 3.32 Description of G02/G03 parameter

G02 and G03 are defined when the working plane is specified. Figure 3.6 shows the

direction of circular interpolation.

G03 G03 G02 G02
G02 G02 G03 G03
+Y +Z +Z
G02 G02 G03 G03
G03 G03 G02
+X G02

Figure 3.33 Direction of Circular Interpolation


The tool is moved along a full circle or arcs.

Example 1

Use the circular interpolation command to program



Φ 22
Φ 26

Figure 3.34 Circular Interpolation – Example 1


N1 T0101

N2 G00 X40 Z5

N3 M03 S400

N4 G00 X0

N5 G01 Z0 F60

N6 G03 U24 W-24 R15

N7 G02 X26 Z-31 R5

N8 G01 Z-40

N9 X40 Z5

N10 M30
Example 2

Use the circular interpolation command to program

 


Figure 3.35 Circular Interpolation – Example 2

%3310(Absolute programming) %3310(Incremental programming)

N1 T0101 N1 T0101

N2 M03 S460 N2 M03 S460

N3 G00 X90Z20 N3 G00 X90Z20

N4 G00 X0 Z3 N4 G00 U-90 W-17

N5 G01 Z0 F100 N5 G01 W-3 F100

N6 G03 X30 Z-15 R15 N6 G03 U30 W-15 R15

N7 G01 Z-35 N7 G01 W-20

N8 X36 N8 X36

N9 G00 X90 Z20 N9 G00 X90 Z20

N10 M05 N10 M05

N11 M30 N11 M30

Example 3
Use the circular interpolation command to program.





Figure 3.36 Circular Interpolation – Example 3

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X100 Z40
N4 G00 X0 Z3
N5 G01 Z0 F100
N6 G03 X20 Z-10 R10
N7 G01 Z-20
N8 G02 X24 Z-24 R4
N9 G01 Z-40
N10 G00 X30
N11 X100 Z40
N12 M05
N13 M30
Example 4
Use the circular interpolation command to program

 



Figure 3.37 Circular Interpolation – Example 4

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X80 Z10
N4 G00 X30 Z3
N5 G01 Z-20 F100
N6 G02 X26 Z-22 R2
N7 G01 Z-40
N8 G00 X24
N9 Z3
N10 X80 Z10
N11 M05
N12 M30
3.4 Chamfering and Rounding (G01, G02, G03)
Note: These commands can not be used in thread cutting.

3.4.1 Chamfering (G01)

G01 X(U)_ Z(W)_ C_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) in incremental command
C Width of chamfer in original direction of movement (c)
+X A

D B u/2
c G
z x/2

Figure 3.38 Chamfering (G01)

A chamfer can be inserted between two blocks which intersect at a right angle (point

Note: The length of GA should be more than the length of GB

3.4.2 Rounding (G01)
G01 X(U)_ Z(W)_ R_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of the intersection (pint G) in incremental command
R Radius of the rounding (r)
+X w

D r u/2

z x/2


Figure 3.39 Rounding (G01)

A corner can be inserted between two blocks which intersect at a right angle (point

Note: The length of GA should be more than the length of GB

Use the chamfering and rounding command (G01):

70 10
3 36


Figure 3.40 Chamfering and Rounding (G01) - Example

N1 M03 S460
N2 G00 U-70 W-10
N3 G01 U26 C3 F100
N4 W-22 R3
N5 U39 W-14 C3
N6 W-34
N7 G00 U5 W80
N8 M30

3.4.3 Chamfering (G02, G03)

 X(U ) _ Z(W ) _ R _ RL  _

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) with reference to the circle starting
point (point A) in incremental command
R Circle Radius (r)
RL= Width of chamfer in original direction of movement (RL)
+X w

B r

Figure 3.41 Chamfering (G02/G03)

A chamfer can be inserted between two blocks which intersect at a right angle (point

Note: RL must be capitalized letters.

3.4.4 Rounding (G02, G03)
 X(U ) _ Z(W ) _ R _ RC  _

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of the intersection (point G) with reference to the circle starting
point (point A) in incremental command
R Circle radius (r)
RC Radius of rounding (rc)
+X w

B u/2
z x/2


Figure 3.42 Rounding (G02/G03)

A corner can be inserted between two blocks which intersect at a right angle (point

Note: RC must be capitalized letters.

Use the chamfering and rounding command (G02/G03):

70 10
4 36



Figure 3.43 Chamfering and Rounding (G02/G03) - Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X70 Z10 M03 S460
N3 G00 X0 Z4
N4 G01 W-4 F100
N5 X26 C3
N6 Z-21
N7 G02 U30 W-15 R15 RL=4
N8 G01 Z-70
N9 G00 U10
N10 X70 Z10
N11 M30
3.5 Thread Cutting with Constant Lead (G32)
G32 X(U)__Z(W)__R__E__P__F__

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point with reference to the starting point in incremental
R, E Coordinate value of retraction amount with reference to the end point in
incremental command. In general, R is set as two times value of thread lead, and E is set as
the thread height.
P Start point offset. It is used for multiple threads.
F Thread lead per revolution

z w

e α
B u/ 2
x/ 2 r A


Figure 3.44 Thread Cutting with Constant Lead

Start point offset in °
Starting angle for thread
(setting data)

Figure 3.45 Start point Offset

Cylindrical thread, taper thread and face thread can be machined with G32.

1) The spindle speed should remain constant during rough cutting and finish cutting.
2) The feed hold function is ineffective during the thread cutting. Even though the
“feed hold” button is pressed, it is effective until the thread cutting is done.
3) It is not recommended to use the constant surface speed control during the thread
4) Allowant amount must be specified to avoid the error.
Given that F=1.5mm,  =1.5mm,   =1mm, cutting for four times and each cutting depth
is separately: 0.8mm, 0.6 mm, 0.4mm, 0.16mm. It is diameter programming.


Figure 3.46 Thread Cutting – Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X50 Z120
N3 M03 S300
N4 G00 X29.2 Z101.5
N5 G32 Z19 F1.5
N6 G00 X40
N7 Z101.5
N8 X28.6
N9 G32 Z19 F1.5
N10 G00 X40
N11 Z101.5
N12 X28.2
N13 G32 Z19 F1.5
N14 G00 X40
N15 Z101.5
N16 U-11.96
N17 G32 W-82.5 F1.5
N18 G00 X40
N19 X50 Z120
N20 M05
N21 M30
3.6 Tapping (G34)
G34 K_ F_ P_

Explanation of the parameters

K The distance from the starting point to the bottom of the hole
F Thread lead
P Dwell time at the bottom of a hole

Figure 3.47 Rigid Tapping

With this command, the operator can rigid tap a thread.

In general, there is overshoot of the tap at the bottom of the thread during the spindle-
braking portion of the tapping cycle. It can be set by PMC parameters (Table 3-1) to
eliminate the overshoot errors.
Table 3-3 PMC parameters

CNC system PMC parameters

#0062 Maximum spindle speed during tapping
#0063 Minimum spindle speed during tapping
HNC 18/19i
#0064 Dwelled unit for tapping
#0065 Optional dwelled unit for tapping
#0017 Maximum spindle speed during tapping
#0018 Minimum spindle speed during tapping
HNC 21/22
#0019 Dwelled unit for tapping
#0030 Optional dwelled unit for tapping

Optional dwelled unit for tapping is only effective when “dwelled unit for tapping” is
assigned to “0”. Moreover, it is not necessary to restart the system.

The following formular is to calculate the dwelled unit (X):

D = (S * S / C) * X / 10000 = L * 360 / F
D dwelled amount
S spindle speed
C Transmission gear ratio
X dwelled unit
L overshoot error
F thread lead

Since the workpiece is chucked on the spindle, the spindle decceleration time of turning
machine is more than a milling machine’s. The quicker the spindle rotates, the quicker the
feedrate on Z axis is, and then the more time the decceleration time takes. Thus, the spindle
speed should be set accoording to the thread length.
The following is a tested data for tapping when the thread lead is 1.25mm.
4 Feed Function
There are two kinds of feed functions:
1. Rapid Traverse
The tool is moved at the rapid traverse speed set in CNC.
2. Cutting Feed
The tool is moved at the programmed cutting feedrate.

Moreover, this chapter would introduce “Dwell”.

4.1 Rapid Traverse (G00)
Positioning command (G00) is to move the tool at the rapid traverse speed (the highest
possible speed).

This rapid traverse speed can be controlled by the machine control panel. For more detailed
information, please refer to turning operation manual.
4.2 Cutting Feed (G94, G95)
G94 [F_ ]
G95 [F_ ]

Explanation of the parameters

G94 feedrate per minute.
On linear axis, the unit of feedrate is mm/min, or in/min.
On rational axis, the unit of feedrate is degree/min.

G95 feedrate per revolution

The unit of feedrate is mm/rev, or in/rev.

1) G94 is the default setting
2) G95 is only used when there is spindle encoder.

The feedrate can be set by G94 or G95.
4.3 Dwell (G04)
G04 P_

Explanation of the parameters

P dwell time (specified in seconds)

It can be used to interrupt machining to get the smooth surface. It can be used to control the
groove cutting, drilling, and turning path.
5. Coordinate System

5 Coordinate System
This chapter would introduce:
1) Reference Position Return (G28)
2) Auto Return from Reference Position (G29)
3) Setting a Workpiece Coordinate System (G92)
4) Selecting a Machine Coordinat System (G53)
5) Selecting a Workpiece Coordinate System (G54~G59)
6) Origin of a Workpiece Coordinate System (G51, G50)
7) Absolute and Incremental Programming (G90, G91)
8) Diameter and Radius Programming (G36, G37)
9) Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21)
5. Coordinate System

5.1 Reference Position Return (G28)

G28 X(U)_ Z(W)_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the intermediate point in absolute command
U,W Coordinate values of the intermediate point with reference to the starting point in
incremental command

The tool is moved to the intermediate point rapidly, and then returned to the reference point.

Intermediate position
Reference position

Figure 5.48 Reference Position Return

1) In general, G28 is used to change tools or cancel the mechanical error. Tool radius
compensation and tool length compensation should be cancelled when G28 is
2) G28 can not only make the tool move to the reference point, but also can save the
intermediate position to be used in G29.
3) When the power is on and manual reference position return is not available, G28 is
same as the maunaul reference position return. The direction of this reference
position return (G28) is set by the axis parameter – reference approach direction.
4) G28 is one-shot G code.
5. Coordinate System

5.2 Auto Return from Reference Position (G29)

G29 X(U)_ Z(W)_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate value of the end point in absolute command
U, W Coordinate value of the end point in incremental command

The tool is moved rapidly from the intermediate point defined in G28 to the end point. Thus,
G29 is generally used after G28 is defined.

G29 is one-shot G code.
5. Coordinate System
Use G28, G29 command to program the track shown in. It moves from the starting point A
to the intermediate point B, and then returns to the reference point R. At last, it moves from
the reference point R to the end point C through the intermediate point B.




Figure 5.49 Reference Position – Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X50 Z100
N3 G28 X80 Z200
N4 G29 X40 Z250
N5 G00 X50Z100
N6 M30
5. Coordinate System

5.3 Setting a Workpiece Coordinate System (G92)

G92 X_ Z_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the tool position in the workpiece coordinate system.

G92 can set a workpiece coordinate system based on the current tool position (X_ Z_).

Use G92 to set a workpiece coordinate system.


Origin on Origin on
left end face right end face

Figure 5.50 Setting a Coordinate System – Example

If the origin is set on the left end face,

G92 X180 Z254

If the origin is set on the right end face

G92 X180 Z44
5. Coordinate System

5.4 Selecting a Machine Cooridinate System (G53)

G53 X_Z_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Absoulte coordinate values of a point in the machine coordinate system.

A machine coordinate system is selected, and the tool moves to the position at the rapid
traverse speed.

1) Absolute values must be specified in G53. The incremental values would be
ignored by G53.
2) G53 is one-shot G code.
5. Coordinate System

5.5 Selecting a Workpiece Coordinate System

G 54 

X_ Z_
G 55 
 
G 56 
 
G 57 
G 58 
 

G 59 

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of the point in absolute command

There are six workpiece coordinate system to be selected. If one coordinate system is
selected, the tool is moved to a specified point.

1) The workpiece coordinate system must be set before these commands (G54~G59)
are used. The workpiece coordinate system can be set by using the MDI panel. For
detailed information, please refer to the turning operation manual.
2) Reference position must be returned before these commands (G54~G59) are
3) G54 is the default setting.
5. Coordinate System
Select one of workpiece coordinate system, and the tool path is Current point→A→B.

30 B

40 A
G59 O 30 Z

G54 O 30 Z
Machine Zero Point

Figure 5.51 Workpiece Coordinate System – Example

N01 G54 G00 G90 X40 Z30
N02 G59
N03 G00 X30 Z30
N04 M30
5. Coordinate System

5.6 Origin of a Workpiece Coordinate System (G51,

G51 U_ W_

Explanation of the parameters

G51 can move the origin of workpiece coordinate system.
U, W Coordinate values of the position in incremental command
G50 can cancel the movement.

The origin of workpiece coordinate system can be moved.

1) G51 is only effective when T command or G54~G59 is defined in the program.
2) G50 is only effective when T command or G54~G59 is defined in the program.

G51 U30 W10
M98 P1111 L4
G01 X30 Z14

G01 X32 Z25
G01 X34.444 Z99.123
5. Coordinate System

5.7 Absolute and Incremental Programming (G90,

G90 X_ Z_
G91 U_W_

Explanation of the parameters

G90 Absolute programming
X, Z Coordinate values on X axis and Z axis in the coordinate system
G91 Incremental programming
U, W Coordinate values with reference to the previous position in the coordinate system

The tool is moved to the specified position.
Move the tool from point 1 to point 2 through point 3, and then return to the current point.

Φ25 Φ15 Φ50

1 30

4 40

Figure 5.52 Absolute and Incremental Programming – Example

Absolute Programming Incremental Programming Absolute and Incremental

%0001 %0001 %0001

N 1 T0101 N 1 M03 S460 N 1 T0101
N 2 M03 S460 N 2 G91 G01 X-35 N 2 M03 S460
N3 G90 G00 X50 N 3 Z-32 N 3 G00 X50 Z2
Z2 N 4 X10 Z-10 N 4 G01 X15
N4 G01 X15 N 5 X25 Z42 N 5 Z-30
N 5 Z-30 N 6 M30 N 6 U10 Z-40
N 6 X25 Z-40 N 7 X50 W42
N 7 X50 Z2 N 8 M30
N 8 M30
5.8 Diameter and Radius Programming (G36, G37)




Explanation of the parameters

G36 Diameter programming

G37 Radius programming


The coordinate value on X axis is specified in two ways: diameter or radius. It allows to

program the dimension straight from the drawing without conversion.


1) In all the examples of this book, we always use diameter programming if the

radius programming is not specified.

2) If the machine parameter is set to diameter programming, then diameter

programming is the default setting. However, G36 and G37 can be used to

exchange. The system shows the diameter value.

3) If the system parameter is set to radius programming, then radius programming is

the default setting. However, G36 and G37 can be used to exchange. The system

shows the radius value.


Use Diameter programming and Radius programming for the same path

+X 254

160 44

Φ 180
Φ 50

Φ 20
Figure 5.53 Diameter and Radius Programming – Example

Diameter Programming Radius Programming Compound Programming

%3304 %3314 %3314
N1 G92 X180 Z254 N1 G37 M03 S460 N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460 N2 G54 G00 X90 Z254 N2 M03 S460
N3 G01 X20 W-44 N3 G01 X10 W-44 N3 G37G00 X90 Z254
N4 U30 Z50 N4 U15 Z50 N4 G01 X10 W-44
N5 G00 X180 Z254 N5 G00 X90 Z254 N5 G36 U30 Z50
N6 M30 N6 M30 N6 G00 X180 Z254
N7 M30
5.9 Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21)

Explanation of the parameters

G20: Inch input
G21: Metric input
The units of linear axis and circular axis are shown in the following table
Table 5-4. Unit of Linear axis and Circular axis
Linear axis Circular axis
Inch system (G20) Inch Degree

Metric system (G21) Mm Degree

Depending on the part drawing, the workpiece geometries can be programmed in metric
measures or inches.
6. Spindle Speed Function

6 Spindle Speed Function

Spindle function controls the spindle speed (S), the unit of spindle speed is r/min. Spindle
speed is the cutting speed when it is at the constant speed, the unit of speed is m/min.

S is modal G code command; it is only available when the spindle is adjustable. Spindle
speed programmed by S code can be adjusted by overrides on the machine control panel.

This chapter would introduce

1) Limit of spindle speed (G46)
2) Constant surface cutting control (G96, G97).
6. Spindle Speed Function

6.1 Limit of Spindle Speed (G46)

G46 X_ P_

Explanation of the parameters

X The minimum speed of the spindle when using constant surface speed(r/min)
P The maximum speed of the spindle when using constant surface speed(r/min)

G46 command can set the minimum of spindle speed, and the maximum of spindle speed.

It can only used with G96 (constant surface speed control command).
6. Spindle Speed Function

6.2 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96, G97)

G96 S
G97 S

Explanation of the parameters

G96 activate the constant surface speed
S surface speed (m/min)

G97 deactivate the constant surface speed

S spindle speed (r/min)

G96 and G97 commands are to control the constant surface speed.

1) The spindle speed must be controlled automatically when the constant surface
cutting command is executed.
2) The maximum of spindle speed can be set by the axis parameter.
6. Spindle Speed Function
Use the constant surface control command



Φ 22
Φ 26

Figure 6.54 Constant Surface Control – Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X40 Z5
N3 M03 S460
N4 G96 S80
N5 G46 X400 P900
N5 G00 X0
N6 G01 Z0 F60
N7 G03 U24 W-24 R15
N8 G02 X26 Z-31 R5
N9 G01 Z-40
N10 X40 Z5
N11 G97 S300
N12 M30
7. Tool Function

7 Tool Function
This chapter would introduce:
1) Too selection and Tool offset (T code)
2) Tool radius compensation (G40, G41, G42)
7. Tool Function

7.1 Tool Selection and Tool Offset (T code)


Explanation of the parameters

XX Tool number (two digits). The number of tool depends on manufacture’s
XX Tool offset number (two digits). It corresponds to the specific compensation value.

To select the desired tool, T command makes the turret turn, selects a cutter, and calls the
compensation value.

1) T command is only effective when it is used with tool move command, such as
2) When T command and tool move command are in the same program block, T
command is executed at first.
3) The same tool can have different compensation values. For example, T0101,
T0102, T0103 are possible.
4) Different tool can have same compensation values. For example, T0101, T0201,
and T0301 are possible.
7. Tool Function
N01 T0101
N02 M03 S460
N03 G00 X45 Z0
N04 G01 X10 F100
N05 G00 X80 Z30
N06 T0202
N07 G00 X40 Z5
N08 G01 Z-20 F100
N09 G00 X80 Z30
N10 M30
7. Tool Function

7.2 Tool Radius Compensation (G40, G41, G42)

G 40
  G 00
G 41   X_ Z_
   G 01
G 42

Explanation of the parameters

G40 Deactivate tool radius compensation
G41 Activate tool radius compensation, tool operates in machining operation to the left
of the contour.
G42 Activate tool radius compensation, tool operates in machining operation to the
right of the contour.



Figure 7.55 Tool Radius Compensation

X, Z Coordinate values of the end point. It is the point where the tool radius
compensation is activated or deactivated.

These commands can control the tool radius compensation to get the equidistant tool paths
for different tools.

1) G40, G41, and G42 must be used with G00 or G01.
2) The tool radius compensation value is assigned in T code.
7. Tool Function
Use the tool radius compensation, and program for the part shown in Figure 7.2


Φ 22
Φ 26

Figure 7.56 Tool Radius Compensation

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S400
N3 G00 X40 Z5
N4 G00 X0
N5 G01 G42 Z0 F60
N6 G03 U24 W-24 R15
N7 G02 X26 Z-31 R5
N8 G01 Z-40
N9 G00 X30
N10 G40 X40 Z5
N11 M30
8. Miscellaneous Function

8 Miscellaneous Function
As it is mentioned in Chapter 1.8, there are two ways of execution when a move command
and M code are specified in the same block.
1) Pre-M function
M command is executed before the completion of move command.
2) Post-M function
M command is executed after the completion of move command

There are two types of M code: one-shot M code, and modal M code.
Table 8-5 Type of M code
Type Meaning

One-shot M code The M code is only effective in the block in which it is specified

Modal M code The M code is effective until another M code is specified.

8. Miscellaneous Function

8.1 M code List

The following is a list of M command.
Table 8-6 M code List

CNC M-function Type of Mode Function Pre/Post-M function

M00 One-shot Program stop Post-M function

M01 One-shot Optional stop Post-M function

M02 One-shot End of program Post-M function

End of program with return to the
M30 One-shot Post-M function
beginning of program
M98 One-shot Calling of subprogram Post-M function

M99 One-shot End of subprogram Post-M function

PLC M-function Type of Mode Function Pre/Post-M function

M03 Modal Spindle forward rotation Pre-M function

M04 Modal Spindle reverse rotation Pre-M function

M05 Modal ◣Spindle stop Post-M function

M07 Modal Number1 Coolant on Pre-M function

M08 Modal Number2 Coolant on Pre-M function

M09 Modal ◣Coolant off Post-M function

◣: default setting
8. Miscellaneous Function

8.2 CNC M-Function

8.2.1 Program Stop (M00)
M00 is one-shot M function, and it is post-M function.
The program can be stopped, so that the operator could measure the tool and the part, adjust
part and change speed manually, and so on.
When the program is stopped, the spindle is stopped and the coolant is off. All of the current
modal information remains unchanged. Resuming program could be executed by pushing
“Cycle Run” button on the machine control panel.

8.2.2 Optional Stop (M01)

M01 is one-shot M function, and it is post-M function.
Similarly to M00, M01 can also stop the program. All of the modal information is
maintained. The difference between M00 and M01 is that the operator must press M01

button ( ) on the machine control panel. Otherwise, the program would not be stopped
even if there is M01 code in the program.

8.2.3 End of Program (M02)

M02 is one-shot M function, and it is post-M function.
When M02 is executed, spindle, feed and coolant are all stopped. It is usually at the end of
the last program block. To restart the program, press “Cycle Run” button on the operational

8.2.4 End of Program with return to the beginning of program

M30 is one-shot M function, and it is post-M function.
Similarly to M02, M30 can also stop the program. The difference is that M30 returns control
to the beginning of program. To restart the program, press “Cycle Run” button on the
operational panel.
8. Miscellaneous Function

8.2.5 Subprogram Control (M98, M99)

 End of Subprogram (M99)
M99 indicates the end of subprogram and returns control to the main program. It is one-shot
M function, and it is post-M function.

 Calling a Subprogram (M98)

M98 P_ L_
P program number of the subprogram
L repeated times of subprogram

M98 is used to call a subprogram. It is one-shot M function. Moreover, it is post-M function.

8. Miscellaneous Function





Figure 8.57 Subprogram Control - Example

N1 G92 X32 Z1
N2 G00 Z0 M03 S46
N3 M98 P0003 L5
N4 G36 G00 X32 Z1
N5 M05
N6 M30
N1 G37 G01 U-12 F100
N2 G03 U7.385 W-4.923 R8
N3 U3.215 W-39.877 R60
N4 G02 U1.4 W-28.636 R40
N5 G00 U4
N6 W73.436
N7 G01 U-5 F100
N8 M99
8. Miscellaneous Function

8.3 PLC M Function

8.3.1 Spindle Control (M03, M04, M05)
M03 starts spindle to rotate CW at the set speed set in the program.
M04 starts spindle to rotate CCW at the set speed in the program.
M05 stops spindle.
M03, M04 are modal M code, and they are pre-M function. M05 is modal M code, and it is
post-M function. M05 is the default setting.

8.3.2 Coolant Control (M07, M08, M09)

M07, M08 can turn on the coolant.
M09 can turn off the coolant.
M07 and M08 are modal M code, and they are pre-M function. M09 is one-shot M code,
and it is post-M function. Moreover, M09 is the default setting.
9. Functions to Simplify Programming

9 Functions to Simplify Programming

This chapter would introduce:
1) Canned Cycle
Internal diameter/ Outer diameter cutting cycle (G80)
End face turning cycle (G81)
Thread cutting cycle (G82)
End face peck drilling cycle (G74)
Outer diameter grooving cycle (G75)
2) Multiple Repetitive Cycle
Stock Removal in Turning (G71)
Stock Removal in Facing (G72)
Pattern Repeating (G73)
Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle (G76)
9. Functions to Simplify Programming

9.1 Canned Cycles

To simplify programming, the canned cycle command can execute the specific operation
using one G code, instead of several separated G commands in the program.

9.1.1 Internal Diameter/Outer Diameter Cutting Cycle (G80)

 Straight Cutting Cycle
G80 X(U)_ Z(W)_ F_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point (point C) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point (point
A) in incremental command
F Feedrate

z w
4R A
3R 1R u/2


Rapid traverse speed A: Initial point

B: Starting point of cutting
Feedrate C: End point of cutting
D: Retraction point
Figure 9.58 Straight cutting cycle (G80)

This command can implement the straight cutting. The machining path is
9. Functions to Simplify Programming
 Taper Cutting Cycle
G80 X(U)_ Z(W)_ I_ F_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point (point C) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point (point
A) in incremental command
I The radius difference between starting point B and end point C. It is negative, if
the radius of point B is less than the radius of point C. Otherwise, it is positive.
F Feedrate

+X z w
4R A
3R 1R u/2
2F i

x/2 B


Rapid traverse speed A: Initial point

B: Starting point of cutting
Feedrate C: End point of cutting
D: Retraction point
Figure 9.59 Taper Cutting Cycle (G80)

This command can implement the taper cutting. The machining path is A→B→C→D→A.
9. Functions to Simplify Programming
Example 1
Use G80 command to machine the cylindrical part in two steps – rough machining and finish

30 35


Figure 9.60 Internal Diameter/Outer Diameter Cutting Cycle – Example 1

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X90Z20
N4 X40 Z3
N5 G80 X31 Z-50 F100
N6 G80 X30 Z-50 F80
N7 G00X90 Z20
N8 M30
9. Functions to Simplify Programming
Example 2
Use G80 command to machine the tapered part in two steps – rough machining and finish

  


Figure 9.61 Internal Diameter/Outer Diameter Cutting Cycle – Example 2

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X100Z40 M03 S460
N3 G00 X40 Z5
N4 G80 X31 Z-50 I-2.2 F100
N5 G00 X100 Z40
N6 T0202
N7 G00 X40 Z5
N8 G80 X30 Z-50 I-2.2 F80
N9 G00 X100 Z40
N10 M05
N11 M30
9. Functions to Simplify Programming
Example 3
Use G80 command to machine the tapered part in two steps – rough machining and finish


30 28 24 35


Figure 9.62 Internal Diameter/Outer Diameter Cutting Cycle – Example 3

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S460
N3 G00 X100 Z40
N4 X40 Z3
N5 G80 X31 Z-50 F100
N6 G80 X25 Z-20
N7 G80 X29 Z-4 I-7 F100
N8 G00 X100 Z40
N9 T0202
N10 G00 X100 Z40
N11 G00 X14 Z3
N12 G01 X24 Z-2 F80
N13 Z-20
N14 X28
N15 X30 Z-50
N16 G00 X36
N17 X80 Z10
N18 M05
N19 M30
9. Functions to Simplify Programming

9.1.2 End Face Turning Cycle (G81)

 Face Cutting Cycle
G81 X(U)_ Z(W)_ F_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point (point C) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point (point
A) in incremental command
F Feedrate

1R A

2F 4R

3F D

Rapid traverse speed A: Initial point

B: Starting point of cutting
Feedrate C: End point of cutting
D: Retraction point
Figure 9.63 Face Cutting Cycle (G81)

This command can implement the end face cutting. The machining path is
 Taper Face Cutting Cycle
G81 X(U)_ Z(W)_ K_ F_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point (point C) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point (point
A) in incremental command
K The distance on Z axis of the starting point (point B) with reference to the end
point (point C). It is negative, if the value of point C on Z axis is more than point B’s. It is
positive, if the value of point C on Z axis is less than point B’s.
F Feedrate

+X w

1R A

2F 4R u/2

k C D

Rapid traverse speed A: Initial point

B: Starting point of cutting
Feedrate C: End point of cutting
D: Retraction point
Figure 9.64 Taper Face Cutting Cycle (G81)

This command can implement the taper face cutting. The machining path is
Use G81 to program. The dashed line stands for the roughcast.
3 8



Figure 9.65 End Face Turning Cycle (G81)

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X60 Z45
N3 M03 S460
N4 G81 X25 Z31.5 K-3.5 F100
N5 X25 Z29.5 K-3.5
N6 X25 Z27.5 K-3.5
N7 X25 Z25.5 K-3.5
N8 M05
N9 M30
9.1.3 Thread Cutting Cycle (G82)
 Cylindrical Thread Cutting Cycle
G82 X(U)_ Z(W)_ R_ E_ C_ P_ F(J)_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point (point C) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point (point
A) in incremental command
R, E Coordinate value of retraction amount with reference to the end point (point C) in
incremental command.
C The number of thread head. It is single thread when C is 0 or 1.
P Start point offset. It is used for multiple threads.
F Thread lead per revolution
J Thread lead in inch measurement

+X z w
4R A
3R 1R u/2
e 2F
x/2 r


Figure 9.66 Cylindrical Thread Cutting Cycle (G82)

This command can implement the cylindrical thread cutting. The machining path is
A→B→C→D→A. Moreover, this command is same as G32 (Thread cutting with constant
 Taper Thread Cutting Cycle
G82 X(U)_ Z(W)_ I_ R_ E_ C_ P_ F(J)_

Explanation of the parameters

X, Z Coordinate values of end point (point C) in absolute command
U, W Coordinate values of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point (point
A) in incremental command
I The radius difference between starting point B and end point C. It is negative, if
the radius of point B is less than the radius of point C. Otherwise, it is positive.
R, E Coordinate value of retraction amount with reference to the end point (point C) in
incremental command.
C The number of thread head. It is single thread when C is 0 or 1.
P Start point offset. It is used for multiple threads.
F Thread lead per revolution
J Thread lead in inch measurement
z w
D 4R
3R 1R u/2
C i
x/2 r 2F B


Figure 9.67 Taper Thread Cutting Cycle (G82)

This command can implement the taper thread cutting. The machining path is
Use G82 command to program. The screw’s pitch is 1.5, and the number of thread head is 2.

Figure 9.68 Thread Cutting Cycle - Example

N1 G54 G00 X35 Z104
N2 M03 S300
N3 G82 X29.2 Z18.5 C2 P180 F3
N4 X28.6 Z18.5 C2 P180 F3
N5 X28.2 Z18.5 C2 P180 F3
N6 X28.04 Z18.5 C2 P180 F3
N7 M30
9.1.4 End Face Peck Drilling Cycle (G74)
G74 Z(W)_ R(e) Q(△K) F_

Explanation of the parameters

Z Coordinate value on Z axis of the end point in absolute command
W Coordinate value on Z axis of the end point with reference to the starting point in
incremental command
R Retraction amount(e) for each feed. It must be absolute value.
Q Depth of drilling(△K) for each feed. It must be absolute value.
F Feedrate

△K e

Figure 9.69 End Face Peck Drilling Cycle (G74)

This command can drill a hole on end face.
Use G74 to drill a hole on a workpiece.

60 10

Figure 9.70 End Face Peck Drilling Cycle – Example

G01 X0 Z10
G74 Z-60R1Q5F1000
9.1.5 Outer Diameter Grooving Cycle (G75)
G75 X(U)_ R(e) Q(△K) F_

Explanation of the parameters

X Coordinate value on X axis of the end point in absolute command
U Coordinate value on X axis of the end point with reference to the starting point in
incremental command
R Retraction amount(e) for each feed. It must be absolute value.
Q Depth of grooving(△K) for each feed. It must be absolute value.
F Feedrate



Figure 9.71 Outer Diameter Grooving Cycle (G75)

This command can be used for grooving.
Use G75 to groove a hole on a workpiece.



Figure 9.72 Outer Diameter Grooving Cycle - Example

G01 X50 Z50
G75 X10R1Q5F1000
9.2 Multiple Repetitive Cycle
Multiple repetitive cycle command can only use one command to finish the rough
machining and the finish machining.

9.2.1 Stock Removal in Turning (G71)

 Stock Removal in Turning without Groove
G71 U(△d) R(r) P(ns) Q(nf) X(△x) Z(△z) F(f) S(s) T(t)

Explanation of the parameters

U(△d) the cutting depth (radius designation). The cutting direction depends on
the direction of AA’.
R(r) Retraction amount
P(ns) Sequence number of the first block for the finishing program.
Q(nf) Sequence number of the last block for the finishing program.
X(△x) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on X axis
Z(△z) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on Z axis
F(f), S(s), T(t) F, S, T function are only effective for the rough machining, i.e, it is not
effective in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
B● A

r 1 △d




Figure 9.73 Stock Removal in Turning without Groove (G71)

This command can do a stock removal in facing without groove. The machining path is

1) G00 or G01 must be used in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
Otherwise, there is an alarm message.
2) G71 can not be used in MDI mode.
3) G98 and G99 can not used in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
4) The direction of △x and △z is shown in the following figure.
X(-) Z(-) X(-)Z(+)
X(+) Z(-) X(+) Z(+)

A′ +X
A′ A′ A′
A′ A′
A′ +X A′

X(-) Z(-) X(-)Z(+) X(+) Z(-) X(+) Z(+)


Figure 9.74 Direction of the finishing allowance in G71

Example 1
The initial point A is (46, 3). The depth of cut is 1.5mm (radius designation). The retraction
amount is 1mm. The finishing allowance in the X direction is 0.6mm, and the finishing
allowance in the Z direction is 0.1mm. The dashed line stands for the original part.


R5 2×45°

Figure 9.75 Outer Diameter Removal without Groove – Example

N1 G00 X80 Z80
N2 M03 S400
N3 G01 X46 Z3 F100
N4 G71U1.5R1P5Q13X0.6 Z0.1
N5 G00 X0
N6 G01 X10 Z-2
N7 Z-20
N8 G02 U10 W-5 R5
N9 G01 W-10
N10 G03 U14 W-7 R7
N11 G01 Z-52
N12 U10 W-10
N13 W-20
N14 X50
N15 G00 X80 Z80
N16 M05
N17 M30
Example 2
The initial point A is (6, 3). The depth of cut is 1.5mm (radius designation). The retraction
amount is 1mm. The finishing allowance in the X direction is 0.6mm, and the finishing
allowance in the Z direction is 0.1mm. The dashed line stands for the original part.

Φ20 R7




Figure 9.76 Internal Diameter Removal without Groove – Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X80 Z80
N3 M03 S400
N4 X6 Z5
G71U1R1P8Q16X-0.6Z0.1 F100
N5 G00 X80 Z80
N6 T0202
N7 G00 G41X6 Z5
N8 G00 X44
N9 G01 Z-20 F80
N10 U-10 W-10
N11 W-10
N12 G03 U-14 W-7 R7
N13 G01 W-10
N14 G02 U-10 W-5 R5
N15 G01 Z-80
N16 U-4 W-2
N17 G40 X4
N18 G00 Z80
N19 X80
N20 M30
 Stock Removal in Turning with Groove
G71 U(△d) R(r) P(ns) Q(nf) E(e) F(f) S(s) T(t)

Explanation of the parameters

U(△d) the cutting depth (radius designation). The cutting direction depends on
the direction of AA’.
R(r) Retraction amount
P(ns) Sequence number of the first block for the finishing program.
Q(nf) Sequence number of the last block for the finishing program.
E(e) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on X axis. It is positive
when it is outer diameter cutting. It is negative when it is internal diameter cutting.
F(f), S(s), T(t) F, S, T function are only effective for the rough machining, i.e, it is not
effective in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).

B 1

B’ e

Figure 9.77 Stock Removal in Turning with Groove (G71)

This command can do a stock removal in facing with groove. The machining path
Use G71 to program.
10 5 32.5
(8) 12





R10 2×45°
45° R4

Figure 9.78 Stock Removal in Turning with Groove - Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X80 Z100
M03 S400
N3 G00 X42 Z3
N5 G00 X80 Z100
N6 T0202
N7 G00 G42 X42 Z3
N8 G00 X10
N9 G01 X20 Z-2 F80
N10 Z-8
N11 G02 X28 Z-12 R4
N12 G01 Z-17
N13 U-10 W-5
N14 W-8
N15 U8.66 W-2.5
N16 Z-37.5
N17 G02 X30.66 W-14 R10
N18 G01 W-10
N19 X40
N20 G00 G40 X80 Z100
N21 M30
9.2.2 Stock Removal in Facing (G72)
G72 W(Δd) R(r) P(ns) Q(nf) X(Δx) Z(Δz) F(f) S(s) T(t)

Explanation of the parameters

W(△d) the cutting depth (radius designation). The cutting direction depends on
the direction of AA’.
R(r) Retraction amount
P(ns) Sequence number of the first block for the finishing program.
Q(nf) Sequence number of the last block for the finishing program.
X(△x) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on X axis
Z(△z) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on Z axis
F(f), S(s), T(t) F, S, T function are only effective for the rough machining, i.e, it is not
effective in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
△z △d △d


r A r


Figure 9.79 Stock Removal in Facing (G72)

This command can do a stock removal in facing. The machining path is A→A'→B
1) G00 or G01 must be used in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
Otherwise, there is an alarm message.
2) G72 can not be used in MDI mode.
3) G98 and G99 can not used in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
4) The direction of △x and △z is shown in the following figure.

A A A A' A' A
A' A' X(+) Z(+)
X(+) Z(-) X(-) Z(-) X(-) Z(+)


X(-) Z(-) X(-) Z(+) X(+) Z(-) X(+) Z(+)

A A' A' A' A' A

Figure 9.80 Direction of the finishing allowance in G72

Example 1
Use G72 to program. The initial point A is (80, 1). The depth of cutting is 1.2mm. The
retraction amount is 1mm. The finishing allowance in the X direction is 0.2mm, and the
finishing allowance in the Z direction is 0.5mm. The dashed line stands for the original part.


R4 2×45°

Figure 9.81 Outer Diameter Removal in Facing - Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X100 Z80
N3 M03 S400
N4 X80 Z1
N5 G72W1.2R1P8Q17X0.2Z0.5F100
N6 G00 X100 Z80
N7 G42 X80 Z1
N8 G00 Z-53
N9 G01 X54 Z-40 F80
N10 Z-30
N11 G02 U-8 W4 R4
N12 G01 X30
N13 Z-15
N14 U-16
N15 G03 U-4 W2 R2
N16 G01 Z-2
N17 U-6 W3
N18 G00 X50
N19 G40 X100 Z80
N20 M30
Example 2
Use G72 to program. The initial point A is (80, 1). The depth of cutting is 1.2mm. The
retraction amount is 1mm. The finishing allowance in the X direction is 0.2mm, and the
finishing allowance in the Z direction is 0.5mm. The dashed line stands for the original part.
11 34
10 10




2×45° R2 R4

Figure 9.82 Internal Diameter Removal in Facing - Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X100 Z80
N3 M03 S400
N4 G00 X6 Z3
N5 G72W1.2R1P5Q15X-0.2Z0.5F100
N6 G00 Z-61
N7 G01 U6 W3 F80
N8 W10
N9 G03 U4 W2 R2
N10 G01 X30
N11 Z-34
N12 X46
N13 G02 U8 W4 R4
N14 G01 Z-20
N15 U20 W10
N16 Z3
N17 G00 X100 Z80
N18 M30
9.2.3 Pattern Repeating (G73)
G73 U(ΔI) W(ΔK) R(r) P(ns) Q(nf) X(Δx) Z(Δz) F(f) S(s) T(t)

Explanation of the parameters

U(△I) distance and direction of total roughing allowance in the X direction
(radius designation).
W(△K) distance and direction of total roughing allowance in the X direction
(radius designation)
R(r) Repeated times of cutting
P(ns) Sequence number of the first block for the finishing program.
Q(nf) Sequence number of the last block for the finishing program.
X(△x) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on X axis
Z(△z) Distance and direction of finishing allowance on Z axis
F(f), S(s), T(t) F, S, T function are only effective for the rough machining, i.e, it is not
effective in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
Δk+Δz A
+X A Δx/2

B ●

’ ●

Δz Δx/2

Figure 9.83 Pattern Repeating (G73)
G73 command can cut a wokpiece at a fixed pattern repeatedly.
The machining path is A→A'→B.

1) G00 or G01 must be used in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
Otherwise, there is an alarm message.
2) G73 can not be used in MDI mode.
3) G98 and G99 can not used in the finishing program – between P(ns) and Q(nf).
4) The depth for each cutting on X axis = △I/r
The depth for each cutting on Z axis = △K/r
5) The direction of △I and △K, and the direction of △x and △z should be noted.
Use G73 to program. The initial point A is (60, 5). The total roughing allowance on X and Z
axis are 3mm, 0.9mm, respectively. The times of rough cutting is 3. The finishing allowance
on X and Z axis are 0.6mm, 0.1mm respectively. The dash-dot-line is the part’s blank.




R7 R5 2×45°

Figure 9.84 Pattern Repeating - Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X80 Z80
N3 M03 S400
N4 G00 X60 Z5
N5 G73U3W0.9R3P5Q13X0.6Z0.1F120
N6 G00 X0 Z3
N7 G01 U10 Z-2 F80
N8 Z-20
N9 G02 U10 W-5 R5
N10 G01 Z-35
N11 G03 U14 W-7 R7
N12 G01 Z-52
N13 U10 W-10
N14 U10
N15 G00 X80 Z80
N16 M30
9.2.4 Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle (G76)
G76 C(c) R(r) E(e) A(a) X(U) Z(W) I(i) K(k) U(d) V(Δdmin) Q(Δd) P(p) F(L)

Explanation of the parameters

C(c) Repetitive count in finishing (1~99)
R(r) Retraction amount on Z axis (00~99)
E(e) Retraction amount on X axis (00~99)
A(a) Angle of tool tip (two-digit number). It could be 80°, 60°, 55°, 30°, 29°, or 0°.
X, Z Coordinate value of end point (point C) in absolute command.
U, W Coordinate value of end point (point C) with reference to the initial point
(point A) in incremental command
I(i) Difference of thread radius. If i=0, it is straight thread cutting.
K(k) Height of thread. This value is specified by the radius value on X axis.
U(d) The finishing allowance (radius designation).
V(Δdmin) The minimum cutting depth (radius designation). The cutting depth isΔdmin
when the cutting depth ( d n  d n  1 ) is less thanΔdmin.
Q(Δd) Depth of cutting at the first cut (radius designation)
P(p) Start point offset.
F(L) Thread lead
+X D A
u/2 (R)
d K
i C
x/2 r B
z w

Figure 9.85 Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle (G76)

G76 command can do the multiple thread cutting. The machining path is A→B→C→D.

1) The signs of U and W is defined by the direction of AC and CD respectively.

2) The cutting depth in 1st cut is Δd, the cutting depth in nth cut is d n . The bite

of each cycle is d( n  n  1).

Angle of tool tip


1st k
2nd Δd

d nth

Figure 9.86 The depth of cutting

3) The cutting speed of BC path is specified by feedrate. And the other paths (AB,
CD, DA) are specified by rapid traverse speed.
Use G76 to program. The thread is ZM60×2. Sizes in bracket is from standards.
30 4

6 (18)

(1.79°) (12)



Figure 9.87 Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle - Example

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X100 Z100
N3 M03 S400
N4 G00 X90 Z4
N5 G80 X61.125 Z-30 I-1.063 F80
N6 G00 X100 Z100 M05
N7 T0202
N8 M03 S300
N9 G00 X90 Z4
N10 G76C2R-3E1.3A60X58.15Z-24I-0.875K1.299U0.1V0.1Q0.9F2
N11 G00 X100 Z100
N12 M05
N13 M30
10. Comprehensive Programming

10 Comprehensive Programming
10.1 Example 1
Program for the part shown in the figure. The processing condition: material: #45 steel, or
aluminum; diameter of the part is Φ54mm, length of the part is 200mm. Tool selection:
number 1 face tool is used to machine the part face, number 2 face cylindrical tool is used to
rough turning the contour, number 3 face cylindrical tool is used to finish turning the
contour, and number 4 cylindrical triple screw is used to machine the thread whose lead is
3mm, pitch is 1mm.

50 10 12 20 33
11 10 26





R25 R6

Figure 10.88 Comprehensive Program Example 1

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S500
N3 G00 X100 Z80
N4 G00 X60 Z5
N5 G81 X0 Z1.5 F100
N6 G81 X0 Z0
N7 G00 X100 Z80
N8 T0202
N9 G00 X60 Z3
10. Comprehensive Programming
N10 G80 X52.6 Z-133 F100
N11 G01 X54
N12 G71 U1 R1 P16 Q32 E0.3
N13 G00 X100 Z80
N14 T0303
N15 G00 G42 X70 Z3
N16 G01 X10 F100
N17 X19.95 Z-2
N18 Z-33
N19 G01 X30
N20 Z-43
N21 G03 X42 Z-49 R6
N22 G01 Z-53
N23 X36 Z-65
N24 Z-73
N25 G02 X40 Z-75 R2
N26 G01 X44
N27 X46 Z-76
N28 Z-84
N29 G02 Z-113 R25
N30 G03 X52 Z-122 R15
N31 G01 Z-133
N32 G01 X54
N33 G00 G40 X100 Z80
N34 M05
N35 T0404
N36 M03 S200
N37 G00 X30 Z5
N42 G76C2R-3E1A60X18.7Z-26 K0.65U0.1V0.1Q0.6P240F3
N43 G00 X100 Z80
N44 M30
10. Comprehensive Programming

10.2 Example 2
Program for the part shown in the figure. The processing condition: material: #45 steel, or
aluminum; diameter of the part is Φ26mm, length of the part is 70mm. Tool selection:
number 1 cylindrical tool is used to rough turning the contour, number 2 cylindrical tool is
used to finish turning the contour, number 3 cylindrical thread tool is used to machine the
thread. The pitch is 2mm. At last, number 4 parting-off tool is used to cut off the part.


R10 R10

Figure 10.89 Comprehensive Programming Example 2

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S600
N3 G00 X100 Z30
N4 G00 X27 Z3
N5 G71 U1 R1 P9 Q E0.2 F100
N6 G00 X100 Z30
N7 T0202
N8 G00 G41 X27 Z3
N9 G00 X14 Z3
N10 G01 X24 Z-2 F80
N11 Z-18
N12 G02 X20 Z-24 R10
N13 G01 Z-31.39
10. Comprehensive Programming
N14 G02 X25 W-6.61 R10
N15 G01 Z-45
N16 G00 X30
N17 G40 X100 Z30
N18 T0303
N19 G00 X27 Z3
N20 G82 X23.1 Z-22 F2
N21 G82 X22.5 Z-22 F2
N22 G82 X21.9 Z-22 F2
N23 G82 X21.5 Z-22 F2
N24 G82 X21.4 Z-22 F2
N25 G82 X21.4 Z-22 F2
N26 G00 X100 Z30
N27 T0404
N28 G00 X30 Z-45
N29 G01 X3 F50
N30 G00 X100
N31 Z30
N13 M30
10. Comprehensive Programming

10.3 Example 3
Program for the tapered thread ZG2″ shown in the figure. According to the standard, the
pitch is 2.309mm(25.4/11), the thread height is 1.479mm. Other sizes are shown in the
figure. The depth of cut at each time is separately(diameter designation) 1mm, 0.7 mm,
0.6mm , 0.4mm and 0.26mm, and the angle of tool tip is 55° (tan1.79=0.031).
40 4

4 (26)



Figure 10.90 Comprehensive Programming Example 3

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S300
N3 G00 X100 Z100
N4 X90 Z4
N5 G80 X61.117 Z-40 I-1.375 F80
N6 G00 X100 Z100
N7 T0202
N8 G00 X90 Z4
N9 G82 X59.494 Z-30 I-1.063 F2.31
N10 G82 X58.794 Z-30 I-1.063 F2.31
N11 G82 X58.194 Z-30 I-1.063 F2.31
N12 G82 X57.794 Z-30 I-1.063 F2.31
N13 G82 X57.534 Z-30 I-1.063 F2.31
N14 G00 X100 Z100
N15 M30
10. Comprehensive Programming

10.4 Example 4
Program for the M40×2 inner thread shown in the figure. According to the standard, the
pitch is 2.309mm(25.4/11), thread height is 1.299mm. Other sizes are shown in the figure.
The depth of cut at each time(diameter designation) is 0.9mm, 0.6mm, 0.6mm, 0.4mm and
0.1mm. The angle of tool tip is 60°.


Figure 10.91 Comprehensive Programming Example 4

N1 T0101
N2 M03 S300
N3 G00 X100 Z100
N4 X20 Z4
N5 G80 X37.35 Z-38 F80
N6 G00 X100 Z100
N7 T0202
N8 G00 X20 Z4
N9 G82 X38.25 Z-30 R-4 E-1.3 F2
N10 G82 X38.85 Z-30 R-4 E-1.3 F2
N11 G82 X39.45 Z-30 R-4 E-1.3 F2
N12 G82 X39.85 Z-30 R-4 E-1.3 F2
N13 G82 X39.95 Z-30 R-4 E-1.3 F2
N14 G00 X100 Z100
N15 M30
10. Comprehensive Programming

11Custom Macro
Similarly to subprogram, the custom macro function allows operators to define their own
program. The way of calling the custom macro is same as subprogram’s.

The difference is that custom macro allows use of variables, arithmetic and logic operations,
selection and repetition.
11.1 Variables
Format and Explanation
#_ Variable is composed of a number sign (#) and a number.


11.1.1 Type of Variables

There are four types of variables.
Table 11-7 Type of Variables
Type of variables Function
#0~#49 Local variables They are used in a macro program.
They can be shared among different
#50~#199 Common variables
macro programs.
#200~#249 0 layers local variables
#250~#299 1 layers local variables
#300~#349 2 layers local variables
#350~#399 3 layers local variables
#400~#449 4 layers local variables
#450~#499 5 layers local variables
#500~#549 6 layers local variables
#550~#599 7 layers local variables
#600~ System variables They are used to read and write NC data.

1) The operator can only use the #0~#599 local variables for programming.
2) Variables after #599 can only be used by the system programmer for reference.
11.1.2System Variables
#1000 “current position X in machine coordinate system”
#1001 “current position Y in machine coordinate system”
#1002 “current position Z in machine coordinate system”
#1003 “current position A in machine coordinate system”
#1004 “current position B in machine coordinate system”
#1005 “current position X in machine coordinate system”
#1006 “current position U in machine coordinate system”
#1007 “current position V in machine coordinate system”
#1008 “current position W in machine coordinate system”
#1009 “diameter programming”
#1010 “position X – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1011 “position Y – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1012 “position Z – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1013 “position A – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1014 “position B – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1015 “position C – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1016 “position U – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1017 “position V – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1018 “position W – machine coordinate system in programming”
#1019 reserved
#1020 “position X – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1021 “position Y – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1022 “position Z – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1023 “position A – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1024 “position B – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1025 “position C – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1026 “position U – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1027 “position V – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1028 “position W – workpiece coordinate system in programming”
#1029 reserved
#1030 “origin X in workpiece coordinate system”
#1031 “origin Y in workpiece coordinate system”
#1032 “origin Z in workpiece coordinate system”
#1033 “origin A in workpiece coordinate system”
#1034 “origin B in workpiece coordinate system”
#1035 “origin C in workpiece coordinate system”
#1036 “origin U in workpiece coordinate system”
#1037 “origin V in workpiece coordinate system”
#1038 “origin W in workpiece coordinate system”
#1039 “axis of the coordinate system”
#1040 “origin X of G54”
#1041 “origin Y of G54”
#1042 “origin Z of G54”
#1043 “origin A of G54”
#1044 “origin B of G54”
#1045 “origin C of G54”
#1046 “origin U of G54”
#1047 “origin V of G54”
#1048 “origin W of G54”
#1049 reserved
#1050 “origin X of G55”
#1051 “origin Y of G55”
#1052 “origin Z of G55”
#1053 “origin A of G55”
#1054 “origin B of G55”
#1055 “origin C of G55”
#1056 “origin U of G55”
#1057 “origin V of G55”
#1058 “origin W of G55”
#1059 reserved
#1060 “origin X of G56”
#1061 “origin Y of G56”
#1062 “origin Z of G56”
#1063 “origin A of G56”
#1064 “origin B of G56”
#1065 “origin C of G56”
#1066 “origin U of G56”
#1067 “origin V of G56”
#1068 “origin W of G56”
#1069 reserved
#1070 “origin X of G57”
#1071 “origin Y of G57”
#1072 “origin Z of G57”
#1073 “origin A of G57”
#1074 “origin B of G57”
#1075 “origin C of G57”
#1076 “origin U of G57”
#1077 “origin V of G57”
#1078 “origin W of G57”
#1079 reserved
#1080 “origin X of G58”
#1081 “origin Y of G58”
#1082 “origin Z of G58”
#1083 “origin A of G58”
#1084 “origin B of G58”
#1085 “origin C of G58”
#1086 “origin U of G58”
#1087 “origin V of G58”
#1088 “origin W of G58”
#1089 reserved
#1090 “origin X of G59”
#1091 “origin Y of G59”
#1092 “origin Z of G59”
#1093 “origin A of G59”
#1094 “origin B of G59”
#1095 “origin C of G59”
#1096 “origin U of G59”
#1097 “origin V of G59”
#1098 “origin W of G59”
#1099 reserved
#1100 “break point X”
#1101 “break point Y”
#1102 “break point Z”
#1103 “break point A”
#1104 “break point B”
#1105 “break point C”
#1106 “break point U”
#1107 “break point V”
#1108 “break point W”
#1109 “axis of the coordinate system”
#1110 “middle point X of G28”
#1111 “middle point Y of G28”
#1112 “middle point Z of G28”
#1113 “middle point A of G28”
#1114 “middle point B of G28”
#1115 “middle point C of G28”
#1116 “middle point U of G28”
#1117 “middle point V of G28”
#1118 “middle point W of G28”
#1119 “shield of G28”
#1120 “mirror-image position X”
#1121 “mirror-image position Y”
#1122 “mirror-image position Z”
#1123 “mirror-image position A”
#1124 “mirror-image position B”
#1125 “mirror-image position C”
#1126 “mirror-image position U”
#1127 “mirror-image position V”
#1128 “mirror-image position W”
#1129 “shield of mirror image”
#1130 “rotational axis 1”
#1131 “rotational axis 2”
#1132 “rotation angle”
#1133 “shield of rotational axis”
#1134 reserved
#1135 “scale axis 1”
#1136 “scale axis 2”
#1137 “scale axis 3”
#1138 “scaling”
#1139 “shield of scale axis”
#1140 “code 1 of changing a coordinate system”
#1141 “code 2 of changing a coordinate system”
#1142 “code 3 of changing a coordinate system”
#1143 reserved
#1144 “number of tool length compensation”
#1145 “number of tool radius compensation”
#1146 “linear axis 1”
#1147 “linear axis 2”
#1148 “shield of virtual axis”
#1149 “specified feedrate”
#1150 “modal value of G code – 0”
#1151 “modal value of G code – 1”
#1152 “modal value of G code – 2”
#1153 “modal value of G code – 3”
#1154 “modal value of G code – 4”
#1155 “modal value of G code – 5”
#1156 “modal value of G code – 6”
#1157 “modal value of G code – 7”
#1158 “modal value of G code – 8”
#1159 “modal value of G code – 9”
#1160 “modal value of G code – 10”
#1161 “modal value of G code – 11”
#1162 “modal value of G code – 12”
#1163 “modal value of G code – 13”
#1164 “modal value of G code – 14”
#1165 “modal value of G code – 15”
#1166 “modal value of G code – 16”
#1167 “modal value of G code – 17”
#1168 “modal value of G code – 18”
#1169 “modal value of G code – 19”
#1170 “residual CACHE”
#1171 “spare CACHE”
#1172 “residual buffer storage”
#1173 “spare buffer storage”
#1174 reserved
#1175 reserved
#1176 reserved
#1177 reserved
#1178 reserved
#1179 reserved
#1180 reserved
#1181 reserved
#1182 reserved
#1183 reserved
#1184 reserved
#1185 reserved
#1186 reserved
#1187 reserved
#1188 reserved
#1189 reserved
#1190 “customized input”
#1191 “customized output”
#1192 “customized output shield”
#1193 reserved
#1194 reserved

#2000~#2600 data for the repetitive cycle

#2000 number of contour point
#2001~#2100 type of contour (0: G00, 1: G01, 2: G02, 3: G03)
#2101~#2200 contour point X (diameter or radius designation)
#2201~#2300 contour point Z
#2301~#2400 contour point R
#2401~#2500 contour point I
#2501~#2600 contour point J
11.2 Constant
PI π, 3.14151926
TRUE True condition
FALSE False condition
11.3 Operators and Expression
1) Mathematic operator
+, -, *, /

2) Conditional operator
EQ(=), NE(≠), GT(>), GE(≥), LT(<), LE(≤)

3) Logic operator

4) Function
SIN Sine
COS Cosine
TAN Tangent
ATAN Arctangent
ATAN2 Arctangent2
ABS Absolute value
INT Integer
SQRT Square root
EXP Exponential function

5) Expression
The expressions are composed of constants, operators and variables.

175/SQRT[2] * COS[55 * PI/180 ];
#3*6 GT 14;
11.4 Assignment
Assignment refers to assign a variable value to a constant or expression.

Variable=constant or expression

#2 = 175/SQRT[2] * COS[55 * PI/180]
#3 = 124.0
11.5 Selection statement IF, ELSE,ENDIF
Format (i)
IF Conditional expression



Explanation (i)
If the specified conditional expression is satisfied, the statements between IF and ELSE are
executed. If the specified conditional expression is not satisfied, the statements between
ELSE and ENDIF are executed.

Format (ii)
IF Conditional expression


Explanation (ii)
If the specified conditional expression is satisfied, the statements between IF and ENDIF are
executed. If the specified conditional expression is not satisfied, the system would proceed
to the blocks after ENDIF.
11.6 Repetition Statement WHILE, ENDW
WHILE Conditional expression


When the conditional expression is satisfied, the statements between WHILE and ENDW
are executed. If the conditional expression is not satisfied, the system would proceed to the
blocks after ENDW.
11.7 Macro Call
The following table shows the local variable and the corresponding system variable when it
is macro call.
Table 11-8 Transmission of Macro Call
System variables in macro call
#0 A
#1 B
#2 C
#3 D
#4 E
#5 F
#6 G
#7 H
#8 I
#9 J
#10 K
#11 L
#12 M
#13 N
#14 O
#15 P
#16 Q
#17 R
#18 S
#19 T
#20 U
#21 V
#22 W
#23 X
#24 Y
#25 Z
#26 Mode value of Z-plane in canned cycle
#27 Unavailable
#28 Unavailable
#29 Unavailable
#30 Absolute coordinate of 0-axis when subprogram call
#31 Absolute coordinate of 1-axis when subprogram call
#32 Absolute coordinate of 2-axis when subprogram call
#33 Absolute coordinate of 3-axis when subprogram call
#34 Absolute coordinate of 4-axis when subprogram call
#35 Absolute coordinate of 5-axis when subprogram call
#36 Absolute coordinate of 6-axis when subprogram call
#37 Absolute coordinate of 7-axis when subprogram call
#38 Absolute coordinate of 8-axis when subprogram call
1) To check whether the variable is defined in the program, the format is as follows:
AR [#Variable number]
0 – the variable is not defined
90 – the variable is defined as absolute command G90
91 – the variable is defined as incremental command G91
2) When it is macro call (subprogram or canned cycle) with G code, the system
would copy the system variables (A~Z) to local variables #0-#25 in the macro.
Meanwhile, the system can copy the axis position (machine coordinate value in
absolute command) of nine channels to local variables #30-#38.
3) When calling a subprogram, the subprogram can modify the system mode.
4) When calling a canned cycle, the canned cycle does not modify the system mode.
11.8 Example
Example 1
Program the parabola B in interval [0, 8] shown in Figure 11.1. The parabola B   A 2 / 2


32 B


Figure 11.92 Custom Macro – Example 1

N1 T0101
N2 G37
N3 #10=0;
N4 M03 S600
N5 WHILE #10 LE 8
N6 #11=#10*#10/2
N7 G90 G01 X[#10] Z[-#11] F500
N8 #10=#10+0.08
N10 G00 Z0 M05
N11 G00 X0
N12 M30
Example 2
Program the parabola B in interval [0, 8] shown in Figure 11.2. The parabola B   A 2 / 2


32 B

Figure 11.93 Custom Macro Example 2

G00 X21 Z3
M03 S600
WHILE #10 GE 0
G90 G01 X[2*#10+0.8] F500
WHILE #10 LE 8
G90 G01 X[2*#10] Z[-#11] F500
G01 X16 Z-32
G00 X20.5 Z3
Example 3
Program the parabola B in interval [12, 32] shown in Figure 11.3. The parabola

B   A2 / 2



20 12

Figure 11.94 Custom Macro Example 3

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X20.5 Z3
N3 #11=12
N4 M03 S600
N5 WHILE #11 LE 32
N6 #10=SQRT[2*[#11]] 8
N7 G90 G01 X[2*#10] Z[-[#11-12]] F500
N8 #11=#11+0.05
N10 G01 X16 Z-20
N11 Z-28
N12 G00 X20.5 Z3 M05
N13 M30
Example 4
Program the parabola B in interval [12, 32] shown in Figure 11.4. The parabola

B   A2 / 2


32 12 B


28 8


Figure 11.95 Custom Macro Example 4

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X25 Z3
N3 #11=12
N4 M03 S600
N5 WHILE #11 LE 32
N6 #10=SQRT[2*[#11]]
N8 #11=#11+0.06
N10 G01 X22 Z-28
N11 Z-36
N12 X30
N13 Z-40
N12 G00 X25 Z3 M05
N13 M30
Example 5
Program the part shown in Figure 11.5.



Figure 11.96 Custom Macro Example 5

N1 T0101
N2 G00 X90 Z30
N3 U10 V50 W80 A20 B40 C3 M98 P01(#20=10, #21=50, #22=80, #0=20, #1=40, #2=3)
N4 M30
N1 G00 Z[-#22+#21+#20]
N2 X[#1+5]
N3 #10=#2
N4 WHILE #10 LE #21
N5 G00 Z[-#22+#21+#20-#10]
N6 G01 X[#0]
N7 G00 X[#1+5]
N8 #10=#10+#2-1
N10 G00 Z[-#22+#20]
N11 G01 X[#0]
N12 G00 X[#1+5]
N13 G00 X90 Z30
N14 M99

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