Safe Mechanical Preparation With Reciprocation Movement Without Glide Path Creation: Result From A Pool of 673 Root Canals
Safe Mechanical Preparation With Reciprocation Movement Without Glide Path Creation: Result From A Pool of 673 Root Canals
Safe Mechanical Preparation With Reciprocation Movement Without Glide Path Creation: Result From A Pool of 673 Root Canals
Evaldo Rodrigues1, Gustavo De-Deus2, Erick Souza3, Emmanuel João Correspondence: Dr. Emmanuel
João Nogueira Leal Silva, Rua
Nogueira Leal Silva2 Erotides de Oliveira 61/902 – Icaraí
242.302-30 Niterói, RJ, Brasil.
Tel: +55-21-98357-5757. e mail
The aim of the present study was to prospectively assess the frequency of teeth in which the
Reciproc instruments were able to reach the full working length (WL). This case series study
enrolled 277 consecutive teeth requiring primary endodontic treatment performed with
the Reciproc system (VDW) without a previous glide path by 3 experienced endodontists.
Instruments R25, R40 or R50 were selected, respectively, for narrow, medium and large
canals, according to the preoperative radiographs, as per manufacturer recommendation.
Canals were instrumented and classified as reaching the full WL (RFWL) and not reaching
the full WL (NRFWL), according to the ability of the Reciproc instrument to reach without
a glide path the full electronically determined WL. Finally, canals were filled using a single
matched cone technique. Pearson’s squared-chi test compared the frequency distributions
of canals classified as RFWL and NRFWL. From a total pool of 673 root canals, Reciproc
instruments reached the FWL in 96.28% of cases and 3 fractures occurred. For narrow
canals the percentage of RFWL was 95.37% with 3 fractures. For medium and large
canals, the R40 or R50 instruments reached the FWL in 98.51% and 97.62% of the cases
respectively, with no fracture. Enlarging of root canals using the Reciproc instruments
up to the FWL without a glide path is successful in a great percentage of cases. This case
series suggests the possibility of using a single instrument to enlarge the root canal space Key Words: Reciproc,
of teeth by a simpler approach without an a priori glide path procedure. instruments, glide path.
the possibility of safely using a reciprocating single-file up maxillary molars routinely referred for primary endodontic
to the working length without a previous glide path. This treatment. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (i)
sort of clinical evidence is powerful to enable professionals retreatment cases, (ii) accesses through prosthetic crowns,
taking more predictable decisions. (iii) case with incomplete root formation, (iv) patients
The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of younger than 16 years, and (vi) those who did not agree to
cases in which the Reciproc instruments were able to reach participate in this study. However, no exclusion restriction
the full working length (WL) without a glide path, when was set regarding apical curvature, narrowness degree
the selection of the Reciproc instruments is based on an or partial radiographic visualization of root canal space,
assessment of the preoperative radiograph, according to and teeth with former orthodontic treatment or dental
the manufacturer’s recommendation. The null hypothesis traumatic injury history.
tested was that the Reciproc instruments in reciprocating A pool of 277 teeth (172 molars, 79 premolars and 26
motion would reach the FWL without a glide path in a anterior) (151 maxillary and 126 mandibular) with root
lower frequency. canal treatment indication was included in this report.
Three experienced operators (ER, GD and ES), specialists in
Material and Methods endodontics with more than 15 years of practice, performed
Ethical Issues, Subject Enrollment and Inclusion/ all treatments in their private practice.
Exclusion Criteria
Approval for the project was obtained from the Treatment Procedures
University Research Board on Human Subjects (677.33), After crown openings, the shaping procedure of the
and informed consent was obtained from all participants. root canals was performed by a pecking motion using a
Figure 1. Case 1. A: Preoperative radiograph showing a partially invisible canal. The R25 file was indicated for this case; B: Transoperative
radiograph showing the R25 at WL; C: Gutta-percha cones adapted to the WL; and D: Final radiograph.
Figure 2. Case 2. A: Preoperative radiograph showing visible canal. After a size 30 hand instrument passively reached the WL, without filing
action, an R50 file was indicated for the case; B: Transoperative radiograph showing two R50 files at WL in the MB and MB2 canal; and C: Final
Braz Dent J 27(1) 2016
where the radiograph showed the canal clearly from the attempted till a perceived resistance in file advance, if so,
pulp chamber to the apex, three possible situations where was observed. All cases in which the Reciproc instrument
met: if a size 30 hand instrument passively reached, without was able to reach the full electronically determined WL,
filing action, the WL, the canal was considered large (Fig. were classified as “Reaching the full WL” (RFWL) (Figs. 1B,
2A), and Reciproc 50 was selected for canal preparation. If 2B and 3B). When some considerable resistance was found
a size 20 hand instrument passively reached, without filing and the Reciproc instrument could not continue its natural
action, the WL, the canal was considered medium (Fig. 3A), advance toward the apex, the reciprocating preparation
and Reciproc 40 was selected for canal preparation. If a was stopped and the root canal was classified as “Not
size 20 hand instrument did not reach the WL passively, Reaching the full WL” (NRFWL) (Figs. 4A and 4B), and the
Reciproc 25 was selected. canal preparation was concluded with hand files.
After irrigating the root canal with 1 mL of 5.25% NaOCl,
the selected Reciproc instrument was advanced in the canal Data Recording and Statistics
space until reaching 2/3 of the previously estimated WL, The number of root canals classified as RFWL and NRFWL
moved in a slow and gentle in-and-out pecking motion was recorded and tabulated in an Excel data sheet. Each
with a 3 mm amplitude limit. After three complete pecking instrument was used on a single tooth and then discarded.
movements, the instrument was removed from the canal Instrument separation was also recorded. At the end of
and its flutes were cleaned by insertion into a spoon-box. the canal preparation, matching Reciproc gutta-percha
At this point, the root canal was irrigated with 1 mL of cones (VDW, Munich, Germany) were used as a master cone
5.25% NaOCl for 1 min. An ISO 10 hand file without being when the canal preparation was completed with a Reciproc
pre-curved was gently inserted into the canal, following instrument to the WL. If increased apical enlargement was
the manufacturer’s recommendations, with the purpose of done with hand files, a standardized gutta-percha cone was
determining the FWL using an electronic apex locator. No fitted as a master cone. All cones were disinfected in the
instrumentation movement was performed with the hand 5.25% NaOCl solution for 1 min prior to the obturation.
E. Rodrigues et al.
file up to this point. In cases where the non-pre-curved ISO Single cone was selected as obturation technique, and
10 hand file reached the FWL, root canal preparation with AH Plus (Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany) used as sealer. The
the Reciproc instrument was then completed attempting gutta-percha was severed at the canal orifice with an
to reach the FWL. In the cases where the ISO 10 hand file electric heat carrier; a cold plugger was used to compact
did not reach the FWL, Reciproc instrumentation was also the softened gutta-percha in the coronal third of the root.
Figure 3. Case 3. A: Preoperative radiograph showing visible canal. The size 30 hand instrument was not able to reach the WL, then a size 20
hand instrument was used and it passively reached the WL, without filing action. Thus, a R40 file was indicated for the case; B: Transoperative
radiograph showing the R40 file at WL in the distal canal; C: Gutta-percha cones adapted to the WL; and D: Final radiograph.
Figure 4. Case 4. A: Preoperative radiograph showing visible and curved canal; B: After failure to reach WL with Reciproc file, the canal preparation
was finished with hand files. C: After root canal filling.
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Figure 5. Case 5. A: Preoperative radiograph showing a partially invisible and curved canal. R25 file was indicated for this case; B: Transoperative
radiograph showing the R25 file at WL. At this moment a fracture was observed in the apical third of root canal; C: Final radiograph. Even after
all efforts, the file was not removed and the root canal was filled with the file remaining in the apical third.
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separation in rotary movement has been reported to be (2). Furthermore, the reduced cross-sectional metal mass
markedly higher; 1.83% (20), 5% (21) and 16% (22) even plus the use of the superelastic M-wire alloy provide great
following glide path. Therefore, reciprocating movement flexibility and cutting ability specifically to the Reciproc
may play a role in preventing instrument separation even instrument, which also may help understanding the current
without a glide path, as the cyclical reversal of rotation results.
seems to drastically reduce the torsional stress over the NiTi Some concern regarding the use of an engine driven NiTi
instrument. Extended cyclic fatigue life of reciprocating file without a glide path is based on a perceived reduction in
systems when compared to rotary systems has also been the occurrence of canal modifications and anomalies when
extensively observed (2,5,6,8,10). previous glide path is performed using rotary motion (11-
It can be claimed that a “guide path” may have been 13). A recent study showed that canal modifications seem
created after the passive use of a #10 K file after coronal to be significantly reduced when glide path is performed
flaring with Reciproc instrument in this study. However, previously to the WaveOne NiTi reciprocation single-file
as reported above and previously, a true glide path implies system (25). However, there are no data on the influence of
that the root canal cross-section should be bigger than glide path on geometric canal modifications with Reciproc
the tip of the first used NiTi rotary instrument (11-13,23). files. Both reciprocating systems are made of the same NiTi
Thus, an enlargement of the root canal should be provided allow (M-wire), but they have quite different cross sections,
to a size #15 or #20, in order to consider a smooth glide taper and flexibility. Reciproc instruments have an S-shaped
path for mechanical instrumentation to be created. For cross-section with two cutting blades while WaveOne
the case of medium and large canals, where size 20 and instruments have an increased bulk with a modified convex
30 hand instruments were used to select the Reciproc triangular cross-section in the tip and a convex triangular
instrument, no manual root canal filing action has been cross-section in the middle and coronal portion. It has
performed. In these cases, in which the root canals were been reported that the larger the cross-sectional area, the
radiographically visible to the entire length, it may be higher the flexural and torsional stiffness (26). In this way,
E. Rodrigues et al.
suggested that originally wide apical canals were present. file design (e.g. cross-sectional shape, diameters of core,
This anatomical observation, however, does not imply that a etc.) could have a significant influence on the necessity of
glide path already existed. Berutti et al. (11) recommended glide path to prevent instrumentation errors. It becomes
that the root canal diameter should be at least one size apparently clear from the current study that the use of
larger than the tip of the first rotary instrument to be used Reciproc files could not be related with such errors, since
in that root canal (11). Therefore, ideally, the root canal none was clinically observed in the present study, and as
should be widened to provide the minimal enlargement earlier described, only 3 instrument fractures occurred.
and the smooth pathway required to prevent fracture by When attempting to study the frequency of a given
torsional stresses. event in a population, a control group is not necessarily
The high frequency of Reciproc instruments reaching the required, as in the case of the present study, where a
apex without a conventional glide path, as demonstrated squared-chi statistical procedure is enough to certify the
in this clinical report, may be understood as the result of significance of the observed frequency. Thus, a glide path
the interplay of three main factors: (i) the reciprocation control group was not included since the main purpose of
kinematics, (ii) the instrument cross-section and (iii) the present study was limited to observe the frequency of
the M-wire alloy. The advantages of the reciprocation RFWL canals, when the selection of the Reciproc instruments
kinematics are somehow based on the balanced force is based on an adequate preoperative radiograph, according
concept. This technique has shown its clinical relevance to the manufacturer’s recommendation. There is no doubt
in reaching the full electronically determined WL in that the Reciproc instrument was able to reach the FWL of
severely curved canals prepared with hand files (24). Thus, teeth in a high frequency of cases. Furthermore, within the
reciprocation can be considered as a mechanically driven limits of the type of the sampling in the present study, it
balanced force, which might be related to the efficacy of is reasonable to conclude that performing the glide path
the instrument in advancing toward the apex (6), reducing procedure would certainly not imply in less RFWL canals
the taper lock due to small angles of instrument cycles plus by the Reciproc instruments.
the improved cyclic fatigue resistance (2,5,6,8,10). Of note, In summary, it was observed that enlarging the root
the reciprocating movement per se was able to improve canals using Reciproc instruments up to the FWL without
the cyclic fatigue resistance of several NiTi instruments a glide path could be attained in a high frequency in
when compared to rotary motion (8), which corroborates primary treatments performed by specialists. This result
the observation of an extended cyclic fatigue life of the suggests the possibility of using only one instrument in
F2 ProTaper instrument used in reciprocating movement reciprocating motion to enlarge the root canal space of
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