Problem Diagnosis
Subjective: Risked for Impetigo is After the 15 Assess skin open sores or Responses to
impaired the most mins nursing for lesions; blisters may form intervention,
“may mga Skin common interventions note color around mouth teaching, and
pantal siya Integrity bacterial skin the and and nose, but actions
sa kamay at related to infection in Grandfather presence of may also be performed.
paa nya “ lesions and children. will be able crusting located on trunk
mechanical Impetigo is to verbalize and extremities. __ Met
“madalas injury . highly understandin Assess Ruptured blisters __ Partially
siyang contagious g about the vitals; note and sores may Met
kumakamot and normally impetigo fever have yellow __ UnMet
” appears Comb hair crusting on or
around the with nit around the lesion
nose, mouth After 4 days comb
Objective: and of Monitor for signs
extremities. intervention Maintain of systemic
“The client It is the contact infection or
is scratching characterized Grandfather/ precautions complication
his hand by blisters client will be
upon with yellow able to Apply Disease is spread
interviewing fluid that demonstrate topical through direct
” rupture and technique antibiotics contact with
leave a and lifestyle with sterile, lesions. Use PPE
“Blisters are honey- change to individual and sanitize
seen on colored promote safe applicators equipment or
hands and crust. environment tools (or use
legs” Impetigo is and reduce Administer disposable
spread the risk of oral equipment if
through having antibiotics available)
direct impetigo
contact with Make sure Topical
sores and patient’s antibiotics may
scratching fingernails be appropriate
may cause are trimmed when a small
the lesions to and clean; area is affected.
spread. The use mittens A 7 day course is
normal or socks on generally
course of the hands of required.
infection infants as Make sure to
typically lasts appropriate avoid
2-3 weeks contamination of
without ducate container and
treatment. patient and other areas when
Systemic caregivers applying topical
complication about how treatments.
s, including to prevent ral antibiotics
rheumatic the spread may provide
fever and of disease better treatment
glomerulone to others of infection than
phritis are topical
rare, but can treatments
occur.. alone. There
should be signs
of improvement
after 2-3 days of
Itching is a
lesions will cause
the disease to
spread to other
parts of the
body, or other
Infected child
should use their
own towels and
linens which
should be
washed alone.
Ensure good
hand washing
Avoid contact
with others who
may have
immune system.
Avoid outside
play, high
that will make
the sores worse.