HVDC vs. HVAC Transmission
HVDC vs. HVAC Transmission
HVDC vs. HVAC Transmission
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10/27/2019 HVDC vs. HVAC transmission | electricaleasy.com
By Kiran Daware Overhead Lines,
Power System
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AC Machines DC Machines
Skin e ect is absent in DC. Also, Transformer Overhead lines
corona losses are signi cantly lower Induction Motor Underground cables
in the case of DC. An HVDC line has
considerably lower losses compared Miscellaneous machines
Asynchronous interconnection:
AC power grids are standardized for Quick Links
50 Hz in some countries and 60 Hz in
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other. It is impossible to
interconnect two power
grids 8/13
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interconnect two power grids
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working at di erent frequencies with
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the help of an AC interconnection.
An HVDC link makes this possible.
Interference with nearby
communication lines:
Interference with nearby
communication lines is lesser in the
case of HVDC overhead line than
that for an HVAC line.
Short circuit current:
In longer distance HVAC
transmission, short circuit current
level in the receiving system is high.
An HVDC system does not contribute
to the short circuit current of the
interconnected AC system.
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HVDC transmission system has many
more advantages over HVAC, such as
stability, controllability etc.. For distances
longer than the break-even distance,
HVDC system becomes more cost
e ective. Submarine HVDC links can be
more suitable for connecting o shore
wind farms as they prove to be more
e cient and cost e ective than undersea
HVAC cables. Hence, there is an
increasing interest in HVDC transmission.
Still, HVAC system will remain much
longer as it has its own advantages in
transmission and distribution, such as it
can be easily stepped up and stepped
down. HVDC is actually a complement for
AC systems rather than a rival.
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