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Sima Saeed

Mohammed Sunday

20 years 4/12/2021 _ 29/4/1443


Care plan tonsillectomy

February 3, 2009 7:00 pm risk for infection Independent

Intact skin and mucous After 8 hours of nursing

related to decrease in

membrane are the body’s intervention, GOAL WAS

e ectiveness of the Minimize patient’s risk
first line of defense MET. The patient
body’s physical of infection by:

against microorganisms. remained free from signs
barriers associated

Bacteria can penetrate and symptoms of
with an open wound _Washing hands before

can cause the infection infection as evidenced
and bilateral removal and after providing care.

when the skin becomes by:

of tonsils

crack and broken (e.g.

Wearing gloves to

surgery) furthermore the 1. 37°C

maintain asepsis when

tonsils act as part of the

providing direct care

immune system to help 2. Absence of signs of

Temp: 37°C s/
protect against infection.
Monitor temperature at
infection like swelling,
p tonsillectomy
increased pain or
least every 4 hours and
purulent drainage.

record. Report elevation

In particular, they are Factors that increases

believe to be involves in risk of infection

helping ght o - Crowded places

pharyngeal and upper - Eating raw foods

respiratory tract
infections that is why
removal of tonsils Dependent:

decreases the power of

immune system and Administer antibiotics

allows the person to be

more susceptible to as ordered by the

infection. physician each patient

Instruct patient will take

Fundamentals of Nursing Augmentin 625 mg per
by Kozhier and Erb’s cap T.I.D as prescribed
volume 1 8 th edition by the physician

Goals & objectives

After 8 hours of nursing

intervention the patient

will be able to remain

free from signs and

symptoms of infection as
evidenced by:

1. patient’s temperature

within normal range

2. Absence of signs of

infection like swelling,

increased pain or
purulent drainage.

Dr :Eman Elsayed

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