Avg. Form. Lvl. CL of Bearing: Abutment On Open Foundation
Avg. Form. Lvl. CL of Bearing: Abutment On Open Foundation
Avg. Form. Lvl. CL of Bearing: Abutment On Open Foundation
24 7 9 8
9450 120
### 1000
H6 28
25 10
11 94.550
12 13 20
H3 500 23 14
H7 H2 18 16 21 500
1000 19 15 1000
H8 H5 H4 17 90.000
Earth Earth 9000 1500 2500 Fdn. Lvl.
Pressure Pressure 13000
due to LL due to
Surcharge Backfill
Angle of
b= 0.000 0 Kav = 0.100 F= 30 0
Seismic Parameters As per Cl.8.1 of IS:1893-1984 Net SBC = 60 T/m2 (Normal case)
ah= 0.270 Ca= 0.525 Cah = 0.489 Gross SBC= 69.1 T/m2 (Normal case)
av= 0.135 Cav = 0.191 84.1 T/m2 (Seismic case)
Dynamic increment due to earthquake:
cah = 0.233
cav = 0.091
about cl of
base due to
Vertical Eccentricity Eccentricity Moment Moment vertical earth
Horizontal Acting at RL Force from cl of from cl of about cl of about cl of press only (T-
Item No. Force (T) (m) (T) stem (m) base (m) stem (T-m) base (T-m) m)
H1 161.91 94.839 0.00 -0.750 2.500 540.62 783.49 0.00
H2 20.37 91.250 0.00 -2.000 25.46 0.00
H3 0.64 91.210 0.00 -2.720 0.77 0.00
H4 43.29 90.500 0.00 -6.500 21.65 0.00
H5 2.56 90.420 0.00 -6.500 1.08 0.00
H6 36.66 95.475 0.00 -0.750 2.500 145.72 200.71 0.00
H7 2.31 91.250 0.00 -2.000 2.88 0.00
H8 4.61 90.500 0.00 -6.500 2.31 0.00
272.35 0.00 686.34 1038.34 0.00
Moment about cl of
Horiz. Upward Eccentricity Eccentricity about cl of Moment base due to
Vertical Seis. Acting at Vert. Seis. from cl of from cl of stem (T- about cl of vertical seis.
Item No. load (T) Force (T) RL (m) Force (T) stem (m) base (m) m) base (T-m) only (T-m)
1 3.60 0.97 99.300 -0.49 -1.070 2.180 8.10 7.98 -1.06
2 0.52 0.14 99.060 -0.07 -1.380 1.870 1.15 1.14 -0.13
3 0.17 0.05 98.930 -0.02 -1.360 1.890 0.38 0.37 -0.04
4 0.00 0.00 99.060 0.00 -1.320 1.930 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 49.20 13.28 97.100 -6.64 -1.070 2.180 81.50 79.84 -14.48
6 19.20 5.18 94.800 -2.59 -0.520 2.730 18.46 17.81 -7.08
7 0.82 0.22 94.510 -0.11 -0.940 2.310 0.77 0.74 -0.26
8 0.04 0.01 94.510 -0.01 0.260 3.510 0.03 0.03 -0.02
9 2.88 0.78 94.490 -0.39 -0.250 3.000 2.42 2.33 -1.17
10 -2.88 -0.78 94.490 0.39 -0.250 3.000 -2.42 -2.33 1.17
11 0.03 0.01 94.510 0.00 0.243 3.493 0.02 0.02 -0.01
19.87 -9.93 110.41 107.93 -23.08
about cl of
Acting at base due
RL [as Moment to vertical
per Eccentricity Eccentricity Moment about cl of earth
Horizontal IS:1893] Vertical from cl of from cl of about cl of base (T- press only
Item No. Force (T) (m) Force (T) stem (m) base (m) stem (T-m) m) (T-m)
H1 147.16 95.475 0.00 -0.750 2.500 584.98 805.73 0.00
H2 18.51 91.330 0.00 -0.560 24.62 0.00
H3 0.58 91.250 0.00 -2.000 0.73 0.00
H4 39.35 90.660 0.00 -6.500 25.97 0.00
H5 2.33 90.500 0.00 -6.500 1.16 0.00
H6 16.66 96.747 0.00 -0.750 2.500 87.42 112.41 0.00
H7 1.05 91.330 0.00 -0.560 1.39 0.00
H8 2.10 90.660 0.00 -6.500 1.38 0.00
227.74 0.00 672.40 973.39 0.00
Note: 50% of LL surcharge is considered for seismic case
Tar Paper
Long. Seis.
forces +
50% Tar Paper
braking 448.20 95.450 -112.00 0.000 3.250 1770.39 2078.69 bearing
2 4
6 T/o abut cap
Height of intermediate
section from cap lvl.= 2.5 m 7 9 8
11 94.550
12 13 22 EGL/MSL
1321 14
about cl
Eccentricity of stem at
from cl of intermedi
Rect. stem at ate
Height Breadth (1)/Triangl Vertical intermediate section
Item No. (m) (m) e (.5) Unit Wt. (T/m3) load (T) section (m) (T-m)
1 3.60 -0.980 -3.53
2 0.52 -1.290 -0.67
3 0.17 -1.270 -0.22
4 0.00 -1.230 0.00
5 Refer sheet 3 49.20 -0.980 -48.24
6 19.20 -0.430 -8.26
7 0.82 -0.850 -0.70
8 0.04 0.350 0.02
9 2.88 -0.160 -0.46
10 -0.120 1.000 1.0 2.4 -2.88 -0.160 0.46
11 -0.120 -0.020 0.5 2.4 0.03 0.333 0.01
12 2.000 1.000 1.0 2.4 48.00 -0.160 -7.70
13 2.000 -0.020 1.0 2.4 -0.98 0.329 -0.32
14 2.000 0.341 0.5 2.4 8.19 0.433 3.55
22 2.000 0.341 0.5 2.0 6.83 0.547 3.73
from cl of stem Moment
Horizontal Acting at Vertical at intermediate about cl of
Item No. Force (T) RL (m) Force (T) section (m) stem (T-m)
H1 121.97 95.448 47.63 -0.660 322.00
H6 42.42 96.000 16.57 -0.660 135.42
164.39 64.20 457.42
Item Vertical nal Force Acting at Transverse Acting at
Description Load (T) (T) RL (m) Force (T) RL (m) ML (T-m) MT (T-m) ML (T-m) MT (T-m)
DL 611.00 - - - - - 0.00 54.74 0.00
SIDL 298.00 - - - - - 108.00 26.70 108.00
FPLL - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00
impact) 162.00 - - - - - 187.00 14.51 187.00
Braking - 58.25 95.450 - - - 0.00 168.93 0.00
Other long.
seismic) - - 95.450 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Forces - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00
264.88 295.00
Acting at
RL [as Eccentricity
per from cl of stem Moment
Horizontal IS:1893] Vertical at intermediate about cl of
Item No. Force (T) (m) Force (T) section (m) stem (T-m)
H1 110.86 96 43.30 -0.660 353.87
H6 19.28 97.104 7.53 -0.660 82.83
130.14 50.83 436.69
forces +
braking 448.20 95.450 -112.00 0.090 1289.75
Comb. No. Description P(T) HL (T) ML (T-m) HT (T) MT (T-m) P(T) HL (T) ML (T-m) HT (T) MT (T-m) P(T) HL (T) ML (T-m) HT (T) MT (T-m)
EP+LL Sur (No
1 Superstructure) 180.21 198.57 616.33 0.00 0.00 2324.37 272.35 -941.77 0.00 0.00 199.82 164.39 395.08 0.00 0.00
2 Sur+DL+SIDL+FPLL 1089.21 198.57 616.33 0.00 108.00 3233.37 272.35 2012.48 0.00 108.00 1108.82 164.39 476.52 0.00 108.00
3 WLL 1251.21 220.16 700.69 0.00 295.00 3233.37 287.02 2974.54 0.00 295.00 1254.25 180.22 524.54 0.00 295.00
EP+LL Sur (50%) +
4 Seis. 170.28 363.93 1326.28 0.00 0.00 2233.44 498.17 198.60 0.00 0.00 232.43 293.18 852.73 0.00 0.00
EP+LL Sur (50%)
5 FPLL+Seis 967.23 812.13 3096.67 0.00 108.00 3030.39 946.37 5231.38 0.00 108.00 1029.38 741.38 2223.91 0.00 108.00
6 L+50%CWLL+Seis. 1048.28 806.27 3051.43 0.00 201.50 3030.44 933.90 5597.39 0.00 201.50 1094.62 730.02 2165.10 0.00 201.50
EP Earth pressure due to backfill soil
LL Sur Lateral & vertical loads due to live load surcharge on the heel side
DL Dead Load reaction from superstructure
SIDL Superimposed Dead Load reaction from superstructure
FPLL Footpath Live Load reaction from superstructure
CWLL Carriageway Live Load reaction from superstructure
Seis. Seismic Forces in the Longitudinal Direction
Overturning Moment = S
Moment = S Mt. about
Load Sliding Friction Mt. due to toe due to
Comb. Force = Force = Factor of horiz. forces vert. forces Factor of
No. P(T) HL (T) ML (T-m) MT (T-m) HL (T) mP (T) Safety (T-m) (T-m) Safety Remarks
1 2324 272 -942 0 272 1162 4.27 1038.34 17088.51 16.46 O.K
2 3233 272 2012 108 272 1617 5.94 1038.34 20042.76 19.30 O.K
3 3233 287 2975 295 287 1617 5.63 1149.90 19192.26 16.69 O.K
4 2233 498 199 0 498 1117 2.24 2039.79 16358.52 8.02 O.K
5 3030 946 5231 108 946 1515 1.60 4482.48 18948.61 4.23 O.K
6 3030 934 5597 202 934 1515 1.62 3956.05 18523.52 4.68 O.K
B= 10 m ZL= 281.667 m3
ZT= 216.667 m3
No. P(T) ML (T-m) MT (T-m) P/A (T/m2) (T/m2) (T/m2) pmax (T/m2) pmin (T/m2) Remarks
1 2324 -942 0 17.88 -3.34 0.00 14.54 21.22 O.K
2 3233 2012 108 24.87 7.14 0.50 32.52 17.23 O.K
3 3233 2975 295 24.87 10.56 1.36 36.79 12.95 O.K
4 2233 199 0 17.18 0.71 0.00 17.89 16.48 O.K
5 3030 5231 108 23.31 18.57 0.50 42.38 4.24 O.K
6 3030 5597 202 23.31 19.87 0.93 44.11 2.51 O.K
pmin p1 p4 p2
pd p3 pd pmax
Clear cover = 75 mm
Dia of main bar = 32 mm
Overall depth = 1500 mm
Effective depth = 1409 mm
Critical sections:
For Shear:
1. If shear at face of cantilever is +ve then critcal section for shear is at face of cantilever
2. If shear at face of cantilever is -ve then critical section for shear is at 'd' from cantilever face
For Flexure:
1. If shear at face of cantilever is +ve then critcal section for flexure is at face of cantilever
2. If shear at face of cantilever is -ve then critical section for flexure is at a distance 'l' from heel
where 'l' is the position of that section where shear is 0 & moment maximum
Moment Shear
Mt. at face Mt. at Shear at Correspon causing at d
Load of intermedia face of ding D of top from
Comb. cantilever te section cantilever footing p4 tension pd support
No. pmax (T/m2) pmin (T/m2) p1 (T/m2) p2 (T/m2) (T-m/m) (T-m/m) (T/m) l (m) (mm) (T/m2) (T-m/m) (T/m2) (T/m)
1 14.54 21.22 19.17 16.59 65.60 6.10 21.52 -0.298 983 21.38 0.00 17.32 15.40
2 32.52 17.23 21.93 27.81 22.01 20.03 -10.98 6.925 1385 25.37 32.54 26.15 -2.97
3 36.79 12.95 20.29 29.46 18.12 28.04 -20.73 6.488 1360 24.85 41.74 26.87 -7.68
4 17.89 16.48 16.91 17.45 133.63 27.84 28.23 9.000 1500 17.45 133.63 17.30 24.39
5 42.38 4.24 15.98 30.65 285.87 95.59 23.92 9.000 1500 30.65 285.87 26.51 35.86
6 44.11 2.51 15.31 31.31 275.01 96.99 17.91 9.000 1500 31.31 275.01 26.80 32.22
Asreqd= 1823 mm2/m (Normal case) Asreqd= 7498 mm2/m (Seismic case)
Asmin= 1800 mm /m (0.12% of overall depth at support)
d= 1409 mm
Normal Case:
t = V- M tan b/d tan b = 0.0555556
= 0.13 MPa
For M 35
tmax = 2.3 MPa O.K
K= 1.00 (As per Table 12C of IRC:21-2000)
tc = 0.31 MPa (As= 0.57 %)
K*tc = 0.31 MPa O.K
Seismic Case:
t = 0.16 MPa
tmax = 3.45 MPa O.K
K= 1.00
tc = 0.465 MPa
K*tc = 0.465 MPa O.K
No shear reinforcement is required
Normal Case:
t = 0.06 MPa
tmax = 2.3 MPa O.K
K= 1.00
tc = 0.31 MPa (As= 0.60 %)
K*tc = 0.31 MPa O.K
Seismic Case:
t = 0.00 MPa Shear check not reqiured for this case
tmax = 3.45 MPa O.K
K= 1.00
tc = 0.465 MPa
K*tc = 0.465 MPa O.K
No shear reinforcement required
Asreqd= 3209 mm2/m (Normal case) Asreqd= 2645 mm2/m (Seismic case)
Asmin= 1800 mm2/m (0.12% of overall depth at support)
D= 1217.5 mm
d= 1130 mm
Normal Case:
t = V- M tan b/d tan b = 0.2
= 0.23 MPa
Seismic Case:
t = 0.29 MPa
tmax = 3.45 MPa O.K
K= 1.00
tc = 0.3987607 MPa
K*tc = 0.3987607 MPa O.K
No shear reinforcement required
H1 500
LL Backfill
Force Lever arm Moment
Load Item (T/m) (m) (T-m/m)
Lateral Earth H1 4.96 1.848 9.17
Pressure H2 2.71 2.2 5.95
7.66 15.12
increment H1 4.51 2.2 9.92
due to
seismic H2 (50%) 1.23 2.904 3.57
5.74 13.49
Design Moment:
Normal Case (Earth pressure + 100% LL surcharge)
M1 = 15.12 Tm/m
Seismic Case (Earth pressure + 50% LL surcharge + Dynamic increment due to seismic)
M2 = 25.63 Tm/m
Asreqd= 1995 mm2/m (Normal case) Asreqd= 2255 mm2/m (Seismic case)
Asmin= 600 mm2/m