A/ The Reason Why Choosing This Subject: 1) The Importance of Digital Banking Development in Vietnam

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1) The Importance of Digital Banking Development in Vietnam

- Digital banking and digital finance is playing critical role in the forthcoming
fourth industrial revolution in the world. In Vietnam, the race to survive in the
banking sector has become more intense than ever (Leung, 2009).
- The technology has helped to remove many barriers so financial institutions
and commercial banks can provide services and create more accessible
products for their customers at lower cost. Moreover, these financial
institutions also contribute to the reduction of cash payments on the market.
According to the latest data of State Bank of Vietnam, the investment capital
for technology in the banking industry is constantly increasing. Particularly,
State Bank of Vietnam has a project to initiate information technology
infrastructures for the entire banking industry with total value of USD 70
million, equivalent to VND 1.5 billion (State Bank of Vietnam, 2017).
 At the moment, digitization in both services and operation is a race between
banks. Vietnamese banks have to take steps in building a comprehensive
information technology system before foreign banks infiltrate and gradually
gain the market share. This competitive trend has been and will continue to
open new opportunities for banking industry in Vietnam. It is forecasted
that by 2020, about 40% of banking transactions will be carried out via
mobile networks and devices, and about two thirds of banking operations
will be carried out by the IT system. The application of digital technology
has enabled banks to increase their profitability in the retail segment by up
to 45% (State Bank of Vietnam, 2017).
2) The explosion of information technology has led to the development of
digital banking and Vietnam banking industry is not out of this trend
- As income from credit activity of banks is decreasing, the development of
digital technology-based products and services is needed to increase the
proportion of fee-based services in total income. Digital banking services,
mobile banking are developing at a rapid pace to help customers have new
experiences with shortened transaction time while the banks enjoyed enhanced
operation capacity, reduced costs and improved competitiveness. In the world,
digital banking is also growing every second with many different trends:
building customer-centric models; optimizing distribution systems; simplifying
business models; creating competitive advantages in terms of customer
information; breakthroughs and capabilities for breakthrough; proactive risk
management, capital management and management of regulatory changes. In
order to keep surviving and developing, commercial banks in Vietnam cannot
"run" slow in this race
3) The trend of customers using digital banking is growing rapidly
- Over 3.4 billion people (about 46%) of the global population are using the
internet with growth rates of 16% per year (Internet World Stats, 2017). The
World Bank Open Data in Financial Sector also emphasizes that the proportion
of customers using mobile banking services in 2015 is 30%, up to 33% in 2016,
corresponding to the decrease in percentage of internet banking users that has
been slightly reduced from 65% (2015) to 59.4% (2016). The proportion of
customers using social networks for transactions with banks increased from
9.8% (2015) to 11% (2016), corresponding to the reduction of customers to
bank branches trading from 16, 2% (2015) to 13% (2016) in all over the world.
- Digital technology is expected to have stronger and stronger impact on the
banking system as modern distribution channels such as Internet banking,
Mobile Banking, Tablet Banking and Social Media. These channels will
gradually overwhelm and replace traditional distribution channels such as
branch / ATM / POS, Home Banking, Call Center. In fact, digitalization is
affecting almost every aspect of the banking business, with 52% of the Fortune
500 companies going bankrupt, having taken over or ceasing to exist since
2000 (Capgemini Consulting, 2015). Likewise, digitization is transforming the
banking, product, service and customer experience paradigms across the Asia
Pacific region (APAC) and around the world. Facilitated by the huge amount of
data and technology, the shift towards digital technology is reforming the
banking industry, focused on meeting the diverse needs of consumers.
- On the supply side, not only bank but also other financial institutions
participate in providing banking products and services that is becoming more
and more convenient. On the demand side, the proportion of customers favor
seeking information, consulting and shopping on the internet through mobile
devices and tablets is increasing gradually along with the development of
technology in daily life. As customer behaviors change rapidly following the
digital trend, it is more and more favorable for banks as well as financial
institutions to reach their potential customer in digitized environment (Tran,
2008). These are the basic factors that force banks to participate in an
unavoidable process that is digitizing their banking operations and products.
Digital trading in general, digital banking in particular is not only the
opportunity, the trend but also the mandatory requirements; otherwise the non-
participated bank will be eliminated from the market.
4) The Potential for Digital Banking Development in Vietnam
- By the time of January 2017, Vietnam has 47.3 million internet users (50% of
the population), 35 million social network users (29 million mobile users) with
143 million phones (152% of the population). 55% Of Vietnamese adults are
using smartphone, 46% have computers and 12% have tablets. According to
statistics of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, the percentage of Internet
subscriptions in Vietnam is 48.3% (General Statistics Office of Vietnam,
- In terms of supply in the banking market, the number of service providers in
Vietnam has continued to accelerate the adoption of digital technology in their
operation to meet the demands of non-cash payment and business digitization
such as the Government's non-cash payment scheme, ecustoms; Tax payment
via internet; Collection of electricity bills via Internet / Mobile Banking / POS
channels of the bank or collected via e-wallet of payment intermediaries;
Payment of train tickets, air tickets through online payment system or bank
cards; Tuition fees, hospital fees through ebanking channels; All
telecommunication units have payment services or telephone cards on the
internet. Thus, Vietnam's market with large population size, the high rate of
users of telephone and internet is a potential market for digital banking.
- However, according to habits and market characteristics, the digital banking
sector has also encountered certain obstacles when it comes to the e-commerce
market of Vietnam.
 According to a survey conducted by the Ecommerce and Information
Technology Agency, revenue from B2C e-commerce reached about 2.97
billion US dollars, accounting for 2.12% of total retail sales of the nation. In
Vietnam, the vast majority of shopping customers choose online cash
payment (64%), and bank payments account for 14%.
 With Internet growth of 9% per year and ranked 15th in the world, Vietnam
has a good foundation to build digital banking system. In addition,
Vietnam's Internet use is up to 52% and the proportion of Vietnamese
customers using digital banking services by commercial banks accounts for
44%. Furthermore, about 28.5 million people (equivalent to nearly 30% of
the population) are using smartphones and Internet access is about 52% of
the population. Compared to other countries in the region, Vietnamese are
tend to use Internet more than Thailand and Malaysia (42%), Indonesia
(20%), Philippines (43%). The proportion of digitalized banking users in
Vietnam is constantly increasing. In 2011 this figure is only 7%, but it
rocketed to 44% in 2014. Moreover, it is expected to continue to increase in
the upcoming years. This is the average of Asia, compared to China (57%),
Japan (83%), South Korea (96%), Singapore (94%) but higher than ASEAN
countries such as Malaysia (41%), Thailand (19%), Indonesia (36%),
Philippines (13%).





Ngân hàng
NHTM Nhà Ngân hàng Hợp
Chính sách xã
nước tác xã Việt Nam
hội Việt Nam

Ngân hàng Phát

NHTM Cổ phần
triển Việt Nam

Ngân hàng vốn

100% nước

Ngân hàng liên



1) Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development - Agribank

2) Global Petro Sole Member Limited Commercial Bank
3) Ocean Commercial One Member Limited Liability Bank
4) Construction Commercial One Member Limited Liability Bank


1. Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank of Industry and Trade

2. Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam
3. Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - VCB
4. Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank - ACB
5. An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank - ABB
6. Bao Viet Joint Stock commercial Bank
7. Viet Capital Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Viet Capital Bank
8. BAC A Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Bac A Bank
9. LienViet Commercial Joint Stock Bank – Lienviet Post Bank – LPB
10. Public Vietnam Bank - PVcomBank
11. DONG A Commercial Joint Stock Bank - EAB
12. Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Seabank
13. The Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank - MSB
14. Viet Nam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank -
15. Nam A Commercial Joint Stock Bank - NAM A BANK
16. Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank - OCB
17. Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank – MB
18. Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank - VIB
19. National Citizen bank – NCB
20. Sai Gon Commercial Joint Stock Bank - SCB
21. Saigon Bank for Industry & Trade - SGB
22. Saigon-Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank - SHB
23. Saigon Thuong TinCommercial Joint Stock Bank - Sacombank
24. TienPhong Commercial Joint Stock Bank - TPB
25. Viet A Commercial Joint Stock Bank - VIETA Bank
26. Vietnam Commercial Joint Stock Bank for Private Enterprise - VPBank
27. Viet Nam Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Vietbank
28. Petrolimex Group Commercial Joint Stock Bank - PGBank
29. Viet nam Export Import Commercial Joint Stock - Eximbank
30. Ho Chi Minh city Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank – HDBank
31. Kien Long Commercial Joint Stock Bank - KLB


1. ANZ Bank (Vietnam) Limited - ANZVL
2. Hong Leong Bank Vietnam Limited - HLBVN
3. Hongkong-Shanghai Bank Vietnam Limited - HSBC
4. Shinhan Bank Vietnam Limited - SHBVN
5. Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited - SCBVL
6. Public Bank Viet Nam
7. CIMB Viet Nam
8. Viet Nam TNHH MTV Woori Bank
9. Viet Nam TNHH MTV UOB Bank


 1993
- Temenos AG is founded, a provider of banking software systems to retail,
corporate, universal, private, Islamic, microfinance and community banks.
 1994
- Online Banking is built into Microsoft Money. 100,000 households begin
accessing their bank accounts online.
- Stanford Credit Union begins offering banking services via their website,
paving the way for credit unions and banks across the country.
 1997
- Tangerine launches, becoming the first digital-only bank in Canada.
 1998
- First Internet Bank launches, becoming the first digital-only bank in the U.S.
 2001
- Online banking hits 20 million users, with 8 different U.S. banks achieving at
least a minimum of 1 million online users.
 2002
- Avoka was founded to help banks and financial institutions in their digital
 2007
- The launch of the iPhone begins shifting digital banking from desktop
computers to smartphones.
- Kony, Inc. is founded to help banks transform their banking operations with a
cloud-based mobility, omnichannel and internet-of-things systems and services
software platform.
 2009
- Online banking hits 54 million users in the United States.
 2016
- Millennials succeed in fundamentally shifting digital banking preferences,
signaling to banks that they must move all services online.
 2018
- Temenos acquires Avoka, the leading provider of digital customer onboarding
solutions for financial institutions.
 2019
- Temenos launches Temenos Infinity, a breakthrough digital front office
product with the most advanced cloud-native, cloud-agnostic, API first
technology and design led thinking.
- Temenos acquires Kony, the leading provider of mobile banking apps that
support conversational interfaces, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and
wearable technologies.
- According to Temenos’ 2019 State of Digital Banking Report, 65% of digitally
active large banks reach the ‘Digital Promised Land’.

*Every industry is digitizing, and the banking industry is working hard to cope.
Although electronic banking is becoming more popular today, it is good to know that
digital banking services are still facing several challenges. However, it should not go
without mentioning that there are some profitable opportunities in digital banking, and
we are going to look at both.


- Digital banking challenges refer to factors that are preventing digital banking from
stabilizing and becoming a universal banking method for everybody. And they
1. Security
This is one of the first things that comes into one’s mind when keeping money is
mentioned anywhere. It is, however, sad to say that hackers are still giving financial
institutions a run for their money. Therefore, some customers are not willing to take
any chances. Note that banking security is nothing like downloading and installing an
2. Fully digitized bank, brick, and mortar or both
Although many people are embracing digital banking, there is still a good portion of
people who don’t trust it. Also, some people are not convinced about digital banking
unless they have proof that a bank exists in brick and mortar form. This makes it hard
for digital banking to become completely digitized.
3. An evolution from ancient banking systems
Many people don’t know it, but most banking systems use COBOL programming
language. This has been around for more than 60 years and was not meant to suit the
kind of technology that is available today. Upgrading these banking systems and
install suitable ones usually takes so much time while the demand for seamless digital
banking is on the rise.
4. The non-financial institution already filling the space
Several non-financial institutions offer services very similar to what digital banking is
expected today. Social media platforms like Facebook, for example, have made it
possible for users to send money directly to someone’s bank account.
Because they are not restricted by any rules as seen with financial institutions, it is
hard for these financial institutions to cope. To begin with, social media platforms, for
example, have a large fan base.
5. Internal barriers
For banking to be fully digitized, it means that both the banking system and
employees will have to undergo a cultural shift. However, it is good to know that
unlike other businesses, banks have a unique way of departmentalization, and this
greatly influences the level of technology to be used. While some departments will
benefit from a digital banking system, some departments will have to lay off some
employees. Also, employee training may be required.
6. To buy or build the banking system
With the demand for digital banking on the high, some banks are desperate to take the
leap and adopt digital banking. However, most banks are not quickly adopting digital
banking because they don’t know which kind of system will work correctly. Some
prefer purchasing such systems because they want to work with a system that has been
tested. Others prefer having a system built specifically for them. Don’t forget that both
kinds of systems have their pros and cons.


Although digital banking is slowly taking shape, it’s good to know that some banks
have gone digital and are setting the pace for older banks. The opportunities available
for banks in digital banking include;
1. More output more profits
There is no specific time when someone can want to deposit or withdraw from their
bank accounts, let alone buying something online. Through digital banking, banks can
offer round the clock services to their customers, maximizing profits.
2. More customers with time
It is without any doubt that everyone is going the digital way. That’s why it’s easier
for our grandfathers to wait in line in the bank than it is for a college student. Since
the upcoming generations will be more digitized, digital banking is predicted to be the
peoples’ favorite in the future.
3. Mobile banking
You may take it lightly, but mobile banking is soon going to be the people’s choice.
That is because people today want to take their phones everywhere and use them to do
everything. Mobile banking, therefore, presents an excellent opportunity for banks to
generate more revenues from transactions.
4. More loans, more interests
Banks like it when people borrow loans. That is why many financial institutions are
competing to give out low-interest rates because, in the end, they will still make
profits. Digital banking will make it easier for customers to access loans online, and
this will increase the number of borrowers.
5. Fastened services
Money needs to move around fast in any business setting. That is why having to spend
hours in long ques in the bank to transfer money is a disadvantage to both customers
and financial institutions. Through digital banking, one will not even have to leave
their bed to transfer cash or complete payments.
6. Better market predictions
Digital banking is backed up with an accurate data collection mechanism. Data is
i8mportant for any organization because it can be used to predict the market and offer
better services to the customers. Today, the data available in banks have not been
utilized as they are supposed to be mainly because of the format in which they exist
makes them harder to access.
 Digital banking is promising a better banking experience for both customers
and banks. However, it is without any doubt that the future banker is a
digital banker. Today the AI for banking is already being implemented by
other banks, and the results are impressive for some. In the future, bank
ques will be history, and that should be a heads up for any bank or financial
institution wanting to dominate the market in the future.


- Digital Banking is a new term emerging in the Vietnamese banking industry
and began to receive a lot of attention from both professionals and customers.
In fact, Digital Banking is a form of banking that digitizes all traditional
services and operations of the bank (Skinner, 2014). In other words, all
traditional services such as withdrawals, money transfers, term deposits,
demand deposits, saving and funding account management are all digitized and
integrated into a single digital banking application. All of these services could
be access through the websites or mobile devices.
- Customers only need to have internet connection to be able to manage or
execute their transactions. Although digital banking and e-banking are similar
in the execution of online transactions, e-banking is only a convenient simple
utility for bank transactions, bill payments or account management while
digital banking is a much boarder term.
- In other words, e-banking only focuses on digitizing some of the core banking
features while digital banking implies all the features and operations of the
bank (SCN Education B.V., 2001). Thus, Digital banking is a modern banking
model that operates on the basis of digitizing all activities while E- Banking is
only an additional service on the traditional banking platform with services
such as: Internet Banking, SMS Banking. It is possible to consider Digital
Banking as a modern form of banking - a new type of digital business. Digital
Banking can cover all aspects a common bank such as organizational structure,
human resource management, operations and services (Kelman, 2016).
- All administrative paperwork could be digitized and simplified. Digital banking
has many advanced features such as 24/7 services with all transactions through
the Internet and applications. Digital banking also could be considered as no-
branch banking or auto banking (Scardovi, 2017). Generally, Digital banking is
a technology-based platform for exchanging information as well as performing
transactions and services between banks and customers (Wewege, 2017). This
whole process is executed through digital devices. Customers do not have to go
to the bank to make transactions and vice versa. The bank also does not have to
meet customers to complete their transactions.
- Digital banking is a combination of emerging technologies in financial
institutions to changes in internal and external relationships in order to
effectively improve services for customers. Moreover, it is also critical in
enhancing the ability to adapt to the competitive business environment and
improve the business management of commercial banks in the near future


- Recharge accounts from multiple sources
- Transfer money inside and outside the bank, transfer money internationally
- Pay the bill
- Bank loans
- Save money
- Join financial products such as investment, insurance, etc.
- Manage personal and business finances
- The security of digital banks is absolute and is closely monitored by banks.

 Is digital banking an electronic bank?

- A lot of people mistake digital banking for e-banking, but the answer is "no".
Electronic banking (Internet Banking) is like a digital bank in that it can
manage accounts and transactions online. The differences of these two types of
banks are:

- E-banking usually includes services such as Mobile Banking, Internet

Banking ... done via the Internet and these are just additional development
services of a bank. With electronic banking, you can transfer money, look up
account balances and pay.

- As for digital banking, users will perform all functions of a regular bank as
listed above. All transactions are conducted online and you can get answers
through online or mobile support.

- As such, digital banking is much more convenient than electronic banking.

*The important role of digital banking in modern life

1) Digital banking saves money and time.
- Thanks to the free card opening, the card opening procedure is very simple, but
digital banking helps users save and optimize costs and time.
- If at traditional banks, you have to go to the branch and bring a lot of papers to
open the card, then with digital bank, account registration, card opening via the
website, the app with just the phone number , email becomes simple and faster
than ever.
- For example, VPBank's YOLO digital banking application allows you to
register and open a Mastercard virtual card easily with just a few simple steps.
After that, you can freely shop, pay on this application or at other e-commerce
sites with the card created and recharge.
2) Digital banking simplifies deposits and transfers
- Thanks to digital banks, top up and transfer transactions are extremely
convenient. You can top up your account with many options such as top up
from ATM cards, phone cards, top up at bank counters, transfer money from
other banks to digital bank accounts ...
- The transfer is also more convenient and faster
3) Digital banking helps to carry out all activities and transactions online
via the Internet
- Owning a digital bank account like YOLO, you can perform all transactions
anytime, anywhere with just one electronic device such as a phone, computer,
tablet ... connected to the network.

- Daily basic transactions such as phone recharge, payment of bills, shopping,

balance inquiry, bank transfer ... can all be done online without going to the
bank. At the same time, the digital bank still retains all the main functions of a
common bank such as issuing ATM cards, payment accounts, demand / time
savings accounts ...

- It can be said that with the advent of digital banking, banking operations
became more optimized, more convenient, bringing more values to users and
the development of society.

- Thus, with an important role and outstanding advantages, digital banking is and
will become the preeminent and widely developed form of banking in the
present and future.


- The advent of the Internet was synonymous with the rise of digital banking,
spurred by the advent of cards and ATMs in the 1960s. Today, thanks to the
Internet and the development of mobile devices, The bank has been able to
introduce more interactive channels to its customers.

- Digitak banking provides convenience for both banks and its customers. For
customers, they can save time solving problems related to transactions anytime,
anywhere. For banks, they save more on infrastructure investments and
employees when all transactions are made online. According to a recent report,
Santander is a leading bank, having decided to cut a fifth of its trading network.


- Everyone understands traditional banks are the first organizations to provide
financial services such as deposits, loans, money transfers, bill payments, etc.
However, traditional banks are limited by location. points of transactions when
customers want to make and they are only open according to the bank's
designated operating hours.

- With the advent of the Internet, financial institutions were able to overcome
position and time barriers to some extent. Today, e-Banking is based on
traditional banking and provides additional services such as Internet banking,
SMS banking, etc. Through online, they allow customers to access their
account information. , as well as automatic transfer and payment.

- Digital transformation bank provides a complete service on the Internet and

eliminates the need for traditional bank branches. Nnamdi Azodo of ALAT
Digital Bank said that Digital banking is the application of technology for all
banking activities, processes and programs. Thereby helping to increase the
customer experience when making all transactions become simpler, easier and
more convenient. Or to put it more simply, the relationship of customers with
Digital banking is completely online.


- The advantages of Digital banking are increasing the efficiency of the bank and
improving the service level, saving time and effort for customers and
employees of the bank. The availability of 24-hour service, including holidays
and easy control of your trading activities.
- Saving effort and time that customers can carry out banking activities when
they do not need to go to bank headquarters. Customers can implement them
anywhere, whenever they want.

- The ease of transactions in Digital banking and their execution speed is much
faster than traditional banks.

- Integrated with many new technologies such as Blockchain, which helps to

increase security, reduce the risk of customer account data theft.

- All transactions are made online, reducing operating costs for banks, thereby
reducing the costs for customers to pay for those transactions.


- The risks of Digital banking have been warned by economists when transacting
via mobile banking system as follows:
- Transferring money by only pressing the phone button may result in damage to
a country's economy. When banks' money flows are not monitored, money
laundering happens naturally.
- Professional hackers are always a problem when dealing online. They may
break into your account or copy information from customers.
- Technical failure may hinder the work of the entire bank. From an account with
a virus problem can lead to spread, infiltrate and damage the entire system of
the bank.
- When the relationship between the customer and the bank is completely online,
it is possible to entail a number of borrowing activities without a fully
mortgage account, which is prone to fraud.
- The global banking industry is undergoing unprecedented change and is subject
to change in response to these changes. According to Le Nhan Tam (2018), the
development of banks in the world is currently going through three main
1) The digitization phase (digitization) :
- This is the stage where banks improve their performance by applying
technology to data, resources or individual processes in their operations. At this
stage, banks will change traditional and manual services, processes to digital
processes, online or via computer.
2) Digital transformation phase (digital transformation)
- This is the period when banks begin to digitize all banking activities to create
customer experience, support customer needs what they want. The digital
transformation phase at banks involves the integration and connection of digital
processes in phase 1 together to deliver a personalized customer experience.
For example, multi-channel sales initiatives, or viewing information from a
single place.
3) Digital reproduction stage (Digital reinvention)
- This is the stage when banks combine technology and digital platforms like
never before to generate revenue and results through innovative product
strategies and experiences. Reproducing numbers in banks requires that banks
fundamentally redefine the way that banks interact with customers and
stakeholders. For example, building in-depth customer relationships that enable
you to manage all of your customers' financial services with other services to
meet your needs and wants.
 Most banks in Vietnam are in a state of digital transformation, which means
integrating a variety of digital processes to give customers a "personalized"
experience. Global banking, meanwhile, is going ahead in this journey
because it is in a state of digital reproduction, which essentially redefines
the way it interacts with customers and other stakeholders. The digital
regeneration aims to form smart banks with a strong ecosystem and
customer satisfaction
* Experience in developing digital banking in a number of countries around the
 - According to Citigroup (2018), some factors or tools that banks / financial
institutions must consider in the digital banking development strategy in the coming
time are: (i) Application of artificial intelligence create (AI); (ii) The participation of
big technology companies (Big Tech) in providing banking services; (iii) Conversion
of core banks (Core Banking) and (iv) Digital Assets (Digital Assets). It can be seen
that banks in the world to succeed in applying new technology, all transformed their
business models, supported transactions with customers (customer contact, customer
care, and improved customer experience). customer experience) and change
governance. Some banks have had success in implementing digital banking
I. Digital banking in Europe and North America
- In 2013, consulting firm AT. Kearney conducted a survey of some leading
banks to survey the status of banking digitization of some countries in the
world and to learn about the experience of digital banking transformation. of
some countries in Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe and North
America. According to AT. Kearney, in the field of digital banking, Mobile
banking is changing the game with the increasing number of customers using,
banks are increasingly interested in mobile banking. Banks surveyed in AT's
research. Kearney has: (i) changed the business model in the digital age; (ii)
enhance the role of the branch in advising customers in the direction of
improving their digital customer service skills; (iii) more flexible
transformation of technology; (iv) changing the organizational model such as
forming parts including business and technology centers to ensure rapid
development of products and services.
- Similarly, according to a Delloit survey in 2017, the level of digitization of
European banks is reflected in following figure :
II. Digital banking in Singapore
- DBS Bank was established in 1968 in Singapore. This is considered the first
digital bank in the world. DBS is best rated among other digital banks today.
The outstanding advantage of DBS is the application of intelligent technology,
security ability to ensure peace of mind for users. Customers do not need to
download DBS banking application to their phones. Instead, just use it via
Wechat or Whatsapp connected to the bank. By directly issuing orders such as
checking accounts, paying bills, DBS will automatically perform all
transactions as quickly as possible.
- UOB Bank is a Singapore-based multinational banking organization with
branches primarily found in most Southeast Asian countries. UOB was
established in 1935 as the Bank of China. This is the third largest bank in
Southeast Asia by total assets (United Overseas Bank)

- Although UOB does not set the issue of 100% digital banking via mobile
channels like DBS, however, UOB has a more comprehensive way of setting
up issues regarding digital banking, that is, the branch is designed and built
according to the product model. with technology. Spatial design in the direction
of supporting customer training on automatic trading channels while still
serving customers through traditional trading counters.  
- It can be seen that both banks have invested financial resources and human
resources to develop digital banking, a fully established digital banking
division with professional and information technology staff. a fintech company.
In addition, both of these banks build an ecosystem including a bank to provide
banking products and services, a third party to coordinate with the bank
providing other services that DBS customers and UOB prioritizes multi-
channel integration to ensure that the transaction process and customer
experience are the same in any service delivery channel. On the other hand,
DBS and UOB are aware of the importance of specific technology, which is the
middle layer software with flexibility, easy to integrate with distribution

III. Digital banking in Thailand

- Siam Bank and Krung Thai Bank are two of the banks in Thailand that are
gradually applying technology to digitize banks.
- Siam Bank Thailand allows customers to create orders available from Mobile
channel, to the teller counter that can scan QR codes to make transactions
without having to re-enter information. In addition, the bank issues paperless
transactions with customers.
- Krung Thai Bank has shifted from the traditional banking model to a digital
bank model including systems: integrated multi-channel management system,
card management system, Internet Banking system, Mobile Banking system.
and branch transaction system. The conversion period is 3 years. In 2015, the
bank equipped an omni-channel integrated management solution and an
independent card management solution. Card management system is integrated
with OmniChannel system. In 2016, the bank integrated Internet banking and
Mobile banking systems into the Omni-channel system. In 2017, the bank
integrated its branch teller system into the Omni-channel system
IV. Digital banking in India  
- In order to create a favorable environment for the goal of digitizing banks, the
Government of India established a National Payment Company (NPCI),
provided a citizen identification number (Aadhaar), developed a gateway-based
e-wallet. UPI consolidated payment (LBP Resarch, 2018)   According to LBP
Reasearch (2018), the National Payment Company (NPCI) is established by the
Central Bank of India and the Indian Banking Association. It is the governing
body in operating retail payment systems in India. NPCI has taken over the
national financial switching system from the Banking Technology Research
and Development Institute.
- The company is gradually standardizing retail payment operations, expanding
and developing new products to bring the greatest benefits to customers.
Unified payment interface (UPI) is a digital payment system established by
National Payment Company in August 2016 with the goal of simplifying
interbank money transfer transactions on the mobile application platform.
dynamic. UPI allows the integration of bank accounts on the same electronic
wallet, thereby increasing the utility for customers. Virtual addresses on mobile
software applications help customers replace and secure personal information
such as card numbers and account numbers. Using UPI, customers can transfer
money 24/7, continuously for 365 days only through a smartphone, helping
payment activities be carried out easily and many other accompanying utilities.
- In addition, the Indian Government has launched the BHIM Aadhaar (Bharat
Interface for Money) platform - a biometric-based payment system that allows
users to transfer money via fingerprint scanning. This is the world's largest
biometric ID system with data of 1.19 billion people as of November 30, 2017.
This system is connected with digital payment system, bank accounts to
facilitate transactions, enhance security and create an ecological environment
for the development of digital banking.
- India has also implemented a CTS (Check Bank Truncation System)
digitization project to quickly verify checks based on a system of image
information storage systems – where photographs of checks are paid. And
magnetic recognition ink (MICR) data is recorded at the collecting bank and
transmits electronic data to the issuing bank. “Check truncation” means the
termination of the physical transfer of checks between banks.   Along with
policies to set up the technical infrastructure for electronic payments, the Indian
Government also issued other incentive mechanisms such as 2% tax reduction
for income paid electronically instead of direct payments, Effective from April
1, 2017; charitable remittance, property procurement and other activity
expenses in excess of a certain amount required electronic payment documents
to deduct corporate income tax, effective from April 1 / 2018. At the same
time, the Government of India strictly prohibits the exchange of cash among
individuals valued at Rs 300,000 or more in a day / one transaction / total value
of transactions related to an economic event. (LBP Reasearch, 2018).


- In Vietnam, digital banks have been mentioned a lot recently and in their
development strategies, many banks also set the goal of developing digital
banking, even some banks consider it as an array. core business, is the key
development goal. According to the SBV's survey, by April 2018, 94% of
domestic banks are conducting digital transformation, of which about 42% of
credit institutions consider digital banking as a business strategy. Over the past
5 years, payment via mobile banking has grown very strongly, reaching 144% /
year. Meanwhile, other traditional payment methods only grew by 40% (Pham
Tien Dung, 2018).
- Some Vietnamese banks have tried digital banking services and transformed
their business models towards modernization and digitization such as using e-
banking solutions to transfer money via social networks, withdraw money at
ATM. no need to use card (Techcombank), application of electronic banking
application My Ebank (Sacombank); Application of data analysis technology
(VPBank). Or some banks have tried out a digital business model such as
Digital Lab (Vietcombank); Timo digital bank project (VPBank); LiveBank
automatic banking services of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank
(TPBank), modern electronic banking experience zone E-Zone (BIDV);
Multiplexing platform (Omni Chanel -OCB).
- Although the technology banking trend has spread to Vietnam, the level of
digitalization of Vietnamese banks is still in its infancy and the speed is still
slow. Therefore, for the digital banking model to continue developing, it is
necessary to have the efforts of each commercial bank and the support of the
State Bank.
- According to Le Cong and Dam Nhan Duc (2016) as managers. The State Bank
needs to strengthen the legal corridor, soon perfect the environment and
policies, and facilitate the rapid application of digital technology in banking
activities. In this direction, the State Bank needs to amend and supplement the
system of legal documents, professional processes in accordance with the Law
on Electronic Transactions and related legal documents. At the same time,
promoting the application of modern technology in management and
management activities, promoting scientific and technological research
activities, applied research in the field of digitalization to support the process of
policy formulation and administration. legal lang.
 For commercial banks, first of all, each bank needs to develop a digital
business strategy by answering questions about the digital context, digital
opportunities, digital challenges, and digital capabilities. banks, differences
in number and share of bank numbers.
 Secondly, in order to build a clear, professional digital banking model in line
with the digital banking trend of some regional and world commercial banks,
commercial banks need to cooperate with the fintech companies to build a
breakthrough business model through the application of digital technology to
enhance convenience and cost savings.

 Thirdly, commercial banks need to digitize the operations of existing banks in

order to gradually transform the business model from traditional to modern.
Banks need to digitize customer contact points, promote digital technology for
products and services that meet their needs, and increase customer value in the
long run.

 Fourth, banks need to reorganize the organization and strategy management to

fit the requirements and requirements of the new business model. Accordingly,
banks need to change their business culture, develop appropriate human
resources in terms of skills, awareness and business culture.

 Finally, commercial banks also need to focus on the management of

communications and information on social networks, upgrade the information
technology platform, develop network security risk management and
classification. customers for easier management in the digital age.


- Although the trend of technology banks has spread to Vietnam, the digitization
level of Vietnamese banks is still considered as stubborn and slow. Therefore,
the development of the digital banking industry requires the efforts of each
commercial bank as well as the support of the State Bank. As a manager of the
national banking industry, the State Bank of Vietnam should strengthen the
legal corridor and create encourage environment plus supportive policies to
facilitate the rapid application of digital technology.
- Furthermore, the State Bank needs to amend the current regulations and
operational procedures in accordance with the Law on Electronic Transactions
and other related legal documents. At the same time, it is also necessary to
promote the application of modern technologies alongside with investments in
high-tech research and development activities to efficiently support policy-
making process. In order to build a clear and professional banking model in
line with the digital banking trend of some commercial banks in the region and
in the world, commercial banks should build a breakthrough business model
through the application of digital technology to enhance their service
convenience and cost savings.
- In addition, commercial banks need to digitize their existing banking
operations in order to gradually transform their traditional business model into
more modern one. Banks should digitize customer contact points, boost digital
technology for products and services to meet customer demands, and increase
value for customers in the long run. Vietnamese commercial banks also need to
reorganize their management and strategy to match the requirements of the new
business model. Accordingly, banks need to adjust their business culture while
developing appropriate human resources. In addition, commercial banks should
also focus on managing communications, information on social networks,
upgrading information technology platforms, developing network security
management and client classification schemes for better management in this
digital era.



 Service utilities Non-financial services:
- Automatically notify your account balance when there is a change.
- Look up information, notice changes in balances of savings accounts, term
deposits, loan accounts.
- Inquiry account balance, statement 05 latest transactions.
- Look up ATM locations.
 Financial services:
- Bank transfer (ATRANSFER): transfer via SMS from customers' payment
accounts to other accounts opened at Agribank.
 Payment service:
- VNTOPUP: top up phone, top up electronic wallet.
- Bill payment (APAYBILL): use a payment account at Agribank to pay goods
and service bills to service providers.
 Non-financial services:
- Look up account information: List of accounts opened at Agribank; balance of
payment account, deposit account ...
- Look up transaction history.
 Financial services:
- Bank transfer within Agribank: Transfer from VND account opened at
Agribank to other VND demand deposit account opened at Agribank.
- Interbank transfer: Transfer from VND payment account opened at Agribank to
VND payment account opened at other commercial banks other Agribank
system in the territory of Vietnam.
- Opening / closing of online deposit account.
 Payment service:
- Pay bills (electricity, water, tuition, telecommunications bills) to service
providers connected to Agribank.
- Electronic tax payment. Recharge E-wallet, phone ...
 Non-financial services:
- Information lookup: Information exchange; Bank information; Air ticket
information; Movie ticket information; Vehicle ticket information; Train ticket
information; Hotel reservation information and other information.
- Investment Management.
- Inquiry of customer service registration account: Check balance; account
information and look up the latest transaction history within a month;
Transaction report.
- Card services.
- Other non-financial utilities.
 Financial services:
- Transfer within Agribank's network.
- Interbank transfer.
 Payment service:
- Recharge phones, electronic wallets; Buy phone card.
- Pay the bill.
- ABMT (Account Base Money Transfer - a service of remittance of money into
a customer's deposit account opened at Agribank via Ebanking).
- Booking air tickets, bus tickets, train tickets, hotel rooms, buy movie tickets, e-
commerce services, pay via QR Code ...
 Non-financial services:
- Inquiry account balance, look up transaction history.
 Financial services:
- Transfer within Agribank's network.
 Payment service:
- Payment of telecommunication services of Viettel.



1. GP.IB - Online Banking Service

- GP.IB is a channel of financial and banking transactions through the Internet,
enabling individual customers with payment accounts at GPBank to conduct
many convenient banking transactions without having to go to transaction
- Query information: balance, deposit, loan, transaction list printing ...
- Free bank transfer within the GPBank system does not depend on the time of
the Bank's transaction.
- Interbank transfer to any bank in Vietnam.
- Interbank quick transfer via card / account number, receive money as soon as
the transaction is successful and does not depend on the bank's working time.
- Recharge and pay service bills: telecommunications, air tickets, train tickets,
ADSL, games, cable TV ...
- Electronic savings deposit.
- Mortgages of electronic savings accounts.
- Register and manage GP eCom service information.
- Re-issue the password to activate GP mPlus service quickly.
- Other utilities
Register to use the service:
- You can register to use the service at any of GPBank's Transaction Offices
- file
- Application form for using electronic banking services for individual customers
(according to the form of GPBank).
- ID / Passport used to open account.

2. GP.SMS - Banking Services via SMS

- GP.SMS helps users proactively update information when there is a fluctuation
in account balance, perform queries of account information, bank information
as well as recharge and payment of mobile subscription fees.
- GP.SMS with many utilities gives customers convenience, comfort and time
savings in banking transactions.  
 GP.SMS - Real estate: Service to receive notice of changes in account
- GP.SMS - Real Estate Service actively updates information for customers
whenever the account has fluctuations in balance and supports to perform
queries of account information, interest rates, foreign exchange rates ...
anytime, every time place.  
 Service features
- Receive automatic notification via SMS when the account has changes in the
balance with an amount of over VND 5,000 / USD
- Query account balances and statements of customer transactions.
- Query exchange rate information, saving interest rates.
- Query ATM locations and GPBank Transaction Offices.
- Turn on / off the automatic balance notification function.
 GP.SMS - VAT: Service charge and pay bills :
- GP.SMS - VAT service helps you to recharge, query and pay for mobile
phones anytime and anywhere with just one message without a scratch card.
 Service features :
- Recharge prepaid mobile subscribers.
- Querying and paying postpaid mobile phone subscribers.
 Register and use the GP.SMS service
- You can register to use the service at any of GPBank's Transaction Offices
 File
- Application form for using electronic banking services for individual customers
(according to the form of GPBank).
- ID / Passport used to open account.
3. GP eCom - E-Commerce Services
 GP eCom - E-Commerce Services
- Using GP eCom, you can make payment and purchase goods on the website of
online service providers on the Internet conveniently, quickly, with high
accuracy and security.
 Service utilities
- Shopping, paying for goods and services online at hundreds of websites
providing goods and services such as: Vietnam Railway, Aviation, Ngan
Luong, Mobile World, General Purchasing, Megabuy, Bao Kim ...
- GPBank has added a layer of protection for online payment transactions with
Password protection payment to enhance the safety of customer transactions.
Password to protect payment is self-set, self-preservation and can be changed
by demand.

 Register and use the service

- The service is applicable to all individual customers using online banking
service -GP.IB and having domestic debit card at GPBank.
- Customers register GP eCom service and password to protect payment at
Internet banking page https://www.ib.gpbank.com.vn of GPBank.
 How to pay with GP.eCom service
- To make payment, you perform the following steps:
Step 1: Go to the Sales Website and choose to pay by domestic debit card.
Step 2: Make payment by entering card information and transaction password.
- The structured transaction password is: xxxxABCDEF.
 Inside:
- xxxx is Password protected payment.
- ABCDEF is a string of characters sent to customers by GPBank.
- Step 3: Check the information and Confirm payment.

1. GP mPlus - Mobile Banking Service

- GP mPlus allows Customer to use applications installed on mobile devices
such as phones, tablets, etc. and passwords set by the Customer to perform
transactions provided by GPBank. GP mPlus is for Individual customers who
have payment accounts at GPBank and use mobile devices with internet
 Service utilities Transfer:
- Transfer to accounts / cards opened at GPBank, phone numbers of customers
using GP mPlus; Quick interbank transfer 24/7 to cards opened at other banks
in Vietnam. Customers receive money right after the successful transaction,
regardless of the working time of the bank.
 Online savings deposit:
- Depositing money from current account to save savings with high interest rate
and can be queried and settled at any time if there is a need to spend.
 Deposit inquiry:
- Customers query all deposits at GPBank.
 Recharge and pay bills conveniently:
- Recharge or pay for phones, buy scratch cards, pay bills ...
 Simple to use:
- Friendly interface, intuitive and simple to suit each phone operating system of
 Maximum support:
- You actively manage the application and make a request to check right on the
application without going to the Transaction Office.
 Absolute safety:
- Orders are encrypted according to international standards (RSA).
 Register and use the service
- You can register to use the service at any of GPBank's Transaction Offices
 File
- Application form for using electronic banking services for individual customers
(according to the form of GPBank).
- ID / CCCD / Passport of customers used to open accounts.

2. Fast interbank transfer service 24/7

- Fast 24/7 inter-bank transfer service is a service that allows customers to use
cards or accounts to transfer money and receive money transferred from other
banks, to notify immediately after successful transactions including outside
Hours and public holidays.
 Service utilities
- Transactions are made easily and quickly using GP.IB or GP mPlus services.
- Transactions are made at anytime (24/7, holidays, holidays), everywhere
(regardless of transaction fees between different locations, provinces / cities)
and the recipient will receive money immediately.
- Safe and high security.
 Subjects and conditions of use
- The service is applicable to all individual customers with payment accounts
and using GP.IB and / or GP mPlus services of GPBank.
- List of connected banks services
- You can transfer to most banks in Vietnam, including big banks like
Vietinbank, Vietcombank, Techcombank.

3. Inter-country Quick Transfer Service

- a service that allows customers to transfer money from bank account / card in
one country to bank account / card in another country in real time (money is
transferred to beneficiary account) immediately after the transaction is made).
 Service utilities
- Diversified supply channels: remitters make transactions at bank counters; In
the coming time, it will expand more channels to provide services at ATMs,
Internet Banking, Mobile Banking.
- The transaction is credited to the recipient's account as soon as the sender
completes successfully.
- Customers can transfer via account number or card number.
- The recipient does not have to pay any fees.
- Limit: 5,000 USD / time. Unlimited number of transfers per day.
 Subjects and conditions of use
- For the way to transfer abroad: All customers who have account and no
account come to transact at counters / ATMs / Internet Banking / Mobile
Banking of banks deploying services in countries: China, Korea, Thailand,
Malaysia, Russian Federation ...
- In the first phase of implementation, the service was connected to banks of the
Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearing Institutes (KFTC).
- For the beneficiary dimension in Vietnam: All customers have current account
with GPBank.
 List of banks that transfer money to GPBank :
- Customers can receive money transfer from banks under KFTC Korea,
including major banks such as Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, CitiBank Korea,
Hana Bank, ...

*Product utilities
- Free service registration
- Transfer without remembering your account number
- Super fast interbank transfer via card number and account number
- Manage your financial resources anytime, anywhere
- Simple and convenient
- Fast and accurate
- Safe, confidential
- Save time and money
- Transaction with the Bank 24/7
- Enjoy promotions of Oceanbank in each period
- New functions are constantly added

1) Easy Internet Banking

- Easy Internet Banking is an electronic banking channel that helps customers to
control their financial resources anytime, anywhere through computers / mobile
devices connected to the Internet through OceanBank's official website at
 Including 2 main service packages:
*EASY STANDARD service pack includes the following functions:
- Easy Account: Account information
- Query balance and statement of payment deposit account
- Look up loan account information (outstanding balance, interest rate,
repayment schedule, ...)
- Look up savings deposit information (only applicable to science and
- Look up term deposit information, letter of credit, guarantee (only applicable to
corporate customers)
- Manage account names
*EASY ADVANCE service pack: includes all EASY STANDARD package
functions and the following functions:
- Easy Transfer: Transfer service:
- Transfer to your own account
- Internal bank transfer
- Interbank transfer
- Super fast transfer via card number and account number
- Schedule a transfer
- Manage transfer schedule
- Beneficiary management, bank transfer form
- Easy Saving: Electronic savings (Only for individual customers)
- Open an electronic savings book
- Withdrawal and finalization of electronic savings book
- View information of passbook
- Easy Billing: Pay the bill
- Mobile phones, postpaid fixed lines, Home phones, ADSL, Leased line, cable TV, ...
- Electricity bill (List of areas where EVN allows to pay electricity bill) - Bill of
purchase of train ticket at VNR railway company (Payment instruction)
- Easy Payment: Online payment (only applied for Science and Technology)
- Online payment for buying goods and services at websites that have integrated
payment with OceanBank through payment gateways: Ngan Luong, OnePay,
- Pay for air tickets of more than 30 domestic and international airlines
- Easy Topup: Electronic top up (only applicable to individual customers) -
Recharge prepaid mobile accounts
- Recharge electronic wallets for online payment List of TOPUP service
- Easy Invest: Support online investment (only applicable to individual
- Transferring money to customers' securities investment accounts at securities
companies that have service cooperation with OceanBank
 Paperwork process :
- Terms of use: Having an account with Ocean Bank and an existing email
- Registration: Register at OceanBank's branch / transaction office

2) Easy Oceanbank Mobile

- an electronic banking service installed on smartphones, tablets that allows
OceanBank customers to perform financial transactions and many other added
Product characteristics
 Financial function group:
 - Log in the application  
- Account query
 - Transfer  
- Term deposit account  
- Recharge phone  
- Pay the bill
 Set function group:  
- Manage beneficiary contacts  
- Fingerprint / Face ID setting Note: Face ID only supports installation with
Iphone; Face ID is not supported for all Android devices; does not support
fingerprint settings on Samsung Galaxy S10, Note 10, Galaxay Tab S6 models.
- Change Password
- Choose the default payment account
 Support function group:
- Contact
- Frequently Asked Questions
- User manual
- Share application
 Devices and operating systems can install and run applications
- Devices can install and run applications as follows:
- Ipad, tablets running iOS (from version 8.0 and above) and Android (from
version 4.0 and above)
- Iphone running iOS (from version 8.0 or higher) and Samsung, LG and other
Smartphone phones running Android operating system (from version 4.0 and
above). No support for mobile devices running the Windows Phone Operating
- The application is installed and run on devices regardless of the phone number
attached to the device.
 Service pack
 Include the following functions:
- Easy Account: Account information
- Query balance and statement of payment deposit account
- Easy Transfer: Transfer service:

- Internal bank transfer

- Super fast interbank transfer via card number and account number
- Easy Saving: Electronic saving
- Open an electronic savings book
- Withdrawal and finalization of electronic savings book
- View information of passbook
- Easy Billing: Pay the bill
- Mobile phone, postpaid landline, Home phone, ADSL, Leased line, cable TV
- Easy Payment: Buy online
- Buy directly by the application of goods: phone scratch cards, game cards, ...
- Easy Topup: Electronic topup
- Recharge prepaid mobile accounts
- Recharge electronic wallet for online payment
- Process of Downloading and installing applications on phones:
- Step 1: Access the App Store for iOS, Google Play for Android.
- Step 2: Search for applications by typing "Easy OceanBank Mobile" in the
search box.
- Step 3: Click on the icon of the found application, select "Install / Install" to
install the application on the device.
3)Easy SMS Banking
- a service that OceanBank provides to help customers master their financial
resources anytime, anywhere via SMS. Customers can use the service in one of
two forms:
- Send syntax messages to the switchboard (Message syntax table for services)
- Use the application installed on your phone to not have to remember the syntax
 Including 2 main service packages:
- EASY STANDARD service pack (Applicable for Personal and Corporate
Customers) includes the following functions:
- Easy Account: Account information
- Querying payment account balance
- Automatically receive information about fluctuations in balance on payment
deposit accounts (applicable to transactions over VND 10,000)
- EASY ADVANCE service package (Only applicable to Individual customers)
includes all functions of EASY STANDARD package and the following
- Easy Transfer: Transfer
- Internal transfer via telephone number, account number of the beneficiary
- Easy Saving: Electronic saving
- Withdrawal & Settlement of e-savings book (Applied to savings books sent via
electronic banking channels before May 17, 2018)
- Query information of electronic savings book
- Easy Billing: Bill payment (Suppliers allow to pay bills) - Mobile phones,
postpaid landlines
- Home phone, ADSL, Leased Line rental
- Electric bill
- Easy Topup: Electronic topup (List of providers of electronic top up service)
- Top up for prepaid and postpaid mobile subscribers


1. SMS Banking service

- Check the balance of all customer deposit accounts
- Check the balance of a specified account
- Look up the history of the last 5 transactions of a specific account  
- Look up outstanding loans of all customer loan accounts
- Look up outstanding debt of a specific account  
- Look up foreign currency rates for all currencies that CB trades
• Look up foreign currency rates of a specific foreign currency  
- Look up the table of interest rates for fixed and term deposits
- Look up loan interest rates for all types of loans
o Check the list of special savings programs of the Bank (bonuses,
promotions ...) which are still valid
o Look up the interest rate of a particular savings plan.  
- Notify the balance of any deposit account when there is an increase or decrease
- Notice of the due debt (interest, principal) repayment of loan accounts  
- Register the phone number used to make transactions on customers' accounts
- Cancel the phone number used to make transactions on customers' accounts To
register the service, you can register at CB's transaction offices nationwide.  
- Syntax: CB <content> sent to: 8149

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