كير بلان بالغين
كير بلان بالغين
كير بلان بالغين
Mohammed Sunday
against microorganisms. remained free from signs
barriers associated
Bacteria can penetrate and symptoms of
with an open wound _Washing hands before
can cause the infection infection as evidenced
and bilateral removal and after providing care.
when the skin becomes by:
of tonsils
crack and broken (e.g.
Wearing gloves to
surgery) furthermore the 1. 37°C
immune system to help 2. Absence of signs of
Temp: 37°C s/
protect against infection.
Monitor temperature at
infection like swelling,
p tonsillectomy
increased pain or
least every 4 hours and
purulent drainage.
record. Report elevation
respiratory tract
infections that is why
removal of tonsils Dependent:
symptoms of infection as
evidenced by:
1. patient’s temperature
2. Absence of signs of
increased pain or
purulent drainage.
Dr :Eman Elsayed